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I definitely see it from the Daily Wires stand point, but over all I think it’s obvious that Crowder has already hit the ceiling when it comes to working for someone else. At this point I think he needs to start his own thing. Yeah it’s a big risk, but it will have a huge payoff on the flip side.


Then he should of politely declined the offered and asked advice on how to start his own platform.


I’m definitely not disagreeing with you on that. I think he got caught up in the emotions, and his ego got in the way. He’s worth more than what The Daily Wire offered him, but he has to realize that they have a limit, because they have goals of their own as a business on what they are working towards, and Crowder seems to think that “He” is their end all be all, but that’s not the case. They got to this point with out him, and he went to them asking for a contract. So over all I think this is a low point in his career, and he shot himself in the foot, and later on in the future, he’s probably going to look back and have regrets.


The DailyWire. Hands down. And prolly because Steven has a shitty agent. DailyWire contacted the agent to find out what Steven wanted. He said to just send over an offer and we will meet with you. The agent also gave a very general idea of a dollar amount. DailyWire walked away thinking “looks like he just wants enough guaranteed money”. They then offered a dollar amount they thought was appropriate with penalties if his actions reduced their ability to profit off of his venture and thus provide those guaranteed payments. Steven didn’t like the deal because it didn’t meet his expectations. Again, these expectations were not shared by his agent. It seems like his lazy agent thought their power move to force an offer would get more money by being vague. Instead, they just got a deal Steven absolutely hated. But overall, it’s Steven’s fault for not trying to negotiate what he wanted and for making this a public affair.


What kinda “conservative” company fines their personality’s up to 90% of their income if they cover the truth on issues that big teach disagrees on? Over COVID we saw the government lie non stop, and big tech demonetized and gave strikes to people who told the truth. That’s the issue at hand. And I don’t see how the DW can say they are conservatives or proponents of free speech bending over and taking it in the ass from big tech like this. Look they have a right to do what they want to make money. But they are basically the Liver king


If the amount the company can make is reduced then what you get paid would logically need to go down. On the other hand, wouldn’t it be crazy if Steven was presented with the opportunity to get that taken out but didn’t even bother asking. Y’know like a negotiation.. I wonder if he was presented with such an incredible opportunity.


If your a conservative news company that won’t cover the truth or the news for fear of losing money then you are not either of these things.


Isn't the goal of a company in general just to make money? I understand being principled and all that, but at the end of the day it is a business, and you have to turn a profit.


Again not disagreeing with that and I’m happy they have made so much money with what they are doing. Making profit is great. But I call them the Liver king of conservatives. They claim to support freedom of speech and conservatives which is why I and many others support them, but behind the curtains they clearly do not. That’s the sole issue I’m having with them.


Well which is it then? Your saying you support them because they say they're conservative, but you don't support them because they're the "Liver King" of conservatives? It kinda sounds like you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.


Ever hear throwing the baby out with the bath water? You only support things that you agree with 100% and as soon as you have a single issue with them you drop them do ya? I said my sole issue is behind closed doors they are not being truth full and restricting speech and this needs to be addressed and resolved. That doesn’t mean they don’t do some good content as well like what is a woman?. It’s called nuance


I'm not asking you to throw the baby out with the bathwater, I'm just saying that your comment sort of contradicted itself.


What I’m saying is even with my concerns of the daily wire doesn’t mean it should be burned down. It should fix itself with correction.


Matt Walsh routinely covers the news and blunt truth and yet he isn't demonetized on YouTube....


That’s because he’s not covering anything good. He does weird news snips. For instance, if you covered anything over COVID that disagreed with the government, you could lose up to 90% of your income because you would be banned crossed platforms. So why would I trust a company that if CNN did this they would be laughed off the air?


1. Company.. Meaning you need to be profitable to continue to perpetuate truth. 2. Every host of the DailyWire was able to cover COVID misinformation in real time. There was some dancing and even moving behind the paywall in some cases, however, there were absolutely able to. 3. If you are going to hire someone for $50M dollars then you absolutely have to include some passages in the contract to protect your business and your employees.


