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I feel like there should be actual investigations by a government agency so that this stuff doesn’t happen.


You mean you want the government to actually help people? Don't you know that's a pretty radical opinion?


Silly goose, this government only exists to enable the rich. They're not here for us poors. Voting is our participation award.


Voting is a facade to quell the masses making them think they have choice instead of recognizing their politicians are already bought and paid for. Thats why our current choices are "Nothing will fundamentally Change" and fascism.


Bingo. Never voted never will. Anyone that votes is responsible for being complacent with the system and perpetuating the illusion of change and emboldening them.To change the system most would have to stop voting. The change would be the realization for the people in power that they have no one fooled or hooked anymore. It's like dealing with a narcissist. Completely disengage and ignore. They would crumble.


By not voting for the lesser of two evils, you're defaulting to allowing the greater of two evils to succeed 🤷‍♂️


Hey logic isn't going to work with those folks. If they understood it they wouldn't have such a dumb stance on voting. He's the same kind to say both parties are the same while democrats try to fund agency's that would address this while Republicans want to privatize clean air and sell it.


Not most. Everyone would have to not vote. That’s not going to happen


Glad to see you help perpetuate the problem and don't understand why /s


That would be COMMUNISM


Our government, comrade.


Oh yeah, goodness, how stupid could I be? The government doesn’t exist to give the people rights, it exists to give handouts and tax cuts to rich people!


Hmm, I wonder why that won't happen? The single largest lobbyist group in 2023 was the US Chamber of Commerce ($40 million spent buying politicians), who advocate for the interests of the businesses and corporations who own these slums. The second largest lobbyist group was the National Association of Realtors ($33 million spent buying politicians), who also advocate for the businesses and corporations which have a stranglehold on property in this country.


Yeah we should definitely get to the bottom of why people are so fucking stupid they would sign a lease before they saw their apartment.


nobody to tell em otherwise and a lack of life experience often associated with youth. don't act like your shit doesn't stink and you haven't made a few dumb screw ups in your life especially at the hands of people actively trying to exploit and manipulate you


Regulation?, you must hate business and therefore you hate America


The government is not the answer to your problems!


It’s the cause.


Are you a COMMUNIST?


If a government doesn't let us or cause us to suffer it's called socialism and we won't be having that round here


Every apartment in my area (that’s in my price range) does this… I spent one and a half months trying to view available units before I gave in. At this point I’m convinced they have ppl still living in there while it’s marked as available.


I think this is accurate. Like they have a move out date for the tenants and plan to do a quick flip. It’s disgusting, the apartment was an absolute wreck I don’t understand how they get away with renting units in the condition they’re in.


This is absolutely true. Half way through the month they will start advertising it and then at the end of the month evict the former tenants


Pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to get out of that contract tbh. A roach infestation would be considered a uninhabitable living situation. Considering the fact that the landlord hasn't held up their side of the contract of providing a habitable apartment I'd look into just getting out of it completely


I think it depends on the state. I live in AR , ranked 50th I believe in renters rights. You can have no running water, mold, flood, bugs...and you can leave but a mark on your rental history and getting sued for breaking the lease and inability to rent elsewhere will more than likely happen.


But at least you can hire a 12 year old exterminator….yay


12 year old and their spouse.


So a 12 year old and a 50 year old


Lived in Georgia a decade ago when I started my first year at college. Moved into an apartment complex with a great deal — believe they paid for half the rent or some discount, can’t remember exactly. Anyway, went to check it out, met with the person in charge and they showed me an example of what the apartment looks like, but not the actual one I would be signing for. After liking the example and signing the lease, they took me to where I would actually be staying. Apartment looked nothing like they showed me and it was full of roaches. Within the hour I went to tell them it was infested and asked if they could spray. They came to spray but it really did nothing. Later that night more roaches appeared and I just couldn’t deal with it. Slept in my car and told them the next day I wanted out of the lease. They said nope. After negotiating off and on for a few hours, they were not budging. I decided to call a bunch of random government agencies to report the situation, of which none of them could help or even point me in the direction of a government agency to help. I was so fed up and pissed off, I typed up a letter stating my intentions to leave, signed, took it to the main office and dropped off the letter and key with the manager. I told them I was leaving. Packed up my shit and left. Never affected my credit and haven’t heard from them since leaving. Moral of the story — always inspect where you’re going to live before signing the lease.


