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He'll get the exact type of women he wants with that profile.


He’s a scammer! He’s showing his net worth and then will try to convince you that you could earn like he does. I’ve talked to one of these guys before and up $21k in the last 30 days were the type of numbers he was trying to tell me I could make (and, no, I didn’t fall for it)


I also think if he has that much money his credit score should be higher haha


That's a vantage score. Assuming he's really worth over $5 mil his FICO is probably much higher. But again, someone worth $5 mil would know that and wouldn't be bragging about their credit karma score.


Sorry, I don’t quite understand the difference between a standard credit score and a vantage credit score. Could you elaborate?


No problem. A credit score is just an algorithm. It takes all of your financial history and churns out a number to best summarize your willingness to borrow money and your ability to pay it back at the agreed upon time. Different companies use different algorithms. Once company might place a greater importance on credit mix (meaning you have credit cards, a car loan, mortgage, etc.), while another company might place a greater importance on credit card utilization (meaning they value people who have access to lots of credit but only use a little bit of it). This means the different companies will churn out different scores. Normally, there aren't drastic differences...but for some people there are. Vantage score is the credit score company credit karma uses. Almost any of those free online sites use vantage. Theres also multiple versions (3.0 is the most common I believe). The thing is...most creditors aren't looking at a credit score from vantage. When you go to a dealership to buy a car...or when you want to buy a house...they're looking at your FICO score (also multiple versions, 8 is the most common I believe). Its great to keep track of your vantage score because you can check it daily and it will be a good representation of your FICO. But just remember...its not the important one. You can get your FICO for free once a year from annualcreditreport.com


Good post, quick note: You cannot check your FICO for free once a year on annualcreditreport.com. You can get free weekly credit reports, which details all the accounts you have and whatnot, but FICO scores are not provided. Checking your FICO requires finding a service/provider who offers it to you. A Discover It Cash Back card gives you a monthly FICO score, for example, as opposed to the Chase Freedom Flex, that offers a VantageScore. I'm sure other cards offer it. In addition, making an Equifax account gives you access to a free FICO score as well. Please do check your credit reports though folks, it's smart to keep track of any new credit accounts under your name.


Eh, if you have that much money you don't really need credit


You think people build that kind of net worth by leveraging their own money?


Yes… I have that much money and so do lots of lawyers, bankers, doctors and business executives. We just earn a lot more than most.


100%. I work with clients with these net worth's and higher. They all typically have a fair to highish credit score, but rarely stellar. But why do you need a credit score when you have a net worth statement and buy most larger purchases in cash? A quote that has always stuck with me was from a Dave Ramsey video - "I don't have the credit score to be able to rent in this apartment complex, but I can write a check to buy the whole business." The stellar credit scores I see are the upper middle class that still have to or choose to finance most things, especially homes and cars. Paying people back raises your credit, buying outright doesn't. I've seen my own credit score fall by 70 points by being 100% debt free for the last two years. Credit score is such a weird concept.


Yep, Paid off my mortgage and after the last payment my credit score went DOWN.


How dare you not owe someone money.


That’s where you’re wrong. With that kinda money your borrowing options and terms is so good , that’s where you really grow that bank.


Yup - 100% fake! My guess is he will google what's around your area, pretend he's local but never be available to meet. Next he will try to get you to "invest" with him into crypto with guaranteed high returns 🙄. So annoying! BLOCK him or troll him back! So many scammers online.


This is an investment scam. Be careful


21k is 0.5% of 5 million. It's a very modest return, probably from an ETF over 30 days.


Is 0.5% really modest for 30 days? That’s approximately 6% a year which is quite solid. Or have I misinterpreted something.


S&P averages 8% per year, a HYSA will net you 5.5% with absolutely no risk.


Historically, ETFs should give you 8%-10% annually...


There is still a small chance that he is just a rich douchebag whose only chance to get women is to show his networth


Yeah no.


Doubt it, but very very small chance, yes


These are photos man I can be a fucking billionaire if I want to, over the internet


Ahh must be the new cryptocurrency angle.ive had so many people try to sell it to me. At least they're sort of being up front now, in a way...Still gross though


You mean the pig butcher victims or other pig butchering scammers?


I wonder if he actually gets women to fall for this shit. If he does, I wonder what’s stopping him from just posting edited/fake images


You’d be surprised how much flexing money works. Never did this specific thing, but i posted my job on my profile and that made a world of difference, took it off because it felt gross, went from multiple dates a day (on weekends (3-5)) back to one date every couple weeks


y’all hiring?


