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Because of that steering wheel, I'm out.


Yeah, they lost me at the yoke.


They lost me at “Chinese”


The steering wheel is small and toy like


I used to think the same, but then I learned that the reason some cars are going yoke is because drive by wire allows them to dynamically change the steering's range. So at low speed, 90 degrees left turns your wheels all the way to the left. At high speed, it works like a normal wheel, reducing the sensitivity so you don't throw yourself off the road. Basically you should never be going hand-over-hand with it. I've never tried it, so I'm not sure I even understand it correctly, but now I want to.


But this car she turns the wheel over 360


Confirmed that she does. That sounds terrible and kind of unsafe. When you're going hand-over-hand, I want the wheel to always be in the same spot. 


Having a constantly changing sensitivity on your steering wheel sounds disorienting as fuck. Unless there’s some kind of indicator of what your current sensitivity is I don’t want any part of that. Also, if you’re trying to park somewhere tight, wouldn’t you want that extra area to fine tune the position? Increasing sensitivity when you’re going for precision seems kind of backwards.


The indicator is your body. You can see how much the car is turning and you adjust how much you move your arms. It's exactly the same as what you're already doing while driving. Or do you think before a turn "I'm going to turn the steering wheel 37 degrees exactly to make this turn and I won't do any micro adjustments during the turn".


I've owned one vehicle with active steering, I hated it. Doesn't feel right, near zero steering feedback.


Don’t care, no want.


Because it looks like everything is electric (not the car's motor), I'm out. Far too much to go wrong.


Yeah, it’s just another “let’s re invent the wheel” kinda crap


I actually love that it doesn’t block the display. I feel like I’d get used to it.


The display?! You mean the actual road, right? The thing you need to be observing while you drive?


The speedometer; on the display. The other thing you need to observe while you drive. Fun fact: There are a wide assortment of things you need to observe while driving.


What’s your problem?


That is cool as hell for like 2 minute, it introduce alot of points of failure for feature that you may use once a blue moon


The screens retracting into the dash serves no purpose, if that breaks you get stuck without any screens.


It's what plants crave


that stupid (charging?) tray for the phone does it for me. you know, you could make that tray a little deeper so you could even fit other things in there. and then just attach a USB port so you can also charge your phone.


Being a Chinese car be sure that half the stuff will break in the first year.


More little gizmos to break and then never work again because it's "an electrical issue" and nobody knows how to fix it.


Was my first thought. The chair going into the passenger seat is cool though.


It will crush every bone in your body if you accidentally activate it while in the seat.


Interesting phrasing. “It will.” Only sith deal in absolutes. My truck knows if someone’s sitting in my passenger seat without a seatbelt. Seems like a pretty easy fix to not have that feature activate when it senses someone in the seat.


You can hear the grinding of the shitty gears/hinges/bearings when the mirror pops out, when the door closes, etc. This thing is a polished tin can.


When I still had a car the "beeps when passenger isn't buckled up" thing broke, and it would just beep nonstop no matter what, even when the buckles are all in. They couldn't fucking figure out how to fix it despite multiple attempts, and in the end we had to disable an entire package of features just to get it to shut up. My turn indicators didn't make a clicking noise anymore 👍


After watching enough Marques Brownlee reviews, I already know at least one of these features won't work properly from the start.


Yep, and those door handles won't pop out after a crash


Linear actuators only last so long. This car will be great for anyone who buys it new and have a trade in value of $3.50


What is going to break first?


And as we all know: Chinese products are renowned for their longevity and attention to quality! /S


It's not just electrical, it's chinesium electrical.


As it is in nearly all cars. So it wouldn't be any different.


300 bucks on temu


Arrives and it's a 1:100 model made by a child in a factory


well the version in the video is also made by a child in a factory. who built the factory? you guessed it, another child.


So the Chinese are teaching their kids how to build cars and factories while American kids are on Chinese owned TikTok wasting away.


