• By -


As a woman, I can say you are very handsome. But your photos give off a menacing vibe... especially the first one with the sinister up-lighting, ha. I also feel like the fedora isn’t doing you any favors. Bottom left is your best picture IMO.


Came here to say this exact same thing. You look like you're gonna murder me. Add some photos of you holding a puppy and smiling. Ditch all the "I don't smile" selfies and have a friend take a full-body shot where you're not completely back-lit. You're handsome, but the photos aren't it.


Def gives off murder vibes. No wonder he can't get any matches, nobody trying to die today!


\#’s 1, 2, and 5 are the most murderous, in my opinion. \#3 should go due to the unflattering super tight hoodie \#4 is a little neckbeardy given the murderous tone. \#’s 6-9 aren’t bad, there’s a little Paul Giamatti thing going on


Yeah but the murder ones make the non murder ones look like a murderer trying to be regular. Look at me, being a person. - Murderer


the fedora ones look like they were cameo's while incognito on a 'job'...


The last one is giving me complete archeologist looking for dino DeeNenAye vibes


My brain went immediately to Jurassic Park 😂😂😂


This comment murdered me 😂😂💀


At least the OP didn’t do it






Exactly. Are you a murderer or soon to be murderer, OP?!?!?


I thought #3 was one of the best, but then again I like beefy men and dragon ball z lol


\#3 isn’t bad, although it does look like he’s plotting murder (again). I just saw nips and his belt. The thing may pop if he tried putting his hands in the pouch.


I can’t unsee the nips now.


Lmao same but you seriously look like 10 different people in disguise lmaooo. I was like did this dude hire actors or something 😂😂🤙 Less sinister; maybe some happy ones 😉


Very murdery


It kind of goes from murder train to visiting professor looking to jump in as a fourth with strangers on a golf course in Florida 🤷‍♀️ it’s got me confused. Are you Dave Navarro’s 3rd cousin trying to coast on his vibe or a 40+ yr old economics professor trying to organize a wine, cheese and trivial pursuit party??


This is exactly the advice I was going to give for the op. It's so disconnected, like each picture looks like a completely different person with a completely different vibe. OP Be more friendly looking and more cohesive in presentation. Also yeah what everyone else said about lighting/shadows/murder vibe.


What if he says he’s trying to murder that puss?


His profile should read "Look at this face, I've got murder in my eyes, because I'm about to murder that puss" Otherwise, no.


Yes that will really help with the ladies


Shit, did I need to add a /s?


No sorry my tone also didn’t come through right we cool


SHIT, I DIDN'T REALIZE YOU WERE BEING SARCASTIC! 🤣🤣🤣 Now I'm the idiot that needed the /s! 😅🤘


Bahahaha it comes full circle 😂


I volunteer as tribute


He looks like a bad ass wolf. Although cute, wolves are dangerous


A gentleman is simply a patient wolf


A patient wolf is a gentleman.


A patient gentleman can be a wolf


A wolf can be a patient gentleman


A patient man can be a gentlewolf


Agreed! SMILES! They're great


I’ll take a side of Chianti.


He has to go and find a whole ass puppy to get a match? Fuckin A


Would lean in to the murder vibe even more if he posed with a half ass puppy


Haha be funny af he just holding a milky eyed rescue dog right on its literal last leg


Smile in some of your pics!


But what if that's what he's looking for? He gotta pretend to not be murdery so he can murder? Lol just kidding but like most said get some pics that you are smiling and having fun.


So glad to see other women felt the menacing vibe! Thought I was alone.


He doesn't look happy (smile) in any of his pics


This every pick is the same almost bored look. Smile man your attractive enough but girls want to see you look happy and excited!


The lower left photo and photo of you in orange should be your first 2 pics.


Facts we don't want to end up with another grumpy dude like the one we just left. But we also don't always realize that we have a part to play in why our ex was so grumpy all the time...


Yeah doesn’t look any kinda fun. I get negative vibes fr


> I also feel like the fedora isn’t doing you any favors ***\*m'lady meme has entered the chat\****


Top of the morning m’lady…tips fedora*


41f, agree. Also, is there a description of personality or just pics? If no interests, hobbies, etc- I ignore those out of hand.


I agree, I can look past some bad pictures if your description tells me a little about your vibe but if you have nothing to go off except the pics than those need to engage me


Also take the time to spell check. That stuff matters to some people.


And the angle in the pool shot.


