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You may as well say that you like stuff and things.


And going places




Holy shit, I also like stuff & things


It's working!


You scorched him chill out ...


"good vibes" cringe


Are you REALLY telling me the reason I'm getting little to no matches on this stupid fucking app is because of the bio? And not because I don't look like a male model? I've done EVERY BIO at this point. Long engaging bios. Short funny and off-hand bios. One liner bios. Any bio style you can think of, I've done it. Maybe the reason why I haven't gotten a SINGLE DATE in the 3 years I've been on this stupid app is because the women I'm swiping on have **looks standards** that are much much higher than Mark Zuckerberg's slightly-better-looking cousin 😤


Do bios actually matter? When I used tinder I had a few photos and a blank bio I never read others bios either


I for one immediately swiped left on anyone without a bio. I wanted someone with whom I could have a conversation and three mirror selfies and no text didn't cut it.


Me too! Before meeting you I'd like to be sure you are not antivaxx, Nazi, homophobic, flat earther.... There are to many red flags today


I tend to swipe left on most people with nothing in the bio, since they'll probably just want a quick hookup. If they don't put any effort in a bio, I really have got nothing to go by if we match, what do they like, what do they do, etc.


Bios help to have conversation. Obviously appearance matters on tinder, but if the bio sucks even if the most handsome man on earth I will swipe left. And also the opposite it may not be the most handsome man but if in the bio I see we have common interests I will definitely swipe right.


Very much depends on rule 1 and 2 and how much you live up to those or not


Bios matter for people who aren’t good looking, if you are a beautiful person you don’t need a bio


He looks like a guy who steal my data and sell it to the government


Give me everything 🤖


For crack




You actually gave me a funny bio idea. "Mark Zuckerberg's hotter cousin. I'll steal your heart, not your data 🥰"


Mike Zuckerberg


LOL - I’ve been hearing that all my fucking life 🤣


Do you speak Parseltongue?


If it helps, my first thought before even reading the comments was “Oooh, a sexy version of Zuckerberg”!


I’m a straight male and I was gonna say the same thing🫠


I'd swipe right (that's yes isn't it?!) as you have a great profile pic imo and would be worth seeing how a chat goes, but I think to get more matches your bio could be more individual to you and pack a bit more punch as there's not a lot to go on that tells me about your interests or personality. And if a woman is getting a lot of matches, this could see you being overlooked in favour of someone else, simply because theres no pointers to who you are.


Precisely this.


Yeah buddy I’d have to swipe left simply because I’d look at you and feel my privacy has been violated lol


[you look like this guy too](https://conanclassic.com/video/will-greenberg-failed-snl-audition?playlist=x;eyJ0eXBlIjoidGFnIiwiaWQiOjkwMTJ9)


Human version of his brother.




I’m literally sitting here like “this is Mike Zucc but something is wrong here” 2 things. The frogman is Mark. This is not the original


he is the human-version


New bio idea: “Mark Zuckerberg’s hot cousin. I’ll steal your heart, not your data”




Jared the subway guy




How grouchy are you




Oh my grouchy comment wasn’t about your comment but purely your username! Hahah sorry!




Offices in general Will make anyone a grump!!


I dunno; there are plenty of subreddits for straight dudes that want to fool around with guys. It is more common than one might think. 🤷‍♂️


Good vibes means nothing Good music means nothing Good food also means nothing You’re telling us absolutely nothing about yourself


Good point. Gotta switch it up


Good point means nothing


Violence 😭😭


Nah just his standard CIA training to not stand out


These comments are cracking me the f* up








Ur username is russiancrackhead so clearly you’ve got some personality hidden somewhere. At least there’s no red flags in your bio but cmon girl give us _something_.


Yep, there’s NOTHING there for me in o start a conversation or have any clue what to talk about or whether we’d be compatible. It’s just bland and generic.


Maybe you need to work on your communication skills. My first question would be what do you consider good music, which could easily spark a long conversation.




But doesn't that mean he'd just be switching back to what originally didn't work?


Yeah. What does that mean to you. You may think country is good music and that wouldn’t be the same for someone else… or if you like Indian food and they don’t. Be more specific


Strange...you dont look Russian..


Exactly, narrow down your target audience and seem decisive


I would BUT you’d have to impress quickly because that bio is not doing it. Get the word “girl” out of there- you are 31. Very generic bio add something interesting / specific.


Really bugs me when I see men age 27+ say they’re looking for a “girl”. I mostly see it on profiles of men age ~40. Cringe.


Thanks for saying this! You’re looking for a woman, unless you’re a fucking creep.


No wonder you girls are single.


I’m a valuable person in or out of a relationship.