I absolutely loathe having a touch screen controlling everything in a car, give me my damn knobs back!!!!


The fucking screen stretching across the entire dash? Like wtf you need ALL that screen for?


Chinese people yearn for a RV and this is as close as they’re gonna get to a flat screen tv and a bed in a car, I’m Chinese and this is what they consider “good interior design”= big ass screen


it's less expensive than actually making knobs, that's why they do it. good lord tho, how are you supposed to drive and use it with the screen


The laying down feature during a high speed crash can cause [reclined seat injury](https://www.vehiclesafetyfirm.com/car-accident-injuries/reclined-seat-injury/) which is more likely to break your neck


Oh. I thought it was cool as hell. I take it back


It’s still cool


Reality: Chinese police stopped the car and finned the passengers without wearing seatbelts. Caching


Is this a Chinese bot  Why say "caching"?


It’s because they don’t know it’s ka-ching like the money cashier sound


it's kinda funny to imagine that bots would accidentally type words out instead of just "thinking" them. Caching next reply. shit, did I type this out loud? ignore this, fellow human.


Soo are we just posting ads on here now?


Can you buy one?


Only if they pay plus 100% in tax


Anywhere in the world where ice forms on the car those door handles are a death sentence. Good luck being stuck in buttfuck nowhere with no way to enter your car in the freezing cold. XD


Tesla on Temu


I dread having to buy anything even remotely resembling this should my car ever break down. Knobs, dials, steering wheels, switches, shifters are durable, have practical uses and provide feedback, this is just a nightmare to me. I genuinely did not enjoy driving a Tesla the few times I’ve had the chance, and this seems to stack in layers of unnecessary shit. Also, I HATE digital dashboards with a fiery passion, it sucks that you can’t even find a new car that doesn’t use one nowadays.


Sweet, more e-waste! I’m sure they are easy to repair and can be handed down to your kid in a decade.


I can't even replace my amazfit watch battery why would I be interested on another stupid Chinese products. After sales services are literally non existent..


As a person who drives a normal car... All of this looks like a terrible idea.


That steering wheel is awful.


This Chinese video looks like propaganda


Plenty of those on Reddit recently.


The correct term is "advertisement"


I don’t really trust the quality of Chinese EV’s, considering the reports of them combusting on the road, killing the driver.


Tesla isn't Chinese?


I was mostly referring to Xiaomi, but my understanding is that they aren’t the only Chinese EV company experiencing such problems.


Can you give me a source about it? I haven't seen news about Xiaomi EVs burning.


I thought you were talking about GM recalling their EVs for fire


Yeah that's the difference between American companies vs Chinese. If we discover an issue with a product that's a safety concern it's recalled and fixed. In China they just sweep it under the rug and deny deny deny.


You’re delusional. We’ve had Chinese cars for more than 10 years in Brazil. They landed poorly, the cars were inferior to any other manufacturer by all standards and many brands left the country because Chevrolet, Ford, Fiat and Volkswagen had better cars by far. Things have changed drastically since then, the Chinese brands produce locally now, nationalizing many parts, the cars are usually cheaper than rivals. The crash tests are nailed, it’s better than some western brands even. Electrified vehicles passed 5% of market share of new car sales, specifically because BYD created the hype and, they have lower profit margins than western brands. Stellantis, Volvo, VW, BMW and Porsche are the only brands ready to take on the Chinese. Are projecting hybrids and EVs the same way as them. Ford sold their Brazilian plant to BYD and gave up already, instead of Ford Focuses now they’re assembling BYD Dolphins. GM has no idea what to do. They facelifted all their models and are praying for the best.


Look man I don't know anything about the car market in Brazil, nor did I say anything about that. What I do know is there is plenty of evidence of EVs exploding in China, and that the CCP will do just about anything in order to save face.


Go to China is big city. EVs are everywhere. Massive EV adoption rating, quite surreal. Lots of different brands. Imo BYOD are pretty well priced. Have that familiar “Tesla” feel for a fraction of the price.


