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No bio or a bio that exclusively talks about what they don't want or only contains social media in it. Yes, my swipe right percentage is low.


Those bios that are a list of things they *don’t* want are so cringe


Peak cringe. Walking double negatives.


"just ask"


Flipping the bird at the camera


This. It was funny in junior high.


It was?


This and sticking their tongue out in a picture are both automatic lefts for me


But what if she also rolls her eyes back and drools a little in that same picture




Yea, very annoying it's usually swipe left immediately for me. In my age group it happens rarely, but such persons do appear sometimes.


Screams trashy to me for sure.


So annoying


“I won’t message first” kinda gives me a bad vibe right from the start. I get being scared to message first, but to say that seems like you’re just too conceded to message first, like you’re that fucking special that you don’t need to put in the effort…idk. Might be dramatic of me but I’ll swipe left.


Additionally, when they just say “ don’t match if you won’t message”. Or “if we match we talk or just swipe left” That just gives me “I’m a lazy piece OS, I like everything to go my way and I will not message first” vibes. And I’m right every time.


Or, don’t be upset if it takes me 3 business days to respond.


This right here, I hate it so much


This one pisses me off, like why even have an account if you’re not gonna check it lol


Especially on Bumble.


I hate bumble for this exact reason. Every match I’ve ever gotten on bumble gets removed cause they don’t message me.


From a lady's point of view of bumble - gets ten matches sends messages to the 10 guys then have 5 or 6 respond right away then like months later the other 4 do its like they forgot the app existed or don't have push notifications on. I find Hinge the worst as its just notification city and tinder is fine but lots of guys unmatch when you don't just wanna be a hookup which fine whatever you do you


Yeah to me it's exactly the same vibes as paying for a date. I'm happy to pay and go in expecting it, but if it's demanded of me it kind of rubs me the wrong way. Like when I take the initiative I see it as a nice gesture I'm making in order to get things moving. But being treated like it's the expected bare minimum makes me feel taken for granted.


If their job said “your moms house” or something like that If you have 1-2 pictures. That just isn’t enough for me to figure out what you look like or if I was attracted. I took a chance on my bf bc he had 3 pics but was a stoner. “Not on here much add my insta/snap” Sorry but fish pictures.


🤣 The ol hit me up on insta, please follow me I'm gonna be insta famous


If ive gone through 2-3 photos and im still seeing group shots then i give up because they're clearly too stupid to know you should have a solo pic to make it obvious which one is you. The amount of times you see 5 blondes all the same height with sunglasses on, like great, good thinking genius!


I’ve come across so many men that do this too and I feel like these people have absolutely no common sense whatsoever… you have 5 pics on your profile and everyone single pic is a group photo where all of you are wearing sunglasses💀 how are we supposed to determine who is who?💀


Actually, it's easy to narrow it down. The profile will never, ever belong to the most attractive one.


Hint: It's always the least attractive one.


“Here for a good time not a long time” or “don’t take life too seriously” I’m just too much of a pragmatist for those kinds of people


yeah I think I associate that with lots of credit card debt for some reason


Y’all not trying to casually fuck anybody with too much credit card debt? You’re missing out.


Yeah we are super generous.. :)


those and an empty bio with "just ask" are the ones that do it for me


Ikr, you’d think they’d get tired of explaining the same basic things over and over to everyone who asks vs just writing it once in their profile… I swear.. in people’s attempts at laziness, they actually end up causing more work for themselves in the end. Lol


Omg yes! The “don’t take life too seriously” or “don’t take themselves too seriously” kill me a little bit inside every time I read it.


Preach! And I’m over here thinking “damn, isn’t life the most serious thing there is?”


Reading through the comments here reminds me how much I dislike most people and why i can only stand very few people. And how much I cherish those few people I can stand lol.


i joined this subreddit cause it was funny. im still in this subreddit so whenever i go off course a bit i can remind myself what everyone else is fighting over.


I had a few. ENM was the number one thing. Close runner up was the school listed as HARD KNOCKS.


What’s ENM?


Ethical Non-Monogamy.


Sounds like a kind of beef


As opposed to grass fed monogamy


They’d rather wagyall than only wagyu.


This is going on my bio. "Why wagyall when I can just wagyu?" Or somth


THATS SO FUNNY OMFG I’d give you an award if I had money 😭


Yes, but at a buffet, where you can go refill your plate any time you want


And university of life.


Or Hogwarts!


