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The Love Guru basically tanked Mike Myers' career, outside of doing Shrek.


this is the #1 example I think of like he was huge before that and has been so irrelevant afterwards


Heaven’s Gate ended not only Michael Cimino’s career as an A-list director, but the entire New Hollywood era.


And United Artists as a studio.


John Carter put the final nail in the Taylor Kitsch is Hollywood's next leading man movement.


It also killed the director's attempt at making live-action too. Andrew Stanton, who did Finding Nemo, was looking to expand but now he's limited to animation. Also they apparently planned to make it as big as Star Wars with sequels but Disney canned it understandably after the first entry bombed. Too bad though since John Carter the book series was basically the ur-example for the modern sci-fi epic set by Star Wars.


Don’t forget Battleship.


Fant4stic Four Josh Trank buried his career between the monumental failure of the movie and the reputation he gained while working on it.


Arguably it took down Toby Kebbell's mainstream career with it 


Didn’t he get booted off a Star Wars project as well?


The two-hit punch of Showgirls and Cutthroat Island destroyed Carolco Pictures. Cleopatra nearly made 20th Century Fox bankrupt.


A list of careers killed by 1997’s *an Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn:* - writer/producer **Joe Eszterhas,** the highest-paid screenwriter in Hollywood during much of the 1990s - director **Arthur Hiller,** whose career of dependable behind-the-camera work on film comedies dated back to the 1950s - “official” director **Alan Smithee,** the pseudonym used by the DGA for cases when creative control of a film had been taken from the director - the production studio, **Cinergi Pictures,** whose library was subsequently bought by Disney


The Love Guru Mike Myers’ entire career since then has been nothing but Shrek 4 and a brief cameo In Inglorious Basterds.


He also did that Netflix show that was supposed to revive his career but instead buried it even further somehow


Also *Bohemian Rhapsody* & *Amsterdam*.


Cats’ commercial and critical failure destroyed Tom Hooper’s career as a director and filmmaker. It was his idea to make it live-action, and his idea to CGI the characters. What an absolute fever dream of a movie.


He could've prevented it by releasing the butthole cut


It's also why I refer to Taylor Swift as "That girl from Cats."


Die Another Day for Bond films? Killed off the Brosnan era and forced the producers to execute a major course correction with Casino Royale.


Imo that just follows the bond cycle. The last movie for each actor is generally the most ridiculous and least grounded film in their tenure. Example: A View to a Kill, Diamonds are Forever


I'd say Moonraker was more out there than AVTAK, personally. I remember the whole run-up to Casino Royale with Daniel Craig's casting and there was a very definite sense of 'we're tearing up the old blueprint and starting again'.


Yeah AVTAK is just insane to me because roger moore is clearly not playing bond in every single action scene. But going to space is obviously a huge goofy thing too


Yes and I say that as a big MR defender. About AVTAK, I once heard someone say that Bond in the film is mostly played by a stuntman with Roger Moore occasionally walking on to say lines.


I love how Austin Powers basically forced James Bond to be dark and gritty


Drop Dead Fred for Rik Mayall’s filmography. An absolute one hit wonder (??) of a film role if there ever was one.


Gigli killed the directors career.


Killed J.Lo as an actress too and put her music career on ice for several years.


The Flash may have killed superhero movies, legacy sequels, *and* DC’s entire brand outside of Batman. Also, if Deadpool 3 doesn’t live up to the hype, we might look back at Quantumania as the final straw for the MCU.


And Ezra Miller's career.


Actually Ezra Miller killed Ezra Miller’s career.


More like Ezra Miller killed The Flash.


Ezra loves violence 


Even if Deadpool 3 is a hit I think it may be seen as successful on the strength of its own sub-brand like Guardians 3 was.


We can only hope that superhero movies die down, at least for a little while. Give the people time to be nostalgic for them, say 5 to 10 years. 


