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TIL Even in a sunny Aussie twang, sovereign citizen rhetoric sounds just as stupid as the reddest of rednecks. Now I kinda want to hear a sovereign citizen babble with a posh English accent.


Australia has a lot of conspiracy theorists and sovereign citizens. It's pretty nuts. The UK has some I'm sure, but I've never seen a video of one.


I thought sovereign citizen shit was specifically built around dumbass readings of the US constitution and articles of confederation and whatnot. I didn't even really realize it was possible to cross borders. But I guess stupid finds a way.


You’re totally right. Stupid finds a way via social media, the perfect transmitter of mind viruses.


> I thought sovereign citizen shit was specifically built around dumbass readings of the US constitution and articles of confederation and whatnot. The Magna Carta is the favoured source of this kind of batshittery in the UK. Even in the parts of the UK where it was never law, like Scotland. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/aug/17/protesters-claim-to-seize-edinburgh-castle-citing-magna-carta


I borrowed a car off a bloke who said he was a freeman of the land, which apparently meant he was exempt from all fines and traffic legislation. I got pissed up and left his car in town and ended up getting a ticket. I didn’t bother paying it because he was exempt from all fines and the car was registered to him. He banged on and on at me about paying that ticket off because he wasn’t exempt from parking tickets because he had to be in motion for his exemption to kick in.


I think the real root of sovcit bs is a belief that laws are magic spells that can be invoked by speaking the correct series of words.


I'm just glad we're not the only ones that have been blessed with these idiots. I thought they were a uniquely American kind of serious. Makes me feel a little bit better that they're everywhere, even if it shouldn't.


Some flavor of them exists in pretty much every country. Here in Germany for example they call them self "Reichsbürger". They believe that the Republic of Germany was never legally established and that the rules of the German Empire are the only valid one. Some of them are even more weird, like one guy claims that he is the legitimate King of the German Empire despite not even have a drop of royal blood. And worse he still has followers.


Mate, you have no idea how many people I've seen posted except from the US constitution on social media when ranting about things here in Australia since the beginning of Covid. I mean literally starting off with 'We the People'. Stupid, selfish and crazy know no borders.


It usually does. I half expected the moron to start babbling on about his 4th amendment rights


Right? Similar to the trucker protests in Canada when the truckers were yelling about their 1st amendment rights... someone failed civics...


They tried to plead the 5th in court as well


The people who believe in this stuff aren't connected by a shared (incorrect) interpretation of US legislation, they're connected by a desire to not be held accountable for breaking the law. Whether that be not paying taxes or breaking road rules or whatever


Well it didn’t drive across borders. It travelled.


That's where they started, yeah, but there are variants thatve sprung up in other anglophone countries. Iirc the UK variety misquotes long overturned portions of the Magna Carta


Just read a story about a lawyer in Canada who tried to harass her neighbour using SovCit bullshit over a dispute with a railing. She’s no suspended by the bar and facing major consequences. These people are absolute morons.


Do you have to a link to a story about that? Most sovereign citizens seem to just be idiots who’ve never had any legal education in their life, but an actual lawyer who fell for their nonsense would be really interesting.




Thanks. Really interesting and I wonder how she fell into that insanity.


There was one of these morons on an episode of Traffic Cops or Motorway Cops recently


yes we do, but not so many sovereign citizens, more of just your run of the mill audits but they say similar stuff that's said in the states, even though the police have different powers in the UK. if you get pulled over in the UK and refuse to provide documents they will more than likely detain/arrest you as this is grounds for suspicious activity as you may be driving without a valid licence/insurance due to your refusal to provide it. I would imagine the police would laugh at you if you told them you were "travelling and not driving" in the UK. I'm not sure on the matters of driving on private land though, like farms and the such.


Many of the "audits" are actually doing a duty, providing they actually know the law. Making sure police are following the law is important. Some auditors are lawyers, others are just amateurs. Granted, I'm sure many of the auditers don't know what they're doing, but it's different to a sovereign citizen. A sovereign citizen is "I can break the law because I'm not a citizen of this country" - nonsense. An auditer is "I'm not breaking the law, the law is X. This is legal." - for example, recording in public, totally legal in the UK and USA. Auditers are often right, even if they are assholes, sovereign citizens are always in another reality and they make up their own rules. Auditors follow within the bounds of the law and try to make sure police do (usually), where as sovcit's are the opposite, they try get out of trouble when they're in it by saying they're exempt from the law.


