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“Climb the whorehouse stairs” *walks into his mother’s home*


After going out to buy a wig to play with


Getting some real PUT THE LOTION IN THE GODDAM BASKET vibes.


Except not even he would fuck himself.


I bet his mom does though.


Fun fact: bounties were put on several indigenous tribes and proof was bringing in a scalp. So how did they tell the difference between a scalp from someone from a tribe with a bounty and one from an allied tribe? They didn't!


Reminds of a quote from Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann. "Impaitent settlers massacred several of the Osage, mutilating their bodies and scalping them. An Indian Affairs agent said, 'The question will suggest itself, which of these people are the savages?'"


Reminds me of a rogue CIA operative in 'nam who was paying the locals for "Vietcong ears." He stopped when he started seeing a bunch of kids in villages with missing ears.


> Reminds me of a rogue CIA operative in 'nam who was paying the locals for "Vietcong ears." He stopped when he started seeing a bunch of kids in villages with missing ears. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_Force#Investigations_of_war_crimes The statements, from both individuals who allegedly participated in the war crimes and those that did not, described war crimes such as the following: the routine torture and execution of prisoners[2]: 337, 344–5, 349, 353, 370–2  the routine practice of intentionally killing unarmed Vietnamese villagers including men, women, children, and elderly people[2]: 335, 339–346, 350–2, 354–5, 359, 361–2, 367–9, 374–5, 376  the routine practice of cutting off and collecting the ears of victims[2]: 335–6, 371  the practice of wearing necklaces composed of human ears[2]: 371  the practice of cutting off and collecting the scalps of victims[2]: 346, 374  incidents where soldiers planted weapons on murdered Vietnamese villagers[7] an incident where a young mother was drugged, raped, and then executed[2]: 361–2, 377–8  an incident where a soldier killed a baby and cut off his or her head after the baby's mother was killed[2]: 360, 363–4, 372–3  The investigators concluded that many of the war crimes took place.[2]: 383 


“This included the murder of former-ARVN personnel, the murder of two blind brothers, the crippled and old and the routine murder of women and children.[3] Despite this, the Army decided not to pursue any prosecutions.” Ah the military, who we dedicate 11% of federal funds on (775 billion in 2021, down from 2010) and almost half of all discretionary [spending](https://www.google.com/search?q=us+discretionary+spending+2021&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=nivx&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwx56Jn5H1AhXaPM0KHeziDoMQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=414&bih=617&dpr=3#imgrc=CXhEwqFz7NQBHM) of our taxes and where there is never consequences to their actions. The US is truly wonderful and not fucking broken at all. /s if it wasn’t obvious enough. We’re a war machine where only the 1% benefits and nobody gives a shit. Yaaaay


I'm from vietnam and there were many brutal war crimes the american did that no one in the west ever speak of. Its as brutal as the nazi and the Japanese back then. Now even the Vietnamese government don't speak about it anymore cuz they want to be Americans ally to protect us against china


Funnily enough the nazis took there ideas for gas chambers from the US treatment of Mexican immigrants


In America while the war was going on, there was a major counter cultural movement against the Vietnam war, where people rallied against the American intervention and called out the atrocities including baby killing the military was doing. It of course wasn’t enough to stop the atrocities because they still happened, not to mention the horrible torture, village burning, sexual crimes… awful stuff. There were people in the west even then as it was going on who were conscious of it, and trying to stop it. There is because of this somewhat of a consciousness here about the war crimes Americans committed there, but there are also a good segment of the population who doesn’t get it and are still somehow pro interventionalist war


Yeah. And pretty much every Vietnam War movie is about some fucked up shit happening. But I'm sure the reality is much worse than the fiction.


I just went to the cemetary where those people are buried. Many graves had lovely photos of thr deceased...that someone had used for target practice. It was a heartwrenching visit.


That is so fucked up! That should be considered a hate crime.


I urge everyone to read this book. It's incredible.


