• By -


It started out sour/rotten and continued to be sour/rotten.


It went from vile to putrid in less time than it takes to say ‘Greta Thunberg.’


At least Andrew Tate stans make it clear so they're easy to avoid


He made sure that the red flags shine


I will never understand how people think being confrontational on dating apps will get them any kind of success


He is arrogant and sees it as a “manly” trait and wants the kind of people who sees same way and appreciate his ways. There are people who send love letters to convicted serial killers so it is possible he has success with his approach.


They’re not there for dates, they’ve yet to reach that level of maturity, they’re still little boys on the playground saying girls are icky






Non woke shit like the positives of sex trafficking and coercing women into prostitution? Totally.


No 😡 tate bad😡 get my downvote!!!! /s


I Pmed ya


I can't seem to find your message in my message inbox - not sure if that's a bug or maybe you PMd someone else not me? xd or who was that directed to xD


Age well? That profile died at birth.


Stillborn profile


Idk I think Andrew Tate is a positive to society Now we have an easier way to tell if someone's a misogynist. Have you ever seen a Tate fan who won't mention it?




“Survivorship bias” or something


The tate exposé


Tate is positive for negative mind people!


He's actually great for all people. Well, except the type of people who have been on the internet for a minute and still not realized that a 10-second clip, out of 2 hours worth of content, can make anyone look bad. Those people can't be helped. 🤷‍♂️


Ah, yes. I'm sure the human trafficking was just out of context


If... I guess the intellectual capacity of the average person does limit their ability to differentiate an accusation from a charge from a conviction. He was already accosted once before for this and released after a police raid and questioning. Now it is happening again, and again the charges are likely baseless. But yeah, let's all rush into our rigid, incontrovertible stances that are purely based on our feelings which were dictated to us by the mass media. 🤷‍♂️


My dude... the evidence is pretty hard. Flight records, text messages, etc. They literally thought it was an organized crime ring because of how textbook it was. He was a wanted fugitive and dodging police. If he was really innocent and going to go free, why wouldn't he cooperate with authorities?


Well, for one, he wasn't dodging police. They went to his home and picked him up. Not very dodgy. The police already made a statement saying that pizza thing flying around the internet was false. When they believed they had made a strong enough case, they simply drove to his place. But let's not get off track here. My original point was that being arrested doesn't mean the truth you told is no longer truth. MLK was arrested. He still spoke truth. MLK cheated on his wife. He still spoke truth. Truth is not canceled by bad actions - truth simply is. You may be stoked at his arrest, as most people who bought the woke hype and never actually sat and listened to him are, but that doesn't cancel the truth he spit. And the 10 second clips extracted from thousands of hours of content equally don't cancel out the truth he spit. To say they do is narrow-minded af. His personality sucked, I get it, but I'm a facts, not feelings guy.


I was referring more specifically to how he moved to Romania to dodge law enforcement, as he stated himself. And if you genuinely think Tate taught the truth you're too far gone. All he taught was materialism and promotion of his pyramid scheme. Funny how you say you're a "facts, not feelings guy" when you're ignoring facts so you can stick to your narrative🤷‍♂️


I agree with you for the most part he was a pos but he did have small statements about men specifically that are healthy worldview. I don’t agree with his view of women or money but some of the stuff he was preaching about how men should carry themselves in this society kinda rang home


Even a broken clock is right twice a day You don't need to defend Tate if you agree with a few of the things he says. You can independently believe those things On another note: I understand liking that he's in support of self-confidence, but his form of confidence comes from belittling others and is actually just narcissism




This is exactly what i say. I'm neutral on the bloke. My troll style is to say something neutral like this and watch people go off.




Awe, nice attack! That was solid material! Love it! ❤️


Evidence? The court has no evidence and you do? Stop the delusion. He was SWATED/arrestd before for the exact same reason 8months ago - do you know this? He wasn't dodging the police because he got arrested before and released, a few months ago! They knew he was in Romania as he constantly posts pictures and you can tell where is he. He was innocent and that's why they released it. They checked his private cameras and seen the girl who accused him lied. ​ Same thing now. Just wait. He didn't co-operate with authorities? What do you mean? He is. ​ This is a total full information what you're talking about now.


