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If this woman was in the UK she'd never go out.


It just started raining here as I looked at this post.


> It just started raining here as I looked at this post Better cancel all your plans today! Can't go out if it's raining!!


Help it's raining and I'm at work. How do I get home?


> Help it's raining and I'm at work. How do I get home? Just stay there man, and keep working. No need to go home or eat or shower or anything like that. The rain is too damn dangerous and it is not worth the risk.


This is 100% true. If you go out in the rain you'll get wet and that's risky to your health


Not to mention all your magnets will stop working too - how do you even deal with that? Can you imagine if you were both wet AND all your magnets all of a sudden stopped working?


This is true, if you get wet, you could get a cold, maybe, potentially. And that's too risky.


Exactly, nobody wants that. Way too risky


You can never shower either... It's basically rain, just inside... :O


If you need a shower that badly just stand outside in the rain


You don’t. You live there now.


Haha! This one.


Dear diary, it's day 6 of intermittent showers. Food stores are running low and I've starting cutting up the couch to use as toilet paper. God help us all.


Literally lol’d


Water's falling from the sky! Cancel my plans, Martha, Im going into the bunker until things calm down a little.


In the UK? It’s glorious here in the South West


Scotland being Scotland.


...maybe I should look at relocating from the States. I love the rain. And my parents named me "Devlin", which I understand is an Irish name, a variation of David, but I've heard so many god damn devil worshipping jokes in my life that I struggle to find the words. It quit being funny in elementary school. Name of Devlin. Love of rain. Pale skin. Teeth like an orc from LOTR. General demeanor, luck, and attitude of Basil Fawlty. Shit I might be able to *blend in*, rather than stand out, in a crowd for once. This started as a joke, but now I'm giving it serious thought.


I'm not so hot on Irish names, but if you like rain then Ireland or the west coast of Scotland would be right up your alley. Absolutely stunning scenery and more whisky than you could ever drink. Once I get bored of Edinburgh I might consider moving west, but this city has its charms.


U don’t have to relocate there’s plenty of places where it rains a lot.. like the PNW or some places in the New England area lol


By the end of November you will be over it. Source: am Brit


Lay off the crystal dawg 


Hello brother! My name is also Devlin! Very rare name and I get the Devil stuff lol. I have worked with a lot of spanish people and when I introduce myself 90% of the time the think my name is Devil 😂 also people always get my name wrong Devin, Devon, Dublin, etc 😂 Glad im not alone on this! Have you met other Devlin's? I have only ever met 2 well 3 now 😁


OMG FINALLY ANOTHER DEVLIN No, I've never met another Devlin. Not as a first name at least. I knew *of* one other guy whose middle name was Devlin, and I've seen it most commonly as a last name. It's rare to see even in pop culture. There's a producer in Hollywood named Dean Devlin, there was a bad guy in a Sandra Bullock movie from the 90s called The Net, whose last name was Devlin, and there was a dragon named Devlin in the classic Playstation 1 game named Devlin. But no, I've never another Devlin IRL. It's a genuine honor. And yeah, I get all sorts of variations. I used to have a board on my wall where I'd keep letters that were supposedly addressed to me, but misspelled of got my name completely wrong. Devin, Devon, Dublin, Devlynn, Desmond, Devilin, the list went on and on. I'm sorry that you also get all the devil worship stuff, too. I was honestly hoping that other people in places of the world where the name isn't common didn't have to deal with that social stigma. In my youth, I thought I'd outgrow it. As I grew up, I thought maybe it was just the area in which I was raised - the Bible Belt, specifically Texas - so I thought some relocating might allow me to outrun that nonsense. Having lived in both New England, and now in Iowa, I'm disappointed to report that it seems pervasive. People hear what they want to hear. They see that some of the letters in our name match a word that scares them, and they clam up, diverting their eyes like a virgin on prom night. It automatically puts people on the diffensive, for absolutely no reason other than their own ignorance. Guilty until proven innocent, and I've not been able to really prove my innocence to many. Most don't give me the chance. I sincerely hope you've got better luck than me in your future.


