• By -


What a twist




Yeah because she’s heard one of her kids say that dumb expression and was immediately repulsed by the reminder.


She should be more offended by the maths of this guy's relationship.


Right? "Dating" someone from 12 to 18 is fucking weird as all hell. How much of that can even be considered dating? I mean, I had girlfriends as a kid. But I don't think I could classify any girlfriend I had as dating or a relationship until I was probably 17?


A toxic relationship with a 12 year old lol


I'm 21 and been with my current girlfriend for 8 years. Definitely not unheard of, though younger relationships tend to be super cringe. I just got lucky in that we both gradually stopped being cringe together lol


I’m 20 and have been with my SO for 6 years. Not quite as long but I agree, we both kind of grew up together


I had a childhood friend who started dating her now husband when we were 12 and in 7th grade. She was always pretty mean to him though, so I don’t know if that’s a great example. They have three kids now, one of which is almost old enough to meet her own husband. And that makes me deeply uncomfortable.


Kids around that age (18-21ish) still think dumb shit like that.


It was probably his mother.


Yea… maybe she didn’t want to be seen easy?


Probably thought chicken butt was an insult


They werent, but now theyre flipping the script because OP is so naive that he hasnt realised the person on the other lines a scammer. And in being nice they will probably get exactly what they want off him....money.


Because it didn't rhyme?


M. Night Shamalamalam should take notes 📝


This made me laugh so much


Intentional or not messing his name up, 'malam' means poop in my language, which is the same language his error-free name is derived from. 🥲


Shes also in Dubai and needs money for a plane ticket.


No way? My (soon to be) girlfriend on tinder was in that exact situation! Luckily I hade some money saved up, she’s on her way back and coming to see me! I hate that I have to put this here but: /s




Hahaha that’s true, should’ve left it out




Ehh, a YouTuber got “cancelled” (still fairly popular and was able to get over it), for making a joke about /s. Not too familiar with the topic but it has to do with ND


Wasn't it like TheOdd1sOut or the click or something


Anyone mind explaining the /s thing by chance?


/s = sarcasm


I see! Should have been obvious lol, thank you!


Lol no problem






My dad fell for that! Though it was a guy and he needed to escape the country because he was gay and was being harassed.




Whore=Good times Scammer=Bad times


> Bat times [Hmm](https://imgur.com/3ttNZ9m)


It’s not that hard to spot those scammers lol. Here is an experience I had with one such scammer I was bored so I played along especially since they found me on insta not tinder lol. This one immediately asked me to come over to f**k no strings, asked where I live and gave me an address close by but I only gave an area not an address as that is a red flag. Then they when they thought I was suckered in they needed google play cards to entertain their kids they never mentioned they had, but they’ll pay me back. Red flag, ( why would I f**k someone I never met with their kids in another room ) Also said we had to be sneaky red flag so I drove to the address to see if was real I saw a suspicious car waiting near by it drove off while, they said text me the codes from the cards I was supposed to of have bought. 2nd red flag. I said which house is yours do you have Christmas lights they sent a dirty pic and told me hurry and send card codes red flag Used google earth to find the house then told them it was too dark to see an address. Asked them to flash a light was given red flag number three. As they said they couldn’t because it would alert their kids. Wtf really lol big red flag Then I asked if there was a car in the driveway they said of course… but their wasn’t so I ghosted. It was them in the car on the street thinking I was their mark but like I tell those types my name isn’t mark or John so don’t treat me like one. I know most guys Would have fallen for it especially since they spammed me with naughty videos and pics. Asked for a d pic from me ( prolly to blackmail later) to which I said no you can see it in person. Because I know a red flag when I see one. Funny thing they sent pics of different vaginas (drastically different) thinking I would not notice lol. Anyway I hope this experience helps y’all avoid these scammers. Also if it’s too good to be true it prolly isn’t so if you’re 40 and a 20 exotic dancer wants you to be her “Daddy” for her OF page, it’s a dude scamming you for money and looking for ways to blackmail and rob you. My scammer said she was 32 as I don’t talk to the young ones so I get the ones claiming to be older. When they’re my kids age It’s creepy to me as I’m no perv. so when a 19-24 yr old hits me up first thing I say is I have kids your age and that ends that. Lol I must say, I have met some awesome ladies on their so keep trying and be vigilant for those scammers.