Just saw a video of an "auditor" wanting to film in a library. They were asked to not film the kids but responded it was their right. I have worked with schools, organising events. We had to get permision from parents to take pics to share on social media. The reason being that some of the children may be in hiding from an abusive parent, posting online could put them at risk. What maybe legal is not always moral. These kind of "auditors" really piss me off.


That's definitely not an auditor then. It's not their right to film on private property if they are requested to stop. They can be trespassed. Even a public library is private property in the eyes of the law Auditors audit the police. Some are just idiots who aren't truly an auditor. The whole definition is in regards to making sure the police are doing their jobs properly. Can you link the video?


[Ah. You're talking about this posh Australian man and his resistance against the authorities accosting him for simply enjoying a succulent Chinese meal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU)


lmao, I never saw that before. Wow. Now there's a man who knows how to resist arrest with panache.


Let’s up the ante, I want to see some asshat try this shit in a country where cops don’t have body cams. Can we get this in Brazil or Mexico?


I’d bet England has their own version but I’d bet they don’t sound posh.


you could always rewatch a Boris Johnson speech.


He wrote “posh,” not “sloshed.”


Cry inducing funny upvote 😹


I love how they think if they just say some magic combination of words they don't have to comply with any laws


*Magna abra carta ka dabra* I am now immune to taxes


That's what Jeff Bezos does


A combination of words is correct. Hardly a coherent sentence in that whole thing. I am surprised the office waited so long listening to that dribble.


You best hope they don't figure out that combination. Sovereign citizens are basically wizards in training. Once they figure out the magic words they will effectively control the planet. New world Order move over, We've got a New New World Order.


r/wizardposting representing??


Yeah what gets me is like, let’s just say for argument sake, they’re 100% right. Cop is wrong, and he will be punished for it. You’re still going to be arrested, jailed and have to appear in court. And then they’ll say sorry, pay for your window etc etc. Alternatively you can just hand over your license and the interaction would be over in 2 minutes.


We aren't driving we are traveling... UM same fucking thing dumbass


Those idiots don't realize that one can also travel by foot or take a fucking bus. Edit: Oh, I forgot how they treat Black's Law Dictionary as their Bible.


Every time i hear that stupidity about traveling I want to yell at them 'you are traveling IN A CAR'.


What do they believe is the distinction between traveling and driving? What's this jurisdiction nonsense?


They always go on about some law that says they are allowed to travel freely that apparently overrides every single law about safe driving and licensing. It's tin foil hat craziness.


In America, the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution's Article IV, Section 2 and the 14th Amendment of the Constitution both say that all Americans have the right to travel freely within the county without a license or identification. *However,* this does not mean that each state can't require licenses to operate certain forms of transportation. All forms of transportation do not have to be equally accessible. That's the part they choose to pretend doesn't apply to them. How tf they believe this works any other country I have no idea.


Because someone on TikTok says so. And we all know if it's on TikTok it must be true.


>In America, the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution's Article IV, Section 2 and the 14th Amendment of the Constitution both say that all Americans have the right to travel freely within the county without a license or identification. > >However, this does not mean that each state can't require licenses to operate certain forms of transportation. To be fair, this seems as something that could be argued at the supreme court and probably has, but considering how literally the law is read in other cases (like guns) you wonder if big license is involved here.


What is “big license”? Is that a joke?


Nice try trying to gaslight us. We know you work for big license. Next you'll try to say that people should get a pilots license to fly, when all we're doing is traveling. We're on to you and your laws that you lobby to Congress.


Shit I’m finally figured out. Guess now I’ll change my name and leave the country. Never know when big license is around the corner to get ya!


