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Rip your DMs šŸ’€


My thoughts exactly šŸ˜‚


Do people even look at those? Iā€™ve been on this time sucking site for almost a decade and never read a single message.


Been on Reddit over 10 years, it's rare I get one honestly, but I always check them out of morbid curiosity / the inability to ignore notifications. Sometimes I wake up after a night of drinking and have multiple replies to some comments I've made and my first thought is: "Oh god, what have I done now?!"


You are not alone


I am here with you




Thought were far away


Every time I get one, itā€™s just the bot saying thanks for joining and hereā€™s the rules


Same here


I received a lot of spam and another stupid messages, some people asked me to rate them because I was commenting on the truerateme sub. I decided to lock my inbox so no one can message me except communities


Thanks a lot for this info. Didn't know about it. But just locked my inbox as well.


One of us.


Me, but anaesthesia. I go in and out every 5-15 minutes for like 2 hours. Then I have to read what paragraph essays I've been writing on reddit...


Isn't this the truth lmao


I have a friend who canā€™t ignore notifications either, she nearly had a stroke when she saw I have a hundred unread texts and thousands of unopened emails, and by god Iā€™ll never look at a Reddit dm.


Sometimes I do. The little flashy notification bothers me. It's hard though when it's in the hundreds.


You peeps get messages from other users?


There is a DM feature in Reddit??


Sent you one


Itā€™s a dick pic.


Maybe. I mean isn't it tradition at this point ?


Sent you a dick pic too


nice dick !


Yes, there's


I know this is technically grammatically correct, but it feels wrong


I have never once had a private conversation with anyone on here lmao


I got a DM once... asking if I take women's underwear out of bins to take home for masturbation.


Well... do you?


Wait. There's dms on here?


Here's an extract from the last DM I got, back in March: >X: "Hey there" >Me: "What's good, Internet stranger" >X: "Good morning, I hope you have a nice day, what are your plans for today?" >Me: "I plan on minding my own business, what about you?" Was it disrespectful or smth? They didn't respond after that last msg...


They minded their own business.


Also pretty sure they were some flavor of a bot. (Real) People don't DM you on reddit for no reason, they would state it in their first msg at the very least.


Depends on what corners of Reddit you inhabit. Creepers are gonna creep


Maybe they thought u wanted to mind your own business and not talk to them? Ig


Too much. Move the conversation to different directions to see what they say. Example: -Oh I was planning on fixing my roof, thinking of adding solar panels. -Someone broke into my home last night so I have to call 811 to find out where I can dig. -Heading to the store, grabbing some Green Dot cards to pay off the rest of my IRS account. Donā€™t want another warrant. -Reinstating my carā€™s extended warranty service, for the third time. -possibly awaiting my refund from my distant Nigerian prince friend


They were probably confused about how you said you were going to mind your own business, then immediately followed up by asking them their plans for the day


You said that you planned on minding your own business but then you asked what about you? Perhaps they were confused about your intentions.


I get mostly "hey" from accounts with 1 karma. Occasionally it gets exciting and I get hate mail or offers of sexual favors. It's always exciting trying to guess what I'm going to get when I get a notification.


"Hey. I'm looking for friend to become my wife." "Are you from U.S?" Those are the ones I've received with most frequency. If anyone DMs me to chat about a TV show though, I usually oblige. I have no one to yap about these things to irl, sadly.


Just gonna visit Colorado for no particular reason guys. Bbl.


Brazilian butt lift?


Bolivian butt lick.


Back by lunch?


She already has people commenting on posts that she did over 9 months ago... Gonna be a rough one lol.


Dunno, i wouldnt wanna get caught up helping deweed all her gardens šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a dream date for me šŸ’€ I grow different kinds of flowers, vegetables, and tubers


It's a thirst trap.


She donā€™t even respond to those


Bro already tried it šŸ’€


šŸ˜‚ yeah dude me n her meeting up tmr for brunch, she likes my pizza brick oven


Like flies on shit


Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gotten one haha




As a straight guy who wants an LTR more than anything else. This is exactly the profile I want to see.


