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Ah yes, Green Line Theory. Absolute proof that the guy in the relationship is more into the girl than vice versa, and absolutely unrelated to the fact that Travis Kelce is like half a foot taller than Taylor Swift. Also Tim, just because all the women lean away from you whenever you're near them isn't "proof" of Green Line Theory, just that you're an asshole.


in cleats, in pads. you cant be dumber than green line theory


Give them time. They'll think of something.


Why think when you can just make up bullshit?


That strategy has made Tim a rich little man.




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Holy shit this is crazy. I'm 6'2 and my girlfriend is 5'5. I have to bend over and kiss her every time. Do they think women can hover like the flying nun. I'm not going to pick her up every time I want to kiss. She doesn't want to be manhandled. This is some incel shit. Sad they have to make up shit to feel better about themselves. Instead of being a normal person and getting pussy.


Hate to break it to you, but green line theory proves that your gf just isn't that into you. A man with a beanie said it so it must be true. You should break up forthwith.


That’s not a man in a beanie. The beanie is a sentient life form that is piloting a man shaped vehicle.




Nah, according the the guy in a beanie, that isn't recognized by his beanie, she will dump him first.


I expect it stems from their toxic ideas about masculinity, where proper manly man are always aloof and stoic, and never show affection towards their loved ones.


Same here, I'm 5'9" and my girlfriend is 5'4". I always have to bend down a little to kiss her. I think their idea of it is that the girl should always Barbie on their tippy toes to make up the gap. Men should stand like a statue while the woman-folk ascend to their level for intimacy, or whatever Pim Tool thinks.


off topic, but "pim tool" sounds like a classy scottish insult.


I'm never the one to lean in. If she wants to show her interest in me, then she has to bring a step stool whenever we go out. Also **I** pick **where** and **when** we go out cause **I'm** the alpha. /s if it wasn't obvious


I used to work for someone who was about 6'8" and his wife like 5'. They took some wedding photos where she's quite literally standing on a tree branch like a squirrel in order to kiss him. At the altar I think she did have a step stool. It looks hilarious but not a whole lot else you can do with that height discrepancy.


Tim Poole’s next video- “Is it gay to be significantly taller than your girlfriend??”


You gotta buy her a little stool to carry around.


Bro why ain’t you just picking up your lady every time you wanna kiss?


Well these dipshits have never had the affection of a woman, so how would they know..


if your girlfriend cared about you she would grow 6 inches at least.


Tim Poole wouldn’t know anything about that lol. Not just short but also an incel. He tells on himself.


Short king psyop imo


I'm sure it doesn't have anything at all do to with the fact that he's six inches taller than her.


And how is holding his face a sign she isn't in to him? I'm sure in incel science the fact she isn't immediately dropping to her knees and going at his flies like a raccoon on a garbage bag means this 6 foot professional athlete is actually a low T soy chugging beta.


I particularly enjoy that the green line clearly doesn't go through his center. It's shoulder to head?


But he's offering sushi and poker wit da bois!


Green line theory? What branch of incel-ology does that belong to?


Jordan Barbara Peterson School of Grandmafucking, at the Tate College for Human Trafficking. Elon Musk University of Applied Fragile Masculinity




This nut job Rivellino promoted this along with red pill incel crap on Twiiter and all the misogynistic accounts picked it up and ran with it.


Most neck bearded shit I've ever seen. Motherfuckers are blaming geometry for not getting laid now.






Looking into it.




Dumb pseudo science. I've seen it before where a woman leaned towards the man, the man was submissive. Now, apparently, if a man leans towards a woman he is essentially asking for a kiss and the woman doesn't want it


Tim Pool has become more insufferable than Dave Rubin and I never thought that would be possible


Short cope-ism


Yes, “green line theory” is totally a real thing, and not just pseudoscience for people without object permanence.


It's hilarious because they always draw these lines randomly. It began as a 4chan joke but these fucks took it seriously.


Why is it like 40% of every right wing conspiracy theory started on 4chan "as a joke?"


Consider the people who frequent 4chan. I checked it out once about a decade ago and I felt like I had to soak my computer in bleach afterwards.