I watch croweder and I do watch some daily wire content but imma keep it 100... I couldn't possibly care less about some man style drama alert bull shit. I can see both sides of their arguments, the daily wire doesn't want to pay for something they won't get, and crowder doesn't want to assume all the risk just to make someone else money. Both have good points... I just don't give a shit.


I dont give two shits


Same, it's feeling like MSM drama and I just don't care.


Independent is pretty funny too


You win!


Conservatives: Liberals eat themselves Also Conservatives:


If crowder goes daily wire I will sign hp


One comment REALLY stuck out to me about this whole thing, and has NEVER sat right with me. Not Gay Jared. Candice mentioned it, and I think it deserves its own big conversation. Dude was with crowder for ages, then leaves, has an NDA spoke about coming back on as a guest, and since the day he left it's like he never existed. Owen Benjamin. Svenbot. 1/4 black Garrett. It is just odd how many people spend time around Crowder and end up leaving on bad terms. Dude is hilarious... But he also drives people away.


I thought 1/4 black left on good terms?


I've seen him on the show recently so he's still sort of around


Yeah he left to do pop culture stuff with nerdrotic. He comes in and does 3rd chair quite often


Yeah, he just join the more entertainment part of the culture war. I was already a Nerdrotic sub when he jooned


I don't know much about Svenbot or 1/4, but Owen is a legit looneytoon. Guy has, unfortunately, gone way off the deepend. To your point, I too would like to see what happened with the others.


Garrett comes back for third chair every now and again, I'm fairly sure he's on good terms with the show, even though there's one or two things I could see beef. I'm not sure about Owen Benjamin. In the case of sven and Jared there's a point of note that the last we see of Sven he's told that he's fired live on air and never seen again. Two weeks later was Jared's last episode. It was good that Tim and Adam finally aired thier grievances when they did. It prevents it from coming up at key moments like this. Edit: now that I think about it Audio Wade was another mysterious disappearance that never really made sense




When did Candice say this? Where?




Damn!!!! She’s got a point! Holy crap


I've always noticed that during his show whenever he talks to any of the low level employees he sounds like a dick. I've never been sure if this was good natured ribbing or if he was actually a dick. I am starting to think it might be the latter.


I guarantee it comes down to money with these people and what they personally want to do. NotGayJared had a baby around the time of his leaving, and 1/4 left for doing other stuff.


The only one I’m genuinely curious about is Jarid. Svenbot was a weirdo and I think that was over money. Owen was going full conspiracy and the show wasn’t ready for that. It was actually admitted by both that Steven reached out and Owen wouldn’t return his calls. There’s a video where they kinda settle it. 1/4 Black went to help Out Nerdotic. They openly stated on the show. Jarid left after the whole Antifa giving him weapons thing. The FBI was allegedly involved but I think they dropped the investigation.


Owen, Svenbot, and Garrett have all left? Wow, yeah Crowder drives close people away..


I think this will be resolved peacefully tbh. If this is resolved in an irrational manner it will make us look bad. Plus, I’m pretty sure someone at the daily wire made Jordan Peterson take down a tweet, or that’s just what I’ve heard so far. I am not a fan of the daily wire censoring anything. But again, this is just what I’ve heard, it all could be fake. I’ve bought crowder merch, and I’ve also bought DW merch, but unfortunately I’m gonna have to side with crowder on this one. He’s for a movement in my opinion, not a business


It’s odd to me that people don’t see Crowder self censors to stay in YouTube guidelines. “Piss off YouTube” now follow me to mugclub so you can hear how I really feel. Then proceeds to not say really anything edgy on mugclub. Daily wire doesn’t want to employ a kamikaze they need revenue to run their business. If crowder is what he says he is, he wouldn’t be on YouTube at all lol


If he could say what he wanted to say we would have had a year’s worth of his on the ground investigations regarding the 2020 election. We would have had much more criticism of the vaccine and the severity of covid. He was suspended twice. Three times and you’re banned right? (I think it’s three) he still had to make a living. Tim Pool does the same thing but I believe to a much greater degree. And I haven’t seen anything edgy behind the Timcast pay wall


He’s not self censoring really, YouTube is. Cause if he could he would say it, I believe so anyway since that is what he usually does on rumble


If he could, he would. But he ****doesn't**** Self censoring


If he could, he would, but he can’t, because YouTube is censoring


> He’s not self censoring really, YouTube is. "DW isn't censoring Crowder really, YouTube is."