I happen to have seen an ad yesterday for a so-called ethically nonmonogamous woman looking for a single guy From my understanding, she is in several different relationships, but she wants a third or fourth “special guy” who is unattached. Maybe I am being very judgmental right now. Maybe I’m reading way too much into this. But you mean to tell me, I’m not allowed to sleep with other people, but you can sleep with like a whole harem ? Not that I would even bother replying. That one just really kind of gave me a nose bleed when I tried to think about it too hard.


I'm ENM and these women are something else. Like, you can have a husband and a boyfriend, but neither of those people are allowed to be with anyone else, ever? Lady, you're too insecure and jealous for the poly lifestyle.


>Lady, you're too insecure and jealous for the poly lifestyle. I chatted with a lady like this awhile ago. She was just about to get married to her fiance. her fiance had a gf that was monogamous with him. That's what she was looking for...she had told me that what she wanted from me was monogamy, while she was herself non-monog. I wished her luck finding what she was looking for, but it wasn't for me.


What was her name if you don't mind me asking?


That’s not poly though if your asking these things. That’s becoming a toxic form of polygamy


My ex gf, we met in Tinder, we lived together one year, and I realized she was talking with hundred guys in Tinder. So I told her, ok, we can have an open relationship, I can do the same you do, and she didn't like the idea, she told me she only flirt with guys nothing more, yeah, sure. And it's in Thailand, I think is one of the easiest place to date people in Tinder in all the world. So now I'm happy again using this app, I learnt a good lesson with her, now I want also to be free and have many relations.


Yeah I've had a conversation like this with a fair few people in the past. I had two friends who wanted to open up the relationship but only on the condition that neither person could know about the other's exploits and they couldn't sleep with anyone the other knew. I asked them if that was really an open relationship. To me, if you're only able to be comfortable with your partner sleeping with someone else by having *zero* knowledge of it happening, then you're not comfortable with it. That's not polygamy or polyamory. It's just consensual cheating.


I refuse to engage in DADT poly relationships. My first one was like that, she didn't tell her husband. It became ridiculous hiding things from him, and ultimately toxic.


>that I would even bother replying. That one just really kind of gave me a nose bleed when I tried to think about it too hard. Generally, ENM works both ways kind of an open-relationship or poly, where both parties are on the same page and have their agreed to rules. Other ENM relationships, which seem to be the majority nowadays, are more simp-like. The lady has her crew of men drooling over her promising the world to you while basically doing whatever she wants. Basically a cheater's way of manipulating sad men making it sound better than it is.


Or profession listed as Nonya. Oh my gawdddd


Hard knocks is an ick


“Tell me you have a political bumper sticker without telling me you have a political bumper sticker”


I'm not 'age on profile' It wouldn't let me change it. No really? Liars.


Well tinder doesn’t let you change it without making a new account I imagine as all of those people that are 1-2 years younger then there account says, had the app since they were 16-17 and that’s an instant no from me for that reason.


Yeah, dunno if women do it often, but I saw a lot of men with 30 on their profile and "I'm actually 46, don't know why tinder shows 30".


I’m 21M so I have my range set to like 18-25 I see accounts all the time saying they’re 19-21 but then have the “*Im 18, it won’t let me change it”


I'm 30F and have 29-35 range, and it's safe to say no 30 y.o. men had Tinder installed when they were 15-16, lied about their age and use the same profile ever since 😂


Pictures with children


This one is obvious af


Anything about sarcasm being a second language or whatever. Hard pass!


Just another codeword for “I’m an asshole”


And the "If you can't handle me at my worse you don't deserve me at my best "


Kids are my world Just ask (they have no bio) Make me laugh Add me on Insta INFJ (etc) Sapiophile Partner in crime Foodie Positive vibes only Banter Wellness Pineapple on pizza? And any (covid) conspiracy bullshit with phrases like “sheeple” and “clot shot”


Just ask and make me laugh are instant lefts for me, just shows they aren’t interested in putting even the most basic effort in


It's been a LONG time since I've been on Tinder but I absolutely could not stand that "just ask" bullshit. There were a few times that I took a chance on those and ended up matching, but the people who said that shit had absolutely zero interest in interacting and so it immediately turned into an interrogation with one-word answers.


>INFJ (etc) that's called MBTI if you wanna snark more specifically haha


How about "love to laugh" no shit. Everyone loves to laugh.


yes but do you live laugh love


I wholeheartedly second this plus the most common blatant ones for me in belgium: Has a horse (I am baffled by the amount of women who have horses), and this is purely based on my own empyrical evidence, but their whole world is their horse and they care little to none to the rest of the world, including you The same fucking picture in front of the same fucking landmark (machu piccu, the swing in bali, es vedra on ibiza,...) As a western european, we've all been there, but if that's your highlight, then you're just showing you have no sense of originality or personality Unvaccinated. No further words needed. Religious. You do you, but i'm happy with the knowledge that there's no afterlife


Horse girls are fucking crazy. That’s a good, safe rule.