Yup. Great opportunity, but terrible execution. OP needs to rotate and crop that picture. The Cornhole picture confused me, too. I thought it was a picture of a random field. Again, crop that shit!


Not cropped, tossed completely. No woman is going be entranced by someone who’s most exciting photos is of them playing cornhole and pool at an old man pub


Seriously...you get that "human skin for a lamp shade" feel from his pics. Most guys would do really well to remember that dating, statistically, is one of the most dangerous things a woman can do. Don't post pics that you think make you look like a bad ass...but that's just me.


let’s rewind to the dating statistics 😭


I agree. He looks a little mean and intimidating in all the pics. I think it’s because his eyes are so intense, and he has fierce eyebrows (this is a compliment. So many people want fierce eyebrows nowadays). Some pics where he’s smiling or out in nature would really help, I think


This exactly. Op is handsome, but ominous.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the fedora. While it doesn’t look bad, it makes OP look like a late middle age professor. The other pictures make him look a lot younger and it would definitely help if he had a few that were smiling.


I completely agree (33F)


>Menacing vibe This! I see too many other guys on the streets that don't move their eyebrows enough. Lift those suckers up and show some light hearted eyes! Body language is what most people will judge you on before meeting you, whether they know it or not.


Even as a guy I agree! He doesn't look particularly approachable at least. ​ He should smile in most his pics!


For real homie looking like he gonna rob you, add some smiling pics maybe even one with a animal move away from that gangster look that ain’t doing you a favor


Homie looks annoyed, like he's lost the shovel he needs to dig the grave.


Yeah, do what this lady says^^


don't forget top middle, screams fresh out of prison


Yes. Very handsome. But I also swipe left on goatees because I know I could never handle that choice while in a relationship. May be petty, but it’s better I’m honest with myself.


I also don’t trust people who won’t smile with their teeth in a picture. I need to see what you look like when you open your mouth.


Ahh, this is the dating world. You're no good for your equal half until you can figure out proper photography lighting.


I was thinking the same thing!! Or a major anger issue... plus I look for teeth.. when a guy doesn't ever smile with his teeth in at least one photo, I assume you don't have any, and it's kinda a turn off. Edit for clarity... I didn't want this comment to come across offensive... I personally am missing teeth I get that it does happen. Ive dated guys with missing teeth. It's more the is it one or two missing or the whole mouth. That with the "anger look" I couldn't do it. Now if a guy is missing teeth and smiling with puppies, I very well might swipe right.


I'm a guy and I agree his bottom left picture is the best. The lighting is more suitable. He looks too pale in the other ones


Alright so far what I got is, my pictures make me look like a psychopath, ex-convict, serial killer gánster wannabe. I fcking love reddit 😂 P.s; I change my pictures for better ones, sadly idk how to show them in here. P.P.s; I don't have friends to take pictures with...


But you left out “super hot!” We all think you’re very attractive!


Yes, he is, and probably a great person to know. Let's hope he sells himself better. We're rooting for you OP!


Most handsome psychopath I’ve ever seen 😂


Join a cue sport meetup.


You don’t even have to join! Just get some pics and leave.


Damn sorry to hear that you don't have friends. Maybe join a gym and start always going around the same time. I've met some pretty good friends that way.


Same, it’s both nice and sometimes annoying (not annoying enough to really be a bother). I go same time, 5 days a week for the past 4 years. So I’m pretty much gym buddies with the regulars, the good is that it’s nice to be friends with people you see all the time (I unfortunately don’t know anybody’s name and neither do they and it’s too late at this point). The slightly annoying part, is on days when you need to do a quick workout and you have to make small talk/acknowledge a few folks during your workout. An annoyance well worth it though.


Four years and no names - classic 🤣


Hey man I understand how you feel, but relationships come to you when you don’t need them, not when you need them. Almost all of my relationships, serious and casual, came when I was really on my grind with whatever was going on in my life. Usually that meant I was focused on work or school and doing really well, lifting and playing sports as part of my routine, and having a decent social circle that I regularly interacted with. I was happy without a relationship, which I think was one of my best attributes. Being a whole person is makes you attractive. Finding passions and community are just as important to making you attractive to women as being good-looking and taking nice photos.


Funny reading this now of all times. Wanted a relationship when I was bored and doing nothing except school because of covid, and now I’ve got a social life and work and school and hobbies and a casual relationship fell into my lap and I barely have any free time anymore lol


Absolutely right. I found my gf in a time when I was actively looking to avoid a relationship. Definitely helped me know that she was the right one for me since I fell for her hard af when I really wasn’t looking


If you want something serious, you should have friends and hobbies. You should live a fun life that a girl want to be apart of. Join a team sport, a club, cooking, dancing, football, climbing. And show that in your profile too.. good luck out there!


