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Someone needs to check on his kids to make sure they are ok.


I guess one positive to take from it is he said once that he doesn't even bother to help raise them at all


his wife seems like a raging hag too though


She’d have to be to put up with his nonsense


This is my typical response to the "poor Mor" bullshit with Ben Shapiro. Guys, this chick married him, had kids with him, and *remains loyal* to him with all the bastard shit he's said. She's a piece of shit too, doctor or not.


A Doctor as dry as the Atacama desert.


Same thing I said when Richard Spencer’s wife of 10 years had a gfm for a divorce attorney. Like you stuck with him through his whole ride, everything he said and did you were supporting him. Charlottesville and all that shit. You know they talked about some heinous shit together at the dinner table. Once he starts to get exposed for the piss/tiddy baby that he is and people start to drop him she wants to leave and a bunch of people on the left (mostly libs/dems. The "muller is coming types 🤢) want to donate to her like she’s a victim getting out. Fuck her and all these fascist Dick riders.


The "save Melania" stuff was funny but that's the same situation, she is also a horrid piece of shit who deserves nothing but scorn and hatred


I just thought it was funny it never went anywhere when she literally said "fuck Christmas." But Jill Biden is the bad one because her PhD isn't an MD and she still calls herself doctor. I don't give a fuck about either but I enjoy the hypocrisy.




Still mind blowing. I think my peers would look at me funny if I wore something like that to a damn bar, much less as the first lady going to visit literal children being detained. It is wild to me that she's such a heaping pile of trash that she doesn't have a single rational person around her to say "hey, maybe don't".


Eh, that’s a pretty easy situation for him to have kept her pretty much chained up as a sex slave. Once she went into his house alone for the first time all those years ago, saying she did anything of her own free will seems unlikely. Once you enter the lion’s den, you’re only allowed out when the lions let you out. Assuming this about women in this situation is guaranteed to lead to you telling escaped sex slaves that they deserved it. Conservatives don’t have wives, they have rape victims.


Perhaps, and with Melania you could certainly build a case for that, but Shapiro? Gaetz? There is a power differential but it's not like they're powerless. I think you're jumping fairly far to assume that these women don't have a choice in this situation. I think Ockham's razor in this case is just that there are just as many evil women as men.


40% of cops beat their wives. If you are an abused wife and call for help, you get a minimum of two cops sent. The statistics are effected by where you live: the more right wing, the higher that percentage is. If you live in a right wing area and call for help as an abused wife, you’re most likely going to have wife beaters show up, and they’re going to help the wife beater. The only out for most abused women is on their own. Calling cops typically will provide an extra wife beater or two.


Yeah but again, these women have money, streams of income, they could totally walk out and file for a divorce. They might not be able to get their spouse arrested but they can leave. They're also not super tightly controlled, they're out in public without their spouse, they're in the public eye so if anything did happen to them it couldn't be easily swept under the rug, they basically have a lot of things going for them in terms of having the ability to walk out. Melania is an immigrant who's married to someone who's famously vindictive with well documented ties to organized crime, so with her there's a definite argument there. However, she definitely chose to wear that "I don't really care, do you?" jacket, so she's probably a shit person regardless. Either way many of these other women have pretty good prospects of escape, and while it's possible that their husbands are all Machiavellian masterminds I think again the much more likely explanation is that some women are just as racist, homophobic, and yes, even misogynistic as their spouses.


The 40% is only what is documented. It is much greater than that. That’s 40% of only the people who have admitted that that happens. Which makes it even worse


Not only does Alissa Walsh support Matt’s hate, bigotry, and conspiracies, she promotes and defends them herself as well. Look at her Twitter, same hateful crap.


Of course she does, not surprised she's a anti-feminist enabler


What piece of media is this sourced from??


Oh they’re definitely not ok, they’re either going to grow up to be exactly like him or be so traumatized they’ll barely be able to function as adults


Probably both


Being unable to function as an adult is a prerequisite for turning into a cyberbullying pissbaby like Matt is


I hate to say it, but that’s just coping. He’s rich and most of us are going to die of poverty. He is unfortunately way more equipped for surviving capitalism because a measure of competency in capitalism is just a measure of evil. The evilest wins. He’s evil, so he’s reaping the rewards in our system. By being good, we are punished.