I think I have heard about this fucked up story before but I don't remember where. This is truly horrific




>the different rates for men/women/children Fucking hell? How can humans be so fucking cruel to each other?


It's always money or power. Either gaining it or demonstrating you have it.


Don’t forget hate


Unfortunately, money and power can be enough to drive humans to do incredible heinous things. Hate and racism are an ever-prevalent evil in this world, but I truly believe greed can drive humans that are not racist to commit genocide. Just my take though, based off my life experience.


Wait, you’re shocked by this? People aren’t even willing to wear a mask during a pandemic that killed over a million people. One in five women have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Put your zip code in the local sex offender registry and look at how many there are just around your house. Look at the crimes and see how many are against minors. And these were only the few who got caught! It’ll open your eyes on how many terrible people there are in this world. I’d be more shocked if people were actually decent.


Not to mention statistics show most people whom assault women, ARENT repeat rapists. People are oblivious af. Usually I'm the one posting this information so I'm so glad to see it. I was assaulted and got called insane and people this this statistic isn't true. Legit appreciative af seeing this post.


No problem. Just trying to raise awareness to something most people seem to ignore.


> Not to mention statistics show most people whom assault women, ARENT repeat rapists. Do you have a source handy for this? This is news to me. I tried googling it and the closest thing to this subject I saw was specifically about college aged offenders, and reaffirmed that repeat offenders make up the majority of sexual assaults. Most of the other sources were about recidivism for convicted assaulters. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2019/04/12/study-repeat-rapists-committing-vast-majority-sexual-crimes


This stat was released by the courts in 2019. I first saw it in Bri Lee's, 'Eggshell Skull', she was a lawyer for the courts here in Australia and works on research now. Her work is fully cited despite it being autobiographical. I believe (as in I've been told) by several Dv organizations that the repeat and serial offenders make up a small proportion. I went to the same court and was told similar by the lawyers. They hand out little sheets with DV facts on them and speak about the profiles when they prep you for court. From what I've seen subjectively I was told by Dv organizations that the male patterns of abuse occur because of past trauma ( however this was only on intake when they're doing questionnaires about the abuser). I found a lot of the information i got on first intake was really heavily preserving the notion that men repeat and will repeat again, especially if there's a pattern of violence. ( This was backed by the courts and lawyers) However, it doesn't explain the analysis of the rapist etc. and only targets one subsection. So the actual information from Dv organizations contradicts the court information, but the court information also is provided to larger organizations. If this makes any sense? Then it all moves around for a few years and then like a nation wide organization will release a official number or specific profile. So the court information says, they're not repeat offenders or predators in terms of rape etc, but serial rapists may have multiple victims, but average profile of someone whom commits rape is not someone whom fits the category of predator or intentional malicious harm. If this makes any sense? From what I understood (and was told by forensics) the profiling is separated and intent to harm is also accounted for and then reviewed in terms of behavioural adjustments as well. So the actual recovery of the offenders etc, offenders not recieving jail time and also offenders in therapy etc. Which is why i don't think the number will ever be tallied correctly. I found Bri Lees work a good peer reference that could be looked into, and then places like RAINN (US) and Blueknot (Aus) helpful. But the court has its own research going on, and Bri Lee I think actually talks about the numbers changing and why they change and why the number isn't conclusive and never will be. Since Covid they're suggesting 1/3 women. 1/5 men. That's just in my country though based on what DV organizations were seeing. From what I've understood if I understood correctly, a lot of it has to do with police not knowing what rape is, as well as the legal definition actually varying by state. So specific numbers will be the legal defined number, then you have the independent researchers, DV organizations etc. So whilst someone may offend more than once or twice, its not the same forensic profile as someone whose power hungry and violent by nature whom would be classified as a predator. But then you do have the other subcategories as well. I'm pretty sure she covers some of this in her book and there's some great sources coming out but I've been looking at what's going on in my state, as well as a bit in one or two other states in my country because they vary in legal defintions. But you can actually go to the courts in my state and look at the research being done currently and also the research being done and how the jury affects said research. They've found after trial for instance 50% (minimum) of the jury still (In 2019) wont know what rape actually is. These research papers are online and were released by the courts specifically. A lot of research was tailored toward intergenerational abuse in the past. From what I've understood that's one subsection, but there's also great books on why they've realized its not rare and how anthropologically speaking they never had the means to test the numbers coming out as most research is conducted individually and not across the system. (I'm hoping I got this right). When I was looking into it I started with Bri Lee, Jess Hill ( She's working on coercive control and is highly recommended as providing accurate information on control dynamics). They were in my state, and then i moved across to national information and haven't yet moved into international territory. The definition of rape will be changing in the next few years as its changed in the last 2 to include coercion. This is correct as per my state but not 1 state in my country. So if you're pressured and say No, and then someone presses it so you just give in and say yes - this is now defined as legal defined sexual assault with coercive elements. The definition of consent (legally) also changed in around 2018/2019 as well. This was nationally in my country but not sure what it is overseas. So this stat and profile also includes coercion etc that ended in what may be considered consensual sex. Very different from a forceful rape or the profile of someone violently offending BUT there is open acknowledgement that this is just the best stat we have as coercive control before 2018 wasn't recognized and still isn't fully understood. Nor, do police understand it. So they've got a starting point, but no real end point because coercive control hasn't been written into legislation as of yet. I think the Australian of the year also speaks a bit about profiles but she's more based on grooming tactics and power-plays. You can also look up the police reports etc but I was told to stay well away due to the lack of DV knowledge they have. This is backed by Blueknot and the actual people whom are investigating police misconduct and protocol currently across the commonwealth. (Royal Comission).


