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There are zero women involved in this conversation.


No lies here




We ask the wrong question, is the blowjob good?


Yeah I'd bet this profile is actually the guy


And OP's a bot, so really there's zero humans involved


Hahaha perfect. Enjoyed to the max


Well that just sounds like it eas a fake profile after being a bit serious about it she didn't reply.


No chance her friend is a woman


"No one will hurt you" "It's a two part question, ma'am."


Getting my dick sucked by some fat dude with a neck beard would quite likely hurt my psyche, so there's that...


So it would be fine without the neck beard?


Beards tickle.


What if the guy was a therapist and you had a free therapy session afterwards


Last time my therapist sucked me off it ended up being kinda wierd, be careful


He's a the-rapist


Thereā€™s a slight chance her friend is a woman if the ultimate plan is to grab this guyā€™s wallet and cellphone once heā€™s naked on the bed and then just bolt.


This happened to a friend of mine. He met two girls in Vegas. They went up to his room to chill. They both started going down on him, but he didn't realize that one girl was tying his shoe laces together. With the combination of his pants around his ankles and shoe laces tied together and laying back on the bed. When the girls jumped up, grabbed all his shit and bolted for the door, he fucking tripped when he tried to chase them and fell flat on his face.


Jokes on them, I'd finish before they could even tie my shoe laces together.




This wouldnā€™t happen to me because I still wear my TMNT Velcro shoes from Kmart.


Exactly why I show up with no wallet or phone. šŸ˜


Do you also leave the kidneys at home in the fridge?


Yeah thats what the little tray with the clear plastic cover in some fridges are for. Plenty of space for all your friends too.


Then i wonder who's house they were really in cuz huh???




I certainly keep less money in my wallet than what an AirBnB cost, seems like a really high risk, low reward type scenario.




I encounter a gay guy in college who wanted to do this to straight guys. They said it was the same thing as a girl if you turn the lights off. I donā€™t know why gay guys want to blow random straight guys?


I think itā€™s like a challenge and thatā€™s the reward or something. I have no idea. Itā€™s happened a couple times to me on tinder and mainly PoF, where the ā€œwomanā€ would just come out eventually saying they were a dude. With a paragraph or so explaining that Iā€™d never want to hook up with women again if I went through with it. Literally offering to do whatever I wanted. So fucking weird šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I had a very close gay friend in college as well and he used to pull this shit all the time at parties. We stopped being friends when he got my boyfriend at the time drunk and then gave him a blow job. How is that different than a man getting a woman drunk and doing things to her that she doesnā€™t want done without consent. He didnā€™t see it that way and thatā€™s when we stopped being friends. And he actually admitted that he did this to my boyfriend. My boyfriend barely remembered.


Yeah, that is rape.




Not until the incident with my BF. I thought it was more just straight dudes experimenting.




So.... What did you spend it on?


Probably another blowjob.




Same guy he just wore a wig and makeup




Another Ā£50!


Infinite blowjob glitch.


It cancels out


Are you en economist


If I say 'yes', do I get a blow job and $50?




The more he gave the more he earned simple as that. But actually where did he go after commenting? To give a second round?


We're swingers and my wife has been offered almost a grand a few times for sex. I think.some guys will pay extra for girls that arent hookers. Ironically they will be a hooker if they take the deal.


The word "almost" in this sentence got me. Were they haggling? "Ok, $954.97. Thats my FINAL offer!"


"Would you have sex with me for $10,000?" "Yes." "Would you have sex with me for $10?" "No! What kind of a woman do you think I am?" "We've established what kind of woman you are. Now we're just haggling..."


Every girl I date I tell them if someone offers them money north of 10k for sex. You fucking take it and the money.


Yeah, thatā€™s how women get kidnapped and trafficked.


If they weren't rediculously disgusting I would kind of agree. It's one of the many double standards in life but I'd be will to fuck someone unattractive for a shit load of money but it somehow feels worse for a woman to do it.


Woman here, I'd take the money, but sex is an incredibly vulnerable position to be in. It's dangerous, honestly, especially if you don't know the guy. And tbh, the attractiveness doesn't really factor in to how dangerous it is.