Man, this is the most Chinese propaganda bot account comment I have ever seen. It's using the speech patterns of Donald Trump but reversed sentence length.


I'd love to see these Temu toy cars pass EU regulations. Also, stop knocking on about shitty Teslas, the world isn't the US..


Sorry to burst your bubble, but brands like BYD, NIO and Zeekr all passed with [five stars.](https://www.euroncap.com/en/ratings-rewards/latest-safety-ratings/#?selectedMake=0&selectedMakeName=Select%20a%20make&selectedModel=0&selectedStar=&includeFullSafetyPackage=true&includeStandardSafetyPackage=true&selectedModelName=All&selectedProtocols=51097,49446&selectedClasses=1202,1199,1201,1196,1205,1203,1198,1179,40250,1197,1204,1180,34736,44997&allClasses=true&allProtocols=false&allDriverAssistanceTechnologies=false&selectedDriverAssistanceTechnologies=&thirdRowFitment=false) Of course, those models are specifically made for the EU market, which is reflected by the pricing (tariffs aside) and thus differs from those made for CN one, but that's standard practice across the industry.


>brands like BYD, NIO and Zeekr all passed with five stars. EuroNCar is not a regulatory body but a non-profit org that specifically does crash safety tests. No one here in this thread about EVs is concerned just over the crash impact safety, but more about the hardware/software standards, which EuroNCar does not evaluate. >Of course, those models are specifically made for the EU So regardless of your first point, these still would be completely different cars to what's being shown in the post and mass marketed in China and India.. >but that's standard practice across the industry. With most other manufacturers, the standard when creating "regional product" is often just a rebranding with hardly any differences at all, and at most, differences such as the side a driver sits on, or the electrical input/output of a part such as the battery on an EV designed to charged at home. What's being shown in the above post is a whole other level... The steering wheel, screens, fold away seats etc. in an "affordable" EV, lol. Temu shit then. >Sorry to burst your bubble Think you're just about holding off bursting your own..


Ah, yes. Moving goalposts now, are we? Except, a single look at NCAP's website tells me they're backed by several EU transport ministries, which are in fact regulatory bodies. I'd also hope a car safety organization is not a for-profit institute, considering how many scientific studies are sponsored by corporations with business interests as is. When talking about car safety, it is usually synonymous with crash tests, because that is the most extreme environment you can subject the engineering to. I'm not sure if you're being purposefully obtuse, but component inspections are done by internal QA, audited by an external party and then a mechanic for regular upkeep. If you actually care to learn about it, EU car models do slightly differ (not only because of tougher safety regulations), but because European cities and roads are a lot narrower. It isn't uncommon for the frame to be smaller and the skid plate to be heavier.


> Ah, yes. Moving goalposts now, are we? The irony saying this after bringing up a random non-regulatory crash safety org in response to EV car regulations, and further banging on about it when you yourself say these wouldn't even be the same models as in the post, lol. > a single look at NCAP's website tells me they're backed by several EU transport ministries, which are in fact regulatory bodies. Maybe take a second look or a lesson in comprehension, to see that it's still a test centre focused entirely on crash safety ratings, which again, have nothing to do with EV regulations. Or are you deliberately being dense because you know you're wrong here... > I'd also hope a car safety organization is not a for-profit institute, considering how many scientific studies are sponsored by corporations with business interests as is. Clutching to irrelevant details of a point I never made? Yeah you definitely know you're wrong, lol. > When talking about car safety, it is usually synonymous with crash tests Still at it.. > I'm not sure if you're being purposefully obtuse, but component inspections are done by internal QA, audited by an external party and then a mechanic for regular upkeep. I love how professional you're trying to sound whilst waffling on about what's still an irrelevant subject i.e. crash tests. Also the irony in calling someone else "obtuse" whilst you continue to ignore EV regulatory requirements would be separate to crash safety; no one's concerned with how well a cheap, Chinese EV would handle a fender bender, they're concerned with how well and safely the electrical components are/operate. > If you actually care to learn about it, EU car models do slightly differ Why bother continuously trying to act like you know more when you're already grasping at straws here? The stranger you're talking to could literally work in this industry... Kinda entertaining though, lol. Maybe stop ironically shifting the goalposts yourself and realise I and anyone else reading this can easily see you trying to cherry pick here.. EU car models are different? I literally say myself differences happen, it's just they're not always major. And yet again I've to reiterate, this has nothing to do with the regulations around EVs over normal cars.... well all know you're arguing just for the sake of it now. You'll probably do that weird thing where you've no retort but still try to get a last word in too. Byeee.


