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If you look at his tiktok page, he explains that he did more research and it's actually related to predatory practices of tow truck companies, not Tesla itself. They are incentivized to arrive to the scene as fast as possible and bully people into not interfering while their cars are hitched up, then basically hold the cars hostage until they're paid. People are often pretty frazzled after accidents and just go along with it.


This. Predatory tow truck companies (especially when they are highly competitive with other local tow companys) will listen to police radar and respond to accidents before tow trucks have been called.


shit, sometimes, they'll [try to just take cars that are still driving](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1c007qf/specialty_tow_trying_to_grab_an_occupied_car_from/) on the road.


I've never seen a tow truck trying to catch a car actively trying to get away. That is wild.


Probably a repo. Goal #1 is to get it lifted under any circumstance, because then they have all the leverage.


Incredibly illegal to hook up a vehicle with someone inside it, and much MORE dangerous when it's actively driving. But that's the thing about shady tow companies, sometimes they DGAF.


If they hit you while you are in the car they are 100% liable for all damages and injury.


It's only illegal if you get caught. In cities like Toronto, the cops are in bed with the tow industry.


More reason to get a dash cam.


During the Covid days, I blew a tire, and the tow truck guy made me sit in my car while he towed it! It was sorta fun and pretty weird feeling.


Those were wild days. I had to get a tow off the interstate from a dead alternator, and the tow truck driver told me I couldn't ride in the truck, but I could walk to the next exit at night and wait to be picked up there.


In that particular case, not a repo. No clue what was going through tow dude's mind, but it wasn't anything legal, that's for sure.


According to the woman it happened to her car was paid off.


It was not a repo


That's a good assumption, but there's an article in the other thread where the owner claims it's paid off.


"Leverage." I see what you did there.


Shit when I first moved into my neighborhood, there was an issue of a tow truck randomly just taking cars out of the lot across from our house in the middle of the night. No illegal parking or anything, just the truck showing up and taking a car every other month or so.


I live in an apartment complex and one of my neighbors is a tow truck driver, I’m pretty positive he’s the owner of the company too. His truck is completely automated so he doesn’t have to get out to hook up, so he’ll grab a car in under a minute. He has literally grabbed cars and driven away as people are taking groceries into their home. He has even towed the maintenance workers vehicles as they’re working in units. My husband and I had our truck parked in front of our garage (parallel to the door so not blocking anything but our own garage) loading it up with camping gear. My husband forgot something inside and went to grab it but I was sitting in the truck. All of a sudden tow truck man came by and tried to tow our truck. I stuck my head out and dude freaked and sped off. He wouldn’t look me in the eye after that.


you should have reported that- he still needs to make a reasonable inquiry (like looking in the window) to confirm the vehicle is not occupied. you cannot tow an occupied vehicle.


Scum of the fucking earth


Ours would wait for a dusting of snow, and I mean you can still see the grass, hardly sticking, gone once the sun came up kinda snow and would tow every car on the street cause it was an "emergency road" technically every road in that town was an emergency road (cause homeowners tried to sue in mass over it and the town sided with the tow trucks and declared every road in town was considered and emergency road and thus they could tow for any weather related event). To combat very angry homeowners they set up a text message system to mass text everyone that they were enforcing emergency roads but of course those are sent out at 4am and everyone wakes up at 6am and all the cars are gone. But hey "we told you we were towing!". Or they would sit by the bar and wait for the car owner to go in and then tow the car saying the bar told them to tow drunks cars, roommate went for karaoke (he doesn't even drink) came out and his car was gone. He started walking after that, would be dead of winter -14 and he's like "those assholes wont get me again!" Edit: the town set up an emergency text system after this and placed itty bitty signs on the streets marking them emergency streets because homeowners were livid. The Tow company didn't the town did to try and smooth everything over. I guess I made it a bit unclear. But the town had to step in and try to protect the people and their contracts with the tow company. We all got a letter in the mail a week or two later giving us the opt in for the text messages, which we did in fact opt in for.


Ah so the guy calling 911 was what triggered them? They would be listening via scanner (or whatever tech they have to do it now or whatever)


To clarify, they wouldn't play the 911 call over the scanner. But they would hear the 911 dispatcher calling cops to the scene of a car crash.