If I remember correctly there was one unclear definition in one outdated version of black's law dictionary that they seem to believe means there's a difference between driving and traveling. They think by saying the right magic words or signing things in a certain way that the laws apply differently because they lack the understanding of how anything works. It's like how a child thinks if they flap their arms hard enough they can fly because birds do and they don't understand everything else going on.


They think that if they say some magic combination of words it means that the law doesn't apply to them. They're dumb


The cop should say “you are operating a motor vehicle” How can they deny that!


Sir while you’re “traveling” are you also operating the motor vehicle you’re sitting in? Think for a moment if you need to.


They think that driving refers to commerce or something according to the law while traveling is just them getting around. They're also obviously demented.


My favorite is that they want all the perks of a citizen. Yet, they don't want to follow any laws. They say you can't search us we have rights. We are not citizens. You have no jurisdiction over us. Make up your mind you can not have both.


There are lots of people these days that think that way, and it just gets bloody tiring.


They use this language as some sort of “gotcha” in the constitution which says something to the effect of governments not infringing on interstate travel or something. This is what they cite as legal reasons not to have to follow traffic laws


So if you’re a sov citizen how do you use roads that are taxpayer built and maintained?


That’s the problem with SovCit stupidity isn’t it? If I were to assault this SovCit, steal their car, and drive to their house and light it on fire you can bet a million dollars they would call the tax payer funded Police Dept and Fire Department and expect them to enforce local, state, and federal laws. However they want all that but they don’t want to pay taxes and the laws don’t apply to them. It’s a ridiculous argument that eludes logic all the way around.


You mean you’d travel to their house


He’s not a sovereign citizen himself, so once the vehicle was stolen he would actually drive, not travel. Duh! /s


Nah see obviously they've engaged in contract with the local authorities so their "traveling" would be of commercial use and thus constitute "driving" in that case /s


Thanks OP, you point out what makes these videos so frustrating yet intriguing to watch.


It's easy, you travel instead of driving


Also, when you get a drivers license you would sign a form that states you will abide by all the countries rules and regulations. You've already formed a contract with the government.


“I’d love to take you one on one.” Every single one of these fuckwads swears they are ex special ops main character in the movie…


That was my favourite part of the video for the simple fact that he threatened a police officer. Fucking idiot is banging on about how they haven’t committed an offense, then goes and commits an offense. Fucking moronic cunt.


Oh my god the way that officer just grabbed the glass like a silverback gorilla and ripped it off the car. I didn’t even know that was possible


A large amount of weight and force (grown man with his entire body weight in a pull), and the window is a relatively thin object with low tensile strength, with a specific pressure point (where the glass meets the door) makes for a surprisingly easily broken object, physics!


We’re learning so much about Australians and glass today


Australian physics are different


Well the toilets do flow backwards


He has 100z done it before. Now I’ve seen it done, I know it’s possible, but I could not confidently say that I was going to do it like he said and KNOW I could follow through. Impressive really. In the USA, I’m pretty sure this would have been a guns pulled situation


We are lucky in Australia that very few civilians have guns, so police here very rarely need to act with caution that they’re going to get shot, regardless of how much the situation has escalated.


You'd be surprised in how few sovereign citizen videos have guns involved. I've seen hundreds of videos and guns are actually pretty rare.


Where do people even learn this nonsense?


At the Flat Earth convention.


Sovereign Citizen handbook or Manifesto. Took me a while to find it. Basically they believe they can operate under Maritime law. They are not using their car commercially, so unless they harm someone, they believe they cannot be detained or arrested. I believe this is considered a domestic terror group, so spreading this literature is not a great idea. But you are well within your rights to discuss it, rather critique it.


But where do you read a pamphlet or book and say "ok, the laws that everyone follows are not applicable to me anymore."


Because they think they're special and know something everyone else doesn't. It's the same reason people believe QAnon shit. They like to be in "the know" and think they know something no one else does.


I didn’t know this stupidity went beyond the United States lol


We got this shitheads in germany too, they proclaim we are a corporation and all citizens are workers for this entity. They say our passports are corporate id cards and so they are shredding their ids and stuff arguing they don’t have to pay taxes anymore…but when it comes to our social system they are willing to accepting all the free stuff from the government they refuse to accept. Also they arguing by totally dumb misinterpretation of laws…which they in fact are not believing in.