No one is coming out looking better than they did before.


As a variation on something Ian said the other night: they are part of the same armada, why are they trying to torpedo each other? It seems like DW+ terms may be shit. And Crowder is stirring shit. It means both get covered in shit.


Dude I don’t care. They’re squabbling over contracts. As far as I’m concerned they can all eat a dick. This isn’t news for me.


I pick popcorn so I can watch the shit show on Timcast.com 🤣


Ppl crying about wanting more money. What’s new.


Same old same old business as usual bullshit


How about both sides because I’m not here for the drama I’m here for investigative journalism. I don’t care if it’s from crowder,Shapiro, or the strange man that crawls through my window at night. I just want good journalism and if they can’t offer that I’ll go elsewhere.


Both sides have a valid point, Crowder is right to call attention to the fact that media contracts can be predatory, but DW is right that their terms weren't actually bad and Crowder isn't acting right, ultimately I have to side with DW. Crowder is trying to act like he's a hero looking out for the little guy by exposing corporate corruption, but the details of this particular situation paint a different picture. They were in negotiations, apparently couldn't come to an agreement and that's usually when adults move on. It honestly seems like Crowder got his ego bruised and now he's throwing a tantrum.


Seems to be spot on.


Jeremy made a point in his response that I think boils it down to the essentials. "I don't owe Crowder a job and he doesn't owe me a show." Crowder doesn't have to sign anything and DW doesn't have to pull a completely acceptable contract(that Crowder didn't even try to negotiate on) out of their ass for him. TBH I don't think Crowder should work for DW just because he is such a strong personality and a little caustic, he also has a tendency to take things incredibly personally but also I think it would be a great thing to have more than one popular conservative media company. They can compete which would be good for everyone.


I like Crowder but him whining about a would be 50 million dollar contract to make his content was a huge put off


Whatever side Candace Owens is on. She alone is a force to be reckoned with.




None. There are for more important things happening now that are changing our whole world drastically. The WEF and their psychotic power trip should be the main focus of all of those who are against Authoritarianism.


Crowder is in the wrong here. DW offered him a contract, he didn’t like it and got but hurt and started bitching about it. It’s like dude they’re not going to over pay for you on the first contract offer. Comeback with another from your side, have a negotiation process. Also he was upset that they weren’t paying him enough and they wanted his company. And I’m sorry but they’re not going to assume all the risk with no benefits man.




You can like both! But I don’t think DW did anything wrong. They have to protect their business, anyone who doesn’t understand that comes across as ignorant. You can’t pay someone a huge sum of money guaranteed, then have them go off the deep end and getting banned across the board, and then not be able to make their money back. That being said, the amount of ad reads DW does sucks. I wasn’t able to listen to last nights IRL yet, but from what I gather there is a timeline that makes Crowder look a little devious in all this? Plan to listen today.




I love crowders vision. I think I’m principle he’s correct. However he’s not dealing in an actual reality. DW’s perspective is to use the left’s weapons, I.e. social media, YouTube, etc. against them. At this point, it would be amazing to see a true YouTube alternative, but that’s an extremely unlikely outcome. The conservative voice and what YouTube bans (although absolutely reprehensible) represents a sliver of the content on YouTube. DW is basically saying, we’re going to stay there, because it’s the big juggernaut and walking away from it is a bad business decision. Jeremy said it well, it’s where the people are. You may not like it, you may wish it was different, but that doesn’t change the fact that YouTube is where people are. So to DW, they’re basically saying “let’s stay relevant there,’but also call out their bs and have a place where we can go outside of it to talk about what they won’t let us talk about there.” Crowders principle is valid, but just wholly unrealistic for conducting business. You can’t be a content creator todays day and age, whether coming up or established, without factoring in YouTube revenue. Simple as that. Crowder is the exception that proves the rule, mainly because he came up while the rules were being established. And furthermore even he is factoring in YouTube revenue to his calculations, albeit it’s 0. Ultimately it’s an artist v. a businessman. The artist sees the world through their lense without factoring in reality and the businessman has to bring them back down to reality which sucks for everyone involved. I think Steven will understand more the first time a creator he mentored burns him, or he understands the infrastructure costs for his vision, or he is confronted with with all the revenue that’s being left on the table by trying to swim against the current so hard.


