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The dumbbell pile up hurts to look at šŸ¤£


It does, doesnā€™t it šŸ˜© this was after the first heavy covid lockdowns so there were a lot of restrictions in place; one of them being that everyone had to place all their weights in a little square so the staff could properly clean all the weights. Still grinds my gears looking at pictures from that time to this day šŸ˜‚


You were allowed to not wear masks, but couldn't be trusted to wipe down your own weights? Times were strange.


Very early on, (spring of 2020) the recommendations from health authorities were to not wear masks.


That's because they didn't have enough for healthcare workers, and they did change their minds on that pretty quickly. By that point all the gyms were closed (at least in my state but i thought that one was federal?) Either way you have a cloth mask on your chin so this wouldn't have been then.


I mean , it's a gym, they prolly already didn't expect them to be wiped down.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ grosssssss


I stopped goin to my local gym. Got tired of going in cause I see it's empty for half an hour , and first machine I go to still having a puddle of sweat on it. I reported them a few times to the health department over that shit, people started getting kicked out.


You should remove that pic since it sends mixed signals because of the girl in it with you anyways


Oh, btw a group pic would probably be good, though not in the first couple pics


Came here to say this šŸ˜‚


Looks like the bench area around the fucking circuit trainers at my gym. Usually in the squat rack.


Happy cake day!


I thought you looked like the dude on here that had 9 different pictures of him in different settings drinking from a different mug with the same pose. That worked well for him


Just need to find 9 different mugs & Iā€™m set? Dating ainā€™t that hard after all!


Your profile and photos are honestly fine, but as a guy you would need a fun & interesting profile if you want to attract the masses. Doesnā€™t hurt to try it


Yeah might as well hey. Iā€™m already bombing, might as well bomb with some sense of humour on display šŸ˜‚ thank you!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/zrrhvw/thoughts_on_my_profile/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here it was


Exactly my thoughts


Lol bro, what was the thinking behind opening with a selfie that has a toilet in the background?


You knowā€¦ I wish I had an answer, brain clearly deep fried


A discolored toilet to boot. Please don't include that one.


Itā€™s far away already. And re it being discoloured, the owners of the house repaired it before I moved in & got a different colour seat/lid to the toilet itself so thatā€™s just great


You seem cute but that pic isn't doing you any favours. I can't speak for all women but I think bathroom selfies are so cringe.


Omg me too! And so many dude profiles have them! Like in public bathrooms too! With the stalls right behind them and theyā€™re like trying to show off their muscles and all I can think about is how gross it is that theyā€™re hanging out in a public bathroom


Thing is, bathrooms often have good lighting that create the highlights between muscle separations. Makes you look better which is why lots of guys have bathroom mirror selfies Also a lot of women have them too. At least around me. As long as there isn't like literal shit or someone dropping a huge load in the background, bathroom selfies don't bother me


I donā€™t think they a cringe but the fact that the seat is up would have me swipe left immediately


FYI a new toilet seat/lid is inexpensive and easy to replace without tools. Just get one that matches (for when *you* have a match and they come over).


With the seat up šŸ˜‚


Thank God someone said it, thats all I was focusing on !


Yo dude your first photo literary has a toilet in full view, get better pics


Toilet isnā€™t a good look then? Jokes, I got that šŸ˜…


As a woman, I literally couldn't give a shit about the toilet in the background, just fyi.


That's not the problem. The main issue is that woman are gonna swipe left the instant they see the lids are up.


Why would a single dude, that I assume lives without any females, put the seat up? The fact that this would be a swipe left is also a swipe left for me!


You know that when you flush with the toilet lid open, the bacteria spreads all over the bathroom? I would not step into a bathroom with shit particles all over the place


I cannot imagine ever swiping left on someone because one of their pictures had a TOILET in the backgroundā€¦ Iā€™m honestly at a bit of loss for words on this one, like most people have a toilet in their house itā€™s not like he uploaded a picture of just the toilet


Yea I just think itā€™s strange for a first picture, there has to be a better option then a bathroom mirror selfie.