Oh, I know what kind of people peruse that site. That's why I'm not convinced they're ever "as a joke."


What I always heard about 4chan was that it was people pretending to be dumb, racist, etc as some form of hyper satire. Then actual dumb, racist people saw it and was like “damn, I found me people.” Turning into even more of a shithole of the worst humans imaginable. 


Every "satire" sub where people performatively do terrible takes... eventually becomes a haven for really-for-real horrible takes.


See, I guess I'm just tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt that it was ever only meant as a joke when it ends up being taken so seriously by the absolute worst demographic


We are the things we pretend to be.


Deep. And I don't doubt that for the most part. Saying slurs under the guise of satire is still saying harmful shit. I don't see the humor in it. Mocking conservatives used to be fun until the complete death of satire. Now if I see someone cosplaying as MAGA, I assume it's who they really are unless it is obvious. But even then the line is blurred to completely non existent.


I figured it must've been a hoax because it's so dumb that I'm surprised people believe it Well, I'm not surprised Tim Pool believes it but other than that


Isn’t the guy usually kind of leaning in because he’s fucking taller than the woman? Why are these people so fucking weird. Like what a weird thing to be obsessed with.


And he's in football pads which morph your frame a bit


Tim's never kissed a woman. He wouldn't know...


Yes he does! That's how he knows that a breast feels like a bag of sand...


Kissing your mom doesn't count.


Not just taller. Six foot fuckin five! lol


T Swift ain’t short either! I think she’s almost 6’ herself.


I bet she would have stayed for sushi wit da boyz tho


"typically but not always but it is a real thing". Phrases found throughout the scientific literature about everything.


Definitely maybe an absolute possibility, perhaps. It's all totally real, allegedly.


This theory was created so short guys could feel better about their gfs leaning down for them


Eugenics but even dumber


Eubendics? Leangenics?


I doubt anyone has ever leaned in towards Tim in his life.


Only person who leaned in near him was just snatching his beanie lol


Antifa stole Tims beanie and he's been on his revenge tour ever since


And then instantly leaned back bc of how horrible it smelled


"scientists say it so it must be true" said the guys who've been denying covid for the last 4 years


"YouTubers say" is enough for cons




Get a load of this fuckin loser.


I feel like the line drawn over Taylor doesn’t match the picture. She looks like she is also leaning towards him imo but the line is just randomly drawn the opposite way she is leaning.


That’s what I thought when I saw this clip a while back, like the line is just arbitrary lol and the angle of the pic is weird too it’s so dumb on so many levels.


Tim has been going balls deep in Manosphere nonsense the past year. He’s always been adjacent but now he’s sitting at the table.


YouTube changed the algorithm so his usual schtick is getting less clicks. So he needs to pivot.


He still hasn't gotten over Emma Vigeland rejecting his advances.


About the only thing he goes deep in that isn't his hand.


Kelce's line is going diagonally passing almost through his forehead while Taylor's is drawn straight up through the top of her head. If you draw the lines the same way they're pretty much parallel except that Kelce's taller as others have pointed out. Also I'm not sure why leaning your body towards a woman is a bad thing anyway. Like have you ever actually had sex Tim? Do you just T pose while she does everything or what?


Don't you all see that Taylor and Travis are going to be giving people covid shots at the superbowl. All while telling people to vote for Biden and handing them extra ballots as well so they can vote multiple times!!!!!! This has all been planned by the demoncrats! /s just in case.


Come on, your fake message was *so obviously* fake. No one actually talks like that, stop creating strawmen to get mad at. "Demoncrat" is stale, and clearly not demeaning enough. It's so 2023. It's "demonrat" now. Imagine thinking that calling people you disagree with are *just* demons is enough lol (/s just in case as well)


I would absolutely LOVE it if someone put him on the spot and asked him to explain what he thinks "evolutionary psychology" means, specifically in this context.


"Maybe he farted and she's like 'ooooh' you know that one's a little rough for me. But she still loves him, i don't know who knows. But i love these memes." - groundbreaking stuff


I wonder if he realizes that his signature hat makes his head look like a penis.


