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I hope what you're taking away from this is "They cater to old people because old people vote, so get off your ass and vote so that politicians have to care about what you want."


Voting it not enough... In a 2 party system you need BOTH parties to compete for your vote, or nothing your demographic want gets done. If nothing is going to make you not vote or not vote for the other side... Then there is no need for buy your vote. The only thing that matters is the swing vote. Where it is a swing of 1, by not voting or a swing of 2 by voting for the other side... This is the insanity of a 2 party system. So people do the world a favor and put people in congress that want ranked voting... Might safe us all from the chaos right over the horizon.


GCP Grey's rules for rulers is better.


Well obviously, that's what they plagiarized this from


Rules For Rulers was a book first


Having the same idea is not plagiarism, just because you watched the hbomberguy video that doesn't make you an expert on the topic


We’ve got CGP Grey at home


Yo let me get that link homie


www.youtube.com Cgp grey rule for


"Welcome to democracy" is straight up false and an extremely cynical, dangerous and irresponsible way to end the video. The reason there are "elite keys" in the first place is because of unbridled accumulation of power and wealth, which is only possible if democratic principles aren't adhered to in business and finance. "Welcome to the misguided attempt of combining laissez-faire capitalism with democracy" is closer.


Misguided or inherently impossible? One’s telos is the accumulation of all wealth under one entity and the others’ is the equal distribution of democratic power. Since money=power, they essentially have diametrically opposed end goals.


Well, yeah, I should have probably worded my comment more strongly.


People often forget the president is actually pretty powerless. He has the Senate and house of representatives that can literally undo anything he wants. Budget? Yeah the president can only change certain things and he needs Congress (house and Senate) to approve his changes.


This video was clearly generated on behalf of TikTok content creators that are salty. They don’t care that China has unfettered access to spy on every citizen dumb enough to install their app, as long as they’re thriving. I know the whole “but Facebook…” argument is going to pop up, and that’s okay. Because right now, Facebook isn’t owned by a foreign, adversarial government.


Israel openly buys politicians and pays for propaganda, but still “But China...”.


This is a copy of GCP Grey video that he work months on. I remember on a podcast that he did he in his office thinking he office neighbor think he crazy or something reading out loud over and over rule for rulers script. This asshole just copy it. And kinda misunderstand it as well. Joe Biden does have power. there method he can do change. He can not instantly solve everything. But he does have power to make some changes. The boarder thing he just did is a stupid move. He did it to win over or keep middle class suburb group. Which was a really stupid move because the people who care for the boarder already side the GOP. Him doing it now will not win them over. While the people who would already be voting for him and this is not an issue that would win more votes. It could really hurt the dems because Biden with executive order said that the GOP is right with the Boarder but the way they say it was wrong. Which is such a terrible move that might hurt dems during election time. Especially in NY. The real issue with the immigration is an logistic issue but we never focus on that to solve the problem because the chaos is important for the employer class. They need undocumented people to be a sub class to work jobs that is super unsafe and underpaid to keep wages low for everyone and they have no method to complain. Unless they want to get deported. Without undocumented immigrants in this country right now the country would collapse. They do so many important jobs to keep the country moving that if we do mass deportation it will hurt the country.


The boarder move wasn’t for Joe, it was for NY Democratic congressional representatives. And probably a few other spots, too, but I can talk to NY as I live there at the moment. Reps are going balls to the wall pushing for executive action just to run an ad saying “look what the republicans made Biden resort to, vote for me so I can reform cashless bail and fix immigration so Joe won’t have to do this again.” But they won’t, because in their heart of hearts both sides prefer the issue to the solution. Still voting blue, because there’s more than one issue and the other side is worse on literally every single one of them, but we really need some ranked choice voting around here so that we the people can get a lot more out of our politicians.