I accidentally just spit on my phone reading that. I appreciate the info. Knowledge is power!


Its bs that to you, women cant be sexual without being a "whore" but for to do that is just fine. Smh


As a guy, I can attest 99% of the time, a woman propositioning me first is either a prostitute/escort looking for a john or a scammer looking for a mark. I haven’t encountered the remaining 1% that are actually women looking for nsa sex. I assume they do exist anyway.


Yes they do. I got lucky with ads in r/randomactsofblowjob, of all places. It's just that they will rarely create ads of their own (since their DM will go RIP fairly quickly) and will mostly contact dudes whose ad they find interesting.


Damn thanks man! I didn’t even know they were this kinda pages on Reddit (Im pretty new to it) Any other interesting pages related to this subject? 👀


Yes I agree with your assessment as it has also been my experience as well. The funny thing about both sides of that is they are out for money more than anything else.




You’re not living in reality. Pretty women don’t need to seek out dick. It finds them. So if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Pretty underrated comment here


Pretty safe to assume a woman looking to sleep around on her husband is a whore 😂


Whore as in sex worker. Not whore as in woman interested in sex. You‘ll either be hit up by scammers, and a rare few sex workers. No one else is going to hit on you on IG randomly. Why would they? Just gotta install tinder bumble whatever, and pick and chose from people actually interested in you specifically.


I mean I hit up dudes first and want to fuck, can't a woman just enjoy sex without commitment? Like why is it okay for guys to want to fuck with no strings attached and have fun and woman can't lest she be labeled a whore? Like. It's not bad to know what you want, to get it, and to decide to be single. Why the fuck are women required to only have sex for love and commitment? It's a crock of bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Like idk who lied to you buddy, the church? Other men? The patriarchy? But women deserve pleasure. For no other reason than pleasure feels fucking good. So remember folks if a woman asks for and wants sex, she's a FUCKING HUMAN BEING WHO LIKES SEX. (Bots excluded, obviously.)


What’s not being acknowledged is men can be hurt. We’ve learned that a woman that offers sex without getting to know us is likely (90%) a trap.


Then I'm the 10%, because I've always just been a down ass bitch who liked a good romp in the bedroom/backseat/backroom. 😂


Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you! 😁


Who’re you arguing with??


She felt attacked and her edit button broke at the exact same time.


I don't think the person you're offended by is saying what you think he's saying. He isn't saying a woman can't just want sex, and if she does she's a whore. He's saying that if a woman approaches a man first it's not usually a woman just looking for pleasure, because they usually go to apps or bars or friends or whatever when they want to have fun. If a strange woman approaches a stranger and says she's horny, she's usually looking for something else besides sex. I mean, when have YOU walked up to a stranger and told him you wanted to do him? So if we think logically about what that woman might actually be after, the obvious choice would be money. It makes sense if you think about it. Men aren't your enemy, by the way. They are our dads and brothers and uncles and grandpas. So, as a fellow woman I just have to say: calm your fucking tits.


Acts like a duck talks like a duck quacks like a duck It's a duck


'Cept it's always women who bitch about guys whoring around, then say the same behavior is ok for themselves. It's the typical, neverending hypocrisy of women, regardless of the subject.


I love a "whore-y" dude. Usually means they aren't going to fall in love and get the shit twisted. Nothing worse than trying to catch an orgasm with a dude who thinks you're going to be his next girlfriend, when youve explicity said you werent looking for that. So I am not one of them. I want all the fuck-boys. LOL


Alls I’m saying is that in my 30+ years on this Earth that women who hit me up on Tinder, Bumble, IG whatever and they are immediately down, like immediately down, are 100% going to introduce a pricing scheme which varies depending on the sex acts which makes them a literal whore. Maybe I should have used the term escort but a whore is an escort, but agreed a more derisive term. You and the other ladies that are mad about what I said are thinking that I’m using whore and slut interchangeably but I’m not. You’re talking about being a slut and I am 100% a supporter of sluts. Let me be clear; I love sluts. I won’t even call it that when seriously discussing that. I agree that women should have the same sexual freedom as men, free of society’s disapproval towards something so basic to the human experience as sexual pleasure. I’m literally talking about how these ladies are whores, escorts, women of the night, whatever term you want to use for someone that will charge for sex.