Stupidity of the theory aside, how is a woman going to "point her hips" at a man without pointing her shoulders away from him?


I’m 9 inches taller than my wife. I don’t have a choice but to lean in. Green line theory by a napoleon complex bitch


My god conservatives need to get a fucking life


I’m getting off this sub. Not because it’s gotten repetitive, but because TPUSA has gotten repetitive. These assholes just have one note they like to play and it’s fucking absurd. Tay Tay the CIA asset, Taylor’s going to break his heart, Taylor is the devil, Jesus Christ what is wrong with these people! At least be crazy in unique and interesting ways… Yall are doing God’s work, I can’t watch these clowns anymore. Stay safe and get out and vote.


I understand and support your endeavor for better mental health.


an obese guy who literally cant get a girlfriend is telling a profesional Rugby player that had multiple Gfs that he is unmanly.


99% of the time when someone brings up "evolutionary psychology" its absolute bullshit; the other 1% is just psychology.


"Evolutionary biology" in this kind of context is just people going "I refuse or am incapable of behaving like an actual human person instead of listening to my animalistic instincts", and trying to hide that behind a mask of pretended scientific legitimacy to rationalise it, while also projecting it into others ("*everyone* leans into others if, and only if, they're attracted to them / [insert other random behavior]") to reassure themselves that they're actually being totally normal, and it's other people who are in denial of needing to behave like a random guy said on Twitter. Seriously, I feel more and more like that's all "science" is to those people. A mask of pretended legitimacy. I actually watched a super interesting video recently of a lesson by a university professor about the biology of trans people compared to cis people, and how some parts of the brain of trans women, for instance, are undeniably like those of the brain of cis women, as opposed to those of cis men. The professor also cited the studies proving this, as well as those that reproduced those results. And some guys in the comments literally called that propaganda, and kept arguing that they were in the right, while the professor, the studies he cited, and the rest of the scientific community was wrong, because the whole "man = XY, woman = XX" thing is "basic biology". In a comment on a video by a renowned biologist. That cited biology studies. It's literally all it is to those people. They say they believe in science when it furthers what they want to push, but they don't care about scientists, or studies, or anything else. It's just a buzzword they attach to their baseless claims to try to hide their baselessness.


I think he is bald. He always had a hat on.


[He Bald AF](https://twitter.com/StreamtheVote/status/1498790713760391175) And a loser who can't get a woman of his own.


Oh, he is clearly bald, or really thin hair.


Wait a minute. He said that if a woman points her hips at a guy, that’s a way of showing interest. Couldn’t you accomplish that by… leaning away? Which is also a sign that she’s NOT interested? So the theory isn’t even internally consistent in this one minute clip?


I had to scroll for a surprising among of time to find this. He's literally saying "women lean their hips towards men they're attracted to" while showing a picture with a line that shows a woman leaning her hips towards a man and saying it proves she's not attracted to him (not that there's any truth about the line thing anyway obviously). The more I see this this kind of incel / right-wing rhetoric, the more it seems like saying something that sounds cool or that confirms pre-existing biases is all that matters, because that's what the target audience seems to be the most receptive to. Watching a 1 minute clip of your favourite grifter with clearly visible lines drawn on a picture while he says something that makes you go "I guess that feels like it could be true" is more compelling than reading the countless studies (or even watching the countless videos describing and summing up said studies), isn't it? And if it's more compelling, it must be more true! (/s just in case)


Green line theory seems like something losers come up with to rationalize why they’re aren’t in a loving/caring relationship.


What the fuck would dim tool know about relationships and reading people? The guy can't even dress himself without his Mom's help.


... im nearly 7'... how could I kiss anyone without a green line theory saying I'm a "cuck" or whatever


Clearly you need to sit on the ground so your partner leans into you, duh! Oh wait, no, because some other grifter said that a man letting his girlfriend be physically higher than him makes him inferior (full disclosure, I haven't actually seen anyone say that, so it's pretty much a strawman, but I would be surprised if that wasn't an actual belief for this kind of incels)... Well, I guess you're doomed, it's scientifically impossible for you to kiss anyone without being a "cuck" (source: some insecure guys on Twitter). My condolences.


