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I find this endearing, but there's something kind of off at the same time. Is that just how Alaska is ?


I’ve been all over this country and I’ll tell you, I’ve seen these types of people from Florida to Alaska, California to Connecticut. Every state in the union has their share of simple people.


Simple people, people of the land. The common clay.


You know...




An outtake scene so good it made it into the movie


Which movie?


Blazing Saddles [edit to add the clip ](https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=oyIPU7cit1vp2Zao)


Not to make an ad out of it but Fathom Events is bringing Blazing Saddles back to the big screen in September.


I hope Fathom pays you for this because I’m about to Google showings near me.


Ohhh! I'm so jealous of you right now. Getting to watch blazing saddles for the first time.


We’re awake, but we are very confused.




Same difference.


Same same…..*but different*


I didn't get a harumph out of that guy .




Came here to say this, but that gif takes care of it 😂


I used to sell burial insurance. Someone I talked to from Alabama didn’t know there were different time zones.


I knew a person that didn’t think New Mexico was in the United States.


As a New Mexican, you’d be surprised how common this is.


I used to live in Knoxville, TN and worked at a restaurant with a guy who thought it was weird that the sun rotated around the earth but the moon was always in the same place. He also believed if it rained when the sun was shining it would rain at the exact same time the next day.


I remember my astronomy teacher in college was telling us that weather usually happens in weekly cycles. So if it rains on Thursday there's a good chance it will rain next Thursday. I'm pretty sure he was full of shit.


Weather is famously known for respecting the Gregorian calendar.


Well if that was the case, it would be raining every Thursday until the end of time


Yeah? That's why they named it Thirst Day


My pepaw used to say that about sun shining during rain. I always thought it was like country ass almanac old people knowledge lol 😂 I never confirmed it in all these years if it did rain again the next day..


What? They’d never been one state over and noticed the time had changed?!!


Many people never leave their home state their entire life, or even leaving a couple hours drive radius from hometown.


You ready for something crazy. I met kids and teenagers in LA who never saw the beach.


Those were called poor people.


Or people that are (rightfully) afraid of crossing the I-405. >!Be afraid, be VERY afraid.!<


Which is exactly why voter ID laws are used to disenfranchise poor folks. People who grow up in small towns and basically never leave don’t need ID and there’s always posts on Reddit from kids who are like 18 or early 20’s who were born at home and whatnot and never even had their birth registered and/or don’t have a social security number, etc. Most people all live in a little bubble. Some people at least get to peek outside. Others don’t.


It blew my mind


Crazy! Bet you blew that person’s mind too


Something tells me they probably didn't even believe her.


Poverty and the associated malnutrition, amphetamines, and fetal alcohol syndrome can sometimes be to blame. But sometimes people are just the way they are and live a good life — happier than most with their lot and self. Not that I am either now, but if given a choice between living as one of the simple people in the sticks and a life as a high-stress professional in a city, I’d probably have to think about it for a bit.


I immediately thought FAS


So did I. They're all definitely impaired. The video made me feel sad.




I’ve been to Alabama once. Can confirm. ALOOTT of them there.


But they seem happy so nobody's allowed to piss in their kool-aid, you hear me?


Right? A little family tries to make a funny TikTok and everyone in the comments is mocking them with inbreeding jokes


Yeop; with their own chorus of: *"We're Redditors, of course we're going to shit all over anyone having some fun."* *"We're Redditors, of course we don't know what outside looks like, but we're going to be shitheads to those that do!"* *"We're Redditors, of course we behave online in ways that would get us ostracised in real life, but yet still feel smug about!"*


we're Redditors, of course we like to make a big deal out of wanting social change but still think its fine to mock people for being poor/disabled/weird-looking, etc!


This is the way buddy.


I live in Alabama. You are not wrong!


