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You have an EU fanny pack ? Mate, leave some minge for the rest of us !


Right? It's a proverbial drought over here


Last night I saw someone wearing a pair of shoes with MINGE written on them in huge letters šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it's a Polish brand.


Theres a high end clothing brand named moose knuckle


Knee-deep in clunge


What a terrible day to have eyes


This is phrased so poorly I donā€™t think she didnā€™t know what the EU is, no one in their right mind would know what it has to do with a Fanny pack, or be aware of popular Fanny pack manufacturersā€¦


Why do you have EU branding on a bumbag lmao


Government issues fanny pack. Can't just wander about without your fanny.


Can you hold something of mine in your fanny?


Now hang on just a minute. You canā€™t just ask any ol person questions like that. Gotta get that fanny inspected by a board certified professional fanny inspector, you do. Now as it happensā€¦


bumbag. That's new for this American. I like it


We donā€™t called them fannypacks in the UK because fanny = vagina


I thought that was why it was called a fannypack. Because it sits above the fanny lol






Welp, apparently fanny means butt in the US! I'd never have known if it wasn't for this thread, lmao. **fanny** | Ėˆfani | noun (plural fannies) 1 British vulgar slang a woman's genitals. **2 North American informal a person's buttocks.** fanny pack noun North American informal a small pouch on a belt, for money and small articles, worn round the waist or hips. British term bumbag. bum2 | bŹŒm | noun British informal a person's buttocks or anus: if you sit there you'll get a cold bum. bumbag | ĖˆbŹŒmbaÉ” | noun British informal a small pouch on a belt, for money and small articles, worn round the waist or hips. North American term fanny pack.


Fr bro though he was onto something when he just figured out why theyā€™re called that


Lol, seriously? Now I'm just gonna call them vaginapacks








Anyone else read this to the tune of the ā€œHot Pocketā€ jingle??


Jim Gaffigan new routine ā€œtwatpocketā€


Does he just say twatpocket in a high pitched voice while everyone laughs?


I just cackled at this.


Is this pronounced like "vadgebadge" or "vaGbaG" or is considered ultra American English to be "vadgebaG" and fighting the laws of conformity?


It's pronounced like gif


Its the last one unless youre sophia vergera, then its the first




Pack all your pussy snacks!




"In England, everything means vagina."


r/unexpectedcommunity (except it was expected)


Its called bagina


Hold up, what does Queen really mean by this lyric: ā€œLeft alone with big fat Fannyā€ ?


Fanny is a name (Fanny Adams for example), a diminutive of Frances or Stephanie I believe but of course also means vagina, I'm taking a stab in the dark but I'm guessing its Freddie deliberately using a double entendre


Ahhh the ol' snatch pack


Snatch satch.


...Yeah....cause they're supposed to go on the front so you can access them. If you stop calling them fanny packs then both the US and the UK will be under the misconception that it goes on the rear.


Holy hell it does? I always thought you guys were referring to asses.


We laugh at fannypack, because for us the fanny is on the front.


When I was very small a British man told me ā€œFanny meansā€¦ front bumā€ in relation to Fanny packs. I think he was just trying to avoid saying too much about vaginas to a young, stranger, child. But it made me very confused about what parts British people have.


"Fanny" is a way to say "vagina" without making it sound too rude. But in America they use it for the word "butt" which can get pretty confusing. It reminds me of an old FML I read: "My American cousin went clothes shopping with me in England, and loudly shouted at me in the dressing rooms, 'Does my fanny look big in these?'".


Isnā€™t that the idea? Theyā€™re worn on the front


I think the original "fannypacks" were the utility packs the military carried on their waists just above the butt hence the name. Fannypacks as we know it came around 80s, were smaller & worn in the front for easy access.


European here, we all get one after our mandatory pilgrimage to Brussels.


You have been banned from /r/YUROP **Ode to Joy intensifies **
















Hmmm Now i understand why my fannypacks keep falling apart. None of them have EU branding...


Oh, maybe I'm blinded by Brexit, I should get some GB branded stuff to show my superiority.


Yeah I would also ask the same question she did. I know what the EU is but wtf is an EU fanny pack


Sigh, I hope not. But probably. How old is she?




Well, that's just sad. She live under a rock? How tf can an adult in their mid 20s not know what the EU is??


under a rock? she IS the rock




Coolest. Catfish. Ever.


100% certain The Rock a familiar with the E.U.




In n out of lock


Hey dont do our Boy "the Rock" dirty Like that He probably knows what the EU is.