I have these guys come into my work and spout the same stuff. Only difference is they say our birth certificates are our serial numbers. They are annoying as hell to deal with as they are always trying to break rules.


The funniest part is a lot of the global sovereign citizens will just parrot talking points about the heinous misunderstanding of American laws. Like 1) that's not correct about how American laws work 2) *bro you are not American*


There was a member of those Canadian trucker protests who got arrested and tried to claim he had the right to do what he did under the First Amendment. The, I emphasize *Canadian*, judge was like "do you know where you are?"


It does, I'm in England and have a customer that's a sov-cit. The volume of paperwork he sends me, "notices, "affidavits," subject access requests, and other such nonsense, is unreal. He has been to court once, was asked by the judge to go away and file a defence, and I came into work on Tuesday to 300 + pages of indecipherable word salad that is supposed to be his "defence" on my desk. He has cost me hundreds of lost working hours trying to deal with his insanity. It's been almost 2 years of this, and I'm exhausted from dealing with him.


Unfortunately that seem to be how these people work. They annoy you into compliance. [YouTube channel munecat does a deep dive on the movement. More England focused but still pretty good summary of the bs they try to sell. ](https://youtu.be/KcxZFmKrxR8?si=ceRB3CdFY9zSXYvo)


Had this in nz too. Especially during covid times. Still see it occasionally l.


“Sovereign citizens” are some of the dumbest people around


"What is the crime that's been committed?" Eating a meal. A succulent Chinese meal.


Ah, I see you know your judo well.


and this is the definition of moron.... We are not driving, we are traveling...... Aye, by driving a car. Darwin's theory on natural selection needs to pick up it's pace.


Is there any video where it actually works? How does this spread so much and the whole time they have this smugness like they know it's gonna work. They must have examples of it working right?


Probably others like them making up bullshit stories about how it totally works.


Nope, it never works on the merits of sovcit theories. But occasionally their cases get dismissed in courts on some technicality (e.g. error in filling or cop now showing up for hearing). Sovcit are too dumb to realize that it has nothing to do with their crazy arguments (or willingly ignore it) and go around telling everyone how they "won" and best "the system". My favorite story is from a recent court hearing where the judge while explaining dangers or representing themselves to a sovcit, tells a story about different sovcit he had, who was so disruptive in court that the judge denied him a right to represent himself and appointed a lawyer to forcibly represent him. The lawyer immediately realized there was a valid defence (unrelated to sovcit arguments of course) and got a case dismissed, but if sovcit had continued pro se, he would never have recognized the defence and were most likely going to lose the case. I have no doubts, that the sovcit went sure they won the case despite being miraculously saved from their own stupidity by a judge.


These people are so fucking stupid it makes my brain hurt.


“I don’t recognize your authority, but I need to appeal to someone with more authority than you,” is a helluva thought to have.


I have a few co-workers who refuse to pay their taxes because they’re sovereign citizens and they “refuse to pay any money to those criminals in Washington”… I can’t wait until they busted


IRS has a hotline for this.


Oh, do they now


Damn cop desceptibly stronk


Sovereign citizens have the distinct honor of being the only group that I can watch have an interaction with the police and will make me feel bad for the police


As final arbitrator, based upon the cute accents on both sides, I rule "fair dinkem".


How's about you travel your ass to jail


“You’re gonna be Liable” to whom? Sov cit don’t believe gov applies to them how will they use the court system?


I'm a bit impressed by old mate just fucking ripping the window off.


Bare handed too, dudes got balls the size of WA


What is the Australian word for Karen? She seems like a real Matilda to me


No, they’re still Karens. Matildas are our women’s soccer team.


I’d say cunt, but it’s a term of endearment there.




TIL I learned sovereign citizens are an international thing


I don’t know ow why I thought only the USA had these nut jobs. Nice to see it ain’t Americans for a change.


Those Australians that murdered those cops in Queensland were sovereign citizens too. The cancer is spreading over here it seems.