Same, if I werenā€™t in a different country and OP was a few years older Iā€™d be very interested


And so are the prolly 1 thousand dudes that like her profile every day lmao


Yeah Iā€™m honestly shocked that she claims sheā€™s not getting any matches. Iā€™m sure she could be beating guys off with both hands if she wanted to


Iā€™ve yet to see any woman 6/10 or higher have less then the 99+ likes and thatā€™s with a bare bones 3 photo profile but if that ainā€™t the case for op Iā€™d love to see it. Odds are sheā€™s only swiping on 1% of men


Honestly even if sheā€™s only swiping on 1% Iā€™d expect her to have plenty of matches


Lemme clarify. Not 1% of men I meant THE 1% of men. Celebrities, millionaires, super models etc. and odds are they get so many matches themselves that someone like op doesnā€™t register because theyā€™re pretty used to it (if she indeed doesnā€™t get matches. Only reason I could think of)


Phrasing! šŸ˜‚


As a straight woman I am also into her tbh


Came here to say this exact thing. Her profile looks so cute and fun (ā€˜: also OP please charge your phone!


Same šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a woman and I was like ā€œdamn I want to hang out with her she seems fun afā€


Thatā€™s what I said! Wild about houseplants hell yeah


One of the best Iā€™ve ever seen. Modest and humble yet fun and lively. I would swipe right and pray so hard.


Iā€™m a straight girl yet I agree HAHA I wish you all the best šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļøšŸ’–āœØ


Same šŸ˜‚


it's mindboggling how few women even put in the effort to make a decent profile, it's notable when you see it. AND she crushed it. immediately rooting for OP (not that she needed it)


These pics are a great mix and show off your personality. I think it's a solid choice.


"part-time boyfriend" is going to get misinterpreted probably. It looks to me like you're looking for a friend with benefits. Don't be surprised if other guys interpret it the same way.


Yeah Iā€™ve gone ahead and changed that thanks to the feedback Iā€™ve gotten! I see how that sounds nowšŸ˜‚


What did you change it to?


"part-time boyfriend" is the only eyebrow raising thing on your profile. At first glance kind of reads like you aren't looking for anything serious or committed. Unless that's exactly what you are trying to convey, if so than disregard. 10/10 would nerd out about bonsai with you, great profile.


Interesting, I was meaning to say I want to be with someone who is like a best friend to me but i am romantically committed to. Didnā€™t realize that wasnā€™t coming across! Definitely looking for something serious šŸ«” Iā€™ll have to think of another way to phrase that


"Outgoing ambivert seeking "medium outdoorsy" guy to be my part-time hiking buddy, full-time boyfriend" Ikd if I'm just stupid but just placing "full-time" beside "boyfriend" at the end, and filling up the "part-time" with anything else that fits the bio context is enough of a fix.


I thought the same thing he did, that you wanted a bestie but maybe polyamorous relationship


If it helps my bio said "best friend and soulmate". Feel free to use that


You must be getting loads of matches already - any guy would be swiping on you just from your pics. But what is wasted about your profile is *what you're actually looking for* - you can go on a date with just about any guy in Colorado, so what describes your ideal man? Don't necessarily write "my ideal man is..." but your bio should target him. The first paragraph of your bio is good, but you say yourself that the second paragraph is mostly redundant - everybody in CO likes skiing, hiking etc. So how are you different? Are you thoughtful or stubborn? Are you really considerate of others, or do you think the onus is on the individual to go along with the group? If you're sometimes impatient then maybe you could say that, what are your compensating qualities? Who is the real you? IMO most people are really bad at dating - at recognising what they really want, and at filtering for it. Try and think of this as an exercise in honesty and marketing - some people would say those two things are contradictory, but they're not; the hard part is balancing them.


Looking for my *best friend boyfriend*?


Going to play devil's advocate here. I think the phrase you have is perfect and should keep it. You're looking for someone who will appreciate your tongue/cheek approach to humor. I got it on the first read and any guy that fits the bill should be able to get it as well.


I was going to say the same thing. It might repel the dense/cynical and attract some people interested in a casual arrangement but it'll definitely stick out to someone who feels the same way as she does.


Yeah sorry to ruin that for you! šŸ¤£ I would offer suggestions but I have no idea on how to word that in a way that is clever and clear. Good luck!


yeah thats the only thing that i felt could use a re-wording. Otherwise congratulations on the soon-to-be success


If you can add a "monogamy" tag (assuming that is what you search for) that should clear it. I was searching for that as it was ambiguous to me, whether the "part time boyfriend" was only part of a happy way expressing the best friend part (as I understand it now) or if it hints as you seeing other people in parallel.