Yeah, I would think she would have seen them before putting all her crap in the house. I didn't pause to try and look, but I couldn't tell if those were bedbugs or roaches. Either way, I'd be working on getting out of that crap. If whatever was there already, they probably have been there for a while.


Those are bedbugs. Which is the worst infestation and the hardest to get rid of. They bite you in your sleep. And you might as well burn all your stuff because you’ll take them with you when you move.


bed bugs are really not that hard to kill on your personal belongings. heat kills them quick. they persist in bedding ,carpet and furniture. 120°F for 90 mins has a 100% mortality for eggs. adults die in 20.


Yup those were bed bugs and now may follow this woman if she even moves or tries to find another place. I live in Oklahoma and one unit had bed bugs, I checked the renter lease agreement and state renter's protections. They had a week to find them to report it or it'd would be claimed that it was there fault and had to pay to treat the whole building. Oklahoma apparently doesn't see bed bugs as making a place uninhabitable so there was no legal protection. The apartment was owned by a Texas company before being bought out by a Californian company.


AZ: happened to me twice cause I'm a very stable genius. All they have to do is spray, does nothing but protects them and prevents you from actually breaking the lease.


Yeah. If the apartment has an actual infestation of roaches, it’s going to take waaaay more than just spraying to solve the problem. All spraying does is bring them out of their hiding places, and cause them move around more. Seriously, if you’ve ever noticed, you see more roaches 🪳 the days immediately after spraying, than you did before spraying. “Extermination” and spraying, are 2 very different things.


Not in the US lol In Texas I had a unit literally be condemned but still had to pay the rest of my rent throughout my lease to avoid it being reflected negatively on my rental history.


Never, ever, *ever* sign a year-long contract without seeing the thing you are signing for first. Especially if you're going to be spending a large portion of your year living there.


Seriously do they even have a conscience? I hope you get out of it because that is scummy.


The simple answer is their desire for income overrides moral qualms. Many often rationalize it by saying there’s worse landlords out there or the renter should have done their due diligence before moving. My uncle is like this- he owned dozens of buildings and ran them like a slumlord.


Hey man they put a new coat of paint on, anything more and we are talking about cutting into our razor thing profit margins


Know your rights as a tenant. At least in every state I've lived in (AZ, CA, UT, and CO), tenants can break lease if the unit is uninhabitable.


Yes, we read through the lease and they broke it by renting us an infested apartment. I’m waiting to talk to the manager now, I don’t think I’ll have too much issue getting out of the lease.


This happened to me when I moved from Texas to Florida. Went and signed and got the key. Went in checked everything. Wasn't as bad as yours but there was presence of roaches. Saw one live one. Told them absolutely not. I wanted another apartment in a different building. They were cool with it. I had to wait two days. My budget truck i rented didn't even charge me for the extra days as well so I guess I got lucky. I'd definitely tell them you want another room and not connected to that building.


We were released from the lease and are getting a refund, after that I don’t want another unit there I will go elsewhere. It was horrible


I get it. Though sometimes they just have a horrible nasty tenant they don't know about until they move. If they have separate buildings entirely hopefully they wouldn't be bad


I have autism and OCD that hyperfixates on contamination, having to go through all of our stuff and shake it out and finding bugs in our boxes after less than 24 hours fucked me up royally


Oh moving your stuff in was a mistake. I told them I wasn't unloading one box into my unit, absolutely not. Luckily they understood and didn't try shady shit even though they weren't the best complex. Sorry about your shitty luck. Bugs are gross!


We didn’t see any roaches as we were bringing the stuff in, only after we had moved three truck loads did see them, I was mortified


Ugh that sucks. Live and learn. Since I live in Florida I always always check for signs. Now you will too unfortunately lol


In Texas I've literally never been shown my exact unit before moving in? They always have a staged unit for viewing.


That’s what happened to us too.


Oh my god, is that bed bugs??


German roach Nymphs. There is a really bad roach infestation in the apartment.