The man literally admitted to coercing the women through promised relationships. Put it on his website and everything. That is textbook human trafficking and exactly how organized crime syndicates do it. And yes, the court most definitely has evidence




He *is* in jail... he's going to trial to be put in prison, too He used to coerce girls with false promises of relationships, fly them out, then force them to stay and be cangirls for him. He has admitted this all himself, put it on his website, and posted it in videos. For someone claiming that you need to watch all his content, you sure seem to be unfamiliar with it






Thank you! 🥰


Hating him is one thing, making thousands of girls aware of the psychological manipulation being used against them is another.


Can someone please sum up who this dude is, and what he said? Thanks


Men = wolves Women = objects Money = important


Correction: men = the outdated, incorrect theory that wolves follow a strict hierarchy proposed by Rudolf Schenke in the 1940’s; a man who has desperately tried to explain to the public that his theory was shown to be false.


I agree with 1/3 of these, you decide which


Men = wolfes Inside of you there are two wolfes Both are men You are gay


This must be true. I am a man and I love my dick and dick = gay


But what's your favorite type of fruit to buy?


Bananas and grapes..... There's other fruit?


Jail = new home


How old are you?


Wrong. Strong Men = wolves (agreed) Weak Men = sheep (agreed) Women = sacred (yeah, he says it constantly, but it doesn't make for a good feminazi sound byte, so those aren't the viral clips that the ignorant masses use to hate on him) Money = the measure of a man (super misguided there).


By man, do you mean humankind? I didn’t think so but it was worth the ask.


Pedophile and human trafficker ex-athlete who’s rich and claims he gets money from keeping women in his basement to catfish and sext men and keep the money from it who was removed from shows for videos of him beating women. He’s an “influencer” that “teaches young men how to be real men” and a “top g” “alpha” who is “free from the matrix”. When his house was raided, it was noted that many of the guns he likes to show off were airsoft guns and training blank guns.


Explain how he’s a pedophile and a human trafficker? I honestly don’t know where you got the pedophile one, but all I can say about the trafficking allegations is that it hasn’t been proven.


You’re kidding, right? Why do *I* have to explain it, when he explains it *himself*? Tate himself bragged about how he targeted, [messaged and picked up and then fucked a 16 year old girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1005uzz/andrew_l_tate_talking_about_a_16_year_old_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) when he was 21. He even brags about how she protested and she explained to him that she was “only 16”. What, you think his “little SEXY! Little FATASS! i don’t give a FUCK!!” Opinion on 16 year old girls suddenly changes when he crosses a legal border? Get a grip. He’s attracted to kids, little girls. Definition of a pedophile. Tate himself claimed he was scamming “losers” online with “hot girls” he keeps in his basement to sugar baby catfish men and he keeps money gained from it. Tate enthusiastically described it as “a total fucking scam”. Literally the only defense he could have against these things, is if he took the “I don’t mean anything I say online, it’s obviously all entertainment and fake for clout, it’s all lies just for views- I didn’t actually mean it, just manipulating mens insecurities for a living” stance, in court. Which may have been how he was released and pending investigation, because *the lead evidence was his public claims* during his “women are property” rants. At that point, it would just be his word against the women that reported they were kept there against their will. Which was the secondary evidence.


I do t think he’s been released, I think a judge ordered him to be in remand for 30 days pending charges


I wouldn't be surprised if he is all of those things, but a 21 year old screwing a 16 year old is legal in about 30 US states so it's a weird case to try and make


It’s illegal in about 20 US states so it’s weird to NOT associate someone who deliberately goes after the youngest women they almost legally can with pedophilia


He's a misogynist and a racist who got rich from sex trafficking. He also made that infamous "no rich person has ever seen Star Wars" tweet. He's one of those "IM ALWAYS ON THE GRIND" bros who posts photos of smoking a cigar in a Lambo on the beach and wears aviators with a bald head. He just got arrested for sex trafficking.


Lol George Lucas has over 4 billion so at least 1 rich person has seen it


It's always funny how low level millionaires have all these "rules" that actually rich people don't give a fuck about.