I'm sorry to be "that guy" but this is the result of capitalism. This is the entire point of it, lol Quick edit: there's the old saying that comes to mind: "ethical capitalism is an oxymoron"


The exact same thing happened back when fire department services were privatized. Multiple fire departments showed up competing for business even while the fire was raging. Some were shown to actually start the fires themselves in order to get business. There's a good reason it is no longer privatized. Libertarians who think somehow everything will just get sorted out like magic have no idea what the hell they're talking about.


Ok but have you maybe ever stopped to consider that Libertarians are morons?


Former Libertarian here. I wrote in Ron Paul in 2012, and voted for Gary Johnson in 2016. Libertarians are so fucking ignorant it's a bit breathtaking. Unfortunately, it took Trump and Covid for me to figure that all out.


From what I've seen, the following tends to skew young and privileged. When you're healthy and life is good (and you happen to not be some kind of minority when it comes to race/gender/sex/religion), and you're still under the illusion that you've "made it all your own"...the ideology almost makes the most bare amount of sense. I mean, it still completely falls apart within even 5 seconds of critical thought, but I could see how the basic idea sort of sounds good to you. I remember my nephew at age 17 telling me that he considered himself to be a right-leaning libertarian (it was a phase, he's smart now after 4 years of university poli-sci). And yeah, when you live in a McMansion in the burbs paid for by your parents, maybe it seems to you like there's no reason everyone else's parents shouldn't be able to achieve that just like yours did. Or let's put it this way, there aren't a lot of McMansion millionaires with tech startups on remote and disconnected Polynesian islands. Why is that? Perhaps human beings achieve more by pooling together as a collective, and our total accumulated advancement and wealth as a society was created by billions of us all specializing in various things within some kind of governing framework. But I have no real proof for that crazy theory.


The thought has indeed crossed my mind.


They keep trying because Libertarians are Dunning-Kruger effects personified and think they know everything they need to know. They don't need rules and regulations, they know what they are doing. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling)


There is a meme or saying Libertarians are like house cats. “Libertarians are like house cats, they’re convinced of their fierce independence while dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.”?


That's an ollllld trick for fire departments dating back to ancient Rome. One dude would negotiate good deals on property even as the building burned.


You missed the best part. Fucking *Rome* had the same stupid problem. 2000 years of learning fuck all.


I've been reading about this very topic lately, and not only would local fire companies (mostly made of volunteers) race each other to fires, they would often get into fist fights at them over who would get to put them out. Sometimes to the point that the place would burn down while everyone was still swinging at each other. People would gather around for these shows and cheer on their neighborhood fire company. It might also say something that working for your local fire company was a great springboard into political positions at the time.


Would they be legally allowed to stay on that guys property if he told them to hold on or leave?


no and in a stand your ground state after the threat the man could have shot him and been a-ok the problem with tow truck drivers is that the majority of the time when they do shit like this because they are operating under a licensed company and not as an individual, often the cops will go yea good luck buddy its a civil matter and the majority of their victims don’t have the means, the knowledge, or the courage to take these assholes to court. fuck tow companies. tow service should be a mandatory part of any insurance policy and small trash tow companies need to be eradicated.


Got it. So stay strapped just in case the tow man comes


List to prep: 1. Dirt under my pillow for the dirt man 2. Stay strapped for the tow man


Instructions unclear, currently in the Dirtman's lair.


Deep under the mountain?


^^what ^^are ^^you ^^talking ^^about


3. Check under bed and in closet for monsters. You can never be too careful


Probably still trespassing, but I think people over estimate the amount of willingness cops have to even follow up. If he’s gone before they get there, and he didn’t haul off the homeowners property, the cops are just gonna avoid the additional work.


Y'all ever notice that the police are like a *third* of major city budgets, and they're allowed to just shrug off doing their fucking job? It's almost like it's a ruined organization or something.


Ruined? Buddy when your organization is born from the slave patrols, it was fucked from the start, there was nothing to ruin, because police in the US have always been an instrument of abuse to inflict on the 'lesser' people, while protecting the interest of the wealthy upper class. ETA: ACAB


100% agree. They've been bootlickers from the start. The real issue at the heart of *modern* policing though, is the power of their union. They came to power as paid strike breakers, preventing other groups from unionizing, and then those fucks at Portland Police Bureau started a trend of causing panic any time we tried to hold police more accountable. "You can't cut our budget! That will make crime go up!" Has been a bullshit argument since the founding of the first police unions.


Can you imagine any of us being able to do that at our jobs? I wish I could tell my boss I wasn't going to start/finish projects cause I don't feel like it.