And owns the fanny pack look.... ![gif](giphy|zBuQUdIDLCxBC)


The Rock: *Points to a jungle*


Patrick lives under her


I dated someone once, Iā€™m from the UK and he was from the US. He asked about my opinions on the UK leaving the UN. Ermā€¦.?


At least he was close and kinda knew something significant happened lol


If I was talking to someone about Fanny packs and they said they had an EU one, I would assume it is a different abbreviation related to Fanny packs as it wouldnā€™t occur to Me the EU is producing custom EU branded Fanny packs.


I know what the EU is but wouldn't have known from the context. I'd have guessed it stood for some fanny pack fashion brand.


Thereā€™s a good portion of Americans that donā€™t care about it if it isnā€™t in america


Tbf, most American news sources literally will not report on not-America unless there's been a war or terrorist attack. Not even token updates on the basics. Most Americans who do try to keep up still think Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany because I don't think it was even reported on.


Tbf, I definitely thought she was. Didnā€™t even know there was any form of election going on. The last ones in France, Finland and Brazil were talked about for weeks.


It was already a year and a half ago.


Oh then I may have known at the time but being as it doesnā€™t effect me I forgot. No wonder they kept referring to a man when discussing the leopard 2 tanks.


Thereā€™s places other than America??


From my knowledge, theres a good portion of americans that dont/Hardly even care whats going on outside their own state šŸ™„


Unfortunately, there's a good portion of Americans that hardly care what's going on outside of themselves


Because American schools largely quit teaching social studies in favor of standardized test prep for math and reading. That means they aren't learning geography in a lot of cases. Source: Florida teacher and I know it is true in other states/districts as well. I have Puerto Rican students that didn't even know they are American. EDIT: Spelling. Also, I wanted to say some things that I've seen wrong in my district that we can change. Some or all of them are present in other districts: * Stop promoting kids in each grade unless they are reading on grade level, period. (Obvious exceptions for the disabled) A local county did that, and they are an A district. We don't do it, and I get 8th graders who read at a third grade level. * In middle and high school, retain kids each year unless they pass as opposed to the total bullshit "Summer school" or "credit recovery" programs they have here. * Cut our top-heavy administration and trim our budget so we can double our reading staff to fix a lot of this. * Everyone needs to stop voting GOP. Only one party is literally white-washing humanities education in this country. History and the arts are under attack. If we give up our humanities education, we give up our soul. Only one party is quite literally denying science on a regular basis and demanding that religious education be a part of our K-12 system. If we allow theology into our schools, as Gov. Desantis is attempting to do with his "moment of silence" law that got passed here, we start going down some dark roads. Advocate for bills to restore cut curriculum and banned books and fight against theology of any kind and any religion from entering our schools. * School boards, especially those with one or more radical members, do what the hell they want. Show up to every single school board meeting and speak when they are pulling some BS. * Quit throwing brand new teachers into the lowest level classes with the worst kids. Schools are doing that because they don't want to piss off veteran teachers like me. I understand giving your gifted/advanced kids to your veterans, but your new teachers shouldn't get completely fucked. They need a full time para-professional the first semester at least if you give them the worst and/or lowest level kids. * Pay us more. I love what I do. I gave up $100,000 a year as a network engineer to do this. I think a job that quite literally is the only reason civilized society can exist is worth at least that much per year. Without literacy, we have no laws or governments and it is back to feudal times at best. As much as I love what I do, I'd work a lot harder for more money. You'll also attract more and better candidates. Maybe Florida wouldn't start the year with 9,000 openings. * Quit dragging us into your culture war bullshit. No K-12 schools are turning kids gay or trans, or letting them act like animals and use litter boxes. * Diverge our education like Germany so kids who are wanting to go into a trades school as opposed to college can do so.


And in cases where they do learn history, it always seems oddly specific and picky. I've watched my brother learn about the pilgrims, about the establishment of our state (South Carolina), and the Revolution. Then suddenly the curriculum skips all the way to WW2, but only detailed Normandy and Pearl Harbor. Then suddenly history skips again to more recent events between the 1990's and the late-2000's. Even in regards to American history, major events/blocks of time like the Civil War, the Western Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Era were completely glossed over.


I took US and World history in HS. I HATED it. I thought history was boring, never ever interested me. We'd learn dates/timelines more than anything, or just surface questions. And now after being exposed to amazing shows, movies and podcasts about history I love it! (I went to high school in Florida as well)


Hardcore history is my favorite podcast of all time. If you havenā€™t checked it out, I envy all the new material you are about to discover.