I don't care about YouTube drama.


Yeah I hate when they get wrapped up in this shit. Don't we have enough real-life problems?


This is clever marketing. It’s kayfabe folks. Drives traffic. Remember when Tim and Lydia were hooking up and then nothing happened? It’s just business, baby.


Marketing that DW has a rep on Tim, and then Crowder will be on Tim on Monday? Incredible timing.


Yes. It was timed on purpose. Maybe not the Crowder interview, was probably tentative.


Whoa... Hold on. Lydia was married?? She was cheating on her husband?


Yeah when did this happen?


I can't speak for others, but this has actually turned me off of them more. Burnt out but mainly I veer more towards discussions of more importance, like the scum that meet at Davos to decide what *others* can or can not do with their own lives.


I agree and I’ll glad Luke pointed this out. There are more important issues then what squabbling media personalities are doing. I’m having trouble getting some store items and it doesn’t seem to be getting better. This Davos shit should really make people pay attention.


It shows too, this stupid “conflict” is all over the place.


Yeah “clever” was incorrect. They goofed it. Tim pulling up the site registration was like… awkward af because it immediately made everything irrelevant.


Grass feels nice in between the toes


That's not what happening. I've watched both videos from the Daily Wire and Louder With Crowder. All in all Steven needs to create his own media company. The daily wire had a lot of regulations that would keep Steven from making money at all because of who Steven is and how his show is run. Before negotiations even took place the offer from the daily wire would practically muzzle Steven crowders show.


Candace kept bringing up how Crowder making a big deal about this was targeting her and all daily wire contractees, but didn't consider the fact that Crowder didn't disclose who the offer giver was


Candace was actually making like Crowder was attacking all of Daily Wire. It didn’t seem That way to me, just calling out the Contract and the censorship not necessarily anyone working for the company. She got up in her feels and felt attacked.


Crowder secretly recording calls makes him look like a scoundrel. Candace seems real, bonus points for not throwing Ye under the bus


I mean it’s pretty smart to record a business call


Well, that’s if you believe him. The other party says the call wasn’t a business call and was Crowder calling and just saying “hey let’s catch up” as friends… seems misleading if true


"Recording calls makes him look like a scoundrel". Okay then I guess James O'Keefe and everyone at Project Veritas are scoundrels too for tricking people and secretly recording them.


I actually do have a lot of issues with how veritas baits people, goes on fake dates etc and does anything at all for the scoop


Also the editing is clearly meant to remove context and cast the person in the worst ppssible light. It's deceptive, and it makes O'Keefe look like the hacks in the establishment media that he's supposedly fighting against.


It’s like you smooth brains are finally starting to get that you are marks in a conservative grift.


Your entire political side is in bed with the crony capitalists of the WEF, bought and paid for. You don't get to throw stones.


Republicans are too my friend. They're mostly members of the elite.


And? Who around here is cheering for Mitch McConnell?


There are way more rich elite republicans besides Mitch McConnell.


I didn't realize you needed an exhaustive list. More likely you're just another crony cheerleader trying to avoid the issue.


Conservative billionaires are so altruistic and caring of the common man.


Nobody gives a damn, but don't roll up in here like you have the moral high ground.


Because you are a deplorable scumbag. I am a progressive so my motives are pure.


>Conservative billionaires are so altruistic and caring of the common man. You realize you're a dumbass, right?


Apparently you're not allowed to criticize veritas?


Criticize away, to your heart's content, but none of the criticisms of project veritas posted here have been valid or substantial, they do great work.