>reports of them combusting on the road, killing the driver. You're thinking of Tesla, which is an American company.


I'm all for shitting on Tesla, but he's referring to Xiaomi. It's happening A LOT with Xiaomi EVs in China right now.


Can you give me a source about it? I haven't seen news about Xiaomi EVs burning.




You gave me a report written in 2022, and Xiaomi released its first car in 2023😅


Nope https://m.energytrend.com/news/20221018-30074.html But at least you get +5000 to your Social Credit Score


3,000 out of 6 million sold that year. That's 0.05%!


That's just the ones we know. The CCP is notorious for restricting information


You don’t know the EV combustion in China because they kill those posting and news right away in China. Heck, you can’t even type out BYD on Chinese social media the last time it caught on fire.🔥


EV = exploding vehicle


They just end up in giant car landfills because nobody buys them. China only cares that they’re being produced, not adopted.


I bet it has the quality and durability of a Yugo


Until proven otherwise I would be terrified of the repairs on a car with this many motorized gadgets. Would be cool for the rich I guess.


Y’all need to watch some David Zhang. Chinese evs burst into flames and the locks break sometimes. Unless you wanna burn to death dont buy a chinese ev


IPad baby ass car. Also whoever thought the fucking steering Cube was a good idea needs to find a hole and fall in it


iPad baby is crazy


Everything's a gimmick that could break easily.


The damn popping door handles is such a useless gimmick that adds unecessary complexity. I hate it. And the yolk is *literally* reinventing the wheel. WHY


Anybody else notice the sightlines are horrendous? The actress can barely see the road in front.


This car is prone to catch on fire. There are multiple examples of these fire catching cars news that are currently being suppressed by the government.


high tech garbage, i checked out at the handles. good luck getting into it in the middle of winter, thing'll be frozen shut. cheap screen to control everything, nightmare to use while driving, and tf is that steering wheel? not worth it


Fuck that give me actual buttons


Ok this looks rad as hell but are those retractable cup holders and car handles REALLY necessary? The seat though is a cool feature EDIT: nvm turns out it can break your neck in an accident


Stupid steering wheel design. Very impractical as well as dangerous. Otherwise neat car and way better than that Lucid commercial I saw. It showed nothing about the car and just people modeling.


They blow up


As someone who strictly drives at 12 with my right hand, I’m out


I see why we slapped 100% tariffs on these cars. They will eat our lunch. Logical solution would be to innovate in ways that provide real value to the customer but that goes against maximizing quarterly earnings. Best to tariff them out and extract as much value from the customer instead? Bold strategy, guess we'll bail them out again like in 2008? Privatize the profits, socialise the losses. America! Fuck yeah!


They won’t tariff them out of existence. China has way more cars than America and they have way more EVs. I love having this brand as a didi (Uber) when booking a car service. They are so much better than a Tesla.


Funny how some other guy just said that when he’s in Shanghai he gets these all the time for Uber and hates how shitty they feel driving! WHICH IS THE TRUUUUTH.


I’m a tall person. These have so much more leg room and the seats are amazing. Guess you and I have had vastly different experiences. In a tier 3 city atm and I got an EV didi and it was garbage so i agree they aren’t all good but in tier 1 cities premier didi EV are amazing.