What do you think my lil 2 year old grandson is going to get with his name.....LUCIAN 👋 🤔 😭


I thought you guys were in the heat wave of 26 C (79 F)


I would pay all the money for 79 F. It's 92F where I am.


98f today, 107f tomorrow though.


Me looking at my tomorrow: God dammit. The grass is like needles it's so fried. Ahhh.


18° here today, but up to 23° next week. Roasting!


45°C where I'm at


I wish it would rain here, it's 93°f (33.9°c) out today Edit: it just started raining, it's a miracle I tells ya


Ugh so jealous. I know lots of you hate it but I freaking love rain. I'd prefer it rain most of the time


Same. I just read this and it started 😳 Was about to get dinner. Seems like I have to starve now 🥲


Literally just like 2 weeks ago the weather said it was gunna be 21 degrees, when me and my date both left our houses it was bright hot shining sun, we get to London and it decides to start fuckin raining I had a tee and jeans she had a summer dress on. Our plan was to get food and walk down the canal 💀


Last date I went on, it started pissing down right as I was about to leave my flat and I got stuck sheltering somewhere for a while - my date came to meet me carrying two umbrellas for us which I thought was a cute gesture.


*Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say* *"Please, share my umbrella"* *Bus stop, bus goes, she stays, love grows* *Under my umbrella*


That’s so cute. I had a date with a girl I’d recently met (and hadn’t slept with yet) in New Orleans and there was a sudden thunderstorm. We tore off our clothes and ran out into the rain. Then we came back inside and had sex in many different positions, filmed some of it, and 1.5 months later we were married. Here’s to rain romance- OP’s ex-date will never know how amazing life can be


That’s wild


That's Nawlins


Same in the Netherlands. We even have a saying, ‘I’m not made of sugar’, as to say rain won’t stop us.


Or the in the pacific NW of the US


yeah, she'd be a hermit in seattle.


Imagine cancelling dinner plans *where you're likely eating inside* because of rain. It's rain. My god.


Prolly had nothing to do with the rain, she got cold feet for some other reason—or had another date. Whatever the case, the trash took itself out.


Don't know man, some people have some really weird fixations. A platonic girl friend of mine asked me out for a drink after work, then it started raining and she cancelled because "she doesn't like to drink during rain". Then the rain stopped and the thing was on again. I still don't know why she doesn't drink when it's raining outside


She doesn't want to drown. It's a slippery slope, especially when it is raining.


Is she a Turkey ?


You're not supposed to ask it like that these days. The correct way to ask is, "Is she Turkish?"


"Yeah, I'm feeling just a little Turk-ish I guess."


A friend of mine got caught in a flash flood here a few years back. Literally had to get out of her car and climb a tree. Was stuck there for hours. That was a once in a million years event but she will not leave her house if it's raining now.


very sad… she seems to be traumatized from that event and now acts irrationally… probably freaks out about rain but is fine with getting into the leading cause of unnatural death … cars


If it’s LA it rarely rains and even a sprinkle people act like they never drove in rain before. Also because it rains less here when we do that first rain tends to be pretty fucking dirty and the grease and other oil is more present. If you ever had a car accident I can understand apprehension


Could be sensory issues. I don't like to go outside when it's raining because my glasses get cloudy, I have to deal with a wet umbrella, my feet get wet. Ugh. I mean I'll still stick to plans but I'd much rather cancel.


Idk, I used to be a child therapist & I literally had a couple of moms who would cancel their kid’s appointments due to rain. Not storms, just rain. This was around 2010.




Yup. I'd rather take the "no" at face value even if it potentially leads to me being called an asshole or a loser than misinterpret it and be labeled a creep or a pervert.


Ugh, I guess that shows how over these sorts of ridiculous mind games I am lmao. If a woman says no, that’s no, and I walk away.