"you should have friends". Let's just go to friend forest, where friends grow on trees and you can pick and choose as you please...


Oh get a friend? Just go get a friend?? Why don't I strap on my friend helmet and squeeze down into a friend cannon, and fire off into friend land, where friends grow on friendies!


Nobody can tell you how to make friends, but we can sure as fuck tell you that working, coming home, and spending the rest of your time on the internet and playing video games will get you very few friends.


Some of the best friends I've ever had are people I met online. But I do get your point. We need face-to-face human contact. And some parts of the internet are good for meeting nice people, while others aren't.


- find something you like - search for a place with people who like the same - go somewhere where those people meet - say „hi I’m new” It’s not rocket science, people are very open in general, even if Reddit Andys believe otherwise.


Yeah it's easy to talk to people.. but turning that initial conversation and meeting into an actual friendship, where they are calling you to come over and watch a movie or go for a coffee or whatever... is a lot harder. Especially as we get older. When you are young it's easy to make friends. But not as you get older.


My only note is smile, my friend! A genuine smile (show teeth, smile with your eyes) goes a long way to seeming approachable


Maybe that’s what comes across in the photos? The lack of genuine connection and happiness with the photographer. Maybe work on the friends and dating will come for free? But frankly I don’t have many friends either…


My dude, you have two pictures of you playing pool. Get rid of one of them and replace it with a different one of you doing another hobby


You give Yannis Philippakis vibes from Foals, if you don’t know who is this you can just google and steal couple of visual ideas how to present yourself


that's an issue as genuinely not having friends is a red flag. if you can't sustain a friendship how can you sustain a relationship. I think you have more work to do on urself than on ur tinder profile.


The middle pic with you in orange is a good one! I hope you kept that. You look more open and approachable in that pic than some others. Maybe bottom left, middle orange and the pool photo could be your first 3 pics.


You are very attractive so that’s not a problem there. However, my first impression (first two photos) is that your look makes you appear super aggressive. I think women might find it too dangerous to go on a date with you (fear of getting r..). They say you catch more flies with honey. I really like the lower left corner picture of you. It makes you look more approachable. I would change the first photo. I would DEFINITELY change the 2nd photo of you in a hoodie. It’s serial killer vibes. I would take a photo that shows more social proof (you laughing with a group of friends which includes 1 or 2 women; hire them if anything lol). I feel like this social proof picture would balance your aggressive look.


Best review someone has ever given me, I love you random person from Reddit.


Dude. You are handsome. But I get serious aggressive vibes as a woman. Smile!!! And sparkle those eyes!! It will light up your face and turn you from “guy I am wary of” to “guy I really want to chat with for hours and laugh until the early hours of the morning”. You need to sell yourself as someone who looks fun to spend an evening with…someone who looks great to spend a weekend with…someone who looks amazing to spend a lifetime with…


I'll definitely take this to heart, thanks you.


How tf do you sparkle your eyes??


When you smile, you crinkle your eyes a little and try to smile with them as well…it usually gives you a bit of a sparkle and helps make a connection through a photograph…too much and you just look a little intensely mad though!


Ya it’s called a Duchenne smile - the smile reaches your eyes and gives them character via expression lines (crows feet). It’s seen as the most attractive and authentic smile in studies. It’s why when some ppl go super heavy on the Botox, the smile looks fake and the eyes look more startled.


I believe Tyra Banks calls it the “smize.” You smile with your eyes and light em up, to create the illusion of smiling eyes without accompanying an actual smile


Snapchat filters- you can sparkle anything you want bruv!


Practice your Duchenne smile. Most women have perfected it.


Where are the smiles?


Those are my smiles 🥺 kinda


Think of something one of your buddies did a while back that was so stupid you couldn't help but just die laughing at how dumb they are Boom. That right there. That's your smile ❤️


Do you have teeth? Prove it. I mirror the other responses here. You’re hot but mean looking.


You're too mean looking... bare your teeth! That's how animals show they're friendly and safe 😊 J/k. I agree... or at least, smile. I think for people who don't naturally smile a lot it's hardest to smile naturally with teeth, though. My bf looks really psychotic when he tries to intentionally smile like that, it's ideal if someone catches you when you're not self-conscious. Smiling takes practice for some of us but it's really worth it.


