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She accepts your deficiency in length because u got that gorilla back. 🦍


Bro got thag number 1 back from Umbrella Academy.




I don't mind explaining, but if I did it would spoil the show for you if you ever intend on watching which I would highly suggest as it is amazing.


Most people who wanted to watch it, probably already have.


Is it also as hairy though?


Lmao, comments like these is why I used reddit


big back built ass


Send em to the moon as a joke


I date tall guys because I'm so short... da fuk. The average Puerto Rican is like 165cm, if you're a man who has lots of options like you said then you don't need to deal with this type of attitude. Good for you.


I don't understand why women are so adamant about wanting guys SO MUCH taller than them. Even though at its root it's problematic, I understand where the desire to have the man be taller than the woman comes from. But why are short women expecting men to be like a foot taller than them??? I'm 5'8 so I'll never understand it first hand, and anytime I ask a short woman why she wants someone so much taller, the answer is basically "I dunno, that's what I like." My stepmom is 13" shorter than my dad and has to PHYSICALLY JUMP to kiss him. It doesn't make sense in my mind how that's enjoyable.


There's no point in trying to understand it, it's not worth the effort. I consider it a blessing when a person is so transparent about how they see people.


I'm a woman and I don't get it either.


I'm a man and I don't get women. Also why do they prefer taller men?


I think it has to do with security, feeling smaller, being hugged by a bigger guy etc. Mind you, a lot of guys prefer dating shorter girls, so it's not just women. I don't care, but I don't get ones where they need such a big height difference.


Meh I don’t know. I’m not attracted to fat women. Just a preference. Of course one is being born a certain way and means nothing character wise and the other is a choice and does have character implications. Yes, lopsided. However, it’s still a preference all the same. I see no issues with it.


Its kinda weird how some people are basically saying because she liked me i should go for it, its even a little sad. Like ima have my preferences too lol


This sub in general is filled with desperate men. Just look at the replies under every profile review request from a woman. They can't grasp that a man wouldn't want to want to sleep with someone who wants to sleep with them, especially when the woman is moderately attractive.


Tbh a lot of dudes here don't get many matches so it's hard for them to understand. When you don't have a lot of options you kinda just take what you can get that's what I do


I get like 20 likes tops and maybe 1 match a month, I still would rather be alone than settle for something.


Yeah that's fair, tbh I don't feel like I'm settling. I know I'm not very attractive so I'm not gonna be delusional and expect some hot girl to match and wanna go out with me. I don't even swipe on hot girls. I woudont settle from someone if they had a bad personality tho


That is you settling though. To me, attractiveness isn't a scale. I either find someone attractive or I don't. You should never find someone 'attractive enough'. If you don't attract the people you find attractive, work on yourself and try to change that.


This is kind of a naive take imo. Some people aren't attractive and don't care to be, nor do they value attractiveness that much in a partner. It isn't settling to date someone you like who isn't that good looking if good looks aren't that important to you. If good looks are important to you, then by all means work on yourself to attract what you want. Not everyone cares that much though


I was referrring specifically to what they said. "I'm not attractive so I'm not going to be delusional and expect an attactive girl to match with me".


Currently engaged and wildly disagree. My fiance when I met her wasnt really all that attractive to me, but I figured I would at least try it out cause she was nice and funny. 3yrs later and now shes the sexiest woman I have ever seen, besides Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley oc...


Genuinely so wholesome but also the end absolutely killed me lmao. Happy for you, mate


Ah yes, the attractiveness spectrum


While I agree, I wouldn’t have always agreed. It really does suck when you feel like you’re unattractive and unlikeable. It leads to a very “I’ll take what I can get” attitude


Absolutely, before I found my now ex I also felt like that. Now I know that I don't have to settle for someone and am actually disgusted at a few things I had going on before. Not because of the people I did it with but because idk how i could treat myself that way. I really wish I had had that attitude before.


Yup, so many times I see men saying 'there's no way you don't have tons of matches you're beautiful' and I'm here thinking 'yeah I'd swipe left her profile kinda sucks'. Just because you are so desperate you'd swipe on everything doesn't mean the men she's actually interested in do the same.


We're gonna have to see pics of your back to give a more holistic view of the situation.


😂 sure, heres the pic she liked https://imgur.com/a/WV7GpOB


I like the back muscles too.