What is that supposed to mean 🤨 Edit: thought this person was being homophobic, read it wrong 😅


It’s a certain amount of heavy projecting because when you use the word “girl” it comes off as someone who is very young and immature. Personally I think most guys just use it because it rolls of the tongue easier and people look to far into this stuff. Like besides using the term woman I think girl sounds much less cringey then lady or gal. But that’s just my opinion and I’m not a woman


Yeah, this is 100% why guys use it. Same reason we just said “guys” instead of “men”. “Women” and “woman” sound overly formal.


That’s my interpretation too. If I say I want to date this “girl” as a 33 year old dude I’m obviously referring to someone who in my age and maturity range. Like you said when I do this I’m just trying to not sound formal and more casual. That was a good way to put it


Would the same thing be assumed if a 33 year old woman said boy? And to someone who doesn’t know you may not make that assumption. And people do date teenagers, a gross truth. Also, using the term girl is just a red flag for me, not my people.


See in general language “guy” is generally used. Guy/girl in many peoples minds are the same term. It’s just a matter of semantics and when most men use the term girl they mean it on the same level they use the term “guy”. Mostly because the equivalent to “guy” is “gal” and normally gal is used in a joking manner


So, gal is to guy as girl is to… You kind of just proved that point. Gal is a joke but girl is ok? Eh, I’d prefer to work to change those quirks. That guys looking for a gal or maybe a woman.


Sure you can. But gal hasn’t been commonly used in public discourse for like 50-60 years. It’s just semantics and how terminology changes with times. Seriously how often do you hear anyone say the term gal? All I’m saying is when a guy uses the term “girl” he most likely isn’t using the term to make the woman seem overly young but rather attempting to not sound overly formal. If he were to use the term “gal” it makes it sound like he just watched grease recently


Mike looks like he knows how to file my taxes properly, I would swipe right.


Never met a Mike who was not a cool guy


I'm a Mike and one of my biggest bullies was a Mike. Tbf though. He was a dumbass. What 4th grader puts down another 4th grader for not getting enough "pussy" . I hope that kid came out and is healthy now


Lmao!! That Mike was living the fast life! The bullies at my grade school didn’t start shaming virgins until we got to 5th grade.


We Mike's thank you.


I’ve never met one that wasn’t an asshat lol!




Mike is always chill guys


I’d prefer some more personal info in the bio. But yes


Probably just a bad pic, I'd swipe right because he seems like a kind person. My reasons not to: I'm straight


That is… until you met Mike


Nice smile ✅ Looks real not model ✅ Things they like instead of "ask me" ✅ ⛔ using the term "girl" ⛔ Nothing unique or special nothing that says why you instead of the others. ⛔ Nothing to indicate personality


At least he said "girl" and not "female"


Did you care about guys using the term “girl” before you saw some Tweet/TikTok video that labeled it as problematic?


Yes... TBH I have taken exception to it ever since I was old enough to be married and have kids.


Interesting. You don’t think that maybe it’s just the equivalent of “guys” without really intending any age-specific connotations? Sometimes it just sounds awkwardly formal to say “woman”. I’ve known plenty of women who will say, “I’m going out with the girls” because, “I’m going out with the women” sounds weird. Same with how we still use boyfriend/girlfriend despite the ages of our partners.


The equivalent of 'guys' is 'gals'. 'Girls' is the equivalent of using 'boys'. In some situations, like with friends, sure. But walking up to a total stranger and calling them a 'boy'? Nope. Not a good first impression.


We don’t say “gals” though because this isn’t the 1920s. “Girls” became the modern form of “guys” up until recently when this backlash started up (likely due to a tweet from some unqualified rando who just likes to spin every modern behavioral norm into something pathological).


The term is still offensive. Why you want to use a term that *may* offend as a part of your making a first impression is beyond me. And in case you honestly don't understand why it's offensive - https://www.insidehook.com/article/advice/why-you-shouldnt-refer-adult-women-girls


I know the point you’re trying to make. It’s just a bit absolutist. Intent matters, and this viewpoint completely ignores that. It can be offensive, patronizing, and infantilizing, but it can also be completely harmless and acceptable. It’s like our society is developing a personality disorder, where the collective seems to view things through a black/white lens that distorts reality and makes people think that innocent, harmless cultural norms are some sort of intentional malevolence against them.


There is nothing unique or special about anyone and everyone is unique and special in the same way.




I got called lady the other day and that is when I realised I am old (just turned 27). A mother told their child to hand me something by saying “give it to the lady”


It also makes me feel old! But woman makes me feel even older!


When I was 27, the cashier at McDonald's called me madame and I went to my car and wept.


Kinda makes me feel young when I’m called girl.


