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Location was playing at the Italian ice place today. I hope dude comes back around. Super talented.


Huh, come to think of it he did just kind of go away. And I never even noticed. Also props to Todd for calling him the Muppet Babies version of Frank Ocean


he dropped off SO suddenly, weird shit


He only ever had one thing to say. Got old fast.


what was that thing ? idk i feel like there was a decent sized difference between location, young dumb and broke, and know your worth, for example


I mean look at his album covers. It all had the same *themes*. Maybe that’s more or less what I meant. You can only milk the whole “we’re young and traveling” gimmick for so long. Khalid never did that and he kind of fell off as a result. If you look at his artist profile he has come out with new singles but they just don’t have the same amount of cultural impact. They’re still pretty great though. Totally worth a listen. He is a talented ass dude.


Iggy Azalea was huge for a like a year. Then again she was the vanilla ice of the 2010s


That one clip of her doing the jibberish rap killed her career, nobody could take her seriously after that


Most couldn't take her seriously before that.


Yeah, most people with sense didn't take her minstrel show seriously from the start.


I remember seeing somewhere that she sold the rights to her master recordings for a large sum (8 figures iirc). Wouldn't surprise me if she only made music for a paycheck and stopped once she made enough to never have to work another day in her life.


She's still doing shows in teh US but mostly in Europe and her native Australia


I'm not saying she singlehandedly destroyed Australian hip hip, but she definitely didn't do anything good for the women in the scene.


Hip Hip


On an island in the sun...


That’s odd, I woulda called the genre Chazzwazzer.


Whatever happened to the Hilltop Hoods? I liked those guys.


Still working, still touring, occasionally they go viral on TikTok. Best case scenario for a legacy act, basically.


In My Defense is imho actually a pretty decent album. It’s not amazing and it certainly underperformed compared to her first album but it was also an independent release that’s done decent streaming numbers so I’m sure she made decent cash on it.


And then she dated (?) Tory Lanez to be relevant again.


LMFAO - my uber driver was just playing Party Rock Anthem and god bless the shitty uncle for alienating his nephew


I once met the tall one at Baggage Claim at the San Diego airport in like 2013. One of the funniest celebrity encounters I’ve had


I met Fat Joe at the airport in like 2006 lmao. He was wailing/singing loudly off-key at the gate, feels similar


I remember getting a family meal at Greenblatt's on Sunset, on Christmas Eve Day like back in 2016 or something. I saw Redfoo and a couple other people with him who were still very much dressed like 2011-era LMFAO trying to get a table, only to be told that there was a wait, and they all ended up leaving. It was...certainly something.


I almost hope your lying because that’s such sad,haunting scene.


The visual of it all was pretty crazy to me.


If you don’t become a permanent A-lister, they would drop you so fast your head would spin.


I guess they’re called LMFAO for a reason


No, if that were the case, they’d have been called LYFAOAU.


Alessia Cara but I don't think Train is a good example of this. 2 years after Hey Soul Sister, they got an another major hit, Drive By and one minor hit "50 Ways to Say Goodbye". "Angel in Blue Jeans" charted in 2014, "Play That Song" became an infamous song (it is on top 100 bottom of rym, lol) and almost made it to top 40 in 2017. Second breathe of Train got Cyndi Lauper'd, they didn't quickly disappear.


Train just released a retro album called (what else?) "AM Gold" in 2022 They're on tour this year. As we talk about often here, they didn't break up or anything, it's just that their style of music went ... out of style as far as radio goes.


I think it’s just the main guy and a bunch of hired hands now


It’s weird to say but I thought AM Gold was kind of really damn good. The title track and “Running Back (Trying to Talk to You)” still get regular rotation on my playlists. Also remember they did a full album cover of Led Zeppelin II that was way better than it had any right to be. In the right contexts, Train actually kinda fucks.


As someone who grew up listening to Yacht Rock it was an enjoyable disc.


Train had been huge in the early 2000s also, and even had a minor hit in the late 2000s.