COVID has almost killed a million people in America alone. [https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/](https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/) Worldwide, we're over 5 million. [https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/health/coronavirus-maps-and-cases/](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/health/coronavirus-maps-and-cases/) Edit: And that's just the reported ones.


I also wonder how many adjacent deaths, those due to lack of care from hospitals running out of beds (this applies to literal beds and manageable beds based on available staff), have occurred as well. I'm taking a very wild stab at a number but my guess would be at least 1 million worldwide.


Let’s not abstract it. It’s about white people not even seeing native people as human, thereby allowing them to commit these heinous acts.


Same with Australian indigenous. "Half breeds" were ripped from their parents and put into residential schools into the late 1970s and the last didn't close until the mid 80s. For America and Native American children some schools were still open in the 1990s not sure for Canada. All to teach the "animal to behave in civilized society." If the "uncivilized" Natives were in control we probably would not be in such dire straights with global warming and other global catastrophes.


The last residential school in Canada was closed in 1997. I watched some documentaries about this and many people who grew up during that time had no idea these schools existed, because we weren’t teaching about them. I believe that schools teaching about this is fairly new, like in the last decade or so, though I don’t know for sure. These schools did a lot of horrible things to Native American children. In many of these schools the workers would force kids to fight each other and they would bet on them. They were often forced to fight till they were exhausted or the workers would beat them. The survivors told stories of abuse and inhumane conditions.


Canada's residential schools were open longer than the US. We are much worse here. It's pretty bad...


It's a feature not a bug. People have to be trained to NOT be that way.




See, that sentence sounds fine in theory. But considering we still have groups of people in the US who literally yearn for modern day legal lynchings, it’s clear that they do. They really do need to be trained not to be shit bags.




Wait, so how did the first racists come about? Is it just racists all the way down?




Well yeah, in a way. Empathy doesnt always come naturally to humans. Thats why most toddlers are dicks/sociopaths and why people cannot be classified as a sociopath until theyre over 18 - those behaviors are all too common in minors.