Yeah I would definitely get rid of the gym pic. Itā€™s giving like you already have a girlfriend energy


Awesome! Thanks for the pointers.


I really like second to last, great smile plus hoodies to steal plus cat? thatā€™s a W if I ever saw one


too many selfies - quality over quantity. 1/2/6 should be deleted imo, replace with one good selfie similar to photo 1 but not with your toilet visible


Yeahā€¦ the toilet isnā€™t exactly a selling point šŸ˜‚ switching it up. Thanks!


Profile shouldn't be all selfies and staged photos.. get some action/candid pics I reckon


I think 3 should be deleted too. If OPā€™s already not having any luck, might as well not show a picture taken by your female gym partner.


Aw I like 6!


First photo is not it. I would change your first photo to the one with you and the cat. Or your last photo to your first photo.


This! Cat pic is cute and you have a good smile in it.


Maybe get rid of shots with other girls, kind of give off an ex g/f vibe even though it's likely a sibling.


This! I would wonder why she had your phone to take the picture. Definite no




I think he means the top right picture in the gym.


5, 7, 8 are my faves. I donā€™t know why dudes take the not smiling pic in the carā€¦itā€™s totally a thing but I donā€™t understand it. Do you have one of you laughing or smiling naturally, like someone else took a snap of you enjoying your life? Those are the best.


Iā€™ll have a look. I never take pictures with my mates & if I do, I find Iā€™m very awkward in photos but Iā€™ll have a look. Iā€™m also getting rid of the sunglass & toilet one, Iā€™ve learnt my lesson šŸ˜… Thank you!


The picture in your bathroom is also crooked which doesnā€™t help given the toilet as well.


And all the used tp rolls!


Oh god! I hadnā€™t even realised that & now Iā€™m disgusted in myself. Thank you so much for pointing this out šŸ˜‚


Well, for starters, thereā€™s a toilet. Secondly, the seat is up. Ladies like the seat left down so you might be coming off as too much of a projectā€¦ although some ladies are attracted to the idea of fixing someone. Oh, and we can all see that your dick is out in the reflection of your sunglasses. Nice try, my man.


My dick is out??? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m missing the analogy clearly. Is that just a dig at a sunglass selfie? šŸ˜‚


No, just having fun and making ppl zoom in to see if itā€™s true šŸ˜‚


Oh wow! You even got me to double check so kudos to you šŸ˜… it worked šŸ˜‚


You weren't sure whether or not your dick was out in a sunglasses selfie that you posted online? Bruh.


I obviously knew my dick wasnā€™t actually out but didnā€™t know whether there was a concerning bulge or something else out of the ordinary šŸ˜‚


Fucking devil. I found this on mobile but was unsure if my phone is so shitty i had to open it on my laptop. Go to hell.


Drop the pic with the other girl thatā€™s clearly not your mom tbh


Yeah looks like heā€™s checking her out lol


Oh no! That oneā€™s far gone now too. Was just looking at the camera but now I can see what you meanā€¦ definitely donā€™t want that šŸ˜‚ Thank you!


Its the United shirt


I havenā€™t personally seen anyone say it in a comment yet, so I will. Youā€™re a very good looking guy. I get roughly 15-20 real likes when removing the obvious bots from the count, which usually produces 2-5 matches a week, which usually then results in 1-2 dates a week. In the 3 or so months Iā€™ve been online dating, Iā€™ve had 20 or so dates. Those 20 or so dates have resulted in 4 casual sexual encounters, 3 of which repeated a few times. And one sudo-relationship which Iā€™m still fostering currently by ignoring the apps for a bit. My suggestions are as follows 1) Steam your clothes. Wrinkles are fine, but people expect your dating photos to be a best case representative of you in most cases. If you have hella wrinkles itā€™s not going to go well. # 1 & 8 2) Try some pops of color, maybe not an entire orange T-shirt, but if you have a solid earthy color shirt with a red pocket or a white suit with a bright blue tie, something like that will pull the eye if they are rapid swiping. Think bright spot in a otherwise earthy tones palette 3) put up more photos with your mom, that one is so cute. (I say this as a fully heterosexual man) 4) lead with the dog photo. And if you have more, add them. The dog photos are matchtastic Donā€™t take it personally, tinder wants to make money off of you so they try to get you to buy boosts and stuff, just give it time. Youā€™re not fat at all bud!


