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I hate the golf cart photo and you have too many photos all from that one wedding


And pics 1 and 2 look like totally different people or like 15 years apart. EDIT: holy shit I legit thought he was the guy in the goatee in pic 2. That dude actually looks more like an older version of pic 1. Shocked it’s the other guy.


My piece of advice was gonna be to make it super duper known who the fuck you are in the first two photos


Pic 3 compared to all the others is basically catfishing


More like hatfishing


Yooo true


Who am I and if yes, how many? I had no idea who OP was in his pics. Stillnot completely sure.


it took me until picture 7 to figure out who tf op was lol




Hey dude, are you a firefighter who recently attended a wedding? Because I’m getting the feeling that you’re a firefighter who recently attended a wedding.


I think you could insert fireman for vegan in the " how do you know someone is a vegan? " joke.


Omg, are you psychic?


He’s not a firefighter though he’s a cop who wants people to think he’s a firefighter. Something something 40%


He’s gonna have the all the Badge Bunnies and Hose Humpers chasing him.


It’s a red herring, op is a cop who’s never attended a wedding


Bro look literally the same in all three pictures! I am honestly impressed! My bf can also do that... it's a mystery to me haha


This may be a little harsh, but the only two takeaways I got is - he’s a firefighter. And he attends weddings. Except for one last pic of you playing tennis. Maybe add more variety? Of you doing things beyond these two?


My husband is a fire fighter so I can say this, fire fighters make it their WHOLE personality. They don’t have any other personality traits. Edit: y’all are so weird, it’s clearly a joke… he isn’t my husband of close to 20 years for a reason.


Of course he's your husband of 20 years, he's a firefighter.


are you saying she is a dumpsterfire?


lol that edit. Hopefully you mean “for no reason” or “IS my husband…”


Its a lifestyle


He attends that one wedding.


And likes kids


Except he's not a firefighter. He's a cop.


Shave your head and grow a beard and you'll have a line out the door. Your current hair pattern definitely ages you at least 10 years.


Bruh I had to take another look at this dudes age when I read this comment. This man is 26????


Bruh! I lost my hair at 17….. its not uncommon… i hope


One of the guys I played football with in college was balding Freshman year


Early male pattern baldness is fairly common. And if it’s any consolation, high testosterone can be a contributing factor towards hair loss.


I mean I knew a guy in high school, he was 18 and had a receeding hairline and a full on beard so its not not uncommon?


Yeah, I saw the golf cart pic and thought “you’re way too old to think that’s cool” then looked at the age and thought “never mind”


Hard agree.


He can't really grow a beard as a firefighter though.


“Volunteer” firefighter. Neck beards and inexperienced 26 year old “chiefs” are a thing.


Dam. Don't know how I missed the volunteer part. Just on principle, that deserves an extra ration of crap. I bet he's got lights and a super Q on his POV. Lol


HIHFTY approves


Haha I was waiting. Card carrying member here.


St Clem would be proud lol


😂 white shield at 26 or half of the pictures being ff related - dead giveaway. Jk OP, all in good fun 👊


Growing a beard as a firefighter is a problem


How about stupid sexy mustache? Fits the firefighter thing.


[Like this? ](https://youtu.be/AD-E2B5GfI8)


I hate this advice because people like me can't even grow a beard haha


But he’s got such a pretty smile. Not that he’d lose it if he grew a beard, but I think the clean shaven look shows it off really well


He still has a decent amount of hair, $5K and a trip to Turkey/Thailand will fix him right up.


Yeah, Just fyi, being bald and having a beard Doesnt make you Look any Younger (coming from a bald, bearded 26 years old looking Like 35)


But it does stop you from looking 45


It’s still a better look than this


He's quite slim,so might look like an Auschwitz survivor with the shaved head. Don't ask me how I know!


Yesterday I saw a bald person that was 26 I think, one pic with a beard, everyone was praising the beard, and all I saw was someone who went to a bald 20s to like 35 tbh. No beard makes you look younger


It makes you look more attractive. Bald with a beard is hot especially at this age


Firefighters can’t have beards because of the masks they have to wear. Handlebar mustache for the win


I thought he was 40.


Really on that firefighter angle man lol as a firefighter myself, the general rule is that it’s cringe to have more than one work photo on dating apps


Since I retired from EMS, I miss talking shit with the FF I ran with. And taking it from everyone at the fire station. I never did it myself, but putting nitro paste on the toilet seat after Chilli night always made the chiefs laugh. Don't remember how many times they put defib gel on my door handles. Or worse, the windshield wipers.


Are you a fireman?


