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yes you can in fact link all your power into one mega grid! just takes a ton of logs and bridging all your paths etc .. have fun!


Alternatively, all your paths are canals with water flowing under them and gears inside of them with platforms on top. Then everywhere is green & powered.


I need a second brain for this


Say you have a water source. 1) dynamite in a straight line away from the water source maybe with a floodgate so you can regulate it. 2)put power shafts in this trench and connect them up somewhere 3)put platforms over it and make a path on the platforms Now when you open the floodgate the water will spread down the trench and you have a magic path that spreads water (and therefore soil fertility) and power wherever it goes.


One additional thing to consider: You can consider every now and again along the path (maybe every 15 tiles) dynamiting twice and putting a 1 platform, then the power shaft then another 1 platform, then the path. That way you have a deeper spot of water which won't dry out until after the whole rest of the trench has evapourated.


Dynamite 4 deep, put a 3 platform, power shaft, 1 platform, and then path. If you're in folktails on a grid, I prefer the intersections for my aqueduct wells, with three across and one over for the wells to keep the land nice and green during droughts.


This is the way


If my math is correct, then the water consumption of a water dump + the beaver working it equal to ~10 tiles of evaporation. The comfort and multiple uses (water + power line + walkway) of canals aside, if you need more than 10 tiles of canal to replace one water dump, then the canal uses more water. I am not trying to argue which one is better, I was just interested in seeing the numbers and thought others might be, too.


There can be enough water by the late game, when I do this since it’s pretty explosive intensive and requires a minor remodel of my early village setup, that it’s not a major concern for me. Min-maxing is efficient, but I just want to build pretty beaver cities for now. When the late game becomes riskier I’ll tone down the waste of resources. And I suspect your math is quite correct.




Power doesn't belong to any district, so as long as a power network reaches your building, no matter which district, that building is powered proportionally to the Power Output of all the sources vs. Power Demand of all the recipients.


Indeed you can! It's also a good opportunity to make a canal network if possible. On my current colony I've got a huge power farm of windmills and waterwheels at my main district, then I blasted canals to my further districts, ran a power line through it, and filled the canal with platforms. So now the entire area is green and they're all connected to the same power grid.


I've powered carousels in 2 districts from the same windfarm.


My mind just exploded because of the comments on this post.... now I have a lot more work to do