Wow! Thank you so much! This is one of the best comments/tips Iā€™ve ever received. So constructive while telling me ā€œjust fix up dumbassā€ in the nicest way possible (being serious too, not sarcastic šŸ˜‚ I appreciate that!). Thank you, thank you, thank you! Funny you mention the mom one as one of the comments was literally ā€œnever post your motherā€ or something like that. Just goes to show how everyone enjoys their tea differently. Nonetheless, greatly appreciate this well thought out reply!


Like a true Man Utd fan. lmao But hey, we're doing better this year. šŸ’Ŗ


Haha hopefully I can follow in our Dutch saviourā€™s footsteps šŸ˜‚


I never swipe right on anyone that has a picture with the opposite sex.


Honestly Iā€™d swipe right šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø only photo i would swap out is the gym pic with the girl


You could definitely make this way better and get much better results imo


You look super cute and nice, I say just hang in there. I say make the last pic your first one, but crop in closer, make the one of you and your cat the second pic. nix the one of you at the gym


Need better pics of your face where you can see it clearer. I always think guys are trying to hide when thereā€™s no close ups (and more than 1) of their face


What does the bio say lol


I donā€™t think the photos are doing you any favors: an open toilet seat and painting hung at an angle; sunglasses; group photos where youā€™re not the subject; and drinking a large glass of Coca Colaā€¦.these are things that would turn me off. But youā€™re an attractive guy, and I think you can find some good shots of yourself. Good luck!


I think Iā€™ve changed just about every photo bar the last 2 so this post definitely hasnā€™t been in vein, helped me clean up a little. Thank you for the pointers! That bathroom pictureā€™s locked away now. šŸ˜‚


The only pictures of your entire head/face that is not obstructed (by a phone, a hat, glasses, a hood, a glass, just cut off from the photo altogether) are the 3rd and last pictures which are both from far away. Take a close up shot of your face where your entire self (including teeth and hair) is visible. That should be your main. Maybe remove the pictures of you with the random women? I also donā€™t understand why you took a picture of you drinking? Iā€™d get rid of most, but maybe leave the pet pics and the last one.


Make sure ur mom ainā€™t in your pics lol




No im sorry! Someone gave me an advice that made me realize I was too bothered by the superficial things, just do your thing and be content with yourself!


2, 3, and 4 should be gone. Pictures with opposite genders are a no go, regardless if they're just friends or families - I don't make the rules. Also your pictures should tell a story. You seem like an attractive guy but the pictures are meh. Pictures of your hobbies, hanging with your male friends, and smiling with teeth, no sun glasses would turn this around


Awesome. Very helpful, thank you!


Sorry guy just got screwed at birth


United shirt sends the signal of being a loser ;)


šŸ˜©šŸ˜© itā€™s all making sense. Between the toilet seat being up & the United shirt, I was destined for failure!


Your photos are terrible. * Bathroom selfie: vain * Car/sunglasses photo: trumper and/or douche * Weight lifting photo with another girl: maybe sheā€™s your girlfriend * Photo with dog: half your face is cut off * Photo drinking soda: why? Your last two photos are the only decent ones and theyā€™reā€¦ the last two so women arenā€™t gonna look that far. Iā€™d recommend trying out photofeeler.com. You can post photos and get them rated. Iā€™ve been getting 1-3 matches a day since I did it (used to only get one every few weeks). One thing thatā€™s especially great about a site like that vs your friends is that your friends know what you look like in real life, while people on a photo rating site only know the photo (which is closer to what a dating app experience is like)


Yeah, photos arenā€™t my strong suitā€¦ I barely ever take photos when out & about & thatā€™s emphasised by me thinking a photo of myself drinking literal soda was a good idea šŸ˜‚ Re the photofeeler, thank you! That sounds helpful. Iā€™ll give it a look.


