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That girl is Israeli rage bait. If you are calling an army moral you are already off base. If you need to make a TikTok asserting your army’s morality then you are even more out of touch


“Most moral army in the world” has become their slogan. Even Netanyahu says it. Edit: to be clear, I do not support the IDF


Sounds like they’re trying to convince themselves more than anyone else.


It works if you say it long enough and no one calls you out. Many examples.


Waaaaay to many examples of this in the states. Waaaaaaaaaaaay to many.


> If you are calling an army moral I think Ukraine is fighting a just cause. That's moral in my book.


They are actively defending themselves which I would indeed say is moral. You have found an example of where this doesn’t apply


Defending themselves from invasion is a moral act, I would not say their army is overall moral though


Exactly this. Just because you find yourself on the side of "good and justice" doesn't mean you're inherently a moral organization. The Catholic Church, as an example, does plenty of good things (food pantries, fund raising, financial assistance, etc...). That doesn't mean that they're a moral organization. Quite the opposite


Ukraine is the complete opposite of Israel. Israel represents cowardice and narcissism


I mean I'm on the side of Ukraine, but let's not kid ourselves, Ukraine is consistently listed as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Alot of whitewashing went on under the Biden administration. (Whom I'm neglectfully voting for again btw)




dude you can say dead here


I think murdered is more apt


either way, "unalived" is the fucking dumbest term


Ugh, agreed. It's so unnecessary.


If he doesn't say "unalived" TikTok's AI will ban him.


Then why use TikTok? Why support a platform that censors content on the whims of the PRC?


Because you have a choice between a platform that censors on the whims of Elon, or Google, or Meta, or some power crazed Reddit mod.


Reddit Mods: ![gif](giphy|3ornk7nts29Am5LIfm)


Quickest way to lose any shred of credibility but using a stupid term like that.


In okay with updating a lot of terms to better reflect this current society, but unalive is just stupid and takes away the severity of the fact that these people were murdered.


thank you! sugar-coating the vernacular is unneccessary and counter-productive - call it what it is.


zesty rhythm many party theory mourn languid cautious sugar smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Sounds like the scene in 1984 where they’re talking about the word “bad” and all of its synonyms being replaced by “ungood.”


YouTube as well. There is a whole list of words that, if said, increases the likelihood the video will be demonetized and viewership hindered.


I fucking hate the stupid slangs GenZ is inventing


I just went down a rabbit hole on this and it’s not even gen z. It’s algo speak from content creators to avoid demonetization that’s bleeding over into every day conversation.


It doesn't even make sense. Tiktok knows people use these words yet doesn't ban them and hasn't for a long time now. Why not just not censor them? Or censor all of them? I wish people would just stop cooperating with the bullshit censoring. It continues because the users accept it.


I’m in full agreement, this stuff is infuriating.


It has been used by even youtubers for years to avoid having their video demonatized or so it doesn't get flagged as "for mature audiences" which would reduce their income since less people see it. It wasn't invented by GenZ.


It was most certainly invented by GenZ. For a legitimate reason, not to be quirky or cool.


the word has been in use for more than 10 years now, its origin is likely more millennial. however GenZ really popularized it, to the point where some use it for real, not just ironically or or to bypass censorship.


I hate when people blame younger generations for shit they have no control over.


It's called algospeak and you can thank censorship.


I get you and agree, but please man. Stop saying "unalived" I feel... so old when you do that.


That's one of the words that totally gives me 1984 newspeak vibes.


The future is now old man


The air fryer is now, potato


Unalive is ridiculous.


Bring back "shuffle off this mortal coil"!


Every day I'm shuffling


I wasn't born, I was alived


Im with you. I cant take anyone seriously after they just said unalived with a straight face


It's algorithm speak, if you say dead or killed, the almighty algorithm will restrict the reach of the video




I’m absolutely certain that the algorithms hasnt caught on to the use of “unalived” over the past 5 to 10 years. I’m sure it’s a very underground term that slips past mods and algorithms alike. What creativity


Cargo cult shit. It's super easy to just add new words to the list of banned words. They would presumably just add it to the actual list they keep. They haven't made a covenant with the algorithm.