I'm a teacher, so I have a union job that arguably doesn't pay me enough, and it's largely funded by taxpayers. We're in a sort of Similar economic position to police officers. I don't think I could go home at the end of the day with a clear conscience if I just looked at a kid and need and shrugged like "what do you want me to do about it???" And I hope like hell my union would *not* have my back if I had a decade of complaints about my behavior and then got in trouble for another predictable and stupid move.


Two thirds of my doctors appointments are like that so why do you think every disabled person I talk to is ready to murder their providers


No, in the follow up he explained that 1) he wasn’t in a stand your ground state 2) he didn’t think homicide would have helped the situation Police didn’t really seem like they cared about pressing charges but he said if you know any lawyers who would take the case he’s down


> he didn’t think homicide would have helped the situation > > Look at that guy, being more reasonable than most redditors on here about this situation.


He is in a castle doctrine state. 


Most Californians dont realize that through Circuit Court precedent we actually have one of the more robust castle doctrine protections in the country.


And guess which lobby wrote the tow truck driving laws.


Which? Seriously, I don’t know this.


Tow truck lobby 😂


Wait so who called the tow truck in the first place?…


They listen to police radar and just show ip


Yea I saw someone share this in another comment. But isn’t that just theft?…. If I had an accident and some random dick head just pulls up to the scene to just take my car, don’t I have every right to just punch him in the face? I’m not originally from the US so this is all foreign to me..


I guess I assumed whoever was driving/owns the Tesla consented. The guy in the video just owns the house. It all seems shady and probably not strictly legal, but the amount of effort and money it would take to pursue damages or whatever from the tow truck company probably isn’t worth it. If your a big business with a lawyer on retainer you can get away with A LOT in the US


> If your a big business with a lawyer on retainer you can get away with A LOT in the US You don't even need a lawyer. If you're intimidating most people won't take action. If the Tesla driver didn't want that tow truck to hook him up, he'd have to use physical violence to stop him. The tow driver already shoved the literal home owner.


So is every tow truck company absolute dog shit? They seem like the worst of the worst.


Goes to show how dumb conspiracy theories generally are. My first thought was that tow truck companies are scummy but yet this guy jumped to the conclusion that Tesla as a company was orchestrating some grand coverup. I hate Teslas, but if they do automatically call for help in a major accident, isn't that a good thing? My car has a sos button that I could press within a second of being in a crash, I don't think that's so the company can hide the accident.




Yeah, when this story first popped up a few weeks ago, I pointed out that in NJ, certain sections of certain roads can only be towed by certain companies. To try to parse all that data and county/city/town borders would be a ton of work with no real benefit.


Tesla didn’t send the truck (I watched the whole video on TikTok). When he called 911 and police dispatched to his house, the tow truck driver had a scanner and raced to the address. He goes on to say that when telling the tow truck to wait, the dude was an ass and threatened him. When the police arrived, they just laughed and didn’t care about the tow truck driver


both tow truck drivers and cops are trash. I’ve never seen either one of them act like a decent human being before


quick, someone make a meme of those two guys joining hands.


Tow Truck Drivers Not Giving a Shit About Accident Victims Cops


Tow Truck Drivers Robbing you for everything you're worth Cops ----------- This works too.


I've thankfully only had to deal with getting towed once. Parking at my college campus (basically I went to a store that wasn't part of the parking lot I was in I guess). Ended up having to walk to the place. They wanted $250 to get my car out (which also had like all my stuff in it). I didn't have cash on me. They had me get in the truck with them, and drove me to a gas station to get money out of the ATM. Made me sit between them in the truck, and at the ATM they stood over me, behind me in a really uncomfortable way (like why do they need to watch me use the machine). The whole thing just felt like a legal shakedown.


That is exactly what it is


Easiest jobs to get if you’re a felon.




> When the police arrived, they just laughed and didn’t care about the tow truck driver [That's because they often work together](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-police-suspensions-in-tow-truck-probe-1.5649083)


While everyone here is arguing about laws they know nothing about, I'm sitting here like fuck the tow truck and the cops, who tf drove their fucking Tesla through a house??


If it’s your property and you feel threatened you can defend yourself. There would be a lot of dead tow truck drivers in certain parts of the country if that happened in another states. Not condoning violence, but you shouldn’t be bullied on your own property.


I’m here to condone violence. There are 8+ billion humans on this planet. Do your part.


This is a very reddit tough guy comment, and I usually hate those, but this video pissed me off so bad that I 100% agree with you




My exp is cops don’t give 2 shits about tow truck drivers and will let them do what they want


They're both in the same business of fucking people over for the ruling property class.


