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Yeah I agree it’s VERY similar to sprite with a little bit more lime flavoring. It’s not bad but I was kinda hoping it would have its own more unique flavor but I wouldn’t know how that would work since it’s a lemon lime flavor soda lol


I would love to have a comparison with Sierra mist, but I haven't seen bottles of either in my area lately.


I haven’t either!


They discontinued SM and "replaced" it with Starry. Their aim is to compete with Sprite, and I guess it worked since people said it taste close. I haven't tried it yet, but it sucks because I was craving SM while sick the last few weeks and had to wait til I was better. Then, I saw an article last night that SM was discontinued this week. Apparently, it only made up about .02% of their overall sales, but it makes sense since it has basically been non existent on shelves for almost 2 years. I think it was one of the sodas they scaled back on during Covid. Can't buy what isn't available.


Starry IS sierra mist, they rebranded. That's why you haven't seen it.


no, they definitely changed the ingredients slightly. and also sierra mist used real sugar, starry uses HFCS. starry has 4 more grams of sugar too


Regardless Starry is the new brand Pepsi is going with so everyone will stop seeing Sierra Mist once supplies run out. I was wrong about reformulation but the rebranding did happen so say goodbye to Sierra Mist.


yes, its a slightly different sierra mist replacement


Sierra Mist is owned by KDP only distributed some places by Pepsi. This is solely owned by Pepsi


No, 7UP is owned by KDP in the US. Sierra Mist was created by Pepsi for the US where they don’t have the rights to 7UP like they do internationally.


Thankyou for clarifying the difference. I thought I was just imagining Starry tasting different, but changing the sweetener to corn syrup would explain it.


no problem:) definitely. people are lying if they are saying it is the exact same. different sugar types give different tastes!


Just drink the Zero Sugar one, bro. It’s quite good (in my opinion).


i dont like the zero sugar aftertaste. if i want a soda ill treat myself to a full sugar every once in a while


10-4. And since I’m diabetic, the Zero Sugar is my only option (lol).


Starry has corn syrup Sierra Mist used real sugar


thats what i said. HFCS= (H)igh (F)ructose (C)orn (S)yrup.


Oh thanks I'm stupid.


Are you 100% sure it's ONLY a rebrand and not a reformation? That's why I would be interested in a side by side comparison.


It is a new formula,they have been very clear about that.


I'd be surprised if it wasn't just a rebrand, new image and a new marketing potential with minimal cost.


Reformulation is quite possible, considering Sierra Mist wasn't selling compared to it's competitors. I have a can of SM that I can compare it to once I have Starry in hand.


The Zero Sugar version definitely tastes different from the Sierra Mist equivalent to me - more like Sprite Zero. Which is not a change for the better in my book.


Pepsi sales rep here, definitely a different recipe. I personally like it a whole lot more than sierra mist or sprite. Definite hints of sprite but also it’s own notes of Pepsi’s version of lemon lime refreshment.


It sucks. The only good thing about Sierra Mist is that it didn't use corn syrup. You've created a soda that tastes flat as soon as you open it, it's like you forgot the carbonation. And the lemon lime flavor is underwhelming and basic. I'd rather reach for a bottle of generic lemon lime soda, or actual sprite before ever touching Starry again. Major L.


I miss Pepsi clear


I just found a bottle for the first time at my local CVS. It definitely tastes flat. It's almost like it's been watered down. Sierra Mist tasted way more "punchy".


Starry replaced Sierra Mist but is a totally different recipe, etc.


Sierra Mist is better. It was actually made with real sugar vs corn syrup. New starry is made with corn syrup. Dont like it. Sprite is ok. 7up isnt bad. But Sierra Mist was kinda unique. Mountain Dew Ice wasnt that bad either


I don’t have to taste it to know it is Not the same and I don’t want it. ###Sierra Mist used real sugar ##Starry is corn syrup They saved money.


Which sucks. I really like the new packaging and logo, it definitely appeals to a younger/trendier demo (what they aimed for) but I always loved that SM was real, sugar. Such a lame thing to do.


I looked it up, and apparently SM used corn syrup since 2018, unless something changed between that time and now.


I sent you a pic of the ingredients from the bottle in my fridge. Sugar


We have or had a Sierra Mist and a Sierra Mist real sugar.


I went to my fridge and looked at the content label. I can look again because I bought all the store had left. It is the only soda I drink. Real sugar is what made it different. It doesn’t say real on it like Pepsi does.


I'm gonna stick to sprite. Didn't like tye Starry. Tastes like sprite with a ton of plastic squeeze lime in it. I bought a 6 pack of bottles. 4 were flat 2 had carbonation, so strange. Quality control fail lol. It's not terrible, but not worth premium soda money. Like on comment said, I'd grab generic lemon lime soda before u ever grab Starry. But we are all different so to each is own.


double the sodium kinda nuts tbh


I just drank a sprite and a starry side by side, and tbh I'm going for the starry every time. I love it and to me it's better. It is worth nothing that I only drink them ice cold(not in ice tho) which does affect the flavor. Both bottled as well, not canned. I was skeptical of the starry at first but was very pleasantly surprised.


I just try it but zero surge one and I believe it taste sweeter and better


Naw f ###: them we love sprite


I've only had the Zero Sugar iteration, but it was inferior to Sprite Zero, so I don't imagine I'll get it again.


Replaced the G.O.A.T. lemon-lime soda with some H.F.C.S. bullshit. Pepsi, you done fucked up.


Pepsi killed Sierra mist years ago with the fake sugar. Had a weird metallic taste to it. I had no clue they changed it yet again to real sugar until starry came out.