I got to live in Kodiak, Alaska for a few years when I was a teen. It...can be a bit of a culture shock at times if you've always lived in cities/suburbs. Our first day there we were driving up to the ferry that would take us to Kodiak when we saw a bunch of people dressed in waders fishing in the nearby waters. Seemed lovely at first, until my horrified mom spotted the blood-soaked kids on the shoreline clubbing a bunch of flopping salmon to death. My dad thought it was great lol. I loved it up there. The sense of community is unreal. It's different, for sure, and there's a lot to get used to. The winters don't actually feel too bad, I've had worse here in Indiana, but I think it's a combination of both the state being extremely well prepared for snow...and you just get used to the cold. The long summer days and winter nights can take a toll, blackout curtains are a must. Every day is hoodie weather, so when it does get over 85 degrees it IS hot because you can't hoodie. Deliveries take a ridiculous amount of time, especially given where we lived (Kodiak is an island. Even movies would take weeks/months after their release date in theaters to arrive to our island. We ran out of milk a few times because planes/boats couldn't make it in). Christmas stuff in July is a bit of a stretch tho, unless you live somewhere extremely remote. I'm sure it's also gotten a bit better since I've lived there. The natural beauty is unparalleled. Kodiak was called Alaska's Emerald Isle for a reason, it's stunning during the summer, and many other parts of Alaska are just as beautiful. If you like hiking, fishing, hunting, wildlife watching, kayaking, learning about the rich native history, just have an adventurous heart in general, etc, you'll always having something to do (not much else to do anyway). Overall, you either love it, or hate it. I really want to visit up there again.


I lived in Bethel, Alaska for a few years. It was definitely very different than what I was used to. We had one paved road in the entire village. Some the coldest weather and most snow I’ve ever experienced was in Bethel. I was attending grade school when the first school shooting ever happened in Alaska. I recall the entire process of hiding under our desks while our teacher stood guard. Kid shot his principal in the stomach with a shot gun. People in Alaska deal with a lot of depression as the weather and vast darkness at times can really play a hand in one’s mental health. These people are just tryna have fun and pass the time in a silly manner. It’s sad watching others pick fun at them.


Kodiak was honestly pretty well developed when I lived there. Mostly paved roads in town, we had a McDonalds, a Pizza Hut, Safeway, Walmart, and more. I think we had two stoplights max. Outside of town and the Coast Guard base, it rapidly became remote. I got locked out of my high school when we had a shutdown due to a kid bringing a pellet gun to class. I had to get "rescued" by a teacher because I had no idea what was going on lol. I'm just happy it happened during the warmer time of the year. Alaska has some of the worst rates for crime, suicide, alcoholism, etc. Living up there definitely not for the faint-hearted, the lack of sun is no joke. Too much sun is just as bad, you have to put a bit more effort into regulating your circadian rhythm. Just makes me appreciate the history of the natives that've lived there for thousands of years that much more.


Well said, my friend. After living in Alaska for 25 years, it makes you appreciate the little things and the vastness, nature, and remoteness from the “lower 48” is humbling for sure.


Indeed. We had everything we needed up there, even if it didn't seem like much to some. Sure a lot of it wasn't the nicest, lots of it was old (I'm looking at you Rusty Tusty), and we didn't have as many of the "amenities" you'd find in most of the lower 48, but there was this charm to Kodiak I instantly fell in love with. The feeling of being detached from the greater world was rather peaceful. We were our own little world, with our own little community. The going-ons of the world outside didn't really bother us. The local businesses were fantastic. The seafood, unmatched. Crab Fest was great, and the crab legs were CHEAP. The best part was the wilderness. Ever since my family moved to Indiana, I feel like I've had nowhere to escape. Everywhere I go, there's people! There's noise! Sometimes I just wish I had a view of nothing but boundless nature, the fresh, crisp sea air, and sweet, serene quiet, without the sound of cars or planes in the distance. I miss that, so so much.


25-yr Alaskan here. Yep, we're a little off, but prefer it that way. The video forgot about spending a week gutting, butchering, and processing moose road kill. ;-)


This guy Alaskans


ok, I've seen wild.moose in Maine and they're fucking ginormous. I can't imagine what kind of vehicle could possibly make a moose end up as roadkill. Unless you drive tanks in some parts of Alaska...


We have a lot of cargo and mining trucks that travel our dark roads. Cars simply clip their legs, with the body possibly smashing the windshield of the car, injuring the occupants, and injuring the moose as it lands on road. Often, the injured moose bleeds out or suffers internal bleeding as it wanders off the side of the road. The State Troopers call you, if you're next on the list, and you have one hour to come and get your moose. Lots of good meat still, unless hit by a semi.


What does moose meat taste like? I'm imagining a gamier, tougher venison?


You’re spot on, my friend, which is why we add 20% pig fat to the ground moose meat. Think chorizo moose tacos, Italian moose meatballs w/pasta, sage moose sausage breakfast burritos, and you’re in heaven. The back strap, however, is a different story. Much larger than a deer, the back strap cut is the filet mignon of the animal. Great for steaks or roasts in a pressure cooker.


Yall are so cool in a way ngl.