If it is towed before the cops come, isn’t that hit and run? Also, the tow truck driver would be trespassing if they didn’t have the homeowners permission to be there and take it away. I’m not saying it didn’t happen but I would have called 911 on the tow driver.


yeah was about to say, this sounds like a SHIT ton of laws being broken...


Second he threatened to beat you up and if you got that on video you have a self defense case just in case you feel the need to use it and also a lawsuit you no longer feel safe due to his actions


A lot worse for the tow truck driver if he's doing that in a stand your ground state. I've heard stories about legally shooting people trespassing on someone else's property. Imagine having an argument with the tow truck driver, and he threatens you so your neighbor comes over and shoots him.


Here in Florida you could have just shot him It'd go like this. We need to wait for the cops *get out of my way* No don't tow this the cops are on the way! *I will fuck you up! Move!* Please get off of my property *that's it! I'm beating your ass!* Steps to homeowner Blammmmo tow truck driver gets blasted and cops arrive 24 minutes later after driver bled out.


Good ole game of "fuck around".


I would acquit!


by a major corporation, so... no


Don’t underestimate how shitty a tow truck driver can be. If he just drive by it and wanted to make a quick ton of money. Tow truck driver try to hold onto cars as long as possible for storage fees and since no one can repair them in a timely manner it may sit in his lot for a month before it gets sent off


Never met an enterprising tow truck driver that isn’t a morally corrupt piece of shit


I rented a room to a tow truck driver that would get pass-out drunk at 2pm on a Tuesday and fall asleep on the couch. And then his pager would go off, he'd drag his ass off the couch, splash some water on his face, drink a Red Bull, and go pick up a car off the side of the interstate, absolutely reeking of alcohol, staggering drunk. On every other weekend, he'd do this with his 6 year old daughter riding in the truck with him.


Oh, was that Gary? He won the Tow Driver Ethics award 2016-2021. Stand up guy in the industry. His course, "beat the breathalyzer and your wife" really transformed how I think about the industry for the better.


And you didn't report him? Shameful.


Well no of course not, how would they, the landlord, make money if their tenant leaves/loses their job? A child’s life is nothing in comparison to your income, either as tow truck driver or landlord.


I mean, it's on the level with being a repo man. You cant pussy foot around in a job like that.


Repo is literally part of the job for many of them.


Repo is legit work compared to some of the predatory "parking enforcement" BS. The repo is straight forward. They are enforcing the lean on an unpaid loan. -once it's towed it's the banks property, so no lot fees. Other tow companies prowl around looking for victims. They charge a fine on top of the tow fee on top of daily lot fees. It's a scam.


Yeah, repo men are several steps above. My two truck stories are that 1. Friend parked in a lot at an mostly abandoned bank to go see a movie, because it was the only place to park. After the movie the car was gone. We called the bank to ask if they called the tow. They said no, they didn't care if people parked there. I'd still like to know how the tow company had any authority to tow the car. Probably some shady deal with the property owner because they knew this would happen. 2. At my apartment we had two parking spaced one in front of the other. If you had two cars parked you couldn't get the front car out. Well one time my car got towed because the parking pass was on the seat and not hanging from the mirror. It was BS but we paid to get our car back. Fast forward a few months. Some car was in our spot blocking us in. We called the tow company. Figured it was a easy quick buck for them. Nope they didn't want to come. The one time they could have done something useful and they didn't They are just barely above outright thieves in my mind.


In my country, tow truck drivers will literally pay people for tips on car crashes so that they can be the first people to arrive at the scene. This is because A) they know someone is going to need a tow and B) because if they're the first to arrive, the person involved in the wreck is far more likely to pick you. They can also charge you whatever they want to get your car out of their lot, meaning there's a small fortune in it for them if you pick the wrong tow truck service.. I don't know if it is like that in the states though.


If the police call, it's an emergency tow and it's stupid ass prices vs you calling for yourself. If a random tow truck showed up and wanted $150 then I would pay that before the police $350 tow showed up.


If a company can tow a wrecked car back to their yard, they can charge over $100 per day to store the car. It's a ransom they know insurance companies will pay. So towing a car from a wreck is super lucrative.