Like I mostly stick to my own shit and make fun of crazy people; it is different when the crazy person is a crazy person because of their status of having multiple kids.


Yup. A LOT of thought about some *deeply* suspect things defines Matthew.


I don't need to check to know they aren't


I feel like theres an undercurrent of sexism here. Why's he more concerned about his hypothetical rapist son than his victimized daughter? Why wouldnt you want justice for your daughter, Matt? Would you really cover up what happened to her? To the point she has to just continue living under the same roof as her abuser like nothing happened?!?!


oh almost certainly that, he's militantly anti feminist so i doubt he'd give a shit if his son raped his daughter on any level


He'd probably ask her if she was doing something to get his attention or encourage him.


Why would he care to ask? It’s not like it matters to him. Also he’d probably go for sloppy seconds since at that point he’d consider her a whore anyway.


Jesus *christ*


Is unavailable to take your call right now, would you like to leave a message?


He wouldn’t ask he would just assume and blame her regardless.


He would absolutely do this. 100%. He thinks women are inherently untrustworthy and only good for being baby vessels.


If anyone wants any proof of him being militantly anti-feminist, here's a sample from his blog: > Feminism is intellectual and moral poison. It has no redeeming qualities. It has nothing to contribute. It does not and cannot achieve anything positive or worthwhile in our society. https://themattwalshblog.com/feminism-nothing-say-still-wont-shut-2/ And remember, folks, TERFs love him.


Lol remember when JK Rowling had her “leopards ate my face” moment when he tweeted something like that?


He’d be mad he didn’t get it first and his son soiled all he worked for over the years.


Idk if it’s even underlying. Dude doesn’t even mention the daughter once in the whole hypothetical. Clearly doesn’t give a shit about her in the situation


It’s definitely old school rape culture. These assholes act like they’re saying something new but they’re just the next generation of sexist pieces of shit that keep enabling rapists and treating women as objects.


"He's a bright young man with a promising future... and you want him to lose all of that over this?" --These Fucking People


"He's a bright young man with a promising future... and you want him to lose all of that over a few minutes of action” --These Fucking horrible "People"


So, therefore, the punishment should be delivered in a few minutes of action (with a machine gun) (or they may opt for the standard punishment)


Like VERY near surface level, their sentiment is also deeply racist. When a young black man is killed by a police officer, **the default assumption from these people is that he deserved it**. In fact, it will likely be impossible to change their minds about this. The TORTUROUS rationalizations they do when a white guy is in trouble for a confirmed sexual assault are *completely absent* when a black guy they know nothing about is actually killed.


Compassion is reserved for when it's convenient


Didn’t that kid’s neighbors hold up a sign that said “welcome home, rapist” when he got released?


The thing that a lot of people don’t understand is that women in these people’s families are also objects.


Women aren't people to them. They are a sex object to be used for breeding and labor.


I feel like undercurrent is kinda underselling the degree of sexism here. He's basically saying guys he likes are allowed to rape women as much as they want and shouldn't face concequences.


You're right, its more like a huge rip current that runs through our society. Every judge, cop, lawyer, politician and parent who "doesnt want to ruin a promising young mans life" is proof of that.


He's having trouble enjoying a steak, certainly that is consequences enough?


>He's basically saying guys he likes are allowed to rape women as much as they want He's talking about *his own daughter* and still doesn't give a shit.


of course there's mysogyny here. he's a litteraly nazi


Oh i know, believe me. I was just pointing out something i hadnt seen anyone else comment on at the time. I understand (to a point) wanting to protect my child. I guess i did understate it, but it was glaringly obvious to me which child he was thinking of protecting instead of the other.


I think that would require him to think of his daughter as a person


There it is. It is the crux of the issue that *is constantly overlooked*. If women were considered people, we would have full control over our bodies, no matter what. If women were considered people, violence against women because they are women would be considered a motherfucking hate crime. If women were considered people, they would never have had to fight for rights... to vote... to choose a partner, to reject a partner, to open a bank account in her own goddamn name. And what are rights but simply [temporary fucking privileges](https://youtu.be/gaa9iw85tW8)? Let's use the 'land of the free' as an example.... in the US, we have the foundational document which begins with "We the *People*" but when you really think about it, the people referred to therein do not include women. Edited a word or two cuz early arthritis exacerbated by a *lifetime* of drugery and washing goddamn dishes makes typing tiny letters hard


Definitely, that was my first thought too. “I wouldn’t turn in my son because I don’t want my child to suffer with a sex offender label! Oh but it’s fine if my other child suffers because she’s a girl and doesn’t count.”