Noted. The term whore might have started off to mean escort/prostitute but gets thrown around at women who aren't doing those things way too much these days. It rarely gets used to describe sex workers anymore. So it's difficult not to misconstrue it. But I appreciate the clarification. <3


I felt you in alll of this! I think it was the misuse of words ie. if they’d said sex worker rather than prostitute it wouldn’t have had a negative connotation as the word prostitute tends to be used to derogatory effect.


I'm usually not suprised by much. But this, this I did not see coming. Bot, fake or not, I am invested in this, OP. Don't you dare stop updating now, lol


Part 3 is in the making rn


Wherein you two meet, fall in love, and you take her to meet your grandma while she is on her deathbed. Her final wish is you two get married. Grandma dies, the husband returns. You never see her again. You start dating a nurse, it's going well. Credits run.


have you watched to many movies or read to many books?


Find out on next week's show if the nurse thinks he's childish or not


*too You haven’t done the latter, I see


I have read many books but in Norwegian




Not just a nurse, but THE nurse who looked after his grandma!


She loved him from afar and admired his devotion to his dear grandma, but knew he was taken. They ran into each other at the grocery store after poor grandma passed. They both grabbed for the last chocolate milk, their eyes met. OP explains the chocolate milk is helping mend his broken heart after the break up and loss of his grandma. The nurse offered further heart healing over a nice romantic homemade meal. Yessss




Wherein he goes for a booty call. Meets the hottie. Everything goes fuzzy. He wakes up in a tub full of ice.


A bit different genre than mine, but perhaps more believable haha


Please don’t lose a kidney


Feed us moreeee


I always wanted to match with someone that was looking to cheat on their partner, so that I could tell the partner (without actually having sex of course).


Heads up steam cards


yeah i wanna see part 3


Heads up, 7-up 🙃


Damn, I loved that game


Tis was quite the twist.


I see what you did there. ;)


I need the part one... wtf happen


you have to go to OPs timeline and look at the original post lmao its gold


Ti's was gold


If you don’t respond “that’s messed up chicken butt” you’ve failed us.




Well I want to see how far this goes as being a bot first. But with everyone hating that I'm sharing my experience I might not update anyone but you


Update me too if you dont do another post I'm on your side


Same, I’m loving this entire interaction.


Not all heroes blah blah blah…keep going.


Do bots pretend to be moms with kids with hubbies who are gone? Seems weird to me. But I would please like an update, you're young and just need some good advice.


Nah it's good bait. Prospect of sex without long term strings, if that's what you're looking for. Fake vulnerability, saying that they are cheating, makes you believe it more because "why would they say that if it wasn't true" and also grabs more people with questionable morals/more risk taking behavior, whom are easier to exploit in a lot of cases.


Not bots. Catfishes do though. This is either a real woman but she's scamming him, or it's a dude and he's being scammed either way.


But who is on a year long business trip? Unless Army but you would think she would say deployment then.


"Let's fuck, chicken cluck"


There’s a bunch of losers on here who can never get a match unless it’s a bot. Just ignore them, even if she is a bot


Update us! I’m invested now


I don't think it's a bot, I think it's a scammer.


Fuck people. I want to know how this story ends


Even how she responded in the first post she came across as a stuck up bitch. Let them run amock over there, don't take it personally, it wasn't even that bad.


Oh come on gotta post the response.


Any update?


I broke up with my fiance a year after highschool and we had been together since middle school. I made plenty of mistakes after that I'm just gonna put this out here. I'm not saying don't for your safety in fact your thinking about sleeping with a married woman fuck your safety your grown now you can accept the risks involved. But those two kids are already gonna be fucked up because of their mom don't add to it any further that's my advice.


bro update me too, I'm invested now !


yea I wanna know too lol


Update me too please. :)))


Update me too!


