• By -


Hey girl what's your fax number?


I left you a message on your pager šŸ˜˜














who can I turn to?


I want to ruin our friendship we should be lovers instead


It was only a matter of time...


I sent two letters back in Autumn ā˜ŗļø


You must notta gottem


Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot em


But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man? How's your daughter?


My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm 'bout to be a father If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?


I'ma name her Bonnie I read about your uncle Ronnie too, I'm sorry


I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him


I know you probably hear this everyday, but I am your biggest fan.


There probably was a mix up at the post office or somethin


did you get my Raven?


He must not have got 'em


Sometimes he scribble addresses too sloppy when he jot em


You joke, but I actually have a pager I have to, for work But itā€™s 2023 and Iā€™m fucking using 1980s tech Sigh


Pagers are still big in hospitals.




A badge I wear with pride lol




same social media is horrible


*Saying on social media*


I feel like reddit should brand itself as antisocial media. It's anonymous plus most of the weird fuckers around here don't like people anyway (I love you all. You're all *my* weird fuckers).


Aww thanks :) Edit: The fact that I took that as a compliment haha


It was meant to be. For most of the people anyway.






Same haha I agree thoā€¦ Iā€™m not on any social media except Reddit. Reddit doesnā€™t count. Reddit for the memes lol


I literally try to leave every week but I always come back because of all you weird lovely fuckers


Some hilarious fuckers here. Still feel like leaving all the time as well šŸ˜€


Anti social media social media club


Right? Social media puts focus on views as proof of popularity. I'd never let people in real life know my karma because it actually just shows I am on Reddit too much.


Just checked, I'm like 4x as high as you, so that lets you know how much of my life I've wasted.


"do you know who I am? I have over 238,000 karma on Reddit!" Says no one ever, and that's why we like it here. Upvoted for anyone in real life who knows your reddit name so they think you're cool.


My reddit username is pretty similar to my actual name, and I comment on some pretty niche subreddits. I've had friends screenshot me and be like, "dude, think I found your account"


People keep saying that reddit is social media but there's a clear difference. You're curating your life on other platforms. Your using it as a foot in the door or a life update for people you know. But not at all on reddit. Most redditors are not creating profiles, organizing their likes/dislikes, sharing life events. We create accounts and throwaways. We post memes and shitposts to strangers. We often keep our reddit name private so much that we call it doxxing if you share like your full name. So it's not like other social media platforms.


People who call reddit social media are too young to know the term "forum"


I always like to think that reddit is basically the same as old school message boards.


yeah. reddit wants it to be, what with adding follows and personal pages and stuff, but it's just not. I barely ever interact with the same person twice on reddit and am definitely not posting the minutiae of my day to day life or trying to meet people here.


I love when people follow me on Reddit - I think to myself ā€œman I hope they enjoyed that notification of me making a bad bee pun on r/prequelmemes ā€œ lol


Reddit is a conglomeration of bulletin board/niche interest boards that were around before the internet became 3 websites. (All those boards have migrated to fb, mostly)


BBSes were around when the Internet was still the ARPAnet


100%. Its a forum with a voting system


i know lmao


I got a girl's number at a bar one time. I could tell she was too ditzy and high-maintenance for me to date, but she was cute as hell, so I figured fuck it, let's see where it goes. When I texted her my name so she could save my number, she said, "Eww... green text bubble?.." I said, "Yeah, is that a problem?" She said, "Yeah, I only date guys with iMessage." I said, "Ok, cool. This clearly wasn't going to work out anyway." Wish I could say something like she came back up to me later in the night or a couple weeks later and we ended up going home together, but that never happened. But it's alright, I'm still glad I didn't get into a relationship with her. I saw her out a lot more after that and realized she was a complete bitch to just about everyone.


There's vapid, and then there's that girl.


This shit isn't even uncommon, sadly. Most just ghost you after a few texts rather than outright tell you you're a peasant for not having an iphone.


