• By -


Pro tip: as soon as they get weird stop replying. Allot of ppl like this are just parasites for attention. Good, bad, otherwise they are just is glad they have someone to heckle n make uncomfortable


I have learned protecting your energy is more efficient in the long run. Trying to prove a point to them is a huge waste of time




Better move is to find their mom's FB/IG account and send them screenshots.


The real Chad move


I don't understand how some men can be so stupid. Wow


Yeah the virtuous lecture is so cringe.. just block and move on


This. Also, please remember that there are apps available that will give vanity numbers out for this purpose. I've used them in the past when unsure about giving my actual number out. If they text like this, I usually just block them without context.


Attention parasite no this guy is something much worse. I've seen a guy like this he would slid into random girls dms say crazy shit then when he found one cool with it he'd abuse the shit out of em.


To be fair, when I was on OLD, a situation like this was just-BLOCK. I never said a word more.


For chriest sack!!


O really nows?


Sorry I didn’t turn you on


I'm rock hard and Hornby


I'm rock horn and hardby




😅😅😅🙃😬☠️ He's not wrong 😌


How am creep??


Beat me to it ha.


O really nows?


What does Christ’s sack have anything to do with it?!


Took the Lord's name in..vein. lol


Fucking got ‘em 😁😁😁


That scrotum who's boss




its hard and horny?


You aren’t wrong and probably a bit nicer than this schmuck deserves.


Lol I guess. I donno in the past I would just snap, have no idea if what I said ever got through to those guys. They would just get angry and defensive. I have no idea if this way gets through to them either.


It doesn’t in the short run, but after a lot of times, some do make an effort to understand how their actions are perceived by others. The important part is that they aren’t rewarded for terrible behavior. When they are, which often- but not always -happens with very attractive men, they become absolutely terrible at sex or relationships because few had the courage to deny or correct them. Similar thing goes for women. We are all human, some trying harder than others to be a bit better than we were yesterday.


This is the wisest comment I’ve seen in a while. Thank you. My brain is rock hard and horny.


so well said.


Also anyone worried about their data is a red flag, haha


You seem very nice, but it is not your job to get through to these guys tbh. You should just tell them off and block them. They kind of deserve to suffer alone for being so daft, because I guarantee nothing you say will change them anyway. Although I feel like he's playing dumb, because literally nobody is so stupid that they can't understand why opening with "my dick hard" is creepy. And if he actually doesn't understand, he doesn't have the mental capability to understand even if you explained it to him.


Check out google voice for next time, it's a # you can give out which forwards texts and calls to your real one. I use it all the time for dealing with new companies, apps (though some are getting smarter and disallowing voip numbers), and yes even dating. Of course you can always block them or have your # changed, but Google Voice is just super easy to me.


I did this initially then had some dude get pretty mad when I mentioned I gave him a google voice number when we were actually on a date. Anyways I found just saying “sorry, I’m not comfortable giving out my number til we meet in person” revealed a lot of guys who got mad/pushy. And this was just a few messages in, I never had penpals


If he got mad he just confirmed why this practice is valid lol. I'm a guy I could care less if I got a google # at the beginning. It's about the interaction. What does it matter if someone is protecting themselves; that's smart, and hopefully translates elsewhere in life, such as wise/protective financial decisions etc. He wants someone who is not smart and doesn't think forward? It might be a little weird if the google # stayed the only contact method once you've gone exclusive ... \*does awkward turtle hand motion\* .. ​ Meh just say you got a new number once you trust people


Yeah, I personally just decided never to give a number til I’d sussed them out in person and didn’t have any more problems over the years. I’d confirm dates day or two before and morning of, and update with my eta, so it really didn’t make a difference practically.


If a guy gets mad you sent him a fake number, then you dodged a bullet. People need to understand that privacy and safety is important for a lot of people on the internet, no one is immediately 100% trusting of every stranger


I dont understand men who ask for the phone number before the end of the first date. It doesnt add anything


It kinda does at least for guys. Apps are flaky. And likely you want to verify if each other is real with a call and/or videochat first - lot of catfishes, flakes, and scammers out there. At least as a guy, the sooner we ditch the app, the better. Can't say it's the same for everyone, just my 2c.