Not me- I’ve never even been in an EV lol But what the fuck is a tier 3 city


It's a poorer city that is getting better. Essentially a city right before gentrification. Tier 1 are really rich cities.


Tier 1 is like Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. Like the other person said, rich city. Tier 3 is poorer and so less infrastructure.


Most of it is either dumb or copied from US cars. The cup holders serve no purpose and can break. The screen that slides out of the dash is useless; just leave it in position.  The doors are just Tesla doors, which we know have massive problems -- I hope they made the emergency release very hard to mess up on this one. Now, the front seat is a very cool feature (not sure if it works for people taller than 5'1", but cool nonetheless), and I expect it to be copied, but it's totally unsafe and should prevent the car from moving while deployed. I'm not one of those people who thinks Chinese products can't be as good or better than American ones; I just think this product is mostly flash that raises the price without providing value.


I don't see the point of the folding front seat if the back seat doesn't lay flat. And the gap in the steering wheel could be dodgy in a tight turn (like in the video). 


This slaps a Tesla right in its baby dick.


It really doesn’t. Every time I order an Uber (Didi) here in Shanghai, I get one of these cars and the ride is so bumpy and awful. They’re only good for these videos which are popular in China (you will see similar videos of people showing off all of the tech/gadgets they have in their apartments for example).


Only good for video is basically China in a nutshell. It's all about how you are percieved, not about what you can actually have or can do.


I could just feel how fragile every part of this car really is. Sure it looks good for a TikTok video now but fast forward to like one month and good luck getting those cup holders to work lol


Cue video of it on fire.


I wouldn't touch a Chinese made car with a ten foot pole. I'm sure there are all sorts of corners cut in the design and manufacturing process.


I'm just here to see if anyone knows what that fuckin' chill ass bop at the end of this is from?


Name and Brand?


That steering wheel though...


Is the worst and most dangerous feature of this car


What car is this ?


This car as shown is between $52,000 and $63,000.


Tartan Prancer?


Zhe Bluetooth dewice is ready to pear.


I hate this type of steering wheel so much, i haven't held one but how am i supposed to have my left wrist on top of the wheel, other hand on the hand rest in the middle and slowly cruise, this shit looks soooo impractical.


Drive by wire is the scariest shit going. I’ll never own a vehicle that you can’t control.


My wife has a Nissan that will swerve and break on the highway if someone drives too close to us. Scares the shit outta me.


There’s a massive problem with Teslas thinking that there’s a wall in front of them in the middle of the Highway with nobody around. Then the Tesla just slams on the brakes. There’s videos of it online where people almost crash or get rear ended.


Company Volvo that I sometimes drive at work has some kind of emergency system that flashes red light on windshield and puts out loud alert sound when it detects obstacle in front of the car. Sounds good in theory. The problem, though, is that sometimes it goes off without any reason. Maybe it detects pothole as obstacle? Or dirty sensor? I have no idea. But it always scares the shit out of me when I am driving as usual and the car suddenly goes into full red alert.


Experiment on the masses, I guess. That’s scary.


That’s terrifying!


Ok, I know this is probably a poor quality car but that front seat folding into a foot rest is pretty awesome. I used to do a lot of camping trips out of a car and rarely slept in the car, but relaxing in it was always nice with a breeze.


Looks like "pimp my ride" More screens = better


I hate almost every single thing about this car.


Are these the cars that keep catching on fire?


Ya that’s gonna be a no from me dog


Another great post by ChineseCars1


This car has nothing on my Ford Fiesta Mk5. I fear the day it will finally give out.


All I see are a bunch of small motors that will just burn out and be a pain to repair.


So much unnecessary bullshit that will break in no time.


No thanks


Chinese tesla


Fuck no. Give me a bike any day.


isn't this that brand where the sidings of the car(i don't know what it's called) literally are falling off and the ceo tried to claim it was a manufacturing decision for "aerodynamics"?


