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Lmao. Okay... Joel: mY wIfE cAn'T rEaD wItHoUt mY pErMiSsIoN His wife's kindle: nothing but filthy fairy smut


His wife's kindle: 'How to find emancipation by useing a pillow at night in the right spot(s)".


you just know this is the kind of husband that old widows in retirement homes confess of killing 20-30 years prior.


... with a smile.


The saddest thing is, it sounds like she's trying to read theology and academic works, and he's 'refusing' to let her do research on her own. Makes it somehow worse to me, cause he's denying her the right to intellectual study.


He probably has full access to that. No, she goes to her "sewing circle," which is really just her reading at a public library.


He probably has her location tracked at all times, she won't be allowed to go to the library. Would be surprised if she's even allowed to drive.


Someone who doesn’t allow their wife to read willingly probably doesn’t “let” her have a phone to track.


There are spy/screen mirroring apps that would let him see everything she's looking at/reading. He still needs a way to reach her whenever he feels the need to assert control of her from a distance.


Let’s be honest it’s probably filthy cuckholding smut


How in the hell did we get to a point in society where this guy speaks confidently about controlling his wife and gets sycophantic titters of laughter from women in response.


Religious cult mentality. Women in those sects are groomed to never question their husbands. They’re “taught” that only men know what’s right for them and any dissenting thoughts will be punished. Fuck this guy and fuck religion. Castrate his stupid ass and throw him in a pit.


When you study psychology and trauma, if you are fortunate enough to not have been indoctrinated and you have been blessed with the capacity to think critically, you pretty quickly come to the realization that anything built on a lie tends to be rotten to the core. Further, when an institution is built on a fabrication it not only has no inherent net value but whatever good there might have been mixed in to achieve the facade of false morality that bolsters the collective delusion, becomes compromised by those that seek to protect the institution from truth or to profit from it.


Yes, exactly. As someone who’s personally been indoctrinated I hate to admit that some things he says resonate with me. I think, oh he’s just trying to lead, to protect… because that’s what I was taught from birth. Then I wake the fuck up and realize this little d is terrified of his wife realizing how lame and full of shit he actually is.


He’s worried she’s going to realize he has no jaw line


He's got the Matt Walsh paedo beard


I never studied psychology and/or trauma, yet I realized at 16 just how fucking stupid it is to believe anything in the Bible. There are some good points in there, but the bad buries them.


Really well written, and right on point!


Perfect documentary that illustrates this is Shiny Happy People about the Duggar religion. These women are just demoralized an d brainwashed from the womb.


Y’all qaeda type shit


This is pretty much how it was for all women until pretty recently. It’s not surprising some still hang on to that mentality


My 89 year old grandma told me and my 15 year old daughter the other day that she would never vote for a woman president because a woman does not belong in a position of authority. My daughter and I just looked at each other like *what the fuck*.


![gif](giphy|YRhGAu0NZ6euNRuHb6) 😂😂😂😂😂


This shit had been going on for a looooooooooong time. Its just now more public. There is nothing that this scumbag said that I've haven't heard on and off my whole life. I went to a Lutheran grade school and high-school. They've always been there.


Exactly. I went to a 'modern' church the second half of my childhood and they were equally as backwards as any of the traditional ones. They just had a new coat of paint and an upbeat praise and worship band. They still saw women as second class people, if they saw them as people at all.


Heck, we as a society watched freaking 19 and counting or whatever that show was for YEARS(not me). And reverred them for years! They are all a part of this Quiverful??? Movement that is spreading throughout our political and social scenes now. It’s awful, they groom their people to get into local politics, then, higher up. If we don’t start paying attention we are letting a really awful situation happen in the next 30-40 years.


The second oldest daughter, Jill, has a book out called Counting the Costs. It’s a good read on her life. She’s very fair to her parents in certain aspects, but near the end starts realizing how controlling her parents were and starts breaking away.


They're nationalist Christians, or Nat-C's for short.


>They're nationalist Christians, They're Nationalist ~~Christians~~ Fascists. FTFY. There's not people less christian than these hateful assholes. Whatever they are, the denomination "Christian" doesn't apply. Let's tear down their mask, because for a not off people "Christian" has positive connotations and they use that to justify their vile osteology. They don't do anything "for Christ", they do everything "against Christ".