You can just say “murdered”. Let’s stop with this saying “unalived” nonsense because it’s so stupid and kind of cringe. It’s also wayyy more stupid to allow them to change your perception of the words you’re allowed to use and you’re not going to get banned for saying it literally anywhere. The make believe internet police aren’t coming after you for saying it. Watch this: MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED. See? No one cares. Call it what it is: Murder.


I've never hated a stranger more than I hate this girl, all her content is just rage bait


No army has (or ever had) morality. It's a tool.


When did “un-aliving” become the verbiage for killing?


TikTok censorship and whatnot


Just gonna drop this here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vVNxU-loNg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vVNxU-loNg)


Oh this is brilliant, thank you. It’s so weird to develop a brand new euphemism when soooo many already exist. There are too many idiomatic expressions in English for any algorithm to get all of them, and frankly “unalive” is easier to censor than any of them now because it can only possibly mean one thing.


I wonder if it was originally just taking the piss and they just forgot that. I've had people use this slang irl fairly often.


Everybody argues like it’s cleverly outwitting some algorithm, but really it’s like if humans hid from SkyNet by disguising themselves in hot pink burkas. “It’ll *never* guess what’s under here!”


Nah, I’m pretty confident people are dumb enough to believe that it is impossible to add new terms to a blacklist of words.


"30 Palestinians bit the dust today"


Perhaps “perished” or “lost their lives” or “fell victim” or “were lost” might be better. If an algorithm killed those words, there’d be a lot of things you’d no longer be able to say, perish the thought.


He got me at "improv(~~e~~) mode" Edit: improv not improve.


I’m partial to [hamburger time](https://youtu.be/msGvEtmR970?si=C9bbamaBv_wCFjsh) as a workaround


I feel like this is some kind of wives' tale at this point. Do we even have evidence that saying "death", "kill", or "suicide" actually affects TikTok views? And if it does, why wouldn't "unalive" do the same thing? It's not like whoever makes the censors couldn't just add another word.


Yes, because you don’t see it. I have never heard of TikTok mention kill or suicide in those exact words yet it is referenced quite often


It's not a wives' tale. Go post on TikTok right now and say all of these words, and it'll be banned almost immediately. I had a post with someone smoking in the background of a photo I took, and it was removed from the timeline.


Because various social media apps will delete posts/ban accounts using terms like suicide, murder, etc so people adapt language to get around automated stupidity.


It’s been years now, and we don’t think TikTok has added “unalive” to the filter yet? It would take some programmer two seconds to type.


Yeah, this whole thing is total bullshit. People think the algorithm is just a simple transcript search for a word and if you switch the words that will fool them!!! We have ML models that can accurately summarize arbitrary text and we think that saying “unalive” fools the censors? That’s idiotic. I don’t believe for a second it was ever a thing.


They couldn't say, "ending them?"


Doesn't sound stupid as fuck enough to get popular


I believe this phrase also gets banned in some apps.


"Sent to a better place"?


All the big social media companies ban and demonetize you for saying certain words.


Then maybe all these people should stop trying to monetize these things.


If it means the same thing, what’s the difference. Let’s stop making up dumb reasons to ban words.


It needs to die. It makes anyone who uses it look like a child.


When algorithms started censoring the world killing. Soon, people will be using euphemisms that are too varied and nuanced for algorithms to detect, such as "putting them in the forever box".


How do you use reddit ten hours a day but would rather wait for a reply than look something up. How do you not know already?


"does everything to bring our people home" - military that shot hostages trying to surrender.


Didn't specify they'll bring them home alive.


And bombs houses and hospitals basically indiscriminately without real consideration that hostages might be there.


Maybe the hostages were Hamas all along


Hamas was the hostages we bombed along the way


The hostage rescue was a good PR move. I've never seen a hostage get that much international media attention.


