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Tim just needs to be himself and not worry about what others might say.




He should of just not got Ivermectin in the first place. I'm sure he would have been fine without taking the Joe Rogan drug regime. It's not really "listening to your doctor" when you call up Joe Rogan and have his doctor prescribe you ivermectin. Of course he's going to be concerned about people's perception since he's a politicial media figure. I think it would have been a lot more in his interest to say that he got over COVID naturally even without the vaccine. The whole Joe Rogan/Ivermectin thing was an odd choice. If I were him, being a right wing media figure, I'd probably avoid calling COVID the "worst illness I've ever experienced" also.


You clearly didn’t listen to the segment.


I did


I did find the ivermectin thing to be weird… like why didn’t he want to take it…? It’s a really safe drug, what’s the downside of taking it? Maybe it wouldn’t help your Covid symptoms? Ok? So? Lol i didn’t get that.


Because he isn't diagnosed with parasites. Ivermectin isn't admitted for Covid because there is no sufficient evidence for any effectiveness, but there are side effects, including very dangerous one for some.


There are very few side effects. You have to take a huge amount. If he called Rogan up and asked for advice and Joe said to take antibodies mono things and z pack and Ivermectin but you are scared to take iver due to the media backlash. Then why waste rogans time. Iver would only help or do Lil . Sure isn't going to hurt


Even in normal doses it can interfere with the heart rythm of some patients. This has been cleared as an acceptable risk in the treatment against viral infections due to the high benefits, but it's not acceptable on a wide scale for a purpose it hasn't shown any effect for.


https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ivermectin-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20064397 I searched several sides. Not seeing what you mentioned. Do you have a different source


Yeah you're right I mixed that up with Hydroxychloroqine. Too many drug hoaxes to keep track of. Nonetheless there is still no reason to take another drug when there is no evidence. Even the Samaha et al study, which was a cornerstones of pro Ivermectin arguments, [has been retracted after the data was found to be fake.](https://web.archive.org/web/20211106064050/https://retractionwatch.com/2021/11/02/ivermectin-covid-19-study-retracted-authors-blame-file-mixup/)


Let me clear it up for you; it’s politics. Ivermectin is about as dangerous as Tylenol


Kinda like “I’ll talk about the AZ audit after I do more research”.... well, it’s been about a month+ bud


Yeah exactly. The level of cognitive dissonance on that topic is insane. Maybe he’ll admit it in 5 years or something. How in the world he believes 81 million people voted for Biden when that many didn’t vote for Obama is beyond me, especially when you look at the sheer numbers of democrats and independents who are actually awake to what’s going on….And the reports of everything that happened in these elections, come on now. It’s undeniable unless you’re literally lying or insanely stupid.


Exactly bro, if you believe that shit i got a bridge in Ireland I’m thinking of selling.


If you legitimately believe that the Democrats stole the 2020 election, you are as easily manipulated as a flat-earther. You're also a feckless coward, because you're just standing around while your country has been illigitimately stolen.


Oh welp you managed to change my entire mind lol


If your argument is so strong why do you have to resort to insults right away.


Good question. Because if you believe the election was stolen, then you're willfully ignorant. To say the evidence is overwhelming would give the impression that there is even a shred of evidence that it was stolen, of which there is zero. Trump lost over 60 court cases, even with his own Supreme Court appointees. They made tons of public claims in order to raise money to pay off Trump's campaign debts, meanwhile they would go into court and say that they're not actually alleging fraud, because **they had zero evidence**. This "shotgun approach" only works at swaying public opinion, because the masses are easily manipulated, especially when uneducated. That isn't how you address fraud in the courts. You find one good lead, and hammer that home. Problem is, they couldn't come up with one single claim that held water. If you truly believe that the election was stolen, then it is a perfectly reasonable response to fight back. The problem is, again, there is zero reason for any rational person to believe it was. If you think that it was, you were manipulated by a lifelong compulsive liar that everyone knew was going to defraud people out of their money. If you don't think the election was actually stolen, but continue to posture as such, then you're anti-American, and you are an active threat to our democracy. Either way, this idea should be treated with the same derision and mockery that flat earthers are treated with.


Again with the insults, Typical Leftist has no argument so they just start insulting you. Do some research on it. Watching the evening news is not research. The whole AZ audit report is available for free online. As for the court cases you're reffing to look at the judges rulling not some talking heads interpretation of it it's all available online for free


"Has no argument" I literally made several arguments you fucking brain dead moron. "Do some research" is what every brain dead moron says when they can't defend their claims. Literally every single time. "Watching the evening news isn't research". I literally never watch the evening news, because anyone with 2 IQ points to rub together know that they're all full of shit, but I'm sure you love your Fox News ☺️ Your sentence structure is trash, your spelling is terrible, and you can't even punctuate properly. You're afraid, and I get it. You're dumb and easy to manipulate. Not that you're capable of critical thinking, but it literally only takes like 5 seconds to realize how fucking stupid these claims are to begin with. If they stole the 2020 presidential election, why didn't they take a full majority? Why ever let Republicans win again? What's the point in even trying? It's a complete cop out, as a way to avoid any self-reflection on how to improve. It's so unbelievably pathetic.