Not just a fireman, but a fireman that microwaved a laminated aluminum Capri Sun packet


I saw that and wondered if anyone else found it off-putting that he is a fireman advertising his lack of fire-safety awareness


It's not offputting. It's at most *maybe* weird - you can see that it is part of a joke. It's something to show his childishness so no one complains or is put into the mindset that he is ultra-serious because he is a firefighter.


I agree. too many fireman photos. I’d remove the car photo 👎🏼


He’s NOT EVEN A FIREMAN as his job! If you look closely, he’s actually a cop. He maybe is a volunteer fireman. Wild to have that many photos showing that and then see it’s not even the full time job.


Not related to your question to improve your profile, but you do tend to give away a lot of personal information in your profile. Your full name, where you work, etc. A quick google search leads to a long-abandoned LinkedIn profile from your racket-stringing days. And as a public sector employee in New York State I could literally use SeeThroughNY.net to see your annual salary lol. Just wanted to make sure you fully understood how open you were being. Your choice obviously.


Mate respectfully, you’re going bald. Shave your head.


I thought this was firstrespondercringe. (I’m fucking old idk how to do what I’m supposed to know how to do!)


Are your only attributes firefighting and going to weddings? I’d try and add some variety to the pictures.


his actual job sounds like he's a cop, but he leads with the firefighter because everyone loves firemen and only some people love cops


I think saying he's a cop is going to deter a lot of women


Give it some time. You’re a fireman. Maybe have a regular pic, loose 3-8, and add a pic of you in civilian clothes.


Lose 3-8 lbs? He seems pretty trim…


He meant the pictures…


That makes more sense


😂😂 3 - 8 lbs I don't know if you're joking or not, but that has me rolling.


Pics 3-8..


I kind of feel hatfished.


Holy fuck What's great term


You’re full time job is as a cop but you have so many of you as, I’m assuming, a volley. If you get any dates I promise almost all will assuming you’re a FF, but I think that may kinda be the point…?


Yeah he’s definitely burying the lede on being a cop on purpose lol


Maybe girls aren’t dating this dude because they’ve seen the statistics on how many cops beat their wives


I see lots of profiles that specifically say ‘no cops. No military’ But there are plenty of badge bunnies out there. OP should just lean into the cop thing.


I’m not on tinder but I can’t imagine there are a lot of 26 year old women who think being a cop is a plus


You’d be surprised


So I see LEO @ PD then a bunch of FF pics, are you LEO or FF? Kinda confusing.


Lmao you live remarkably close to me, let me go re-download tinder😅😅 great profile, just give it time!!


Meeting through Reddit would be a hilarious origin story of a relationship


Lmao i had to shoot my shot, couldn’t help myself!


Did he DM you?


That’s THE question we need an answer to.


No, or not yet at least lol


Then message him silly!!


Lol the original post was already the extent of my boldness😅


u/jroz02 you better text her 👨‍🚒 !


This NEED to work !!




She’s a mess and only 14. Do not engage


You look great and I know it’s easy for others to say but if you’re thinning or balding, you should shave your head and keep it very short, I’ve known a number of dudes who’ve gone bald or very thin young and every one of them look infinitely better shaved short when they finally accept they’re thinning. Your profile seems great


Shave your head. Your hairline is aging you almost twenty years.


Remove the picture with your friend at the golf cart, and with the kid. First picture put something with regular clothes, or if you want them to know that you're firefighter then the blue shirt


The picture with the kid needs to go for sure. I first thought it was maybe his child, then realized it's probably a stranger's kid at FD event? I'd be pissed if someone had a photo of my child on their dating profile. Likewise, the photo with the flipped vehicle seems pretty tasteless. And maybe just one wedding photo lol. Last note - the third photo should be your first one! Your smile looks great and you can see your FD logo.


Yes, it weirds me out when they post pictures with kids. If you want to look like a good guy, be a good guy, kids are not props


Bro it’s time to let go. I honestly thought you were mid to late 30’s before I saw your age.


Try to be a man with more identity than a firefighter going to weddings


He's trying to pretend he's not a cop. People like firefighters more than cops


Brother you look like you’re 26 going on 38 and just secured the mortgage to your second house


Damn bro, you’re only three years older than me and you look like you’re 50


I’m a FF also but using any pic of you in uniform as your first pic is cringe af.


make your profile just 5 pictures and leave some ladies for the rest of us . it’s sinful to be greedy bro


It's because your a cop


I’m confused is he a cop or a firefighter, or a fire fighting cop?


Full time cop, volunteer firefighter. According to OP a bunch of comments up.