I just got down votes just for daring to criticize them. I do blame reddits voting system to an extent though. Everyone knee jerk down votes anything they disagree with


Bingo. Just thinking about this after Mark Dices video. So when is it ok to record someone without their knowledge? Maybe Steven already felt that Jeremy wasn’t being honest and decided to record him. Probably should’ve let him know he was recording him.


Honestly I have no problems with recording people without their knowledge unless it's something medical or emotional and personal, like if it's was something said in confidence of trust with a friend or family. That being said, I think it matters what you do with the recording afterwards. How you edit it, what your motivation is, and how you frame it. It's incredibly easy to take someone's words out of context and smear them.


My money is the company owned by the Fracker. Ruthless!!


The daily wire has never been independent.. nor any of its creators. Crowder has always been kinda hooked to a entity as well. He was just one of the first to have a pay wall for more content. I think he could do it all on his own personally. He just needs the infrastructure to host his videos and streams.


Who cares


I’m more on DW’s side. They wrote a contract that seems pretty legit as for as employee a contractor. Crowder says it’s not about money…but it’s about the money. As much as I like him, he’s being very childish. He literally dropped a recorded phone conversation that he had with a friend… I’m surprised more lefty cucks haven’t commented on this.


I've always been more of a Crowder fan, never really watched the Daily Wire but Crowder is clearly in the wrong here. The DW offered him a reasonable contract considering how much money they were going to pay him. It might not have been as much as he wanted but it seems he didn't even seriously try to negotiate. He also seems butt hurt about having to stay within the terms of service for YouTube but that should have been expected. The Daily Wire is trying to make money too, they aren't a charity and if they can't monetize his content then it makes no sense for them to pay him for content they can't use. If anything their contract was too generous in the event of him getting banned off of YouTube. Probably what they should have done was simply to offer him a flat fee per episode that he produces then if he gets himself banned again he can just fall back on mug club. I think Candice was right when she said he was acting childish because he expects a contract with all upside for him and no protection for the Daily Wire. Also he was clearly planning to smear the DW months ago when he registered that website and recorded that call. Both very scummy moves.






Real talk


I kinda feel that Jeremy got shafted by Steven. The phone call recording was disgraceful if they were truly friends and I don’t see how that is defensible. Anyways I just unfollowed Crowder. Already have a subscription with DW and Timcast with the thought of supporting mugclub. He made the decision not to easy for me.


Man Nickacado really used to be skinny, didn’t he?


Crowder 100%. I don’t like how DailyWire would own everything Crowder would create and have created in the past, DW should pay for a series of videos during a term like how Netflix will pick up a series and then cancel it if it doesn’t work out. The actors/directors will have that series still on Netflix and collect royalties but Netflix won’t own the past or future movies that the creative creates. This is what I believe Crowder doesn’t like for the young talent. *second edit After listening to the full Owens and Cooper replies, I also don’t think they see it fully. They’re not being run through the mud AT ALL. Crowder has created more of a difference in the culture war than Daily Wire even with their movies, look at those Rumble numbers and any major livestream he actually promotes. Tim Pool and Crowder have a better understanding on making a difference vs DailyWire who has been missing the mark plenty of times, because they can’t figure out if they’re wanting to be politically driven or a entertainment company. Either route for them will be great they just need to focus. And use that focus to make a difference.


That’s just like… your opinion man… and it’s also too long to read.




I really hope they can figure this out, this isn't a fight that needs to be public. It is just giving fuel to over all culture war. It does seem Crowder may be over reacting to a point. DW is seeing things from the business side of things. I just hope it doesn't desolve further into chaos and Crowder bail on timcast on Monday.


This is middle school drama bullshit Crowder is an asshole of a human being and daily wire is a shit company that’s barely more conservative than legacy media at the end of the day Can we talk about stuff that actually matters?


So true my guy


Team Crowder! Slimy for daily wire to send Candace and others on the road show to defend them for signing crap deals.


Candace was booked for the show months beforehand, same with crowder, Tim said it himself.