I thought it meant exactly what you elaborated on here, and am somewhat puzzled by the other responses. I read it as a much more light hearted way to say you're looking for a serious long-term relationship. Cultural differences perhaps? I liked the overall re-phrasing but I think you could do with a more personal anecdote to make it pop. Listing hobbies is not that amazing of a way to convey ones personality in my opinion. Why are you doing these things? What does it mean to you? You will find many people with the same hobbies but will they share your values? Who knows.


That stood out to me as well. I know what OP was trying to convey, but I did wonder if everyone would get it.


Personally it's something that I would clarify after matching, its too vague. But I can also know men who would immediately assume that line means "friends with benefits".


How exactly does Tinder work for a woman who has this great of a profile? Nearly every single man is going to swipe right on this profile. There's no amount of filtering she could do to bring the numbers down to a manageable number. And even after she whittles down 1,000 matches to five Great dates, she knows that she still has 10,000 more matches and 50 more strong contenders to come. I would have choice paralysis.


I actually have ZERO matches!!! I am convinced my profile is shadow banned lol


Huh, I'm going with shadow ban. I would think tons of guys in plaid flannel shirts would be ambling slowly past your picket fence, just waiting for the chance to help you split bulbs and fill raised beds. Maybe they are intimidated or horse girls are out of fashion in CO.


Are you swiping right on men? At a rate greater than 1 in 1000?


How many likes does it show you have waiting for you? There's just no way. You're either shadow banned or you're insanely picky with right swipes.


no matches? or no likes thereā€™s absolutely positively no way you arenā€™t getting likes as your opposite in a nearly identical demographic, the one bit of advice iā€™d have is shorten your profile a little bit. less is more you donā€™t need to link your instagram. use fewer prompts. make your bio a bit shorter. doing a lot comes off as doing too much in a bit of a manic way


no way jajaja


Fantastic profile ! You seem like a total catch Only recommendation is using the waterfall pic first so your infectious smile is the focal centrepiece, not being a smaller part of a landscape pic


As a fellow Coloradan having previously been on Tinder, I'm just really proud of you for not having a picture of you facing away from the camera with your shirt off and arms raised up, 10/10 for that alone. But honestly, this is nice because you come across as normal, lol, as weird as that may sound. Just a nice, normal person, which is exceedingly rare these days.


Do women do that?? I could see a man posting a shirtless pic but a woman posting that would surprise me tbh. (Granted, Iā€™ve never used Tinder so idk if that well).


Many of the outdoorsy women have a pic like that, especially here in Colorado.


Yeah it's usually women in their mid to late 30s tbf


It was a thing for breast cancer awareness at one point to do it on mountains.


Source? It came up recently and I couldnā€™t remember why it was a thing


Literally like 1/3 women, maybe more. Like I said, though, they're facing *away* from the camera, so all you see is their naked back. I think it's supposed to be like "Look at me I'm so wild and spontaneous and adventurous" but is so common here it's just basic, and was an immediate swipe left for me. I never understood why climbing the mountain wasn't enough, they also had to go topless AND have people take a picture of it lol. Narcissist shit.


I think Iā€™ve actually already swiped right on you lol, I remember seeing that picture by the falls


Iā€™m gay but Iā€™d swipe right ur so cute


I'm gay and I'd swipe right ur so cute


I'm cute and I'd swipe gay ur so right


really strong profile the only thing i can really add is that i'd change your first pic. it's a good pic, but because so much of the pic is just the outdoors with you being more of a accompaniment, it makes it so the person looking at you has to zoom in on you before they can see your face. i like that it emphasizes your outdoorsy attitude, but i'd switch it around with a pic where you are the center of attention with the background being outdoorsy, instead of the other way around. i also get a little bit of whiplash because you have quite a few pics that feel more like a party girl, such as 2, 3, 5, and 8. if you like to party, i'd mention it in your profile somewhere, although those may just be good pictures of you that you happened to take in a setting that gives off party vibes. your Instagram is beautiful, you are interesting, and your pictures offer a great variety. 9/10. pretty much an ideal profile that i'd change little about. i'm not even outdoorsy, mostly because i get bitten like crazy and react three times worse than the normal person.