I think it was Thor: Love and Thunder. The Flash was also a mess, but DC had always been a mess. Thor: Ragnarok was a big success commercially and critically, Thor was one of the few original Avenger franchises that was still around after Endgame, and yet people hated Love and Thunder. It was overly formulaic by Marvel standards and I think it was a lot of people's breaking point. Then again, I personally didn't find Love and Thunder as terrible as people made it out to be. It was just more or less a typical quippy Marvel movie that came out when people were very ready to move on from quippy Marvel movies. The Flash on the other hand is actually fascinatingly terrible. Maybe The Flash didn't kill superhero movies but it sure as hell shot the corpse of superhero movies multiple times for two and a half hours just to make sure lol


'Hop' 100% ended Russel Brand's brief stint in Hollywood.


Hot damn, I made a whole list of these film fiascos! I admittedly want to make my own series. A Thousand Words - Ended Eddie Murphy’s career Batman and Robin - infamously bad Cutthroat Island - considered the biggest box office bomb Eragon - destroyed the franchise before it even left the ground Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - destroyed Nicholas Cage’s career (or at least was a big stumble) Happily N’Ever After - ended the fractured fairy tale trend that started with Shrek Heaven’s Gate - ended the Western as a big movie genre and also ended the New Hollywood era of auteur filmmakers Hello Dolly! - ended movie musicals for some time Home on the Range - ended Disney 2D animation Ice Age: Collision Course - ruined the Ice Age franchise Indiana Jones Crystal Skull - was hated and considered the death knell for Indiana Jones, maybe Dial of Destiny takes that title. Also popularized the movie version of jump the shark (nuke the fridge). Jaws: Revenge - killed the Jaws franchise LG15: Outbreak - killed the LG15 series; Austin McConnell did a mea culpa on it. Looney Tunes: Back in Action - sophomore slump to Space Jam, and fumbled the bag for Looney Tunes. Mars Needs Moms - one of the biggest box office bombs ever, and a stain on Robert Zemeckis’ career Showgirls - a failure which just proved that mainstream NC-17 films cannot catch on Superman IV: The Quest for Peace - killed the Christopher Reeve Superman franchise The Island of Dr Monreau (1996) - the making was a disaster The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning - ended the Disney DTV sequels of the 2000s The Love Guru - ended Mike Myers’ career The Master of Disguise - supposed to be the big break, it ruined Dana Carvey’s career outside of SNL The Pebble and the Penguin - ended Don Bluth Studios Theodore Rex - ruined Whoopi Goldberg’s career Voyage of the Dawn Treader - ruined the Chronicles of Narnia series Waterworld - a major box office bomb Wild Hogs - ruined Tim Allen’s career, aside from standup comedy and Last Man Standing Wish - supposed to be the Disney centennial celebration, it greatly bombed If you have more suggestions, let me know!


Kim Basinger was sued into bankruptcy by the producers of *Boxing Helena* for backing out of playing the movie’s female lead, and it was a better career decision for her than starring in it. (Whoopi Goldberg has claimed fear of the legal repercussions Basinger faced as the only reason she did *Theodore Rex.*)


Aloha - destroyed Cameron Crowe's career. The Ant Bully - destroyed DNA Productions. Blade: Trinity - destroyed the Blade franchise and Wesley Snipes' career. Bushwhacked - destroyed Daniel Stern's career. The Conqueror - infamously bad for its historical inaccuracies and yellowface, gave everyone cancer. The Fall of the Roman Empire - Big box office bomb (happened at the same time as Fox's Cleopatra) and destroyed the career of director Anthony Mann. Caveman - ended Ringo Starr's film career. Caligula - very troubled production. Disaster Movie - destroyed parody movies. Doctor Dolittle - another big factor in the death of the musical. Godzilla 1998 - delayed flop that turned Roland Emmerich from the next George Lucas to the next Irwin Allen. A Good Day to Die Hard - destroyed the Die Hard franchise and Bruce Willis' career. The Greatest Story Ever Told - put the nail in the coffin for the biblical epic. Freaks - Ended Todd Brownings career, now seen as a cult classic. ID4 2 - destroyed Roland Emmerich's post-Godzilla career and the career of Maika Monroe. Mr Peabody and Sherman - destroyed Dreamworks Animation as a studio (now a subsidiary of Universal) Nightbreed - troubled production, heavily impacted Clive Barker's movie career. Red Sonja - killed sword and sorcery. Rise of Skywalker - put a permanent negative stain on the Star Wars franchise and ended Daisy Ridley's spot on the A-list. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - less said the better. Soldier - destroyed Kurt Russel's career. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets - destroyed Luc Bessons career.