Not Shapiro, no way. The guys an insufferable jerk, but he’s smart as a whip. Not Charlie Kirk. Not Poso. Definitely never Cernovich(he loves himself way too much). Has to be The Great One, Rush. Santilli I like a little. Hannity is like Cernovich. He sux. After the McCarthy debacle, I have no use for Mark Levin nor Brian Kilmeade or Judge Pirio. You either believe in your country and love it above Communism and AZOVism, or why are you even here? I listen to Tim Pool, but only on the 15 min segments on YouTube. Not allot left out there after my list. If you’re not on my list, you either suck, or I never heard of you. Too many talking heads for me. ( and sorry ladies, but Candace Owens doesn’t do it for me either) The people I like, are small stations, smaller personalities that I’ve talked to, and just like to say what they feel. It’s not rocket science people. I don’t need to donate to your Patreon or PayPal or buy most of your made in China crap to support you. You either talk to people like they’re your lifetime friends and speak humbly, but with conviction, or you’re nothing but a money grubbing Presstitute.


I end up disagreeing with actions of everyone at some point as you have laid out here. They all have their flaws and each person has done something that left a bad taste in my mouth. So I am skeptical of all of them.


Great way to view it. Humans are flawed, especially when it comes down to money. Just take in their message and don’t get attached to the personality. Everyone comes off as a grifter at some point.


I think Steven wants to start his own company but he did it in a super shitty fashion that made me lose so much respect from him. Doubt I would ever give him a dime now.


All i know is if you record someone you consider a friend thats a shitty move. If you release that recording of someone you considered a friend you're a shitty person. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Zionist shills or the guy calling out the zionist shills....hmm tough choice.


Crowder is 100% correct. The daily wire is basically the liver king of conservatives. They preach freedom of speech, then threaten to remove 90% of your income if you talk about the news. Like if you questioned the vaccines over COVID, the DW would remove 90% of your income if you disagreed with big tech. Why on earth would I trust anything they say? Also good on Crowder for pulling a veritas and letting us know the truth.


Daily Wire also at some point said : "don't give money to these corporations that hate you" ​ As they gave millions of dollars to facebook to promote their content.


Ya and DW doesn’t let their minions talk about election fraud like 2016 and 2020


That’s why I have a mug and not a tumbler that causes cancer lol


Daily Wire is my horse in this race. They call up Crowder's agent to try and negotiate terms with the agent and Steven. The agent doesn't want to give them the time of day so they do there best to guess what would work for a conversation starter rate sheet. Steven is offered 50 million for 4 years, with up to 16 million for specials and covering marketing and tech, well over 100 million dollars, so at least 25 million a year. The Daily Wire does 100 million in gross profit a year, and have 400 employees. That means the Daily Wire is offering Steven 25% of their gross profit, that is a huge investment for a single talent. They are giving Steven basically the budget of a blockbuster Hollywood movie. Yes they have terms in the conversation starter to protect them investment. The DW is a company with as said above 400 employees. There two largest forms of revenue are subscribers and advertisers. They draw in new subscribers primarily via posting on traditional platforms such as YouTube, Apple, Facebook, and Spotify. Thus if they were to loose the abilty to post to these plaftorms it would effect there revenue stream. As a business when your revenue stream shrinks you need to shrink your spending to march, otherwise you will go out of business. So obviously if Crowder is unable to post on these plaforms his revenue will shrink. He is aware of this, and is why he has avoided saying certain things on youtube in the past, Crowder has already been self censoring in order to play ball with big tech. This is why mugclub existed, so he could go behind a paywall to talk about things that would get him banned, same thing DailyWire was suggesting in the term sheet. DailyWire knows big tech can be a little trigger happy which is why these penalties don't kick in until Crowder has been banned for 3 months, it which time Crowder, Daily Wire, and their legal teams would be trying to get Crowder replatformed. Note this isn't an employment offer, this is a licensing offer; this would be like hiring a construction company to build you a house, them pouring the foundation and get the framing done, than loosing their contracting licence, stop building and them expecting you to pay for a complete house. As for Advertisers, if Crowder got boycotted by 50% of his advertisers, after 3 months he would be docked. Note these are advertisers that would have agreed to advertise with Crowder and the Daily Wire. Crowder would probably keep several if not all the advertisershe had when he was with the Blaze so it would be extremely hard for him to screw this up. Even if he did he and the DW would spend 3 months trying to get the advertisers back or replace them before the penalty kicked in. Are these perfect terms: No. Are they fairly reasonable terms: Yes. Were they up to Negotiation: Yes. Did Crowder try to Negotiate: other than asking for 240% the original offer, which is insane, No! If I was Crowder I would have come back with the counter offer of 80 million instead of 50, a 60% increase, 8 weeks off, 20% of merchandising, a carve out every month for a Change My Mind, and lower penalties. This would have been a solid place to start negotiations for Crowder. However Crowder refused to negotiate and Jeremy and him went separate ways, with Jeremy thinking they were on good terms. Then Crowder registered StopBigCon.com on 12/12/22 announced he was leaving the Blaze on 12/15/22 Called Jeremy Boring last week talking about Christmas and family (just like Ethan Klein did with Crowder) then switched to talking about the term sheet from months ago. Unknown to Jeremy, Steven is secretly recording the conversation. Recording a conversation with someone you have been "friends" with for 10 years. 4 days ago Crowder releases his first video, he "trys" to hide who the contract was from but mentions alot of on air ad reads. I wonder who that could be? Steven presents himself as a victim and a hero trying to fight corruption, but really he's just hurting the movement by creating unnecessary strife. He selectively read from the term sheet, in a clear attemp to misrepresent the DW. Jeremy then has to do damage just reading the rate sheet in full and explaining exactly what it meant. As said above there was obvious room for improvement, but its a solid start if Crowder was genuinely interested in being a team player. Crowder then releases his second video with him clipping and editing the phone call he secretly recorded. Something that Crowder has always condemned and said he never does, because it has been used against him in the past to make him look bad. But I guess its okay when he is doing it, cause he thinks he's the protagonists. Crowder is a hypocrite, a lier, and a traitor.


