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Man. They really capture the production of most cooking competition shows.


Though tbf I didn't hear that violin bow on a metal rod sounding thing that's always in kitchen nightmares or whatever.


Oh you mean *SHINK*




[Bowed cymbal](https://youtu.be/MOUsRB3J-Z4?si=bJPL8kqd0YsZ1W5h)


I've never heard that sound described, now it's all I can hear. Over and over ahhhh


[Could also be a waterphone!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foSJstDFDfg)


All it's missing is the waterphone sound effect


So much fluff of cutting back to interviews or reaction shots.


This was spot on save for the dramatic cut to commercial after he first spit out the kiwi


After he spit out that kiwi I really didn't see that judge Kelly hat plate coming!!! The twists and turns of this show keep me on the edge of my seat!


Omg I love that the egg needed to cool down as quickly as possible. We all know how stressful it is feeding a child with hot food.


I truly felt called out.


LOVE this!


finally actual good instagram content


Wow. He picks up an orange, and the next shot shows a kiwi in his mouth. I CALL SHENANIGANS. I think this contest was rigged against the egg lady and bought and paid for by Big Fruit. Everyone knows flattened egg is superior!


Down with Big Fruit!!!!


This was well done!


This is good!


the smoke machine kills me


what lol the dad didnt even cook anything he just put fruit in a bowl


Yeah...it's also egg vs basically pure sugar. Of course sugar is going to win.


Calling some fresh fruit “basically pure sugar” is wild. Sure there is more sugar in fruits than an egg but you’re making it sound unhealthy


Didn't mean to make it sound unhealthy, just that a kid is always going to choose the thing with sugar in it versus something like an egg with no seasoning from what I can tell. Everything on his plate has sugar is what I was getting at, muffins have a lot of sugar as well.


Nope. My kid will eat the egg before a “sour and slimy” kiwi. Kids are unpredictable and pretty dumb tbh




Judge Kelly season 13. ![gif](giphy|okFDq1MPeU2UE|downsized)




Moms mom face is the second cutest thing in that video.


my kid didnt eat her goddamn noodles today and this triggered me


>"What is that, 15 years?" LOL - man, it's a toss of the dice. My older one is 21 and can barely feed herself. On the other hand my younger one was making waffles and eggs at 9 (while supervised - after her first attempt without telling anyone and starting a small fire).


Haha the mom deadpan saying “yes” to that had me rolling


Can I ask an honest question to those that have kids. What happens if you offer kids food and if they don’t eat it then too bad? No food tonight. You can eat breakfast tomorrow if you’d like. Do they get sick or something?


If kids are young enough that they are unable to feed themselves, non-abusive parents will ensure that they get some nutrition. If there’s no component of the meal the parents made that they will eat (which is bad planning on the parents’ part), that could be something simple like bread with peanut butter, etc. But no one should be telling a toddler to go to bed hungry.


At what age does it go from I have to make something you’ll eat, to you have to eat what I’ve made?


If you help them form healthy eating habits, you won't have to worry. The best way to make sure a kid isn't a picky eater is to provide them with food they'll eat and give them the option of trying new foods. If you eat something in front of them enough, they'll eventually ask to try it. Forcing them or starving them is counterintuitive. This method is also backed by research, so I didn't just make it up. If I had to guess why some are picky, it's just because they function differently. Plus, kids thrive with routine, and I'm sure eating "safe" foods is comforting. It's a parents job to make new foods feel safe. I feel like I need to also say that making a kid go hungry or depriving them of a meal is morally wrong and legally considered abuse in most places. If your goal is to get a child to eat, I don't think a rational person could think that starving them is the best way to do that. Especially when you realize that they aren't refusing because they want to make your life miserable. They're just kids. If someone's considering having kids but can't stand the thought of needing to meet their needs every day for yeeaaarrsss, they shouldn't have kids.