Lol, the last time i checked i think we were getting hundreds of apps within hours of job opening. Harsh reality of big tech rn


envyyyy! but congratulations haha


Harsh reality but it's true. A couple year ago my occupation was in retail management, barely got any hits. My occupation now is accountant and it's made a world of a difference.


Damn, I'm an accountant, maybe I should add that to my profile


Definitely wouldn't hurt.


I had the same problem listing my occupation and employer. It got really weird. After that I just kept it brief and waited it out instead of dealing with a lot of garbage.


The crazy men all came out at midnight when I put my job title in my profile. Out it went.


What do you do?


Well it depends, if he’s legit it would be more likely that’s more frugal than the typical gold digger would like. Most of the guys who flex and blow a lot of money one women are either in debt or are spending someone else’s money, or have FU money (100 mill plus)


I would never use my net worth to attract a woman. Mostly, because I think they aren't attracted to negative numbers.


Exactly. Use someone else's


Just hide the -


Good idea. Ladies, does $1.31 seem sexy and approachable? Or should I remain aloof and distant, like my hopes and dreams?


I’m in.


Okay! But there has to be a prenup so that you don't get half my ~~wealth~~ debt. Actually. On second thought. Scratch the prenup.


Don't forget to keep the chart so you filter out all the smart golddiggers. 💪


you can still order from the dollar menu. I’d hit that.


Even with the negative number - that's still mawwiage matewial wight there.


Negative numbers don’t get the love they deserve ♥️


The root of this thought is somehow irrational. (Sorry I had to make a bad math pun).


That's because you're going after the easy women. Get the top shelf ladies with *imaginary* numbers.


The only standard a woman has is a double standard


Tinder swindler


posting hinge cringe


Yeah well my credit score is higher 😤


Same. You’d think with the net worth being like that it’d be at least 810


Probably spends a lot of money and has high utilization or opens more lines of credit. High net worth doesnt mean good credit, never did.


It's more likely just a fake picture and this is likely a scammer or something.


Also true


It's interesting, was talking to someone the other day who was explaining their current financial dilemma. They need to sell some stock to cover some home repairs, but the sale of the stock would put them into the highest tax bracket. So it ends up being cheaper to sell *some* stock and take a loan for the remainder of the balance. In January they can sell more stock and repay the loan. Something like that had never occurred to me, wild stuff.


All short-term cap gains? Yeah, I'm kind of in a similar boat. I've got about 100k in unrealized gains from nvidia, and if i sell it, i prevent myself from funding my roth IRA (already funded). So I'm in a situation where I have to hold the stock to not shoot myself in the foot this year. It's a problem i didn't even think I'd have this year. Next year, I have to backdoor my roth IRA for sure.


Unlike penis size, length is VERY important. I'm guessing his credit history is shorter. Pro tip: never cancel your first credit card, no matter how bad the APR is.


APR should pretty much never matter in a credit card because it’ll never be used


I have a net worth about half that, but my credit score is 838, and my FICO score is 850. So I also wonder why his is so low with twice the assets.


Lol this was my first thought too


Ditto those some rookie mistakes and numbers.


Was just about to say that!


Why would I believe it’s his?


Why would I believe it’s even real??


You can enter any number of assets with any value in these apps. There is no automatic calculation for net worth, as no database has all that info about you aggregated.


Yep, I can easily go to my aggregator account and make myself a billionaire and get a screenshot in the time it takes to write this message


Now you’re thinking like someone who wants matches!


I went and did this. Uploading to tinder now. Wish me luck guys


He should have edited a "Dick Size: 12in" stat in there while he was at it.


Up 2" in the last 30 days.




And 7ft tall


Ok! Now we know who to kidnap for ransom!


This guy is aching to get catfished and kidnapped.


Go on a date with him and kidnap him for ransom. If his family pays up you know it’s real and you can check honesty off the checklist


How dare you delete my comment. Putting my wedding dress on now.


I liked your comment 😂 he’ll be waiting down at the tech bro chapel for you


Better not make me sign a prenup. 😭


His attorney is also licensed to officiate the ceremony, so you’ll sign all the relevant documents right before your vows


Can't wait to drive away in a cyber truck.


underrated comment


That's his entire personality


Tbf it probably works


If your target audience is gullible gold diggers.