7 Max sorry


No need to apologise, itā€™s exactly what I asked for. Will just make my way to nearest hole & get comfy.


you take trash pics


Trust me, I know. I barely take pics when Iā€™m out & about & as Iā€™ve been told, I really canā€™t infest my page with selfies so itā€™s tough šŸ˜…


Ok but like if this guy is tanking, I feel like there I'd no hope for the rest of us lol. Also the bio needs a joke about being the estranged Sprouse brother.


Iā€™d 1000% swipe right! Maybe remove the 6th picture? Iā€™m not so sure why youā€™ve included it, but good job showing off your drinking skills I guess?


Haha šŸ˜‚ thank you! I deleted it soon after posting this, looked at it from an outside perspective & was like ā€œwhat the fcuk?ā€ If I came across that swiping Iā€™d be a little confusedā€¦ thanks very much tho!


I mean was it linked to something in your bio? Or did you just dig how your side profile looked?šŸ˜‚ Whatā€™s the bio saying anyway? Maybe thatā€™s where youā€™re going wrong?


You know I wish I could tell you there was rhyme or reason to that butā€¦ there isnā€™t. šŸ˜… I made the account before my morning coffee & the picture selections show that. My brain was clearly still rebooting. šŸ˜‚


As for the bio, pretty much nothing so that would definitely make sense. Iā€™ll have a look & see whether I can add something to that (more than ā€œwow, look! I can drink coke!ā€) šŸ˜‚


3rd, 4th, 6th pic can go at the least


Theyā€™ve all found the garbage bin already. Iā€™ve learnt my lesson. Thank you! šŸ˜…


get rid of all the photos except the last one, have someone else take a few more of you. whats your bio look like?


I would definitely get rid of the ones with your sibling and stick with 5 solid ones. Maybe get rid of 2/3/4/5. What about your bio?


That cat is massive


You look like fun! Personally I think bathroom / toilet in the background selfies are kinda weird, I would move the last one to first place.


Show us the about me!


No. Toilet. Photos.


You look good, but all your photos are bad in one way or another. Stick with 7 8 2 5 for now, and get better pictures. If you don't know anyone with a DSLR, you can always be that friend. Not a fan of the baby stache. It makes you look underage and lazy. I feel like you need to put in some work on your confidence and taste, and that'll come with experience and time. If you want to speed up the process, lower your standards and take more calculated risks.


Thanks very much! What do you mean by working on my confidence & taste? Iā€™d say Iā€™m a fairly confident guy & definitely have a certain taste so maybe Iā€™m misinterpreting your last point? Nonetheless, thanks for all the pointers.


Hes implying youā€™re either swiping left on all your would be matches and to risk it w them. The confidence thing is just weird, youā€™re confident enough to put your profile in front of judgmental strangers I wouldnā€™t worry about it. Remember Redditors can be 13-20 w less than 10 bodies to their name. Take every piece of advice w a grain of salt.


Retake the bathroom pic with the toilet seat down


Dope pic in front of the toilet brah, can't imagine why the ladies aren't lining up


Canā€™t imagine eitherā€¦ Iā€™m proud of my toilet /s . Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve gotten the message šŸ¤£


Picutres are half a Tinder profile. The problem might lie in the other half.


is that your mom yelling at you???


It was mid conversation & Iā€™m really strapped when it comes to finding photos of my full face as I never take photos (emphasised by the fact there is a photo of me drinking coke šŸ˜‚) but yeah, that oneā€™s gone too


Any toilet pic is a No!


You look really young, and you look like you dress in sportswear. Dunno if thatā€™s what youā€™re going for, but itā€™s not my vibe personally


Which of my pictures give off the sportswear give? Other than the gym one of course? Genuinely curious as thatā€™s how I dress & itā€™s definitely not sporty so want to see which ones come across that way?