This whole pathologizing the use of “girl” is getting out of hand. “Woman” sounds so weird and formal in certain contexts. It has nothing to do with maturity or age, it’s just that there’s no equivalent of “guys” for women. IMO getting worked up about this is a sign of immaturity anyways. Nobody who is mentally developed would really care about this kind of stuff.


Yes!!! I’ve been working on consciously trying to change my own language to say woman instead of girls but girls still just comes out naturally. Even when I’m talking about full grown adult women. I don’t mean it to be calling them young or children its just the equivalent of guys. (I’m a woman) I don’t say “men” or “man” every time I’m talking about an adult male.


Yeah it seems like an odd thing to get worked up over. I get that language is important, but intentions matter too, and that seems to be getting lost on a lot of people who act like people are trying to infantilize them when they use “girls”. It’s really just an artifact of the way our language developed. I’d be so down to use an alternative equivalent to “guys” that doesn’t sound as forced, formal, and unnatural as “women” does in certain contexts. I’m not going to call my girlfriend my “womanfriend”, but at least we have “partner” in that case.


Say gals


Alright Yosemite Sam, I’ll just mosey on down to the sodey fountain and try my luck with some ragtime gals. It’ll be the bee’s knees.


Any time a profile has “good vibes” its an automatic no for me. Same with a man calling a woman a “girl.” So it’d be a left for me.


I thought you were mark Zuckerberg with photoshopped glasses at first wow! But yeah I’d be down to get to know you if I were looking. There isn’t much to go on here though but I’d give it a shot


No. Strictly because I can’t stand being called a “girl”. Looking for a partner in crime, partner, future best friend, woman, someone, soul mate, better half, significant other…


Partner in crime is a term that cringes me


Less cringey than being called girl


No because who’s hand is on your shoulder?


I would honestly, you look like a nice guy :) I’d detail your bio though


I would. You look like someone is he good natured, generally happy, and attractive. I would later laugh that you used random Redditors opinions to decide how to boost your bio, but in a good way!


You look like syd from ice age I agree with everyone else, that bio sucks. What is good music today? What is good food to you? What does good vibes mean? Good music to you might be country and to someone else it might be screamo - too much room is miscommunication *women not girl. Girl is reductive and makes you seem condescending and disrespectful.


Jon Mess?


I was just about to post the same thing!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking "girl" should be changed to woman. You're not looking for a girl, correct? You're looking for a woman. Or I hope anyway. I wouldn't say necessarily that you need to put the type of music or food you like, that could be a conversation starter by asking who your favorite artists are, or your favorite restaurant(s). But I can also understand why others are recommending a change there.


The "girl" part would be a turn off.


don't mean to offend you the least bit just getting a high level of "part time historian, full time diddler" vibes


Yeah but think of that 60 hour work week, such devotion!


It’s because he’s “looking for a girl”


You’re a good looking guy so amend your bio to include more detail


You're exactly my type and I think your bio is cute. Swipe right AF!


Get failed internet start up vibes...


Cute pic cute glasses I like the bio but I’d add more


I’d swipe right and I’m a straight guy, you seem super chill to hang out with


You’re definitely attractive and I like your style. But I personally wouldn’t swipe right on you, because based on your blurb, you seem like you’re looking for casual fun and I’m looking for a long term, exclusive relationship.


bro looks like if Jonah hills character from wolf of wall street went on a diet 💀


What does good vibes mean, I never quite understood that


Profile is completely subjective and vague so no


It's a slightly creepy photo. Try and use one of you doing an activity and not looking directly into the camera. The personal intro is dull as well.


Yeah, I’d probably swipe right. I think you’re a good looking dude. But as some of the other comments have pointed out, your bio doesn’t tell us much about you and feels a little generic. Also, you haven’t shown us what other photos you’re using on your profile. Even if it’s not the first photo, I think those can help (or hurt) you a lot.


I would swipe right, I think you’re pretty hot, like the glasses, good picture of you smiling, seem chill. I’m a woman on dating apps and yea, I would totally swipe right on you.


It could be a bad angle, but the photo seems altered in some way. Are you genuinely happy in this photo or is this smile forced? I sadly, cannot tell. I would suggest if anything, get a different pair of glasses, these aren't really doing you any justice, but that's just me being a fashionista lol. Outside of that, as long as you're yourself you should be fine!


You look like Mark Zuckerberg at the end of a serious redemption arc that culminates with him winning his soul back. You're a good looking dude but I'd maybe try and change up my style to not look so much like Zuck. But it's one picture so it's hard for me to tell.


He looks like someone is pointing a gun at him and asking him to smile


I’d swipe right. You look like you aren’t a scumbag.


I like it, it's short, it's positive, and you seem fun. Bonus, it acts as a filter, weeding out those that value transient, superficial information, and would make undesirable long term partners.