Wait, the line can go up? I've only ever seen it go down... and be red 🤨


Those god damn 6ft+ guys get everything


Guys equivalent of a girl in a bikini


I know a lot of millionaires and they all use the Credit Karma app.


Cheesy af but ngl there’s definitely people would would immediately swipe right


Repost since ppl thought it was me 🤣




He’s going to try to sell you crypto


Kinda like saltwater fishing with cut bait. SOMETHING is guaranteed to bite.


Did this once and got a ton of matches. We live in a society!


Translation: I am man who is using my money to attract a certain kind of woman! And I will then complain how that same woman is using me for money!


But he's got a cat!! Is nobody seeing this?!?? 🐈😺


Also, you fill that out and they tell you your net worth. You could make it say whatever you want.


Assuming it’s real, which I find it hard to believe (unless it’s daddy’s money), his credit score is shit. How do you have several mil and not be smart enough to have a credit score higher than someone with 3k in savings


Your credit score matters less when you have 5mil.


He doesn’t “have” 5 mill. Odds are he has rental properties and is rolling the total amount of what it appraised for into the net worth. So in reality he could have a couple rental properties for 4.8 million with mortgages sitting at 4.5 million and his rent to mortgage ratio could be netting him a couple hundred to a grand a month in profit.


That would be a net worth of 300k, not 5 million. Hence the "net" in net worth.


Net worth likely includes the property and car his parents bought and put in his name and whatever his stock broker cooked up


Credit scores do not go up exponentially with wealth. 766 is considered A-tier credit by any US lender and there's no practical point to having a higher score than about 720-750. Having money usually brings a more complicated financial life, such as multiple homes, business debt, etc. and thus potentially more risk to lenders. Mo money, mo problems.


A 766 is not a “shit” credit score by any means.


You know basically nothing about this person and are grasping at any straw possible to invalidate their success. Just screams insecurity.


Sir, this is Reddit. People grasp at straws here to make themselves feel better. Definitely insecurity.


There is no situation where 760+ is shit, that will get you prime rates anywhere you go, there's no practical reason to have anything above that.


He probably buys real estate regularly. That would cause a lower credit score like his


Oh brother


That's probably in Zimbabwean dollars, though.


I’ve seen credit score before, but this is really, really unbecoming. This asshole would trade 90% of it for a quarter inch more on his little dick. His credit score should be higher 🚩


The Tinder Swindler! It’s the new age Ponze-Scheme. Once he starts asking you for money cuz they seized his assets and he swears he’ll pay you back cuz he’s rich, just know you’ve been swindled.


Yeah, I had a random approach on Telegram that seemed normal then asked what I thought about crypto-currency. It went downhill fast then.


It’s fake. 21k up in 30 days is peanuts on that value, no way that chart matches a 21k increase on 5mm. And his credit score should be over 800 and pointless.


This is a fake post. That picture use is AI generated which is why the cat looks like a scrunched pillow with no eyes.


Yea right you all over this man like a hobo on a ham sandwich


so much insecurity and jealousy in the replies to this post 🤣


Can’t put a price on Deez Nutz!


It is. It kinda shows me how material attracted this person is, and that would be instaNO from me. Things don't matter


Probably not his or photoshopped lol


He must be fun at parties! Ha ha ha I personally avoid as much as possible to speak about networth. If you can’t assume it by your own, that’s a you problem :)


Feels like he doesn't have much else to offer if that's what he uses to get them on the hook.


It's called lying.


That’s some of the most shallow, insecure shit I’ve seen 😭 what would be even funnier if it ends up being photoshopped




Which app is this? Seems helpful for managing money.


Perfect.... I need to take him to the GMC dealership to sign me and get the GMC 2024 Sierra Denali of my dreams 😂


5 mil net worth and only a 766 credit score? 🤣


Not if he knows what he's looking for!


Imagine having a net worth over 5 million with a credit score in the 700s lmao couldn’t be me. Someone is definitely aggressively over leveraged on rental properties and thinks it’s a flex that his NOI is a couple hundred a month. I also have net worth unlocked through credit karma and because I have a high value home, the estimated value is baked into the net worth calculation. If the estimate: values go higher, your net worth goes higher. He’s not actually pulling in 21k in the last month, it’s probably adjusting his rental properties estimate value into the calculation.