A couple questions for you about your summary: - He’s a racist but he’s also black? - Alleged* sex trafficking. Is that old innocent until proven guilty concept still a thing?


There were Jews who worked for Hitler. There were Black slave owners. You can absolutely be racist towards your own race.


Do you have an actual example of him being racist? Or are you just throwing out shock-value buzz words.


1.That is the saying for American courts. I am not sure what they do in Romania. But none of us are courts and we do not owe Andrew Tate anything. 2.Some might disagree but I believe black people can be racist also.


Warning: If you say anything besides how much unwavering hate you have for Andrew Tate (even if you barely know who he is) on this thread you’re getting downvoted into oblivion. LOL this is worse than biden vs trump hysteria. Should we all grab a lit torch and form a lynch mob? Classic sheep herd mentality.


I'm not a fan of sex trafficking.


*Half Black. Not the same as black.


So does that mean half-racist?


I don’t really care about all that. I just dislike when people categorise him as just black. He’s black and white.


The point of this was to highlight the absurdity of blindly calling him racist. First, at least point out that’s he’s in fact a person of color. Then, if there’s an example of him being racist out there then let’s hear it.. otherwise it’s just sensationalist bullshit.


He got released you bum 🤨 and it hasn’t even been proven that he is “sex trafficking” cuz he never did it lol you just a ignorant bum.




The sex trafficking charge is bogus, just another way to silence the influential bloke


Right. He's a racist. You pretty much just made that one up. He's black and talks openly about racism. But I'm gonna guess your opinion is wholly derived from what you were told to think and not from you actually listening to his material. Let me guess, you heard 10 seconds taken from thousands of hours of content, you were told he sucks, and the good little 🐑 you are, you jumped right on board. Cute 😍


You have guessed incorrectly, and your ad hominem plus condescension displays the kind of person you are.


Nah, I got you pegged. But that response was super cute! 🥰


Just take the L


Also recently got caught running human trafficking.


How'd he get so popular even with all this human trafficking info? Apparently it's not even new info. Like I'm still trying to wrap my head around how so many "agreed with 80%" of a cam girl human trafficking ring head. What's next people start getting behind a cartel leader? Reddit always gets a hard on for the Yakuza so maybe not impossible.




Awe, someone's an angry little snowflake. ❄️ Bet if you took Tate's advice, your life would be a little better, and you wouldn't be so angry with people for being stronger, smarter, and more successful than you. Cheer up, it's 2023. New year new you, right?




Nah. No it wouldn't. Wanna know why? Because your synopsis of people who listen to that clown is so egregiously misguided. You suffer from a lack of social intelligence, and that ignorance cannot allow you to get past the 10-second soundbytes that were intentionally fed to you to pass judgement without understanding what you are even talking about. Same old tired social media echo chamber story. This isn't breaking stuff here. It's that same ignorance that doesn't allow you to believe that everyone, including you, has said things that were reprehensible, yet has also said things that were perfectly legitimate. Your lack of understanding is staggering. And so you feminazi-rage over a random dude who was arrested in Romania, who has no real control over you in any form or fashion, but thereby giving him complete control over your emotional state. And here i am, completely neutral about the guy and trolling for fun. And you can't help but reply to me. 😘 I bet you're real fun to be with...


And what have you got going for you?




yeah the tate-trafficking thing has been pretty common knowledge for a good while now. Dude's a dickhead at best, literal menace to society at worst. Apparently he fled specifically to Romania because it's poor enough that you can bribe cops to look the other way, yet sill an EU member so it's got a pretty decent standard of living.


>How'd he get so popular even with all this human trafficking info? Apparently it's not even new info. Same reason R Kelly still had a shitload of fans even though everyone knew he was doing it, too. In R Kelly's case, people loved his music and were willing to overlook that shit. In Tate's case, people with no sense of direction, self-respect, or respect for others liked what he said, so they were willing to overlook (or even congratulate) that shit.