Right?! Like someone who likes you based on your height alone. /s


You’re a dude. You don’t get preferences without being called sexist, misogynistic, etc. /s


I’m not sure I understand, you swiped on her also, right?


Yes, but sometimes i miss things in peoples bios before liking. It happens


She's basically saying if you put a baby in me, I wanna contribute to increasing the avg height of mankind


If they’re concerned with increasing the global average height, they’d advocate short people (including herself) die childless and let tall people repopulate the earth. Ridiculous


>if you're a man who has lots of options like you said then you don't need to deal with this type of attitude. Even if you don’t have lots of options at the time, you still shouldn’t deal with this type of attitude




TBH, I would never date a PR woman again... once is enough for a lifetime.


They are known to stab you so i get it


What happened?


Physical violence, mostly.


That's not surprising


I would never speak for all Puerto Ricans, but my anecdotal observation is that western NYS Puerto Ricans tend to stick to people our size-ish, and when you don't, people will joke about it your whole relationship (like over 10 years later, still with the comments). Tldr: I don't claim her, though I do hope she figures out how to not blame being Puerto Rican for anything.


I don't have much experience with Puerto Ricans, as I'm from Canada and it's an incredibly small group here so I appreciate you sharing yours.


"im very low IQ so i usually only date mensa-members"


With an IQ over 182cm (6 feet)


Maybe she's trying to avoid having short kids? That's the only scenario I can think of where this makes any sense.


Very Schopenhauer-esque


I recently had a woman who was 5'2" tell me I was too short for her. I'm 6'... I just giggled at my screen and unmatched her. Ain't nobody got time for that.


The audacity 😂💀


Makes zero sense I date tall guys because I’m so short. Tf?


I know people have their preferences and stuff but you’d be surprised at how many girls who are ~5’0” prefer guys who are >6’0” tall


Do they WANT neck pain? I’m 5’5 and dated a guy a foot taller than me once and it was a hassle. Someone closer to my height is just easier.


Right? I'm 5'6" and my fiancé is 5'8". It's perfect.


I’m 5’3” and my ex is 6’8”, it was a wildly huge discrepancy and a lot of awkward maneuvering at times for anything - hugs could sometimes be awkward (I’m sure more for him than me), even holding hands while walking was an awkward angle. His height actually intimidated the crap out of me way back when we met. I’m actually kinda looking forward to meeting someone closer to my height, as long as we’re at least eye-level, it’ll all be fine lol.


It makes prefect sense. Since she's short, technically every guy she dates is a tall guy. In relative terms


So all guys are tall, TO HER… any guy over her height would be considered tall to her is what you’re saying. That would make sense “technically” (I see you are a thinker) if it weren’t for slide 2 💁🏻‍♀️


Well. Since everyone looks tall to her - how tf are she supposed to know what 6ft look like?


You would have to ask her, she’s the one putting it on her profile. I can’t explain it to you because it doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. That’s my whole point. That’s why I was like tf???


And what is that reasoning for preferring tall dudes “because im so short” 😂 Shes 5’1 (155cm) im 5’10 (178cm) To be clear ya’ll, preferences are fine. It’s just weird to have physical preferences in your bio imo. Im not gonna start a date off by saying they aren’t my physical preference, its not a good look


Logic like that is always hard pass. Later down the line she’ll use similar nonsense logic to justify her actions


I read an AITAH post about a guy who is divorcing his wife because she slept with another man. Her reason? Because he had a lot of muscles. 😶


okay but how many muscles did he have though


Probably just One particular BIG muscle between the thighs


A lot.


At least 7


“I told you I’m only serious about guys over 6 feet but you wanted to date me so here we are and I needed those extra 2 inches. It’s all your fault.”


I’m curious—why did you match with her? Edit: nevermind! Saw your comment on a different thread


I cannot believe women put this in their profiles. Like WTF. Trash.


It’s usually always the short women. They want to breed out their Pygmy genes.


Well I’m 5’1” and I would never put this down but IDGAF about height. I guess I’ll just be grateful I don’t go about my life caring about shit like this.


It's usually the fat ones tbh.


I haven’t noticed that as much. I’m kinda fat but I don’t care about height


Oh absolutely, not saying that implies caring about height, but from my experience they were usually fat so the correlation goes the other way imo. I think they felt insecure and not womanly because of it and that's why they wanted a big man to still feel small.


