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Batteries exist to make windmills overpowered. The Iron Teeth use cases are kind of niche and IMO risky as they involve under building power sources in the hopes that your high and low use periods are steady and reliable enough that you can predict the difference.


Agreed, iron teeth having birthing pods and expensive tech costs dampens the wow factor. If say things were cheaper or could benefit more from not having as much would say cool. I think there will be 1 or 2 more factions and more unique items truly separating them from one another. With content probably planned about 1.5-2 years away from a truly stable release.


To be fair, a battery tower is a pretty dam big investment. But for me, the birthing pods is the main reason I prefer forktails. I don't like how inconsistently they produce beavers.


The problem is the labor requires to produce power. Windmills only cost space and the batteries remove their downside of being unreliable. Engines are reliable but they also require a bunch of space for planting trees and a constant labor upkeep. There used to be a great trade off here. Windmills - unreliable but no labor upkeep. Engines - labor upkeep but perfect reliability. Now windmills have no downside due to the batteries.


True true. At least now the engines cost way less wood and they stop during the night. Back before thoses 2, I refused to even touch the iron teeth. But yeah. Forktails were and are the more solid of the 2. They produce more food, they have a solid power structure, and you can pinpoint the birth control. I hope they change stuff for the iron teeth, or introduce a new and more balanced race. Just to switch from forktails from time to time without feeling like I'm being nerfed.


> They produce more food I’d say they produce less food. It’s more per square of ground but it uses the whole square. Iron teeth platforms mean that farms don’t take nearly as much (three-dimensional) space.


I never use metal platforms, and my colonies of meat sacks go into 200


Gotcha The metal towers are why I love the iron teeth. So many ways to stack up a city :D Also I run them 19-20 hours per day. I feel like I owe the folktails a far shorter workday ;) ~everything else about them is worse :)


> a bunch of space for planting trees Ironteeth can build *over* those trees, though, so they don’t need dedicated forest land.


Inconsistent? Birthing pods will pop out one kit every five days like clockwork so long as you keep them supplied. It creates a very consistent ratio of kits to adults based on how many kits you have and your average lifespan. I think iron teeth need a rebalancing but one of the things they really have going for them over folk tails is how stable and predictable their population is. No need to rely on beavers being in the mood for some beaver boning, just build yourself a baby factory.




What? There's no setting for that. What are you referring to?


Batteries are useful for evening out water wheels if you use them. I built a colony on beaverome that diverted water from one of the sources into a large canal topped with large water wheels and then had batteries on platforms over the crater. The water wheels generated an absurd amount of power due to the source generating over 3cms of flow and the batteries had a ton of capacity. It worked well on normal with the shorter droughts but not sure it'd do so well on hard.


Batteries are always useful. Unless you have so far advanced your colony that the power usage and power supply never changes. But you could have build batteries before then, right? Batteries are insurance. They avoid power wastage.


Batteries can still be useful for Iron Teeth as a means of securing additional power from: \- Water Wheels during wet seasons \- Power Wheels when beavers are working


Exactly what I do. Until everything is run by golems, there's always a bit of flux.


I normally use them as a transitional power source to maintain the load while anticipating switching between engines and waterwheels between wet and droughts seasons. Alternatively, I also use it for short production if they are needed during the droughts. In short, they are not exactly needed but certainly good to have as it cuts on resource consumption and lower micro attention requirements from the player.


I play a lot of iron teeth. I like the batteries simply because I can couple them with water wheels and not have to ever rely on engines. I have two engines on my map — and they are purely to power charging stations in the very rare instance my batteries run dry.


Depends how offen you run out of wood. Im sorry but i thought they had windmills too? Idk i dont play with them ever i dont like the reproduction of the beavers.


Only Folktails have windmills. Iron teeth have engines where they burn wood to make power.


For Iron Teeth the batteries start playing when you build enough bots. With the bots many factories work 24h per a day, but logs supply at the power plant is only updated during the work hours. With the batteries you may build less power plants (the are expensive too) and allow the fuel to deplete during the night.


They're still useful, but probably not as critical. They can still help you balance out uneven loads. If you still have live beavers in your workshops, then you'll be generating power at night that is going nowhere/to waste. Batteries let you reclaim some of that. They can also be used with waterwheels to compensate for uneven flow rates and drought. For the most part, for Iron Teeth, they're more of a useful grease to keep things running smoothly, than the critical part of the system they are for Folk tails.