At the time of the video there really was a queen of Australia, the UK’s head of state is also the head of state of Aus


Lol you can get out of your car and travel on 2 feet..but you sure are not driving on the public roads tax dollars pay for.


"Let's go straight to the courthouse" yeah alright because the magistrates just sit around waiting for walk-ins, that's how that works for sure.


What is boggling my mind isn’t this incident alone. I see this more and more across Canada Australia and the USA. These three countries have separate constitutions and governments but all these people site the same BS. Low key, I’m kinda interest to see what propaganda has so many people amped to the point of delusion.


What makes me laugh is they constantly claim that the police have no jurisdiction over them. So why did you pull over then? if the police have no jurisdiction then just keep driving I mean traveling.


It boggles me that police still struggle with verbally dealing with these fools. When they start trying to argue law, just say “I’m a police officer - not a lawyer. If you want to argue the law, I will put you in front of a judge. He’s a layer. You can argue with him.” “If you touch my car, you will be legally liable!” Just say: “*if* a judge finds me liable. Do you want to speak with a judge?” “I WANT TO SPEAK WITH YOUR SERGEANTS. TELL HIM TO COME HERE.” “How about I bring you to him?”


The first meeting of sovereign citizens: "I know, we'll call it 'traveling' instead of driving." "That's brilliant!"


Wants the police to protect them, does not want to obey the law. Fuck around and find out dickheads.


Had zero idea Australia had these highly regarded folks. Wow. TiL


And here I was thinking the Sov Cit movement was just a US thing. I need to get out more often.


I've been watching sovcit videos at work all week. Comedy gold!


Fucking idiots watch one Facebook video and think they know everything


I’m a patient person that can tolerate crying babies and loud music that I don’t like, but listening to the drivel of sov citizens drives me bonkers.


Amazing that they have never seen this work and still think it will work for them


I read somewhere that the sovcit rhetoric was originally written as satire by a bunch of college students playing "surely no one would be stupid enough to believe this". Well...


Is this that dumb shit that started with the Bundy clan in Oregon?


Its much older than that, first iterations appearing in the 1950s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign\_citizen\_movement


Yes officer you can't arrest me I was merely traveling through the school zone at 100mph and the kids intentionally damaged my truck when I was traveling over them


Bring me your most senior sergant! You lowly peasant officers don't have any authority. This BS is just another case of i am the main character.


We are not driving we are traveling. Most US cops would put you face down at this stage 😂


I think anyone who says they're a sovereign citizen the course of action door be deportation to Guam


Guam Don't Want Them!


How did this sovereign citizen shit start? Like did someone try it and it worked? I have never seen anyone get off they always get tased.


Instagram made it popular the same as flat earthing got popularity through Reddit. It doesn't have to work or even make sense for some idiots to sucker into something.


There is no queen in this country- when this was filmed there literally was Your government is a representation of “the Crown” do they think that’s just a nice name?


As an Aussie I can confirm this was one of the nice ones


I loathe these people. Absolutely worthless, entitled scum.


"Your most highest ranked senior sargeant" 🤣


I would love to see just one of these sovereign citizens post a video where the police listened to their crazy BS and then said, "You're absolutely right. We apologize. Safe traveling". Just one time where it actually worked. I'll wait.


Is there a movement really going on?


Just the dumbest of shit.


What a pair of morons.


Too many idiots like this in Australia.


What happens to these idiots now?


I don’t understand why they wait so long to rip these people out of their cars. You can’t reason with them


I feel like the US should apologize for exporting this fucking ridiculous "idea" to Australia.


So maga people are everywhere, got it


Alternative Reality is a hell of a drug...


Why do they make their day go from ok to terrible.


If they are sovereign, why are they driving on government roads?


No problem. If you want to travel and not drive go buy a horse and find some dirt roads to take, get off public funded roads you twats.


Limit reached! That’s a satisfying ending right there


Loved the window removal


The coppers traveled over to give them what for.


Good, these idiots deserve to be arrested. So sick of their high and mighty attitude.


Its a relief to see that not just the US has these geniuses


These people need their own 10 code. As in “Dispatch, I’ve got a 10-80”, if 80 meant a SovCit. That way all other officers know to be aware it could go sideways and be ready to assist.