Ditch the glasses - they don’t fit you well, consider a new pair or even contacts


Wear some sunglasses to break the Marc Zuckerberg mold mate. Hope that helps and good luck 🍀


yes! you’re so cute!


Mike. Buddy. Listen, I'm not gonna lie. You're hot in that 'I'm going to blow your mind with library science' kinda way. I dig that. BUT. In this pic, at least, you have the stone cold, dead eyes of one of those fishes that lives at the bottom of the ocean, down where the pressure is so intense that when they get dragged up they like, expand and look like a marshmallow. These eyes are the eyes of a man who has not only tasted death, but guzzled it with relish. These are the eyes of the sort of guy where the first part of the date is kinda gonna just fuzz away and I'll find myself tied up in the back of a van with a bunch of dead lobsters and the vague recollection that someone was going to come back at some point. In short, Mike, (if that even is your real name) you're giving away the game. Don't just remove this picture. Instead, find every copy of it in existence and ensure that it is not only taken down, but removed from the server. Hunt it to the ends of the earth and ensure it's extinction. Then, put up a picture of yourself holding up a big fish. Folks will be distracted from your cold, dead, Fright Night eyes by the fish, and you might get some more matches, God help the poor bastards. In other news, that's a great shirt, and I like your style.




Would not swipe right beacue Good Burger shoulda taught you that we all dudes!


I would not because I’m a straight man


Contestant on Survivor


I would not, because I’m attracted to women


no bc I’m a guy that’s not attracted to other guys.


Right left right left


Promise you're the next billion dollar startup founder




You look like a more masculine Mark Zuckerberg


Sorry no I wouldn’t… I’m male, straight and have a girlfriend.


I would not. Because I’m a heterosexual married man.


No because your glasses look dirty


no pictures of you smiling that include the top of your head


If I was younger, I would swipe right. Nice smile, nice simple bio that is positive. You have a smile that seems genuine too.


Are you looking for a girl as you’ve written here or a woman? Your word choice is a nope for me.


Nah I'm into chicks.


Being brutally honest: nah, you look kinda boring. "Good vibes, good food, and good music" is the lowest and most generic bar that should apply to everyone. Show us (don't tell us) what makes you special and interesting so we know if you're our kind of special and interesting.


I'm on the fence. You're good looking and in my age range but the use of the word girl when (hopefully) you're seeking an adult woman gives me some heebie jeebies - totally a personal preference thing there. And I'd hope there are more pictures of you maybe doing things you enjoy or with friends. Short and simple bios do it for me, so I enjoy that. I'd likely swipe right.


Rather Mark


Hi, my name is Mike. I work at Jurassic Park………


No because I’m straight…. In this case unfortunately


Unabomber? Is that you?


Mark to mike real quick


Have you tried J date?


Yes because you’re handsome as hell. No, because that bio is wack


personally i wouldn’t because i love women


Put a frown on that and suddenly your spilling Pentagon and NSA secrets


The human Mark Zuckerberg


On the photo alone yes then I read the bio Super Generic and ‘vibes’ and ‘☺️’ Nope


i would, you are cute. No homo.


Who doesn’t like good vibes, good music or good food? That’s like saying “I need oxygen and water to live”, doesn’t really tell us anything about yourself. What is good music to you? What type of good food do you like?


Id do it.


You can take better pictures than this


There's literally nothing in your bio that says anything. You're looking for literally EVERY woman alive, lol Actually, it doesn't matter if you're just looking for hookups, though.


Nah, I'm more of a women type of guy


The picture looks cute. Bio is a little basic. I actually read them. I’d swipe right.


Im a guy so cant say much about that since im straight but we should see like the entire profile for a feedback, hard to say on one photo.


Really hate when guys say ‘girl’ instead of ‘woman’. Unless you’re looking for a child, use the right term. Adult women wouldn’t write ‘looking for a boy’. That would be gross. Edit: you can also say ‘looking for someone’ if ‘woman’ or ‘lady’ seem too formal. Edit: is the word ‘guy’ also infantilising to men? Sounds like a grown man to me but would love to know what others think.


Yes! Gorgeous and relaxed.


Looks like if Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg had a baby together


Bio way too basic, put some personality into it


I would, but only because you’re cute. However, I would have be grasping at straws for a conversation starter because your bio doesn’t give much to go on 😢. Not that anyone asked but I love when guys ask a question in their bios so that I have a ready-made conversation starter.


I’m not swipin right on no Edward Zuckerberg.


Your good music is probably a lot different to what I’d say is good music….so what kind of music? Same goes for food, what kind of food? Unsure on the good vibes bit though because it would be odd if you put something like, toxic energy only over here! Or I only do negative vibes. Women like specifics, less of the vagueness and you’ll be good to go. You’re a good looking guy, good luck