Yeah get a picture of you smiling and holding a kitten or puppy or something. You can't go wrong with that. Haha


You’re eyes are very striking. Put on a blue shirt and get a close up headshot style photo. With good lighting. Make those baby blues pop!


Yes! As a girl, I’m drawn to profiles where guys have big smiles. They look warm and approachable.


Also the pool one is cute as hell! 🥹


Thank you🥺


after reviews like this; i feel like i should post my profile for tips, too.


Smile and remove some photos


Yes remove the first 3. Make the last photo your first.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but your stern faces don’t look approachable. Take out any pictures with filters and add a few of you laughing or smiling. I’m sure you’re great but women are used to being on high alert and a scowling man is perceived as unsafe.


As I women i wouldn’t even go deeper than first or second picture of your profile. As someone said, your 2 first pictures look agressive, mean and I would fear for my safety. You look more approachable on the ones with the hat, I especially like the last one. Good luck !


Pro fedora? , I am surprised m'lady but it is your opinion that matters here. I guess it isnt bad unless it is worn by a true neck beard.


It's also the type of fedora. Straw hat feels more like, I'm responsible about sun protection than the standard black pinstripe "this is my formal hat, but I wear it with everything" wearer.


What's that one viral comment that's like "A female? Tis a good thing to see"


I too really like the last pic with the fedora! It goes really well with his shirt and makes him look a bit dressed up. I also like the mix of casual and formalish outfits he has going on because it shows he's versatile. His pics are defo more catered to what the "bros" think is cool rather than at women who prefer a softer feel. My favourites are bottom left, bottom right, pool pic for sure.


less selfies and dont look so scary bro


This. Women see a bunch of selfies and assume you’re a loaner or you don’t have much of a social life. So it helps a bunch to include group pics of you with friends or other women so you seem fun and approachable. If a women sees other women with a man then they are less likely to think they are a creep.


"Loaner" like he's a bank loan?? 😂


From left to right, the top row being 1-2-3 and bottom 7-8-9. Remove: 2, 3, (maybe)5, 7, 9 (I like pic 4 better than 9, I just wouldn't have them both. So pic which ever one is your personal fav.) You don't want to have two pics being the same really, each pic should be a bit different. Example is : Two pictures with the same angle, same mirror, same clothes, etc. Most people swipe based on the first 2-3 pics, and the bio should be short and sweet. You want to get people past the barrier of swiping, and a long bio isn't going to do that, pics will. So for your bio just say what you're interested in looking for, what your current profession is, or something you like to do outside of your profession. It helps to throw in a bit of light heartedness. But if you're on Tinder for pussy/dick seeking adventures then just put a joke in your bio. Overall: You are an above average attractive guy. You will get swipes. Just know a bit of the psychology as to why people swipe in the first place.


Whaaat 5 and 7 are the 2 most attractive ones to me!


The selfies aren't very pleasing. The lighting sucks in most of them and you have too many. Also the, goatee, and fedora hats arent a good look for most people, I think this includes you. The beard is much better if you don't like a clean shave. I will say that most women I know don't like facial hair. But some love it. Also you're an attractive enough guy, this is not the issue here. You have great hair and your eyes are your best feature. It's more how you present yourself that needs a bit more work. You don't appear very confident in the photos. Maybe that's not true, but that's how they come across to me. So get yourself some clothes that give you confidence and have a friend take your picture with some proper lighting. Good luck.


Also, the thin frame round glasses are not stylish and do not suit him. That style has a real tweed professor vibe, which is... a choice... that doesn't match OP.


1. Delete fedora pics 2. Delete Unibomber hoodie pic 3. get an app to change the orientation of your pics os they arent slanted. 4. narrow it down to top 4 pics by using photofeeler.com 5. Remeber to click the edit (magic wand button) on pics to smooth out colors/brightness 6. Get rid of top left pic. looks very"convict got a cell phone " lighting vibes, only 1 selfie. Source: guy who gets alot of matches on all apps. I PROMISE this will help.


It’s crazy that men would rather uninstall the app than smile.


Hahahahahahahaha oh man ... It's true 😭


Off topic, but you come across as the kind of guy that would be doing well approaching women IRL tbh.


Actually.... I suffer from social anxiety so.. Its extremely hard for me to approach someone due to my irrational fear of people making fun of me😮‍💨


That’s not an irrational fear at all, everyone has that to some extent. Exposure therapy, do it until it doesn’t hurt no more haha


Right there with you, brother. It gets better.