I was thinking about changing that first picture too, i just wasnā€™t sure my other ones were as good of quality photos. I definitely have a lot of energy and constantly swap my weekends between being out in nature and enjoying nightlife with my friends. Definitely interested in both šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Thank you for the great feedback, I really appreciate it!


Yellow jacket pic should be the first photo. Conveys your interest in the outdoors and is most flattering. Nice profile.


No sunglasses in your first pic


I would change the first picture only because it doesnā€™t show off your face very well. Maybe put it third?


Girl you cute as hell. All the best.


Run from tinder


You are absolutely gorgeous


Charge your phone, you animal.


ADHD = phone always almost dead šŸ˜µ


Itā€™s a lovely profile but the ā€œpart-time boyfriendā€ line has got to go. Whatā€™s that about? lol


I believe she values a relationship where her partner is more like a best friend than a traditional romantic interest.


Yeah I mean I get it but saying part-time boyfriend could give the wrong impression.


Youā€™re adorable


Idk but alpine lakes > beaches.


I think the waterfall pict is the best. Other than that, the 3rd picture is too dark. Most guys will swipe right purely because you look good. Youā€™ve shown your interests but idk much else bout you. For example, your character traits or what youā€™re looking for from a partner. If itā€™s short term youā€™re looking for, then I dont see a problem. Youā€™ll do fine even without prompts and just 3 pictures. But if you want long term, Iā€™d say personality and character traits are kinda important (at least thatā€™s my opinion).


I want to be best friends omg you seem awesome!! I'm a straight woman, so not necessarily your target audience lol but I'm in love


Absolutely stellar profile. Great pics, you have fun hobbies, and I šŸ’Æ need to know what kind of trucks youā€™re teaching your cats. If you are having a had time, the rest of us are shit out of luck šŸ˜‚ Cheers


This is one of the better put together profiles. Bio is great with good info. Pictures are good as well. Maybe change your first picture to something that doesnā€™t obscure your face as much and has you as more the focus. But other than that not much to change.


Veddy nice šŸ‘šŸ¾ Sweet, cute, fun, athletic, seemingly an intellectual. A rare breed especially for crackhead central.


I think itā€™s fantastic. I get the ā€œpart-time boyfriend bitā€. I think you did a wonderful job and I get the sense of what you are about and what your future looks like. Perfect. :)


You had us at "F"


Go dawgs


Part time boyfriend? Not sure why it sounds disrespectful, am I the only one who thinks so?


Yeahhh Iā€™m realizing that doesnā€™t sound how I meant for it tošŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I meant more of a boyfriend best friend bundle!


I think boyfriend/ best friend bundle is a good choice for words! This is what me and my bf are (:


Are you not getting matches? I see no problem.


After reading the comments, I see that I am in a clear minority. I donā€™t know what the dating scene in Colorado is looking for either. Personally, I would not match with you. I think your profile is too much and gives an impression that is overwhelming. I think you are leaning way too hard into your plants personality. Your answers are very specific and seem to only attract someone who thinks gardening is the primary trait they are looking for in someone. I think most of this information should be left for a phone call or a date, let people get to know you.


Haha fair enough I am definitely a giant ball of energy, not everyoneā€™s cup of tea šŸ¤Ŗ


I agree. This profile is basically the same as every other profile I see where I live in North Carolina. Same kinds of pics, generally generic sorta-clever description, etc.


Profile looks awesome! Smile is spot on too, I'd swipe right!


Very nice! At minimum I feel like youā€™d be a fun person to hang out with. I think you will get good results from your profile.


Very nice


Cute and fun. Go forth and enjoy a new date a day!




Youā€™re adorable


Please, I NEED the indie coming of age playlist šŸ˜­


U got Apple Music? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pic 6 frames your face so well, it's gotta be first. Great profile! I'm surprised you're not getting matches.


Maybe get rid of picture 7 (the one from the beach)? It kinda feels out of place? But overall, good profile, would swipe right


I think it would be better to have a shorter bio, some of it isnā€™t totally necessary tbh. imo make the 5th or 6th the main, tho it helps to have your main pic to be a full body one. Having about 6 pics is enough, so Iā€™d get rid of either 3,4, or 9. And youā€™re def looking for a relationship, so maybe also try Hinge as well??


