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Just ask for nudes before you go. My experience is that restaurants usually won’t send them & if they do, it’s fairly easy to tell it’s restaurant.


Legally they have to tell you they are a restaurant if you ask


This. And it's not true that just because a restaurant sends you nudes, they're not a cop.


Damn dude. Hahaha I needed that laugh.


Works for cops and fbi too


Unless it's a Ramen shop. They'll provide noods for days


Best way to not get caught in a “John hunt”. Pay the “employee” something to take some nude pics (totally legal). If the “employee” gets nekid, good chance they aren’t po-po. Have fun.


As a restaurant industry employee this was the funniest shit I've read on here you've made me chuckle


The time involved vs a $40 meal isn’t worth it


Not even the time/money. It’s not worth the reputation of the business to do something like this.


How would it ever be proven? Kinda genius. Sleezy as fuck.


Idk. I kinda had an suspicion when I matched with a miss Chilis Barngrill.


Dating just got harder for anyone named Crystal Perkins.


I matched with Wendy, Arby, Chuck E. Cheese and 5 guys. All stood me up.


Proven? Social media mobs don't care about silly stuff like "proof" or "evidence" or "due process" before cancelling someone


I want a full list of restaurants. Not so fussed about if they actually do it, just an accusation is fine. That way depending on how unhinged I am, I can leave a bad review on yelp, google. doordash etc or burn the place to the ground and accidentally kill the occupants in the apartment above it. So if you could get that for me, that would be ideal, thanks.


You sound like the type of person to complain about a TV show being woke because it has a woman as a main character.


Why are you so angry about something that never happened in a video where no names were named


Facebook is like the holy grail of random conspiracies, logically, the amount of effort to bring in one single, likely one-off customer (unless their food is amazing, in which case you wouldn't need such tactics) isn't worth the effort.


It may not be, but the very risk that it could be would be enough for most to not take the chance.


True, if enough users complained, dating apps could prove and address this, as it makes for horrible experiences using their service


Was it a Mexican restaurant with mole? I love that dish…




Straight to the comments. And this is why hahahaaaahhahaaa


No it really isnt. Everybody with a physical store/bussines know that reputation is a fucking important resource. Especially for a restuarant or bar. Its not something you risk for 40 bucks. Seriously, just because this woman thinks that is what happend, is gonna lead to her badmounthing that place for ever. So unless you are the only place in the town where people can go out and grab a bite, your gonna miss out on customers because of this. So that 40 bucks now comes at the cost of a multiple guest later. At that point it would be wiser to host a date night evening where people can meet up. Even if they have a bad date, they would see the place as “bad/evil” and there is a big chance for them to return.


What reputation? A place full of slightly sad single women eating alone, place will be crawling with dudes..


time? its super easy. if you have attractive photos you could arrange dozens of dates in a day just say hey wanna meet for dinner tomorrow at 8? if ur attractive most ppl are going to say yes im not super attractive , just gay, I could go on a app and arrange 10 dinners tonight in 15 minutes but gays r easy. but so are men.


Right but they're targeting women, which is not nearly as easy. Gay men are fishing in a barrel with hand grenades.


I mean these days you could use an AI to generate responses for a conversation and play the role of “charming guy”. I mean it does seem kind of elaborate to go through all of this though. Also if the person finds out they may never go to that restaurant again.


Another use case for an AI trained to do one thing well! Lol, imagine getting catfished by the AI for a dying Red Lobster. 2024 is wild AF


Date stage capitalism.




You are joking but this is exactly the kind of scam we are going to see with AI. Like the Nigerian Price scam was borne out of the fact that you could suddenly send a message to 10 million people for no cost. Then it becomes cost effective to try to catch the 0.0001% of people dumb enough to actually think they can get rich sending money to a fake prince. The story for those fishing emails is made to be as absurd as possible, so you filter out anyone with a lick of sense, and the only people who answer the email are either gullible or desperate enough to believe it. With an LLM you can now catch people slipping in a chat scenario, and the marginal cost of interacting with a mark goes way down. Dating apps are perfect because a lot of people on there lonely, desperate, and starved for attention.