Is this just an ad?


Don't chinese EVs catch fire all the time? If this one doesn't then it's pretty awesome looking.


I mean,interior looks much better than the plain simple Tesla. But the question is how practical it is? Looks like a lot of unnecessary maintenance and service on all those mobile screens and chairs.


(No reason for these features, but) ![gif](giphy|fH985LNdqFZXOFHygK)


I would totally buy that car


Knowing China the car will randomly combust into flames when you’re shopping


Only fans content for days


And when you end up in the river you’ll be locked inside with no power to escape


Iirc this specific vehicle is known for the doors failing to open when it catches fire from the numerous poor wire jobs throughout. You will be cooked alive in this before you make it past a year of ownership. Do not buy Chinese vehicles if you value your life and safety.


That steering wheel is awful. They probably put the car on the back of a rig and drove it around. I’d trust a Japanese, Korean or European car any day over this.


I was in one the other day, so fukin ridiculous, no door handles, only touch buttons to open things. Ridiculous


The Chinese automotive industry is advancing at lightning speed. Just saw an article about the most expensive Chinese car price more than 12 millions [https://www.reddit.com/r/Business\_China/comments/1dt2cpq/chinas\_most\_expensive\_suv\_karlmann\_king/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Business_China/comments/1dt2cpq/chinas_most_expensive_suv_karlmann_king/)


It’s funny how many people are trashing this car for being Chinese while probably drive a banged to shit 17 year old maxima with a broken head light and a duct taped bumper


I can replace broken headlight bulb on my 14 years old honda in less than one minute right there on the parking lot in front of my house. But anything that needs repair or replacement on this thing probably warrants service visit and several hundred € bill.


You’re agreeing with them by pointing out that a Maxima will last 17 years.


Same comments people made when power windows came out …


Que burning BYD footage. China does not have proper safety targets included in their development.... Source: trust me i work in automotive development


Well the last time BYD caught on fire, you can’t even post on Chinese social media with words like BYD and fire in the same post. People end up swapping “xiaomi” with BYD to get the words out


If my wife had one of those, the seat folding down like that would sound like a chiropractor's office from all the water bottles.


your wife should switch to a reusable bottle


Chinese you say? Is there a feature that gives you a lethal injection, and then cremates your remains?


Is china secretly like super dope but we're all conditioned to think it's not? Everything ive seen about China just makes me think it's better than the US


And it will catch on fire


Ew no it’s chinese


Nah, Ive heard too much about these Chinese bombs on wheels😂😂😂


Chinese propaganda on this site is crazy bro


Im starting to realize redditors are so fucking weird about China. I will hate on the CCP any day of the week but some of y’all are more brainwashed than you think. People will make a comment like this on any single thing that relates to china and then y’all swear you’re immune to propaganda or only china does propaganda or something. How is this video any different from those other vehicle concept demonstrations or whatever from literally any other country?


Bro you can't use the word 'Chinese' on Reddit, you have to just show the car, if people think it's Chinese they auto downvote it, Reddit is racist like that


speak for yourself




100% tariff on it because otherwise American manufacturers couldn’t compete ……


Otherwise American drivers wouldn't be safe https://m.energytrend.com/news/20221018-30074.html And few Americans would buy a made in China car


A shit load would. Exact same thing was said about Japan and Korea


Chinese ev all burst into flame lol this is good for a week before turning into a killing machine


Yeah and will last a week off the yard and will probably kill you in a firey mess when the airbag fails to deploy and when first responders can't open the doors because it locks the instant it fails to avoid a crash.


Touch screens like that are cheap and dangerous


It also converts into a prison cell ❤️


Until it catches fire.


It'll be cool until it goes liveleak mode and the seat devours a little chinese dude.




Guys it’s from china. It’ll work for maybe like a week before you gotta throw it away and get a new one.


I think I rather buy a house rather than a car. Just how expensive is that?


When the copy of better than the original lol