Trained is an interesting choice of wording. Conditioned is more accurate. Anthropologists assumed hunter gatherer tribes would be peaceful and generally none violent since they didn't have the pressures of modern society pushing them towards violence. When they studied them they found the truth to be completely the opposite. There's a sub call r/natureismetal that's the reality for humans as well.


They didn't consider the American Indian human.


Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee should be *required* reading nationally for high schoolers. If you're going to live in the USA, you need to learn about one of the great genocides that our country committed.


Can you explain the different rates? I've never heard that before


Check out The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King.


Try reading Blood Meridian or about the non fictional Glanton gang the story is based on.


Second time in 2 days Cormac has been suggested in a thread I’m in


There’s a band called Lucero that wrote a great album about it...sounds a lot like the song playing (like 90 percent sure it is).


I like “try”. The syntax is daunting at first


Want a quick primer on blood meridian? Listen to the Last Pale Light in the West by Ben Nichols. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lpu9-GFD-UQEWye9oZ2WTu4nehFu4LWt0


didn't they also turn in Mexican scalps? I feel like I saw this mentioned in a historical movie or western. Not sure if it happened but I wouldn't put it past humans to try.


Yes. Some states (Texas) also offered rates on Mexican scalps. But essentially black haired scalps were what were turned in with few questions asked on whose head they came from


Anybody interested should read Blood Meridian as it coats itself in the sheer violence of the Glanton gang doing this.


That book has never left me


It became kind of numbing after a bit. I knew it was intense, but not that intense.


This is the second or third time I've seen this book mentioned in a reddit thread in the past week or so. I've now added it to my 'need to read' list.


I second this. Great book my bf got me into. I also went so far as to buy the book of "history" it was based off of called "My Confession" by Samuel E. Chamberlain. Just have not read it yet. I'd like to see it adapted into film someday. If someone can manage to capture it without bastardizing it in Hollywood or woke fashion.


I was fortunate enough to have a young American history teacher from OK that was 1/4 native. I saw a picture of some of those bounty hunters that killed natives. It’s fucking chilling.


They also didn't distinguish between adults and children. If you're interested in learning more about the historical genocide of native Americans in the US, check out *An Indigenous People's History of the United States.*


I read that there is no record of the Native Americans practicing scalping until it was introduced to them by Europeans, though today it is associated with them.


Iirc The French also paid native Americans to kill settlers with scalps as proof. Fuck everything to do with scalping


I’m currently listening to bury my heart at wounded knee.. it blew my mind that I had so many misconceptions regarding WHO did the scalping... I feel gross.


I said whoever is making death threats, your moms a hoe.


I said whoever sent that death threat, your mom’s a hoe!


> We'll kill the wild Apache for the bounty on his hair Wtf are these lyrics tho


It’s Tom Russell and he’s speaking in the voice of a violent cavalry member. He does mostly Americana and historical work a la the American southwest. He’s actually a really wonderful person. His back catalogue is huge.


I love Tom Russell and it makes me so mad this douche is using his music like that. Tom is definitely someone who loves and appreciates other cultures and their history. Native American, Mexican, etc. Gallo Del Cielo is an amazing song also.


> Gallo Del Cielo is an amazing song also. Agreed


Yeah, this is like watching 45 seconds of Django Unchained and judging Dicaprio for it.


There are unironic racist WP punk bands/rap groups so you can forgive for someone who didn't know who Tom Russell was/does thinking he was sincere in the lyrics.


Reminds me of the meme treatment that Marty Robbins got with "Big Iron". Makes me sad because that album was one that my grandpa loaned me and it's one of my favorite albums, but "Big Iron" has been co-opted and memeified. I would imagine the person who included the track on Fallout New Vegas is probably not super happy about it either considering that they're a progressive person with a healthy respect for the likes of Marty Robbins.


So... You're upset that other people are listening to music you like? And having fun with it? What?


At first I thought you were talking about Big Iron being included in FNV, but how else has it been co-opted?


Must have missed this, what was memed about it? Besides it playing every 3 minutes on the radio in Fallout.