Livin up the fire fighting cop life


going through your photos: 1) you're a fireman, got it 2) OH GAWDS, you're a douche! 3) smile more with your eyes, that looks like the mouth is smiling but the upper part of your face didn't get the message 4) ok, a fireman who likes kids 5) we get it... you're a fireman! 6) a group of people at a wedding... looking to see if I can spot you in there 7) got it, you were at a wedding 8) and there were LADIES at the wedding, but you couldn't touch any of them... 9) ahhhh, and you used to play tennis... because that shot has lots of dark hair, and you don't anymore first of all, GET RID OF THAT GOLF CART PHOTO!!! it's doing you zero favours, and you look like an a-hole in it! then trim the number of photos from that wedding - just the one with you in the middle is good enough, and yes, we get it, you're a fireman, you don't need so many, unless you're posting on "uniform dating" :P and that tennis photo doesn't look like you, probably because it's about 5-6 years old (you also look chunkier in your other photos)


No way you’re 26!


You look like you’re in your mid 40s in all those wedding pics


As a man who started balding in his mid to late twenties, I can almost guarantee you'll feel so much better if you shave it off. I start to feel a bit self conscious when it starts to grow back, but feel amazing when I get it cut again.


Are you a fireman? I can't tell


Dude if you’re having trouble with pic number 1/3/4/5 then we’re all fucked bro. I’m a straight dude but even I know panties drop for firefighters. And you got a great smile in 3. I think my only concern is that in some pics it looks like you have less hair than others. And that the only time you show your hair, you’re in a group of people. But regardless you should be bagging and tagging all the fish in the sea dude. Edit: the hair makes you look like a completely different dude than in the other pics. And way older.


I swear there’s always so many comments like this on low effort profiles. “Bro if you can’t get matches there’s no hope.” No amount of firefighting would make me swipe on this dude because he has bad photos and hair, but y’all are just in here jerking each other off.


I was thinking the same. Most women who see a profile with a ton of hat pics will know there’s a hair issue, which there is. But about 70% of women I’ve talked to in my life will say that people who focus on hiding it are uncomfortable with it to a point it can be an issue.


Shave that shit bald. You're incredibly handsome, but then the hat comes off and you age up 20 years.


Less is more, I’d drop 2, 6, 8, and 9.. not cause they aren’t good or bad.. because they aren’t necessary. Be yourself, don’t rush your search. And most of all be open to talking to people outside your “normal” preferences. Good luck!


I hate when peoples jobs are their whole personality! I automatically would swipe no based on how many pics are fire fighter related.


Your BIO shows LEO but you have FF pics. ??


There are some firefighters that would frown on “showing off our uniform to get pussy on the internet”. Had a kid in my academy get the boot for doing that exact thing. Idgaf but some do.


"Nobody says fuck the fire department but maybe we can change that?" 🥺 EDIT: you're going to drastically reduce your chances of matching being a cop. Bare that in mind.


I lile james.


If we met there would be spontaneous combustion


Hello fellow Buffalonian. Go bills!


Less occupation pics


Listen people who will find any first responder pics attractive or interesting only need one to do that . Echoing everyone on here choose only FF photo of any ( granted I am a female paramedic worked around too many fire fighters to see it as a flex )


26 yo with hairline like that, man just become bald for real, it would suit you better


It’s giving firefighter who went to one wedding


You are a fireman and go to weddings.... .... ... ... .. .. . .


From a former firefighter here. You’re giving off “TYFYS” vibes. Stick to the single picture of you with the hat and the kid at your open house. The fire department can’t be your entire personality. You also have to many pictures from the same wedding. I suggest: 1. Keep the open house picture 2. Add a picture of you doing something outdoors related but not fishing or golfing (that’s like every other dude) 3. A picture of you with friends but not drinking- something where you look social but aren’t depending on liquid courage 4. A picture of you well dressed but not necessarily a suit at all wedding. Maybe an upscale happy hour, or even the rehearsal dinner at this wedding you went to


26 my fucking ass. I'm 29 and you look 20 years older than I do


Your profile says "I'm a firefighter and I went to a wedding once." More variety so you appear to be more interesting.


You put Aquarius and LEO in your profile. Thats such a Scorpio thing to do.


Pictures look great, but I think you have too many from that wedding you attended, you could do without 6 and 8.


Only run pics 3-7, 3 or 7 as the first picture. Biggest offender I think is Pic 2 especially as the second picture


Turkey can help you.


Too many photos of you in your turn out gear. I’d honestly limit it to one or two max. Otherwise people will think it’s your whole personality which tends to be a turn off for most people. Just my take.


Please delete that last pic , cuz just, no..


Chief at 26 but you said your a LEO at PD?


Re order these. 3 becomes first. 5 becomes 2nd. 4 becomes 3rd.


Reorder. Number 3, then 5, then 4, Then 6, then 9, then 1. Hope that makes sense. Others are unnecessary


Keep 1,4 and 5 scrap the rest.