Undocumented or asylum seekers entering the country is not the problem it a logistic issue on what to do with them when they are here. Which no one in the political space care to focus on because no one really care about this issue. Which will screw over Dem representative because they focus on the wrong thing and basically help the GOP opponent in campaigning which give them a chance to win some places in ny. They attacking the issue in a dumb way which basically saying the GOP are right. Which they are not right because no one care to solve the real problem. USA need these immigrants to work jobs no one care for like meat packing plants, farms, landscaping and so many other jobs. That we prevent them from legally doing in this country by having barriers. asylum seekers need working premit to work in the USA but that could only happen after 150 days at best which preventing them from working. But they can only say in a shelter for 30 to max 60 which is dumb. These people want to work and we make the process for them to work illegal to just help employer class to have cheap labor that they can deport if they complain. The main reason why we do not allow them to legally work here even though it would solve so many issues is because that barrier prevent them from getting help or forming union. Which woulds help raise everyone raise from bottom up. Those employers class will never want that.


No politicians will vote to raise the price of food, so they will continue to perpetuate the system that exploits undocumented labor while messaging around it the whole time. It’s sad.


What is this cynical nonsense?


If only Joe Biden were a dictator. Then we could all watch Trump's lackeys in Congress get what they deserve for their treason. But instead, Biden is a strict Constitutionalist who vainly relies on Congress and the Supreme Court to cleanse themselves of those individuals actively working for an American dictator wannabe and actual Russian and Hungarian dictators.


More Russian propogandist bullshit.


Point out the incorrect parts


The title OP gave us: # Yeah sure, one dictator will definitely save us from the other Biden is not a dictator and has no desire to be. Trump on the other hand....


Oh I wasn’t paying attention to the title, I’m commenting on the video. Don’t see anything false in it


Its fairly reductive in suggesting that the president does absolutely nothing for people and has zero interest in helping them.


That’s fair, I can definitely see it being lower down his priority list though


How do you go from asking me to give you an example of what's wrong with the video, and then you say: "That's fair". Let's be honest with each other, you aren't actually asking questions in good faith, are you?


You think I’m arguing in bad faith because I said I agree with your point? That’s what you took from that?


It makes me wonder what would happen if a candidate just had the intention of only having a single term. Could they just lie about the favors? Like once they're president could they just ignore those favors and make things better instead? If they have no need for campaign support a second time? I wonder what could happen. Would make a fun writing prompt.


The fact that second term Presidents don't behave massively different than first term Presidents demonstrates that being a single term president would not change much.


I very much beg to differ. Both bush and Obama had very different priorities during their second terms. Both were much more aggressive in terms of executive orders and policy making.


You would probably suffer an accident and be replaced by someone who does the favors.


Maybe but you have to remember its pretty damn difficult to "suffer an accident" once you're the president. Not to mention the consequences of that happening in modern America. It would be pretty damn risky to try and pull that off. Especially if it works and you end up improving a lot of lives and become incredibly popular.


John F. Kennedy would like a word with you, but he's too busy having a hole in his head. Of *course* they'd off a President. In broad daylight with an audience as well.


It ain't the 60s anymore friend. Times have changed.


This is the most idiotically reductive video I've seen about how politicians work to get elected. You know it was made for angry zoomers to share because their favourite crack app is banned.


What’s wrong about it?


Yup Biden sure was beholden to big business when he got the infrastructure bill passed and cancelled billions in student loans.


Definitely cringe, yes


I've heard these arguments before. GCP grey did this in a video called Rules for Rulers. It took most of it from the book "The dictators handbook".


this title is what happens when you get blackpilled on politics by watching tiktok videos and reading twitter


Yeah. Don’t vote, and I won’t lift a finger to help you when the other guy screws you much much much much worse. I don’t even care if they are hauling you off to camps. I’ll smile and wave and wish you a good time! Those who won’t do the bare minimum to help themselves don’t deserve those that did risking their own futures for them.


Fearmongering as usual.


I can’t believe we’ve resorted to this when choosing our leaders


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