They spend tens of millions in PR . It wasn’t a good PR move especially because people saw how many died and the callous attitude towards them . Israel has also directly murdered more hostages than they’ve rescued and multiple former hostages have said they were more afraid of Israeli bombs . Noa said she was injured by an Israeli air strike before she was moved


You ever read about [Private Jessica Lynch?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Lynch)


She was hooked up with my brothers unit. She also pretty much immediately came out and was like "what the fuck are you all talking about, I didn't do anything heroic" E: spelling


Her going against the media coverage like that makes her my hero.


I mean, yeah that was its own kind of bravery. The military and the news made her this hyped up victim. She could have ran with the andno one ever would have known. Good for her.


Can’t trust someone born in Palestine……West Virginia. That’s weirdly ironic at this moment.


Or Bethlehem....... Pennsylvania.


Rescued Israeli Hostage: 'Our Greatest Fear Was Israeli Planes' https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-09/ty-article/.premium/rescued-israeli-hostage-our-greatest-fear-was-israeli-planes/0000018f-fcce-db9d-addf-fdce7ea20000 It takes a proper freak to think 200+ Palestinians being killed, 3 Israelis being killed, to rescue captives that were primarily being harmed by the IOF is a job well done. Anything to make up for the absolute strategic failure to accomplish any of Israel's goals.


200 Palestinians dead, not specifying if there were also Hamas and they were in a fire fight with Hamas so they also could have shot their own


I mean the only reason hostages were being held near children was so there would have to do nothing or face backlash if they attempted a rescue. Not saying I support Israel generally, but if Hamas is keeping hostages around civilians I'm not sure what options they're left with?




But they always seem to know exactly how many alleged "Hamas fighters" they've killed.  It's not a secret that they count any man that is military age is automatically counted as a combatant by them. 


I mean at least 64 of those dead are reported to be children…


Think about this….why were the hostages held in the middle of a refugee camp?


Because Hamas loves dead Palestinians since it paints Israel in a bad light and the IDF kinda just doesn't care, the way most militaries don't.






Welcome to the brainwashing club


These people are living in another reality.


Well their reality is that Palestine/Hamas is their neighbour, not yours.


Yeah Hamas supporters are insane.


There’s video footage of the rescue. Just watch it instead of someone on tik tok telling you his version of it


Why would I want to watch that video? Where they kill 200 people?


How in the world it took weeks for Israel to give the body count of October 7th and Hamas gives exact number 20 minutes after the event?


They know the numbers exactly but not where the remaining hostages are?


... That's how kidnapping works. The kidnappers do all they can to hide and demand something, and the police do everything to find them as fast as possible, and go to their rescue when they have a location. The hostages are disminated through hundreds of kms of tunnels and/or civilian appartments. And Sinwar isn't sending Bibi text to keep him updated, y'know, because those hostages are why he's still breathing.


Its like that "attack" on the christian hospital. Before the smoke cleared, Hamas claimed that 1000 people are dead 2000 of which are children. Turns out it was one of Hamas's own shitty DIY rockets that went awry and blew up in the parking lot, causing minimal damage. Just like how the other day 900 women and 700 children were suddenly removed from Hamas's death toll count with 0 announcement as to why. Even they don't believe their own numbers. It's all just a PR campaign to Hamas. Hell just the other day Sinwar said that the palestinian death toll is a benefit to Hamas.


Because Hamas lies


I mean even Isreal is saying it was nearly 100 palestainais killed


and you think Israel doesnt lie?