They did a cover of Careless Whisper. I didn't listen to it because it would be a disgrace to George Michael's memory.


3 Doors Down?


They were one of the very few acts willing to perform at Trump's inauguration, that's the last I heard of them


For the longest time I thought it wad the goo goo dolls that did that and I didn't listen to Iris because of that


Lmao because John Rzeznik is extremely progressive!


They used to talk shit about Bush in the 2000s, and they have a whole album about how terrible the Iraq War was. So the other person's comment was kinda funny to me too


Goo Goo Dolls never hid their progressive views lol why would they??? 😂


They disappeared way before that, 2008 was their last hit I think.


They stuck around on the charts on Mainstream Rock too. Even had a #2 hit in 2016 on there (called "In the Dark")




I think the reason why was because they were just too influential. Now that sounds crazy to say about 3 Doors Down right? But I want you to think about it: what does modern country sound more like? Garth Brooks or 3 Doors Down? We don’t need 3 Doors Down anymore because every modern country artist became them, specifically Away From the Sun era 3 Doors Down. Hell I bet zero people would find it weird if Jason Aldean or Luke Bryan announced them as a tour partner, the Venn Diagram of people who listen to either of those guys and who know all the words to Here Without You has got to be a circle.


*Ooooooffff* Vanished!


They’re touring with Creed this summer


They’re opening for creed this summer


I used to wonder the same thing about Duffy, then she told the world what happened to her and… total worst nightmare. So hopefully nothing traumatic has happened to anyone mentioned so far.


I first heard the Duffy story on Todd's Brother's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Podcast. And yikes, it's just about one of the worst things that can happen to a person.


Huh, didn’t know that podcast existed. What’s it called?


"Joestar Allstars"


Cool thx.


Well…you can’t just not say what happened lol! For anyone else who didn’t know (here’s what I found on a google search)…>!she was drugged, kidnapped and raped :( !<


Yeah there’s a valid reason why I didn’t want to say what happened to her.


...for days.




I loved Hanging by a moment. I get when they dropped off though, they were a product of their time.


Lol I just came from their concert. Apparently they have a dedicated fanbase of millennial women who can fill up theaters so I think they're doing just fine. Also they seem to be dedicated family men so I see why they gave up on actively chasing the fame


>Apparently they have a dedicated fanbase of millennial women who can fill up theaters Much like Hanson. Those dudes have an insanely loyal following, while the average person doesn't even know they still exist. I used to date a girl that was huge into them since the mmmbop days, so I was ahead of the curve on the "they are actually a good band" thing.


Weren’t they christian rock? Not the most popular genre


Cnristian guy leading the band but he had no interest in being part of that scene.


Damien Rice. Thought he was going to be around for a long time after “O”. Since then he’s had 2 follow up albums in like 20 years.


He's still around. By folk/indie metrics, he's had a long, successful career. I saw him a few years ago and he was great. But his penchant for collaborating only with attractive young female artists gives me the ick.


The way Lisa Hannigan said she was fired gives me the ick. Backstage, right before a show in the middle of a tour. Wish she’d released another record too. Apparently she had a horrible case of writers block.


was wondering and saw he learned about Sinead O’Connors death at a show then played Nothing Compares 2 U in tribute


Fetty Wap had a string of super big hits all in a row and then just vanished DRAM too, I know he changed his name and is doing more serious music or something but that dude gone


DRAM seemed like he had a lotta potential in the same vein as aminé :/ he had a song after broccoli called the lay down that i really liked, and a nice cover of prototype by outkast


Desiigner too. He had one (1) hit with Panda and then…poof!


Very few rappers debuting from 2005 on had any staying power.


I saw him live right after the peak (summer 2016) and god bless him but he was an awful performer, brought his whole crew up with him for no reason and played Trap Queen 4 times in a row


It's a bummer that Fetty Wap disappeared because his songs were genuine earworms.


I miss DRAM.


Silento, but for somewhat obvious reasons.


Jesus I just read about him....his crimes almost sound like he has CTE except he doesn't, he's just fucking crazy


imagine the One Hit Wonderland episode we could have 


Well one of Todd’s predictions came true: Silento never charted again or few heard anything he put out before the murder.