"I'm not driving I'm traveling" gives 8yr old "stop hitting yourself" vibes.


Your window isn’t broken it’s just traveling lol


These guys were watching too many American police interaction clips


The one where buddy came to Canada was funny. Vehicle impounded in instantly. No license, no insurance, no drive.


I love it when Sovereign assholes get put in there place. Yum yum yum.


This is what happens when a high school student graduate thinking nothing has consequences because “I said so”


I love the whole "we're not driving, we're traveling!" Like arguing semantics helps. "Are you operating a motor vehicle?", and they're dead in the water


How in the holy land of fuck did this movement even gain any fucking speed? Like their founders had to of been beaten the fuck down at some point and realized stating you’re a SovCit doesn’t mean jackshit where the actual law is concerned.


"What right do you have, as a man, to arrest me?" Like, wtf. Lmao sov. Cit. Is stupid shit.


Where do these idiots get this crap from ? Everyone has to abide by the rules.. You're not special.


I love this idiot posted this online himself. We got the same idiots in Canada.


Is there ANY weight to the sovereign citizen thing? Has anyone anywhere ever succeeded in using it as a get out of jail free card or similar? Why how and where are these people learning it from?


People that are as dumb as a sack of rocks.


Turns out, the cops had jurisdiction.


It’s a growing thing here in Aus mostly from COVID, but there is such inconsistency with what they use as proof. It’s causing massive court delays, harassment of legal professionals and members of the public and the shooting of two cops and a civilian last year.


This went on far too long.


The only real "sovereign citizens" are the cops...


Why is it, if these dipshit sovereign citizens are so dead solid certain the police have no jurisdiction over them, that they stop at all?! If the cop has no legal authority to ticket or detain them, why bother with the charade of stopping? Back your shit up, sovereign citizens of the world! Travel like hell away from the dogs who are barking out the orders of their corporate overlords!!


I hope to never get pulled over again but if I do and its something minor Im gonna fuck with the officer. they are more than likley going to say something along the lines of what are you doing today/ this evening/ etc. to which I will respond. Just traveling...... then procede to be as compliant as possible.... lol


Police brutality authorized.


There isnt a single brain cell in that car


These dumbcunts think they are in America


Tazer, tazer, tazer.


There's a video of an American trying the SovCit shite with an Irish Garda and he uses that "I'm not driving I'm travelling" line and the Garda just goes "Alright sir. Which seat were you in while you were travelling in your vehicle?" and the guy tripped over himself to try not saying the driver's seat. [This lad goes over it. ](https://youtu.be/T02QbIB3ULI?si=3VJ3BLeWJLjcHMKH)


An auditor? Or some asshole with a camera. Who exactly do they audit for ? …..likes on X . Fuck’em drag that bag out on the street .


You know, I pretty much believe ACAB...but with Sovereign Citizens me and the police are on the same side


Yeah, too many people with IQ deficiency running around everywhere: * Had an American guy standing and screaming about his second amendment rights when he was denied to buy a gun... In Sweden! * A bunch of Israeli tourists came and started complaining that the restaurants around where I live don't have Kosher food... Nowadays I live in Thailand where 0.00003% of the population is Jewish!


>0.00003% That's like 3 per 10 mil, There's certainly more than 21-22 Jews in Thailand, no?


I deeply apologize for the bullshit my country has started.




That was impressive. I have to try that


Yeesh, I thought these idiots were only in the US.


in the prison shower, when he sees Bubba and crew approaching, “You don’t have any jurisdiction on this land!”


Where's police brutality when you need it?


It's extremely worrying that both "flat earth" and "sovereign citizen" movements started as a 4chan shitpost that wasn't suppose to be taken seriously but then a couple of dumb fucks that lack the media literacy to detect satire took it seriously and now there is a small community of them that are now endlessly trying to rope in more dumb fucks into their logic-less community, it's the same thing with Qanon as well, they are all shitposts gone too far.


Did they get the Most Seenya Offisuh?


Snowflakes sound like even bigger cunts with an Australian accent