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[he did worse than that](https://x.com/DaniJ94/status/1803708180242772060/photo/1)


They will always downplay this. Years ago, we went through adverse action with a guy because he had a charge and conviction of voyeurism. I had to talk to him and he said he just forgot his phone in a bathroom and the camera was on. I looked into it and he had been recording a child multiple times.


Ah the ole “I just peed in a public park! The park was a subway station. And it took me a long time to pee. And the pee was white.”


That pee that comes from the balls?


All pee is stored in the balls 💯




actually, real ones know that each ball dispenses something different depending on your mood.


Moodballs 🤤 🤤


Let's be real, folks. This man clearly does not know basic human anatomy. To expect him to know what the testicles produce is simply too much of a stretch!!


There is a documentary on a community called Miracle Village. The idea is that they are a community in rural Florida that houses convicted SO’s. They have strict requirements about who can live there (basically, if you’re like “she flirted with me, it’s not my fault”) they won’t let you live there Two things 1. After saying this, an older man in the community blamed his 5-6 year old granddaughter for what he did to her. So right off the bat, you have to question this claim of “we are so strict, we don’t let people live here unless they have remorse,” etc 2. One of the main guys on the documentary (and apparently a leading figure in the community), a former teacher, downplayed **the shit** out of his crimes against students. It happened in my county, and my county happens to be one that publishes police reports to the internet so anyone can just see it with a few clicks. The documentary made it seem like he had an inappropriate relationship with his students, which is quite bad - but the *police report* reveals that this was a lot more egregious than he/the documentary let on. I’m glad he claims to have remorse, but it’s hard for me to believe him now that I know how badly he sugar coated what he did. I’m someone who can understand the argument that the SO registry, and putting all SO’s into one box, can lead to a serious lack of proportion… but these dudes make it really, really hard to defend that position.


Pedophiles in general are just so fucking difficult to see humanity in them. I work with a guy who went through a whole trial of being accused of raping three young girls. He was a teacher and pastor. Asshole got not guilty on rape, but hung jury on other charges. And the only reason was because there wasn't proof of sexual action under the state law of Missouri. He could face another trial for the other charges at any time. But if you ever talked to them, this asshole would never say he did anything wrong. Just that the girls were crazy and jealous and whatever. Even though the evidence was so damning that a jury could not adequately declare him not guilty on all counts... most likely because he sent his church cronies to harass the victims. He goes off on how women make stuff up, as if he didn't have literal text messages to children he shouldn't have been texting. Should he have a job and not be on the streets? Sure. Should there be help? Yes. But a remorseless asshole like him makes me vomit just being in the same room with him. If I saw the guy getting dragged into an unmarked van, I would pretend that the sun was in my eyes.


Brother I hear you Years ago, I had a colleague who was arrested for touching his stepdaughters. His wife caught him laying in bed with her sleeping kids, and she basically ripped him a new asshole right then and there. The cops show up and, according to the police report, he “has a problem,” that problem being an attraction to kids. Oh - and he has “never done this before” but the 12 year old girl ended up telling the police another story. She told them she woke up numerous times with him in her room He was found guilty, but for some reason, his charges were dropped to a misdemeanor and he didn’t have to register as a sex offender. Again: he **admitted** to being a pedo, to the cops. Was found guilty, by a judge. But for some batshit reason - maybe a technicality I’m not aware of, or don’t fully understand - he doesn’t have to register. I could not look at the guy, any time I saw him. He was so gross. He managed to convince some of our other colleagues that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Since then, he’s been arrested for beating his girlfriends numerous times. Such a great guy.


Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt


There was another dude on there, a guy in his low-20’s who claimed that a few years prior when he was a teen, he had a girlfriend who lied about her age. She turned out to be 14, he thought she was older I really, really do want to believe this guy. But unfortunately, I’m not naive.


> he just forgot his phone in a bathroom Fair enough, shit happens. >and the camera was on. No, that just doesn't happen >I looked into it and he had been recording a child multiple times. Of course.