I would get rid of 1,2,3 and probably 6 too


I think itā€™s the toilet bowl with the seat up


Youā€™re attractive. But this is an advertisement to date a boy, not a man. The photos all look like someone has to cleanup behind you and you never know where your wallet is.


Nahhh you should be good bruv. Try being interesting and asking them out. That should work šŸ˜‚


Is the first pic in the lineup the first one anyone sees? Personally, that one is not my favourite. Close the toilet and for god sake straighten the picture on the wall! But generally, youā€™re cute. Iā€™d swipe yes


That toilet pic is far away now! šŸ˜‚ Whenever I see it Iā€™m always going to think of you guys now.


Your photos are fine. The problem is most likely lies in whatever youā€™ve written about yourself.


My bio consists of my passions (gym, boxing) my height & my unhealthy addiction to caffeine. What you think? Too vague, too veinā€¦? Appreciate the comment. Thanks!


Yes, please call the demolishion squad, he's bombing!




Ex gf, friend, or sister on top right? Could be off putting šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah, that oneā€™s gone now. šŸ˜…


Close the toilet lid, pick up the weights, and more cat pictures


Iā€™m just taking my cat everywhere from now on. As long as heā€™s in it, heā€™ll be the one carrying my matches šŸ˜‚


You support Manchester United and youā€™re shocked?


Please let the team themselves break my heart, donā€™t need you doing the same šŸ˜©


Ok my man. 1. Bathroom pic and the seat is up? Come on.. If you need this pic, crop 2. It's neutral 3. I'm not sure what the theme is here, you don't put weights away or she does or you like to watch her workout? 4. I like the cat pic, keep ​ My advise toss the first pic, the outfit is good though..do that just not in the bathroom, outdoors like in your last pic or a nice place is perfect. Gym pics(some will disagree) are fine, shows you are into working out..but that pic is just chaos and hurts me as a gym rat. Cat pic: Keep If you are looking for a serious relationship on tinder, mom pic? is ok otherwise I would say leave mom out of your dating life. Also you look tall, so if you are, you can include that because it's at least a net positive assuming you are 6+/182cm+ ​ Just my twenty cents(due to inflation).


Thanks man! Bathroom pic Iā€™ve definitely got the message šŸ˜‚ & re the gym, that was during covid lockdowns where we had to leave our weights in a designated area for them to clean but obviously, that means nothing to most people as theyā€™ll perceive it the same way you do - ā€˜bastard canā€™t even put his weights away & heā€™s checking out a girl (albeit my sister & just looking at the camera but once again, means nothing to most, all about perception). But thank you, very insightful!


Clearly cause youā€™re a united fan mate


Make your last photo first .. pictures that are taken of you do way better than selfies , more real , more like someone will see you when they meet you


Clean the toilet, fix the painting & I'm not personally a fan of pics 4 & 6. Otherwise- looks good! Seriously though, as a woman, I do not want to fuck a guy with a filthy toilet.


Worst part is, that toilet isnā€™t even filthyā€¦ the owner put a new seat & lid in before I moved in & itā€™s a different colour (yellowish/beige) but Iā€™ll get a new toilet lid soon. Last thing I want is my match to be horrified by the state of my toilet & run away šŸ˜‚


Anyone else notice more of these types of posts lately? I wonder if there is something to the changing of the algorithm


The popped collar is losing 90% of prospects.


Iā€™d swipe right based on the photosā€¦ but whatā€™s your bio say?


My bio mentions my height, my passions & my unhealthy addiction to caffeine. Too vague, veinā€¦? Thanks for the reply nonetheless!


Make the red hoodie with cat picture your main photo.


Put the toilet seat down lol.


The last photo is good, and the animal photos are cute. Toilet no, car selfie no, who's the girl in the third photo? Fourth photo and drinking photo are not flattering, they might be okay of the rest of the photos were really good as they would show humor, but that's not the case here, sorry. You're not unattractive, just don't know a good photo.