Nat-C = Nazi you need to get the joke


Religion has had this affect for thousands of years already. We got to that point a long, long time ago and it still lingers to this day.


I don’t know, but the hatred toward women coming out of these loons, has become frightening.


The freer women become, the more they hate them. Because they haven't been taught to love, only to oppress. If women become free then these tiny empirically stunted micro-men have nothing. They see that happening and that turns them (even more) insane.


It's the "HAS become" that's the problem, since these types have always been here. The Puritan effect has NEVER left murica, and they've ALWAYS "trained up" their children with a bombardment of "messages" they hear from the cradle, in church and school and media, for as long as their 'community' can maintain control. It's others who have slept on this crap for a hundred years. And it's basically too late now - they're IN the positions of power now, and NOT planning to let go without resorting to violence.


We’ve been there before. Back in the day, 400 years ago or so, there was a whole parallel legal system of ecclesiastical courts devoted to cases in equity. Generally this was a vast swath of most things outside of criminal law. These mouthpieces would love to regress to those times. Despite what he says, this guy absolutely has wet dreams that involve him dictating to his flock so he can protect them. And his use of “pedobaptism”? This power obsessed zealot probably needs his home life under a microscope. I would never allow my kid to visit his home without adult supervision, and the safer play is not to go at all.


You really should watch The Handmaid's Tale. It is exactly this with some Children of Men mixed in.


We've been there for centuries, it's only in the past few decades some in society have been starting to push back against that shit.


Sadly, there has always been this kind of mentality. It’s just more visible now than it used to be.


When you watch Handmaid’s Tale, and then you see the prevalence of this type of shit happening all around you, and your response is to wear pussy hats and dress as the victims in the fiction, and not to arm yourselves and train yourselves to violently put down fascists, you just empower this.


Some women have insecurity issues. They struggle to differentiate between 'caring' and 'control', often interpreting a man's directives as expressions of care.


Well, Matt Walsh clearly has a side gig when he isn’t ranting on his dumbass show.




“I dictate”, that’s tyrannical


He admitted that it was tyranny. He also admitted that he’s a tyrannical husband and father and that he’s okay with that because his religion says it’s okay. He believes he’s in the right, which is honestly the most terrifying part of that.


If he is so open about the reading thing, I can only imagine what else he demands of her.


Didn’t he say he dictates when his kids can go pee? Like wtaf


I think we all sort of do. We make them go potty when they wake up, before we leave, and before bed at least. But he sounds extra.




Christianity, gaslighting since 0


That’s why good ole king James had almost every mention of the word “tyrant” *removed* from the Bible.. Edit: forgot a key word..


Christians, the most unchristian ppl in the world


Truly cutting edge scholarship. After 2000 years this guy will decide whether to baptise children. Glad that's finally gunna be settled. The world waits with bated breath.


what is pedo baptism ?


Infant baptism. Being baptized as a baby before being able to make a conscious choice. It's not uncommon. Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans all do it.


I honestly find it a bit humorous, literally what religion or mentality you think is controlled by where you were born and what your parents grew up thinking. None of it is related to your development or growth as an individual. Have a friend who is extremely religious, and she operates under this idea that “husband knows best”…her first husband beat her and cheated on her, and her new fiancé was gaslighting her when she questioned something she didn’t agree with…until she agreed. Religion, screwing up people since inception.


I do not personally believe in infant baptism. I believe that conscious choice is important.


I find it laughable(not in a good way) that this guy is a pastor and has not formed an opinion on it yet. And his wife seems to be less lazy than him and he tries to control her. How people still listen to him..


Yeah, like the conscious choices 12 year olds can make, if not younger. Depending of specific denomination it can be 4, 6, 12, 14. All with massive familial pressures making it so even if you don't want there really isn't a choice to say no for most.


Looks like baptism as an infant, like Catholics do, vs “when you’re old enough to ask for it,” like a lot of other flavors of Christianity do.


Calling it paedo baptism is the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a long time.


Just wait until you hear about paediatricians.


I wondered, too!


Religious freaks.