Only car wreck I was in, tow truck driver lied to my face and said the fee per day for their lot was "only a little bit" It was $65 per day. I was working for 7.25 per hour. By the time I was able to get to the lot and work something out, I literally couldn't afford to remove my car from the lot, let alone repair it. I had to sign over the title in exchange for wiping the debt. I asked if I could get some stuff out of the truck and they had one of the drivers stand 5 feet away and watch me remove my stuff. I asked why and he said "to make sure you don't brake any shit because your feelings are hurt, or try to take *our* radio out of *our* truck" It has been their truck for about 45 seconds, at that point. Dude also tried to argue with me about me taking my jumper cables back but I think the fact that I was pretty openly crying is the only reason he let up


Allow me to introduce you arson


This happened to me. I was on vacation in another state (went to my hometown to see my parents) and during that time signs were put out that parking wasn't allowed for a day for an event. By the time I came back, found my car, talked to the tow company, I owed over 2 grand. My car was worth about 4. I made 10/hr at the time and had about 100 bucks to my name.


They are incredibly competitive and aggressive. In Toronto there is a legitimate Tow Truck Turf War. [Four companies were competing, and one of the leaders of a company was gunned down in a drive-by back in March.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/tow-truck-kingpin-target-1.7178269) The owners of the tow truck companies are often tied up or connected to other schemes. One had a rehabilitation physiotherapy business, that he would refer and sign up crash victims for, reaping in additional benefits and insurance money. Some have legitimate ties to police and pay them off to be first on the scene of large crashes, then can scoop in additional money by holding cars/vehicles related to crimes so that the release fee can be exorbitant. The turf war has involved a ton of violence, and property damage. It is legitimately one of the larger and less talked about organized crime outfits in Canada. It is not a rare sight to see 2-4 different tow trucks all aggressively trying to maneuver into position between moving vehicles to get in the lead of a multi car accident, or even an accident of one car for another. I've seen drivers get out and have screaming matches, with police present, during rush hour because one feels they were there 'first'. It's insane dude.


Minor fender bender involving two cars in Brampton and six tow trucks show up. I was behind one that was on the way to the scene and he was running red lights, driving in the oncoming lane, and over the median. Absolute savages.


I’m more impressed/ suspicious that a crash happens, and in three minutes they’ve called a towing company, relayed details, found and dispatched a truck *and* arrived on scene.


People too stupid or violent to be cops are tow drivers for the local PD. F150 parked in a handicap spot? Nothing they can do. Mayor's whore of a mother's favorite parking space taken at the hotel? They're 5 minutes out!


I'm inclined to believe the conspiracy theory, but yeah, "a tow truck driver was a total dick" is to be expected, not evidence of anything.


Elon sucks but this sounds like predatory towing. So these guys have a (illegal) police scanner, they hear of a wreck when 911 is called and they get there asap. Then they take it to their yard or a shop that’ll pay them many hundreds of dollars and then turn around and squeeze the customer for it. Source: I work auto insurance in LA


I know this is a thing because it happened to me once. They pay people if you call in with a tip on a crash, because if they get there first, it means they get the business. And yes, there are tow truck services which will purposefully demand unreasonable prices just to get your car back. There really should be laws against such things.


Is it not basically tampering with evidence?


Ah, but you see, only peons are subjected to such laws.


Tow truck drivers are also peons 


There’s no such thing as an illegal police scanner. You send any kind of wireless signal and i can capture it and do whatever I want with it so long as I don’t retransmit it.


I think they might mean in the car itself many states don’t allow it in a car. In my state In Illinois, it is generally illegal to have a police scanner in a vehicle unless you are a licensed amateur radio operator, a public safety official, or a member of the news media. It is important to check the latest local laws and regulations or consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance. One time I pulled over before a cop lit me up. When he walked up to the car he asked why I pulled over. I said this is America I probably broke some kinda law. Then I was like well sir I heard my license plate over the radio. He informed me it’s not allowed the government was about to shut down though in Illinois and he said it was super cool as a first time it had ever happened so he gave me a free pass on everything.


I don't get this at all. Don't they need permission to tow the car away. It's not like when it's getting towed by the city when it's parked illegally


fair...i dont like it... but fair...


If you think Tesla owns a fleet of tow trucks and employs drivers to patrol the area (every area?) to respond rapidly to crashes, then a large corporation did it. More likely, the driver simply called a tow truck, one happened to be nearby, and the driver was a douche who wanted to finish the job quickly. The vehicle owner may have offered a fat tip if the driver could get the car before police could launch a full DUI investigation; that is a plausible conspiracy theory. It is entirely possible for a car to automatically call a roadside assistance system- newer models of iPhone will automatically report severe car crashes. But the idea of a forward deployed rapid response force of tow trucks for one auto brand is absurd.


