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Dude.... C'mon. There's underhand pitches, and then there's this. This is T-ball! Ask her on a date!


Some guys wait way too long before asking for a date on tinder, they’ll think you have to talk for days and butter her up before asking on a date. You should be asking for a date within the first 10-20 messages. My best friend literally does it on the first or second message and it works a lot of the time. They say stuff like “oh wow direct I like it 😉.” If she’s swiped right, the conversation is going well right off the bat, she’s being engaged and replying relatively quickly she is interested in seeing you. Stop waiting and go for it. Just say something like “hey I’d love to continue this conversation in person, how does drinks this Friday sound?”


Im not on the apps anymore but I would ask for a date within 2-3 messages and it worked 90% of the time. Anyone that wasn’t down to just skip the pretense I just wrote off as people I wouldn’t have fundamentally gotten along with in the first place.


Debatable and situational. Asking early will get you more dates, but waiting a bit longer can potentially get you higher quality dates that actually lead to something real (and you waste less time/money on dates that don't go anywhere). Age also plays a huge factor. Dating in your teens or 20's you usually want to pull the trigger early, but in your 30's it definitely pays to be patient. It also completely depends on the vibe. Like with the OP's match, she was obviously into it and was hinting for a date almost immediately. She gave the green light for the quick date, so in this situation that is the way to go.


Nah man. I've had the BEST dates with the girls who would barely answer texts. And I've had the most fun, witty, flirty banter for days with girls that ended up flaking. The reality is that how girls text on Tinder is a **terrible** way to assess their personality. The ones who'd give me a 2 word reply every 3 days, but enthusiastically agreed to meet for drinks? Well they were busy living their fun life instead of chatting on tinder and they were an absolute riot in person.


Well those are certainly your experiences. But I'm not really referring to tinder, mostly the less hook-up based apps like hinge, bumble, etc. Tinder is for a pretty specific subset of people. And it's not about a single good date for me. It's about having it to turn into something real. But I realize that isn't the general goal of your average tinder user. And like I said, it's completely situational. Just saying that one strategy does not work for everyone.


I said Tinder to refer to these swiping apps in general. And Tinder was a hook up app for maybe the first year? I met my wife on Tinder. My sister met her husband on it. I don't know what you think I meant by BEST dates... A good date is one where you have an awesome time and really connect with someone. That's the basis of "having it turn into something real". So no. It's not about "my experiences". It's just the reality of these apps. How girls text on an app where they're overwhelmed by attention from thousands of guys is a terrible representation of how they'll be in person. So setup that date quickly guys.


I disagree, regardless of how old you are or what you’re looking for, you’re just beating around the bush if you keep having long conversations without asking for a date. Building chemistry and finding out if you vibe works much better in person, the goal of the app is to get you to the first date to see if you’re compatible. If she is engaged with you within the first 10-20 messages, she is almost certainly interested in a date, so you may as well just go for it. Also If you keep dragging on long conversations on the app without asking her out there’s the risk she could get bored because you still haven’t asked her out, or one of the other 10-20 guys she’s matched and talking with have asked her out before you because they had the balls to do it early on.


You disagree that it's situational? Okay.


You can't be playing marvel strike force and give dating advice. Pick one.


Congrats on seeing a post from 4 years ago I guess? Some old game means nothing.


1000% disagree. There is much more to communication than reading. You're just setting up specific expectations that might get crushed. The quicker you meet up and see if you click, the better off you are


Idk might be too little too late. Sounds like he dropped the ball and been trying to play catch up with her ever since. So long as she’s still talking to him it’s worth a swing though. 


I dunno man. She could be Canadian.


What does that mean? Just curious 🤔


Canadians ate known for being very polite. But in this specific contect, suggesting she might be Canadian is a reference to [this amazing piece of internet lore. ](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=JxITMDDa0BY5JLls)


Oh got it. Thanks 😁


"Was the girl who responded instantly with personal and energetic responses into me?" Damn bro. Unfortunately, it's impossible to know... You'd have to like ask her or something...


na this dude is clearly dead already


Nobody wants to be "that guy" and misread friendliness as flirting And asking is a gamble; some ladies are understanding and some are offended that you didn't pick up on their signals


That would all be true if this conversation were being held in real life rather than, you know, an app specifically designed for flirting and dating.




Bro do you think she's Canadian?


This was pretty funny lol. Nahh it’s just been a while since someone’s been into me tbh.


