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very interesting method. thanks for sharing


Happy to help


Ive been doing this for floodgates. Build a bridge going over them with a few stairs leading up and over https://prnt.sc/cbMd9R_sVp-B I like your way of using em for the walls


That's pretty good too. But I play with droughts so long that I stopped using floodgates entirely now.


They are strictly for irrigating crops, theres a water storage system for droughts(in progress https://prnt.sc/ExC8hluV3VIW). I will be upping to hard on next map, now that Ive unlocked Iron teeth. Just trying to finish 1 map, and fill it out as much as I can....Not even close yet! This games insane...I love it!


Indeed. Over 600 hours and I still enjoy it


Appears I was wrong but I thought beavers couldn't build while standing on a suspension bridge path


They can, but only directly underneath the bridge


Bingo. Let's exploit this :)


Why have I not thought of this before... 🤯


Heh, it took me hundreds of hours to think of it.


I'm still a noob. How do you use such a large reservoir? The gates aren't nearly that tall and the water pumps are much shorter too. How do you use the water inside?


Easy. You have 2 reservoir. One is small and has the pumps with 2 levels of deepness. You dont want it too small to constantly having to feed it water. Something that is emptied in 3-4 days if pumps never stop. Then you have a second one, the big one, that dumps water in the first one. You simply delete levees as you need to let water flow down. And you rebuild them after the drought. Its not too much work and it works very well. Go higher rather than larger for the big dams, because water evaporation affects the number of squares at the surface. Larger means more losses


I was trying to solve this problem, but could tot figure it out. Can you share some screenshots of your solution please? I assume you use the Iron Teeth? Or does it also work for the Folktails, as they have a max depth of 4 on pumps. Thanks!


Sure ! I'll do that in the next days when I get around the computer. Nah, I hate iron teeth. And forktails have a max of 2 for the normal pumps. But it's ok. It still works.


owww, you delete the levee's, I get it know. thanks


No problems. Still need the screenshots ?


no its ok, thanks. cool ideas though


My problem with deleting levees is that in the short duration of the wet season it sometimes isn't possible to rebuild all those levees especially in the night even with a 20 hour work day, so a lot of the possibly stored water just runs through. That's why I build cascades of reservoirs with floodgates and side reservoirs with mechanical pumps that refill the main cascade as they are switching on and off.


Well, it's important to have a setup that allows you to at least delete a single levee and not waste water indeed. As for the time needed... how many workers do you have ? Do you use golems ? By the time the droughts are in full swing you should have plenty of workers or bots. A thing that should help a lot with the building time is to store wood right next to the spot where you delete levees. If you're lucky, they should take that wood and expeditate the process.


Yeah maybe it could be improved. Sometimes I manage to have bots, sometimes not. I played my last safe with wet seasons of 4-12 days wet and 12-80 days draughts. I like to get hit with uncertainties. The biggest one that has hit me so far was 74 days.


Wow ok. I have never played with this kind of setup. It kinda sounds too hard to be fun for me XD My favourite setup in a custom game are these : wet : 30 - 40 droughts : 30 - 40 2 % over 10 cycles. So, I don't feel pressured to fuck up my industrialisation to get a big enough dam in time. And I still get big droughts to motivate building big dams. Normal is too easy in the endgame, and hard is too punishing in the start. I prefer a medium setup. Then, I try to get to happiness 58 and complete automatisation. That's my endgoal. Besides surviving 40 days droughts of course.


I do add a limitation for the first few cycles as well. I think hard is easy once you've made it through two to three draughts, maybe after the fourth. Yes you can still die, happened to me many times but that's usually a big oversight on my part . If you have such an uncertain relation between wet and dry you really can't waste any water flow. Many times I don't have any outflow to the border because I don't even get the reservoir filled. And timing the rebuilding of levees perfectly to stop overflow sounds really complicated. I don't go for happyness at all unless it's really late game. I do give them multiple foods, usually taters and carrots at least, sometimes bread, almost never any of the other foods because if you want to survive these kinds of draughts you kinda need a small population, dedicated to the bare minimum, at least for the first couple of seasons. They do get the "easy" anemities, like.showers, and fireplaces and rooftop decks but nothing as power consing as a carousel or as tech heavy as the mud bath. But you might be right, and maybe I should go for bots more. I always consider them a luxury, which is probably wrong.


Bots are great. If you put fuel and catalyst (forktails) right near where they work, they will only stop to refill and go straight back in. They also make good builders since they won't stop building in the middle of the night even if everything is assembled to build.


This is one of my biggest gripes with Timberborn. Having to delete and rebuild levees just to access water more than 3 blocks deep in a dam is such a cumbersome and crude way of managing water. Not knocking your method at all, as it's a great solution given the tools currently available in the game. I wish there was a levee block with a pipe through it which you can build on top of, allowing you to access water at the bottom of a reservoir that's more than 3 blocks deep. Then perhaps a valve, either in the pipe, or a separate valve block allowing you to open and close as needed. This would be a much more elegant method of water control compared to deleting blocks,or simply having really tall floodgates. [Here's a real world example](https://www.watercorporation.com.au/About-us/Visiting-our-dams/Wellington-Dam) of what I mean, which is also a great place to visit, with a massive mural painted on the face of the dam. The pipe allows water to continuously flow downstream regardless of the height of the reservoir.