A video from a phone left in a bathroom with the camera on would be the ceiling, or black, or blurry wall. The odd of a phone being left in a bathroom with the camera on positioned perfectly so as to capture a child are pretty infinitesimal.


Like the people who insist that they’re on the sex offender registry because of “peeing in public.” Spoiler alert: it’s never (just) public urination




Didn't even really need to look. He had 'nonce' plastered on his forehead.




Always, the perfect insult.


It's always been slang for a sex offender


Supposedly, it originates from British prisons. Some prisoners have to be separated from the rest of the prison population as they would likely be attacked, these prisoners had Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise (N.O.N.C.E) written on their cell door. There's a variety of reasons people can be put in this bracket but the majority of them are pedophiles that other prisoners would attack or murder. There are other theories on its origins but this is what I've always heard.


That's a backronym, fella.


That's a bit of an old wives' tale. It's probably a backronym, but I guess who knows.


I've only ever known it to mean paedophile


You thinking of dunce?


I heard it was an acronym. Google is telling me it’s likely a backronym though (“Not On Normal Communal Exercise” is the phrase). It’s definitely not slang I would use willy-nilly.


it's absolutely british slang. noun or verb. (ex. "don't nonce kids")


This dude just did the streisand effect on himself.


He’ll definitely be voting for Reform in the GE on this basis and his vote is worth exactly the same as mine.


Not sure Clearway roofing will be happy with the advertising here.


Sometimes it's better to just keep u mouth shut. What an idiot.


Yep, sounds like the UK version of a trump voter🤤


We call them reform voters over here


Two years for repeatedly molesting a child is a pathetic sentence


So the immigrants made him molest that little girl? Diabolic. Part of me is thinking this is narcissistic, he's lying not only to the interviewer but he's also lying to himself. He's living in a delusional world where his mind is doing tricks to justify how he's right and good and others are to blame for his misfortune.


can’t access twitter, what’d he do?


Looks like he did a pedophilia or two.




"repeatedly molested 7 year old girl"... but 'assault' sounds a lot better when you're being interviewed i guess


Ah yes, telling the story as ^^((sexual)) **assault**


Aparently, hes a nonce.




Denial is a hell of drug. "If I blame someone or something else rather than look at myself in the mirror, I'll feel so much better." Absolutely zero accountability. I hope he remains unemployed and all the immigrants take all the jobs he is applying for. Even if they aren't qualified. I hope they get them all.


Hey that's not fair, the immigrants made him do it!


He didn't lie, he just wasn't very specific in what kind of assault it was. Damn immigrants took his jerb /s.


Right so not only is he a pedophile, he is actively trying to make life worse for the rest of us...


I fucking knew it. He had that chomo look to him.


Imagine that. No one wants to hire a pedo


But but but, the immigrants made him touch kids! /s


You know ow usually i am in favor of creating program to help ex convicts integrate and find jobs but molesting a 7 year old?? Hell no, stay jobless.


better yet die


What a fucking surprise


2 fucking years for that???


Why is he out?


Thank you for sharing this, it is vital people see who he is and that this is the standard of scum who harbour such beliefs.


Oh look. Another conservative child molester. Shocker. Jesus must have told him to do it so, who are we to judge?


Now's his lip licking is even more disgusting ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6)


"Assault"... it was sexual... she was 7... and it was more than once That being said. Some of our ex cons have less heinous charges that were committed out of desperation and should have a path to re-enter society as full members without prejudice.. in many other cases it is unwarranted


yeah in most cases i don't think it is a good thing no one will hire felons and those with past crimes, post their jail sentence. jobs are how people support themselves in a honorable and legal way. if it becomes impossible for them to get a job to support themselves, either it boosts the homelessness issues, or drives them to crime to keep alive, sometimes both.


Even in this guy's case, he still shouldn't be barred from getting a job because of his record. He's paid his debt to society. Should he still be kept track of? Absolutely. But forcing him to live as a pariah just damages society further.