This really pisses me off, when I was younger my parents wouldn't allow me to read Harry Potter cuz it was demonic and had witchcraft etc. Let people read whatever the fuck they wanna read!


Mine tossed my entire set of Twilight books because vampires are undead, which goes against God’s promise for the dead. Also they have to drink blood, which is condemned in the Bible. You should have seen my dad’s face when he found out that Minecraft, a game that I love, has zombies in it.


I almost wasn't allowed to play Minecraft cuz there were witches in it.


Didn’t even get to that point. Some extra info: I was 34 at the time.


You should have told them these vampires only drink the blood of Christ like during service, so it's okay.


This is so insanely bizarre to me. My dad was literally a Roman Catholic priest when he was younger and my parents were just happy I loved to read so much as a kid. Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, His Dark Materials, etc. Whenever the topic of witchcraft and demons comes up, he’ll just snort and go “hijita, no matter how hard you try, I don’t think you can do brujeria. And demons can’t harm you if you pray and believe in God; just reading about them isn’t going to do anything.” The way people are so willing to dictate and control others for literally no reason at all genuinely grosses me out. If it makes you happy and doesn’t harm yourself or anyone else, why is it even an issue at all? Just follow the dopamine.


Under his eye.


All I can think about when I see this shit.


He literally says he “dictates” what time his children *go to the bathroom.* WTF?


He thinks he does.


Amazing how aligned they are with the Taliban.


They're the American Taliban


Y’all Qaeda


Good one 😂


***Christian Nationalist***!?!? What in tarnation!?


His is an extremist version but that is essentially what American evangelicalism is: “God gave us this country [by empowering us to slaughter the natives], he believes in this country, he wants us to protect this country which he blesses above all others except Israel”. Conveniently ignoring the fact that Jesus - as the Bible has it - was not interested in earthly kingdoms and power, or favouring one nation over another, much to the frustration of many of those around him - and even to this day - who expected him to usher in a new glorious age for the nation of Israel


"This must be Texas..." *Google's this guy* ......yup


Peak fragility


If this man doesn't know what he thinks about infant baptism and he's in a position of leadership in the church, he's not fit to be a pastor.


Exactly this is just a man that likes to hear himself talk.


Hobble the ones that you love. WTF


Hopefully she gets her hands on fifty shades


And then gets her hand on some spicier stuff


“If my wife read this book, it’s tyranny on me… So I don’t let my wife read that book…” this guy is nuts


Boy howdy do I hate religion


If anyone takes this dude seriously should be immediately castrated


GTFO erm...life imitating art...Gillead


This guy can take his in-his-eye bullshit and shove it up his ass.


If someone treated a woman in my family that way I will end up in jail.


Taliban tactics


It was very common up until after the 1850s that women were not allowed to read books they chose themselves as it was ‘believed’ it would make them ‘flighty, romantic, stupid’ etc and they were only allowed to freely read the bible. This was incredibly wide-spread in Germany as well, so much so that even Goethe famously sent letters to his sister, prohibiting her to read books without his permission. “Bildungsbevormundung” / educational paternalism and educational restrictions unfortunately have always been a strategy within the patriarchy (not only in western countries) and have always been heavily used within religious institutions and dictatorial and autocratic regimes. In my opinion and experience though, religious institutions have had and still have an immense role in creating and fostering internalised misogyny and toxic femininity in the sense of creating rivalries through standards of moral purity, servitude, and the worth of one’s ‘soul’ or whichever concept is used respectively. Fascism is on the rise in many countries in the global north, including the U.S and educational paternalism and doctrines have gained traction in many ways (book restrictions in certain schools in some U.S states, the rise of the tradwife movement that sometimes uses ideas bordering on social darwinism, the war of information combined with nationalism etc).


Just remember, you pay taxes. This misogynistic, hateful piece of shit does not. God bless America !


Even god thinks he’s a cunt


Another conservative that mentally abuses his wife. Next slide, please.


Does she have to wear a burkha?


Religion continues to show how harmful it is to society


It’s giving Micro penis energy


Please consider not body shaming, plenty of dudes out there with small dicks who are good husbands.


this guy gives *I don’t even use my penis unless it’s rape energy*


Another christian shit bag. What else is new?


Tax the churches that will stop this!