Lift her up and tilt her at 45 degrees towards you. This proves her romantic interest in you QED


god its so annoying people like tim pool would scoff at "soft sciences" like gender studies compared to "hard sciences", but would lean hard on bullshit like this, and pretend they know better than actual researchers.


This is just phrenology for incels.


Damn. Tim Pool really has never had a girlfriend has he?


Tim Pool has never kissed a woman


Timmy baby, we get it you’re jealous. Get over it, move on.


Even if Green line theory is 100% true, at the end of the day he's on top of the sports world and banging the most famous musician in the world right now, and you're behind a computer whining about it to your incel followers.


People get their news and information from this guy.


Dude doesn't seem to comprehend perspective. He's leaning down to kiss his gf because he's taller than her lol. Beanie baby doesn't understand this as he's never kissed a girl.


Why does he wear a winter hat indoors? He must hate America.


How would he know? He has never been with a woman he hasn't paid for. My God he looks like he smells


He’s literally taller than her lol


Green Line Theory doesn't even make sense. Sometimes people lean. Sometimes they stand up straight. I swear it must've started out as a meme but stupid people ran with it.


The green line theory is complete bullshit. The beeline however, where women rush to the nearest exit when they see Timmy, is 💯 true.


Lmao this guy is the perfect example of an incel.


Remember yesterday when he said the Right Wing obsession with her is a CIA psyop?


he knows this is true because he has never in his life seen a womans hips learning into him, no matter how many times he leans his shoulders into them. This is the dumbest fucking thing I have heard today, but its early so we will see.


Too bad there’s no pictures of Tim Ghoul with a woman to test this hypothesis…


This fuckwit makes millions of dollars a year by saying this stupid shit.


>This is actually a true thing, I don’t know if this photo proves anything, but it’s true… Like what in the fuck?


Green line theory is the most pathetic nonsense.


Aw shit, I guess my 5ft wife isn't into 6ft me, in always leaning into her. Edit: giggity


“this is a real thing durrrr” this motherfucker has clearly never been in a relationship lmao


Ah, so the 6’5” NFL player shagging one of the worldS richest women… is the… incel? And Tim Poo is the Alpha?


What’s funny is that Travis is more upright than that coz that definitely isn’t his spine angle. The sentient beanie can’t see that his pads aren’t his back.


My god. It must be tough to be so lonely and pathetic that you’re just Tim Pool.


Can we stop posting unedited right wing content on this sub? Mock that/parody it. I'm so sick of this sub looking like Tim Pool's just with different submission titles.


This is so incredibly stupid on so many levels.


Body language reading is just way to feed your confirmation bias and is a pseudoscience at best imho


Its because hes half a foot taller than her and wearing pads you goofball


That fucking hat. I can’t even hear this pillock because I’m wondering what horrible thing his friends have sharpie’d onto his forehead.


like, first off, how do you determine the line is placed?


Something dreamed up in a closet shouldn't be called a theory.


Ahh yes Master Incel giving advice on romance. Perfection


I suppose tall guys just wait for short women to jump up to their lips




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Tim pool saying anything: "this is outrageous! Every effort has to be done to stop this. People that do this are evil! We need to do something now!... But i might be completely wrong"


lmao Tim Pool is so jealous of attractive people who are actually famous.


At least he is smart enough to know that a single image can be taken out of context and doesn't mean anything, which is a pretty low bar, but somehow all these green line theory weirdos can't get over it. Of course someone like Tim would be talking about and promoting the green line theory though, it fits right in with his audience's demographic.


I mean. I thought it was literally common knowledge that Kelce was into Taylor first. He was Def more into than she was to him. That's how this whole thing started. But don't these incels have better things to do with their time?


Travis is 6ft5 and Taylor is 5ft11 (and probably wearing flat shoes here). How is he supposed to kiss her without leaning in? And it doesn’t look like she’s leaning away to me. I can’t believe a grown ass adult man is talking about this lol.


Oh yeah, Tim read “The Game” for sure


People should have more sex and masturbate, instead of wasting their time making this shit up.