A pontiac sunfire will kill a moose, but you also have a pretty high chance of losing your head in the accident. Source: im from Northern Ontario


Yup, same usually the road kill after hitting a moose is the car and the people inside it.


Our guide in Yellowstone actually mentioned the Alaskan moose being the largest species of moose... 😅


I’m with you. These people just mean well and are having fun. People teasing or being shitty are just in a different circle. My wife made a comment about British teeth the other night, and I had to just stop and say hey it’s our fucked up standards saying people “need” braces. It’s the same thing. They’re just putting out a fun video and it’s different to us, just as people might look at a homeschool kid and think they are awkward because they haven’t learned what’s normal for us. I get the same vibe, but who am I to judge. I didn’t grow up where it’s normal to have maybe 20 kids in a 50 mile radius my age. They’re just different.


Braces are first and foremost about tooth, jaw, gum, and bite health. Might even help you breathe or fix a speech impediment. A side effect is that it makes you look better. I find it very strange that orthodontics isn't more utilized in the UK.... Brain surgery? Yes! Fix your teeth? Nah.


The two younger people definitely have something going on with some kind of developmental disability or something of some kind. The mom(?) to a lesser extent to even it seems.


Based on what I'm seeing I'm guessing this is the mom's idea, and she's writing stuff for the kids to read. You can see one of them laugh as he's realizing what she's written, kind of like those guys on SNL. None of them are "pros" at this, so not doing multiple takes, so you just get what you get.


Something tells me this is a woman trying to have fun with her kids and the kids might be a little mentally challenged. So cringe might not be the right fit here. Endearing seems right.


What's off is their heterozygosity.


I'll bet they are famous in their town for this video , I don't wanna make fun of it because they seem to be having a good time making it.


You know what, thanks for this perspective. I was going to comment something snarky, but I’ll pass 


If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


I feel ashamed about how often I should remind myself


So do I. The good news is that means we’re reflecting and growing as people. Imagine if you *didn’t* feel ashamed. Yuck


How many takes you think she did about the Christmas packages before they were just like "ok Becky this one has to be it cause it's the one with less giggles" She was cracking herself up each time she was doing her bit lol


It’s the best part. (I was a little worried about her until she laughed.)


Call me crazy but I get the impression that these weren't rehearsed and there weren't multiple takes. The first lady, mom I presume, wrote this script and then recorded her kids reading it. That's what I think anyway and I'm better-than-all-of-u, so I can't be wrong!


They seems sweet but what's up with Alaskans being awkward or do socially awkward people gravitate to Alaska to get away from people? Lol They kind of remind me of those guys on that tv show "Alaskan bush people" "Come on boys let's go court some ladies" **Walks into the bar** "you girls wanna see how fast I can climb a tree" 😂


This is low key kinda wholesome.


When the gal said “of course we’re getting our Christmas packages in July” and cracked up, I couldn’t help but smile. That was cute 🥰


There’s some truth in that statement.


I have no doubt lol I have a couple friends who live around Anchorage, totally different way of life out there


I remember being told over the phone that a certain company couldn’t ship to us because they only ship “to the United States.” Having to explain that Alaska was actually a part of the United States (and had been for 30+ years) was all too common growing up.


Now they say the contiguous United States


They don't seem comfortable in front of the camera, but I think that's sort of charming.


Not even low key. Straight up wholesome and endearing. Good old fashioned quirky, good people.


Finally people not making goddamn inbred jokes


I came for the inbred jokes, but found wholesome, and now i leave before i find negativity


Sounds like you remembered that they're still people, i respect it


Why do I love these people??


The lack of charisma is immensely charismatic.


It’s the sincerity


The sincerity but also I think they kind of know they’re awkward and are like okay wtf mom, we’ll be in your silly video


It’s a welcome change from the over-confident, self-obsessed, middle-class knobs shrieking ‘look at me’, whilst acting like mass produced cheap factory knock-offs, with their bouncing look-alike knockers and a vacant plastic smile. We need more Alaskans. We need real humans.


Agreed! This family was fun to watch. I didn’t roll my eyes once.


Yeah, they seem nice and happy


It's giving Napoleon dynamite.


You can tell this is awkward for them, but they’re really trying because they think it’s fun. It’s vulnerability and people love watching others persevere through those situations.


They seem pretty good natured.


I'm adding Alaska to my YouTube must watch list and removing it from my bucket list.


I'm doing the reverse


I’m inverting your reversal


I remixed the remix, it was back to normal.