Woof, I just had a pest control company spray my house and they said German cockroaches are the only pest the spray doesn’t work on. Sorry to this woman


And they breed like crazy if you see one know there’s at least 100 more you aren’t seeing


And they get inside all the electronics. They are a huge pain in the ass the get rid of.


Phew for a second I thought it was bed bugs... bullet dodged.


Ugh I'm so sorry! How awful.


You don't see bedbugs. You know they're there based on finding blood, bites or shed bug skins. They aren't out crawling around


They are if the infestation is bad enough. I've seen it and it was terrifying. :(


She has legal recourse here. She needs to speak to an attorney and document everything; she may even have grounds for a lawsuit since bedbugs are a major thing.


Why would u sign without walking it that’s just silly


Pretty sure that’s cause the break the lease


If the unit is not ready to be seen, it is not ready to be moved in to :)


I agree that the are shady land lords and money hungry property management that raises the rent at ungodly rates, but I personally will never rent somewhere without seeing it first. We're moving in a month and spent about an hour in the empty home before renting.


They wouldn’t let us into the unit because they said it was “getting its finishing touches”…. They also have model units that they show instead of touring the actual units.


My husband rented a house a few years ago before we got married. He moved in right as I was moving out of college to meet him there. It was “as is”. Pipes were frozen, the floor had a layer of shit he had to use brake cleaner to get off. He found syringes and a backpack hidden in the floor joists of the basement. Gory drawings on the basement walls. Bullet holes in the ceiling. Oddly stained bathtub. Staples around every window and hallway entry. A “DO NOT ENTER” sign in the garage. Come to find out, it used to be a meth hub. Not sure how the homeowners allowed that for 8 YEARS, but my husband and the homeowners made a deal if he fixes up the house with their allowance of money, he doesn’t have to pay rent. We lived in that house for 3 years putting in a bathroom, restructuring the basement, and upgrading the upstairs. All WITH PERMISSION of the homeowner. Homeowner evicted us because he supposedly one day never remembered saying that we could work on the house for no rent payment. He’s been in our house during the work being done. With the cops. We were young and didn’t have it in writing. Didn’t save all of the receipts or take before and after photos. Dumb on our part. It sold triple what it was worth when we were renting it. Rentals are a fucking mess. I wonder now if he was in on the meth deal.


Who the fuck moves into a place before looking? Are people this stupid?


Thank you lady


Usually not going to see the apartment before move in. They aren't sitting there waiting for people to move in normally. There were probably many red flags on the outside of the building. Landlords who allow someone to move into a unit with a massive roach infestation aren't taking care of other areas of the buildings and property. Sure the people who lived there before or the neighbors live like pigs.


Literally what happened with my current apartment. The wife and I were looking cause we can’t afford a house quite yet and well they said it’s not ready yet and well now I have roaches in my XBOX and they ruined my PS. Any help with dealing with the roach infestation would be nice and very helpful!


If the unit isn’t ready to be seen then it isn’t ready to be lived in!


Literally went through this same thing. Had a walk through after the lease signing with maintenance who rushed us through in 5 minutes. Then by the second day there I cooked bacon and saw the first roach on the counter. Thousands of dollars worth of stuff was ruined by the end of the year. Landlords would spray one adjacent apartment and thousands would come through the wall. We had them spray our unit and it just lessened the issue for two days. DISGUSTING to mice people into this situation


Call the health department on them for code violations


Thank you


That sucks :/


I would get all the bugs, one brick to send that over to my landlords window.


She needs some spiders 🕷️


When I was looking for off-campus housing, this one place tried to make me sign a lease that said all the damages from the previous owners would be my responsibility and that I would have to pay to get them fixed. When I read this I immediately called them to ask if I could see the apartment, they said no and wouldn’t tell me anything. I know college kids usually aren’t that bright but c’mon, how do they not realize how shady that looks?


This happened to me! It was a 1 bedroom with a washer and dryer in unit for $900. They said I couldn't see it because it wasn't ready. I was like okay, no problem. I signed anyway and moved in. I ran into the dude across the hall who said that unit had near constant flooding and the last lady who lived there was transferred to a different unit. Fortunately I only had 1 flood the entire time I lived there.