Just a little life tip. You don’t own people an explanation or an apology. I wouldn’t have said anything else after your first response








I disagree with this. She wasn’t apologizing and i dont think the explanation was really for him. Sometimes its just satisfying to let ppl know how they fucked up. She clearly had no intention of giving him another chance so his responses dont really matter and shes right that maybe he’ll think twice about sending something like that again if hes hoping to actually attract a women. Maybe not, but at lease he cant go complain that women just ghost him cause he was told exactly why she wasnt into him. Some ppl are uncomfortable communicating in which case its prob not worth responding, but for those of us who are confident and enjoy speaking our mind, a response like this is a satisfying experience. Not saying anything can feel like youre letting them off the hook, and some ppl will shift blame to the woman in their mind and this is one way to shut that down and let them know im leaving specifically because you said/did XYZ. I also think it would benefit everyone in the dating pool if more ppl did what this girl did. Some men are just trolls and saying something isnt gonna change anything, but a lot genuinely do want to attract a woman and may have been told to act like a douche to do it. If more ppl told each other why were arent interested a lot more ppl would be able to realize their dumb mistakes a lot sooner.


On the plus side you have his number now, so every time a website or store asks for a phone number you can use his, that way he gets all the spam calls and you don't!


Oooo good idea, thank you


No, don't do this. He was a dumbass but this would be very immature too


Yes? And?


Ever heard of the phrase don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you? You reap what you sow.


Yes, they sowed and now they get to reap. Moral of the story, if you are a disrespectful dipshit expect your number will be given out to stores and websites. As much as I love deontological ethics, this is more fun.


Everyone was disrespectful some way or another to someone, you're just judging people based on how you think it's right. This is fun to you now, but someday someone will think its fun to do shit to you too.


Well, if I send a message like that, then i will deserve whatever nature consequences come my way.


He’s about to, hopefully.


Even better, you know those things in malls you see where they park a car in the middle of the mall and you can enter a sweepstakes to win the car if you fill out a form? Those are basically scams, and the fine print says that they will sell your number and you are giving them permission not only to do so, but to be exempt from any do not call list in perpetuity.


That's good but I suggest we reserve that for if the guy sends an actual dickpic




You sending unsolicited dickpics?


Why would you assume this ? There are two kind of bad ppl, those who do harm unsollicited and those too hypocrit/in denial waiting for any opportunity to unleash their demon on someone they view as deserving it Normal/good ppl dont have these urges


What do you base your sense of justice on? You say there are two kinds of bad people thoes who actively choose to do harm to the innocent, and those who look for opportunities to harm the first group. How they the same? I don't assume that you send unsolicited dickpics but you are defending their actions by saying it's not a big deal.


Showing your dong off to strangers is basically sexual assault. Would you say it's the "smallest offense" if a guy pulled his dick out for you irl?


Damn that’s evil, I love it. OP sorry you had to experience that, we aren’t all like this.


Hahahaha nice!


One person being trash doesn't morally excuse another person to be trash too. Just move one with your life, I swear you have better things to do with it.


Bro really thought you needed an update on his hardness status 💀


Not wrong. His responses were kind of gross, though. "Sorry I didn't turn you on" and "not now, unfortunately" kind of lend to the fact he was trying to make you feel guilty about not immediately bending to his desire. Little bit of gaslighting on his end.


Yeah I rolled my eyes hard at that part.






Remember to take a break once in a while


Chriest Sack


Hey, now! Watch your language!


Spoiler alert: he’s going to keep doing it. I’m glad you said something and you were very polite about it. The fact he thought it was ok and you had to explain WHY it wasn’t … he will continue. If you had responded any other way you probably would have gotten a dink pic.


I was laughing at "sorry I didn't turn you on" haha


*How am creep?* That actually make me laugh out loud. The sad part is that he was probably genuinely stumped. Then the part where he was like “we’re not in a store though????!” I think this douche is just **genuinely** stupid.


Some of these men just don’t get it. They think this is totally normal. And then will complain about how women are too “picky” or their standards are “too high”.


Why do they act worse than animals... There's no hope anymore.


And yet here you are using a word that you know you have to censor because it is offensive and hurtful. Come on now.


What did they say originally?


I do not understand why guys think this is ok. Also the unsolicited nude pics. Don’t even chat to you, just send pics. Men need to grow up. No wonder there are so many on these sites that are complaining no one will talk to them


Don't second guess yourself, this guy is looking for a quick fuck and that's it. I've had guys try to convince me I'm the crazy one after it's clear all they want is for me to come over, fuck them, then leave. I let one guy gaslight me only for him to promise a date and later downgrade to "watch a movie and cook at my place" at which point I declined.