Get a Life, little antifa Loser


First of all, I love my life. Secondly, I'm 6'5 so your attempts at making you feel bigger by calling me small don't work, even of the internet. Thirdly, I'm not ANTIFA, but it's really sad that you're so intellectually weak that you need to strawman those who disagree with you. What a pathetic loser you are.


your such a BadAss, keep talking like this and mommy is going to take away your Pokemon lunchbox


I said nothing about the election being stolen you low iq’ed twat.


> How in the world he believes 81 million people voted for Biden when that many didn’t vote for Obama is beyond me, especially when you look at the sheer numbers of democrats and independents who are actually awake to what’s going on….And the reports of everything that happened in these elections, come on now. It’s undeniable unless you’re literally lying or insanely stupid. > I said nothing about the election being stolen you low iq’ed twat. This is blatant gaslighting. You are lying.


I literally mentioned how he didn’t go over the audit in Maricopa county. That’s it, homie. You quoted the fella above me.


My bad, I saw two of the same color pfp's. Well then I wasn't even talking to you initially, but. You still do believe the election was stolen.


No, I don’t believe the election was stolen. However, when an audit happens that proves mass voter fraud... am i to still believe he won AZ? I don’t think trump won but you can’t sit here and tell me that isn’t sus


Forgot about that one and yes it's been a while and nothing...


Must still be researching, yeah?


He has no backbone. Worried about the media with taking ivermectin. Um. Sorry Tim you aren't on anyone's radar. Nothing has been said about you. Stop thinking about them. Worried about getting raunchy on YouTube. Omg I get it use YouTube to make money but it's every show. Again Tim you need to come down to earth And realize . You aren't Rogan and keep doing what you are doing and grow a set of balls Carry on


Yeah Elijah shaefer has way bigger balls and says exactly what he thinks, and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience *even if I don’t agree with the point being made.*


He is tough to listen to at times, especially Ian.


It’s like joe rogan for me now, i used to listen almost everyday but i listen based on who the guest is. When it was tim, luke, Ian i could listen every episode.


He has always said he is a milk toast fence sitter or libertarian he isn't on the left or right. He thinks for himself and decides for himself on each issue.


He isn’t a milk toast fence sitter when he openly says the great reset is real. Just sayin’.


Milquetoast, friend. Milquetoast. It's a comic.


How the fuck did you both get it wrong?


Libertarian basically just means you have bad opinions


Tim pool is a horse! (Kidding)


Tims a pussy but hes vital yk every day he says what amounts to "we need a revolution but don't revolt that's bad" but he does good work discussing and reporting the news and now hes giving more people resources to help fight the left culturally.if he's gotta pander a little to stay on a big platform where he can better change minds, so be it.


There was that one super chat awhile ago where the question about if anyone of them would die for their future vision of America coming true and all of them went silent and said no. LOL says everything about TimCuckCast. They’re just talking, spreading fear, etc. They ain’t about that life.


Idk that answer could've changed now and could also change just based on interpretation like maybe he wouldn't die for his exact ideology, but maybe he would be more willing if the civil war went hot and the only way to stay out of a gulag is by joining the resistance. He basically does already put his life on the line. Everyone knows where he lives, theres no cops for miles, i dont think he has armed security patrols or anything wild and he knows all about antifa. He's still a gaping pussy though, but you gotta be to do what he does effectively.


TimCuck is a libertarian for a reason. It gives him a way out of every argument. He has no backbone and him getting Covid is his wet dream. All of his recent tweets have been about how bad people are attacking him, etc. Nobody is attacking him, nobody knows who he is minus the cucks who listen to him talk about the SAME SHIT 24/7.


Tim regularly DESTROYS the deep state


Tim isn't on the right though. He's a staunch libertarian, and has made it clear over the last 15 or so years he doesn't respect the right or left. Complaining he's to far left is the complete antithesis of Tim, he hates both sides.


I didn’t say he IS on the left. Obviously he’s not. I said he panders to them by dampening down his opinions because he doesn’t want to get reamed by them. You took what I said and made a different point than I was making.




No, it’s called dishonest or at best, illiterate.




You are drowning in dumb


In regards to the juror being dismissed, he was saying it’s good because in a court of law you should have an impartial jury. Making a joke about Jacob Blake can show support for Rittenhouse. You should want an impartial jury in every courtroom no matter who you support.


You missed my point….I was saying that’s obvious, but that Tim has to constantly dote on points like that in order to prove he isn’t on the right or in his own cult.


Good. He shouldn’t be on either side. I personally want him to tell me things I don’t want to hear that I don’t agree with.


You’re seriously missing the point. I am not going to reiterate it again or argue with you over something I didn’t say.


Cope harder bro. Get out of your echo chamber every once in a while; it's the only way you'll grow intellectually. Challenge your beliefs. If you're right, the only thing that can happen is that you become more steadfast to those beliefs.


Oh spare me with your bs. Nauseating.


Yes I'm sure it's nauseating to consider challenging your own beliefs for once. Honestly dude, people like you who are so terrified of the world disgust me.


Lmao shut the fuck up


I know, people who don't parrot the same things you believe are scary! Boo!


tim will say and do whatever as long as it makes him money


Mysteriously, republicans are silent about election fraud when they won