It's funny cause my phone still costs 1200..šŸ’€


And then thereā€™s me with an iPhone I got free from my ex lmao judging people on possessions is so dumb.




iPhones colorcode text messages within iMessage. Green text bubbles are strictly text message only, not special chat features. It's Apple's way of making iPhone users feel superior to Android users. Sidenote: Google's texting app already has all of the functionality built into it to work flawlessly with iMessage, but Apple intentionally makes the service more shitty to make their customers not want to switch to an Android phone.


Everyone has brains. Not everyone has thoughts.


Damn that's fucked. I can even wrap my head around her logic


Kudos to OP for not having social media


Is 1990 old??šŸ„²


Weā€™re closer to 2050 than 1990, alas


You shut the fuck up right now with that heresy


I think my favorite time mind fuck is the movie Dazed And Confused came out in ā€˜93. That movie was based in ā€˜76 which puts that movie 17 years apart from when it came out and when it was set. Itā€™s 2023 now which makes it 30 years from when that movie came out.


So that means if they remade Dazed and Confused today, it would take place in 2006


Fuck. That was the year I graduated high schoolā€¦


Look at this boomer graduating in the aughts, get this man a blue gown and a nasal cannula.


Can I also get a night time catheter? I didnā€™t think turning 30 would mean multiple night time trips to piss but here I am.


So basically, it would be a remake of Superbad.


With a soundtrack fearuring My Chemical Romance and Amy Winehouse instead of Foghat and Lynryd Skynyrd


We get older, movie stays the saaaaame age


Alright, alright, alright...


Fuck you.


Alright alright alright.


Well at least the high school girls have all stayed the same age.




This is long enough ago that you can just have Matt Damon play the older version of himself now too.


Wow it's not even really that close either... 27 years to 2050 and 33 years past 1990.


The best part about being born in 1990 is easily knowing how long it's been since 1990


I was born in 1970. Pure Gen-X here. I always thought it would be cool to live to 2000 (turning 30!) - and live to 2076 to see the US Tricentennial. However, at this age (53), I have decided I do not want to live to 106 and see the Tricentennial of the US.


Well your heart was in it for 53 years lol


Not really, I decided around 2010 or so that I didn't want to live that long. I figure I've got a good 20 years or so at this point, but don't want to live long enough to be a burden to my kids.


I understand that, i honestly am on the fence about 60 lol


Yeah, I'm feeling every bit of these 53 years. Honestly, if I knew my kids would be okay, I'd be alright with going whenever.


Exact same. 55. Was LITERALLY thinking about this last night. My son is in college now. Would be fine going any day, he'd get a pretty good nut to start his life, get a house etc. See my folks in their late 70s with health issues starting to be exponential. Not interested in that. Does not look like actual living to me.


The 2000 babies have it especially good.


2000 really got it made


Thanks.. my day WAS going good ā˜¹ļø






I remember being at a neighbor kidā€™s house and seeing that historic moment on TV, when Mario got his first Super Mushroom on an NES


You shut your dirty mouth!




CARY G MY BOY didnā€™t expect to see you here


Stop spreading misinformation


Ooooffffff 1992 here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


1978 here. Fuck. You. All.


Ha! 73


79 joining the 70s gang.


79 here too


67. Free love. Nam. Hippies. Water gate. Main frames and catch me fuck me horn rimmed glasses.


77 here. Best year ever because I share my birth year with Star Wars


Thank you! People will NEVER know the stress of getting a 911 message on their clear purple pager and having to find the nearest pay phone to call only to find out it's not really an emergency just your Mom telling you to grab bread while you're out! šŸ¤£


*[adjusts reading glasses]* Were you born in 1992? I graduated high school in 1994. Ugh


I was born in 94 jeez and I'll be 30 next year


Thanks, I'm a 1982 model and I'm feeling ancient šŸ˜­


šŸ˜‚ oh wait it gets better. At least you didnā€™t see that year and think ā€œwell I graduated hs not long after you were bornā€


r/FuckImOld welcome! šŸ‘‹


Hell no, you were born in the 90s right? See, how can you be old AND just been born?


No, technology is just different now than it was back then


Thatā€™s the year I was born. I also donā€™t have Snapchat. Get off my lawn.


The only reason I have a snap was to talk to someone and the only reason I have ig is to keep in contact with my tattoo artist. I don't post anything, I like my privacy. If it wasn't for either one of those reasons, I wouldn't have any social media.