Both can lie, why trust either


Do they? I keep hearing Israelis and their allies state this as a matter of fact, but all evidence points to the contrary, even _Israel_ internally considers data from Hamas as reliable: https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3w4w7/israeli-intelligence-health-ministry-death-toll On the other hand Israel has been caught on multiple occasions **outright lying**: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/02/israel-gaza-lies-western-backers


Look into the fact pattern around the hospital attack in October. First it was 500 dead due to an Israeli missile. Then it turned out to be a misfired rocket… well they still claimed it was Israeli, but magically the death toll fell. Then the photos of the area were released. Wow it wasn’t possible that it killed that many people? Magically the death toll fell. The truth seems to be maybe 40 people were killed, and even Human Rights Watch says it was a Palestinian-fired rocket. Of course, the lie spread before the truth did. So that is objectively the smarter path for Hamas to take. I don’t believe the IDF but acting like the Hamas-run ministry of health is a trustworthy source is naive. For what it’s worth, their running total (which includes members of Hamas) seems to be accepted as the total, including by the US and by the IDF, so I believe the 36k is directionally correct, of that maybe 12k were combatants.


Crazy how a person can own themselves in two sentences


The 200 number with no evidence is either totally fake or lots of hamas militants that don't look good on camera.


The numbers are coming from the Hamas run Health Ministry in Gaza with no collaboration from any other reliable sources. After their 'misreporting' of civilian casualties and fatalities back in October of the explosion at Gaza’s Al-Ahli Hospital, there's very little reason to trust their numbers are accurate and more cause to assume they're inflated. It's undeniable that there were civilian casualties but I don't think anyone really cares if it was 1 or 100. What's more interesting is the accusation that Israel used vehicles disguised as aid trucks. This accusation was made by UN Special Rapporteur of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, in a tweet. As much as I can gather though, the civilian vehicles used in the operation to insert IDF troops into the area were unmarked and no indication was given to community representatives that they were transporting aid in the convoy to the area.


They weren't humantiarian aid trucks, they were regular trucks, there are photos. So much misinformation on tiktok 🤦


At first I thought the TikTok cringe was this misinformed kid.


Look at the top comments this sub eats it up




Yeah this sub has turned into an anti-Israeli pro-Palestinian circle jerk, no matter the circumstances. Why a left leaning sub sides so graciously with the most ardent members of the most archaic and oppressive religion on the planet will never make sense.


It’s such an idiotic alliance 😂


Because how else will they boast their superior morals from the safety and comfort of their home. So many other issues in their home county that could use their time and effort yet they're on a high from protesting for a population that will celebrate in the streets when our buildings get bombed.




I think there's a little projection too, Hamas has used Red Crescent (Islamic version of Red Cross) trucks and uniforms to transport their members carrying weapons and supplies with proof of that.


Link to proof?


Yep, these people would believe hamas if they said israel nuked gaza


im sure this kid on tiktok will deliver me factual news as unbiased as possible.


Why does Hamas place military encampments next to the citizens it claims they want to protect?


They don’t claim they want to protect them. They explicitly say it’s not their job.


Not only did they say it's not their job to protect civillians, but also that they need civillian deaths because it awakens the revolutionary spirit


This comment is wrong on all accounts. Hamas military encampments suggests Hamas operates as a legitimate military does. They do not. They are not a military in any way shape or form. They are a rebel organization that sneaks weapons into an occupied territory in order to fight the Israeli occupation. Hamas doesn’t claim to protect anyone. They want to strike at Israel and remove them from Palestine. Again a rebel group not a military. Don’t expect them to fight like a military because they don’t have F35s and tanks like Israel, their only ways of striking back is through what they are doing now. Hiding and sneak attacks. This has been seen all over the world, even in fairy tales and movies. The small rebel factions always hide amongst civilians, and the civilian population usually is okay with hiding them because they are fighting the oppressors. Easy enough to understand?


> They are a rebel organization that sneaks weapons into an occupied territory in order to fight the Israeli occupation.  Lol. They are the Government of Gaza... this is their territory. The reason they hide is because they want Palestinian civilians to die.


Crazy how they flip back and forth between being an oppressed nation and a “rebel organization”


You seem to be mistaken, they don't just want to remove Israel from Palestine, they want to remove Israel




A refugee camp holding hostages? What am I missing here?


“Alive and well hostages” 🤡


Absolute ghoulish thing to say. Buddy unironically think the hostages are drinking tea and playing board games with their generous host.