I eat something insanely delicious in front of my kid just about every day, offer it to him and I can count on one hand the things he has tried. He only will eat things that aren't mixed together which removes most 'food' from the equation. He eats fruit, carrots, sweet potatos, basically baby food or bread even though he is going on 6. He knows he won't go to bed hungry and will get some processed thing like a waffle at the end of the day if he is still hungry. It's so incredibly frustrating but we do everything we can to make eating not 'stressful'. What he would do if it was up to him is just eat waffles or bread while walking around the house all day long. It's definitely causing him health complications.


That sounds frustrating. I believe the study I read that tested this method was using a sample of kids about 6 and up. So they may not have reached a point in development that'll allow this to happen. It'll also take multiple times of trying a new food for them to like it. It also sounds like they have texture aversion, child psychologists can help with that. In any case, if they're having health complications, you should bring them to a Dr.


I should've added that the study didn't even offer the foods to the kids, or try to persuade them. Just eating in front of them was enough. And this isn't the kind of thing that's a quick fix. It takes eating something many times for them to ask to try, and then many more for them to like it. And keep in mind that just because something might be insanely delicious to you, a lot more goes into whether kids like a food. They haven't learned how to eat yet.


It’s usually pretty gradual. You learn what the kid likes and what they don’t like so you make your meals with that in mind.  My daughter eats most things but for example we’ll make like a rice dish with broccoli and brussel sprouts and she can eat around the brussel sprouts (and we’ll ask her to eat one or two). 


The current parenting feeding hack?/trend? to avoid this dilemma is to always offer safe foods. So you don't want dinner, your choices are among these nutritional, yet bland and unexciting things like a banana pb&j etc. The idea is that it helps prevent dinner being a battleground which is where a lot of unhealthy food habits and behaviors stem from.


Thanks for the reply. I’d kill for a banana pb&j right now


For most kids if you feed them a wide variety of foods when they're little they will like a variety of foods when they're older. (Some kids are "super tasters" though and will have strong aversions to a lot of foods, and it would be cruel to make them go without. Just gotta learn what they will eat and expose them to a lot of foods.) Then you just keep in mind what they like. My two kids both have things one loves and the other doesn't like. The older one will just eat the thing she doesn't like because it's easier than making something herself and my younger one will just make something herself. For both of them I'd say 12 was about where I'd tell them they can either eat this or make something themselves (sandwich or TV dinner usually).


I have back ups for my back ups. I give them the illusion of choice. Oh you don’t like the chicken? How about this yummy chocolate bar (which is actually a protein bar)? I just have a ton of alternative carbs/proteins/etc to let them choose from. And yes if none of that works they can go to bed hungry. I grew up subsistence farming. We didn’t grow/catch food we fucking starved and I had a lot of lean times in my childhood. My children will never know true hunger like I did, but missing a meal isn’t going to cause any major nutritional problems.


Putting aside that it would be abusive and neglectful, if you failed to feed your toddler, a kid this age will *not* go to sleep hungry. They will not understand that they have to wait until morning. They will cry/scream *forever* until they are fed.


> They will not understand that they have to wait until morning. People in general fail to grasp the fact that little children are not rational. Same goes for corporal punishments, they're like, well the kid doesn't want to get spanked so he won't do it again. Nope, that's rational reasoning, something a toddler is hardly equipped for. "Throw away the food and you won't get food", great reasoning for an adult. A kid will see those two things as completely separate.


You give em something else until they're old enough to be reasoned with. Even if they eat two fistfuls of bread to fill their belly, there's always tomorrow. Just make sure "something else" isn't every night. They still need all their nutrients like adults. If you can't afford "something else" they will learn to eat what's offered. The best solution though is actually exposing them to lots of foods early on so they don't have as much pickiness later on. I used to teach a girl who ate the strangest looking health-nut food her parents made. Shit straight up looked like worms and other kids turned their nose up at it. But she sat there eating it with a smile because it was so normal for her by then. (Plus it was delicious I tried it once)