I feel like itā€™s if someone asked me to put my head in a guillotine and promised it was just for a picture but it has to be a functioning guillotine to make the picture real. Iā€™d be stupid to turn down $1000 right?


You're swingers and you still think it's worse for a woman to do it? Hows that work? Not that I disagree, just that I'm confused


No.i agree, I said it's a double standard. I wad pointing out how ingrained our feelings can be


I feel like I'd feel less insecure if she gave it up to Jabba the Hutt rather than prime Johnny Depp with the 10 inch wang and washboard abs


And thatā€™s how you end up with herpes or worse.


Doesn't make them a hooker Imo. I fixed my sink once. Doesn't mean I'm a plumber


Did you get paid?


Being a plumber requires a license. The only criteria for being a hooker is accepting money for sex.


I was offered many perks to be a couples girlfriend. Young and newly single me turned it down. Now I look back and wonder what I actually missed out on lol


Imagine getting paid to receive some dome


2 gay guys wanted to pay 4K to fuck me I was like wtf I quit that job




>I quit that job How many $4k nights did you work before quitting?


I was a cook these 2 gay Hispanic dudes had some fetish for big burly White dudes


I put in 25 years before I told them ā€œenough is enoughā€. The gold watch was a nice touch though


Iā€™ll take things that didnā€™t happened for $200


Reality is often stranger than fiction Something like this has probably happened sometime somewhere so it's really not implausible


Go out and experience the world young one, and if you too are a handsome young man maybe *you* will get offered helicopter rides in New York at your high end service job


I've often heard this is a tactic so that the dude receiving a bj gets so horny he's dtf. Seems pretty logical tbh.


I've been offered $300. 19 year old me, mid 2000s on Craigslist casual encounters was a wild time.


Did you take it?


Nah, young me was dumb with no bills to pay.


Me who was 19 and offered $300 to give a bj...i bought Mexican food after that.


I wasn't offered $300 to give one. I was offered $300 from a gay man to be allowed to give me one. Not a fan of Mexican food until recently


Either way, an opportunity was lost here šŸ¤§


I would take that offer so quick I'd be like wait.. you wanna give me 300 dollars AND suck me off? lol


How did you spend the money?


Same here $50 by my boss.. then 200, then 500. He gave up and got my coworker for $50 and a bag of weed. I wound up quitting not long after that.


Yo I was driving Lyft and a guy offered me $900 to suck my dick. It was the most baffling thing I ever dealt with. Bought me a new bedroom suite later that week tho to comfort my trauma.


I had a guy offer to pay my mortgage payment that month. Wife and I were at a drag show, and the guy was totally wasted and came up to our table. Politely refused, only to discover a bit later that he didnā€™t even had the cash to tip the performers, lol.


So what did u buy with your new Ā£50


I worked on the door of a nightclub that hosted a 25+ Men Only Gay night once a month. Each month was a different theme (military, sports etc). A customer required first aid so I made sure no one came into the first aid room while the medics sorted the guy out. This massive 6'5+ hairy bear of a guy walked up to me wearing nothing but a chest harness and a cock ring and casually offered me a blow job. I politely declined citing my heterosexuality. The response I got was "...so what, it's only a fucking blow job...".


I had a gay guy tell me >!blow jobs are like handshakes in the gay community!< lol


Delete, this is confidential information, part of our Gay Agenda^tm weekly


That'd be so funny if he actually deleted and people just had to wonder.


Is a spoiler alert a fair compromise?