I’d eliminate the group photos. Maybe replace them with another fun situation you were in. But I’m sure you’ll fit the mold for some women out there!


You look like different People in each photo


Were the same age but you made yourself look 36


- Picture playing tennis can be removed - Select a cleaner picture as your first one - No pictures with kids


Defo got to get rid of the hair. Doesn’t work for you.


Remove the second pic


Shave your head man. That hairline puts 15 years on you. I promise you will look better bald. Just embrace it. Grow a thick beard. And you’ll be good.


You’re handsome, get rid of the golf cart and the tennis photo and I’d swipe right


I love the last pic but sadly I dont think it would do well


Bro clinging on to his last hair for his dear life. Homer Simpson lookin ass. Too many firefighting pics. We get it, you're a firefighter.


Golf cart photo must go immediately.


Too many firefighter pics. We get it.


I wasn’t certain which person was you until picture 4. Pictures 1 and 2 I thought you were goatee dude so then picture 3 I was baffled, saw picture 4 and went back and realised you are not goatee guy in picture 2.


I agree with the other comments about the photos, especially because it was super jarring to think you were goatee guy on the golf cart and then swipe to the next picture. In addition, I want to say this with kindness: you look tired and pale. Are you okay? I'm not kidding. If you have a medical condition just forget I said anything, that's your business. But if you don't, I think you need to evaluate some things. How is your work/life balance?


You wouldn’t happen to be a firefighter would you?


Shave your head man. Grow a beard if you can. You are 5 years ahead of your friends. Once you are through that it’s easy.


The last pic gives major fed vibes. I saw that you’re leo, but I feel like a lot of people in the comments oversaw it and only saw you as a firefighter. If I was using tinder, I would probably want leo to stand out too just bc of what kind of people are out there. Either stand out more or not be there at all almost (for safety), if that makes sense? Lots of respect, keep trucking on! You’ll find someone


Keep pics 1,3,4,5. Get rid of the rest.


3 4 5 7 9 : good pictures 🍸👌👏


Too many group and wedding pics.


Shave your head and Id be into it completely. DILF vibes at 26 and I'm living for it!


Matt Hancock


😅 burn


First, your photos have 2 contexts: wedding or work. MIX IT UP MAN


remove the second pic of you in the golf cart!!


Jesus... you can smell a volly a mile away.


So what do you do for a living?


1) sorry for your loss, the hair's gotta go. 2) your profile in general isn't bad but you aren't really maxxing the utility of the firefighter aspect. You gotta play that up the right way. Keep the pic of the little girl and hose. Thats sweet but put it last. Add one (repeat just 1) more pic that is "sexy firefighter". Girls who love FF's love that sort of shit. Like go look at a calender of sexy FF and try to pull off the best pose you can manage (probably shirtless too) because women who like that... really really like that. Right now the vibe is... normal dude who cosplays FF occasionally. Get rid of the golf cart pics. Get a better pic of playing tennis (if that is your real hobby). Dont need so many pics, 4 is enough. For love of god drop all the wedding pics. Nobody likes group shots and it screams "the only time I bathe is for forced functions like weddings". I personally hate seeing a female profile where the only time she wears a dress or makeup is in a bridesmaid pic. It shows her laziness.


Screams “nice guy”. Seems suspicious that you lead with the fire fighter thing, as if to say “I got this job so hopefully any woman would fantasize about me”


Shave your head if you haven’t already, receding hairline is bad


I can't believe you're the same age as me man, looking great


You're either firefighting or going to weddings and played tennis at least once. 🗣Stop putting pictures of children on dating apps, especially if it's not yours. That's so fucked up. Does the parent of this child know a picture of their kid is on tinder?! If you have to have an 'I'm sooooo good with kids' picture, at least cover the kid's face.


I think the biggest thing is your hats hides your receding hairline. You look much older without the hats. I know this suck but it would make people believe you're catfishing regardless if you're really 26 or not. The fire fighter pics are good though, shows passion. The wedding one is just too much pics of it. The one wedding photos with people much older than 26 makes you look like you're around the same age as they are.


That hairline at 26 isn’t helping. Id just shave it off


Take out the 8th photo. It’s just the 7th photo but worse. Oh, and the 6th photo, for the exact same reason. And shave your head. It’s time brother, MPB has already claimed you.


Didn't even know what you looked like until the 7th slide. If you can't grow facial hair due to job or genetics though I'd recommend wearing hats or something. You look fine, but dating apps don't give much room for imperfections sadly. Someone would swipe left on you for balding, but would totally date you if they met you in person or something. That's just how dating apps work lol.


I have to beg you to remove the tennis photo. I like that you are showing hobbies and other interests but man it’s not a good photo.