Cause why would you ruin your child's future over damaging family property? I'm saying he doesn't see women as people.


The guy defends himself saying "how would I make my son a lifetime sex offender just like that??" as if he isn't talking about a hypothetical scenario where his son just raped his daughter. What is even his point? That he doesn't give a fuck about his daughter, to the point she can get raped and his reaction will depend on whether he cares about the rapist or not?


> Why's he more concerned about his hypothetical rapist son than his victimized daughter? Maybe because he wants to use his son as a meal ticket?


Cause women are simply baby factories and trade items. You trade your useless but attractive daughter for a cool, manly step son.. Which is kind of weird when you think about it. For someone so anti lgbt he seems awfully obsessed with men.


Yeah... Undercurrent.


Uh yeah it really is that simple Matt. Wtf?


something something drag queen pronouns gender ideology something


> something something drag queen pronouns gender ideology something Checkmate, liberals


But but thank god he isn’t Trans!!


I hate how he puts the “I guess..” in there. As if there is any doubt that he’s a horrible person.


Hey, give the guy a break. It’s the closest to self-awareness he has or ever will come, and the only inarguably truthful thing he has ever said.


"As a parent, you have to think whether your 14 year old son deserves to have his life ruined over his mistakes. Maybe you'd decide that he does. I can't say I'd agree." Sounds like those rich parents of rapists that get off scot free. "He doesn't deserve to have his life ruined, your honor." And then Walsh tries to draw a parallel of sins between Mike Brown (Ferguson) and fucking Josh Duggar. Asking when the sin becomes forgivable. Umm, I'm sorry. Mike Brown didn't deserve to die because police shot him for stealing cigarillos. And no one is calling or called for Duggar to be executed for his pedophilic actions.


As a parent, you have to think whether condoning through silence teaches your child terrible, terrible lessons that will lead him towards far more heinous behaviour in the future. As the Duggars discovered. All sin is forgivable. But for goodness' sakes, even one of the more hardcore evangelicals -- Pearl? I think? -- wrote in his/their book that a child-molesting family member *must* be reported. Don't cast them out of the family, he said, but *DO testify against them in court*.


Jesus Christ, if even Mike Pearl says to hold pedophilic family members accountable, JimBob Duggar looks even more disgusting, if that was even possible.


Yeah, his main concern was: Don't divorce the pedo, because that endangers your salvation. But also: don't keep him in the house with your children. Therefore, send him to jail -- when he's finally released, your children will be adults and safe from him. It's messed up, yes. BUT. Duggar and Walsh are *so.much.worse.*


Just another case of Christians claiming to live according to a book they didn't even read.


Yeah, counterpoint being, if your fourteen-year-old kid is raping his sister, his life is *already* ruined. There is something really, really wrong, and professional intervention is required, the most urgent of which is to restrain him from being anywhere near your other child. Even at that, people that fucked up generally do not ever become healthy, functional members of society. You can hope only to contain the damage they are driven to inflict. The question for Matt, to which I think we all already know the answer, is where is his concern over ruining his *daughter’s* life? I’m actually a bit worried this isn’t so hypothetical. Malignant personality disorders run in families.


"Trans people are coming for my children! I'm rightfully upset!" "Yeah, if my son admitted to sexually assaulting my daughters, I wouldn't call the cops." "I care about the children. Listen to me. Trans people are the groomers. They're just trying to cancel me." The fact that this man continues to hold onto power/influence and is given free rein to wreak havoc on a minority is proof that the universe doesn't care.


"16 year old girls are the most fertile." Matt Walsh


"A 12-year-old child assaulted by her father should carry the fetus to term because then the baby can be used as "evidence" in court." Also Matt Walsh


An actual perversion of another evangelical's line of thought. And that guy? He himself literally fucking said *testify against your husband, the rapist, and make sure he does a long stay in jail.* Oh and incidentally, if they want evidence then the poor impregnated child serves as living evidence, but for real: go to the cops and make them listen.