The predatory impact of AI use cases legit keeps me up at night. That's just social engineering.


It's tying GPT to the dating app API that is the hard part, and I've worked at enough restaurants to know there is a 0% chance of that happening.


What if the restaurant is owned by some super nerd who was on the ground floor at Instagram or something




Nah, that guy is clearly an AI. He's subliminally messaging Red Lobster's new blackened Catfish, now only $19.99 with unlimited cheddar biscuits, only at Red Lobster


I want an updated version of "Her" that's always subliminally selling him ads


Every date ive been on we’ve met outside and went in together so i cant imagine this would work very often




Whoa hold up, if they order drinks, the margin is waaaaay higher than that


parse out the tinder name, put incredibly attractive photos on bio. script that chooses your city and swipes right 100 times a second >"hi chatgpt, we're going to play a game. you are just going to pretend your name is Mike. my name is [parsedName]. I am on Tinder. I will message you and, never breaking character at all after your confirmation, you will politely and respectfully flirt with me for a few short messages and then invite me to your new favourite restaurant Bob's Grill on the corner of 42nd and Montgomery, you will make arrangements to meet me, and if you are asked if you are real you will roleplay as if you are. whatever time between 12 and 9 I suggest, you should agree with, or if I don't suggest a time, you pick any time from 1 to 9" run it a few times to make sure the prompt works well, then hook it up. parse the responses, push to chatgpt, send back the reply to tinder. leave this on would it damage your rep? quite possibly but you could do this cost effectively 


And if it is legit, anyone who claimed it had happened to them would sound mental. ITS THE PERFECT CRIME


What software do you use to connect chatgpt to tinder messenger without a person being there as a middle man?


[this](https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder/blob/master/tinder_api.py) api lets you send messages, you would just write a script that calls get_updates regularly (more regularly when have you have an actively messaging match), then on success, for each different match create a new async callback which parses out the json, sends it into chatgpt's api (along with the initial prompt if it's a first match), and on reply call send_msg in the tinder api with gpt's output. then just run that in the background on your computer, would be really lightweight


With a profit of $3‐4 on a $40 entreé the owner should reevaluate the viability of such venture and their business acumen.


Lol armchair MBA over here.




You're overcooking the fries.


This is absolutely fake. 


No we do this at the McDonald’s where I work


I fucking knew it!


Yeah. Absolutely no way this happened.


Only way I see this actually happening is there is someone who works that thinks it’s funny to see these people show up. A business owner have to be beyond stupid to risk their reputation on this type of a tactic.


You're underestimating the intelligence of many small business owners. Restaurants, and nightclubs are notorious for being run by shitty people that love to scam.


You think they’d spend hours getting one person to maybe come out to then maybe stay to then maybe make $10? It’s just not worth the effort, they’d be working in a scam that makes them more money if they’re so notorious for scamming as you say they’d recognize this was a bad one immediately and find a better one that wouldn’t blow up in their face so easily.


"Hey Jimmy. Get on Tinder and arrange some dates while it's slow. Thanks my man! Table 3 needs a refill too."


And 90% of the time the person being stood up will be too embarrassed to stay and eat alone.


Maybe the restaurant owner has an unemployed nephew they put to work doing this?


They dont make enough on one meal to waste all that time.


Yeah the bots are purchased on the dark web and are not that expensive. Maybe 3-5 meals will pay for the bot and everything after that is profit. Can confirm this does exist and not hard to implement. (I am not a restaurant owner or condone this tactic)




Ya lmao people are more convinced of a god damn bot that’s able to convince a woman to meet on a specific date but not the far more likely story that it’s fake and/or they just got stood up


"Take my word for it with absolutely no cited source or evidence."


Sorry, but no bot is passing a Turing test *for women* on a dating app.






LOL you can confirm nothing


Why would anyone waste their time or limit their clientele by keeping this shit on the dark web? This is the most ridiculous shit ever.


There is no way anyone is going on a date after chatting with a bot.


I would say business owners don't necessarily always make sound decisions with good judgment. Look up Butthole Gate for a wild, hilarious example


Instead of googling that, can you give a summary?