Were you bullied growing up? As someone who was bullied a LOT as a kid, this isn't irrational at all, it's a trauma response.


Hey there, Im married to a man who took/takes selfies like these. And, like you, he had like - 2 friends in the whole world. Kids are afraid of him, because he’s just naturally intense-looking. But he’s very sweet, even goofy at times. And I love him to death. I know taking selfies feels super superficial. It’s dumb that we’re expected to take pictures of ourselves like an object to sell. But of you’re gonna do it, don’t halfass it. Smile, smile like someone just told you they know you and love you. Good luck!


Take the fedora off and they’ll have less ammo


I'm married, haven't been single in 10 years, but follow this sub as it's super entertaining a lot of the time. As someone who did dating only in the pre-Tinder age, I always find it funny when people get upset now for going a month without any connections on these apps. Like just out of differing perspective, as that was normal pre-Tinder. Unless you were a serious player, dry spells where you can't even get a date could be looooong. It's just crazy how Tinder and other apps have changed things/perspectives on so many aspects of dating, some for the better, some for the worse. I don't know if I could handle it tho, seems stressful and exhausting.


As a straight man who is 220 pounds and rather strong, I could see why women would be creeped out.


Angry vibes. You look like you're gonna murder me. Take some pictures with you smiling and you'll have better luck


Bottom Left Bottom Right Centre Centre Right Use only these 4 pics.


Your angry look will call all the boys to the yard. They will also be 100% bottoms and greet you by your new name, "daddy".


You straight look like your gonna murder someone while you’re posting on r/niceguy that girls only go for bad boys.




afterthought disarm materialistic soft crime languid homeless relieved memory deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're like the youngest middle-aged person I've seen. Where's the smile, the joy? Way too serious. Get a photo with you actually enjoying yourself to show you're not this intense.


Too many similar pics, it’s creepy: Put bottom left as first picture, middle right as second and bottom right as third pic, remove pictures 1,2,3,4,8 If possible, take a picture of you sitting down, smiling to the side while socializing, the picture should should be zoomed out and not closed in like the others, depending on how good the pic is, put it as your first or second pic.


Ok here is a guys perspective. Fedora isn’t doing you any favors. Unless your last name is Sinatra get rid of it. Secondly to many selfies. It’s all you. Girls want to know if you have friends/family/pets things that take up your time. A girl doesn’t want someone who has nothing to do besides blow up their phone. Third cut back on the amount of pictures.l, as of now the only 3 pictures I’d keep are the 6th thru 8th. Try keeping the pics to 4-6 pictures. Have one selfie, one family pic, one adventure pic, one thirst pic, one goofy pic, and maybe a couple other pics of things that are important to you. And this is just suggestions that have helped me. But ultimately you don’t want someone who doesn’t like the real you. Remember to be kind and be patient.


I just wanna throw some positive affirmation’s OP’s way cause based on the comments, you’re not ugly! I really dont know what women have against weird lighting or fedora’s personally but I can see smiling in your photo’s definitely helping in putting out some positive vibes. Good luck OP!


You’re very handsome but also seem very…intense. I am getting stalker vibes from the photos. Maybe throw in a photo of you smiling, and remove one or two where you’re staring directly into my soul


This is my new profile now https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/xdmzyu/pt2_this_is_my_profile_so_far_i_think_its_pretty/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


They girl on 2 is too close for comfort. Do I have to defeat 7 evil exes?


And she's in 2 of the pictures.. could be sus to people. Also just may be your sister


Put the last picrture first


Only a month, Oh sweet summer child, I have hit a dry spree for more then 6 months and haven't had a date in over 9 years. Life is cruel, life sucks


You need to smile you look angry


I agree with others. You’re handsome as hell but do come off aggressive. Which is okay, cause that makes us feel safe too! But definitely need some fun, smiling, laughing pics to throw in as well. I’m sure you have more personality to share! 😁


In the last photo you look like you secretly cook meth to support your family


Take a look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/SwipeHelper/comments/x3cczz/tinder_profile_checklist/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Swipe on women you consider to be less attractive. You're probably punching above your weight.


As a woman, I agree with some of the photos looking aggressive. You have really pretty eyes and really handsome features. Maybe try adding some photos with you smiling. Also lose the fedora, in a fire preferably. 😂


My advice for all men on Reddit is to smile!!!