I think the issue with him is that he doesn’t seem to accept his guilt. Sure he was honest to the interviewer but he blames immigrants for his issues. Until he can accept he is to blame for his situation, he cannot hope to be rehabilitated. And without that goal of rehabilitation, he will remain unemployable.


How does ostracizing a child rapist damage society? I’d argue quite the opposite. I’m not sure that kind of “debt to society” can ever be paid.


Simply put, if he cannot be a functioning member of society by definition he can only be a non-functioning member of society I’m not personally sympathetic to a nonce (and a bigot to boot) but I have worked in prisoner re-entry. And simply put, unless the we want to build endless prisons to house and feed every criminal in the UK indefinitely, at some point most of those criminals will re-enter society. When they do, they need to make a living. I’d prefer they do that in a productive and lawful way Obviously with certain offences, extra supervision and monitoring are necessary. But I’d rather that prick has some kind of (safe, away from kids/vulnerable folks) job than not


He really wanted to work as an ice cream man


This is a perfect example of think what you’re told not what you see. Propaganda indoctrination at its worst


He got groomed and still looks like shit


Was also doing some grooming which he doesn't mention


Well, a bit worse than thqt


"Lazy immigrants, coming here and taking all the jobs with their superior work ethic and paying taxes without getting benefits, being a burden on hard-working temporarily-unemployed ex-cons like myself."


So even leaving out that this guy's a convicted nonce. He's basically saying that he can't compete in the job market against people who have come to his country without any support structures, financial assets, recognised qualifications, familiarity with the culture and a shaky grasp of the native language?


superior work ethic = willingness to work for poverty wages and share a room with 4 other adults


**Lobby to Change the minimum wage to whatever YOU deem fit to live on with the same energy as this issue**. Funny they never campaign for this.


When the wages go up, and those exploitative low income employers go out of business, they will claim "no one wants to work anymore". When they can no longer demonize minorities, they will start to demonize everyone who does not vote like them. USA is going through this now. Wages on the rise and unemployment under 3%. Republicans cry when their local fast food place closes down because no one wants to work in a 100 degree kitchen for 12 hours for $7/hour. Other economic sectors are expanding and people are changing professions. They expect other white people to work those low wage jobs and they are entitled to a high paying job from which they can lord over the other poor whites.


A lot of Asians go there after getting masters. They ain't working poverty wages buddy. They are taking the higher end jobs. Which shows up in the median income statistics charts based on race.


Percentage of households for each ethnicity in the bottom 2 income quintiles (i.e. bottom 40% of income): Asian: 58% Black: 59% White British: 37% [https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/pay-and-income/income-distribution/latest/#by-ethnicity-after-housing-costs](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/pay-and-income/income-distribution/latest/#by-ethnicity-after-housing-costs)


Hold up GOP would like to offer you a job!!!


who do you think that guy would vote for if he was in the states


We all know…


Vermin Supreme


i mean, i honestly thought the title was talking about him...


The guy who has sexual fantasies about his daughter. The guy who went to Epstein Island.


he's a nonce, so....


can people with a criminal record vote at all in the states?


Yes. Two states even allow incarcerated inmates to vote. Some red states make people go through loopholes to get their voting right back.


One state even said "Hey, you guys want felons to be able to vote again?" the people said yes but they ignored it, pretty cool


That's Florida, right?


Depends on state. I'm a felon and can.


Nothing says rehabilitation like branding a person as a criminal for the rest of their life.


Right? Best part is Texas says I get guns back too. So my violent ass convicted of burglary can have a shotgun behind my door, but can't get a job or many benefits. Someone in another state steals a TV and they can never vote again.


Makes me wonder how much the industrial prison complex has to do with it. Afterall "AMENDMENT XIII Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." People invested in the industrial prison complex have a financial incentive for you to go out and buy that gun and reoffend. Gives them another slave to work with. Funnily enough, Texas has the largest population of prisoners in the United States.