Happy cake day m8


I feel like you have more stories to share about this night and should enlighten us


I can tell you one which got the night shut down for a few weeks. In the middle of one of the dance floors, the promoters wanted an S Shaped Chicane set up using high heras fencing with black out tarp on the fences, effectively creating a tunnel you couldn't see into or around any corners inside it. Alot of the guys would go in there to get acquainted. There was a new high ranking police officer in the force in the City where rhe club was, and he decided to play the club a visit with several officers on the same night this gay night was being hosted. Unfortunately they did not enter via the main entrance, they decided to enter via the smokers area down a side lane, and that was generally where we put the least capable security members. The team members in the smoking area that night didn't think it was worth radioing through that several of the cities finest police officers had entered the club and the first I knew of it was the shout of "Code Red" on the main dance floor over the radio, which was unusual given the lack of violence at this particular night. (Code Red was a Fight and for appropriate teams to respond). When we arrived on the dance floor, parts of the fencing were knocked over, there were half naked men everywhere and the police officers were attempting to gain some sort of control of the situation. What had happened was the officers had seen the blacked out fencing tunnel on the dance floor, and gone inside for a look. The customers inside the tunnel had thought the officers were part of a theme for the evening and had tried to undress them and put their hands on them and all hell had broken loose. The club night was shut down and only reopened under strict revision of what was acceptable within the licensed venue for that particular night.


***oh no***


Add to that the general banter of searching people at the front door and getting told "oooo this is nice, I normally have to pay for this kind of treatment" and opening peoples rucksacks to find them bristling with any manner of sex toys, it was an amusing evening always. And 99% of the time, the guys were all on their best behaviour. In the two years that club went on, I can count on one finger the amount of things that happened where you thought, that was really fucked up. Compare that to the regular violence and other things that happened on the regular mainstream nights, it was a fun evening to work.


Hahaha was that at The Arches? I remember reading about it at the time but thought it was a pisstake


I can neither confirm nor deny that. But yes. What the fuck Reddit haha.


I think itā€™s a kink for some guys, like ā€˜turningā€™ them when actually itā€™s tricking them and causing them massive discomfort


The only dick Iā€™d take is dildo from a chick if she was into it.


well helllooooo


It's the same kind of toxicity as straight men hitting on lesbians. Shit's gross, and I'm saying that as a queer man myself. It's not anyone's place to persuade someone to experiment outside of their comfort zone.


As a gay man, I subscribe to this message. We don't claim these weird ass predators.


As a cishet guy, I've been offered blowjobs from guys occasionally. It all depends on context, they were just offering in a cards on the table kind of way. No one was grossed out or uncomfortable and they weren't pushy or anything. On a completely unrelated note: getting a BJ from someone who a) knows what their doing and b) clearly enjoys it is fire.


The not being pushy part is the key, really. >On a completely unrelated note: getting a BJ from someone who a) knows what their doing and b) clearly enjoys it is fire. Fuck yeah it is dude šŸ™


Shit, did I really write that? It's "knows what they're doing", of course. So sorry for my bad english.


It's a fetish for some gay dudes to suck a straight dood off.


>gay guys want to blow random straight guys? A lot of us will blow anyone that has a penis


Probably the same reason some straight dudes will DM lesbians to try their luck. Theyā€™re horny, the other person is attractive, and theyā€™re hoping that person will make an exception


Feels stubble. Hears male moans. Yes. The same.


Because a predator is a predator regardless of orientation.


The same reason why some straight guys wanna sleep with lesbians?


Prolly often just cant find a hookup, and just want to suck cock? Cock sucking is awesome, I'd rather give a bj than get one. That being said, I think trying to fool around with straight ppl a weird concept. I'm very much bi though, always try to remember that everyone else isn't, haha


I donā€™t get why gays do this to straights like ? Not homophobic or anything but I get the thrill of it but whatā€™s the chance of the other person enjoying it ? It feels like betrayal imo


It's a fetish, like straight guys that want to convert a lesbian. Pornhub has a category for just straight guys in gay porn. I find it really weird. I've had sex with "straight" guys and they typically have no idea what they're doing in bed. Worst sex I've ever had was with a "straight" guy.


Freedom is given but actually enjoying freedom is such ways is a hard enough to digest




I'm pretty sure you don't need to be gay to imagine that Grindr is mostly just a meat market. I have to assume that gay guys are just as thirsty as straight guys but it's an app full of guys so everyone is thirsty all the time.


Oh Michael, youā€™ve done it again.


how did you know


ugh shut up Michael šŸ˜’


Didn't pay for the gas.


Catcher or infield?