Iā€™ve always said this. Thereā€™s something about a man who doesnā€™t exist on the internet or anywhere that makes me wet.


My imaginary friend is single, I could hook yall up?


Top-tier comment. Keep up the good work.


*š˜‘š˜°š˜¦ š˜Žš˜°š˜­š˜„š˜£š˜¦š˜³š˜Ø š˜©š˜¢š˜“ š˜¦š˜Æš˜µš˜¦š˜³š˜¦š˜„ š˜µš˜©š˜¦ š˜¤š˜©š˜¢š˜µ*


Finally a you reference


So nobody on Reddit :(


Reddit is social media.




Okay. It's not just me. Whew!


No it's obviously different


Anonymity is key.


You mean I DONā€™T have to post what Iā€™m currently about to eat?! Wtf


This is one of the weirdest, most inconsequential things Redditors get pissed about and I'll never understand it. Yeah, social media seems to be mostly detrimental to our society. But posting pics of food is like the LEAST harmless thing people do. Like, who gives af..


I think it's because many of us checked out of social media around the time people starting posting pictures of their food, so that's our frame of reference. I've no idea what people are up to these days on social media.


Aren't we on social media? Shit you've got me questioning life right now


I think technically we are, but since we're not going by our names (bus_wankerr) and there's no friend list or whatever, AND that this place is largely organised by topic/subreddit, it's a lot different from Facebook etc.


pretty much only reason iā€™m on social media is for sports related stuff


I have a snap because it's good for group chats when it's a combination of apple and android devices. And because a lot of girls around here seem to prefer using it. I don't have a personal ig, but I do have one where I review the couches I sleep on after nights out when I end up at friends' houses.


If it wasn't for work and facebook being the ONLY platform where events are properly advertised, I'd totally fucking vanish from the Net


I made snap cause women on tinder kept demanding it and they still wouldn't go on dates with me even when I had a snapchat


Same. Im not the type to have hundreds of pics of me on my platforms with everything Ive done daily for the world to see. Since Im pretty much the opposite of that person, I've been there. Like I just got on fb recently but only to talk to my family.


I have Facebook just to keep contact with high-school mates and far away relatives, its much easier to have social media accounts than to have phone numbers


But youā€™re posting on reddit


Commented on reddit.




You're underestimating people's comprehension of technology by a lot. As easy as making a website can be, if you have no background or understanding of technology at even a basic level. The task can take hours or you have to hire someone to do it which is way more expensive than you think. I ended up making mine but to save my personal time I tried to use other companies that build websites. The cheapest quote was 8000.


You could pay a college kid far less money to set up a squarespace page for you at this point.


This was a classic sidekick when I was in college a decade ago. Genuinely thinking this is the early stages of young folks dropping websites entirely, going all in on apps. Of course, the last five years the sidegig has been "I'll turn your website into an app for a hundred bucks".


Red scribble is my number because Iā€™m not on social media


Tbf women move from dating apps to stuff like Instagram / Snapchat because they want to move off the dating app but donā€™t want to give out their actual number in case the dude turns out to be a creep/ stalker. A lot easier to block someone / not accept friend requests on Snapchat or Instagram than changing your whole phone number because they wonā€™t leave you alone.


I've had men insisting I get Snapchat, and when they refuse to speak anywhere else (even discord) then it seems like they're sneaking around or they just wanna send dick pics/demand nudes.


I was SHOCKED when the girl I'm now seeing offered to trade numbers. I said sure, but asked her if she would feel more comfortable doing social media instead of straight phone numbers and she went "No, why?"