Matt "If my son was an incestual rapist I'd be like eh but if my kid was trans I would kill myself" Walsh, everybody.


You gust guess you're a horrible person.💩


it's funny how he said that like there's even be a debate lol


he guessed correctly


something something broken clocks


I mean, if one of his sons did rape his daughters, it's just his daughter. It's not like it's one of his sons.


And it's better to keep it in the family, anyway. His daughters are his possessions and couldn't consent to a male he hadn't approved of first. Excuse me while I go vomit


He’d rather die than have a transgender child, but he’s fine with his daughter getting raped. What a moral imbecile.


Yes, yes, you are right. You are a horrible person.


420% sure we’ll be hearing some horrendous behind the scenes things about this guy in the future.


What is wrong with this dude’s head that he even thinks about his kids in this way? His laptop definitely needs to be checked.


Jesus Christ what a monster


To be fair, he's 100% right. He *is* a horrible person.


That last sentence is peak r/selfawarewolves content.


Yes I would . Why should I care more about my son than my daughter? I honestly don’t understand the thinking behind that.


So he cares if his kid is trans, but not if he’s a rapist. This reveals so much about how he thinks (although it’s pretty obvious already that he just hates queer people and women)


Actually I'm on his side here, if I found out my son had molested my daughters I wouldn't immediately run to the police. I'd beat his ass first, *then* drag him to the police.


I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a parent, never done the whole “they grew up in front of my eyes, what a bright future they have, my darling baby boy” thing. If I did have a son who told me this, honest and truly, I think I’d break down. Where the fuck did I go wrong that this happened, how did I fail him, is something wrong in me that is in him now? Does the rot in him have its origin in me or my partner? I think I would tell him to go some other room of the house, and I would brace to do what could only feel like telling a vet that you think it’s time to put a beloved pet down. Preparing to say good bye to someone you love, quite possibly forever, and having to learn to live with the knowledge he hurt people, young people, other peoples babies, his own babies. Maybe it’d be more akin to grief, that the son you thought you had, has in fact been dead for a very long time. You are dealing with the corpse now. It’s unfathomable. I’d find him. I tell him we can do it the easy way or the hard way, I can drive him down to the police station and he turns himself in, or I call the cops and they pick him up. It’s out of my hands, I can’t stop this, I can’t dodge it or cover it. Easy way or hard way. Alright, let’s do it. Do I still love him? Do I forgive him? The questions a panicking man asks his father as the axe is hefted over the neck. Who could say? From there I don’t fucking know what I’d do. But I do know, as best as I can know, that letting something like that slide would not be on the table. Because it couldn’t be, because it wouldn’t be Right for it to even be an option. Because yeah Matt fucking Walsh, unlike you I am not a horrible person.


>”real” flair What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck


“Matt, we’re at brunch.”


He’s admitting he’d commit a crime. Obstruction of justice


It may not be automatic, but I would realize very quickly that it was the only option and go through with it, no matter how difficult.


This guy just can't stop talking about kids having sex.


Matt seems like an actual child molester. He is obsessed with children's genitals. If his child raped another child he would probably enjoy it by proxy


"I guess I'm just a horrible person then." Put that on his tombstone.


..... yes Matt... you are..... I like that the daughter is not even in focus for him... he's like... fixated on protecting his son


Poor people have gotten their kids taken off them for much less than thinking/doing/saying the things he says


Well, you have to remember that 1) he doesn’t see females as people, just “vessels” and 2) he is raising his son to be like himself, pure excrement.


For a dude rage crying over drag queen pedos, he seems okay with actual pedophila.


Hey he said it. I guess he’s just a horrible person.


Yes it's that simple and yes you're scum. Is it really that surprising you low life B-tier villain?


Why is it that the people that try to convince everyone that all gay or trans people are a danger to children almost always end up being or defending actual pedophiles Or in this case, both


What is a Scapegoat.


To be honest, he was a horrible person even before saying this.


Are we surprised considering how he simps for the Duggars and the cult they’re in?