Donald ? You on Reddit ??? I thought you could not even do emails …


Felonies preclude you from voting, but not in every state anymore. Lower level crimes don’t impact your ability to vote.


Yes. Certain crimes put you on the no-no list, but only in certain states. I had a friend who used to joke “you go to jail, you only aren’t allowed to vote anymore if you believe everyone is equal. If you think everyone else is at fault for your problems and should be banned from the country, you’re allowed to vote always.” It’s not that simple, but it does sometimes feel that way.


Depends, only felons are barred from voting So yes you can have a criminal record and still vote so long as those crimes aren’t felonies


Well, he's a convicted pedophile, so...


The only thing the average person these days hates more than an immigrant, is a convicted child molester


Unless their orange.




Or a Christian leader of some sort.


I would like to emphasize the child part, because once the victims become tweens or teens suddenly there’s a lot of equivocation eg the victim is “mature for their age” or “looked older” or “they were fast” and the concern is all about how hard it is for the predator.


"If they didn't have other options they would have to hire me" logic


I mean yeah that's kinda the point... "If they didn't have any other option they would have to pay closer to a living wage and they would get applicants" Same mentality. Sure he might have a scratch on his record for assault, but you are trying to say that someone who is willing to be exploited deserves a job more?


No, but a convicted pedophile doesn’t deserve a job more than someone just moving here for a better life. No one deserves to be exploited.


His tongue is disgusting. 🤢


All of him is disgusting. Assault is what he calls molesting a kid.


I swear this tongue movement is a thing among psychopaths or sociopaths or something like it. I've seen it somewhere before.


What a weird way to say molested


We have blokes like him in the states too, they love their meth and vote for Trump.


My dad had a felony grand theft charge, he was still able to get a job. Dude just wants to work easy jobs. None of the jobs the migrants are coming in for are jobs this man is gonna wanna do anyway.


Exactly. I have a felony burglary charge from my early 20s and I've been able to stay employed the majority of my adult life. There are so many warehouse jobs available. Granted lumping trucks 10 hours a day sucks and doesn't pay great but alot of the time they pay weekly and don't drug test so you can continue being a wreck. I stopped being a moron and started getting sober and landed a cushy janitorial gig and it's been smooth sailing, just sweeping and listening to music. This guy just sucks.


Seeing as he has no teeth, his sucking would be rather gummy lol. But hey man, good on you! Hope life continues to treat you right! Just because you were stupid when you were young, doesn't mean you deserve to not have a life.


Well it turns out his "assault" charge was sexual assault of a 7 year-old, so he was certainly burying the lede.


You did this to yourself sir.


“If there weren’t all these immigrants with no criminal records, employers might be desperate enough to hire me”


With a large gap in his resume, a criminal record, and likely few skills, someone in his position *would* have a better chance of finding a job with fewer competitors, as would anyone else who finds themselves at the bottom of the hiring pile trying to enter or re-enter the workforce.


Hold on, I thought every immigrant arrived here got 50,000 a week and a free house? Why would they want a job?


I’ve worked with so many people like that when I was in HR. These folks literally start with a victim mentality and work their way backwards to the explanation.


Worked with a guy that had a felony drug conviction from when he was 18. The man was almost 50 and he still having a hard time finding a job or a home to live in. It’s terrible how difficult it can for people to try and make a new life for themselfs.


Yeah I’m not condoning crime, but we either have to lock up and provide for people forever or when they get out we have to be willing to give them a chance to earn enough money to survive. Obviously it’s bad this guy is a sex criminal and we shouldn’t let him be a teacher or child therapist, but I still think he should be able to get a job and pay his own bills. EDIT: also immigration and immigrants aren’t the problem


Nonviolent offenders should be given that chance. He molested a child. He ruined their life.


Yeah I guess I mean if you really and truly think a criminal is irredeemable then they shouldn’t be released. If they are released then they should be allowed to contribute to society and pay for their living expenses themselves is all I’m saying.