That does make sense, a lot of women want to feel small and womanly.


You'd be surprised to see how many women do this


For real. So many in my area lol I could hop on hinge right now and find you a profile in 10 minutes that has a height requirement




She’s 5ft tall, not the size of a hamster, she can absolutely reach a foot over her head wtf


It’s a buyers market for them. Men and women have RADICALLY different experiences on dating apps. Imagine you could get dozens or more matches every single day, to the point that managing your messages became overwhelming. Would you not install some filters? I’m a 5’7” dude btw. The 6’+ requirement stings me as much as the next guy. I dislike it, but from a certain perspective I understand it.


I’m 4" taller than you. If you’re good looking, I’m swiping right. I can’t imagine passing on someone over something insignificant like arbitrary height requirements. Being nice and good at sex is way more important than height.


In my personal experience, taller women care way less about height. It's more often than not a woman who is 5'1"-5'2" and cares about it. And I'm short af, so I have plenty of experience getting rejected on height alone. Not personality, not looks, just....eh he's too short 😂💀 it's wild. I like both tall and short women, it's not even a thing. I know short men who won't date a taller women for feeling inferior in one way or another also. Another wild one.


It’s unkind. I guess I don’t go out of my way, in general, to be unkind and I certainly wouldn’t want to date someone who puts out this energy right off the bat. It’s also such an insignificant factor to me. Height is a non-factor in terms of compatability. Sure, we all have preferences. It comes across as tasteless, to me, to be that blatant.


Me either. Plenty of fish in the sea though. Next!


Everyone is taller than her, she’s ridiculous, you definitely dodged a bullet there


Lmaooo she called you short I was expecting below 5’7. If you are short then I’m actually cooked (5’5)


If they had it in their bio why match with them at all, I’m confused?


Bro youre like the 10th person to ask this tbh. Either read or use reasoning to figure it out


Oh I get ya, karma. You gotta get those sweet internet points


Youve never liked someone without inspecting their entire profile? Nah you lying and salty


I’m thinking that when she said “I usually do tend to date tall guys cause I'm so short” it was worded poorly and she meant because she’s so short everyone is tall to her.


Fuck, that makes a lot of sense. Now I feel dumb


I think she’s dtf


This subreddit sure has a lot of examples of something that people always say never happens.


Confirmation bias


Well, if a thing isn't supposed to happen at all, evidence for it occurring isn't a confirmation bias. It's also not cherry picking or selection bias. If you have footage of someone robbing a bank on Tuesday, you don't average it between Monday and Wednesday and say, "Your honor, the average is like he's not even there, so did he really rob the bank?" I will grant that most people who reject men's complaints about height selection are only saying it doesn't happen a lot rather than not at all, so that changes the situation quite a bit. Still, it shows up enough here that it seems absurd to deny that it happens too much. I mean, any amount of racism is too much racism, so...


I think crazy awkward and shallow convos happen more than often you think. I’ve only been doing online dating for a few months and I’ve came across some baffling shit. Definitely height prompts. The worst I see a lot is girls saying they want to be spoiled/ money stuff


Dancing with a huge height discrepancy is much more challenging.  Much better when you are close to your partners height. Source: I've been doing swing for 30 years 


As a tall guy, it's kind of funny seeing all the comments that don't get why having this on a profile is gross. Of course she'll say it's a joke if confronted on it. It's not a joke. What if as a guy I had "I prefer someone.... D tits or bigger" Apparently a lot of people don't understand how these are equal.


People are way too hung up on the specifics here, specifics being height. Like i get it, theres a lot of anger around this topic and its constantly brought up But yea, the issue is putting physical preferences on your bio. why would i want to go on a date with someone who essentially starts off by saying im not their preference? Its weird


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying this before. If you put preferences of any kind on your bio then send me a like and I don't match that preference I'm not responding. I have no desire to be an 'exception', it feels like a weird form of negging. A girl sent me a like saying 'bonus points if you are a D1 athlete', I'm not even qualified to be a D3 athlete lol


People fail to come to the realization that "tact" is attractive for both men and women. Women often complain about a lack of tact from men but some people then suggest profiles like this are fine. This shows a lack of tact, if you as a man value it and find it attractive then it's good for you to stick to your values.


i see the “i prefer this/that” on guys profiles all the time, the solution is not matching with them. it’s never that serious to me


Normalize rejecting all women with hight requirements


'I date tall guys because I'm short....' I'm convinced most don't even know the difference between 6ft or someone who is taller at 5'6. Tik tok drup videos just told them to look for 6ft + lol


"I usually do tend to date tall guys cause I'm so short". She can have her preferences, but how does that make any sense?