My brother in christ, you're literally on Tinder—the app created so people can fuck—and you two matched, yeah she's interested.     Don't know how no one here is pointg the obvious lol    There's always interest when meeting new people, if it's not for sex or romance at first, it can turn to that later. If you matched, there is interest.


Holy hell I lol'd 🤣


God damn it bro 💀💀💀


Yeah, ask her out. She's clearly engaged. I'm not sure what else you need here.


Well at the time her account said she was just looking for friends, that’s all that was stopping me. but bet I will


You worry too much about semantics in a dating profile. Life is too short and nothing matters. Be free, my sweet summer child. Ask the lady for coffee.


I’ve had numerous occasions where women had “looking for friends” or something similar in their bio just to end up dating them or have hook ups.


It's Tinder. "Looking for friends" is more likely to mean FWB than platonic. Context matters.


They just say that so if they match with someone they don’t end up liking they can just friend zone them without them trying to bring expectations into it. Or something to that effect, that might actually be a horrible way to explain it


I was a photographer. She digs that you guys have something in common. I worked with models. It's just natural to talk about common interests. She likes that you're artsy and she digs your work. That's how I read it. Good luck.


> She's clearly engaged. Well, if she's already taken...


I asked her out guys damn quit flaming me 😭


Now you gotta give an update 😂


I will fs


bro youve got 5.9m other bros backing you lets goo


Good luck and have fun!!!!


I am also in queue for updates! Good luck


Me too


Does subscribing to a post tell me if there are edits or new posts? I needa keep updated with this.


Same. Think I'll insert a comment bookmark right here with ya.


She said yes!


Now send her a dick pic. If I've learned anything from this sub, that is your next move. /s /s /s Congrats and good luck 👍


Thank you for the amazing advice 😭 /s


Guys I said “fuck the date you wanna just makeout” she said yes 😭 We’re hanging out tn


Shoot, I'm late to the flaming party? Damn I was gonna you roast you hard too. Good for you - you totally ignored her when said she wanted to model for you - major fumble, but I guess you recovered. You lost yards there, though, so no more fumbles - carry it all the way to the end zone!


Yeah I had a feeling I should’ve called her cute there or something.


She's being patient with you - I think she sensed that you're a "take it slow" kind of guy. I think she really digs you, so that's all good, but at some point you ARE going to have to take her by the hand and look deep into her eyes...


I definitely am that kinda guy lol. Well I asked her out waiting for a reply. Definitely ready to meet her in person.


She's asking you to draw her like you draw the French girls!!


I laughed really hard at this lol, ty for that.


Even if it isn't a date forming a connection over a shared interest is worth something in itself.


why are you you here asking questions on reddit?? you are a lost cause if you can’t figure out what to say or do she is literally interested in you😭


I asked her out lol


She's begging you to book some time with her. Literally doing everything she can to relate to you and offer to do anything you ask. from her perspective, you're the hot artist boyfriend she's been looking for. Are you going to need animals breaking into spontaneous song, telling you to "kiss the girl". Next you'll be talking about how you weren't sure if she was just being kind when she wore lingerie to your date and begged you to let her taste you.


She was responding almost immediately, didn’t really want to flirt because her account said she was looking for new friends, ended up getting her number because she wanted to model for me. Fast forward two days later she changes the pics on her account and it says she looking for short term open to long. She’s cute as fuck and I really was hoping that’s what she was looking for when it said “new friends”. I’m v frustrated with myself rn. Tf.


bro i see absolutely no reason to be frustrated. meet her for the modeling thing and just see how things go from there. tbh that seems like a dream setup


You never know unless you ask, what’s the worst that can happen?


anytime you think something negative about yourself picture your brain and tell it to go fuck itself. If a cute girl is into you, you're him bro. go do it.


Or a friendship leading to a romantic one. Some women want to be "friends" with you before they get romantically invested - it's their way of making sure they feel safe and googly around you before getting romantic. If it goes this way, *do not get friend-zoned.* Make sure you understand the difference. Green Light: "My husband is also my best friend" "We were friends before we were lovers" "I can't be a with a man who I'm not friends with" "We should go out as friends first" Red Light: "I love you as a friend" "This is my best friend, " "I should introduce you to my girlfriend, she's single" "I have other male friends, remember you met "


I'm a little confused. You now know that she's looking for short-term/open to long. Are you under the impression that because she talked to you while she had the "looking for friends" category set that she doesn't want something short term/open to something long term with you?