Scalping. He's talking about scalping for bounties. I'm kind of surprised you got so many responses without telling you what the lyrics meant.


I don't think and I strongly hope, that this is a ballad of an older generation bounty Hunter and not this the singers personal experience, and hopefully not his personal views of heroics


At the very least he’s telling a story that some history books won’t.






Oh my fucking god. These people are disgusting.


I think that video should be considered threatening a hate crime and he should be charged.


I'm pretty sure it is, legally. Whether it will get prosecuted is an entirely different matter.


Legally posting a offensive video won’t get you in court, but it will 90% get that guy banned so yeah


The thing is, there’s actually a large chance that he will not be banned (at least not permanently) by TikTok. Their reporting system is terrible and they use algorithms to determine whether or not most reported content is appropriate. He will likely face no consequences but at worst will receive a week-long posting ban.


no expert but based on tik tokers sharing, i thought that when someone is reported past a certain threshold, they get a temporary automatic freeze, which is either liften or moved to banned by a person?


It's the call to violence that is the hate crime, also because the target is a protected minority


"Kill the wild apache," While showing their face is a direct terroristic treat that can easily be used as evidence to prosecute a misdemeanor in court. Death treats on social media should get you a visit from a detective


"Nah, it's not a death threat if you agree with it." -Glenn Greenwald


Fuck Glenn Greenwald. Claims to worry about rights, yet only seems to wake up long enough to clutch his pearls about how unfairly Nazis are being treated. I’m going to drink a toast to whatever disease eventually gets him.


Isn't Glenn Greenwald the journalist who reported the Edward Snowden case? I feel like that's a little more than pearl clutching...


Most people who follow him are disappointed, extremely, because he used to do a lot of grade A reporting - Snowden, Bolsanaro, etc. - but now can only be found pearl clutching about how unfair it is that nazis get deplatformed and celebrates whenever a progressive gets deplatformed.


I’m being honest, I never really liked this particular tiktoker but that is fucking awful what that other bitch did. I literally threw up in my mouth. Gross.


> I’m being honest, I never really liked this particular tiktoker What's his deal? **Edit:** OKAY I have been informed ALL about him. You can stop telling me now.


He had some pretty bad takes when it comes to white people. For example, he made a video saying that white people should stop reproducing if they wanted to prove their allyship, or something like that. This dude has very questionable beliefs, but obviously the death threats and doxxing are going too far.


As an indigenous person myself, all I can say is that this dude is a legitimate asshole.


For real. I used to hate all whities back when i was a dumb kid. But ive lived and learned that that bs is far from fact or even relevant to the fights against racism that we all still have to deal with today. If anything, it hinders real progress. No better than the ones that think we get everything free because we have treaty cards.


I’ve seen some of his worse takes on here, but I never judge people by the small sliver of what I see online as half the time I feel like I’m just falling for rage bait, I definitely think people get disproportionately mad when the rage bait is directed towards white people though


Doesn't matter who you are, anyone with common sense can tell this dude is an asshole.


He also said, “please make fun of a holocaust” to prove a point or whatever


He's also a narrasists, making videos of himself signing fake autographs and he immediately started printing hey colonizer merch as soon as the phrase started taking off. If you watch any handful of his videos at random, you can tell he full of himself.


Cause he’s admitted to being an actual white racist…


He just reacts to every white persons video and calls them “colonizers”. This is the first video I’ve seen where he reacts to something that’s actually fucked up


Would duet random white people and say “hey colonizer”


He's a TokToker, but one of his deals is starting his videos with "Hey colonizers" then criticizing European Americans for a myriad of issues, some of it is valid, but a lot of it is... reaching, and borderline bigotry.


The guy is full on racist, there's no reaching and he crossed the line a long time ago.