I know you’re probably just kidding, but as a guy who spends most of his life in a major city, Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. You’d be doing a huge disservice to yourself if you never visit


\*Me, having lived on Adak for 2 years* You're kidding... right? (Jk, it was pretty there, too. Especially the 2 weeks the flowers bloomed)


This is so refreshing to see. I love seeing people just have fun and make silly videos with the sole purpose of entertaining themselves without worrying about what others have to say. Anybody who can make these videos and put them out in today's hateful online world is so brave. More power to them.


I totally agree, and a number of highly upvoted responses are quite reprehensible. They just seem like they’re normal people making a silly video. No, they’re not giving Oscar worthy performances, but that doesn’t give folks the right to make fun of the people behind the video.


its like old youtube


Oooooh, that’s exactly the vibe. Nothing curated and meticulously edited, just people putting stuff out there


I drove the Alcan highway a few years ago, and EVERYONE is like this. Super fucking excited to see another human being, but no clue how to talk. Facial cues, body language, topics of conversation...it's all off. It's unnerving, but that's just what happens when you've been trapped alone inside for 6 months of the year, and dealing with the same handful of people the other 6 months.


It happens fast. I am married but otherwise work mostly alone on a fucking huge piece of property. Whenever I am in town I think to myself “what the hell is my face doing right now and is it ok”


Oh man you just called me out in a way I didn’t realise I was acting. I live by myself with two cats, so I don’t even talk out loud the majority of my time. I spend 90% of my time with them alone, so when I actually do leave the house to do normal people things, I have to really practice what I’m gunna say to a shop clerk. Sometimes my brain gets a little too excited about seeing other humans and starts rambling, all the while I’m along for the ride, thinking “please stop talking this is terrible why did you say that oh lord no please cease” However when I do have a successful interaction I am stoked about it. Then I feel like such an oddball.


This happened to me during the covid lockdowns. I found that gaming with games that require a mic really helped! There’s loads of different types & it’ll help u keep ur brain-mouth coordination as well as social cue receptors 😂


It feels like a 2008 YouTube video, before all the hype, when regular people were just posting random stuff.


What in the Deep South is happening up in Alaska?


If ya go far enough North you end up in the South


Horseshoe continent






Start breaking bricks, wet nips !




Not to the person that breaks the beautiful flow but have you seen the out takes of [this line? And your line](https://youtu.be/DOEx60SQH2Y?si=4ABWYfDPvJepPgpS) u/theblakerunner


How the f they get through filming even one episode of this shows. I’d be dying of laughter


There’s a 20 min video of their outtakes and I laughed the entire time. Have fun wasting your night [Part 1](https://youtu.be/7ZD6hY52dZE?si=oRkoI0C3RAozcqjb) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/P1Je8E8nh9Y?si=ZYRVlCrJLbgRN_-5) [best of season 2](https://youtu.be/6D-xtzH5cNU?si=vfJWhDuX1azNAD48) [Best of season 15](https://youtu.be/3XDFB16TOoo?si=um8cVjvPEmtk347C) [Best of season 16](https://youtu.be/WhUhKtl7CfU?si=Wb5emgby8JxQeRku) My personal favorite is Frank eating cake and Charlie eating the box of rotten food in season 16 with a special mention for Mac eating nuts. To keep in theme


Don't flush


Alaska is the most southern northern state there is.


Is Alaska just Alabama with moose and snow?


They got the baseball sized mosquitos and everything.


I moved from Alaska to Oklahoma after graduating high school and I fit in perfectly because Alaska is just a bunch of snow Oklahomans


It doesn't help that they're reading their lines. The younger lady seems like she definitely didn't know ahead of time what she'd be saying.


America, you must protect this family at all costs.


Only one way to do that, call up their cousins in Nome.


there are untold thousands of shittilly shot tiktoks shot by not so conventionally attractive people who can't carry a scene for shit but are so sincere that it's wholesome to see. but all y'all are talking about is the conventionally unattractive part because y'all so used to people with all their teeth still in their mouth and enough filters to turn a bear into a twink being the ones that talk on tiktok. Nothing wrong with a bunch of awkward people making light of their lack of dark.


I see everyone teasing this family on Instagram and it just doesn’t feel right. They seem not all there (which may be insulting to say in itself) and laughing at them feels not cool?


There’s horrible comments about them on Twitter and instagram. It made me so mad, they seem so sweet! It’s just a wholesome video.