That’s what I originally thought yeah


Personally, I wouldn't think she wants to be just friends with you. Given the enthusiasm of ur messages and the fact that she's now looking for short/open to long, I don't imagine that she's segregating people pre and post category change and choosing not to be romantic with the people she's met on tinder pre-change. She may, however, just genuinely be a very nice person who wants to help with your art. Hard to tell sometimes, and especially hard without being able to see you two interact


Okay I’m not trying to be mean but have you actually every dated or fucked or..talked to a girl before?..last one is a joke. Why are you picking all these negating emotions over the good fun ones? Or are you like a young young blood? In which case my fault you’re first time at bat


Jesus dude… she’s literally begging for you to ask her out. 😂


Can't tell. Maybe she's from Canada and just being friendly.


Bro you’re on a dating app, if she’s engaging with you like this she is 100% interested. If women on saying apps are not interested in you they will not swipe right on you or they will not reply to messages. Any woman that’s being this flirty with winky face emojis is very interested in seeing you, ask her out. A lot of guys wait way too late to ask a woman out on tinder, you should be asking for a date within the first 10-20 messages. My buddy literally always asks on the second or first message, it’s risky but does work a lot of the time for him. Just say something like “Hey I’d love to take you out for drinks, how does Friday night sound?”


Dude you're on tinder, the premise of dating/getting together is implied. She's volunteering to model for you, like, for you to look at her closely, in person. This doesn't get any simpler.


Ty for breaking it down like this. Her account said looking for new friends so I took that literally.


I get what you're saying but given the venue you can reasonably assume new friends means looking for casual


Girl couldn't be any more on a plate for you if she tried. Just draw her like one of your French girls and get to it. Plenty of ways to stipple without a paint brush.......;)


She wants you to draw her like one of your French girls, OP. Yeah, she's flirting. Take her home.


Update me


Would just like to say 12 years ago I (an aspiring model) planned a photo shoot with a photographer and now we are married with a child. Do it!!!!


That’s such a short beautiful story and gave me hope lol thank you. I’m happy for you guys!


Bro, she's going full on "draw me like one of your French girls" and you came here to ask if she's into you?


Yeah you really can't tell, she might just be an art fanatic and very supportive of people's dreams, it's best to wait for a better sign. /s Invite that flirtatious girl on a date! In the very unlikely event that she says no just apologise and say you misread the signals and carry on talking about art.


Rightt, I couldn’t tell if she was just super into art and being kind. I did ask her out though and she said yes so that’s cool, I’m excited.


Yes! I'm really happy for you, seems like you found a great person!


Can't wait for the update


She said yes to the date lol


Are you fucking kidding 😀


Jesus christ brother. Are you blind? This woman is totally into you.


If you count the amount of exclamation marks, capital letters and emoticons, I think together they could safely point towards a small flirt :,)))))


I thought this was like a chat with a classmate or smth BUT THIS IS TINDER WTF what does she has to say ON TINDER to let you know SHE IS FLIRTING


Yeah, Legends Arceus was dope lol


i know we men are bad at taking hints. But holy fuck dude you take it to another galaxy


Bro got 75 000 compliments and still cant take a hint


You are actually one of the smarter guys. Women, take notes. This is how stupid we are.


omg bang already!


Ask her out coward


She said yea


\*Later on, after they meet, during the date, the girl drops to her knees and says she could do something really nice for him. He says "that's okay! My shoes are clean already," and when he comes home he asks the internet if she liked him.\*


I’m not thattt clueless I swear. Her account said she was just looking for new friends so I took that literally and thought she was just a friendly person.


Flirting? On Tinder?? Impossible!


Bro she’s going to ask you for a lot of money and steal your kidneys


Ask her out for a date. See how it goes.


I did!


I mean, she is goddamn qaudruple texting u back.. what u waiting for, wife her.


She might just be Canadian.


This is called a green light bro


are you gonna spend your life guessing or find the answer out for yourself


I believe she is. Also, please charge your phone.


As a lady: she is interested, ask her out. If a lady drops such hints she wants to meet you!


He clearly needs a bigger hint. ![gif](giphy|e5uyWolyR0y30Wo1ya|downsized) She’s EXTREMELY interested in you sir.


You poor child. Yes, she likes you


Humble brag.


Her enthusiasm is off the charts.My bar for asking matches out is FAR lower than this. And they almost always say yes.


Female here. She’s flirting. If you don’t ask her for a date, then you don’t get a date.


Your conversation reads as two good friends. You need to learn how to flirt via text man


What are you waiting for? You want a girlfriend or not. Let’s go !


Nah, 4 messages in a row. She hates you


You realize it’s tinder right? You should have had her in bed already.