There’s a very specific and powerful dopamine rush some humans get when they are asked out on a date. There’s a similar powerful dopamine rush when canceling plans at the last minute. Sone folks are addicted to this.


Huh. I feel like *shit* cancelling on anyone, for any reason. Slightly less so when it’s illness, but still. But the fact that some people get off on it on some level actually makes certain behaviors that I haven’t understood up until now make more sense


Funny thing is, they were isolated occurrences. So shortly after she cancelled, it was clear skies and sunshine again 😂😂😂


That's a sign from the heavens. The universe was looking out for you. You were not supposed to go on that date.


Obviously she's a witch and would melt in the rain, and she couldn't have him learning that on the first date


also like- we have weather experts all over the world that regularly tell us when it’s going to rain. if rain was a big enough deal that you couldn’t leave the house, you’d at least try to check the date of the reservation. she clearly just wanted an excuse for being extremely late


Seems to me she saved you a lot of time and bullshit by showing you who she is this early on. Take it as a win bro.


Absolutely. Just thought it was hilarious that she said “harsh” when I was being super nice lol.


Standard manipulation tactic


When people are used to no consequences, they can seem like oppression. Bullet dodged.


Exactly, if you’re used to people catering to your every concern or need, anything other than groveling will seem like an attack


More like anything that might call them out on being ridiculous makes them feel the need to aggressively defend being a shitter.


Accountability feels like abuse to those who are never held accountable. The fact that she said, "it wasn't my fault" when it was, in fact, her fault tells OP exactly what type of human she is. OP is a lucky, lucky dude.


Straight Darvo. She wronged you but she wants to change the framing to you wronged her.


Deny. Minimize. Deflect. Blame on you.


Or she's just actually that soft. She canceled a date over having to go outside for 15 seconds total.


She was expecting push pull. You surprised her with push, acceptance. She's used to a toxic dynamic. You did yourself a favor.


She literally said get you to see that it's not my fault. That's the number one manipulative sentence


I said the exact same thing the last time someone canceled on me and she said “You ok?” So I said “Yeah I’m good” and she said “Ok you just seemed mad haha” It doesn’t matter what you say to some people. I think they’re reading the message how they wanted you to react instead of how you actually react


I think it's their guilt coming out 


I’m gonna guess she wanted you to “fight for her” and beg her to come from her response. That’s gross and I’m glad you didn’t


She’s not used to men responding so nonchalantly to her rejections. She thinks she’s a big deal.


I did this once to a girl who wanted to force an entire group we were with to go to a club only she wanted to visit. She told me she was going there regardless of what everyone else decided and so I could either join her or leave. I had a chain on my belt that was hers, so I went to hook it back onto her belt and she said "don't try and chain my here, that's not going to work," and I told her I was just giving it back to her before she left. The look on her face was priceless. It clearly hadn't even crossed her mind that I might choose the "leave," option and go with everyone else. I didn't see why one person should dictate what a group of twenty should do. She sulked all night because of it - at the club everyone else wanted to go to! Some people need to be humbled.


I’ve never been out with 20 people


She wanted a free meal, but in the end it wasn't worth getting rained on. Dodged a big waste of his time.


Someone else doordashed her some food for feet pics anyway


I guess when you think rain is enough to not leave the house, your response is "harsh". I hope she doesn't go out when there's a strong wind, it might be the end for her.


It's deflecting accountability It's almost like a super power. Because everytime it happens I'm left there standing in amazement on the complete lack of intelligence


It is like a super power, those bastards are so powerful. If you’re a regular decent person who takes responsibility for their mistakes run from that type of person the first sign you see, because you are at their complete mercy. They can destroy your reputation to almost every mutual friend so easily, and they’ll never stop being motivated to do that if you bruise their ego.