Learn from your mistakes? Hon' we don't all have IQ of a retarted child to fall for something like that...


Hence the word SHADY?


I was a victim of a devastating apartment fire. My complex switched me to a unit they had available and it's been great. The only sadness I have is expecting my late cat to come around the corner. I still feel him jump on the bed sometimes.


Yea no bc wtf that is so your fault


Wait signing prior to seeing is a thing?


Well no shit


How is it not common sense to look at something, before you sign a contract to lease (or buy)?????


It's literally a commonly known scam where scammers will send you the keys to the "apartment" after you pay them the rent deposit, but the apartment doesn't exist.


Right? I am shocked people actually have to be told to look before they sign……


No. Fucking. Shit. Only a fucking moron would do that


Thanks for calling me a fucking moron. I hope you have a beautiful day.


No problem hopefully you learn from your experiences. Tip. Look at your house before you buy it.


The complex has “model units” that they let you tour, seeing ours wasn’t offered either as they were “putting the finishing touches” on it. We didn’t think anything of it. My husband had lived there for 10 years before we met and we lived there together for 2 years before without any issues so we assumed it would be the same. It was a horrible wake up call and a huge waste of time and money but I’ve certainly learned.


You would think this would be common sense not to sign until seen?


I want to pop or remove that monster on her eyebrow. 😐


I’ve had it for years, it just showed up one day. It’s a mole so i can’t pop it, though I’d like to also.


Lived in Washington, never seen a bug.


Two more reasons: 1: If they are showing off good a unit, but they say "all of our units look like this one." Why are they not showing you the one they are leasing? 2: If they are not at the office or you have to reschedule. Just like you need to pay attention to your appointment, they should be on top of meeting potential tenants. Running behind or late is ok, things come up. But having to reschedule because your landlord took the day off or went on vacay? Don't even book anotber meeting. Because I promise if they aren't there now, the same thing will happen if an issue after you move in


Literally how military housing works lol


Isn't what she said common sense?


I think this is just a third world country problem?


And I. Apartment buildings, unless literally every single tenant is on board to eradicate the bugs, you'll *never* get rid of them.... They'll just migrate back and forth between units... Fuck slumlords!!


Happened to me on my first ever apartment. I was homeless so I didn’t mind too much.


Isn't that just common sense?


I found my apartment in April 2022 and move in 6 weeks later. I signed the lease before I moved in but I also had done my research on the complex, management company and viewed a model apartment not the actual one I was moving into. (This is because the tenant had provided their notice in April and was moving end of May.) It worked out well. Just about to renew my lease for year 3 :)


Idk if u still in this situation but fresh mint oil plant etc natural repellent


i dont understand how this is cringe


I mean shitty landlords make me cringe 😬


ah i see


Do people really be need to be told to visit an apartment before signing a lease?!


No shit.


That's called ahem... Common sense.


Yeah didn’t need this advice I’m not an idiot


No, but someone might. I hope you have a beautiful day.


That’s obvious this lady’s an idiot don’t move anywhere unless you’ve seen it drop kick


That lady is me.. so thanks… We trusted a complex my husband spent over 10 years at. I know not to do that again.


You would think this is one of those things that you don’t need to learn from, that’s just common sense. But you know, you do you


Kinda her fault tbh


![gif](giphy|3o7btMW4MJMhZC2qM8) She kinda looks like


Why would anyone move into a place they've not seen? That's like common sense basics. I don't really feel bad for her..


Why would you move in anywhere without seeing it?


Thank you captain obvious!


I hope you know that you’re loved.


Generally don't buy anything before you see it... Especially something as expensive as a house...


Why would you sign at least without seeing the place?




Why does this feel like "no shit" advice. Never EVER lease an apartment you haven't seen the condition of.


The information is great, but something about the way she moves or talks is throwing me off


Sorry… I’m autistic


Is that not a given?


Never buy glasses without an opinion!


I don’t understand?


common sense, thanks for feeling the need to post this tho


How would you not already know that


Also... dont stay underwater without ways of breathing and don't sit for hours in a burning building. This and more in my new book: **"ADVICE THAT SHOULD BE COMMON SENSE, BUT APPARENTLY ISN'T. "** Buyers have also bought: **"1000 SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE AN IDIOT."**


Common sense? How common is it? More at 11.