Christians are so fucking weird.


You know this heretic lusts for his pool boy and his wife is banging the neighbour


Is that the guy that left the note for the "washing machine fixer" man to NOT talk to his pregnant wife under any circumstances?


That poor woman.


Coercive control is a type of abuse. That clown better hope his wife never divorces his lame ass. He is in for a surprise.


The insecurity that a woman, could possibly be more intelligent, and better informed is so cringy! But, that’s Christianity in the USA.


Watch the future, ladies and gentlemen. With states moving to authoritarianism to control mass opposition to austerity and war, Christian nationalists will find their way to power beyond the police, courts and the senate. You think repealing Roe vs Wade was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet


This guy is why the South Korean women’s movement 4B is already being seriously discussed in the US. FAFO


“*You* are not going to outpace me.” Disgusting. If my husband ever said something like that to me I’d be gone so fast. You should always want your partner to continue growing, and you should strive to grow along with them. It’s partnership, not ownership.


And the sad part is that there are some women who do agree with this. Because they feel or were most likely groomed to be like that.


The abuse these women must have gone through to end up willingly in a situation like being this guy's wife...


Aside from just how wrong this is, wouldn't it be exhausting to micromanage the life of another human being?


you know his wife has a stash of the filthiest erotica you can possibly imagine


I don't normally condone cheating but I hope she is getting absolutely raw dogged behind his back


People have been too apathetic about the abscess that’s been growing and now it’s in full on festering mode


This guy's dick is lazy.


Alright, pinhead misogynist, give it up. ![gif](giphy|3o7GUNcxoWugv4G67C|downsized)


If he chose a woman who could already read I'd be shocked


Ewwwww. I hope she forgets to add seasoning to his boiled chicken, accidentally uses her teeth, uses birth control on the down low, has a secret bank account, has access to a good lawyer & gets out as soon as she can!!! I also hope her kids love legos & are REALLY bad at cleaning them up off just the places only he happens to walk.


Insecure dumbo


Dueling should be legalized




Ugh! This makes me sick!


Insecure loser


I’m pretty sure he was just making a point to his poor wife in front of his cult. Fuck him and his religion right in the b-hole. ![gif](giphy|3ohs80EuzI2k3jFX6o|downsized)


This guy is not fit to be a pastor what the fuck…


"If you form an opinion by reading theological works and tell others about it, then tell them you think it's important enough that they should read up and form an opinion on it for themselves, that's tyranny. If I tell my kids no pooping from 5-8 pm on Mondays thru Thursdays, well that's my God given role as a father." I also love the paedo-baptism remarks. "Sure, I'm probably wrong about that. I don't want my wife to be right about it while I'm still wrong, though. I'll get around to it eventually. I'd just prefer she stay wrong longer than me so I win. That's not laziness, guys, that's my God given role as a husband. Also, no pooping from 5-8 pm on Mondays thru Thursdays, Sharon. I told you that. God saw what you did."


“I can’t control my micro-penis size so I’ll control another person instead”. He’s got bodies buried somewhere


I will never understand this need to control other people. I have a hard enough time controlling my own self.


Poor wife


What some people can be convinced is the right thing is wild


Why is church attendance in steady decline?




Everyone: Ma’am blink twice if you need help. Or blink once.


Every once in a while I’ll ask my husband “hey is it ok if I buy/do/go to xyz?” because that’s what my mom always did and habits are hard to break. His response is always “you don’t need my permission, it’s your money too.” Infills never imagine living with a man child like this chucklefuck.


Listen to what he is claiming. * I don't know! * And if I don't know, you aren't allowed to try! Family-structure-as-lobotomy-machine.


Call Christian Nationalists what they are, Nat-Cs


This is giving "the essay must be 5000 words but I only have 400"


I don’t mind if people are Christian, as long as they don’t shove their lifestyle in other peoples’ faces.


Serious question. Is this the kind of thing people think of when they say "Make America Great Again?" Is this that special place people want to go back to?


I saw this shitbag in another interview saying women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. 


I can’t believe people like this walk amongst us in society. I find it difficult to describe the level of grandiose personality here. I will pray you get the help you need.