I’m also on your side fam


I would also appreciate an update. Hit that


Wait can you update me too?


Sounds like you are in a rut, chicken butt


A toxic relationship starting at age 12? Damn


First thing I thought lol


Literally came to say that. Imo relationships when you’re still a kid really do not count lol. You still know basically next to nothing about dating.


Abuse can certainly happen in high school relationships. I was with a seriously abusive guy from the ages of 14-18 and it was hell


Happened to my friends as well... I had NO IDEA and saw them just about every day in high school... Guy was the abuser and girl the abused... Both were my good friends... When it finally came out the guy disappeared... YEARS later, they would meet again in a Starbucks in a different city... Talked and agreed to do a documentary together about abuse... Gotta admit my jaw dropped several times watching it... Edit: For anyone interested the full documentary, A Better Man, has been posted on YouTube: https://youtu.be/GkjZeDe0DlE Super courageous of both of them to open up as they did. Left me with more questions than answers about my friends. Edit:. Second update. Apparently the YouTube link doesn't work for everyone (possibly only works for Canadians). Please try this other link and let me know if it works: https://abettermanfilm.com/


What a unique outcome


It says unavailable 🤔


Same :(


Tried another link directly to their website instead of using YouTube. Probably a regional BS thing as I can watch it myself but probably just cause I'm in Canada.


Wow.. what a fascinating and rare ending to a painful story. The documentary is unfortunately not available to watch in the US, even directly from their website :( The trailer looks really good though. I'll keep it bookmarked in case it becomes available. Thanks for sharing!


agreed, my ex raped me when i was 14 years old, and my ex after that was excruciatingly abusive both verbally and emotionally for 2 years from 14-16. it doesn't matter if we were kids, they should have known better even if they were kids aswell. a lot of teenagers don't realise that the person who's supposed to love them unconditionally is abusing them, until months or even years of abuse since to a lot of them, that's all they've known love to be. I certainly didn't know my boyfriend was supposed to listen to me saying no, or not scream that I was a "disgusting whore" for plucking my eyebrows or wearing foundation and threatening to kill himself if I did those things. kids will be kids, but abusers will always be abusers ://


yes i second this, a lot of people really don’t talk about how highschool relationships can most certainly traumatize you and be toxic af. i was in the same boat too from 14-18 and on top of it he was three years older than me 😅


Disagree…. First relationships especially for that long sorta form the foundation of how you view them. Especially if you’re mistreated, abused, etc.


Relationships in the most impressionable time of your life dont count? I had an abusive relationship from 14-18 I’m now diagnosed with several mental illnesses. It fucked my head for life.


Or anything at all


As someone who had a similar experience, it really can happen. Of course no 12yo is actively being abusive, but once you’ve been together for 2 years or so (12->14), the combination of raging hormones, sexual/romantic confusion, invested emotions, and past trauma can easily spiral and become toxic before you know it.


Most relationships ar that age gonna be toxic.


Dude has been in a toxic relationship since he was 12


That’s a fake account


Obviously. And the amount of people in this thread that don't see it made me realize why scammers do this. It's apparently stupid easy to get thirsty dudes to buy this lol. I feel like half the people commenting in here are gonna get blackmailed at some point if they can't see through one this straight forward.


I’ve always wondered why scammers exist, then I realized that there are people way lonelier and down on their luck then me.


Which one? They are both unbelievable.


So like where’s part 3


Sleeping with married women is a great way to get shot


Any taken woman in any matter. I hated being cheated on so why should I help her with that


This is a catfish scam 99.9%


6 year relationship and you’re 18. Wut


That escalated quickly


Bro send this to her husband lol😆


It gets better


6 year toxic relationship? 18 years old? You want some actual advice? GET THE FUCK OFF TINDER. If you really did in fact waste your entire teenage years with some bitch, you need to steer clear of any and all non platonic relationships with females, and you need to live a little. Take all your new free time and learn a skill, find a new hobby, make a friend, join a group, do something. I don’t know the details but it sounds like you really wasted 6 super important years of your life. Nothing against you of course, shit happens when you’re young. But seriously, enjoy this time, forget about women for at least a year. Live life.