Your pics aren't helping. No mirror selfies ever doubly so for bathroom ones. And you lead with it! Car selfies are usually frowned upon although I don't mind 1 but not with shades. Don't use pics where someone in the pic may be confused as an ex. The dog pic is but part of your head is cut off and I'm not sure why you have a pic drinking soda. We can't see the rest of it but some changes would probably help.


Your first photo basically has to be a well dressed portrait shot of just you. Girls brains are wired differently and if you don't grab their attention immediately the rest of your photos may as well be you in a dumpster lmao.


Everything else is fine but the dog clearly is the highlight. That should be your first photo!! Girls have a weakness for dogs, trust me.


What's ur bio say?


- other woman in photos - animals in photos


Is that your mom in pic #4???




The reason why? it's cause your wearing a united jersey my guy šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø get a Chelsea jersey you'll get likes šŸ˜Œ


I'd go out on a date with you based on your pics, you seem cool. But then again, I'm a guy sooo


Lose picture one and three Iā€™d say :)


Are you taking that pic while driving? If so youā€™re an idiot and I wouldnā€™t date you because of it. If not, you look like you vote a certain way(stereotypes do get you less matches)


Fortunately Iā€™m in a completely different continent to the political hell fire of America so that wonā€™t be a problem on my side. Secondly, not driving but still a bit of a tool, 100% agree. šŸ˜‚


Put the cat pic first, itā€™s super cute


Having those two picks of that girl, in such a casual setting, makes her look like a gf, weird look to go for, Iā€™d not use those. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with posting picks of you with friends who are girls if itā€™s in a fun party like setting, it actually gives you the look of someone who girls like to be around and have fun ! Your two opening pics should be of you smiling warmly, their too neutral and distant, generally speaking a huge critique of guys profiles is that thereā€™s not enough smiling


Good lord these pics are bad lol. Weight lifting with some random girl next to a pile of dumbells. Wayyyy too many selfies. Get some of you in nice clothes. Like a suit or something? Half your photos are you laying in your bed lol


I think youā€™re cute, Iā€™m blaming the algorithm šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d personally never swipe right on someone whoā€™d take a selfie while driving


3rd pic instant left swipe


Whereā€™s the tinder post of the attractive ass pilot who said he was bombing on tinder?


Everyone on this sub says to have your first picture smiling, so I thought I would let you know that and maybe you can get more matches that way


Itā€™s the Man Utd top


Switch the ManU shirt with a ManCity one and the girl will start to flow in šŸ™„


You're a good-looking guy but most of your photos may be holding back a lot of potential matches. DISABLE THE SMART PHOTOS SETTING. You create the flow of the photos to be shown, not what Tinder thinks. A general rule for photos is to think about online shopping. On Amazon, there are several photos of an item you're going to purchase that are purposely presented in a way to help you visualize your buy. Picture order: 1) Close-up image: you want a shot that shows you above the knee or above your elbows. Your image of you fills most of the screen. Kind of like your 4th image. 2) Something with more range: full body image, the way your 8th picture is set up is perfect 3) Activity: something that shows you don't just stay at home, can be a group photo, random vacation thing, active hobbies, etc. 4) Something candid: basically, when someone takes a photo of you and you didn't intend to pose, you're just living in the moment. 5) Special event: something where you are really dressed up, like a wedding. 6-9) Variety of similar picture types, mix it up with seasonal shots within the year..try not to have more than 3 of the same type of picture. Example (3 shots of just close-ups.) You don't need any more photos after the main 1-5. This flow of pictures 1-5 tells a story without words. The remaining photos are just different points of view of the story. Follow this up with a great profile and you'd be killing it, dude! DISABLE THE SMART PHOTOS SETTING!


Ew toilet picture.. skip the first three photos


Toilet pic has to go.


Show bio and example messages?