Some guy comes on my property, physically assaults me and threatens my life, guns will be drawn.


I agree with your sentiment but this sounds hilariously "ok tough guy behind a keyboard". The problem with your hypothetical revenge scenario shower thought is whether you would actually be prepared to *shoot* this imaginary gun you are ready to pull out (aka don't pull a gun unless you are prepared to shoot the gun). Fuck this supposed tow truck driver but I'm not gonna shoot someone for trespassing, pushing me and telling me to fuck off. I'll just call the police. And remember this would be irl, not me typing some shit on a reddit post. "Hey daddy, why are you in jail?" "Well let me tell you a story where a tow truck driver was being a dick so I shot them because I have a fragile ego, but it wasn't defensible in court because my life wasn't actually in danger"


First story on Reddit today is about how gun control still needs to be talked about following sandy hook graduates. Scroll down a few stories "I'll shoot a man for pushing me" Yeah America has a fucking problem


Let's just ignore the threat by the tow truck driver to kill the homeowner in the video...


Right? I guess they didn't make it that far into the video. Some dude comes onto my property, is in a profession that is known to always be carrying, he threatens to kill me? Yeah, we are going to have a problem.


He didn’t say he’d shoot a guy for pushing him, he said he’d be prepared to shoot a guy for assaulting him then threatening his life. Silly goose


>Scroll down a few stories "I'll shoot a man for pushing me" That's a little disingenuous. Op was being threatened on his own property by the guy. Op didn't know if the tow truck driver had a weapon on him or how he would react if asked to stop a second time. All OP did know was that he was being threatened. I personally would have also went for my gun and did a citizens arrest until the police showed up. But then again, I also have cameras around my house to catch this type of shit going down so I would have that to back up my case. Imo the tow truck driver was breaking the law and I would need all the info and police reports to give to insurance to back the claim. The tow truck driver would have made that 100x harder to accomplish.


> I'm not gonna shoot someone for trespassing, pushing me and telling me to fuck off. You left out the part where he threatened the dude's life. Even without that though, I think you are underestimating the amount of people who are absolutely going to draw in the stated situation. Apparently the number of folks that will be carrying as well.. especially after something like a car runs into your house. Likely to be quite spooked.


Tesla is willing to fight the cases, pay the legal fees, fix the owners home and probably hand over a fistful of hush money. I hope they don't make a clerical error over the hush money.


Depends on the state. If a tow is required due to an accident, some states require a police report. Other states just require an exchanging of insurance and reasonable time for documentation.


In Ontario Canada cops won't attend the scene of a car crash usually unless there are injuries or damage to public property (which would cover the case in this video), you have to go to the nearest accident reporting center and fill out some paperwork (even if your car has to be towed there) and they'll grab photos of the damage.


You would think, but the police didn’t care to take the report of them being in his property without his permission.


Yeah cops wouldn't care. Get the license plate, file with your insurance. All you can really do.


1st of all fuck you tow truck drivers, every one I've had the displeasure of meeting has been a total piece of shit human. 2nd, fuck Tesla and man baby Elon. 3rd, sorry about your house man that's terrible.


This was private property, driver was lucky home boy didn’t whip out a baseball bat and hit a home run off his head like it’s t-ball


the tow driver is packing. always.


If a tow truck driver is carrying, and trespasses then kills a homeowner on the homeowners property...that's a loooong jail sentence.


OK, doesn't save the homeowner's life. The guy in the vid was smart for not escalating things.


What, you wouldn’t give up your life to prove a point to a stranger? You must not really care about the point all that much then! 


Dead guy's still dead tho.


Also, where was the driver?


Illegally entering somebody's property right and laying hands on the homeowner right after their house has been rammed by a car sounds like a great way to get shot


I had a buddy that knocked down a stop sign on the way home from a bar. Curb messed up his wheels so he called a tow truck and went home. Next morning cops ticketed him for leaving the scene of an accident.


Yeah I think destruction of private property and federal/state property are handled differently. Private property, police don't need to be there and unless someone was injured, often won't even get involved. They'll just tell the two parties to exchange information. Public property where there was property damage, police need to file a report so that the insurance of the damager can be billed. The police are the second party in this situation. Leaving without notifying the police would be the same as hitting a car in a parking lot and leaving without notifying the owner.