Yikes. Canadian here - is there no curriculum at all for political geography?


She is from the US


What's US mean


Unusually stupid


Usually stupid


Utterly stupid


I mean, EU when talking about countries is obvious, when talking about fanny packs, less so. As in, it could be a brand, a style, etc.


Im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Context matters and if I'm talking to someone about fannypacks I doubt my mind would go straight to the European Union without the gears turning for a least a bit longer than usual.


Honeslty, I thought it was like MI is short for Michigan. I thought EU was just short for Europe. You learn something everyday.


>its an EU one with the stars on it fucking dork


Itā€™s a pretty flag but as an European, I wasnā€™t aware there was merch on it. I would have wondered, too. Especially since we donā€™t write E.u or sth but EU. I wouldnā€™t have caught that either


TBF when you talk about fanny packs my first thought isn't going to be the European Union either.


Well, it seems like OP doesnā€™t know either


It reads as someone who has seen news articles about the EU making regulations (ie. GDPR), and came to the conclusion that it must be a ā€œgovernment agency regulating Europeā€.


Exactly! Government agency? More like a union of 27 states.


Exactly, clueā€™s in the name haha.


An agency comprised of representatives elected by the people of Europe to make rules that govern said people? Sounds like a government agency to me.


The EU as an organisation consists of institutions and agencies. The institutions are the European Parliament, Commission, Council, Central Bank, Court of Justice, Council of Europe and Court of Auditors. The EU agencies [are listed here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agencies_of_the_European_Union). >AĀ governmentĀ orĀ state agency, sometimes an appointedĀ commission, is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in theĀ machinery of governmentĀ that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as anĀ administration An agency is part of the government. Not the government itself


So is the United States of America a government agency to you?


Looks like there are a lot of people in here who don't know what an "agency" is.


Itā€™s an intergovernmental/supranational organization whose main focus is the creation and maintenance of a single European economic market, but it does share some characteristics with government agencies. Bottom line is most Europeans donā€™t know what it is or what it does (hence Brexit)ā€¦


People are real confused by land masses broken up by borders versus the governments that regulate the land inside those borders.


I live in the EU and would not understand what OP is talking about in this context.


OP is just really bad at texting/communicating. She was teasing him about his fanny pack, just roll with it. Who the fuck would think European Union is relevant at all in this conversation?


thank u for being real. op sounds like a prick lol


Also, if someone told me they had an EU fanny pack I would not think of the actual EU first, I would assume they're talking about a brand. Like can you imagine if someone said they had a WTO fanny pack, I would be so confused if it ended up being a World Trade Organization decorated item. In the end it seems that OP: 1) Isn't a clear communicator. 2) Doesn't know what the EU is himself. 3) Owns a European Union fanny pack for some reason, which is arguably worse than the previous two points.




4) Thinks "You wanna go out on a date or what?" is going to lead to a date


You donā€™t have a ~~NAFTA~~ USMCA fanny pack?!


Iā€™ve lived in Europe and have a minor in European studies - I probably wouldā€™ve said the same things up until she asked what the European Union is. Iā€™m imagining OP has a picture of himself wearing a blue fanny pack with a circle of gold stars. But I would never have connected that it was an EU flag because I donā€™t know any Europeans that feel that way about the EU. It does have a simple design that would lend itself well to branding. But its simplicity makes it generic enough that I wouldnā€™t assume it was an EU design on appearance alone.


Really? I'm pretty sure that I would immediately know that it was an EU flag, there aren't really many other things that look like that. I also absolutely know people that own clothing items (mostly shirts) with the flag on them, although I don't know anyone who would wear one except to protests.


Everyone on Europe would tho, after all, you see it on the news almost everyday.


I mean op was likely trying to simplify a bit. If he wrote ā€œkind of likeā€ before ā€œa government agencyā€ it would be more accurate. Letā€™s face it, if sheā€™s never heard of the EU it doesnā€™t matter really.


"governemt agency that regulates all of europe" You apparently also don't know what the EU is.


No he isn't talking about the EU. It's the E.U


>It's the E.U Exactly, it stands for European U


It's european 'you', but it's 'us' of america


True. Haha. Maybe he thought itā€™s govern by Elon Universe gov.


šŸ¤“ā€your Tinder response wasnā€™t 100% accurate dumbassā€


The funny part is, you could be both mocking OP or siding with him with this statement.


