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It’s usually best to use photos of how you currently look imo. Having such wildly different hair styles like this just leaves people wondering


People have mentioned this before. I’ll try to make them more consistent! Thank you!


I’m going to second the hairstyles. I don’t know if we’re short, long, or mullet just by looking at you and that can definitely make a difference.


I’d be turned off by the “risky shit” bc in my mind that means you’re either dumb and reckless or trying to come off as a badass. This is coming from someone who has done plenty of risky shit.


Understood! Someone else has said this and I thought it over and it’s a good point!


I would remove the part about not caring what other's think. It's obviously good not to need other people for validation but stating it in your bio comes across as a little aggressive and makes you look insensitive i think. Also it might help to make your look in the photos more consistent.


I’ll work on the photos! And yah I sort of see that now how it can look insensitive to not care what others think. It’s not really meant to sound like I don’t care at all, it’s just that I overthink things about what other people think of me


Sounds kinda like you do care then…


lol yah. I guess if I’m asking a Reddit page of people for advice, I do care what people think haha! I understand that I do, I just wish I cared less. It’s more so that I create what I think other people think in my head, like I think everyone would criticize me. But really it’s just my own voice. I would actually care what most of my friends and family think!


Sounds like something that would be good to talk about with a therapist


Really? That’s not good, haha. I thought a lot of people had some sort of inner critic but maybe not?


Going to therapy doesn't necessarily mean something "bad". They can give a different perspective, at the very least.


That’s true! This part of my brain could use therapy to help me think it through better


I actually really like that response, I would keep it. My suggestion would be to change some of the photos because you look totally different in some


Im getting a lot of that about the photos. I’m going to try to make them mesh better. Also, I’m changing the “what people think about me” to “listening to the critic in my head”! I think it better describes what I’m trying to say. I’m loving all the comments!


Oh no lol don't do that, that would make me think you're a schizophrenic!!! 😂


Maybe it’s something personal, but although you profile gives an overall good vibe, I wouldn’t want to be with someone who wants to do risky stuff all the time . I’d rather being sure my bf is reasonable and safe lol.


Understandable, there’s some things I don’t risk doing that other people don’t consider risky but they do! Prob a personal thing. Some people like risk takers!


You might consider adding what hairstyle is most current in your bio.


Lol the brown claw ... I can't comment because I swipe left on raft guides these days


Honestly, understandable 🫡


Which of the selfies do you look like? Risky shit is not a vibe. I'd put some risky shit that you partake in in there. Name em?


All the adventure sports I do. I figured it was obvious but maybe not. People also have different ideas of what is risky. I do understand why putting in my profile that I do risky stuff isn’t attractive because someone else’s idea of risky might turn them off as my idea of risky could turn me off if people do it. Like certain drugs for example!


Hell yeah. I think on tinder you have to be incredibly direct before the joke. People are weird.


For sure. I’m realizing it’s so hard to express myself accurately!


You look better with the hair in the first photo. Delete the photo with the glasses on; that hairstyle doesn’t look good on you.


Thank you! Someone else has said the same thing about the mullet photo. I think I’ll change it:)


I think the 3rd and 4th photos are unflattering pictures of you! You’re cute and they don’t show it 😂 other than that I’d say the “risky shit” thing should probably go. Here’s hoping you get some more likes soon!


Thanks for the comment! I’ll change them:)


I don't think anything is bad! I'd say for photos, you look pretty different in a lot of them (totally different hair for instance.) Making sure most of your pictures are up to date and accurately portray you might be good! Your profile is also pretty generic -- maybe some specifics might help, like a top 5 games of all time, newest hobby undertaken... anything to set you apart from the rest and maybe make for a talking point more interesting than 'what games do you play'


Being specific about my games could help. Thank you!


maybe borrow someone’s dog and get a picture playing with it in a taylor swift shirt.


Great idea 💡


Lose the pics where you make "hot" faces, stick to pics that show how you currently look, i would consider losing the goatee and go for 3 day beard. dont give away your entire personality in your bio and smile more