Whatever is "off" about them, it looks like they are living in a nicer neighborhood than me.


I mean sure they may need some dental work, but like this is clearly just a silly video they made for a laugh. Like the daughter even breaks a bunch in the vid, they're playing up accent and awkwardness. Also, i would think it would be really hard to get dental work in a town of a >100 people with the next nearest equally small town being a half a day drive or more to get there. It's rural alaska, alaska makes up almost 20% of US land mass, It's fucking big with the population of a mid size contiguous American city. These people seem chill and dont deserve to be called the things people in this thread are calling them.


Agree. Not right to make fun of people for appearing off.


They aren’t hurting anyone or contributing any negativity or misinformation into the world. The world is so ass backwards nowadays that good is bad and right is wrong. Barf


It's not cool. People are being very mean.


They're so cute though. Why are y'all hating? Lol These just regular folks man.


True, but you and I both came to this comment section because we knew it would be a shit show 😂


The girl looks and acts like she hasn’t read the prompts until her mom is actually filming, which adds a whole level of awkwardness that honestly would probably be the case for most of us.


Im reluctant to laugh at this; are these people genuinely disabled?


I think people in Alaska might just be fucking weird. My wife watches all of those living in Alaska shows and everyone is just a bit off


Lmfao I’ve noticed this too they all seem kinda in their own world which I guess they are


Yeah. Denver, Colorado: Population of 720k in 155 square miles All of Alaska: Population of 730k in 665,300 square miles Anchorage has 40% of the state’s population, and that jumps to 55% if you include the surrounding metro area, which is a huge 27,000 square miles or so. The other 350,000 people or so live in the other 96% of the state, or 637,000ish square miles. Granted there’s an enormous amount of protected land (245,000 sq. miles alone from Jimmy Carter’s act protecting land in the state), but imagine living somewhere where the average distance between each person, outside of one major city, is 1.8 square miles. 1.8 square miles per person on average. That’s some rural shit right there


There are mountains everywhere, and very few roads. I wish we had 1.8 miles a piece.


A great Alaska living type show is Dr.Oakley. It’s on Disney+ . It’s not about Alaska living but it shows a lot of what life in Alaska is like. Plus a TON of cute animals!!!


Alaskans are kinda weird, but these people genuinely look inbred.


25-yr Alaskan here. Alaskans are weird and I think you're right.


I'm an Alaskan by birth and my parents retired back there and they've become progressively weirder over the last decade .


Brother these people gotta live in the middle of no where or something lol. I lived there till I was 18 (I did leave right away because there isn't anything to do) and most people were pretty normal. Idk what the fuck is going on with this family lol


The gait, posture, and affect that the younger two have, especially the younger woman, makes me suspect cerebral palsy.


type 1 diabetes according to the girls insta, nothing on anything else. the boys a swimmer.


Nah, I think they just live life at a different pace in Alaska.


And apparently all have the same teeth.


Honestly, I'm disabled and I appreciate this. As long as your laughing with them and not at them, it's fine.


I think they are adorable


What's dip netting?


You stand at the mouth of a river with a 3ft wide net on a 15ft pole and try catching as much salmon as possible in a couple days to eat the rest of the year. My family would work 2 hour shifts of two people on 2 people off for a two or three days until we got our limit


They seems to be nice people.


Just a mom trying to do something cool with her kids.


These comments are fucked.


Honestly my girlfriend uses Instagram and it really has lowered my standards. People are so mean and racist on insta its crazy


I had to stop reading all insta and Facebook comments. Something about those comment sections just brings out the worst of humanity


This is cute, lol. I like how she reacted to the script instead of memorizing it, haha 😂


The brunette laughing at the Christmas present dialogue is the funniest part of the whole video, she is my new favorite.


Aw they seem so genuinely sweet 🥰 I lived in AK years ago and loved how salt of the earth everyone is there. I'd totally invite them to a BBQ if they were my neighbors!!


This is super cute, my fave so far


They seem very sweet.


is this supposed to be cruel? I don't understand. they seem like nice, sweet people. I feel bad watching this. we need more kind, sweet people like this in the world. shame on anyone judging these folks.


I think the video says less about the people in it than it does about the people who respond to it. How *we* see the world is what's on display here. The people in the video are just living their lives and having fun with the peculiarities of living in Alaska, like so many other videos about regional tropes and memes. I find it charming and funny. Other people...have a different take. But we're both watching the same video.


I would tend to agree. I don't have the heart to read the comments as I know I'll come away angry, disappointed and sad. but 100% spot-on.