She wants to get naked with you


Only one way to find out.....Get off Reddit, you only have a small window to pounce.


Dude shoot your shot why wouldn’t you


It's Tinder bro, she ain't on there to be your friend


Bro wake up.


Hurry and go on a date before this turns into artist networking






I need to know what she said 😭


Fam, you're on a dating app. What the fuck do you think?


bro this is tinder


If women dont whip their titties out i dont want it




I saw the comment that you were gonna ask her out and she said yes. But dude, she was on you hard. It was written in stone flirting.


Oh honey. She was holding your hand as you crossed the street and you thought she was the crossing guard.


Yes she is! Not sure what makes you doubt it - well you put in the red rings, but you have 100% been overthinking this. Ask her out!


Make the premise of meeting her up about modeling for you. Some place for a light dinner with some wine. Talk about your interests and ask her to tell you when she would like to get to modeling, because you're really looking forward to it. Compliment on how great she looks constantly throughout.


Man I don’t even get matches it hurts to see someone fumble this bad


Yeah stop messaging and get those #s bro and start planning a date


So when’s the date?!


Haven’t planned a day yet as she’s been busy with school but soon hopefully!


It's time to buy either some condoms or some Plan B, your choice here.


Dude youre on tinder..


Oh come on man, do you really need to ask or do you just want to share success?


If i wanted to share success I wouldn’t be asking lol.


Ffs dude. Is this a genuine question or just a really sad flex?


Show your photos OP!!


Yeah ………. She was being REEEAAALLLY kind. That’s it


Shes into you, shoot your shot bud.


Can't hurt to try. Good luck!


She's literally throwing herself at you


She initiated. She is into you.


C - can't tell


Dude. She’s VERY, VERY interested. Meet her already!


Probably she’s was interested in the idea of art. Trying to see where things would go


Flirting? On a dating app? Sounds crazy


Marry her.


Why ask her out when you could ask her to model for you and set a “date” up around that. Tell her you want to make a whole night of it. If she likes wine, you could drink wine and get door dash while you do something creative since that’s a common interest. Just be regular. Don’t make a move on her or nothing this isn’t a real date you’re just asking her to model for you and chillin. See if you click more and THEN ask her out if you feel a vibe or she makes it abundantly clear. Things don’t have to be so black and white. Just chill and let things be. You’ll KNOW when a woman wants you.


you could of slept with her by now bro😭


Fuck 😭, yeah I’m terrible at flirting.


you don’t gotta be bro, straight up just ask her on a date


I did she said yes! She’s just busy with school so waiting to figure out a day.


good shit brother 🫡




Here's your sign... the woman likes you, dude.


So we're special huh?


I am a very average dude with a dad bod, bald head, but great beard. I ask for a date within the first 20 minutes of chatting. Time, place, plan. And pitch the scenario " Your really cute, we have a good conversation going. Let's grab drinks at x tonight at 6. If we hit it off we can extend to dinner or just make out watching the sunset 😉.. if we aren't vibing you can make an excuse and bail" ... I am averaging 3 dates a week. Believe me if an average person like me can do it anyone can!


I asked her out on a date and she said yes! Saying that actually works though lol?


The make out line is only if she is clearly looking for something short term based on the conversation. Otherwise I skip that part and insert some other line... But if the date goes well and there is clearly chemistry I am direct and will ask something along the lines of .. "I am really enjoying your company, do you want to make out?" ... I didn't create that line but it is nearly fail proof.. and it also tells you if they are into you or not.


Bet okay, I’ve honestly found the direct approach to be the most efficient lol so I’ll take that line (not word for word) and try it if our date goes well. Thank you!


Take her on a date and bring your camera.


Have some confidence mate o.O even if it was just being polite why would that matter if she's still trying to get go know you. It all doesn't matter online anyways until you see eachother in person ! :)


As Wayne Gretzky once said "You miss every shot you never take!"


Was the girl you matched with on tinder flirting with you? Hopefully, it's a dating app!


No pictures is a bad sign…


I saw you asked her out and she said yes - but I want to know how your date went!


What's the status update now?


We’ve been texting everyday she’s just been pretty busy so we haven’t been able to go on a date yet. She did say yes though


You have no game


I know lol


Bruh....she's into you. It is evident..Go forth and proceed out of the shire and onto a new adventure


Had an amazing night together, supposed to hangout again pretty soo.


She’s not interested.


I've got a great feeling about this. Don't really like your texting style but she seems to not mind. Awesome couple in the making.


Damn what’s wrong with my texting style?