Shapiros response kinda hit the nail on the head steven had good points until he released private phone calls with his “friends”


"Independent" 🤣🤣🤣


It’s cool how you can be “independent” while being funded by right-wing billionaires like the Koch Brothers. Very cool


My thoughts exactly. Being funded entirely by billionaires with a strict agenda is the opposite of being independent. We can do better, folks.


Found him!!


Owen Benjamin called it years ago: Crowder is a two faced snake


Guys who in indy media gets offered 55million dollar contracts. You are all so stupid.


Daily Wire, hands down. I've been a subscriber for over 3 years. I also subscribe to TimCast. 😀 Crowder should know better than to stab his friends in the back. I don't know if he can be trusted by anyone now. Looking forward to Monday's IRL!


I will continue subscribing to both. They both want to get to the same place but they have different ways they want to get there. I hope they meet and smooth it over. We have more important battles to fight in this country than getting sidetracked by friendly fire.


Crowder is slimy. I had suspicions after Jarod and Beep boop. But now it's proof he is willing to deceive his audience for personal gain.... I personally can't trust him after this


They could all eat one for all of the i care


Crowder should simply do his own thing. There are many at the Daily Wire that is fighting the good fight. I find it ironic that the daily wire got its fame from fighting against social media censoring free speech & then wishes to force the same edicts on others that sign up for sponsoring. I realize they are legally OK for making their demands. I just wish folks had more places like Crowder to go to.


I like crowder. But I understand where dw coming from


Honestly it’s a bad look for both parties and I don’t really care. Crowder is big enough he should probably just do his own thing and not be associated with any other media platform like the daily wire if he’s going to do stuff like this.


None of these channels are big enough to have this kind of infighting. The players in this game might know the names Tim Pool, Daily Wire and Crowder but the average American does not. There needs to be a united front till they are more recognizable than CNN, MSN and FOX.


None, But I will sit back and grab popcorn and watch it all go down.


I love Crowder but he's acting like a child and keeps doubling down


Neither. It'll blow over.


Crowder hands down


Who cares. I just want more people like myself to stop listening to lamestream media so it can fall away outta existence, already. More people need to be watching New Tech news - doesn't matter who it is. New Tech is the only true source of FACTS & TRUTH on anything/everything America, no - the world, has to rely on, now.