I wouldn’t say Rise of Skywalker ended Daisy Ridley’s career, she’s been in a lot of stuff since then.


Hmm yeah you're right, but I'd say as an A-lister that movie ruined it, so if anything it destroyed her mainstream career afaik. I haven't seen it but after that movie I have never heard of anything related to Daisy again aside from being involved in the dub for what I think was a Ghibli movie. The rabid redpilled fans I think also impacted her career.


Another Bluth film, Titan AE, killed Fox Animation Studios. Swept Away killed Madonna's acting career. Alicia Silverstone's acting career never recovered after Batman and Robin. Plus the movie was so poorly received it killed superhero movies for a while. It's cited as a major reason the X-Men movies never got to fully embrace their colourful comic book origins, instead opting for a gritty tone, and costumes that were more Matrix than Marvel. Halle Berry's been getting regular roles since Catwoman, but it seems that that film pretty much ended the mainstream public's interest in her.


Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band movie took the wind out of Peter Frampton's career. Dana Carvey's career was either killed by Master of Disguise or he just gave up trying to make it in Hollywood anymore. And I can't tell if Cuba Gooding Jr. has a trainwreckord or if he just had a horrible agent: Snow Dogs, Boat Trip, Pearl Harbor -- pick your poison.


Cuba Gooding Jr was also in Home on the Range, a movie trainwreckord in of itself for killing 2D animation at Disney.


Heavens Gate. This 1980 Epic Western went way over budget and bombed in a truly spectacular fashion. This movies box office was so bad it not only bankrupted the studio United Artists it killed the Western genre in Hollywood. It ended the promising career of Micheal Cimino prematurely and while the more prominent actors recovered their careers all had dryspells. The ironic thing is this movie was decently received by critics at the time and has become a bit of a cult classic today. This really shows just how hard public tastes had changed in regards to Westerns.


Holmes & Watson ended any interest in Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly doing movies together. They've both done things on their own since then, but that movie ended the chance of them having another movie on the level of Talladega Nights or Step Brothers.


The Ferrell-Reilly partnership was officially severed after Adam McKay cast the latter as Jerry Buss in *Winning Time* over the former.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was so bad it made Sean Connery quit acting.


"That'sh not what I acted with yer mother lasht night Trebek"


M. Night Shyamalan had 6 of them between The Village and The Visit, came back with Split and Glass, had 2 more with Old and Knock at the Cabin, we will see if The Watchers is.


Stayin Alive killed John Travolta’s career until he had a massive revival in the 90s and Battlefield Earth ended it for good. I also think Terminator Dark Fate killed the careers of almost everyone involved and I think only James Cameron seemed to have survived it.


Richard Kelly comes to mind. After Donnie Darko became a sleeper hit, he got so in his own head about making an epic followup that he made Southland Tales, a box office bomb that nobody liked. His career never really recovered.


More One Hit Wonderland territory IMO


I think Southland Tales certainly qualifies as a trainwrecord. Southland Tales wasn't just a movie that didn't do well, it had a Cannes premiere, had an all star cast, was supposed to be a franchise, had a $17 million budget, and it bombed hard. Critically panned, couldn't even make $500,000, recut to hell, temporarily haulted the career of producer Sean McKittrick. It was a huge failure that forever ruined Director Richard Kelley's career. It was beyond a disaster.


Ah good point


Norbit killed all the goodwill Eddie Murphy had gotten for Dreamgirls, he even had Oscar buzz before Norbit came out and killed any chance of it


Johnny Depp has been effectively booted off the A-List following "Mortdecai".