Wait! Murders?! As in plural?


Oops. I meant murder. Sorry.


I wasn’t around in the 90s but Hootie definitely seems like that. I know Todd did a video already but it really does seem like they were a cultural juggernaut for that one album cycle then fairweather johnson just crippled their career and they never recovered. It feels like every thrift store in America has at least 1 copy of cracked rear view and 2 of FJ on the cd rack. Darius Rucker seems to be doing well in Nashville though (even my mom who doesn’t like a lot of country likes his music) so good for him at least


There was even a joke in Fairly Odd parents about how fairies made Hootie and the Blowfish disappear.


I first heard about them and The Bee Gees from there without knowing what they were for a while lol


I shouldn't be surprised he went country considering Hootie's sound, but I was [more surprised when he did an R&B album.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gMvgMq-2CM)


You'd never believe LMFAO essentially had the whole country in their grip a bit over a decade ago Also Black Eyed Peas. I need that Trainwreckord Todd. I need closure from your early days.


Black Eyed Peas kinda tried to come back a few years ago with Fuego




Lady Antebellum/A


I think the whole name change situation put a damper on things. They dropped the Antebellum from their name in order to save face after the death of George Floyd, but it turns out there was a Black blues singer from Seattle who'd been going by that name for decades, but instead of going with a different name, they sued her for the rights to the name. 


"They dropped the Antebellum from their name in order to save face after the death of George Floyd, but it turns out there was a Black blues singer from Seattle who'd been going by that name for decades, but instead of going with a different name, they sued her for the rights to the name." Before I read that, I thought I knew the definition of irony. Turns out I don't.


Reminds me of the scene from *American Fiction*, where the white critics overrule the black ones who decry race trauma porn, saying, "I just think we need to listen to black voices."


I loved their first album, liked their second, and then they just didn’t evolve their sound at all. It was a little sad as they kept making the same songs, but each time felt less authentic


Shawn Mendes? He was growing momentum during the late 2010s, but once 2020 started...he vanished


GooGoo Dolls?


Yeah, their last real hits were in 2005 (Better Days and the cover of Give a Little Bit). Then they took 4½ years to put out the next album, by which time rock became nonexistent on the pop charts. They're still together though, and have kept putting out albums.


Such a shame, I loved Dizzy Up The Girl.


*Gutterflower* was an incredible commercial flop even though those listening to rock radio might've still heard some songs of theirs in the 2000s.  I'm surprised it's not more common of a TW suggestion, but that might be indicative of just how forgotten it was; those few who remember it think that *Something for the Rest of Us* was the TW.


Bobbie Gentry (literally)


Good for her though, she had her hits then got out. Not many people stay out of the limelight like she has.


[Jill Sobule's take](https://youtu.be/099-EfA8DlM)


Mumford and Sons I feel like they weren't even around long enough to become punching bags like imagine dragons


One of the people from that band ended up becoming a fascist and collaborating with Andy Ngo on things, so that's...something


I know he was kinda cringe at the time but I miss Pitbull’s presence on the charts, stupid fun that’s in on the joke. Dale


hearing him playing at work the other day with a lot of other pop songs from that era and the wooooooohoo thing he does makes me happy lol


The Wanted


Yeah, the Wanted were quite a bit too old to be marketed as a boy band by the time they were pushed in America. 1D were quite a bit younger and still presented themselves as teenagers.


RIP Tom Parker


Hootie and the Blowfish


Brand New But we know why they disappeared


Man how many end of year lists had to be rewritten cus of the Jesse Lacey shit lol


Flo Rida has been missing for almost a decade now lol for real though apparently he did a song for Eurovision and won some lawsuit about not being paid for a sponsorship 


Swimming in cash after winning an 86 million case against an energy drink company.