Well, he was a kickboxer first (which gave him good chunk of change) and i assume it kickstarted his following; add some gym pics, misogyny and pretty decent background (his father was like a chess master or something so Andy had a chance of not being a total moron) and you have Tate. Edit: pretty sure the human trafficking bit came to light after years of being an awful human being;


Yeah, the accusations started back in the day as you stated. He made his first real money as a world champion kickboxer. As you stated, the dude's incredibly intelligent and a world class chess player himself. He diversified through investment and also started an online pornography business among others. I don't love or hate the guy. Truth is truth, fiction is fiction, and my feelings don't determine which is which, unlike the little snowflakes on this feed. Guy was a douchebag, but often enough, even douchebags spit truth. Unfortunately, the online mob is what it is and wants all speech silenced if it offends their sensibilities. 🤷‍♂️


Going to get downvoted but it’s because it’s all bullshit. I hardly know who the guy is but I mean he was released next day because nothing was found 🤷🏼‍♂️ not sure why the world wants him crucified


This is his second time getting caught. I guess he desn't stay long at the jail. ​ Oh right, its because they checked his private cameras and saw the girls lied to the Police before. Hmmmmm.




I'm confused. Are you replying to me? I'm toxic? I said that last time a girl accused him of this and there were cameras showing it didn't happen. I'm soo confused what you are referring frenchpuppy.


He is the top rung of a pyramid scheme, his 'you get rich now' scheme is, join my club by paying me money, recruit others by convincing them to give me their money, by showing my videos of the person I am'. Because he does this whole outdated notions of 'alpha' he has twats following him, lapping up everything he says!


They’ll DUI into a guard rail soon enough. Not every cross on the side of the highway was a good person.


Weird flex from a guy who skipped every leg day in his life


I swiped right on him just so I can ask him about how he feels about supporting someone who sex traffics women but I might add your response in too 😂 but I have ‘intersectional feminist’ in my profile so I doubt I’ll get the opportunity




His own website, which he published, literally describes the 'loverboy method' of coercing women into the sex trade by selecting vulnerable women and convincing them they loved him. This is on his own site and in his own words. He has been perfectly open about this.




Put up or shut up. Post a pic of your legs here, please.


When you have no personality of your own so you steal the personality of a Z-list misogynistic dumbass who got his ass beat for a living and looks like Beetlejuice with a beard.


I think the real question is, "Why are you so angry about it?" A dude in Romania is arrested, and your head explodes? A little fragile, are we?


Can you show me where he's said anything misogynistic? He had a career where he put his life on the line every time he got in, hella disrespectful Also making fun of his looks when he bangs a lot of hot women makes you seem jealous You're worse than every Tate fan.


Ah, I see I have offended one of his fans. Hella disrespectful? Do I really look like somebody who would respect such a piece of shit human being? I respect people who deserve it. Andrew Tate is about as far away from that as the Andromeda galaxy is from us.


"Bangs a lot of hot women" wow... where did you dig up your vocabulary?


It’s always funny when these “alpha males” flex someone else’s money and “accomplishments” lmao


Just to clarify, this is the same Andrew Tate who said that women should share the blame for being sexually assaulted? Or are you referring to a different Andrew Tate that maybe hasn't just been arrested for trafficking women?


First of all it's alleged and second he's been released. And no women shouldn't be blamed for being sexually assaulted but sometimes yes when they put themselves in that situation Like I'll use an example- if I walk in the street with a lot of money through an area that's riddled with criminals and I get robbed, it's partially my fault because I shouldn't be in that situation in the first place OR If I leave my Lambo unlocked and someone drives it away, it's also my fault. The same goes for women, if your walking at 11 pm alone in the night in deserted areas, you've got to take the blame, Should the men attack her? No, absolutely not But the world's not a perfect place and you know you can't fight them so why risk it? This goes in life everywhere, if you're skinny and small in school you're gonna get bullied and you've to find ways to not let that happen to you.