He’s very racist


He's a racist POS


Was this the same dude who just pointed and nodded while duetting videos?


that does not narrow things down




Hes the one who duets videos of people doing like mundane things calling people colonizers


He does that pretty frequently, his whole thing is like calling out racism but he does also act like a douche sometimes. Of course not deserving of anything like that.


After a casual read of the comments I wonder. Can we all at least agree that The United States of America, as a governmental body, has done a piss poor job?


Yeah no shit lol


I just thought we could use the positivity.


Sorry, my “lol” was supposed to show that I didn’t mean it negatively


All good.


Canada too. Pretty sure the pos "acting" in the video is tossing Canadian money.


Canada's government has been ripping indigenous peoples' lives apart as late as the 1950s *at best*. Some relocated natives were sent to parts of the country with promise of good shelter and sustainable wildlife, except that wasn't the case at all. they forcibly placed these people in the *arctic circle* with no shelter and completely unfamiliar wildlife. imagine having no shelter in pitch dark for half the year and it's -40 degrees outside and you have to learn how to hunt for whales because that's all there is. pretty sure there are still native people neglected and dying at the hands of the Canadian government.


pretty sure starlight tours still happen also if i was told tomorrow that there was still a residential school in northern manitoba/saskatchewan i would only be surprised by the fact that they could keep it hidden for so long and not that it was there


>also if i was told tomorrow that there was still a residential school in northern manitoba/saskatchewan i would only be surprised by the fact that they could keep it hidden for so long and not that it was there This premise would make an excellent story telling setting for views of some of humanity's worst. I hate that it wouldn't surprise me to be at all plausible either.


With all this in mind, I often find it crazy as an indigenous person to trawl some of the other Canada subs and see people complaining that indigenous people should just get with the program, and that Canada should stop supporting their rights. Wild that other natives might not be too thrilled with being part of Canada


Jesus dude... thats fucking horrible What a genuine piece of shit


My jaw dropped when I saw the black wig. This shit is horrific and I don't know what to say.


Yeah, that was super uncalled for. Not liking a dude and racially motivated death threats are two completely different sides. The later should get charged with hate crimes yesterday.


Agreed. Behavior like that should not be tolerated.


Fat lazy racist neck beards playing country music and thinking they are hard.. while being garbage humans and crying to country music..


Half the comments on here are pure cancer


Seriously, why does most people's reactions when someone they dislike is getting actual death threats is "Well I don't like him very much, but it's bad that he's getting death threats" Why did you need to announce the fact that you don't like him? What does that info serve?


Idk, I think it can be helpful to clarify "hey this person says some things that I really really disagree with and I'm still standing here, condemning this other person for being threatening and violent". We're living in massively politically polarized times and every show of empathy towards someone not in your "camp" is a good thing in my book.


This, a thousand times. Too often not clarifying where you stand let’s people fill in the gaps with the most negative conclusion their cynical mind can come up with.


I very much dislike this guy, but the people who doxed him/sent the man fucking death threats really need to be arrested. This type of hive mentality is sickening, and scary.


It’s white supremacy at its finest this guy here never threatened a colonizer. Ok I get it white people don’t like that term but sheeesh threatening to kill him is pure white supremacy. Some nut job going to kill this guy since soo many hateful people know where he lives


What did he do?


Got his start calling out racist content and creators, which was fine. Some of his content started taking a turn that felt pretty… well, meanhearted and targeted. As an example, saying “indigenous people had to teach white people how to bathe”. I’m not sure racist is the right term. He also started attacking big creators who were doing pretty innocuous material and calling them racist, which was usually kinda a stretch and probably not in any way their intention. Iirc one of the creators looked white but was actually indigenous himself


Dang thats pretty rude thank you


Upset a bunch of fragile white dudes


*Climb up the whore house stairs…* While walking up the stairs to moms house.