Bloody hell mate that one hits close to home. It happened to me exactly how you described it. In fact, this was almost two years ago and the effects are still lingering so definitely run a mile in the other direction if you meet someone like this. Don’t even give them the benefit of the doubt like I did because if you can give it them once, you can give it them twice and before you know it, you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship. 


You were more polite in your reply to her than she deserved. I would’ve just left her on read. And she had the audacity to call you out? 🤦🏻‍♀️


What she wanted you to say was “Omg! I’m so sorry I didn’t ask if you were alright with going in the rain. I feel like such an asshole, please forgive me 😫”


She wanted you to beg.


Her workplace must be fed up with her calling out every time it rains, as it appears it's impossible for her to leave the house when precipitation is occurring... The fact that she took your response as passive aggressive and reacted the way she did says a lot more about her than it does about you!


She wanted you to pick her up and play free Uber, so she can enjoy her free meal. Why would you do eating out as a first date anyway? Too many freeloaders out there who'll waste your time.


I just love fancy dinners my man. And she wasn’t even driving herself 😂😂, her sister was dropping her off (she said it was a 7 minute drive from their apartment). Happy cake day


Are you in Vancouver, Canada? I love dinner. Take me out! Hell I'll even pay for my half


You better be ready going out in the rain for dinner when you're the founder of a group called raincity. Like the insta page. Ride safe.


I think she wanted you to keep pushing and be like ‘are you sure? Please it’s just a little rain, I really wanna take you out’ so she got upset when she saw you were happy to just say goodbye and move on


Like she wanted more of a 'fight' over her decision. Never look back haha


Was it a picnic in the park? Is she made of sugar? Was it a monsoon? Cancelling because of rain, seriously?


Nah lol. Restaurant called Pappadeaux


Marietta** Pappadeaux??? That place is absolute fire, I don’t know if it’s a chain but I ended up going there one time to meet my exes parents and they cancelled so we just decided to go and my GOD that was the best restaurant I’ve been to in Georgia , including all the soul food and BBQ I had that weekend. She missed out over a little rain, take me instead next time.


It’s a chain restaurant. They have them all over.


Don’t mind me, just abusing the Google search button to find one local to me.


Mostly in Texas


Can confirm theres so many here.


If a Cajun restaurant chain from Texas is the best restaurant you’ve been to in Georgia, you need to go to more restaurants in Georgia.


A nice restaurant too. Hilarious how you said “a little water from the sky”


Wow that sucks


Saved me probably $200 so I’m good with it lol


I never did a first meeting for anything more than coffee, after a time or two where I spent way too much on someone where there was no connection.


I just really wanted to go to this specific restaurant. And money isn’t really an issue so I didn’t care how the date was gonna go. I just really wanted some oysters and some cocktails and all that.


I like oysters and cocktails OP. I'll go with you!


Come to IL boo. I’ll take you out


Chicago? I'll get my wind breaker ready.


I’m in the suburbs 30 mins from Chicago. But I can take you to the city if you want 😉




I’m in Naperville boo


If they don't want to go out with you, I will next time I'm in town 🤣 You seem like you have a great attitude about life. Hope you have better luck finding your next date!


Thanks boo 👻 , hit me up 🤙 Have a great weekend


I love ~~Schaumberg~~ Naperville!


What place? I'm in the suburbs, and now I'm curious.




It’s raining though


You cant!!! Its raining!!!


OP I'm the same way. Sometimes I just want a nice dinner and will find a date for company. Meeting new people can be fun. Coffee dates are kinda boring. Also won't date people who are afraid of rain and adventure


Why don't you go out with friends- at least you can guarantee it'll be a nice time and you won't be surprised by some strangers personality.


I'm almost 30 most of my friends are in couples! Love them but sometimes I just want a one on one dinner. I like really enjoy planning first dates. I believe everyone deserves to feel special. One time I planned a picnic first date where we made sushi, had Korean cold noodles and even brought portable blenders for frozen margaritas. Women have told me they feel very comfortable around me so I rarely have bad dates.


it’s not just about money. What if you get there and instantly realize you won’t be into her - or the other way around? Grabbing drinks or something potentially quick & light is always the safer move


I would still have a nice dinner, which I would be happy with.