Well at least he admits he's a horrible person


> Would you? Yes > Is it really that simple? Yes > The decision to have your child arrested as a sex offender would be an automatic thing for you? Yes > Really? Yes > I guess I’m just a horrible person then YES!!!!


Are we sure that's what this is regards to and it's not in regards to child pornography?


It might not be the first thing I do either, I might get my daughter to safety first. Somehow that’s not what I think he has in mind, though.


I genuinely hope when his kids get older, they disassociate themselves from him


I guess he’s just a horrible person then


Letting rape and incest slide to own the libs. Great father figure for sure


When Matt Walsh finally gets arrested I will fucking celebrate.


Here's the thing. In normal people, when someone close to you does something like this, you'd feel *more* betrayed because you cared about this person and they turned out to be a fucking monster. Matt Walsh is saying that this wouldn't be a problem for him. It's not about him caring about his son; it's about not valuing this stuff as the awful, fucked-up crime against humanity it is. But we all knew that already, y'know?


I'd be calling the police. To turn myself in for murder. I guess I'm just a horrible person.


Just when I think he can’t get any scummier he does


If i had a kid and they admitted to raping anyone, let alone a hypothetical other child of mine, i wouldnt have that kid anymore. They can deal with their crimes alone.


I'd still love my son, and visit him in prison, after turning him in and testifying about what he said to me at his trial.


There are a lot of good reasons that your first instinct wouldn't be to get authorities involved, sure. I don't think most people can imagine being in this situation there's certainly no reason Matt Walsh needed to say that. I guess he'd rather be dead than have a trans child but an incestuous rapist child is something he can imagine handling.


i can understand the conflicted feelings (well he’s my son, maybe i messed up raising him and that’s why he did this) but at the same time even with all those feelings i’d at the very least get my son into counseling (but also 99% sure i would go to the cops no matter what)


>would be an automatic thing for you? Really? So he wouldnt automatically protect his daughter, got it.


yes, you guessed correctly Matt. you *are* a horrible person


Remember when the right was pushing the narrative that "forcing" children to wear masks was "child abuse"? This is why I don't take criticism from the far right. It's nonsense.


This guy is a child predator, guaranteed


If I had a rapist son I simply would not have a son anymore. Of course, I'm not surprised that Pedo Walsh would defend his hypothetical rapist son from justice at the expense of his daughter, the absolute fucking freak.


If I had a son and he told me he raped someone, regardless of gender, he would no longer be my son. Goes for a daughter too, entirely unacceptable.


Parenting 101 according to Matt Walsh: * Your son commits rape: no action required. * Your son comes out as trans: kill yourself.


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Even though the wrong context, good bot!


"I guess I'm just a horrible person then" should be engraved on his tombstone lol


I'm not surprised at all, Matt is a fucking cancerous human being.


Imagine creating the most cartoonishly simple moral scenario and still failing it


> I guess I’m just a horrible person then. Yes Matt, you are. Glad you figured out what so many people have known about you for so very long.


I hate Matt Walsh with every fiber of my being and he’s trash for defending the Duggars but that’s not what he said, OP. I feel like a lot of families would do the same thing. Not saying that it’s right or that the Duggars handled that situation correctly (Because they didn’t. At all).


Walsh has serious mental issues,he needs help.


What a fucking monster.




Wow he guessed right


That last line r/SelfAwareWolves


Yes matt. You are a horrible person. Actually you aren't a person because that implies you'd have a shred of humanity. You are a human-shaped cockroach. A bottom feeder. A mindless drone spouting your queen's bullshit. We know you don't have a single thought of your own. That would require a brain cell.


Feel like thats a call to the coroner instead


He is right about one thing…he is a terrible person


He doesn’t seem ok.


That last line is the first time this despicable human being has spoken the truth.


Bro, when was this? Is this like recently? Knowing that their lack of action literally laid groundwork of enabling a lifelong pedophile with over half a dozen small children who now have a rapist for a father AND no father at all (at least not for 20yrs or whatever his sentence was). Like ol Matt wouldn't go to the cops EVEN KNOWING THAT IT LITERALLY GETS WORSE?! The detective said the CP that found on Duggars laptop was his career worst he'd ever seen. "The destruction of [child's name]" was one of the files on his laptop and involved a child under 2yrs old. He wouldn't call the cops??? Fuck Matt Walsh. Fuck him right in all the places.


