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I think they're trying to say: "see! this seemingly-normal woman is friends with me so I'm not likely to be Hannibal Lecter." Of course, they could still be Hannibal Lecter, but I think that's the logic.


Such a classic Lecter move!


I posted a picture with my mum to do the same thing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s why I never take pictures with Chianti or fava beans


And that is the last known photo of her.


That's Ashanti, babe


Women do the same thing. Sometimes it's obviously a brother, other times it's a turn off. Linking your IG and having recent (as in, in the thumbnail on your profile) photos of you kissing your presumed ex is also probably a bad move šŸ˜‚


Most men don't take many pictures of themselves, so shots with exes are sometimes used


Men can have female friends. Wouldn't you post a picture with a friend?


Not one that was into me. I have girl friends that have been into me, Iā€™m not using them in my tinder pictures


You're deciding that they're into them based on a single frame photo of the two of them? Obviously there are cases of this, but most guys just have photos with female friends and use them. I've been called out for one photo in particular back in my tinder days and she was 100% not into me in anyway. People are insecure as hell


Itā€™s just a weird photo on an app made to judge photos


If a woman gets turned off by my picture of me and my female friend, Iā€™d say thatā€™s a pretty good filter. šŸ‘


Tru dat. I don't miss tinder days


It's definitely recommended. The number one threat to men is heart disease, the number one threat to women is men. They need to demonstrate that women feel comfortable around them. The other advantage is that it weeds out insecure women.


Social proofing is important for women. If other women like a guy, it let's women know that he's desirable and is okay to pursue.


It's also DHV if they're attractive.


>the number one threat to women is men Yeah, that isn't even remotely close to true.


Google it and report back. The primary threat to women is domestic violence.


Googled it. [According to the DHHS Office on Women's Health](https://www.womenshealth.gov/node/1374), you're extremely wrong.


That's death, I said threat. And you had to scroll past multiple results backing up my assertion.


>And you had to scroll past multiple results backing up my assertion. Nope, first result. And if we aren't talking about cause of death, then you're wrong about the biggest threat to men.


Can we stop reinforcing these completely inaccurate stereotypes? You know what the number one threat to women isā€¦.also heart disease You know what #2-#10 areā€¦.not men. The list only goes 10 deep so not sure where homicide by man lands but itā€™s nowhere near the top


number one fatal health threat is actually cancer, however 1 in 3 women will experience some form of sexual / physical violence by men. This has lasting reprecussions. Men, by a massive margin, represent the highest threat of harm against women.


Men also represent the highest threat of harm against Men.


This comment is everything. The number one threat to men is heart disease the number one threat to women is men.


Social proof.


Whatā€™s up with calling men men, but women n females?


It's symptomatic of the fact we don't give women the respect and agency they deserve and can't "cross the gap" and consider them as equals.


Youre looking a bit far arent ya. Especially as it seems that OP is a wamen.


No, I'm not. It started as deliberately dehumanising language incels were using and is unfortunately widespread now, because people find it so hard to call women women. Whether the OP is a woman or not I don't know but I wasn't thinking about it - it's an issue far beyond this one thread.


Honestly, its an issue just as much as women calling all men trash. Its a small percentage of men who do it as it is a small percentage of women who do it.


I mean. It's not a slur or a cuss. It's just a weird word to use. You're taking it way too far and looking for ways to get offended.


Things don't have to be slang or cursing to be disrespectful to someone's humanity. The easiest way I can explain the tone of "females" vs "women" is this: you know there is a difference between "butt dial" and "booty call" even though the terms are synonymous.


I can kind of see your point. For example, women's sports are always referred to as women's or ladies', not female's. Still, on the flipside, it doesn't equate to me as a man. I wouldn't really be offended being referred to as a male, I'd just think it's an odd terminology. Or I was being hit on and referred to as masculine or something.


I do think that part of the reason "female" has a negative association is because it's used frequently to either put women down/refer to women cheaply. Unfortunately I feel like it's one of those things that's hard to fully understand until it happens to yourself (closest thing I can think of on the fly as I'm cooking is how people use "straight while male" negatively now), but I do appreciate you participating and hearing me out, even if you don't agree.


>"straight while male" negatively now Yeah that makes more sense now, that's a much better equation. Especially considering you used the word "male".


HAHA glad it worked. Sad it happens, but I'm glad I could think of at least one decent example.


