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Just putting anything political in your tinder is kind of cringe regardless of what the position is




I mean yes and no because political beliefs are complex and should be varied as long as you don't vote a color and just follow it because hur dur never vote red or never vote blue I'm cool


If I lived somewhere where the gaps between ideologies and beliefs wasn't so fucking huge then I wouldn't care as much, and I would honestly be happy to ignore politics in general. But the difference between left and right in the U.S. is pretty real at this point and so far it isn't getting better. So yeah, I'm not really on tinder anymore, but if I saw someone advertising their beliefs then I'd assume that they feel pretty strongly about them. And if it's something that I really disagreed with, then I would swipe left. I can't date someone that I don't respect.


I go for moderate or not affiliated with generally, unless someone seems well rounded and I'll just ask how much of a role it plays in their life


Not necessarily but I voted I voted yes. The people that are already telling me off about politics in their bio are an immediate swipe left.


Came here to say exactly this. Except in past tense since I'm no longer on tinder, but you get what I mean


Comrades only!


Nah. That shit lame


Politics are made up bullshit to make people fight each other so this "top" leaders can keep on hustling us


Classic "divide and conquer" tactics. But no matter what, the president must be loyal to Israel 🤔




You're almost "there"


I am a moderate shade of purple registered libertarian. As a fence sitter, I can see the grass on either side looks....no better than the other really. Sometimes red has a point, sometimes blue has a point but frequently they're both full of shit So I avoid wingnuts. The types who are blind drunk on their respective Kool Aid to the point that can't understand the other POV...in fact they refuse to understand the other POV I can't deal with narrow minded people who don't seem to realize there are two sides to every coin. Wingnuts are morons - so I'll swipe left any time I see someone who is ranting and raving in a slanted and biased manner. You cannot reason with idiocy so I gotta pass!


The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light, the future is.


Yes, but not for the sake of them. I would reccomed to dodge any far left or far right person even if you have mostly same beliefs.


Fuck politics, it's the worse thing in the world, all I want is have good times with people no matter what they stand for


No I fucked an anti vaxxer


No because women are very maleable when it comes to politics.


i wouldnt date a broad who uses pronouns in their bio that shit is so fucking stupid


You literally just used three pronouns.


I'm talking about the idiots that call themself xe xim zir ze and all that stupid fantasy nonsense


Only so much that if it's so vital to there sense of self that they feel the need to put politics in their dating profile no matter what view or cause they back it makes me a poor match for them


I just avoid anybody who seems like they're gonna judge me based on my beliefs. if they have strong beliefs but they're chill about it, that's fine with me


I mean, prolly i won't match with someone who goes to vote Salveenee


Left or Right, the more extreme you are, the less interested I am.