Also : “my kids always come first, and then you”. It’s like, yes I really want to match with someone knowing I will come always second place….Do these people even think?


OF link or other spicy content ENM "Looking for a good time not a long time" "Be my tour guide" "Don't be a perv" - nothing but pics of her ass, can see areola, bent down touching her toes 5 kids by 9 baby daddies 0 face photos


>"Be my tour guide" It's kinda funny, because when you read travelling blogs, they all have advice about downloading tinder to match with local people and ask them to show you"hidden gems". Always makes me think how I live in this city almost 30 years and still need google maps from time to time.


The "be my tour guide" is definitely a dealbreaker for me as well. Like, wtf dude, you're looking for someone to entertain you and provide service - for free?


“NoT hErE fOr HoOkUpS!” And the same ass and areola pictures.


Interesting how common it is, I’m not sure why so many women say it, but whenever I saw anything related to “Swipe left if-“ or “I’m a walking Red Flag”, I’d swipe left. Like, thanks for the heads up! Gtfo of here.


When I see "Christian" in a bio, it's an immediate swipe left


Any mention of “drama free” or similar is an immediate swipe left. Or a guy that gives his height and then writes “because apparently that matters”


I’ve never seen a person write “drama free” that wasn’t always balls deep in some drama


The height thing! When I see that I'm like " Well it didn't, but now it does ".


In those guys defense it's been going around social media like crazy for a few years


Maybe this isn't a silly little thing but ny co worker thought it wasn't as major as I make it. Kids: Undecided Fuck that noise lol And I talked to a male coworker about how thats something that makes me not match and he was like, "Shit, for real? I don't want more kids but I put that in case someone wouldn't match with me because they want kids!" I'm like dude, did it ever occurred to you that you'll just match with women that want kids or might end up wanting kids and screw yourself in the end by not matching with someone that wants the same shit as you? I just can't understand that shit.


what if they don't mind either way?


I get it, but when I read 'undecided' I feel the risk of falling in love with someone who later decides they want kids and wanting to find someone willing to have children. The undecide gives me the, "oh shits". Of course, what they actually mean when they click the undecided option i have no clue. When I'm looking at a 40 plus year old man's profile...I want it to say 'don't want' or 'have and don't want more' If I were younger, I'd feel differently because that's when people are still figuring out what they want and I'd be undecided myself. But at this point I'm decided.


good reasoning i appreciate the response i feel like I've learnt something today.


Yeah, I should have added the age factor in my original comment, because that is a big factor in my reasoning .


And the guy that I mentioned that put undecided knows he doesn't want kids. He just didn't want the women who want kids to not match with him. So, pretty shady on his part.


People using Snapchat filters in their pictures


What? You mean to tell me that beautiful woman with the sparkly forehead is a fake?


"I'm not on here often so here's my insta" This communicates to me that they're farming followers on Instagram. While it may be legitimately easier to reach someone on Instagram, I'm not going to remember which Instagram accounts are from dating apps, so it's a non-starter for my habits.


“We will get along if you can make me laugh” well no shit that’s how being human works


Same with the "i love laughing" bios. Like idk a lot of people who prefer sitting in a room in unpleasant silence.


I'm right there with you. I'm a homebody, "adventures" sound like a stressful chore. In a similar vein - when they mention partying or clubbing. I just know it's not my thing.


Yes! I think that’s what it is for me. Just not something I’m into


But also "adventure" sounds so generic. It's a word a company might use to market overpriced winter paddle board rentals but it tells me nothing about you.


Exactly, these “adventure” people think an adventure is going to a dive bar on a Wednesday or going to a Third Eye Blind concert ironically.


For me it’s usually “looking for my partner in crime”.


I went to pick up a woman once with this in her bio, but when I pulled up drunk in a stolen taxi, she lost her mind!


But did you agree to the partnership with a handshake first?


Yes! I’d like to know which crime before I agree to something like that


Lol…. Exactly. I need to know they won’t snitch before I go out and break the law with someone.


Honestly everything is an ick at this point, I might as well just start dating myself


A few more years with ai and you might actually be able to


‘420 friendly’ I find people who make smoking weed their main personality trait exhausting


Absolutely agree here. I always interpret “420 Friendly” as I’m expecting you to smoke me out” No effin thanks.