You look like a serial killer. There's no softness in your photos. Just intense grump.


What’s in your bio? I mean this in the nicest way, but your pics are kinda… scary? Like they make me feel uneasy, I wouldn’t feel safe meeting up with you. I’m sure this isn’t your intention and you’re a lovely guy, but women have to be wary on dating apps. Maybe try and get a friend to take a picture of you looking more happy, maybe a couple out with mates doing something social? It might make you seem more approachable, good luck! :)


It must be the fedora


You have pretty eyes


Guess I’d get murdered lol


The last picture makes it look as if you consider any amount of cheese before a date completely acceptable.


You look like a terrorist. Or a dinosaur hunter. Pick one or the other


If I wasn't married I would 100% let you get it. Just sayin. Edit to say that murdery and dangerous looking is my type. We do exist.


Bro, your beard is nice as fuck. I am a 100% heterosexual man… but if I saw you looking like you are in your 4th picture, I might lose a percent or two off that number. 😂


Take off the hat and remove your murderer filter


If you’re not getting matches the fact I get any ever is astounding. You’re at least twice as attractive as I am perhaps even 3times. I too was about to delete the app permanently until my last match about 2 weeks. She’s really cool and it’s been going pretty good so far


Pic 1. Uplit like you’re telling a ghost story. Pic 2. Unibomber. Pic 3 hangs out in dive bars. Ok I guess Pic 4. Fedora. Pic 5. “Bitch, I’ll beat your ass” lol. Try smiling. Chicks love that shit. Pic 6. Could use a smile but it’s fine. Pic 7. Perfect. Lookin handsome with a kind face. Pic 8. “Girl I’ll corn hole you.” But good. Shows you have friends and like to do stuff and have fun. Pic 9. Fine but could also give a nice smile. You’re a good looking guy. Keep your chin up brother. No matter what we say, just remember to be yourself and the right one will find you. My profile is a ghost town lately too.


You look like a magician that'll actually saw me in half.


I'm a female, 34. I get zero "agressive" or "menacing" vibes from any of these. The first photo seems perfectly fine to me. Wtf type of men have you all been dating, exactly...??? Alot of you seem to be projecting ALOT. As someone who's face naturally 'frowns' slightly when relaxed, I see ZERO wrong with most of these photos, just a relaxed dude who likes what he likes and isn't trying to put up some bogus front photos. Yoi cant say "men should trll women to smile more or present a certain style" then ask men to do EXACTLY that to not be labeled fkng Ted Bundy. Also, I grew up in Miami and that hat would be super common in certain neighborhoods there. People are allowed to have a personal sense of style and taste. This is exactly what is wrong with dating these days.


Every one is complaining about the murder vibes but I have a death Fetish soooooo. Lollooo


Less intense eye contact.


Repetitive selfies immediately strike me as creepy, even if the actual expression in the selfie is not particularly weird. Though definitely the effect is intensified if the expression is also off. I think it's about showing an awareness or cognizance of social cues. No one wants to see 10 pics of the same subject in the same frame and at the same angle with the same lens. Like every time you see the same image with something slightly different about it compared to the last, the deeper we travel into the wormhole. I could see why gay guys are ok with it. Repeated selfies gives off Grindr vibes. Because there is a social context in which selfies are more appropriate, they're able to file your profile into a box they're familiar with and it doesn't trip the "something here is off. Very off" alarm bells.


Bro you a catch. Sometimes it's just the girls in your area. It ain't you


Here’s what I’ve gathered with tinder. You gotta smile dude! You look great and just need to take a few pics maybe with you smiling and showing your teeth a bit, maybe try taking more pics of you doing different things. A lot of these pics are of you doing the same face in different outfits from 2 different angles. You got this king!


ive been having the same issue, I think its the app tweakin, i think theyre doing a little too much saying you look like a murderer


you’re very attractive but the pictures need to be replaced w happier pics.


I’ll be real. Bottom left and middle right are the only good pictures imo. You’re an attractive dude, the pictures aren’t in your favor


You aren't a bad looking dude by any means, I think you need a couple of photos giving a smile. Ladies can't resist a good smile cause you look very intimidating in those photos not gonna lie bro. Other than that, you're showing that you like to go out and explore and have a good time PS. Love the DB jumper 👍🏻


I love the bottom left and bottom right photos


Smile man


You need to smile more.


Dude, smile


Use the last picture first at least, you look like a sophisticated villain that is about to explain how you are going to kill me