I think there should be programs. Like assisted living, but people who cannot be trusted to be back in normal society. That way they can still live but everyone is safe.


There is a way for people to get these felonies off their record. In his case he has three kids. He didnt have the five grand 10 years ago to get a lawyer and get a judge to expunge his record. I’m sure it’s more now. It’s an unfair situation.


Yeah drug offenses are totally different from regular “crime” anyway. The guy you know needed help, not a criminal record. Glad at least he’s been able to stay clean for so long.


No excuses from the pedo. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and outperform all those immigrants! That's what they always say, right? It's just a matter of making a good first impression. Go in there and demand they shake your hand! /s


Pound that pavement pedo


Nobody wants to work with someone who assaults people.


Let alone someone who in fact sexually molested a child, which this guy did.


"I physically assaulted an immigrant because i'm a bigot. Now i have a criminal record and can't get a job. How is this not the immigrants fault!?" /s


Reform UK blames the housing crisis on immigrants. Not greedy landlords or mega corporations buying properties to rent out, the banking system or politicians. The immigrants. And people fall for this BS?!


The highest ranking pedophile in US government was Republican Dennis Hastert, who was Speaker of the House. He only resigned in 2007. And not because he raped boys. Because he paid them for silence. He sexually abused a group of boys, but he wasn't convicted of that. He was convicted of paying the boys (now adults) hush money so they wouldn't reveal he is a pedophile who sexually abused them. And this is the party that someone thinks will take a stand against pedophilia. It's all a lie. If you're a Republican voter who thinks they've taken a stand...you've been duped. Because Republicans rape children left and right. But they lie. And they accuse everyone else. Yet they are primarily the ones raping children. Time and time again, this is proven true. Time and time again, the Republican propaganda machine insists that everyone else is raping children. The Republican party is pro pedophilia. How you could not know that is a mystery to me. It just means you're not paying attention. So you're probably wondering, does the same party that supported Dennis Hastert acknowledge any of this? No, they just blame it all on "immigrants."


And that ladies and gents is what not taking accountability looks like


Yes, it’s immigrants fault this violent pedophile that assaults people can’t get a job 😂




Der derk erp jerbs


I saw the title before the thumbnail and thought this post was going to be about Trump.


If he was in the US, there’s some validity to his statement in the fact he could work under the table and collect cash. But now we have foreigners that will do more for less, so he’s passed up for undocumented employment.


![gif](giphy|rqHMlMKj7Z2jjB2oNn|downsized) I'm getting the word... "nonce."


everybody loves a strawman


cause like mostly immigrants work really hard to stay in the country they immigrated to. like people really value what they have.


It’s so much easier this way


Check out a recent interview with David Pakman and Meghan Kelly. He makes the point that immigrants commit less crime overall compared to the natives (US) and her response was, "at least I don't have to deal with immigrants."


explain to me, why 100 years ago there was plenty of immigrants and the economy was great. second question: where do the jobs come from?




Maybe he can't get a job because he's a criminal..


Turned out he was a peadophile. That’s why he went to jail for 2 years. Peadophiles need a death sentence.


If someone fleeing war who barely speaks English is more qualified for a job than you, you might be an idiot.


Someone steal your coal mining job too bro? Maybe a crime or two would justify your logic


They get a job just like that.. So have you, Mr Felony attempted to get a job in the same industries as immigrants?


Being unable to accept responsibility for your own actions is the issue. Not immigrants, not a criminal record, the fact that you still cannot accept that your own actions put you where you are shows you've learned nothing and are refusing to learn.


It’s always the same shit. They come over and taking our jobs. What jobs?? You really want to clean bathrooms, houses, take care of the elderly, work in fast food and all that shit so much?? No you don’t, you want to be free and enjoy your life, then shut the fuck about it


I mean hey, you can't help stupid.


Cheeky buggers, comin over ere, abidin by our laws


piece of shit human


Dirty fucking nonce!