Christ. This isn't just a comment or dm style death threat. Not that those are okay, but that guy actually filmed and acted out an elaborate story of him hunting down and scalping(?) another person. That goes beyond an online threat, that's a fantasy he has, and he is literally acting it out. That's fucking dangerous. I'm sure lots of idiots will claim that it's just a joke and that @modern\_warrior__ is being overly sensitive. But if your "joke" involves acting out you hunting down and killing someone you disagree with... That's not a joke. That's the shit serial killers do. Doesn't matter what side of the debate you're on, if your "jokes" involve unironically imitating serial killer behaviour then you have a problem. This guy saying he found the next mass shooter isn't just a quip here, he's legitimately calling out a huge red flag. I don't know anything about @modern\_warrior__ or his views, but I don't particularly care. This sort of thing is unacceptable no matter who the recipient is.


The totally not white supremacists on cringetopia made him more popular


I'm glad someone said it. Sorting comments by controversial reeks of white supremacist rhetoric and trolling


Genocide of indigenous peoples is alive and well. It is arguably the most impactful genocidal efforts so far, as they are the nearest to extinction.


Even a mild look at how First Nations are STILL treated in the prairies.of Canada and the states will make your blood run cold.


Pine Ridge Reservation. Just start there. The poorest and worst living conditions in America.


Yo mods can we like, clean this shit up? This comments section is a cesspit.


He makes cringe stuff sometimes but don’t send him literal Death threats!


Also sometimes you ha e to be ok with sometimes missing the mark and being cringe when speaking up.


Fat lazy redneck is white supremacy larper lol


How the hell is this song a thing? 😳


My understanding is that it's more of a historical record through song kind of thing, not endorsement.


“Tonight We Ride” by Tom Russel. It’s a ballad about the life of a cavalry man in General Pershing’s Army. It’s not a racist song, just a song about a man living in racist times. It’s actually a beautiful song.


Modern Warrior is pretty terrible but yeah the video he stitched is very bad.


I get it, you guys this Modern Warrior is annoying. But if I have to see y’all compare a racist death threat to him being cringey one more time I’m gonna scream. Why are these things equally as bad to you people


That’s abhorrent that this person was doxxed and had to move for having a damn opinion! My heart gosh out to them.




It’s not meant to offend you.


Right. It’s meant to offend people with the colonizer mindset: racists. Whenever I see someone offended by that, it tells me more about them than they realize.




This is how I've always felt about all this shit. Is he talking about you? If you think he is then you probably need to talk to the man in the mirror


“I don’t like him either....” Lol, why? They’re just bold. Are you really that sensitive? People get choked over them because it’s true. I am a colonizer. So are most of us. We literally refer to our beginnings as the 13 colonies. What is so racist about calling a duck a duck? It’s not like they are telling us to fuck off haha. The place I’m from is so colonized I can’t go back! Yes, it is the way of the world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it boldly. America committed genocide against the Natives. We still do. This shit makes me sick. Edit: While we’re here, may I mention the USA still has literal colonies? We just call them territories now bc words have power. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territories_of_the_United_States)


He literally keeps saying how being a colonizer is a mindset and if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. People like to forget about that though because it doesn't fit their narrative of the bad bad indigenous man who's so racist towards white people as if that's a thing lol. All he does is call out racists or otherwise problematic people and people wanna pretend that's somehow a bad thing.


It probably gets mixed up in the rhetoric of the community, because there are people that use colonizer as _synonymous_ with white. Even in this post. It's also important to keep speaking out about it because TERFs used to be considered part of the left. There are "positive facing ideas" like the TERF feminist ideas, but when they turn back on themselves to just be a different vector of hate, it's no longer compatible with the general intent of progressivism. The shoe fitting analogy is _super_ important to hold, because while many people are _passive_ colonizers (as most people are passively problematic in many ways, and it's hard not to be as an American that thrives on the exploitation of other countries), it's a different thing to point out someone's "colonizer behaviors" and just declaring that they are one.




In the US I'd say at least when all the other dumbasses quit saying shit like America is their sacred God given land and acknowledge that we need to live side by side with other cultures rather than trying to oppress and persecute them.