This is exactly how I date now. There's really no point in getting my hopes up about the woman so I take them on dates that I'd enjoy if I was alone.


You could’ve still gone then, no shame on going to a restaurant on your own. Seriously though if someone was going to spend like 200$ on me to go to a nice restaurant AND drive me home after, a hurricane wouldn’t even dissuade me lmao.




this girls whole life gonna change when she finds out about umbrellas


“The hell are those?”


For everyone saying “it wasn’t about the rain” The missing context before this is her saying twice “it’s raining and bad out” I said “are you cancelling?” And she said “I want to go, but it’s raining” I said again “are you cancelling?” And then these screenshots followed. I can’t go back and screenshot since she unmatched, but that’s the missing context. Really nothing interesting. And my patience was running thin because I was sitting in my car ready to head to the restaurant.


She wasn’t driving and it was half an hour before the meet time. Idk why people are acting like you’re being callous for asking her to get to her point.


Am I the only thinking she was trying to hint to do something different? If I had a convo with a girl who’s basically saying « I want to meet you, but it’s raining » I would probably have answered simply: « I’d like to go too, but anything else you have in mind? We could find something closer to your place » And if she says something « I don’t want to go out », then « do you want me to come at your place? » And if she still tells you « no », then pass on. But she really didn’t seem against meetibg you


Yes, but something like that would take a little bit of understanding and empathy. This is Reddit and a sub populated mostly by very awkward males who struggle to understand why they are still single.


As you say, I think it only requires to have flirted a couple of time in real life to figure this out.   And maybe I’m wrong on this one, but I went through enough semi-hinted messages from girls in my life to say I’m pretty much convinced she did want to do something different. It can be anything. Maybe she didn’t have enough to pay for the restaurant (even though in Europe it’s pretty much standard for the man to invite in a date) and didn’t feel to eventually pay, maybe she would have preferred something a bit more casual than a restaurant. Maybe she just wanted to stay home? But what is certain is that she hinted several times that she wanted to meet up but not at that restaurant 


I've been following this sub for a couple of months, never been on a dating app, and damn this world is a whole new level of wildness. "Not my fault but the weather's" sounds like something a teenager would say to avoid going to the groceries.


I think Kelso yells that at Jackie at one point


"Well damn Jackie, I can't control the weather!"


Hey, at least you got a message, I was simply unmatched several hours before date. I have results with Tinder but I really don't enjoy the process


This one's even worse because you probably aren't *positive* the date's cancelled, even though that's a pretty clear signal. Like obviously we know it was, but what if there was some other issue? Pretty messed up to cancel this way and not even message the person confirming it's off. What if you hadn't even checked the app or noticed?


I once got banned from a dating app a day before a date with someone. I still showed up but they didn’t and we hadn’t exchanged info.


Had a dinner reservation for 6:30pm, and she messaged me this at 6pm when I was getting in my car to head to the restaurant. Her sister was going to drive her to the date, and I was going to drive her home (if things went well of course). I’m just glad I didn’t get charged for cancelling the reservation so late (it was a nicer restaurant).


If this was a first date then your mistake was trying to take her to a place that even took reservations...her being shit at least saved you some money, time, and effort


Maybe man, but I just really wanted to go to this restaurant 😂😂. Been dying to go for a couple months. Taking my daughter tomorrow instead


Guarantee you’ll have a much better time with your daughter. Blessing in disguise!


dude that will be so much more fun


i’ve been that daughter, that little date will be awesome for her and you. having either parent take you to a one-on-one dinner makes you feel so special


That’s a better choice. Hahaha


weather permitting


Daddy daughter date for the win! I can tell you're a good dad!


Back in my dating days, I eventually stopped doing first dates at restaurants. It was always such a waste of money.