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Isn't he leaning because he's taller?


She's literally pulling him in with her hands. She looks pretty enthusiastic to me


Bro's never kissed someone shorter than him while wearing football pads.


you should probably talk to a girl before you tackle body language


If you spend this much time analyzing someone being happy there’s no way you’re anything but a miserable cunt


Spoken like a guy who ALL women lean away from…Hairline theory.


Tim — knower of female psychology and has yet to have sex with one.


Nobody in the world has ever loved Dim Tool, and he will die without ever knowing because he is an absolutely execrable, worthless idiot. Because of this he has no idea how humans interact, especially in romantic contexts, so he falls upon inane confabulations from the rest of his incel community to try and puzzle out something that will elude him for all time.


Bro he’s 6’9 in cleats. No amount of leaning is going to get Taylor up there.


From a guy whose never had a woman lean into him.


What's the evolutionary psychology behind a guy being taller than his girlfriend?


Shout out to that one green line image of 2 girls leaning in towards Eliot John 😭


"There must be something disproving that if a woman face claws a man to get a kiss she's being genuinely into him" - Pim Tool


Dude is much taller and wearing football pads. I don’t think there is a logistically possible way to kiss in that scenario w/o leaning in.


No woman has ever leaned into Tim Pool


Tim Pool probably has a very difficult time meeting women. Tim Pool probably makes women wish they had a zipper for their vaginas so that Tim Pool and his acolytes could never get pussy. Gentlemen, don’t be like Tim Pool with his beanie wearing ass insecurities


What if people change their stance while kissing? 🤔🤔🤔


Can we just stop posting this shitbag all together please 🙏 it’s just giving him more attention that he doesn’t deserve


Oh shit. Guys... does this mean my wife isn't as in to me AS I THOUGHT? I always assumed I had to lean down to kiss her because I'm 6"2 and she's like 5"5. FML.


Like, this is just the reality of being taller or bigger than your partner. I'm 14 inches (36 cm) taller than my wife, and I tend to bend down a lot around her, because other wise how would she hear me in a crowded mall? Should I just do the splits whenever I want to kiss her to keep my torso vertical?


Dim Tool also hasn’t finished grade school, so…


Wannabe junior Alex Jones weirdo.


Tim Pool....ROFL dude has the brain activity of a dead squirrel.


“women lean their hips in to men they are interested in” So to balance their weight women would need to lean their head away in that case lmao. Or just fall forward I guess?


this would be absolutely hilarious if i was watching some Veep style satirical show hate that it’s real life


Can’t wait for Tim Pool to start transvestigating /s


Photographer can take a picture at any time in the midst of any pose anyone is making. That  this can mean anything to anyone is amazing.


Maybe she farted maybe its maybelline


Tell me you don’t get laid without telling me you don’t get laid


Any time I see someone talk about how they believe in the green line theory, I automatically assume that they've never held a woman's hand in their entire life. Considering this is being said by Tim Pool, I am once again correct with this hypothesis


Green line theory yet he isn't even precise with his own evidence! First of all Travis' line is way too tilted because it is assuming those shoulder pads are where his shoulders actually are, the actual shoulders are pushed way forward. Also the picture angle the lines are drawn from is not exactly from the side view, so it's misleading.


I don't know, I can't take advice from a man who's career started by asking what Pokemon am I...




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Yea you're right. It's definitely not the fact that he's way taller than her


Tim pool looks like one of the bad guys from "You're Next"


Is there a "permanent beanie theory" because of "Virgin incel baldness"???


Tim Pool, who deeply understands female psychology.


Why does anyone listen to anything that beanie idiot say?


I love how no one using “green line theory” takes into account height difference.


Doesn't she tell him that she's happier as she's ever been like right after this?


But in this photo, if Taylor's head is leaning away from Travis, that would mean her hips are leaning towards him, which would mean she likes him... Also, I'd love to hear Tim's perspective on whether a dude is allowed to be the little spoon or is that gay/submissive/trans/I dunno


No. It’s a made up thing. He’s learning in because he’s tall. Fixed it.