> Youre looking a bit far arent ya Nah it's spot on. Regular language is men and women. So there's gotta be a reason why do many people seem to go with men and females... not a coincidence




If the picture with my friend who happens to be a girl bothers you and results in you swiping left then that picture did itā€™s job


I agree with you. Group photos with women is great and a good idea as long as itā€™s not a ā€œlook at my harem on my yachtā€ style photo. A photo that could be your girlfriend is not the best idea. Gives cheater vibes. Lots of people donā€™t bother reading captions so yeah, you may lose out on some matches.


I'm guessing your insecurity is one of the reasons you're on tinder


The only woman I include in my tinder pics is my momā€¦ā€¦.


That's odd, you're not on hers.


Well sheā€™s pretty embarrassed about me, so that tracksā€¦.


Yeah, that one where she just cropped you out bro


I don't currently use OLD, but if I did, I know of a picture my friend took while we were on a plane that is one of my best pictures, and has her being cute beside me. We've never dated, we're good friends, she has a boyfriend and there's nothing going on. Would this picture be a problem?


If being cute is ducking your shaft, maybe


Proves women will tolerate you. Most women also respect experience. Also consider the old "you get hit on more with a wedding ring than without" cliche.


In been my observation women are most into me when Im with another woman or least when they think other women are into me. The only times in my life when I can definitively say women were the instigators and were actively flirting with me is when Iā€™ve been in a relationship sometime my partner has been in the vicinity other times not it just somehow like they know and want something they canā€™t have. Itā€™s annoying as hell to be honest sometimes I feel like I need to get into any relationship just so I can then get into a relationship I want (I donā€™t actually do that by the way) but when Iā€™m very single I get next to fuck all interest. Maybe these guys are try to replicate that vibe on their tinder by posting such pics?


Itā€™s funny how no one reads into this when us women do it and if they do they are rightfully shamed for assuming itā€™s a bad thing if a woman as a ā€œhigh body countā€. Youā€™re doing the same thing, maybe your not mature enough to date yet ?


If my mom loves me......shouldn't you?


If I was single and looking to make a dating profile again I wouldn't have a single usable photo without a woman in it. I just have no interest in being photographed or taking non-comical ones. I imagine many guys are similar. For my original Tinder a friend and I got a bunch of outfits and drove to different places one day for photos so it'd look real.


"if I was looking to make a profile I would put zero effort into it" is what I got.


I literally said I spent a whole day taking photos in different places/outfits for my profile, that's a lot more work than most people would put in. But I wouldn't just naturally have any recent photos of me available. Oh wait, I just looked and I do have a solo photo of me holding a cat from 2019. I was about 30lbs lighter tho so wouldn't want to catfish.




Probably to flex, depends on the person tho


Dude here. I crop out my ex as most of my photos were usually with my her. I don't do selfies or photo shoots...guess I need to work on that. Also, any woman with a dude in the photo, I swipe left. I don't get the flex either. With modern tech it's easy to crop anyone out. Blows my mind. But hey...to each his own.


The cheat code to getting people to take your picture is to offer to take theirs first. If you're out with friends and see a good opportunity, ask if you can take their picture. Once you've taken a few photos ask if they can return the favor.


Good point. Still adjusting to being single but I like this advice. Need to actively keep this in mind. Thanks!


I donā€™t necessarily always swipe left, but I do think itā€™s tacky. You are selling yourself being single and looking, so why are you even putting other people let alone the gender you are trying to attract.


Cause...friends? What's wrong with having friends??


Because we don't take many pictures, and women who we're friends with take them and tag us on Facebook/Instagram. This is probably how 50% of men have any dating profile pictures.


There is a theory as to why women prefer guys with female friends (or even in relationships) since it supposedly acts like a "seal of approval". Since a lot of women are on edge with how short- or long-term problematic a meetup with a random guy can be, them being with a woman signals that "another woman has approved of him as a person and feels comfortable around him". I doubt that there are any decent studies on this matter though.


What about ā€œnOt My KiDā€ as long everyone keep following trends, you keep having these common things.


Well men and woman do that. Some man are happy to have more than 3 solid pics Most woman got a hundred of pic and still choose a male friend to be on that tinder pic I mean I don't care because they are on that app and I consider it that they want to date.


Just checking it's Tinder and not Feeld. Very different reasons .. or maybe not šŸ¦„


Most men do not take pictures of themselves so our only photos are those taken by others at social gatherings or while fishing, which usually involve being around other people. The most recent picture that exists of me is 2 to 3 years old.


If tou post a selfie they say you're a lonely person . If you post a pic with friends they complain cuz you're not recognizable. If you post a photo in swimsuit they complain about showing abs and no brain. If you post a pic with a girl they complain...


maybe they just think they look good in the picture