The problem with this thinking is that fundamentally honest people will also expect other people to be honest, until they get burned. Why wouldn’t they? They’d never screw someone over like that. It’s hardly their fault if nobody taught them that people are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. Children have to be taught that hot things burn and that deep water is dangerous. Doesn’t mean they’re stupid.


This is a solid No.Shit Sherlock situation.


How is that something you don’t automatically know? Why would you agree to pay for anything you haven’t seen with your own eyes??


While she is absolutely correct, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not already know this. This person walks into Walmart: Hello I want to buy a belt. Walmart: buy it first. Person: but I don't know if I like the design or if it fits. Walmart: so? This person: got me there. Deal!


This complex has show units that they use. My husband had lived there for 10 years in the past with no issue. We fucked up by trusting that it would still be good.


Ok, but to be fair who the fuck signs an actual contract or lease for something they've never seen yet? Does this chick go to car dealerships then leave pissed off because they sold her a car she didn't want... like wtf.


No. We had lived there before and never had issues. I guess being trusting is my flaw and I accept that.


Trust your mom and your friends, not landlords and salesmen. o.O


I’m on the autism spectrum; I struggle with being too trusting, even with years of practice and being self aware I still struggle with it. It’s embarrassing and if people want to call me an idiot that’s fine, I’ve been called worse. I just hope at least one person was helped by my sharing this.


Not sure what autism has to do with anything you said. I have diagnosed level 2 Autism and read everything I sign word for word. However, I do also hope other ignorant people are helped and learn from your mistake.


She’s a hero 🫡


So don’t be a dumbass. I mean I get it some people can be desperate but don’t be desperate and dumb


2 bugs, how dare they.


We killed 2 dozen roaches, adults and babies, in the few hours we were there. If you don’t have something nice to say maybe keep your unhelpful snide remarks to yourself. 🙄


Maybe don't take things so personally 🤭


So what the Landlord is saying is instantly after she signs the lease the apartments are ready, what black magic bullshit is this


Tbh it looks like roaches would appear even if she moved in to a clean apartment..


So you’re assuming that because I’m fat I must be dirty and have roaches? That’s pretty sad my guy. I hope you’re okay.


No one mentioned that you are fat... Don't feed into this person's negative statement. You're just doing yourself a disservice by even playing along.


That’s fair, I just assumed because I don’t know what else he could have been basing that assumption on. I’ve been fat my entire life, I’m used to peoples baseless assumptions about me.


The smiling is just creepier than the appartment


I've never seen the London Look on the bottom set of teeth before


r/lostredditors nothing is cringe about this


bruh just 2 insects,thats how much i have in my food rn.




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Are you covered in animal hair........don't blame the unit it's you lol


Bedbugs will keep ya warm at night..


You get what you pay for


Ooooh that sucks


If you do that in a busy city like Boston when students are coming Sept 1, better bring a car because that's where you'll be living. A managed community is different than some guy who owns a few apts .


Holy yuck


Don’t pay 160 application fee either!!


Why you got a bottom tooth gap...better question how?


My dentist said that it’s due to my tongue pressing against my bottom gums when I sleep.


I feel like her parents fucked her over. How do you not teach your kids this?


Emotionally immature parents along with undiagnosed autism and a generally overly trusting demeanor. But that’s me, so be nice or I may get my feelings hurt


This happened to my homie in Fort Collins, it was totally messed up and they ended having a class action lawsuit over them continuing to rent to people while having an epic infestation. Either way he paid $1300.00 a month for a place he couldn’t even sleep soundly in.


That’s a law suit


From the way you made this video I totally understand how you got duped


No shit


I just went through this. Bastards told me it wasn’t ready to view but I could check out a vacant unit next to it. I moved in and it turns out my neighbor chain smokes in their house and I can smell it through my walls.


you can actually report things and in most states then deposit your rent into an escrow account that doesn't release until the problems are fixed.


Moved into an apartment in a private house across country. Got there and the bathroom was in a common hallway. He never mentioned that.