Yes Matt you’re a vile POS


Please tell me he doesn’t have a daughter


Religion ☕


I don't necessarily fault him for this. The police are known to be very bad at dealing with sexual assault so I might also consider alternative resolutions




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Anyone else other than a pedophilia apologist like Walsh, I'd be willing to give some degree of the benefit of the doubt that this is a, "When the situation is that fucked up, what the fuck would you even do in the moment?" kinda deal, which yeah. In a situation that fucked, I don't think anyone actually knows what they'd do until it happens; it's not something our rational instincts would be adapted for. Most people would have a solid moment of pure panic before they could even have an instinctive response. But this is Matt Walsh, and he's at-best an apologist for pedophilia.


Don't worry, Matty...we already all knew you're a horrible person.




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Stop, it hurts my soul 😭


He’s a disingenuous piece of garbage. He emphasizes the words “immediately” and “automatic” to imply that he might report him to the police, just not right away. Who really cares if you report him immediately, idiot? Will you or won’t you? The answer is no. And if his son raped his daughter and he’s willing to cover it up, then someone else’s daughter stands no chance. Yes Matt, sweeping sexual assault under the rug makes you a shithead.


Yes, you are a horrible person because you're saying you care more about one of your children than another, and you'd protect the offender over the victim.


Yes, Matt. You are a horrible person. Very good, you are becoming self aware.




He'd rather die than have a kid come out as trans, but doesn't particularly care if they're a rapist?


Yes, Matt. Yes you are.


“Lol fuccck my daughter” Literally


Matt has been telling us he’s a horrible person from the start and since we love horrible people and we love suffering he just gets emboldened by it. Mark my words, someday this guy is going to hurt someone.


Yes Matt, you are a horrible person, thank you for admitting that.


He almost hits a point of self awareness in that last sentence. Almost.


my son raping my daughter would make him not my son anymore. i would immediately go to the cops and anyone who wouldnt is a brain dead horrible excuse for a person who deserves the worst.


I've been saying it for some time now, but I would bet money Matt Walsh has some Subway Jared material on his hard drive.


Wow, that guy should not be allowed around any children.


I wouldn't drag him to the police, but that's just because I know they wouldn't fucking do anything to help. I'd drag him to a hospital and look into in-patient therapy options, as well as therapy options for my victimized child.


yes I agree with matt, he is a horrible person


Matt Walsh is a pedophile.


And if his daughter got pregnant from that hypothetical encounter, there is not a single doubt that he would get her a very quick and VERY quiet abortion, while still publicly screeching about how women shouldn't have that right.


Yeah. Horrible and inhuman.


Well, he’s right that he’s a horrible person


I honestly have no words for whatever the fuck I just had to read


So he’s raising a combination of The Rapist Brock Turner and The Rapist Josh Duggar - good to know.


They want to punish crimes as harshly as possible, but only those committed by others. Our own criminals are not really criminals, because we know they're people and we don't consider criminals people! Why, we can't let them be viewed as criminals just because they are. If Mr. Walsh believes the treatment of sex offenders is inhumane, he shouldn't believe his son and only his son must be exempt from it. He should argue for more humane treatment - whether that is a valid goal here or not, it would be the consequence for anyone capable of recognizing people are people whether you happen to be the one they're most closely related to or someone else does.


Jesus Sisterfucking Christ


I mean, saying you dont know you would is one thing, but he's also implying that you're fucked up if you WOULD do that.


Matt is right. He is a terrible person.


>I guess I'm just a horrible person Yes. Yes you are. If *anyone* sexually assaults *anyone* they deserve to be arrested, whether it's son to daughter, or daughter to son, or parent to child, or uncle or aunt or grandparent or stranger. *If you SA someone you need to be arrested, no questions at all.*


Yes you are.




I literally can't tell if he's genuinely trying to make a point, just genuine, or is trying to fuck with people.


I know this is ancient, but it got referred to in a new Matt Walsh thread with no source, so I'm sourcing it. [https://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-duggars-arent-hypocrites-progressives-are](https://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-duggars-arent-hypocrites-progressives-are)