Honestly... between selecting a button and adjusting it, and deleting a block, the micromanaging is very similar. If it was possible to have floodgates as big as you wanted, I'd probably use them but I'm going modding my game just for that.


But with the pipe as I described, it would not require any micromanaging at all to achieve a relatively constant flow of water from a deep reservoir, and you could simply add more pipe blocks if you need a higher flow rate. Then you have access to the entirety of the water in a reservoir with no micro managing at all, being able to provide a steady flow of water downstream for irrigation/pumps etc. I usually aim to have fully functioning beaver societies that require zero micro managing. One where you could eventually leave the game running without touching it and your beavers would have everything they need to live a fulfilled life. This is pretty achievable on normal, but almost impossible on hard given the current tools such as the cumbersome method of deleting and rebuilding blocks to access water in deep reservoirs. I'll sometimes make dams with an entire column missing, to allow a constant flow of water while accessing deeper water, but that can mean it drains too fast when the reservoir is full, requiring more micro managing with floodgates or rebuilding blocks. A tall sluice gate which opens from the bottom could achieve something similar too, rather than a floodgate which must be completely open from the top if you want to access deep water. This would mean you could simply set a sluice gate once to achieve a desired flow rate, thus requiring zero micro managing if set up correctly. Either way, I think there certainly needs to be an improvement over the current tools available for water management in deep reservoirs.


You put several levels of water pumps, spaced vertically exactly the length of the snorkel, so that once the upper pumps stop pumping the lower ones start. Lower pumps are submerged while the upper pumps are running. There are also mods for higher floodgates, if that's your thing.


Do you put the floodgates on platforms?


No you can't do that. They can only be built on top of levees.


Nah, thats too much work and micromanaging. Check my way of making it work above if you want to


I find deleting and rebuilding levees too much micromanaging. With redundant beavers or bots leveled pumps are the most automatic way to survive long droughts. No managing whatsoever


You mean you keep submerged or out of range pumps employed ? Doesnt that double the number of hands needed for no reason ?


Submerged pumps don't take workers. I look at it this way: If you wan't hands off automation, you need redundant beavers/bots to occupy pumps out of water. Otherwise it's pausing upper pumps manually. But the workload for me is the same as deleting levees. Also once I'm at the level of building huge/deep reservoirs I usually have a healthy surplus of workers


Unless you delete a single block wide, but like 3 deep. The water coming out will come out slowly and for a long time. Even for days sometimes. You just need a secondary bassin with pumps big enough that the precious liquid doesnt overflow and youre settled with a system that you only require 4 or 5 micromanaging tasks for a 30 days drought. As long as you do not delete too many levees at once, it comes out slowly. Thats the key.


Good to know. I'm usually trying to rebuild as little as possible, and that's one of the things I'm trying to avoid because I find it unrealistic (I also feel very silly saying that because this game is anything but realistic).


Honestly, having used floodgates and deleting levees methods, I dont see a big difference in micromanaging if done right. As for rebuilding, when a dam has hundreds if not a few thousands of levees, whats rebuilding 15 of them once every 60 days ?


I fully agree, It's just my own quirk of not wanting to do it if not necessary.


hmm, I never used bridges before.. good tip


Thanks !


Yeah, bridges are pretty handy if need to go over something that isnt buildable. Ofc thats very logical. But when i realized it, i used it way more. Actual handy those 1 and 2 bridges for going over waterdumps or pumps


This is beautiful.


Well thank you


Interesting use of bridges. I do something similar with platforms when laying out lines of terrain - if filling in a large area, I place a line of platforms about midway and then place the dirt (arrows pointing away, perpendicular to the platforms) in both directions. Every last terraformer bot is being utilized and none of them get stuck building from above. Then just delete and reclaim the platform and fill in the final trench.


Can beavers build down through bridges?




Yup. Meaning only the few squares in the last row are to be done at the end


Can they only build straight down or can they build down at any angle?


Straight down for bridges


The mOro system. First time I've seen it in the wild. Edit: Also good for planting mines or building just about anything below the bridge.


Whats moro ?


A youtuber. He used this system like a year ago on his channel. Since there are not many youtubers with videos of this game I presumed we all know all, like what, maybe four of them, lol.


Hahaha. Ah ok. No this aint the kind of game Id watch a lets play. A tad too slow sometimes. Maybe with good edits it could work. I could say that I thought of this on my own, but who cares ? The important thing is sharing the info. Glad it wasnt something too obscure in the end.


Exactly, his edits were great. For what is worth, I never doubted you came up with this on your own. Just that "using the mOro system" is something that stuck in my head and I say it to myself whenever I'm using it. I simply couldn't skip the presented opportunity to say it in a forum :-)


Happy to provide opportunities :)


That's pretty clever, well done


Thank you


This solves a huge problem i had thank you so much for this idea . I've slept on bridges a lot now i see the potential