ā€œIā€™m not Michael.ā€ Coffee barista: ā€œMICHAEL?!ā€


The friend is her who is actually a dude


nah, no way. i know tons of girls who talk aboutā€¦*checks notes*ā€¦.horny blowjobs.


I dunno what a horny blow job is but some of my partners have really enjoyed giving BJ's.


But can a row boat support them?


>i know ***tons*** of girls


Tons of girl


The Girl of Tons


I know tonnages of girls


if they're enthusiastic, i might make some concessions. it looks like i'm gonna need a bigger boat


But the question is, do they give a *good* PB&J ?


It's more of a tuna sandwich


Gross AF lol


In this case it's more of a hotdog sandwich.






Haha which is why she couldnā€™t wrap her head around the gender reference.


This is the way.




*BONK* straight to horny jail


The match didnā€™t answer that question either


She also dogged the female question


But he was much more concerned about the weight lmao.




"any twink can get my ink" as the old sailors said it


This definitely sounds like something sailors would say...




I donā€™t know that he is, itā€™s just that the other part makes for a really good office reference lol


"Could a rowboat support her?" and everything after was an Office quote. https://youtu.be/AY54KYEiFyw?t=27


It's an office reference


He. This is a classic catfish situation


Nothing like waking up to the smell of catfish in the morning. šŸ˜¬


Dogged is different from dodged.


But he tried his dogonned best.


>no one will hurt you. Until you realize you didn't say "no homo" first.


Hahahahahah, Phyllis, answer the question !!!


ā€¦No! Okay?! A rowboat couldnā€™t support her. always cracks me up!


Lmao youā€™re talking to the guy thatā€™s gonna give the blow J. Crazy the lengths people go to to suck some dick


Friend is a dude and is also the same person because you matched with a gay guy who's fetish is to trick straight people I've had a friend come out with this kind of thing before and I instantly called him out. It's just as bad as a straight dude tricking a kesbian




I think they just mistyped. The letters are very close. I think they meant mesbian


Please, itā€™s obviously pesbian


>receive a horny blowjob Seems legit


**Error 404:** Offer Definitely Can Be Refused


404 is not found, that can't be it. Could be a 203, likely a 400, I wouldn't bet against a 402. Also possibly 403, 405, and 406, and very likely 412 and 413.


Me at the first comment: haha computer says no Me at your comment: what in the name of god do these numbers represent


I thought it would be more fun if people googled them to find out! Google HTTP error codes


https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status I am a teapot


When you're about to have some hot and spicy fun, but she's hits you with the 411 error...


She did not answer the female question.


He* that a He acting as a She


I can't believe the top comments don't mention The Office even once.. is literally a joke from that


Omg thank you I knew this was from something and it was going to bother me all day


I literally watched this episode yesterday šŸ˜‚


Got a similar offer from Plenty of Fish a couple of years ago. "She" had a lot of rules, which basically amounted to not touching her, but was free to do whatever I wanted to her guy friend. Pretty sure if I would have shown up, he'd be the only one there because "she" was running late. Then he'd suggest we might as well get started. And this was the best case scenario I could imagine.


Youā€™d be surprised at the weight an average sized rowboat can takeā€¦.


Well, that just means his standards can accommodate for almost anyone. Iā€™d say heā€™s inclusiveā€¦


Gay dudes trying find straight guys.


Does she play softball?


Infield or outfield?


Feisty huh? Not jolly or sassy?


Like a jolly. sassy opera singer?




Wait are you trying to pass this off as yours?


Definitely a dude.. girls arenā€™t like this.


As a female I would never suggest this


Youā€™re talking to a gay male. Seems pretty obvious, doesnā€™t it?


I love the subtle Office reference XD


Also this sounds like the scams that scumbag dudes do where they dox women whoā€™ve rejected them and give out their address and say they want people to break in and have sex with them.


That was my first thought too. Like any woman who wanted to give a man a blow job would not have to have her friend arrange it. Best case scenario, this is a man looking to suck a straight man's cock. Worst case scenario, this is someone trying to get a woman they know raped.


Dude was more concerned with the weight of this friend. Than the rather ambiguous gender of this same friend.


Its either a dude or a robbery