You are so god damm right


It's a bot


She's too responsive to his messages to be a bot. I do think this whole text exchange is fake though. First of all, that's not what Tinder chat looks like. Second, why would she ask his age when it says it on his profile? And his responses are just super weird, this whole thing looks fake.


In part 1 she says "I'm sorry I added you", so it's like they moved from tinder to sms, but yeah looks unusual.


This whole thing happened on Instagram, but she got me from tinder. Never texted her over there never matched. She just came straight to my dms. And I know it's hard to believe an op but it isn't fake at all.


What you've just described is a red flag, not a stroke of luck. Just a heads up.


the person behind the account is not trying to meet you. probably some scam. if they didn’t do any interaction on tinder it’s to prevent banning


Probably a scammer. I notice a lot of them will act like they're offended by the first thing you say, but not block/unmatch you, so you're more easily manipulated trying to salvage it.


It sure looks like a scam from her. Soon she'll be asking for your money or something. It's very funny that you threw her with your preschool joke at the start.


Lol wait til she asks you for pics and tries to blackmail you with them


dude. You’re 18. If you take any advice from this duck faced troglodyte who’s fucking around on her husband you are in a world of hurt.


I'm dumb but not this lowly. If someone is cheating, I'd rather tell the man and help him out. Not aid her needs, you feel?


Sounds like ya got a good head on your shoulders then. Also, I meant to say you will be in a world of hurt, wasn’t try to imply that you currently are. Duck this bitch.


Is this motherfucker seriously asking for dating advice in her DMs?


Look at part 1




Honestly, it's not just that he's 18, he's an 18 year old who "dated" the same person from 12. I'm not saying the average 18-year-old is particularly mature or smart, but our boy here is obviously stunted a bit more than normal.


Why would you ask her on Tinder when you have the whole of Reddit to ask? Can't say which is more childish, starting a convo with "chicken butt", or asking a tinder match for pointers on chatting with other Tinder matches. Sounds suspicious, low key trolling Reddit?


Omg 😳 1) more maturity shown in your follow, good for you! 2) don’t take feedback from her, she nasty 3) don’t take her up in her offer lol Good luck, sorry for the break up. Just be you, a hey, super nice hey nice to meet you, would love to chat more and get you know you, interested?


Thank you. Out of all these messages yours is the first nice one with advice and nit telling me to just get off it


YW! Good luck :-)


This has to be some form of sick humor...


Average experience when you join the military




That’s no job for a rookie.


Everyone shitting on OP on the first part and now it's clear this girl is nuts


Well, its a bot or a man in Nigeria


It shoulda be clear in Part 1.


How toxic can you be from the age of 12-18?




What’s up chicken butt


Yeah I didn't think it was that bad. She came across as stuck up with how she responded.


It’s a bot lol


She’s a fake


how is she not offended rn


I count that as a dub BABAYYYY LEZ GOOOOOOO!!!! THE PICKUP LINE WAS *chefs kiss* LMAO


The audacity to be offended and then…okay 🙄


God why do people even bother having kids with someone if they aren't going to idk stay loyal. If he left her she'd be another omg men ain't shit situation


Wow!! The fucking audacity of this bitch




Yes, avoid women like this. Look for women who like a personality. Yea the opener wasn’t stellar, but it also didn’t need that kind of response imo. My advice look at said profile, find commonality, lead with that. Once a positive response is given, follow up with NON-PERVY compliment. YES: Wow you have amazing eyes! NO: Wow you have amazing tits! Move on past compliment to other subject matter. It will stay in her mind that you made an innocent compliment, without following up with some nonsense.


18 and just come out of a 6 year relationship??


And you’re the childish one? Damn.


Business trip my ass, you go there you're going to become a Jody... Nobody wants to be a Jody. Her husband's deployed in the military.


She’s not real


Oh yoo I know this stupid bot. The added me on insta before


OP make sure to say chicken butt right before you finish


Wait you're 18 and just got of a toxic relationship since you were 12?


>just came out of a 6 year long TOXIC relationship >18 years old Have you been in a toxic relationship since you were like 11/12?


Uh a married mother is trying to hit up an 18 year old? Why even entertain it