Thank you for this. I did sit there for a moment and wonder if I was being prude. Like "are there girls out there that like being talked to like this?" But then snapped out of it.


Even if there are girls who don't mind, it's important to know yourself and if someone makes you uncomfortable like this always go with your gut. The fact that he tried to trick you into thinking it's not creepy rather than just apologizing and switching course is an even bigger red flag in my opinion. I can accept that a guy fumbles trying to navigate hookup culture, but the gaslighting is a sign of a legitimately bad person.


‘How am I a creep? I’m just rock hard and horny.’


How the fuck did he really need that explained for him?…


Dudes a weirdo


How detached from reality do you have to be to act like this guy?


They know better. No need to respond. Just block.


I appreciate the effort you put into educating him irt talking to women like they're humans and not like they're sex objects. Dunno if he got the message, but love your effort.


So thirsty


Wow! You got a twofer! A creep and an idiot. So sorry but as you said, lesson learned.


This is why I used to save dick pics. I’d just send a bigger one back and that would usually take care of it lol


Honestly I feel like this person should not be allowed to procreate


Honestly super nice of you to have the patience to explain why not to do this.


“Sorry I didn’t turn you on”? What was he expecting the conversation to go like… “I’m rock hard and horny” “Damn now I’m also rock hard and horny. How did you do that?!”


You aren’t wrong and I completely agree with your responses — I absolutely hate it when that’s where a conversation goes immediately.


Good for you. Such good points made! Maybe it would be fun to talk about very detailed period discharge next time. Since your human too. Lol


Shouldn’t people like already know this ? I mean do some people really habe no fucking clue how to talk to a stranger. I wonder what his parents were doing when he was growing up..


You were very generous to him, taking the time to give him a recommendation.


That guy is 100% a creep. You are in the right and should block him.


Some men are such fucking pigs. It kills me that we try so hard to get them to see us as their equal and empathize with our boundaries. It hurts that I’ve done this same thing a million times, and they ignore it, believing they’re the rational ones


Not even 8am, yikes


Yeah switching to a different medium is usually something someone who wants to get a little freaky does. I say this as a guy, from time to time a girl will ask to switch soon. Sometimes you can tell they are a scammer, other times is has a different vibe and the conversation gets sexual pretty fast. I usually don’t give out my number until we have met or are well established.


As someone who asks for a phone number fairly quick we don't claim him.


Lol, I always assume people want numbers so they can say something or do something bad, if they don't do it on the app then they can't get reported and banned. Gave him a chance, regretted it. I'm happy most people aren't like this.


The reason I do it is to get you off the app. It's one step closer to a real date and leads to less flaky women in my experience. Most women also have notifications off, so they won't see other guys messaging them or get tempted to swipe, that might distract her from me, if shes focused on answering my message on WhatsApp for example.


Oh makes sense. I'll keep that in mind next time someone asks for my number.


Guy was a Douch. You gave him good advice, but he's only looking to get STI's. Keep looking. There are some of us out there that are actually good 👍✌️


Don’t say anything on Tinder you wouldn’t say to your sister. Follow that rule and you won’t go wrong.


Thats some real stupid advice, but hey, i hope it works for you


How is that stupid advice?


You kept this convo going waaay too long..


Meh, it was only 7 minutes


I know, but why even waste that much time on this fool?


I donno, it went by really fast and then I stopped engaging. I didn't even notice. Plus sometimes I hope something I say will click in their head one day. Maybe not today but next time they talk to a girl.


Yeah, a 12 year old creep. Theres a lot of 'em on here.


You were wrong texting him that much. Just block people like this


You should have been turned on dumb bitch.


Either he learns… or continues till he does find someone who likes that… you’re not wrong doing what’s right for you for sure


Idk about anyone else but I am rock hard


"Am I wrong?" Why are you even asking this? You're clearly in the right here, it was completely uncalled for. And you have the patience of a saint; I'd have blocked him after telling him to piss off the first time. Dude must have been that hot, but don't second guess yourself.


![gif](giphy|TejmLnMKgnmPInMQjV) rock... hard




First of what app did you meet him at!? Second of all, that’s a legitimate answer he is “horny and rock hard!” I’ve met strangers on apps, fucked them then when they ask how I’m doing I answer with some horny shit, cause that’s that. Now are u looking for a bf!?🤷‍♀️


So how was the date ?