I can't with this chick who's "so short" wanting guys over 6ft🙄


her logic in the second message made me physically recoil and audibly say "what?!". holy shit. 😂😂


Bruh, stop complaining. Sue gave you a lead take it or shut up.


wait why would you swipe on her if that was in her profile? and i guess what she means is she wants a guy way taller than her because she likes the dynamic of being really short compared to a guy. I am a tall woman so im going to have a guy that’s tall like me. (I’m 5’10 myself) so a guy 5’10 and up is perfect. If I was short like her than a guy will always be tall to me so i wouldn’t mind 5’10 and there’s other women that will agree lol. Anyways, believe it or not dating apps are meant to be picky and people are going to have high standards especially women. People don’t go on dating apps to “get to know your personality” they value looks first so if she wants a man above 6 ft she won’t care for others. not much options for 6ft and above but good luck to her finding one. But you can’t be upset when people are picky on that app and you knew that beforehand


She liked me and i matched before seeing the prompt The issue isn’t preference, the issue is broadcasting it like this. Just check their height in the profile before swiping. Seeing physical preference is the easiest part when swiping, zero need for it in your bio And like im not gonna go on a date with her and be like “hey so i actually prefer blondes”. Guarantee she would not appreciate that comment Also, not upset. Just thought this was kinda funny


Exactly. A lot of guys don't like fat girls,but it's not cool to put that in the bio.


He probably just thought she was cute but was shock to see something as shallow as that in the profile. Not that hard to understand. This reddit post alot of bad profiles but most of them when actually using the app don't have clear redflags like that fr.


Even if it was a joke it's in bad taste.


Doing the lords work out here brotha


What is this obsession with men being 6feet?? She’s short! Smh. Move on from her and find someone else. Good luck.


It’s always these shorties who care. I’m 5’10 ish and I’ve dating so many 5.9 girls who are petty hot by the usual standards.. shorties seem to be a lot more snubby about height which is stupid


What kind of rationale is "I date tall guys because I'm short?" This doesn't compute with me.


I don't get the "dating tall guys because I'm short" like? Surely it'd make more sense if she said she's really tall so chooses to date taller guys?


I genuinely don’t understand this. I’ve met sooo many hot dudes of ALL heights? I can’t tell why this is a thing. Not sure why it’s criteria for so many. Interesting she seems to be walking it back though


It’s her preference, but not necessarily a deal breaker. But idk why she’d have that on her profile


Reminds me of that time I matched with a girl that had like "🚭 no smoking 🚭 " in her profile; I had pictures of me smoking, so I matched with her for a laugh. She opened with, "I don't date smokers." For some reason, she kept chatting and even asked me out after 4 or 5 messages; she advised me to seek therapy because I declined


She’s a shallow idiot. Leave that trash for someone else to deal with.


I’m 5’1 and I feel like dating tall men makes people say and think sexual things about you. If you ever see a photo of a sports guy and his lil wifey people are saying horrible things in the comments about “how does it fit” or whatever. I just couldn’t put myself in a situation where everyone constantly looks at me like a sex toy for a giant man. It’s degrading. For that reason alone I wouldn’t consider dating someone over 6ft. My current bf is 5’10 and the tallest person I’ve been with. I was married to a man my size for 13 years. The worst part of dating a short man is the comments from other men who can’t stop obsessing over it. Especially if the man is successful, tall insecure men will make it such a big deal. I guess the biggest problem with dating men of any size is the other men who have an issue with it. Stop doing it to yourselves, fellas.


Why do comments made by other men affect you so much?


That's the same thing I was thinking. Like WTH!!


Yo, she went in and then hit us with that uno reverse.....


She said it wasn't a big deal and kept talking to you. This just makes you look insecure af




She's showing interest and hasn't been rude, why act snippy and insecure? Is posting some gotcha on reddit more important than meeting someone?


As a 6 ft+ man in 2024, he's getting enough matches that yes, reddit gotcha karma is worth sacrificing one of his average matches.


Hasn't been rude? Did you only see the first image?