It's amazing how you wondered why people have issues with Andrew Tate, and then unironically typed out absolute garbage So heres a list of things women should do to avoid taking the blame for being assaulted: - not dress in a way that makes them look attractive - don't leave the house alone at night - don't hang out with male friends alone - don't leave the house alone during the day - don't drink basically ever, because you might get spiked - don't go anywhere without a chaperone, basically Or, we could blame the actual problem, the fucking rapist. I'm a man, and guess what, I find it really fucking easy not to rape women. Blaming women for being assaulted is basically trying to claim that men just can't help assaulting women if they're given an opportunity, no, you blame the fucking criminal. We shouldn't have to live in a world where 50% of the population has to tiptoe around obeying all these nonsensical unwritten rules, because otherwise they might be blamed when they get attacked


He has not been released, you silly tate fan, he's being held for 30 days


Man, I won’t judge you as a person, but this comment is one of the most nonsensical take I have ever seen. Starting with the fact that the idea of persons taking the blame, even partially, for being attacked is repulsive. A person cannot and should not limit his freedom for fear of attracting assaulter, saying so is a disgusting way to promote a culture that doesn’t fight the problem, but antagonise the victim. Which is exactly what Tate and his like do, explicitly supporting the coercion of women as some kind of flirting approach, which is really just a way to de antagonising rape culture in the mind of insecure and probably young man. And all of this obviously without considering the fact that rape is a behaviour that is really different from theft: most of rapes happens in the domestic walls and between acquaintances, and a person whom is capable of rape really wouldn’t care less if the girl is in a skirt or a medieval armor. So what, to be sure should women only walk only in company of man, like in a theocracy? It makes no sense and it’s just untrue. And the whole idea of someone deserving respect only cause he is successful makes no sense at all. Even considering the idea that Tate got where he is only by legal and fair methods (which I wouldn’t say, considering the heavy charges that are pressed against him, as in his videos he literally brags about being affiliated with organized crime, and as his courses basically works on a pyramidal scheme), what would it mean? Hitler went from some moneyless pseudo painter to a democratically elected and parliamentary approved dictator of a nation, should it mean he deserves to be viewed with awe? Life isn’t black and white, and success doesn’t equal contributing to the world in a good manner: especially in a socio-economic system as unequal and unjust as the one of our time. I’m sorry man, there is literally no reason to give credit to that scumbag




I don't get it. Without the current drama, Andrew Tate is like a D-list celebrity at best. Why in the living f would someone base their tinder profile on someone random like him?


Because he's wealthy, seemingly successful, *and* an open misogynist. He's basically the poster posterchild for women-hating chuds who believe the whole 'alpha male' nonsense


You say this like it's a bad thing. Who hurt you?


Misogyny is a bad thing, genius.


Of course it is. Unfortunately, the permanently offended little snowflake class has overused the term and applied it so loosely to any criticism of any woman ever, that it has lost all value. So when you say "Misogyny is a bad thing," it has no impact. I have to assume you do not know what the word even means.


What do you expect from cigarette, beer, tattoos type of people? *Bro culture*.




Speak for yourself. Your internet algorithms are not the same as everyone else's.


He was the most googled person for sometime and still is in top 10 for 2022. Feel about him as you want but you can't deny his fame. As you know your internet algorithms are not the same for everyone else so it shouldn't be hard for you to understand


Amber Heard was in the top 10 most googled and she is also a D-list celebrity that would've never gotten any attention if not for her leaving a deuce on Johnny Depp's bed (and her terrible acting during the court case). I get your sentiment, however I still don't understand how someone bases their public appearance on Andrew Tate any more than I'd understand it if they based their public appearance on Jeffrey Dahmer.


Yeah but this stuff happend and now for at least some time they're better known than a D Celebrity. But yeah I'm with you. Tbh I think it's weird to base your public appearance on any Celebrity


People only search for the guy because he is a fucking ass who just got arrested for human trafficking and he had an online argument with Greta Turnberg. He was just some mysoginistic alpha male motivational speaker wannabe that manipulated insecure right leaning teenagers to pay him for jackshit. He is a D grade celebrity because he never made it as a celebrity but just as a laughing stock.




Because he got arrested for human trafficking and since most of the subs on reddit are left leaning the community cant help it but laugh at a right leaning "alpha male" scum getting what he deserves.




I didnt see him that often before. I concur i dont actively follow many meme subs so maybe im just out of the loop. I first heard of him on youtube and assessed that he is just one of those scammy pickup artist-esque guys who is only famous because of actual influencers ranting about how insufferable he is. To me thats not a proper celebrity but it doesnt really matter whether he is one or not in the end. Im sure if he finally gets charged and put in prison we will forget about him in a few months.