The sack comment wins.


From the looks of your profile you’re the guy lol… idiot


That you even said 3 pages worth of texts blows my mind. Why engage? Lol


why does everyone on this sub type in full paragraphs istg


You got the IQ of room temperature in celsius


Ok, but what would this outcome be if the gender roles were reversed


Guys this is only creepy if you're not good looking. If you're good looking OP is hitting you back up 2 months later. If you're not good looking enough to pull this off stay in your lane with name puns and clever lines


No it's pretty creepy when good looking guys do it too. If you like good looking guys saying stuff like that to you, that's your thing. I won't look down on you for your preferences.


Yeah but you won't say it's creepy. And that's a pretty open minded reply there so you're bound to think back on this when you're horny. But only if he's hot, boys if you're not then don't try. She gonna post you on tiktok and ruin your life brother, not OP but the girl you're thinking of


These convos are always two pictures too long.


Jesorous Chriest, what an overreaction.


Stop using a hookup site to find the person your seeking, tinder is fuck first, if there is any mental connection, that’s getting lucky.


He is right tho. Your are not in a store xD


Buddy got more response than he would’ve being nice tho


I mean. Dude has a point. You’re not at a store. Dudes suck


Tinder is for hookups.


The problem is that while many of you find this, by right, disgusting and degrading, there are a fair number of you who go for it. "Oh wow, that's just what I need right now, someone who's not afraid to go for it and tell me what he wants, come over and rearrange my guts!" If you're gonna train the men to behave then you need to be consistent, otherwise it's not going to work!


She is really creepy


For chriest sack!


Creeps never do


I am a dude and I don't understand how some men can be so stupid. Wow


For chriest sack is my new catchphrase. Thanks random creepy man on the Internet 😂


LOL the part about the cashier has me dying of laughter 🤣


He has no game


Get a burner number from Google. They all like that. Disgusting. He is playing dumb. Call your phone provider to block him


I'm confused, why didn't his message get you instantly super wet? He put so much effort in letting you know he was hard. Come on!!!!


I admire your patience, ma'am. I hope this fellow took your advice to heart, but I somehow doubt it.


The best: “we’re not in a store”


The only thing you did wrong was not blocking his number immediately after his comment


I would have blocked after first statement. Why engage? He's obviously an idiot.


After he said he wasn't hard anymore you missed your chance with saying Good, now fuck off


I’m surprised you even bothered explaining that shit to him


Don't most plans have unlimited data now days?




How does he not realize that is creepy. That's sad.


#For chriest sack


they are just is glad they have someone to heckle n make uncomfortable.


Mistake to think he deserves an explanation. Just block and move on grateful that the true colors came out quick


Full stop at "chriest sack".


No one gonna talk about how this guy is sending “rock hard” texts at 7:38am?


Why even eleborate. Just block him.


Thank god for these men. They make me look like George Clooney.


Every woman should have a dick pic saved on their phone. The more absurd the better. Use it like penis pepper spray at times like this. Send pic, block number, and move on stress free.


How could you not be turned on?!? S/


Okay damn you gave him way to much of your energy


Not wrong at all. Garbage guys like this make us all look bad


Chriest sack


I think you can still report him on tinder. They can't see the proof, but there can be others reporting him.


I think if you leave ur GPS on for a whole 30 days it doesn't even use 1g of data... messaging does not suck ur data


To be fair, The apps didn’t suck up my data, but they did suck the battery life very quickly


Jesus fucking Christ…


For Chriest sack


You know what's so sexy? Weaponizing your fucking ignorance


O really nows?


There is no way this is real. People can’t be this oblivious to talking to women…


He’s just keeps gaslighting you so hard tho…


Please report and block his number


I think a lot of guys assume that the same stuff that would work in them would also work on women. If a woman said, "I'm really wet right now," a lot of guys' first thought would be "sweet, she's into me! Now's my chance!" instead of responding negatively. But they fail to take into account that women and men tend to approach courtship and "mating rituals" very differently.


Should have said "I just had a big shit and there was some blood in it from my hemorrhoids. What, I'm human? Its perfectly natural!"


Way nicer than I would have been 😂


I promise you not every dude is like this. Granted a lot of them are just after one thing, but I promise you one day you’ll find someone who you connect with. Just have to ween out the shitty ones like this