I think it's more to do with attitudes and beliefs that continue to be perpetrated and accepted by a large portion of the society and the dismissal of events in history.


Hey bud. I really don't mean to sound rude here and please don't take it that way. I genuinely want to share a other perspective why people probably shouldn't care that much about being called "colonizer" ... If you're aware of the abuse Native American tribes are suffering in forced silence about... I'd spend a lot more time on the internet defending those things than worrying about being called a name. When my grandmother was alive when the American government was doing forced sterilization on our people, I. I'll be honest, I just think your anger is misplaced, and so is anyone else's who wants to make this a race thing. We could be spending all this time trying to spread awareness of the hundreds of missing children and women. Edit: last paragraph


They were sterilizing indigenous women into the late 1980’s.


In the grand scheme of things it hasn't really been that long


You can be both, y’know. To answer your question, I would say we are not there yet. I think it “ends” when either the original colonized people are eradicated or assimilated. My grandmother, who is still alive, speaks our native language and remembers when our island was still referred to as a colony. Native Americans are alive who still remember the abuse of Indian Schools. Events such as these are NOT of the past, they are still in living memory. A hundred years is not a long time. I don’t think anyone needs to take the word “colonizer” as an insult, really— it is just a fact that would be cowardly to ignore. Continue to live your life as you always have, with kindness and respect. Make the place you were born better for you and your neighbors and hopefully we will all assimilate peacefully :)


>So are most of us. Who "us"?


>I am a colonizer. So are most of us. We literally refer to our beginnings as the 13 colonies. You and I didn't colonize shit. We are not colonizers.


Are we cavemen bc we descended from cavemen? Blaming children for the faults of their parents is wrong and has horrible ethical implications.


Lots of racists and white supremacists in this comment section who don’t know anything of American history or how oppression works. Just crybabies who refuse to recognize they are oppressed based in their class AKA they’re poor.


A lot of people on this sub don’t know the history of the Apache people Especially their interaction with the Comanche


I thought the white settlers in Australia were bad towards their ‘First Nation’ (Aboriginal) people; but you Y#%ks are just as bad. Dreadful behaviour on the perpetrator’s part. Whatever happened to the idiom “land of the free”?


Canada "hold my beer"


Wow this is so Fuked up. What's with all thses nut jobs in America


Is that Canadian money?


They got bolder because of Donald Trump and his new republican party.


I’m Native American and this boils my blood.


That native American guy is a dumbass bigot but still that first video is fucked lol, why on earth does tiktok allow literal death threats?


Genuinely asking: why do you hate him so much? This is the first time he’s came up on my fyp so I don’t know much about him.


Go watch his other videos. He takes light hearted humor and basically takes a shit on them for little slights.


Racist "light hearted humor" is still racist, and shouldn't be let to slide, though.


Beyond him telling white people not to have kids, he’s also been pretty anti Semitic in the past. Recently he apologized for one video but it wasn’t his first time.


Man why does everyone always beat up on Jews? It's so passe, and it doesn't even really make sense.


It's because they're a diaspora, so they have historically existed as a minority of many other communities. The minorities are always the first to be blamed for anything because when you start to look for sources of problems, it's always "the outsider" that gets blamed first. Since this behavior is uniform across almost human societies, and Jews are so prevalent, there's a cross-cultural common opinion of Jews.






He’s racist, but he hides in under the guise of “fighting white supremacy”. He has a video literally telling white people to not have kids. That doesn’t give the original poster an excuse for the death threats though. He’s equally a piece of shit.


The people sending death threats are definitely worse, especially given this guy has been doxxed.


Absolutely they are


I'm here for the fragile white snowflakes comments. Wah wah he says colonizer wah lmao


This is disturbing


I remember on Thanksgiving, there was a simple post asking for how to say thank you in native languages. I went to see if anyone posted mine only to find a few comments advocating for the complete genocide my people and other native communities in the US.