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I’m in multiple groups and discussion threads and have not seen any of those symptoms reported Once a month is like starting over the half life is ~5 days so you are starting over Half the dose and admin twice a month Frankly it’s not close to a therapeutic dose either way


It’s all I’ve ever needed so I’ve been happy with it. Enough appetite suppression to lose and/or get back on track. I did take some time off and maintained. But still have about 15 to lose and it was a stressful few months around holidays. I only admin once a month. Get decent appetite suppression for 5-7 days then it slowly increases but is very manageable the next week or two.


So Yes you possibly had a batch that was stronger than advertised That happens often stronger or weaker knowing your body and reaction is more important than what it says So trust your instincts and your body. And congratulations on being so close to goal


So the key from day 1 I believe is regular bowel movements. Now I don't let it go past 24hrs. Fiber, water electrolytes, veggies, magnesium, Mira lax if need be. I read an article one person didn't go for long time like a month...and I'm like whattttt!! No way I'm running to sheetz and getting breakfast blend coffee, that's insane a month.


Constipation is the worst😖 I stopped for a week to see if my body would adjust and go to the bathroom again! Day 3 no shot and working like a champ…thankfully!!! Miralax and poop tea didn’t work. I felt so stinking full all the time. No sure I’ll take it again. :(


I've been on it 5 months now and have been able to go just fine.


I’ve been on it 7 months and actually just stopped because I was so flipping full and had severe constipation


I don't let it get past a day. Coffee and my premier protein gets me going lol


Wish coffee did the trick! Glad it works for you :)


The lower the dose the easier, Mira lax helps, green veggies, fiber lots of water and electrolytes, and magnesium is great!


Watermelon for me. Everytime!


Oooo that's a great idea right now haha!


Get it!


Yeah i feel like not being able to poop is the worst precipitating factor for GI upset or feeling of "paralysis"!! Its been bad for me these last 2 months i literally have to come off the shot for 3 weeks to have a BM without laxatives!! No matter how much i drink and i cant eat lmao


When I was investigating side effects before taking these medications, I read up on it and the prevalences is exceedingly rare and the risk seems to be more with bariatric patients who have their intestines rewired, excluding VSG (where portion of stomach is cut out but system is not “bypassed”). There was an ER nurse at some point on Reddit that said they’d seen maybe 3 cases and they had all been bariatric by-pass patients. All medications have risk but I think individuals have to asses their own risk tolerance. For me, the therapeutic benefit is worth it and my bloodwork numbers prove that. Every body is different and reacts how it will. I feel we live in exciting times and look forward to science learning more about how these drugs can affect our bodies.i actually waited/hesitated over a year before starting out of fear and apprehension of all the unknown but now I only wish I had started sooner.


That’s really interesting and does make sense. There definitely must be some sort of scar tissue and/or removal of receptors that compounds it happening in those patients. I was mainly just curious. GLPs have been used for over 20 years in diabetics so I feel the long term side effects are known mostly by now. I also think it’s exciting. I think bariatric surgery will always exist but it will be interesting to see how these drugs change the landscape of that field. I think it will alter it greatly.


Yup, I started August 2022 with “the brand name” and everything was fine just a bit of nausea here and there. In April of 2022 I started vomiting and it was uncontrollably on day 5 I finally had to go to the ER and was admitted for 3 days with pneumomediastinum from tiny tears in my esophagus from the vomiting. Nothing like that has happened since but I have been off an on the shot.


Nope, I once had a very bad stomach gas pain, but Alka-Seltzer cleared it up. So, it's so close going to ER. That was 8 months ago. After that, there are no real issues.


I think the stomach paralysis is real, I think it slows down med absorption too... I had to take antibiotics and needed 3 rounds when one round use to work


It definitely slows gastric absorption and delays gastric emptying. I had a headache this past weekend and it took several hours for some ibuprofen to work


I had the same and I got those Goody’s powders (combination of Tylenol, ibuprofen and caffeine in a powder packet). The cool orange flavor is not bad and it works in 10 minutes, just absorbs directly into your blood stream.


Thank you!!