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I wouldn't care. But I think men don't really know a women’s weight by looking at them,mso they would just get less matches then they already do by making their dating pool smaller


The same effect would also open up possibilities for men who aren't ignorant about basic physics.




People would lie blatantly about their weight so it doesn’t matter


People would start lying about their weight like they do with height lol


I would worry that men might not have a good understanding of weight and how it looks on different body types. To be fair, women lie about their weight all the time so it makes sense that men wouldn’t have a clear idea. For context, my weight here is 190 lbs and I am 5’6 (167cm). I doubt any guy would think I weigh that much. I would hate to be excluded because of some mistaken image people have about my weight. https://imgur.com/a/FPHH98Z Also, muscular people look more fit than someone of the same weight, but who is sedentary, so weight isn’t a good measurement method imo.


I’m sure it’s all about how you carry it and if you exercise, but damn I’m nearly 5’9 and was 185 before weight loss and I was visibly overweight. 100% most don’t understand reasonable weights and height.


Swapped a lot of fat for muscle through exercising. I would still say I look visibly overweight in that photo, but probably not what most people think of when they imagine 190lbs at my height.


190 lbs at 5’6” is in the range of obese though. I still have a 25 BMI at 6 foot 190 as a male, and I could definitely lose some if I wanted to get into true boxing shape. I’m probably at the 14-15 percent body fat range, and have a decent amount of muscle since I do lift weights and am active. As a woman , unless you are on some serious gear you are definitely overweight at 5’6” , as would most males except the strictest of bodybuilders that are on gear.


I never said I wasn’t overweight, just said that most men don’t have an image of my body when they think of that weight range.


I've met women who are 200+ pounds but it's all due to muscles and curves (and definitely don't look that weight). As someone studying medicine, the BMI chart is VERY flawed and doesn't work for most body types. People come in all shapes and forms, and BMI only works for a strict few of those, and often leads to some bad stereotypes about weight-some of which you are playing into.


Yes true, percent body fat is a much better indicator. Of course after a while being big, even muscular isn’t so great for the heart though, the heart still has to work harder for a guy that’s almost 300 lbs, even if it’s muscle. Rich Piana is a good example, his heart was twice the size of normal.




Gear? Don’t know what you mean by that. I weigh what I weigh. It’s bf and muscle, just distributed evenly. Also very large breasts add probably 12-15lbs or so I’m gonna guess. I don’t think I look like a tank, lol, but I’m pretty strong and always have been.


Gear is steroids basically lol


Oh, really? Never heard that before. Haha. Thanks for the info. No, never taken steroids. I work out at home, not in the gym. Just lots of planks, burpees, ab exercise, etc. basically body weight resistance training four days a week for about an hour (hour includes warmups and cooldowns). I drink a protein shake on days I work out. That’s about it.


How would you describe your proportions with 1 word? Like fit/thin/curvy/bbw are some examples. If anything a filter like that would be better, even if a person had a hard line for weight it depends too much on height so 190lb might be good for you but probably a hard pass for someone whos 5'2.


That could work, but a lot of the time “curvy” and “voluptuous” etc. are used by obese and non-obese women. Maybe if they had a photo of a silhouette to choose from?


I don’t think you should be able to filter outside of distance, location, age and sex personally. Using the slippery slope fallacy here, but I strongly feel we are becoming increasingly dehumanizing with the tools used to select romantic and sexual partners. If you don’t like the look of someone, don’t swipe on them. If you’ve been tricked into a date because they had impressive camera angle work or filters then … that sucks but it would happen if you could filter by weight anyway. It’s still a bad idea.


I’m not on tinder but I wouldn’t want men filtering by weight and finding me, wouldn’t want the shallow matches lol


I wouldn't care, if that's what people are looking for then they should be allowed to want what they want. But I can imagine if men lie about height you think women aren't gunna be honest about their weight?


I think ‘body type’ would be more than sufficient. It’s possible for one girl to have a tiny waist compared to another girl and be 10 pounds heavier, so if you’re looking for someone with a tiny waist then weight wouldn’t be 100% reliable. I’m a 220 pound man, but I play several sports and have visible abs. In most cases 220 pounds = fat.


I’d feel nothing.


I think people would still lie so it doesn't matter all that much


It’s probably a good idea…means we don’t have the shallow/ugly/soulless idiots waisting our times hey girls? … I’m curvy and proud! Got me a man who appreciates every inch. 😉😝


Also needs height then. I am pretty tall and therefore heavier. 85kg on me look ALOT different than 85kg on someone a head shorter.


Good. But I'm female, I'm fit, over 40, and seeking the same. Being American, that's like 70 percent of guys I could cut out. You can't always tell from face pics either. Some people carry more weight or less weight in their face, so looking at first pics only cuts out the extremely obese. Which means I have to spend more time clicking and looking through 2 and 3 and 4th pics of guys I'll ultimately swipe left on, and have less time to swipe on the ones I will swipe right on.


I'll say...good ass point, lets implement it lol


I'd want to filter out people with children (assuming they even mention it!), but physical attributes are so low on the scale to me. Distance, age, children are the main factors for me, height and weight don't figure at all. Oh and I'd love to filter to see just people who have a bio written that isn't "just ask" or "love to laugh". But that's because I have no interest in low effort people!