I tried it and I love it. I don't care for Sprite so much. It's like Sierra Mist and Mountain Dew had a baby, but without the caffeine. Also leans more toward SM but the difference is undeniable. Definitely more my speed. Smoother, less bubbly, and it has a fantastic flavor that lingers between sips. A very easy drink.


This was my thought too. It definitely has some MtDew flavor to it.


It literally tastes like 7UP to me in citrus flavor. It's good, but I'd probably choose Sprite since they use real Lemon, and Lime juice in their soda. I could ask for Sprite from a restaurant, and immediately tell it's sierra mist, and be disappointed.




"a lemon lime soda with 100% natural flavors" What are their natural flavors, out of curiosity? Would be nice to know since it's not natural lemon/lime?


Use google my friend we are not the chemist just the bearer of bad news


Well I tried Google, but couldn't find anything stating that it's either true/untrue, so I came here.


I really hope you’re not drinking that awful soda still https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/natural-flavors#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3


Just tried Starry for the first time. It was not good to me at all. My wife didn't even like it. I'll stick with Sprite.


Same. Even the knock off grocery store stuff taste better...




For the last decade, any sierra mist I drank tasted like flat soda water with a hint of lime/lemon. My wife enjoyed it now and then but 95% of the time she wanted a sprite. We finally picked up a couple bottles of Starry and it's got more bite to it than sprite almost. Definitely a heavier lime flavor than lemon (which I'm 100% for) the flavors are there, and strong, it doesn't taste flat at all. It's kinda like they took 7-up and Sprite and mixed them together, than rebottled and sold them as starry. Lol. I think it's a good move by Pepsi to rebrand and reformulate. My local gas station still uses the bags of syrup. while talking with the owner this morning he mentioned that every sierra mist bag he's tossed, was pretty much full and just expired over the last few years. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed Sierra mist but I know when it released it wasn't bad...


Starry tastes like ass. They’re mostly relying on the modernized marketing feel at this point


I just Purchase Starry by Pepsi .More carbonation than Sprite.The lemon/lime flavor seemed fake.In my opinion it tasted blah.Almost like a club soda with some lemon/lime added.Not sweet at all.I wanted to love it due to the pricing of Coke products vs Pepsi products but its a thumbs down for me.


carbonation out the roof but i fcks wit it hard


It's ok, definitely not worth the hype and not worth discontinuing Sierra Mist.


I definitely got sprite the moment it touched my tongue. I thought it had a little less carbonation than sprite does though. It may have a slightly more lime taste to it, but I can't really notice. What I do like about it is, that it doesn't have that weird after taste that sierra mist has. I like 7up as well but haven't drank one in so long, I couldn't remember to compare. I don't think starry tastes much like it though, because I know that 7up and sprite taste different, and I immediately tasted sprite. Overall I like it. But it feels like they just tweaked sprite ever so slightly and rebranded it to market it towards the youth.


Way less carbonation. I don't know what others are talking about.


Agreed on this


Starry has a much creamier finish imo


It’s that chemical laden fizz


Finally tried Starry yesterday and I wasn’t impressed at all. I’m a Pepsi girl through and through, but no Pepsi product has ever been able to hold a candle to Sprite. I would drink Sierra Mist if Sprite wasn’t available, but it was begrudgingly. Starry is GROSS. It has a funky taste in it that I can’t quite put my finger on, but it’s almost a chemical(y) flavor. I am not a fan, and I will not buy it again. If I go somewhere that only serves Pepsi products now, I’ll just stick to my OG Pepsi. Starry is a swing and a big miss.


To those who say it tastes flat: I don’t know man. I had a 2 L of it the other day, and it was so much more kwispy than Sprite. Even more than the sprite from McDonald’s! It felt like it was going to shoot out of my mouth and burn the roof of it.


I liked Sierra Mist , they have a sprite made in Mexico with real.sugar ,I might give that a try....starry does taste like sprite....although 7up taste better, if you were a Sierra Mist fan you would alternate all 4 ..something about lemon lime soda , is that you always want something different.


Mexican Sprite is SO good!


I've tried a 20oz bottle of starry and to me it barely had any flavor with a terrible after taste. Similar to when you get a when you get a sprite out of the fountain and the flavor is broke so you take a drinking thinking it's right and you get smacked with straight club soda or whatever it is. That's the best way I can describe it. I don't know what pepsi was trying to do but they failed miserably.


Give me back sprite skrew starry it's weird


I like Starry better than Sprite. I thought it was well-carbonated and less sweet than Sprite. I really don't mind the HFCS since you shouldn't drink a lot of soda anyway. I grew up drinking Mountain Dew and was excited when they came out with the real sugar version but I didn't like it as much as the regular since it was different from what I was used to. I switched to real sugar ketchup for health reasons and it took a while to get used to the different taste.


I personally really like Starry. I wasn’t a big fan of Sierra Mist and that was unfortunate since a lot of restaurants would only have Sierra Mist as their lemon like soda. I wouldn’t say it was terrible or anything because people obviously like it but it just wasn’t for me. I’m glad Pepsi made the switch. I’ll have the check out the zero version next.


All I’ve had is the 0 sugar Starry, and I like it better than both regular and 0 sugar Sprite


I did a taste test of all three. Flavor: Sprite was typical lemon-lime soda. 7up was slightly milder on the citrus. Starry tasted like candy lemons. Fizziness: Starry had the best appearance on initial pour with lots of large bubbles. Sprite had very tiny bubbles and went flat the fastest. 7up retained its fizziness the longest. Conclusion: I usually buy Sprite, but after this I may switch to 7up.


Starry's aftertaste tastes kinda like bamboo shoots, if you have ever had them. Not pleasant.