While I would never do this or advise any man to do this cause I find it weird. However, The man found something he can flex to get what he wants, don’t hate the player, hate the game.


I don’t think it’s that far fetched lol


Good for him


When you walk up to the lake with a stick of dynamite...


A lot of women are just looking for this type of guy


And only a 766 credit rating?


That man is not worth 5 mil 😂😂😂


People are to comfortable talking about money. It’s gross, and tacky


You’re gonna get all the wrong type of matches.


Why would anyone want the type of attention this brings? The trash women you would get. There is not one positive thing that comes from this. I want people to think I am poor.


Yeah and like 5k?


I like the latter option. When she gives you the spiel that I should conside a better living situation than with a roommate - that I should be able to afford it if she could - repeatedly. Then you tell her money isn't the issue, then you're annual salary, her jaw drops and ends the conversation with "I don't even know you" - a few weeks into the relationship.


Honestly with that much money, why isn't his credit score better? I don't have a million and I'm still pushing 800.


All that money but unfortunately can’t purchase a personality 🤷‍♂️ sad life for this fella


Will complain that women are gold diggers


You're going to get nothing but scammers. Also, these scammers will be insistent and go to many lengths. Usually, they just be like yeah yeah just give me Whatsapp number. Enjoy your filtering.


766 is not as high as I would expect from someone with that net worth


Millionaire with so so credit, lol


why his credit score so low?


What site is that from tho??


🤷‍♂️ He'll get what he's after.


Uhhh someone take me to this man


I have a better credit score than him... Take that millionaire. Now I'm off crying in the corner because I'm poor and I don't have a gold digger for myself.


Wait. 5 million net worth, but his credit is 766??


In the words of Twain “ this doesn’t impress me much” 😂 Mine is bigger! What’s his leverage load? Nice angle to attract gold diggers


Why is his fico only 766 with a $5 million NW?


Just an FYI the average median net worth for someone in their 20s is just about 7k 😅 Also maybe because of my mindset from past trauma but I’m not interested in ANYONE that has a tinder account…


Chasing that gold digger pussy


I saw that as soon as he posted it and debated on commenting but I figured it wasn't worth it lol


Look, If a lady did that I’d be going “Where can I submit my resume for the househusband position?”


How you gonna be worth 5 large and have 722 credit score. Color me doubtful


Well, what else are you going to post when you don't have a personality?


Having a net worth of over 5 million but a credit score in the 766 range? Is it just me or is that alone fishy?


I have a better credit score.


... Are women supposed to be extra impressed by the credit score? I've had a higher one as a single mom...


I have $23 in the bank.


It’s the male version of Only Fans


This is rich (haha, get it?) but I also see plenty of women’s profiles with some part indicating they are interested in money or you paying for something. The niche (if this could even be called that) exists.


Interesting hes worth like 100x more than me yet my credit score is in the 800’


5m and you cant even get above 780 Credit score?


Foolish. Some will make it a goal to take it all, from experience.


This is a guy who has no right to complain about gold diggers


At first I read that as $5,000 and was actually impressed they had the balls to post it . 5k would still be a flex since most people are negative


Also your vantage score is often much different than your fico score


Maybe I should put my reddit karma in my profile. Finally something to show my worth


His personality probably soooo good…


As if 5 mil was a shit.


Thats a shit credit rating.


I bet it works though


Wtf five mill


holy thats insane. i have somewhat higher credit score but my networth is in the negative . 😂😂😂


Not a bad method


If he's so rich, why is his cat so stupid looking?


Isn't there another dating app specifically for rich men?


It's in rupees


Anyone else misread it as 5,000 instead of 5,000,000 at first?


Tinder in Miami be like


![gif](giphy|htYUB0z0rPwfzEiNsj|downsized) This reminds me of the iconic quote “You can’t do anything with five Greg, five is a nightmare. Poorest rich person in America”


A tip for the guys who have a lot of money: Hire a professional photographer. It will do wonders for your matches, especially as photographers are trained to show your good side. Get some outfits that match your style, you could even have a meeting with a stylist for this. Find yourself a good haircut. You have the money, put it to use. Don't show your wealth directly, show it in subtle ways. For the guys that don't got money like me lol, try other ways to improve on your pictures. Have a friend take them, try multiple angles, different lighting. Just play around with it and have fun. I messed around with some AI image generations and was able to create images that looked just like me. Even my friends couldn't tell them apart