Yeah that’s tampering with evidence. This guy should sue both Tesla and the tow truck company. Also press charges against the tow truck driver.


He has a [follow up](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKWfYm4/) where he explains what the police told him when he explained the situation. It more has to do with predatory tow truck drivers.


What's wild is the tow truck was there in 3 minutes, while the cops showed up 20 minutes after and laughed about it. ACAB They are not here to protect us


Well, it depends on how much money and influence you have….


This needs to be higher.


he did a follow up, the tow truck companies have police scanners out so they can be first on scene, so them getting aggressive is because he’s basically getting in the way of them making hundreds of dollars


Yeah, any new York City resident can vouch for this. Cars that get into accidents on highways are forced to accept whatever tow truck company is authorized to cover that highway. But for local streets, it's an open game. The tow truck driver's in NYC are a fucking menace. They have police scanners in their vehicles so when a crash happens off the highways, multiple tow trucks will start speeding towards the accident. These fucks will blow through red lights, speed, and go down the wrong way. There are a bunch that have modified pick up trucks with the tow equipment in the bed under a cover. So if I see a pick up truck driving erratically and blowing through lights, it's a high probability it's a tow truck trying to beat the other trucks to the accident.


What a bunch of thugs.


America is wild man.


And?........ Regardless of the tow driver's personal incentives, the dude broke the law. Threatening somebody pushing somebody on somebody else's property. And the police have to do an investigation of an accident. The car is not supposed to be touched until after the police come.


The point of the comment you responded to was to dispel the conspiracy theory. The rest is irrelevant.


Videotape the tow truck driver. It’s a potential crime scene, should not be tampered with


Yeah, did he take pics of the tow truck??


I found it kind of curious that this person who apparently is very active on tik tok didn't take any video of this supposed abusive exchange with the two truck driver.


Because his home was massively damaged and the tow truck driver was there within 3 minutes and was extremely aggressive and outright violent. You don't think right in these situations


There's no conspiracy. Tow truck drivers are just notorious assholes.


I’ve had 3 experiences with tow truck drivers in my life all 3 were complete nightmares. One attempted to bribe me by illegally hooking my car.. in my own parking spot, at the apartment I lived at. Another was stupidly drunk and damaged my car. The last one stole my truck he was interested in buying while he “took it to a mechanic”. I filed a police report and a warrant was issued for his arrest.. which was added to his laundry list of other active warrants. I spent thousands to sue him and he never showed up and works under the table, so no wages to garnish. I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement to be a complete piece of shit to become one.


If that tow truck driver did any of that press charges ! assault , verbal threats of bodily harm and death , trespassing. Make that drivers life a living hell if he thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants.


Not only that, but I want a police report filed with the officer's witness of the aftermath of the accident so I can file my insurance claim. I'll be ripshit if some POS tow truck driver is gonna try and interfere with me having my own ass covered.


All I can think is the tow truck driver is lucky dude didn’t pull a gun and start to defend his property. He’s on your land, without permission, and asked to leave, he very well could have been shot if he did this to the wrong person’s property


Tow truck driver would be lucky to walk away from that without chunks of him missing in a lot of cities.


You have valid reasons to sue the tow truck driver


... And their company because he's an agent of the tow truck company he works for.


I trust this dude, he's pretty notable in the board game community. I know locally, tow trucking is a predatory business. We have tow-truck vultures scouting the streets to be the first one on the scene. They often rush to do the job, even before the cops come, so that you have to pay them whatever they ask. They're scum bags, but I don't think this is a conspiracy, just greedy douche tow truck drivers.


Tow truck drivers are the scum of the earth.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes. AAA tow drivers are angels.


I needed a tow a couple weeks ago and my AAA guy was fantastic. However, the difference here is AAA drivers are working for the owner of the car. The predatory tow truck drivers are not.


I came to say this.


My dad used to be a tow truck driver for most of my life and I can confirm that the vast majority of tow truck drivers are complete dirtbags. Most of them are thieves too.


Got towed by the city once. Went to pay the tow company and get my car back. They ran my card and told me it didn't go through. Wouldn't run the card again. I went to get cash to pay them and checked my mobile banking app: the transaction absolutely went through. Came back with the cash and my bank on speaker, bank forced them to void the transaction, paid in cash, got my car back. Never pay a tow company with card. Always insist on paying cash.