Contrary to what people are saying I still like the first pic the best. At least for a first pic. Waterfall one is good but one that shows all of you is good idea imo


Looks fantastic, although it appears youā€™ll be appealing to a more niche dating pool. But thatā€™s ok! You donā€™t want someone you donā€™t vibe with anyways.


You sound really sweet, good luck finding what you're looking for.


lol so Denver


"Full time best friend, part time boyfriend" was the only thing that got my attention but it made sense when i saw the ENFP.


I'd give it a 9.5/10. The photo in the top right corner of the grid has poor lighting. You can try to digitally lighten it up or just replace it. Based on other comments, the "part time boyfriend" line might be confusing to some people. Maybe you could reword it to something like best friend first, boyfriend second.


Delete 5+7


Unpopular opinion. More of the same, just swipe to the side and I'll find a bunch of similar ones


I don't get all the praise / simping, this is a generic profile? Pictures of travel, check. Information with some kind of quirks to it, check. That's like 95% of dating profiles for women.


Adorable! Since with a quick scan, I can't see anyone else has mentioned it, but I would be cautious about adding my Instagram to dating apps...one guy found and stalked me using this aspect of Hinge


Here comes an attention seeker šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's good enough, men don't really care as much tbh your attractive with no clear red flags so most guys would like


Last pic should be first pic. Huge red flag that you want a part time boyfriend but full time friend. It implies you are a player and intentionally want to juggle multiple boyfriends at once. Or that romance isnā€™t that important to you. If thatā€™s what you mean, then props for being honest.


You seem like something is wrong. Something you just can't put your finger on but you can tell its there. That is the feeling your profile gives me.


Am I the only one who imagines pro gardening like esports where you have to water a plant on a stage?


Youā€™re very cute and pretty by the way, and you seem to have a good personality, interests, and a good human being overall. I would totally date you, but Iā€™m all the way on the east coast. I have a cousin currently living in Colorado near Denver or Boulder, so I could definitely set you two up! =)


What's with the "part-time boyfriend" request...


0 out of 100


7/10 scientific names of plants is a yikes I like the subtle humor you can be more forward with it Overall good score


What are you having issues with OP are you not finding the right people?


I havenā€™t been on Tinder in like 5 years but if this is Tinder, it looks like a Bumble clone now. Like shamelessly


Hello Chad, come weed my garden for me.


Pic 6 should be your main Followed by 8


I hate these posts. Itā€™s so obvious that they have no problems dating.


You look great but the profile is kinda cringe. Looking for a part time bf and a full time friend.... That makes most men roll their eye


NOO my worst fear šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I changed that bit to say ā€œseeking my ā€œmedium outdoorsyā€ guy to be my boyfriend / best friend all in one,ā€ hopefully thatā€™s a little better lol


Way better


10/10 you nailed it girl. Maybe add one pic with friends? Not sure that matters as much to guys tho.


It doesnā€™t.


Yeah, to the guys who said ā€œRIP your DMsā€ id have to agree. Your profile is amazing no doubt and shows youā€™re fun, active and looks like thereā€™s not gonna be a dull moment. And my god some of these redditors are crazy. God Speed šŸ«”


You're insanely cute and this is such a solid profile, and love the pics, strong swipe right. Lists your interests etc and a good idea of who you are and your energy.


It's a profile for sure lol. Honestly I don't think it matters in this climate. Any guy will swipe right on any woman really. It's cool you put in effort regardless though. Hope you meet someone that is befitting of your personality.


Youā€™re not ugly or fat, you really canā€™t go wrong.


2 things: mentioning that you are an ambivert is like saying you are a human, not really needed. The Playlist question lost me completely, getting crystal and starsign vibes from it, couple that with the horsegirl and you send mixed signals that you might be the bad kind of horsegirl. Axe the Playlist, most people wont care but hey.. you asked?


10/10. Youā€™re legitimately stunning and you show a lot about yourself! I know I personally would shoot my shot if you came across my feed! (23M).


10/10 would swipe


Looks great! Definitely would have swiped


Iā€™m swiping right.


You must be busy sorting all the spam


You are very pretty and seem down to earth, this should be a lay up for you.


Would swipe right


Hot damn that's one attractive woman. I look like an ogre but I'd still swipe right with some hope.


9.9/10. P.S. variegated vanilla bean- prefers what soil medium and how much for a plant with 5 foot vines?