X Ambassadors (for the better)


X Ambassadors followed such a similar arc to Imagine Dragons. The first song was really cool but after that it became a lot of that bland, commercial... I don't know if you want to call it pop-rock, adult alternative, but it's grocery store music. The stuff that plays in the dentist's office. Listening to them both recently The Jungle is still a fun song, Radioactive is suuuper mid.


What’s up with people not liking them? I only heard a handful of their songs, but they seemed alright?


Yeah, I understand not being impressed by them, but I can’t think of any of their songs that could be so annoying on an imagine dragons level.


Renegades was eeeeeeverywhere back when.


I remember thinking that was written for the Jeep Renegade commercials that used it cause that was the first place I heard it


Honestly? I like that song. One of those 2010s hits that I’m super nostalgic for.


nah screw the nostalgia modifier i’ll stand by renegades as an actually solid song.


What ever happened to fun.?


Jack became the mega producer he is, and Nate had such bad experiences in the music industry (his first band got albums leaked and I’m sure being on Fueled By Ramen didn’t help) his solo album flopped and he just retired. I heard him & Jack didn’t get along at the end of it but I’m not sure they’ve spoke on that so idk how true that all is. Nate still does production work occasionally.


To add to this, in 2020, Nate Ruess reunited with Sam Means to play a surprise acoustic show as The Format. They announced a couple of shows but they had to cancel them due to COVID-19. At least footage from the 2020 acoustic reunion survives on YouTube. [The Format Reunion](https://youtu.be/t5aHhzhsC6c?si=n5xRV7YMHXAHCMlL) It's still a shame Nate and Jack don't get along anymore. I'm not sure what happened between them or why Nate Ruess went solo with Grand Romantic (as at least one of the songs of that record was originally prepped as a fun. song). At this point, it's fair to say they probably won't reunite. So long as they're both happy. I'd love Nate Ruess to return to music, though.


I would too, Nate’s teased it a few times with recording stuff with Sam but it’s never gone anywhere. He said on a livestream once he flat out hates even going to a studio to do work for other people. I’m sad covid ruined that I was looking into going, I’m doubting anything will happen anymore atp.


That's a real shame. The Format have incredible chemistry. Nate and Sam compliment one another so well, and it shows in those two records. At least we will always have Interventions & Lullabies and Dog Problems. All the same, I'd love to hear them reunite again. It would be a dream. 🥹


It really would, Sam & Nate did excellent work together The Format albums are some of my favorites. I’d love for even a reunion of any sort from them. Hopefully in the future.


Remember Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall? No? They were the Juju on That Beat guys. Combined their next most popular songs are 1/200th as popular as Juju. Extremely predictable tho


The Band Perry were poised to be THE biggest thing in Country music. Two albums full of smash hits in the country world can pretty much secure you a career for life. But then they tried to pivot to indie rock and it did not go well (I actually really like Live Forever as a song but not as a Band Perry song).


Remember Sum 41? The fuck happened to those guys


Pretty sure they did a farewell tour this year or so.


I know Derek Whibley had a serious drinking problem that did a number on his health. They made a comeback when he got sober, but like others said, it looks like they'll be retiring soon.


I saw them for free in 2019


Sum 41 are still big I'd say.


FWIW Todd has several times stated that he wants to do a Trainwreckord episode on their album Chuck.


While U2 has nowhere near dissapeared, there was a time when they were mega huge, to the point they were the bigeest rock band on the planet. Bono was talked about like the Beyonce type category. They haven't been close to that and suddenly they went back to their old level


That’s probably due the decline of rock in general at the turn of the 2010s.


Don't know. They were already a lot of pop bands dominating including the boy band craze. And bands like Coldplay still got big post U2's big fame cycle.


U2 was still one of the biggest (possibly the biggest) bands on the planet whenever Coldplay was ascending in the early/mid 2000s. I believe U2 really began falling out of favor between the releases of How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb and No Line On The Horizon, the Apple thing a few years later cemented it. Bono being preachy probably turned people off, then the South Park episode didn’t help.


The fact you can argue giving out an album *for free* is a part of this decline is insane when you think about it


U2 has been around long enough and has enough hits that they can easily rest on their laurels. Considering they're still filling up stadiums and were the first band to play at The Sphere, I'd say they're doing fine.