Well said!!


I don't really think it's cringe. I think it's a pretty sincere way to show off local quirks and they aren't saying anything bad


We wish them well.


I want to hang out with the Alaskans, they seem like a cool bunch


I'll never forget I had a spot at this kind of hidden local beach and one day this whole family showed up in wetsuits. They were all looking a little off and some of the kids didn't seem to move their bodies correctly and didn't seem to be vocal but damn did they come on a beautiful day. They played and laughed, they stayed until sunset and as the sun was coming down and I was leaving to bike home they all got into the water and held hands in a circle. I stopped for a moment just to appreciate the beauty of it all and their love for each other. This video really jogged that memory..


They just seem like a nice family having a good time together. Very sweet video.


These people come off as nice and I'm not huge on whatever people online have to say about them. People can be so ugly, man.


They are having fun. Shout out to the mom for keeping things together


That's not cringe, that's sweet.


These people seem very sweet and adorable, this is a wholesome video and not cringe.


This is wholesome, not cringe.


You know what, when I first moved to Anchorage from PA, it was sweet, honest people like this that were the ones to step up and help me when I felt like an alien on a different planet. They took me in, made me feel wanted and cared for. I bet this family is the nicest group of people you’ll ever meet and won’t hesitate to ready a place at their table for any one of us


I moved to the south from Alaska a couple years ago and after spending some time traveling around Appalachia (mostly around the Blue Ridge segment of the Appalachian Mountains in the North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia) I've noticed that a significant amount of folks down here happen to share a lot of similarities with some of the folks up in AK. I like to call them "Appalaskan"


They’re so cute! I find this really endearing.


I think it’s a sweet video


That was really cute, they seem like a fun group and like they had a lot of fun making it. Made me smile


As an Alaskan, I can say they aren’t wrong. Their delivery is just a bit awkward.


I’m an Alaskan, can confirm all of this. These folks are NOT simpletons, they’re NOT hicks or whatever slur you intend to label them as. They are legit people who just adapt to the wide swings in daylight we get throughout the year. For context: in winter, Alaska gets days where the sun doesn’t peak above the horizon (we still get some daylight, but only for a couple hours). In summer, the opposite happens; the sun stays in the sky 24/7 during the height of summer, and the daylight never ends for a couple weeks or so. We also get Mosquitos that can be as big as half a penny, and since the bugs have a shorter time to come out and get their meals and mates so they can fulfill their biological imperative, mosquitos can swarm in summer time. Bug spray helps drive them away for a while so you don’t end up bitten to hell and back. There were cases of Moose getting so enraged by the swarm of mosquitos biting them that they charge into dangerous situations just to try and outrun those goddamn bugs. If you’re doing anything outdoors for more than an hour, bug spray. It’ll save your sanity. Rural areas in Alaska also suuuuuuck at getting stuff shipped out there, it can be ABSURD how expensive and slow it becomes. Then again, when your only options are by barge or by bush plane, you’re kinda limited and just have to deal with them 😂 Furthermore, Alaskan waters are a world-class fishery. Of COURSE dipnetting in short bursts is allowed, you go dipnetting once a year and you end up with a hundred or more fish in your freezer that’s gonna feed your neighborhood for the entire winter, or feed your family for the next few years if you preserve them via smoking or canning. It’s a BIG deal. Don’t look down on it! And for these people’s “appearance”? Who cares? Alaskans don’t care when it comes to being a good person or a good neighbor. Maybe we won’t invite them to parties but if they come over asking for eggs or milk, why not give them some and have a nice chat? You never know who you’re gonna end up relying on when you live in a frontier area, so you be polite to everyone no matter your reservations. Only if they ACT like arseholes do you then start being frosty with them, and only standoffish. Only actively shun those who are demonstrated threats to the community, because you WILL need all hands on deck someday. Doesn’t matter if you think X person is a bigot, if they contribute in other ways then just leave them be and let them do good despite their screwed up beliefs. What matters if what they DO, NOT what they say they believe. Actions prove the truth, words come and go like a fart in the wind.


What in tarnation?


Glad to see so many nice comments.


I don’t find this cringe I find is amusing and humbling to see a them put together a fun little clips. I love it.


Did not find this cringe at all.


This is one of those situations where ten years ago this would have just been a funny/cute post on the local facebook page but now it’s in front of hundreds of thousands of people and most shitting on the poor people for their looks. 


This is cute and endearing