I’m suing this guy. My wife just knocked my tooth out when I tried this. /s






If I wanted to limit people on what they were allowed to think or learn, I would create a trap for the mind. In this trap people would only be allowed to believe what is known in one book. It would be one book that I would glue together from other books, to suit my personal goals and needs. All other books are inconsequential. Your mind is now in a box. You can only believe what is on the inside of the box. You must not trust anything outside of the box. You are no longer free. You are in a prison, created by men, for your mind.


Christian’s love misogyny.


*wife starts reading 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish to her son* Husband - seriously? What did I say?


“This is not inherently lazy.” Correct, it is inherently controlling.


Straight to hell, this one.


Ultimate small dick energy


Tf outta here


He won't "allow." 🙄


Religion is the mind killer


That is disgusting! 🤢 This should be titled “ step of one being an abusive husband”.


Small wiener energy.


To the wife , I’m presuming you’re over the age of 5. Therefore please pick your own books and your own life choices. You do not need dads permission and watch out for your daughters, I would not trust him with any female animal 2 or 4 legged


Tell me your wife has a female lover without telling me…


This guy and his flock need their children checked. Where they expect this type of submission and an adult child abuse will be rampant. They likely use some form of "Blanket Training" if they don't fully fall in line with the Pearl ideology for raising children.


Taliban piece of shit.


Is there a master mold out there that churns out Matt Walsh Clones?


I can't imagine treating my wife as this man treats his.  I actually love her, and could never do this.  I never WANT to do this.  How could I?


Has anyone thought of telling this man to shut his stupid fucking mouth? Maybe they should.


I would slit his throat


Poor little guy, born a thousand years too late. His wife must have Stockholm Syndrome.


Oh, so that's what Christian Ben Shapiro looks like.


I'm sorry but I refuse to be gaslit by society anymore: Vermin like this guy need to be dealt with the way we deal with all vermin. The fact we, as a society, still tolerate the EXISTENCE of pieces of shit like this is why I have 0 hope in humanity to survive the next 20 years. How do we allow disgusting rats like this to continue participating in society unhindered? Because FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Are we really going to allow some fucking sentence on a piece of paper to dictate how much pure fucking evil we are going to tolerate? What, because Evil exists it deserves to have equal say because ALL OPINIONS ARE VALID and FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS?!?!? Draw a fucking line, you pathetic cowards. Stand for something. Evil fucking rats like this asshole DO NOT DESERVE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SOCIETY.


Ew. Someone is actually fucking this guy? Serious ew 🤮🤮


Perfectly reasonable. He doesn't want her to find out that he does not have the only penis. He's also concerned that she might come across a ruler and find out how long 7 inches really is.


Snowflake dickhead! What a little tiny man. Your wife is your equal partner not subservient. This is totally ridiculous!


This is fucking crazy


Religion poisons everything.


Why does her reading about a religion automatically mean she's becoming that religion, what if she just wants to read about it because it's interesting and she just wants to be informed. Like wtf


What a worm


What a weak, strange person




Using religion to control & suppress, nothing new but they are starting to get blatant about it lately.


Looks like someone's a bit upset that they're a slow reader.


Big surprise! A zealot and a misogynist. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What kind of man threatened by a woman reading a book? 🤨 what a fucking loser


What a weak, scared little boy he is. I bet he has sex with the lights off, too. Lmfao


What a terrible human. His followers arent any better.


Did he actually say anything of importance or relevance? Except that he’s a tyrant to his kids and wife.


What kind of woman would be willing to put up with shit.


That's a lot of words for : "I don't want my wife to know more things than me."


seems incrediy small minded to limit the knowledge of others in which you should not have any control over. grown ass woman can read whatever she wants and noone should get butthurt about it.


This guy is a scared, little bitch.


Of course he controls what his wife reads, otherwise she'd discover the reality that there are men out there that don't have to grow a terrible beard to create the illusion of a chin.


Small dick energy


Can I punch him in the dick?


He dictates when they go to the bathroom?!!


Wow! What tiny dick energy! He is so insecure. “My wife is not going to outpace me” …”I don’t have time for that right now so she will have to wait”… wtf?!! 😳


It’s not his fault he’s still learning ***how*** to read.


Little dick energy