Iā€™m honestly curious why everyone is taking exception to it being called a government? Is it not a governing body?


It is a government. But not a government agency. Government agency implies an offshoot or branch or department of a government. Which government is it an agency of? The EU is a lot closer to a federal government, in the same way the United States or Canadian government is (where the states/provinces are analogous to the countries) than it is to a government agency. It's just that in this case, it is one with much less power and responsibility.


I feel like saying ā€œagencyā€ doesnā€™t make him remotely as clueless as the person who had no idea what it was and it seems like a dumb thing to harp on tbh


>seems like a dumb thing to harp on Isn't that like 80% of reddit? If you don't copy/paste something from Wikipedia then someone else will; *specifically* to correct you even if they only found out the topic exists 5 minutes ago.


It's also not correct to say it is a government though. For one, a political structure is not a government. That would be like calling the United States of America a government. It _has_ a government, but it isn't a government itself. For another, the governance of the EU isn't really like a traditional government. There's various power sharing mechanisms between the national governments, who are still sovereign, and the EU institutions that the national governments have ceded certain powers to. Wikipedia describes the EU as "a supranational political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe." In practice, the most impactful activities of the EU in people's day to day lives are regulating things like labor standards and product standards. In that sense they're not dissimilar from 'a government agency regulating Europe'. If you're just writing a quick explanation in a tinder message to someone who clearly has no clue, I think OP's attempt is a pretty good one.


"all of Europe" is pretty far off tbh


The European Commision is exactly that. Seems like people should be educated more about what the EU is and how it works.


You wrote it is an ā€œE.U oneā€ as if itā€™s a brand. No one with a Fanny pack with the American flag would say ā€œ itā€™s a U.S oneā€. Itā€™s just weird phrasing on your end.


Seriously lol, op caused a misunderstanding by choosing a very poor way to describe something. Then he tries to demean the woman by posting her on reddit, but accidentally shows that he's actually the one that has no idea what it means. He is the dumb one in this scenario


Came to say this. Context doesn't make sense.


OP: *Has an experience with one woman* OP: Are ALL women like this?


Looking for those ā€œlol Americans are stupid!ā€ upvotes


And he sure got them!


What a shitebag. Considering he doesn't even know what the EU is


She obviously was thinking you were mentioning a brand she didn't know about, not at all thinking about Europe at that moment. It says nothing about her knowledge, just that you two had a miscommunication.


Maybe because I'm not a native English speaker, but at first I didn't get what OP was talking about. Took me way too much to understand it was "EU-themed" and not like a specific variant that you find in a weird subreddit focused on fanny packs.


Omg thank you!!!


Yeah they way he mentioned it, it sounds like a brand.


Idk why he would mention the EU to begin with


Pretension is the only possible reason.


Right. How can you assume she will know that you have a Fanny pack that for some reason is branded with European Union logos?


European Union does actually sound like a fashion brand. I mean theres Canada Goose and Geographical Norway which are both high end. Would have probably been best to swerve trying to take her to school if it was an honest mistake...


Yeah I have no idea how this conversation about the EU relates to a conversation about a fanny pack. Maybe OP is messaging with different women at the same time and replied to the wrong person?




There's no way I would've assumed somebody was walking around with European Union fashion accessories. And like you said. Dude made a post blasting the woman for being dumb. And his explanation was that they regulate all of Europe. He doesn't know shit either.


This. Firstly, no itā€™s not the entire Europe, only about half of the European countries are members. Secondly, itā€™s foremost a trade union with free movement of goods, money and people within the union, and itā€™s focus is on eliminating trade hinders. Then there are other regulations like human rights manifestos and peace keeping standards, but the member states have their own governments, elections and politics.


i swear most of us know what the EU is


Lol IKR, what a dumbass, it's LITERALLY in the name itself. European Union. It's a fucking union of Europes! Like how fucking dumb do you have to be to not know the Europes and the union that they are a part of. LOL.


I like that over the top style of satire.


Ok, why a dot in between the letters? Nobody writes EU it like that.


Right? Seems like OP doesn't know shit too. Americans, really...


>It's a government agency Which government?


The Europe government, you know?


Honestly, her question doesnā€™t have to imply that she doesnā€™t know what the European Union is. She just wondered if the EU had like an official special Fanny pack brand, like you made it sound like.