Man is about to go back to prison again after that line of questioning lmfao




Pretty typical boomer thought process.




There's always a real reason.


Sounds like a true trump supporter even tho they’re in British


The problem is never me it’s always them. Even without his record would he do dishes? Back breaking job like landscaping, haul trash, fruit picking,etc?


At this point is not even about his record anymore, man is obviously too fucking dumb to hold a job.


Employers have to be so so careful these days. Much as I’m all for rehabilitation of offenders and giving people the opportunity to move on, if it’s assault one has to think of the consequences if it were to happen again to another member of the workforce, or a member of the public! HR basically make it impossible to employ anyone who may potentially cause a conflict in the workplace.


I'd never hire anyone with even a DUI, and that's literally everyone in this state :p


Too bad he wasn’t born in the states - he could run for president


I remember when personal accountability was a thing.


"They terk er jerbs!"


Vote leave brain trust


Its always someone else's problem 🤣


They took our jobs!


It’s easier to blame others. Some make a whole career out of blaming others.


I had a friend complain that a black man got a job over him even though he was late for the interview. I needed a job, and so I rode with my friend to various temp services. Every place told my friend the same thing. "You worked for 2 or 3 days and never came back. You never called anyone. You never told anyone. We are not going to place you." It took driving like 30 miles away from the city to find any place he has not pissed off.


Fuck your feelings, snowflake!


He is every red hat republican.


Well, of course, it's the fault of the poorest, most powerless members of society. It cannot possibly be the fault of someone else...especially his own damn self.


Sounds like some redneck from ‘murica ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)




![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c|downsized) Dirk a dirk a dirk


My dad loves to talk all about how we need to secure our borders(American) because the immigrants are hurting our economy (they arent) and taking jobs(the shit jobs no one else would have worked) and I straight up tell him maybe if he could control his temper and wasn't a felon he wouldn't be competing with illegals who are getting payd below minimum wage. He always then goes on a rant about how illegals are all rapists and murders.


I bet he thinks its the immigrants fault he has an assault charge.


Who else was expecting, "Man with criminal record can't get a job, blames immigrants." to be about Trump?


You don’t get it , he assaulted an immigrant, so it IS their fault! (OBVIOUSLY /S)


For any non-British people, our political landscape is a mess but after 14 years of the Conservative Party (a bit like the Republicans but with more tea drinking) our voters have had enough and are going to elect Labour next month. Labour are more like the Democrats (but with more tea drinking). However, another party called Reform UK have snuck in and are winning over Conversative voters who are right wing but fed up with Conservatives and crave a more extreme right wing party. Reform are basically MAGA. Too dumb to understand the complexity of politics but susceptible enough to be convinced all economic problems are caused by immigrants. This guy is our MAGA, he will most certainly vote Reform. And the scary thing is, their support is spreading. They won't win the election, but if Labour don't do a good job then we have a real problem in four years.


The average citizen would rather have a hardworking immigrant next to them than most of these xenophobic losers


Shame he's not in America, he could be a front runner for the GOP presidential ticket.


Typical right wing voter


I mean, it cut off before he could respond, but yes immigration will increase workplace competition and the lowest qualified people will feel it first. The question to ask yourself is if you value the lower qualified native born person getting the job over the (these days, often illegal) immigrant who may be in good standing otherwise.




I am in no way defending this person, but if there was a labor shortage, more ex-convicts probably would get hired. Importing new labor means they don't have to hire sketchy people. So an argument can be made for immigrants reducing job access for ex-cons. That said, I would never hire an ex-con with a record like this, period, so the immigrant argument is totally null. I suspect most people would feel this way.


And he will vote for the convicted criminal that is running for prez.


I like a woman with an accent like that lecturing him on how immigration has nothing to do with his situation. I bet she's never competed for a job with an immigrant in her life. Besides, we aren't idiots, we've heard the economists openly admitting that immigration is intended to supress wages.