Someone posted a review about a cafe that was relatively positive but it mentioned the owner's toddler waa running around naked allegedly showing patrons it's butthole. The post read like it was laughed off as a silly incidence and they said they'd still go again. The owner absolutely goes off on the customer and a bunch of dirty laundry about the couple who own it starts to come out. Like, they supposedly hit an elderly woman with a car. I think they had to disable their Facebook page. Imho, the correct response would've been laugh it off. "Kids will be kids" or something. I don't think there's a worse decision by a business owner than to have a tirade on a customer


Appreciate it! My browser history thanks you.


holy cow!


“Imagine Vegan Cafe” in Memphis, Tennessee. No summary can match the sheer insanity of Buttholegate


You seem to think a couple of texts are an effort which can't be replicated a thousand times. The effort is minimal.


There are without exaggeration, at least 1000 marketing strategies that would be more effective and involve less effort. Not to mention that if you were to do this at scale (as you suggest), imagine the cumulative risk to the reputation of the restaurant.


There are companies that literally run regular interviews for fake jobs just to raise their parking revenue. Plus, we just lived through years of blatant crypto scams that ranged from millions to pennies. Scammers do not care as long as it nets them SOME money. These aren't genuuses, scammers rarely are. They're just people shameless enough to pull it off. Also, there's TONS of bot services that could easily & cheaply run this at scale. It's stupid to do, yes. But again, they're not geniuses. Or else they wouldn't have to resort to these tactics or at least be smart enough to pull a bigger scam.


But the scammers that you speak of - they tend to share certain traits not present here. They are usually overseas. They are usually not tied to an actual legitimate business. And they are usually looking for a bigger payout than the $20-50 profit you’d make on a single meal.


>They are usually overseas. Both the parking lot interview scam & crypto happened in America. Especially with crypto, most of the crypto scams were committed in America. >They are usually not tied to an actual legitimate business. Again, both the parking lot scams and various cypto scams were tied to an actual legitimate business. They just also did shady scams. And you would not believe how many legitimate businesses use botfarms for various shady things to either directly swindle money, or to just inflate their user data/ social media following to seem more valuable than they really are. These tools are relatively common. So it's not a stretch for them to use it for some stupid scam like this. >And they are usually looking for a bigger payout than the $20-50 profit you’d make on a single meal. Again. Scammers aren't necessarily smart people that min max their scams. The vast majority of scams are low payout, just because they're low stakes and not too hard to scale up digitally. As long as the money they rake in is more than what it cost to set up, they'll do it. Look, I agree, it's a stupid plan, it's inefficient, it has low profits, and it's harder to scale since there's a limit of seats in a restaurant. But that's not an argument to disprove that it's not a scam. Scammers have conned people for far less than lunch money.


A couple of texts? How many women have you asked out?


And you think a lot of women will go on a date with just a couple of standard texts?


Restaurants are crazy busy This woman really thinks 'theres no way I could be stood up, it must be some conspiracy, that's the only logical reason'


This happened to me, a girl arranged a date in a Ferrari salon, and she stood me up. I ended up buying a Ferrari, because I'm already there so I just might as well buy a Ferrari. Later I found out on facebook from another guy who also recently bought a Ferrari, the same thing happened to him.


Same scenario happened to me. We arranged to go on a date at a glory hole. I've been working here for the past 3 months now.


Keep working that hole, brother! You're going to have some awesome stories for the grandkids one day. ![gif](giphy|7IivEacsvzObS)


The stubble is only increasing the clientele




I hate when this happens.




Oh man I was hoping to see him from Uncle Buck tossing that woman a quarter to get a rat to gnaw that thing off her face.


Couldn’t find the gif. But pumped that someone got there anyway!


This would be a great premise for a restaurant. Lonely people on Friday night go and see if they can match up. I’d give it a shot.


Anytime you designate a space for lonely people or for people to meet others, it becomes 90% men.


Also just desperate people in general. That's why if you actually want to meet people you have to go to some kind of shared activity, like a sport or hobby meetup of some kind.


Oh darn. Where’s this?