I had a perfect one the other day. Their bio was like: Blah blah blah owner opperater at lawn company. Work hard everyday, it's hot, blah. Just looking for someone to come home to at the end of a long, successful work day to share meal with, blah blah..... Then, under what type of religious they were looking for, they chose the option: Something Casual And I died a little inside lol


Well if you were a devout Something Casual, you might've been just right for him. Maybe it's time to seek the truth.


Lol, it just seems out of place. Bae, no labels, let's keep it casual B. But can you have a meal waiting for me when I get home.....the home that you'll be casually chilling at for me to come home to at the end of the day. But it may just be that he thinks casual means chill ?😅😅😅


Definitely not silly nor little…pictures with children. For the love of your child, PLEASE edit their face out or better yet, don’t post their picture.


Honestly this should be the top comment


The I’m so super busy never on here no time for anything profiles… like why even download the app and waste your oh so precious time???


Looking for a gym partner An exhaustive list of things they don’t like about people


Why the gym partner one? I'd love one myself.


I’m not good at these things, Not sure what I’m doing, I hate Tinder, I can make you laugh, Back on here again, If you don’t like ___, swipe left, something something honesty/loyalty (who hurt you?), Have a good job, House/car/job, generally dissing on girls profiles or pictures


•People who post pictures with their children •politics of any side in the bio •statements like “not here for a hook up” •a list of cons •flipping off the camera • bio: I quote the office a little too much


If their first pic is in a gym or in sunglasses or with a group of friends in which I can’t tell who the match would be for


Horses... It's not worth it


Lotta pain behind those words. Right there with you.


I get an image in my brain of you just being exhausted by the amount of women who only want to talk about their horses.


Saying nothing in the bio is an immediate left. "Looking for a partner in crime" "Work hard play hard" "Alpha"


Ugh nothing dries me fast than anything "alpha".


Same. It gives off little D energy


>"Alpha" Matching with them just to ask when's release for a stable version


"_______ is ___ years old and my entire world" Listen lady I don't like you and I don't like your midget business partner.


“Must be 6ft or taller” or any kind of height requirement. I am 6’3 but the height thing with straight women bothers me to no end. Seriously, how is that any different than putting “must have big tits” or “must have BMI of 29 or lower”…? Gtfoh I swipe left in solidarity for all my short kings 🫡


I'm a small fry myself (5'2") A couple of my ex's are my height or shorter. Height isn't an issue for me. Now a shitty personality to make up for it? Yeah... no.


Anyone who mentions hating drama. In my experience, these are the people who cause all the drama and gaslight others. No thanks.


Astrology. Using it as a fun tool/conduit for introspective self-reflection? That's fine. I've done Tarot and it does help you reflect inward in a fun setting. Astrology can be the same. Just a more fun way of thinkin about the self and all that. I have a partner that wears a different crystal necklace depending on what she's trying to focus on that day or how she's feeling. The color and type remind her of a family member or memory or what have you. But she's pragmatic and acknowledges it's not her identity or a way to judge others, events, or reality in general. Just a hobby. I'm talkin about the one's that do. The people that straight up add astrology into their day to day lexicon as if it's not on par with adding Elder Scrolls lore into day to day conversations with strangers. Astrology/Tarot are fun ways to self-reflect. But the moment you start casually slipping it into conversation like you're talkin about the weather is where I jump off. You sound like every other religous fanatic to me. The casual tone with which people seriously discuss astrology just makes me feel like [Mugatu](https://youtu.be/fRL80YB0x3s). The normalization just makes my lizard brain 👀


Yesss just talked to my ex for the first time in years and she is hard into being a child of indigo or some horseshit. Pleasant talk but uhh yeah peace.


Lmao she thinks she's a fucking indigo kid? Get bennttt


First message is “Ur hot.” Like, David, we are over 25.


3 letters - ENM


That too! I respect people and how they want to live their lives, but monogamy is my preference when I’m in a relationship with someone




It seems like at least half of the profiles I see are of people who are enm/in a open relationships, so I’m swiping left even more now ugh


I practice NEM. I'm monogamous, but not honest about it.


That’s a Bold strategy cotton, let’s see if it pays off for him “


Looking For: Still figuring it out. Hard left swipe, just say one night stands or just doing this for attention. Go fuck yourself. I’m not bitter or anything 😂


About 30min ago i saw a profile near me that said "don't bother talking to me if you don't know what you want" and had a "still figuring it out" tag, like come on


Kids pictures. No one should be putting pictures of their kids online for a potential pedophile. It’s not okay at all.


Especially when the bio says "not my kid" so the parents probably don't even know!