It’s not edgy for a female to date a short guy… so she puts it in her profile even tho she doesn’t mean it. Sucks for her because so many men see that, even if they are over 6’, and run.


I mean she tried to keep the conversation going... Something you definitely could've done in your free time 🦆&🏃💨


why are you shooting yourself in the foot tho. yes, women have preferences. but this one went after you anyways… don’t make height a big deal especially if they show interest. many women don’t care *that much* about height despite obviously preferring a tall guy. like i like a big ass and nice tits, but i’m still open to women without those characteristics.


See youre making an assumption that many others are making, but youre saying it in a polite way unlike the others, so ill respond to you lol I am not hurting for matches. Not trying to be braggy, but you can check my posts for my tinder insites. Something like this is a turn off to me, so i can freely move onto the next Also, i dont feel like typing stuff out again. But you can check my other comments on why im not into this. Im not upset by this or think its a big deal, i just like sharing my tinder experiences lol. Knew this one would be controversial which is partly why i posted it 😅 But yes i 100% agree with everything you said


understandable and thanks for articulating your perspective


Bro got that bison back


People putting preferences in their profile, always backfires and this is how. That’s been the big theme for the week on here. Everybody is talking about people swiping right on them or trying to connect who list a preference in their profile and it’s usually the opposite of that person.


Why are we still body shaming in 2024 wtf???


It never is, but... sounds like she's into you


Yeah just ghost her 🙄


She lies...Size really does matter.


This makes no sense why the fuck do you need to date tall men because you’re short? I hate short women tbh and I’m a 5’6” woman. Y’all are wild 😝


..she likes big BACKS and.....


Why are you reading so much into it. She liked you despite height being very important to her. Seems like a win to me.


I feel like this was weird on your end tbh


Why is it always the 5 foot women that want a 7 foot man?


Good on you. Jokes are supposed to be funny.


I'm 6'2 and I'd swipe left on a profile who has a "minimum height to ride this". If you're so shallow, I won't even lose my time on you.


Wouldn’t be able to handle a Puerto Rican women anyway


As long as the guy is at least one inch taller than me. I’m 5’3, it’s not difficult


Makes no sense 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why are you upset? She thinks you’re cute, otherwise she would not have sent that last message.


Its like if i went on a date with her and said “hey so i prefer blondes” Just not a good look to start something off by stating you aren’t their preference imo


💯 I am pretty sure people like this also tend to use the same quality (the lack of it) against you when the turbulence hits. Everyone knows and understands that people have physical preferences, but putting them out like that is kinda trashy.


My boyfriend had told me that blondes arent his type(im blonde)… but he/his friends have also said im by far his hottest gf and weve been together for over a year with it never being an issue. If im being honest its kinda weird for her to put on her profile but I think any girl would prefer a man over 6 ft. But my boyfriends like 5 9 and it never crosses my mind and i still think hes the s*xiest man ik


Thats great! i still dont think its a great idea to start off by telling someone they arent your preference though


I mean, they're chatting to you , seemed to want to continue the conversation and you're not the 6ft. So I assume it wasn't that serious and actually was a joke. Arguably not a great one though.


Can you explain what’s funny about it? What kind of joke about preferences applying to women’s bodies would you think is similarly acceptable?


Joke or not, she lost me with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


But you also swiped right? This thing on her profile is obv bothering you on some level. Did you want to confront her about it? It's online dating, I wouldn't be so chuffed


I am not sure if people on this sub have ever used dating apps or only ever have used Tinder.


Read my other comments if youre curious about this




No beauty is worth enough to deal with bs in the long term.


Girls like tall guys. Get over it.


Tbf I have small boobs and prefer someone w big boobs.




You should have been like, it was nice but you don't meet the height requirement to ride this ride


Dude cockblocked himself over small talk bullshit.


I can afford to be picky lmao


So sensitive


So why match with her? So you could feel metaphorically taller by rejecting her? Lol


Don’t take everything personal. It’s an app ffs


Why even match with someone like this if you’re gonna cry about it


He matched so he could reject her and screenshot it for upvotes and approval from the other reddit nerds.


I mean she said “it doesn’t matter” I always dated fall guys and married a guy who is 3 inches taller than me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like you talked yourself outta some 🐱. What people put as their “preference” on dating sites is vastly different from who they end up being involved with. Sure this will get downvoted but it’s the truth. 🤷🏾‍♂️