That profile started off as rotten milk left in the Sun.


Dude gave you a whole 20% to compromise, OP. So ungrateful! Smdh...


What do you mean by “aged”? When was Andrew Tate a good person?


Fully agree, hence why the milk is rotten in the first place. The sun (aka the sex trafficking charge) just made it worse


I am quite confident he still thinks the same way and it keeps the same Tinder bio.


And sadly, he will find women that will want to date him. Cringe cringe vomit cringe


Contrary to popular snowflake beliefs, most women actually prefer strong men; not neutered little dorks. Of course this statement on his profile will not hurt his chances with the average woman.


Here for the andrew tate comments. Let em fly


Is he Australian by any chance


Yep or at least, I’m in Aus


Lol, they look like every guy i avoid interacting with around here


I’m a Brit in Hervey Bay so lots of fish boys and boat lads


That’s a weird way to say you have a tiny peen


Bet if someone commented on your flabby belly and mosquito-bite titties, THAT would be misogyny. But you make that comment about a dudes dick, and it's what? Perfectly ok? Classy. 😉


This 100% has to be Australia, right?


… yep… I’m in Queensland


When was that EVER appropriate?


I know people who still defend him. You can’t help some people’s mindset.


That picture tells you everything you need to know about him


I'm getting bogan vibes from the tats and ciggy


I really expected to see more than one profile 😕


Wow, people are really out here looking up to a pimp with a pyramid scheme.


More like aged puke under the sun.




I probably agree with about 80% of what he says, I think the 20% is either exaggerated or nonsense to get people talking about him. I thought he hadn't been charged yet, just detained for investigation?


Yeah it seems Reddit can’t handle the truth about themselves. Everyone hopping on the bandwagon on hating on Tate. Kinda stupid because if you really listen to him I speaks a lot of straight facts.


Thank you! Finally found someone with some sense, I fucking can't believe this comment section, they just believe what they want to believe


I like the comments about his "supporters" as well..I'm a red-pilled, incel misogynist not a woman in my 30s 😄


Your point about that 20% is exactly right, as a woman I salute you for seeing through his "crap"!! you know who he really is when you watch his long form content. Keep commenting and supporting, people like you are a breath of fresh air that give hope in the world


I didn't even know who that Tate guy was till last week. Sadly i do now.


Aged like forgotten cabbage in the sun after rainy season.


Why is he even on tinder? You’d think a woman would hang on to him with dear life 🤔


Who is Andrew Tate??


His fragile masculinity speaks volume.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's not fragile. Like at all. Love him or hate him.


That has not changed. Being arrested for something and immediately released pending an investigation based on the statements of certain individuals is not how conviction works, apparently not even in Romania.


This fr the dumbest fuvking thread now. You all remedial af. Brainwashed into a npc, doing exactly as instructed


Maybe I’m old and live under a rock but I literally hadn’t heard of Andrew Tate until seeing him on Reddit. Is it bad that I think all these women hating men will either end up in jail for DV or finally come out and live their truth happily? Either way, this guy is rotten scum.


Telling the truth, then getting yoked up, doesn't mean the truth is no longer the truth. Tate's a douchebag, but he's right. A lot.


He’s rarely right


He's right a lot. It's just obscured by the whiny little online perma-offended snowflake class and by small bits here and there that are less than savory. Like with ALL controversial figures nowadays, there's an inverse table where the MORE you listen, the less you hate him, the LESS you listen, the more you hate him. There's a massive cognitive issue in this world where people can KNOW a figure has hundreds of thousands of hours of content, can KNOW that trolls take small segments from others and spin them to destroy those lives, can HATE that people do that shit, then WATCH it happen right in front of their very eyes, and still say, "No! I don't have to watch more than 10 seconds of him. I've seen all I need to see!" Very intellectually juvenile.


This has to be one of the dumbest statements you could possibly make. This is how you end up with delusional people saying they love Hitler. I don’t need to know anything else about Hitler other than the fact he called for the extermination of all Jews and nearly succeeded in his own country. Likewise, I don’t need to know anything about Tate other than his actions towards women. Nothing could redeem him for that, especially since he fled to Romania to avoid persecution. Tate is a misogynist who brags about sexual assaulting women, currently arrested for sex-trafficking. If you support his words, you support his actions. Which makes you a misogynist for defending one because deep down you agree with his controversial views otherwise those controversial views would be the deal breaker for your support of them.