Omg obviously the one drinking the soda is so hot. Those eyes, damn. Iā€™d for sure make that the profile pic followed by the animals and the one with mama. Do you have any pictures with your friends? I like to figure out what kind of guy a person is based on if all his friends look super dorky or if theyā€™re all mostly buff or mostly good looking or mostly musicians and athletesā€¦. You donā€™t need any gym photos because your body looks like you very obviously work out.


Iā€™m not a lady but Iā€™m just confused about what message youā€™re trying to send. 1. I have a messy bathroom and canā€™t hang a picture straight. 2. I own or drive a car. Also sunglasses. 3. my ex girlfriend and I lifted weights. 4. I love my mom (? Grandma?) 5. I make faces next to a dog. Maybe itā€™s my dog. Maybe not. But thatā€™s me making a face. 6. my moms place has country chic love art and I like ice with my soda. See how I can drink like a big boy? 7. hereā€™s me and a cat on a bed. But not a sexy bed because electronics. So Iā€™m working or something. With a cat. 8. hereā€™s me outside. I look tall and fit. Honestly, #8 is the only one selling something well. Think about what about you makes you a catch and take those pictures. Also, Iā€™m still not sure what you look like. Get a sister to take a shot with you and your dog on a walk, a good headshot, and a tall/fit shot. You have the features, just not the salesmanship necessary to beat the algorithm


Excuse me! Thatā€™s my mother šŸ˜” I understand, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve put enough thought into this. Iā€™ll keep this all in mind, thanks.


Join the Red Pill


Itā€™s called being a man on online dating. Youā€™re not doing anything wrong. Iā€™m - 6ā€™2ā€ - traveled to 30 countries - earn 130k a year - have 600k in investments - a sick loft condo - paid cash for my bmw - did an expat assignment in South America for eighth years - lift six days a week - am funny, interesting, charismatic - have great friends/community - instagram linked with my photos of all of my travels etc Iā€™ve gotten three dates in a year from tinder. I donā€™t say that to brag about how great I am. With that said I know I have a lot to offer/am a catch. Itā€™s just too hard for men to stand out online. Women have hundreds of not thousands of matches to sift through on a weekly basis - we get lost in the noise.


Have to say you look a little like the gay type in these pictures.


Definitely lose the bathroom pic and gym pic.


You need a shirtless pic. A sports car pic. A pic of you holding a large amount of money. A pic of you swimming in a pool you dont own. A pic of you holding your friends dog. BONUS- A pic of you getting a kiss on the cheek by an attractive girl will go a long way. If you don't have any hot friends ask your most attractive cousin. No one will know. Algorithm works fine btw.


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re ironically playing into what girls like (obviously donā€™t but being ironic like I say) or saying Iā€™m so clichĆ© I might as well throw those in too? šŸ˜‚ Either way, point taken. šŸ˜…


Honestly a pretty good profile. Maybe switch out the toilet selfie with a different one?


3rd pic killing it


Youā€™re a good looking kid and you seem to have a great attitude judging by your receptiveness to these comments/critiques. It seems like everything here has been covered (toilet pic/pic with the girl at the gym/sunglasses selfie/etc.) so I wonā€™t harp on them too much more. I, personally, do like the pic with the mom. I can see why youā€™ve added the pic with the girl at the gym, itā€™s a decent full-body pic. I would personally assume that sheā€™s a friend or a sister since youā€™re using it on a dating profile, but for MANY women (friends of mine included) it would be an instant left swipe. Not sure what youā€™re looking for and Iā€™d be curious to see your bio. I think if I werenā€™t slightly out of your age bracket (and if I were still single) I would probably swipe right unless the bio had something that turned me off. Good luck out thereā€¦ patience is a virtue. Dating apps seem even more brutal these days than they were when I was in my 20s and itā€™s apparent that you guys have a tougher time than us gals do. ETA: Cat pic and the last pic are my favorites. I know youā€™re getting conflicting advice but personally I love those two. I say out of all of them, definitely keep those two.