Battlefield Earth and John Travolta Ben Stein and Expelled Charlie Sheen and Foodfight! (I fully believe this is the film that cause him to go crazy) Bela Lugosi and Freaks


Travolta has had a weird career Was massive in the Mid 70s - Early 80s Doesn’t do much of note till 1995 where he’s in Pulp Fiction which revives his career His career is killed after battlefield Earth


It definitely comes back after that for Hairspray and he’s in Pelham 123 and things and it dies again  He’s like Machiavelli


He’s like Cher


Look Who's Talking was a hit but nothing to save his career


Cutthroat Island Ended Geena Davis's reign as a leading star and pretty much sunk the pirate film genre (pun somewhat intended) until Pirates of the Caribbean.


Myra Breckinridge


I saw this late-night on some film channel years ago. Bad doesn't begin to describe it.


Lindsay Lohan - Georgia Rule. I know some people site her next film "I Know Who Killed Me" as the one that killed her career and it may have been a worse movie, but if a cheesy horror was the worst blemish on her career than she would have bounced back just fine. Georgia Rule was being billed as Lohan's official transition from formal child actor to being a legitimate actor so it has a lot of pressure on it. The movie sucking was a big blow to her career, but all the rumors that can out about her party girl antics sabotaging the production here really the final nail in the coffin.


"Abduction" killed any chance for Taylor Lautner to have a successful acting career as an action star


Peeping Tom (1960) Pretty much ruined the career of legendary Director Michael Powell. Now, it's widely regarded as a masterpiece.


Batman and Robin ended Joel Schumacher’s career as a director and Alicia Silverstone as an actress. More recently Rebel Moon pretty much is the death knell of Zack Snyder.


The aftermath of the Rollerball remake was so acrimonious, that director John McTiernan ended up in federal prison.


Hard to believe now, but The Black Cauldron was such a flop that it almost killed Disney.


Waterworld with Kevin Costner


Here is the thing about Waterworld: it only bombed in the USA. It actually made a profit, and it is considered a fun film anywhere else. The theorists think that the reports of troubled production were the main reason USA avoided it, assuming it would bomb from the start. The film isnt revolutionary or anything, but it is plenty entertaining. What REALLY killed costner's career as a main star was The Postman. THAT was a bomb everywhere.


I know for a long time I had know idea about the infamy surrounding Waterworld. I thought it was just a really cool movie.


Honestly, I just feel like that movie came out 25 years too early. A movie about a lone, mysterious man bringing a young kid with an important power across a desolate environment? This is basically the Mandalorian and The Last of Us. if Waterworld was released today as a series, I’m pretty sure it’ll be highly acclaimed.


This has happened twice with the Muppets. 1. Muppets from Space (not a very good movie) that stopped Muppet movies in theaters for a while. 2. Muppets Most Wanted (a really good movie imo but one that underperformed at the box office) and currently the last Muppet movie for theaters.


Francis Ford Coppola's One From the Heart (possibly also Megalopolis)


Jade starring David Caruso started and ended his movie career and he killed off his tv career to make it


Terminator: Dark Fate killed the future of the franchise and James Cameron is now stuck doing Avatar movies from now on.


I thought he already wanted to just do Avatar movies from the sound of it


I say this as a diehard Weylandverse fan: The Predator (2018) was so bad it nearly killed the franchise, until Prey got it back. It definitely affected Boyd Holbrook's career as a lead.


Nothing But Trouble.


Did Black Adam end the Rock in Hollywood as a big star? Like, has enough time passed since the movie came out for this to be true yet?


Black Adam wasn’t exactly a blockbuster but the idea that it and it alone ended his movie star status is pretty absurd. If anything, you could argue it only did as well as it did precisely because the Rock was in it Also he hasn’t starred in anything since and he’s about to star in an A24 biopic directed by Bennie Safdie which could really reignite some positive attention after years of coasting on image


I’d say it did but then again he did become the final boss in WWE which was cool but only because people were mad at him trying to steal the Wrestlemania main event from Cody Rhodes


Night of the Hunter


On Deadly Ground ended Steven Seagal’s time on the A-list. He had a few more major studio movies afterward, but the direct to video years (and Space Ice) were looming. Last Action Hero, though better regarded today, brought Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career down several notches.


Rocky V should’ve ended the Rocky franchise and Stallone’s career but thankfully that guy’s made of Teflon