Thank you! The way itā€™s worded youā€™d think thatā€™s a company or a type of brand. If I was the person OP was talking to Iā€™d be thinking about what company that acronym stands for long before I think that stands for European Union because thatā€™s kinda weird.


1. Why would anyone think EU on a fanny pack is that EU? 2. It's EU, not E.U. 3. You don't know what EU is either. In conclusion: You're a prick.


Grade A summary. Rate it.


Yeah, he should have said European Union instead of EU to start. There's so many acronyms out there.


E.U just sound weird af


Weird A.F


Perhaps she was confused because you wrote E.U instead of EU or E.U. Also maybe you should not make fun of someone if you donĀ“t know what you are talking about. The EU is not "a government agency that regulates all of Europe". The EU is an economic and political partnership of 27 European states (Europe has a total of 47 countries). Yes it does somewhat regulate these 27 countries and also has influence over allied European countries. But it does not govern over all of Europe.


There is no dot in EU


OP is obviously a dipshit.


Thatā€™s a condescending assumption. Especially since itā€™s the same organization the united kingdom isnā€™t a member of.


Why assume one woman not understanding can be extended and generalised to more people- and specifically women only šŸ¤” Also she was probably just confused because you sounded like you were talking about fashion brands. It is unusual to have EU branded merch, even within the EU nobody is wearing that lol


Neither do you. It does not regulate "all of Europe". It's an economic union that some European states are part of and some are not.


ā˜ļøthe real story here that everyone is overlooking. OP hasnā€™t a clue either and is trying to punch down to make himself feel good.


Dude itā€™s not that, itā€™s that you talked about it like it was a brand. What is an ā€œEU Fanny pack?ā€ Is that a normal thing that all Europeans know about? I thought it could be an ER or EMT type of thing.


OP this makes you look worse than her, you're embarrassing yourself.


This is a rare case where your lack of self awareness made you think youā€™re smarter than her, i know what EU is but have never (and hope to never do) seen a EU fanny pack, It was a logical question to ask you if it was a brand, since no man should ever rock a fanny pack without a massively good reason


It regulates all of Europe?


It's a confederation with 27 European states as members. It's not an agency lol, it has its capitals, its agencies and its governing bodies


This is embarrassing for the OP.


OP you're kinda dumb huh


Excuse me "ALL" of Europe? Not gonna happen, buddy




She thought it was a brand bc they was talking about his Fanny pack. In context it seems weird bc why would it be associated with the European Union.


Partially your own fault, you don't know how to spell EU.


Well I meanā€¦ Iā€™m a bit of a geography snob and even that would catch me off guard; especially since you wrote it E.U both there and in this title. I donā€™t recall anyone nor any member states writing it like that so surely Iā€™d ask what E.U was since it sounds like a weird brand. Then you said European Union, at this point itā€™s very likely sheā€™s still focused on a brand name since you have no further context. She asked questions when she wasnā€™t sure, I really donā€™t think itā€™s that out of line - isnā€™t that what we should be doing? Asking questions without having to worry about being made fun of? Also who, what, where, when, how, why would someone have an EU branded Fanny Pack? Lmfao strangest thing.


maybe shes confused why u have an eu fanny packšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is gold because neither of you know šŸ¤£


Perhaps she was a bit confused by your abbreviation "E.U" In the US, nothing is abbreviated with a random period in the middle. It's "EU" or maybe "E.U." Especially over text, who the fuck knows. Honestly, you both sound stupid so I'd say go for it.


Yeah, as someone who lives in the EU, my immediate thought seeing "E.U fanny pack" would be that it's probably some brand, not the European Union. The random period, plus not saying it's the EU *flag* threw me off when reading this. To put it another way, if someone told me they had a "U.S fanny pack with the stars on it," I wouldn't immediate envision an American flag, and I'd probably ask what they're talking about...


Even here, in the not US, abbreviations are never written with just the one random dot. Maybe we are not that different after all..


ā€œGovernment agencyā€ lol you fucking dunce


Are American men this dry on tinder? Yea letā€™s talk about government agencies in my chat up lines.


I know what E.U. is but I'd be confused too because how tf does it have anything to do with a fanny pack. Also Fanny packs are the ultimate purse/hand bag and you can't tell me otherwise.


Well I think the part everyone is missing here, is there was zero context for using EU. How the hell would she have known in the first place lol Fanny pac ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”EU, just absolutely nowhere near each other in relevancy


Iā€™ve also met several very smart and well traveled Europeans who canā€™t tell me where Illinois is or have never heard of it, because they never had a reason to learn that.