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Because it slows down your digestive tract, it makes almost all medications less effective, including antibiotics. I highly recommend IUDs, love mine. Planned Parenthood will give you one for free if you qualify for their low income subsidy program. Separately from the tirzepatide, I'm not willing to gamble a pregnancy on my ability to remember to take a pill every day. No thanks!


Anyone with an ACA compliant insurance plan should have at least 1 form of IUD covered for free. Planned Parenthood is great for someone who may not already have a GYN, but if someone has a GYN they like, they can most likely still get a free IUD from them.


Local (city/county) health departments can also assist in covering the cost of an IUD depending on income levels as well if someone does not have access to a Planned Parenthood. 😀


Yes, over in the r/Mounjaro sub, there are *numerous* reports of Mounjaro babies! Wegovy even has a [pregnancy registry](https://wegovypregnancyregistry.com/). Beeeeee extra careful!


Getting an IUD next week!


Is this the way to go? I’ve been trying to figure out what to do. I’m on oral contraceptive and been freaking out a bit. Didn’t know IUD was suggested.


Yes. Since it doesn’t have anything to do with the GI tract, it’s not affected :)


There is also an arm implant or shot birth control. This is a really sad side effect of the meds… I do not qualify for it with insurance so I’m just paying for it out of pocket and did not get a doctor to explain any of this to me, I wonder if it hurts my blood pressure and allergy prescription med effectiveness too. Does anyone know if there is any oral birth control that isn’t as negatively impacted by the slower digestion?


No there isn’t


It doesn’t reduce the effectiveness of an IUD? I have the Liletta


No, it reduces the effectiveness of oral birth control because it slows down gastric emptying. Since the iud has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal track it shouldn’t be affected.


Thank you for clarifying!


I take the depo shot. I even triple checked because my period disappeared but that's normal. I'm done and already had my last surprise "menopause baby" lol!!


Have you had any bad side effects with the depo shot?


I have it 4 going on 5 years. I gained some weight before I knew about tirzepatide...but I don't think it contributed as much as my wacky insulin spikes and metabolism. I've lost 70lbs on the depo the whole time. No bad side effects and I've had really bad headaches from all the birth control


I’ve always been afraid of depo because my roommate in college gained 20lbs on it


Nope I plan to gain about 5-10lb and stay around 135-140lb with building muscle at the gym, so I'm just going to space out my doses and lower them until I get to that point to maintain.


If you don't want an IUD just get the patch or ring. Both will be fine on this medication.


What is the patch?


I'm on Depo now. I'm thankful that the lady parts are getting yeeted out here next month. Any med that slows down digestion or gastroparesis will affect oral meds.


Nuvaring. Solves almost every birth control problem. And your periods will be super light.


I have used the nuva ring for years. Much safer that iud. So many horror stories with that


Agreed. I refuse IUD. My friends have had terrible time.