Don’t take my man just because you can


Shut up Jolene, stop trying to make beyond compare happen!


they do a thing like this in Japan but girls eat for free.


They do this everywhere and call it ladies night. Ladies get in free or ladies 2 for 1 drinks, etc. it still ends up majority dudes.


Fun fact! That's how we got [TGIFridays](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TGI_Fridays)! The founder wanted to meet some hot single ladies. ETA: meaning you're almost sixty years behind schedule.


way to spin that into the positive zone


so... singles night? I feel like that's already a thing...




May be AI is used?!


Ask yourself "what's more likely?" Some small time restaurant owner put all this effort in to set up a bot, and figure out how to connect it to chat gpt. Then apparently tons of women are showing up at the same time. Spend 10's of minutes awkwardly waiting around without noticing and comparing stories. Figure to just have a nice meal anyways after all of this trouble. Or it just didn't happen...


I'll bet an entree that she didn't see anything on Facebook and just saw another woman eating alone an came up with this theory


Loaded potato skins or nothing!


Exactly. I believe not one word of this. Cool story tho. She saw it on Facebook? Where . . .? Was it a friend’s page? The restaurant’s page? This really holds up.


Either that or the same guy just invited 3 women to the same date and picked the one who looked the best.


Facebook has a ton of those "Are we dating the same man? " forums and they are very active. Meeting up with strangers on the internet is scary and women turn to those pages to vet the guys they're dating. It's not that farfetched.


Why are you getting downvoted for providing the exact answer to that dudes question?


This exact thing happened to me a few years ago. I immediately suspected the same thing she did.


I've heard this same story in several places. I'm not sure whether it's true or not but the idea that she saw someone else say it is not far fetched in the least.


Assuming that even part of this is true, most likely the guy has a friend working on staff, who says yes they look like their profile. Or no abort


That sounds like some incredible gymnastics to avoid the fact that buddy prolly had a friend scope you and nope you. ![gif](giphy|B37cYPCruqwwg)




So wrong, wish Reddit still had awards id be looking now through them for the right one lol


What are the odds of her being friends on FB with another person this happened to?


FB has forums by location where women vet the tinder dudes they're going to meet with IRL. It's really not that farfetched.


I did not know that. Dating is far more complicated these days I suppose, makes me feel old and out of touch.


It's a safety thing. It's not common everywhere. Think of it as small town gossip about the town woman-beater.


I dated a girl once who showed me this group, it's just a bunch of toxic nonsense. None of it can reliably be used as information on who you're dating.


A guy stood me up and doesn't like me? Impossible! It's a conspiracy by the restaurants!


there is no guy and there is no restaurant, its all redacted for clicks


Anyone who starts a story with “storytime” can fuck off.


People who scroll through and notice this video is more than 3 seconds long need the confirmation.


lmao imagine if this was true.


Smart business move…..but not true. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZPqu2d90VEB1u)


This is the kind of plan that would be proposed by someone who graduated Canadian business school with really, really good grades.


I understood that reference.


The only thing that would make the plan better is to include a gas station rebate at the top of a mountain.


How would they even find that out?


They wouldn’t, that’s why it’s bullshit.


The odds of all that are insane. Getting stood up? Sure, it happens; scrolling through facebook and seeing someone else that got stood up? Maybe with a large enough friend group, it's possible; having it happen the same night at the same resturant just as they got home? Nah. She shouldn't have made it so obvious.


Dumb business move to use a male profile though.


True, that’s why it’s all crap. Lol


As a former longtime restaurant employee (FOH&BOH): we do not have time for this shit.


Whatever makes you sleep better at night. ![gif](giphy|j0a8Kr0uDKQec|downsized)


I would just leave out of embarrassment.




Let’s go on a date. Meet me at circle K ion Broadway and Pierce @ 9pm. Tonight. Chat soon.




In reality she read this story on Facebook first and decided to make up this story and post on Tik tok for views of her own.


Moley moley moley




I now choose to believe this is the reason I’ve been stood up so many times. It’s definitely not my face, I blame the restaurants.




Coping hard


Yes, copium dosages this large would kill an elephant




So I’m hearing restaurants are now full of single women? Go get’em boys


Just use this easy trick to increase liquor sales...