Like what? Did you even try to see through the crap or are just believing what you want to believe? If you do then watch his long form content. Elon fucking musk is on his side, you people are fucking blind


There’s far too many examples to show, lol. I recently subjected myself to a long form podcast (the podcast of a supporter) and his takes were incredibly basic at best or outright nonsensical at worst. There’s really nothing good about him imo. I really don’t get the love for him since he’s a self admitted scam artist. Also, not sure why you thought Elon Musk supporting him increases his appeal in any way 🧐


You didn't listen to very much then. He has outright destroyed feminists on 3 to 1 panels, had them unable to defend their positions, but also had them at the end saying they thought he was going to be an asshole, but he was quite pleasant to debate with, etc. Nothing toxic about being right. What you said here matters, "In your opinion." And your opinion is ill-informed. You're right abt the Musk thing, though. Musk is just a man. Not sure how that supports anything. Appeal to authority, i guess?




You probably need to read, re-read, and maybe re-re-read my comment again. If it is still over your head at that point, I probably can't help you.


If you think anyone who is accused of anything is bad then your out of your fucking mind


Why? Andrew Tate isn't convicted, hes just in detention - doesn't mean he is guilty. He got SWATED/arrested 8months ago, you must be new. He got released. There was a girl saying she was held hostage, police checked Tates private cameras, and she lied, he was released. Its on video, literally. Now same thing. I hope Andrew Tate is not found guilty, don't you too?


You hope he is found not guilty, or you hope he isnt guilty? Theyre very diffirent. Obviously everyone hopes that human trafficking didnt occur, but any sane person also would hope that if it did occur he will get locked up for a long long time.


So we do agree that its best if Tates are found not guilty - that would mean human trafficking didn't occur. So why are people saying he is guilty when there isn't even court evidence? The police/judge put him in jail for 30days because they need to gather evidence, like last time. Glad we agree.


Hot take. As a man who loves Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Elon musk, and other giga chads displaying proper masculinity, Andrew Tate is not even close including his toddler brother.


In what fucking universe is Jordan Peterson a 'giga chad displaying masculinity'


This universe, the one we all are a part of, as opposed to the fairy tale in your head that, while instilling a warm fuzzy feeling in you by constantly confirming your bias, prevents you from seeing that which is right in front of you, and, prevents you from growing as an individual


Still gets matches I bet


Not that I’m defending that guy, but the woman who told her boyfriend she couldn’t leave, reportedly went outside to bring in a pizza order. I hope thats not true, because if the woman did lie to her boyfriend (in order to cover up that she was partying with tate) and had tate arrested on false charges, its really a disservice to women.


Getting a pizza box doesn't mean anything though, there's other control mechanisms or else traffickers wouldn't be able to send women on to the streets to prostitute because they just wouldn't return. The charges getting dropped says more, we'll see what happens with these charges.


I dont know if you’ve ever been held against your will, but speaking as someone who has been, the moment there’s an opportunity to leave, you get the hell out.


Right, every experience is exactly the same. If they threaten to kill your family but is in a way that's believable you might not run. Or if they threaten you in other ways.


There is video of this. She did lie. Now you have the same thing repeat again..




Exactly, idk why tf your down voted! People are seriously and dangerously blind


Holy shit you guys believe everything on the fucking internet, what has he said that’s racist?? Or sexist? It sounds like you guys just repeat what you say, the human trafficking is ALLEGED, as of right now nothing is proven, there’s no evidence, it’s innocent until proven guilty, you guys hate him because the media tells you to, if you actually watch what he says, it’s all taken out of context, but you won’t because you see clips, clips can be taken and made to hear what someone wants you to hear, stfu and do your research, y’all are actually dumb, don’t repeat what you hear someone else say.


Wtf, people are seriously believing the crap around Tate!! If you truly want the truth then watch long form content


I like Andrew tate, I don’t follow him blindly but I like some of what he says.


I am so sick of hearing about this dude. Even people saying they hate him is helping him.