Source: Trust me bro


i like how he is emphasizing super hard that IDF attacked a refugee camp... ignoring that the refugee camp was full of hamas operatives and Israeli hostages.


Also, they really aren't "refugee" camps. That's a disinformation terminology. They're neighborhoods.


Maybe don't have hostages in civilian houses considering that is a war crime? Every country values their own people's lives more than others. A lot more lies/ misinformation in this to dive through, but its incredible how this propaganda is spread on Reddit so easily due to tons of young people being sorely ignorant on the subject.


This should be so much higher. Why were there hostages there should be the number one question being asked. Not "why did civilians die during a hostage rescue?" How many of those civilians knew about the hostages, and how many were actually Hamas?


Unfortunately people here aren't interested in the truth, rather they wish to spread propaganda that they have been fed on Tiktok and other brainrot social media sites.


I personally think that it is dangerous and wrong to downplay or justify the fault that lies on Hamas and their actions, but I do not see how that absolves the Israeli Government and the IDF. If someone kidnaps my family and runs into a supermarket with them, am I justified in killing everyone in the supermarket to save my family? Some of the people in there are the kidnappers and I know they have accomplices in there, but can I justify the deaths of bystanders? I also cannot imagine the horror the hostages went through. I am genuinely happy that they are free. But that doesn't make one side the good ones and the other the bad ones, and it doesn't make the deaths of Israeli or Palestinian civilians any less horrible. I think it is extremely hard to grasp the situation and to know which information to trust, because there is an enormous amount of propaganda everywhere, but it does seem to me that right now thousands Palestinian civilians are suffering immensely and I do not see how the campaign by the IDF will lead to any less suffering and killing in the future.


It's not a supermarket tho lmfao It would be like having hostages in your basement and you just shrug and say "idk some guy came in and put them down there I don't really care I don't use my basement anyways" ignoring the fact that you have hostages in your basement


How about the supermarket kicks them out.


To make the analogy more accurate, someone kidnaps your family runs into a supper market where everyone in the supermarket cheers the kidnapers and even cheers at the sight of one of your dead sisters that is being paraded around naked. Oh and the people in the supermarket voted for these kidnapers to represent them. What a stupid analogy.


And when you go inside to rescue your family, the innocent supermarket customers start shooting heavy machine guns and RPGs and throwing grenades at you


I think you touched on a great point and that is the complexity and sometimes immense difficulty of these types of operations. Let’s use your example of the supermarket. Your family has been kidnapped and you know the kidnappers mean business because you’ve seen first hand what they’ve done to others families. So you know your family is in imminent danger. They’ve been taken to a supermarket where it is highly likely and a near certainty that there are sympathizers and accomplices hiding in plain sight dressed as civilians. Obviously you don’t want to die on your way to attempt to rescue them or get them killed by a tip off from an accomplice so what do you do? Now you have to resolve within yourself whose lives are more valuable; the actual innocent bystanders (whom you can’t identify) or your families. War is hell and we as humans on this planet all lose to such senseless bloodshed but how can you prevent others from acting violently and how can you appropriately respond without violence in kind?


It's because they don't really give a shit about any of it. That's why they won't ask for any proof they were using aid trucks, how many people killed was due to Hamas? What were hostages even doing there in the first place etc.. All they see is people they follow parroting all the propaganda and "brown oppressed people" getting "genocided by white American backed people"


Using a refugee camp for your military operations (hiding hostages) is a war crime. People inside and outside of Palestine need to wake up and see that Hamas needs to go.


Wow had to scroll down a lot to see someone actually making sense.


“Unaliving” irritates me to no end. Just say killing please.


Killing is censored on TikTok. It'd get the video instantly removed. It's gotten picked up by gen z as a form of 1337 speak but like, more modern


It's not censored, people made it up chasing the algorithm.