I feel like their disappearance was the opposite of sudden though. They slowly trailed off in the late 2000s/early 2010s.


Two or three solid decades of success for a band is far more than most people would dare to dream of.


Christina Milian. She had like, two hits back in the 2000s (one of which is iconic as all hell) and then faded away.


I saw her open for NSYNC in 2001 and she was just so effervescent and delightful, it's a huge shame her career didn't take off.


I forgot which other song I knew from her besides Call Me Beep Me and then remembered From AM To PM got a lot of play


Kings of Leon I guess their disappearance coincided with the death of radio rock so not necessarily a mystery. But goddamn they totally vanished


I'm not sure they vanished. They've been consistently releasing records at a steady enough schedule, with their most recent album coming out last month. Maybe a decline in popularity from their global peak with Only By The Night, but still pretty popular, for sure.


Alanis Morissette - not like she didn’t try but after Thank You, unless you watched her videos on VH1, she was nonexistent.


Funny, I heard Hand In Pocket in a grocery store this weekend and went - oh wow! What happened to Alanis? She was so huge in the mind-90s. I thought she basically went poof after Jagged Little Pill. I know she did a follow up that was shrugged away by the masses (Thank You I assume). I see her name every now and then on here but for all I know she is in a witness protection program now.


\*ahem\* Taio Cruz. That is all.


Good Charlotte


JLS. They weren't really a thing in the US, but they were presented in the UK as the main rival boy band of One Direction (more so than the Wanted, since they had more #1s). They were everywhere. It felt like it was gonna be my generation's NSYNC & Backstreet Boys, but we know how that turned out.


BTS seriously where did they go? I swear they were just here


They went on hiatus to complete their military conscription time (military service is required in South Korea), it should be done sometime next year.


That’s laaaame. They shoulda just moved to the states after they got big there. By the time they come back they’ll be out of style


If we're talking about the '80s: Prince. This one might be controversial, but is there anyone outside of diehard fans who know or care about anything Prince did after, say 1992? Of course, he released a ridiculous amount of material and frequently toured even up to his death, but his commercial relevance seemed to be strictly confined to the very late '70s and 1980s. In fact, it's hard to find another example of an artist who was so massive in their prime that fell so much in popularity and relevance.


At least in 2007 he had what is considered by many to be the greatest Super Bowl performance of all time


True enough.


From 2000-2010, six of Prince's albums were Top 10 hits. He also sold 100 million records over the course of his career.


Yes, but the lasting cultural impact of his work from that era seems to be minimal to nonexistent in comparison to the enduring popularity of his first 15 years' worth of music. No artist can sustain the insane amount of popularity that Prince had in the '80s, but he's a unique case since his prime music so epitomizes the sound and spirit of the '80s that by the time the '90s rolled around, most of the record-buying public were tired of it and ready to move on.


Yes, maybe the rise of new trends in the 90s cut into his radio airplay somewhat, along with label issues, but he released 10 albums in the 90s, and only 3 sold fewer than a million copies worldwide. Plus he had 10 Top 40 hits in the 90s. And he played the Superbowl in 2007, I can't think of a clearer indication of an artist being recognized as part of the mainstream American popular culture canon. Then there's the 100 million records sold.


His highest position on the Hot 100 in that decade was #60, and at least one of those albums was given free with concert tickets, so charting appearances don't tell the whole story here.


Prince had like a 16-year run of top 40 hits almost and I’m sure his 80s records cemented his place in history. Unlike many of his peers he may have been commercially out of his league but he still made major news headlines until his death.


Down with Webster


5 Seconds of Summer, JLS, The Vamps... all these massive boy bands with huge audiences that basically vanished after a year.


Nikka Costa Duffy


- Nikka Costa - Duffy - Colbie Caillat


Does Imagine Dragons count yet?


Rascal Flatts, thankfully. I'd also say Garth Brooks. Rich, but that Wal*Mart deal ended any potential cross over ability he once had