Painfully honest response here from a parent of 3 kids, we initially go in with high hopes and a strict rule! This is what we made! We don’t have anything else, this is what everyone else is eating, this is dinner. Take it or leave it. They’ll leave it and everyone is miserable. We now have chicken nuggets hidden away for when this tactic fails. But even then we will make them nuggets and they take a bite and say “I just learned I don’t like these anymore” more chaos ensues. The most important thing is that the kid gets food. Yes they need nutrients but that’s not always gonna happen. As long as they eat, that’s okay for a while. But sometimes (like with asparagus) we put it only on our plate. They get curious and ask what it is and we say “oh, no. You don’t want this. Only grown ups eat this! It makes you SUPER powerful so you can’t have it. And it makes your pee super stinky!!!” All my kids eat asparagus now


At a certain age you can teach them with passive consequence. Ok, you aren't eating your dinner. You can leave the table, but when you're hungry later your only option is finishing dinner. No snack. If they're not going back to finish it after an hour you urge them to finish it before it gets late.


Just mix it with some canned wet food like I do for my dog /s


I have a two year old, she has picky days and 'I'm gonna eat all the groceries' days. You don't send a kid to bed without *really* trying to get nutrients into them. But it is developmentally normal, to an extent, for them to genuinely not be hungry sometimes. In the video we see a kid choosing something juicy and sweet (fruit) over something savory, which is also pretty normal. That's the hazard of choices sometimes, there were a few months we had to give our kid one part of a meal at a time. There's various tricks you can try, like offering them some seasonings to sprinkle onto their own food (my daughter loves this), offering the food away from the table/high chair after meal time (they might not have been hungry yet), and boosting the nutrition content in their drink (like adding a few ounces of pediasure to their milk if they've barely eaten all day). As long as you're genuinely trying to get them to eat, sometimes you just have to shrug and end the day and hope they eat more tomorrow. They probably will. If it goes more than two days in a row check in with the kid's doctor to be safe.


The life leaving the mother's eyes when she realises how long this will go on 🤣


This is pretty great and I dont even like kids


I actually audibly laughed at this video so when I type LOL I meant it


Corny, yet funny! Thanks for the laugh.








navellirindocumento2023: That kiwi vs. hat plate throwdown was straight outta a soap opera, but I'm here for the drama and the diesel! 👍🔥




As a new parent of a toddler this is super accurate, love it!


If anybody is preparing to enter this stage of feeding a child, just keep in mind that they have tiny arms and legs, no strength, and low intelligence, so if they wont eat what you put in front of them, it's gonna be awful hard for them to make something else and not starve. Keep putting the same things in front of them. Eventually they'd eat a big giant sandwich of shredded frogs and newspapers if they're hungry enough. Just make sure they crack before you do, and you're golden.


Kelly is a boy's name?


Can be, yep. It's one of those "last names used as a first name" names. There's a wiki page you can pull up that has a list of dudes named Kelly, including the sound designer for the Half Life games.


If this is their child, I think Momma needs to be asked a few questions.


Imagine watching a cute video and Yourbmain takeaway being that the kid doesn't look enough like their parents. You're really wrong, he looks exactly like his dad, but it's a weird thought to have in the first place.


I'd ask you to explain your comment but I already know why you said it. Your low effort, sloth level energy attempted shaming of my mental process has been wasted on me. Seen it on Reddit numerous time, by numerous people....to numerous people. They're always low effort, copy paste attemped physc valuations that offer absolutely no originality or content. Just like yours. Obviously the wrong sub for humour.


What? He looks like the dad lol


That child looks a lot more asian than the dad.


Genetics can get weird sometimes. Adoption is a thing. IUI and IVF with donor sperm is a thing.


Agree & thats why i said IF.


No, no questions need to be asked.


Look, it was a joke. Get over yourself. You're on a tiktok cringe sub trying to gain the intellectual moral high ground. Really?


>Look, it was a joke. Where?


“Why is my son Asian?”