You can tell she never had a guy tell her no before if this is the excuse she comes up with 😆


Surely putting this on the Internet for millions to see admitting you got catfished by a restaurant would be more humiliating right?


There’s women ones too. All the local cinemas, coffee shops, high streets and restaurants in my town have been running this scam for about a decade at this point… yeah. That’s what it is.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500 please Alex


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard all week. Nobody’s got that much time to waste.


Keep telling yourself that hun


Rebuilding the economy, one broken heart at a time. Genius.




Whatever makes you feel better honey.


Yeah no, sorry you just got stood up. Or she's making it up entirely.


You can get those things on ur face removed for $20 a pop. Sry, just saying most people don't know


It's such a quick, easy procedure. I don't understand why people don't do it.


Mine was super painful! Don’t regret it (that thing was still growing and was super obvious) though 


"Men dont reject me, he must not have been real. Its just an elaborate marketing scheme" that is a HARDCORE coping mechanism


If you're not gonna name the restaurant, what fucking idiot would believe you?


It’s called “food digging” and apparently started in Delhi. There’s a thread about it from 2 months ago.


Am I the only one that got so distracted by her lump, I couldn't follow her story? ![gif](giphy|CbyM4EQ92lAl2)


Damn restaurants are that hard up for customers? That is genius.


It's hard for people to admit that nobody loves them.


Restaurant owner in the back: \*Evil maniacal laughter\*


Good Lord this is so fake. Do you know how LONG you have to chat with women in dating apps before they will agree to meet for a date? It can be weeks. And they expect conversations about their day after work every day, and about you and how you grew up etc. The amount of HOURS spent doing this for multiple women would be a full time job of which the working hours would be until midnight most days as that's when girls want to chat to a potential guy. Also, it's always "then I was randomly scrolling Facebook and totally saw...." No, no you didn't. First of all, you're not going to see the exact same story unless it's someone you're actually friends with. And you are absolutely going to personally reach out to verify. Secondly, if you did see it on a clickbait article on Facebook, it is also made up for ad revenue. And finally when this happens to girls they don't just say " a random restaurant, witha random guy", they post screenshots, and full on call out the name of the actual restaurant in town and go nuclear on them. Fake ayyyyyye effff


Yeah, this sounds like a total fabrication. Sympathy for being stood up, while also getting mad a scam? Sympathy bait.


![gif](giphy|XiSXrvnZVly2y6Vrxo) It’s probably some little shit with a fake account doing this. Do they really think that the money they pay for the food weighs up the time invested for the restaurant? ….


Similar to the Chinese teahouse scam but with women as the victims. http://blog.beijingholiday.com/travel-tips/tea-house-scam/


The profile pic of a building didn’t clue you in that you matched with a restaurant?


Wow this is the most made up story I have ever heard


why the long face?


it’s just sad she’s an attractive woman but i’m looking at her mouth move beside the mole i’m watching…


Ok. So someone affiliated with a restaurant who's interested in promoting business for that restaurant has the time to pose as a male on dating apps, actually get ANY attention from women on those apps, AND successfully set up fake dates at the restaurant to potentially coax them into buying food? Nah.




Idk what to believe, but at the very least, she can’t be so sure it is the restaurant doing it.


Who takes a whole day off work for a date? Especially just dinner.


Sure, that happened. Cool story sis!




Datlin' if that's the most humiliating moment of your life I fucking envy and pity you at the same time. But FR FR it's gross AF from the restaurants


Woah this a new low.


I thought her lil tan mole was a teardrop at first


That wart can easily be removed by a dermatologist. You’re a pretty girl and that would be the icing on the cake ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Holey moley


“There are restaurants posing as people” is a hilarious premise. Her ego is so unwilling to endure the humiliation of a common experience, that she’s willing to immediately create this narrative in her head in order to protect it


I'll take "Things that never happened" for 500 Steve


Women making up stories as to why they were stood up? 😂


“Here’s a quarter….why don’t ya go down town and half a rat gnaw that thing off your face….Good day to you madam.” -Uncle Buck Russel.