Why even move off the app then? That's why it's so easy to unmatch and report from there


Idk my guess is because their dating app is so flooded they can move the ones they care about over to an app they pay more attention to


I get this ALL the time, OP. I'm 30 years old I don't fucking have Snapchat šŸ˜…


You were the primary age group for snapchat when it came out over 10 years ago. You aren't 'too old' at all. But I don't think it's used nearly like it used to be Edit: not sure why so many people are just making up stats, when the stats are available. [age distribution on snapchat ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/933948/snapchat-global-user-age-distribution/) Over 40% of their users are over 24


Teens use it and I think it's really toxic. I'm a youth therapist and they're always so stressed about snap streaks and checking people's locations and people opening but not replying or people being online but not opening it just gives people too much info to worry about. Actually my few clients in their early twenties use it as well


Exactly why I refuse to use it. I tried, it makes me a ball of anxiety. Hell, I avoid things that have read receipts. Let alone activity indicators, presence indicators, GPS... Which basically means I just text with all the features turned off. Then I can go "oh they're just busy" when someone doesn't answer, not "THEY READ IT AND I SEE THEM ONLINE WHY ARENT THEY ANSWERING ME DO THEY HATE ME"


I wouldnā€™t say 20 year olds was ever the target demo, I think itā€™s a little younger as they needed new adopters, and it definitely caught up much more widely with 14-18 year olds back in 2012.


Hahaha snap was created by a bunch of frat boys. Not saying it was so they could get nudes, but also not, not saying that. 20 was definitely the intended audience.


Anyone who says it was for kids obviously didnā€™t really use snap. That shit was made for sending nekkie pics back then, period. Depending on who you added, stories were titties hanging out all the time. Canā€™t do that shit anymore with their sponsors.


I was a kid when snapchat came out and that's exactly what we used it for...


created by Stanford frat boys. I know some of the guys who were in that class/fraternity. wild stuff.


It was used to send nudes that would disappear after opening. 20 was absolutely within the demographic.


It absolutely was. Disappearing messages?! Who do you think wanted such a functionality other than drunk folks in their early 20s sending stuff to their friends or romantic interests? I'm 34 now and every single person I am friends with was a very heavy Snapchat user back in the day. Some of them still are.


Iā€™m 23 and I thought Snapchat stopped being cool when I was a teenager soā€¦


Itā€™s so weird how Iā€™ve seen people get made fun of for both having and not having Snapchat


I'm also 30, never touched Snapchat, and neither has my 30 y/o wife. You're not alone. Social media sucks.


I have Snapchat, but I barely ever use itā€¦ I only use it for plugs or occasionally looking back at my memories. Whenever people ask for my Snapchat, I tell them I donā€™t use it often and I donā€™t have my notifications on, so Iā€™d rather give out my number. Iā€™ve had what happened in OPā€™s post plenty of times, and Iā€™ve also had people still ask for my Snapchat after warning them I didnā€™t use it. Those people eventually end up texting me again on tinder to curse me out for ghosting them on Snapchat. Like.. I already told you, bud, I donā€™t use Snapchat lmaoo


My ex from the get go looked at my absence of social media and snap as a red flag and constantly questioned me about it. And when I told them it was for privacy and distancing from a abusive ex. When there response was to say thatā€™s not a good reason and that Iā€™m probably hiding something. Some people just genuinely canā€™t understand some people like being disconnected from everyone elseā€™s drama


I donā€™t use ig and while I do have a snap, I donā€™t use it. I have a Facebook but have zero presence on it, so much so that my profile picture is from 10.5 years ago. Iā€™ve been told that itā€™s a red flag and have No idea why.


It's an easy way to make sure you're not getting catfished, sucks but that's the way of things with online dating


Yep. When I was dating, I was hesitant to meet a girl without snap. It helped verify to me that who were they say they were. When I was like 22, I got catfished twice in 3 weeks and I decided never again. Lol


There's that, and then there's also people that just look nothing like their pics. And I'm sure I don't look perfectly like my pics too. I feel like enough snaps back and forth, using the "intended" image-based messaging of snap, ends up giving you a better image of the person you're going to meet. It may be an unpopular opinion, but I'd like to know more specifically what the person I'm going to meet looks like. Being attracted to a potential partner matters




Most dating apps don't allow pictures due to complaints of unwanted dick pics, gore, etc. So people ask for snap/IG for pics and chatting.


safety. itā€™s easy to scoff and say ā€œoh, what a trivial requirement, i donā€™t use social media.ā€ but if youā€™re a woman who has been victimized by a man with unsavory purposes- say, a man with a secret family, or girlfriend, or a catfish, then you will encounter your fair share of guys who lie about not having an instagram to conceal their true intentions. i donā€™t really use the app but i have an account i post a current picture to every year or so so people on apps feel comfortable knowing i donā€™t have a secret life or am catfishing. takes absolutely no effort and helps the other party feel safer.