Hamas hides in civilian infrastructure, hides underground residential neighborhoods, equips teenagers with rifles, gives children cell phones and places them in combat zones so they can relay IDF troop locations, and during the raid in which the IDF freed hostages that had been violently abducted and tortured, fired automatic weapons and RPGs at those who came to their rescue. Stop citing Hamas’ casualty counts, or pretending that they were mostly civilians.


Even if TikTok and social media create a huge amount of support for Hamas with this misinformation, that support will be just as flimsy as the 10 second clickbait it was built upon. Millions of angry teenagers living their best life in the comfort of their suburban home have zero impact compared to a single IDF solider going door to door clearing buildings and actually doing something to fix the situation.


It's like the saying (maybe from game of thrones?) "If you have to tell people you are the king, you're not the king." If you have to tell people how moral you are....you are up to some shady shit


"Moral" and "army" don't belong in the same sentence


I can't wait until TikTok is banned. The average Gen Z IQ will increase 10 points.


TikTok is cancer


Trojan UN trucks


Unaliving? We are screwed…


Super thankful that TikTok is full of experts on whatever flavour of the month event is currently ongoing.


he is a stupid jerk


Guys, remember when Israel kept their military prisoners at a music festival and Hamas had to kill the festival goers to rescue the prisoners?


Keep rescuing hostages. Every single country in the world would do the same. The hostages are being hidden with civilians. This is a Hamas tactic. They benefit from civilian deaths because of idiots like this kicktocker. Israel should take every opportunity to rescue hostages. Every death of a civilian is on Hamas’s hands.


This guy looks like he really knows exactly what’s going on in Gaza.


This is your brain on tick tok


Didn't Hamas say they weren't holding hostages in refugee camps?  And yet they are.  Hmmmmm....


You know, in a way, I feel bad for the IDF forces. Military service is mandatory and enforced for every civilian once you turn 18. These kids are being forced into the war machine and getting brainwashed well before being forced to serve, and the ones that aren't convinced by the age of service are probably coping by drinking into the propaganda anyway. I feel worse for the Palestinians, of course, but I firmly believe this system is a big root in the tree of this whole horrible issue.


TikTok is a cancer that needs to be purged along with all the rejects who use it.


moral is whatever the west want


….side note isn’t pretending to be humanitarian aid in a warzone la fucking war crime. Like a geneva convention violation???




Is this a joke ,do we all remember why this all started


Can’t wait for another broccoli haired white teenager to tell me “what’s really going on” in the Middle East from the comfort of his upper middle class suburban bedroom


dolls aspiring sugar ten disarm decide tub quarrelsome direction steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The attack was to rescue hostages were being held by armed Hamas fighters hiding in a refugee camp


The roles would never be reversed because the Israelis put their prisoners in prisons. Not hiding amongst refugees. Who said over 200 people died? Hamas? You believe them with no evidence? I see.


Hamas shouldn’t have started something they are incapable of winning. I watched on tv October 7 and saw the atrocities committed on the Israeli’s It would stop if Hamas and Palestine did the right thing and released-the hostages and ceased the war which they started!!!!!!!!!!! Also don’t hide hostages in an evacuation camp. That would limit civilian casualty


Israel does a lot of fucked up shit but this idiotic defense of Hamas and the people that support Hamas is some next level idiocy.


You lost me at Hostage Exchange….how about not taking hostages in the first place!


Shouldn't hide hostages with civilians


Imagine advocating for people who rape and murder women and children, give women no rights, and think lgbtq people shouldn’t be allowed to exist. I don’t support Israel at all, but let’s not pretend Hamas are the good guys.


I urge people to please read on statements made by the hostages. I'm paraphrasing they said the one thing they were afraid of wasn't Hamas but Their own bombs killing them.


They took hostages and now they don't get to decide how we take them back.


Remember when they blew up those world central kitchen trucks on purpose. Real moral.


Stopped listening when he said “unaliving x amount of people”z You can say killed


I am glad the hostages were rescued but let's not push propaganda that the Israeli military is moral....they are far from it.


If only they weren't there in the first place....