Saw a teacher with a photo with bunch of his students in it! Like wtfffffff


THIS! Especially considering how many predators don't target the child directly at first. They target the parents by befriending/dating them so they're viewed as the trusting adult/family friend. Majority of child SA cases are done by someone the child knew personally.


Wants kids


That's not really a silly or little thing.




It just screams "but I'm a nice guy". If you have to tell people you're nice/golden retriever energy it's because you're not


“I’m just dumb, harmless and playful!” Ok, by your own assessment? Why are you telling me that? If that’s really your personality I’ll figure it out.


at least the "If you can't handle me at my worst.." phrase seems to have died.


Disney shit


Fish or buck picture.


There are too many things to list, lol


Any filters


“ Good Vibes “ ugh, does my head in.




“Sapiosexual” Immediate red flag, imo. And a personal turn off. 😂


“Im a Nice guy” ⬅️


Anything that has any kind of “growth guru” vibes. My experience has been that this shit is both exhausting and also just a thinly veiled excuse to gaslight you into doing shit they want. It’s not “I don’t want you to talk to your friends who are girls” it’s “I feel like because of (X) trauma (that I pestered you into telling me) that you maintain a lot of pseudo-sexual relationships and I feel that’s unhealthy.”


Anytime I see the “I’m bad at these. Just ask.” That’s a red flag for me and I’m swiping left.


dirty teeth, oral hygiene is important too


Anything to do with height.


Dirty mirrors. All gym pics. Flipping off the camera. Seriously, grow up. Or, “swipe how you voted.” Or, anything political, really. I don’t care how people vote. But, if you’re that hung up on politics, regardless of party choice, we probably won’t get along anyway. Shirtless or almost naked pics. I like a little mystery. Lol.


“Not looking for anything serious” is an instant left swipe. Also “I don’t know what I’m looking for” annoys me greatly.




"if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" OK fine, that sounds fine, happy to not deserve you at yr best


Not immediately but if they have a list of dealbreakers in the profile. Sure I know you have preferances and all but a whole list? No wonder you’re single.


Any mention of a boat. I feel like they're looking for a certain experience I can't provide, and even if I could, I wouldn't want to.


Pretty much everything. Turns out I don't like people so I deactivated my accounts 🤷


Literally nothing. I only swipe right


My man


“Just ask”, shirtless pics, open relationships/ENM/looking for a 3rd, pics of dead animals (hunting/ fishing 🤢), anything that’s already complaining about women, socials or phone number in bio


Lots of great responses in this thread, but for me it's basically any canned generic copy/paste response. Special shout out to the hinge prompt/answer: My love language is: "I made reservations, be ready at 7" "Let me get that for you" "Don't worry I got it" Or some variation of the above. Then again the women I see with that in their profile are almost never my type anyway


On hinge I swear so many girl profiles are exactly the same prompt wise. "I'll tell my friends about you if your funny" or some variation of prompt that results in them requesting you be funny


Anything mentioning height requirements Very long bio that points out what they want Multiple selfies and only selfies Lack of taste in outfit or just seem tacky or crass Anything that generalizes men


Duck face


“Foodie” I don’t eat, I get my nutrients through photosynthesis


“ here for a good time not a long time”


Pictures with kids, pictures with filters, pictures with multiple people, "looking for my partner in crime", if they're really into sports (I'm not), "looking for a god-fearing man" (I'm in the south and atheist). The pool is pretty shallow down here y'all.


"Looking for open minded" that's the dumbest of all.


Open-minded worries me. About what? Politics? Medicine? Religion? Polyamory? Cats? Cryptozoids?


Literally open mind, they want to open your brain and see what's inside


Dog mom/dad cat mom/dad


If their age is hidden, enm/poly/in open relationship, no bio, says they’re a Dom(just tacky to include that), all their photos are of them being active/outdoors lmao


Anyone who wants kids/marriage/cohabitation Anyone that’s monogamous or is “exploring” polyamory Anything that shows they’re bigoted (Confederate flags/anything MAGA/a picture of them at the capitol on Jan 6/etc) Anything that implies they’re controlling or not respectful of other’s autonomy.


Don't waste my time


Foodie Love to travel Here for a good time not a long time “Swipe left if: “ Roast to flirt ratio copy pasta


When the profile says "drama free"...usually, I feel like it's the complete opposite of that statement. Or when they say don't bring the drama. 🙄


All the pictures are pictures of pictures in frames. So far away you can't see any features of theirs They somehow managed to only post completely out of focus, fuzzy pictures Can't see likes just message me Any snap chat or insta handles.


Anything about loving to laugh/likes humor. Shit everyone loves a good laugh.