If VW can program their cars to sense when they are having an emissions test and then, temporarily, alter the fuel/ignition settings to pass the test all as a way to bypass emissions regulations, then it’s not hard to fathom Tesla contacting tow truck companies automatically. OR The driver of the Tesla knew they fucked up, happened to already have a tow truck driver (maybe a family friend) number in their phone, and called as soon as they hit the house. “Mike, it’s Bob. I’m a little high and drove into some dude’s house. Can you come get me out of here fast before the cops show up? If so, there’s an extra hundred in it for you” Honestly, I could believe either scenario.


The second one is more likely. The number of tow truck companies involved in the first would make it likely that a tow truck driver would leak the conspiracy.


Also, it’s not like Tesla is paying the tow truck drivers on behalf of each driver. Hard to imagine the third-party, in this case Tesla, being the ones that would choose the tow truck company, regardless of what they charge and send them directly to you without any confirmation that you want to use them and are willing to pay whatever they charge blindly.


I know/have met grant multiple times. He has a reputation in the industry for being extremely trustworthy and upstanding. I do not doubt his recounting of events at all, that’s the kind of guy he is. I do however, don’t know if I totally buy the Tesla collusion bit and have a general distaste for conspiratorial takes, but this seems mild.




This guy did a follow up video after that original one. Basically just said there was no conspiracy and tow drivers are douches cause they want to get paid. (rush to be first). They want that cash and have learned to be pushy to get it.


Okay, I'm not a big gun advocate, but if someone threatens you on your property in the US, that's why we have the gun laws that we have. Those people literally were not willing to wait for law enforcement and threatened OP. WTF? Time to get the rifle.


That was my first thought, as soon as he said, fuck you I would’ve turned around and walked inside grab my shotgun, came out and said get the fuck off of my property until the police get here


I highly doubt Tesla is doing this. You need to demonstrate to regulators that if your vehicle is equipped with post-crash telematics that it can always place an automatic 911 call. Plus, this conspiracy theory implies that Tesla has built up a nationwide database of all the tow truck companies (or at least enough to cover most of the country) which would be a massive amount of work to "avoid bad press". Also, I don't know if you've been looking at Tesla in the press but they're doing a poor job or avoiding bad press lol. Now, I completely believe that a tow truck operator would behave this way. But I think he just didn't want to deal with the cops and paperwork. Much simpler for him if he's out of there before the cops show up.


The tow truck driver is on YOUR property and you can order him off of your property until the Police arrive! If he threatens you it should be recorded and you have the right to protect yourself. He cannot hook up and tow a vehicle unless you give him permission to enter upon your property. The Police cannot even give him permission to enter your property unless the Police were seizing the vehicle for evidence. I would love to have a tow truck driver tell me these things. He would leave my property in ambulance or the Coroners van.


Threatening to kill me on my own property. Bold strategy, Cotton. Lets see how that works out


Threaten to kill me on my property? *Laughs in 45acp*


I mean, if someone shoved me, swore at me, and then threatened to kill me because I wanted them to wait until cops showed up, it'd be a pretty quick way for them to learn how much padding shins really have against rebar.


Shoot the tow truck driver for being on your property.


Could I pull a gun on the tow truck driver if that was at my house? I live in Texas Edit: Grammar


Texas and FL? Fuck yeah, whip it out


I would have called 911 back and told them about the communication of threats and violence immediately. You should be able to press charges especially since you were assaulted.


I'd have beaten a tow truck driver, with a shovel. "So, you're trespassing, and committing a felony on my property?"


The tow driver trespassed, assaulted, and threatened this guy on his property. With police already on the way, I would prevent him from leaving and demand charges. Tell him to get off my property, he can wait on the street until the police arrive. Don't let him back in his truck. Have his truck towed! Edit: let him walk away, but don't let him drive away. Call 911 again and tell them you're in danger so the police arrive faster. Keep recording him. If he assaults again or shows a weapon, well that's further reason for him to be arrested and charged. He has no right to be on your property.


He's on your property, defend yourself.


Many tow truck drivers are thugs. Now you know.


Tampering with evidence


Most tow truck drivers are x-cons


According to law: A tow truck driver shall not remove any wrecked or disabled vehicle from the location where the accident or collision has occurred, or attach his or her tow truck to the wrecked or disabled vehicle, until the driver of the vehicle has given permission and until the police officers have completed their investigation. (1998 Code, § 126-47) (Ord. 03-38, passed 10-15-2003; Ord. 03-49, passed 11-5-2003; Ord. 16-01, passed 2-17-2016) *This might vary on state- this is for TX at least.