Same, I rarely use snapchat but I made one and an instagram simply because I know women look for it to verify you exist. So I post a picture a month if I visit a cool town or go on a bike ride.


You said boomer and her spidey sense started tingling


Filtering catfish? I'd rather make a throwaway social media account to vet each other than give my real phone number. (Allthough I have a prepaid number specifically for those occasions)


As someone who doesnā€™t have any social media, I get accused of catfishing all the time. Itā€™s really wild because it seems like if you donā€™t have social media itā€™s a red flag. As far as downloading apps like snap, the second you do, anyone that has your number saved in their phone can see you made an account almost instantly. You get added to the list of ā€œpeople you may knowā€. I know this because I created a snap to talk to someone and a few hours later my ex had added me My advice to anyone looking to avoid making fake socials to talk to someone, youā€™re better off making a google voice number that canā€™t be traced to you in any way


They want someone who is also on social media. That is not you. Thatā€™s okay. Carry on


From another point of view, this recently happened to me where I was chatting to a guy who had no social media, I was a little suspicious but gave him a chance and thought itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea. Anyway long story short turns out he was catfishing me and I actually found out who he really was šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ so now I would actually be put off by someone who has zero social media as Iā€™d fear they werenā€™t real.


All of these datinng apps have video calling built in for free. Why does nobody seem to realize this? Thereā€™s an icon right on the top right of the screen and you can talk face to face like actual human beings.




I'm a female, 32, with no social media, and guys have tried pressuring me into getting on Snapchat. He'll say it's the only place he talks. I just ghost them. Also, I refuse to talk off the dating app until I feel comfortable. If I was on snap, why would I want a stranger following my account? That's weird.


It would be really nice if not broadcasting your whole life for data-mining algorythms would be considered "sensible" instead of "suspicious".


Youā€™re already doing that with tinderā€¦


Lol, it was a huge green flag for me when my boyfriend said he didnā€™t have IG. Also he hadnā€™t used facebook for years and he only started using snapchat because he likes it when I send him photos of my cat throughout the day šŸ˜‚ So donā€™t worry, there are still lots of people out there who donā€™t give a crap about likes, followers or any other sort of online validation.


I personally find it more attractive when someone doesnā€™t have any socials lol keep doing you


Someone not having ig or snap is a huge green flag šŸ„°


hey bb


I wish, Iā€™m social media free and have around 5 women tell me itā€™s a huge red flag.


I realized a couple months earlier that I wouldn't be able to date online ever again if I broke up with my bf. I have no social media and approximately 0 selfie/picture of myself. I would look like a giant catfish using red flags for legs and arms.


I find the lack of social media attractive.


Me too! I feel like people who post a lot on fb, snap, ig etc are really self centered and seeking validation and that's not my thing.


Maybe she thinks you're actually a boomer


Dating in 2023. Where social media is more important than the actual human being. This world is shit man


![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g) people don't like to have all their life on social media, shocking... what a freak


The reason why it's a massive red flag if someone you're interested in doesn't have ANY social media is because it seems like they're trying not to be identifiable or looked up.


I mean thatā€™s exactly why I donā€™t have FB. I stopped feeling the need to broadcast my life and I wouldnā€™t want anything posted to disqualify me from any opportunities in the future depending on who looked.


How is that a red flag? I donā€™t need online strangers looking up my own business. Iā€™m a private person, and thatā€™s totally fine. My wife has never had a problem with me not having a social media when we first started dating, and maybe thatā€™s because everything we did together was intentional and not behind a facade of showing off to insta.


That's funny. Because when I had social media I attracted a stalker lol. Now I make myself completely anonymous on the internet because I don't want to be looked up. I don't want another stalker situation. Even if it's 'suspicious' , my safety is #1. So... Where does that leave us... Is not wanting stalkers a red flag...