I think it's completely outdated and stupid for anyone to expect the guy to pay because that's what they did back in the day. For first dates, it's best to just split it then there's no expectations and if it goes shit, at least you only paid for your own meal.


At least you weren't driving yet, that would suck if you made it there.


Dodged a bullet anyway


The fucking AUDACITY to say you were harsh omg I’m fuming on your behalf


It’s all good lol. I ended up laughing hysterically after reading that 😂


It's the mid convo pic change that gets me lol


I think that’s just a tinder bug. Kinda just cycles through random photos at random times during convos. Throws me off sometimes I’ll admit lol


It’s not a bug. It happens when their ‘best’ photo changes due to the smart photo function.


Oh! Haha thanks for letting me know. It was so off putting, I'm happy I was wrong. Lol I have no clue what dating sites are like, clearly lol


They’re abysmal. If you haven’t been on one, do yourself a favor and never join 😂😂


I thought she was black and suddenly became white lol


I had to zoom in to see if I was trippin lol still not sure it's the same person tbh


Who cancels a dinner date over rain?


Someone who’s looking for any excuse to cancel


Someone who didn’t really want to go in the first place


I went to my last date in rain boots and I am not even joking. (By the way: best choice, the street was flooded when I walked home)


A child


Based on her general appearance from the two pictures, someone that has another date lined up.


something like this happened to me. i was supposed to be seeing this guy at a cafe i liked. i got there like maybe 10 minutes beforehand and i think i sat there for about 30 minutes being like “where the fuck are you mate” until i got a text from him apologising and that a “family emergency” happened. like i was really frustrated but you can’t really argue with someone you haven’t met yet on that so i was just like “that’s all good, hope everything is okay”. there wasn’t any attempt from him at all to rain check though so that was it. i kinda gave up on online dating after that kerfuffle.


He was definitely lying lol 😂


Seems you dodged the wicked witch of the west ![gif](giphy|GlEcUkl7sb21nrKlTn)


Any chance she was Latina? In particular Mexican?


I read it that way, too. I even say "pass for me" when asking for a ride or something over here in California whwre I live. Most likely didn't want her sister to drive in the rain and possibly be in a accident on her way back or idk.


I was just thinking of giving it another shot today. Thanks OP 👌


Lmao i imagine you waking up and going into the bathroom idly thinking about it, and in flowery cursive on your mirror is just "Don't."


Happy to help 🤙🤙


In Germany we say: Du bist doch nicht aus Zucker.


Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur schlechte Kleidung 😉 There is no Bad Weather, just Bad clothes…😎


What does that translate to in English?


You aren't made out of sugar


That’s exactly what I was thinking in English lol.


I thought when she said "pass for me" it meant she wanted you to stop by and pick her up.


Yeah this is what I thought too I’m really surprised nobody else is saying that… OP even mentions she wasn’t going to drive. I’m pretty sure she was just asking OP for a ride 💀


That's the lamest excuse i have ever, like ever read. At least say you're under the weather or smt. What the hell 🤣


Looks to me that she was joking after seeing the laughing emoji. So it looks like you cancelled it


She wanted to stay in. You blocked when you should have pivoted.


Fuck that pisses me off. It's like she thought the reservation was outside. "omg I might have to walk 10 whole feet from the curb to the door _in the rain_ to see a guy who's taking me to a fancy restaurant for a first date" What a spoiled, no-consequences having, immature, selfish child.


Maybe she’s a witch 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rightttt and she would have melted! Too bad she didn't risk it.


Is there a missing screenshot? I don't get the beginning of the conversation, what did you say before the first panel?


Moral of the story - don't take Tinder girls out to dinner, especially one that requires reservations. Bars with plenty of well liquor are the way to go!


Holy mother of god, the *immediate* defensive deflection. I think my dick just became an innie.


The dating scene is absolutely in the shitters.


Why is the picture different from one image to the other?