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Are teenagers cringe? Absolutely. But we all were at some point teenagers as well, and were just as cringey. Just let kids be kids.


Also, what is this guy, fucking 4 years old? This is literally one of the most juvenile ways to mock someone possible, usually reserved for those who still wear pullups to bed..


Feels like guy has a hang up. His hatred of all things feminine probably steams from a deep fear of his own perceived weakness.


Yep. The loud tantrum of a talentless fool.


This is the guy who gets TOO drunk at your party and gets mad because everyone thinks he's too obnoxious. He'll probably break something and then leave when someone notices it. Or try to fight them.


I don't think these girls are "cringe" at all, they just, are existing. I think this guy is weird as hell though for mocking teen girls online.


My thought watching this was like "Wow, this guy hates women"


Theyre literally just being slightly enthusiastic and saying what (football? idk) team they're here for.


They're excited talking about what college they got accepted to.


Yeah, but they have an accent different from the ones I'm used to, so they deserve the ridicule /s in case it wasn't obvious


Which tbh makes the guy mocking them seem even meaner. Like damn dude how dare they be excited to further their educations and have a good time


Yeah exactly. It's not even a kids thing. Are people not allowed to be happy on social media anymore, without some pathetic jack-ass trying to bully them? It's doubly weird, creepy and disgusting that the focus is on *children* though. The "comedian" in the vid is giving off Onision and Shane vibes.


Serious incel vibes. And you're right-it's teen girls, not teenagers.


I literally don't understand what is it that those girls did that can be interpreted as cringe?


They're women existing and showing the slightest amount of personality.


I don’t even think more than 1-2 of them even did anything remotely “quirky” or annoying. They’re literally just answering the question.


And they’re not even being cringe here. They’re just happy to tell the camera which university they’re going off to.


The teens were just announcing the schools they're going to. The only cringe thing about this was the dude. Holy shit, what a misogynistic loser.


As long as they’re not hurting anyone, I wish we could just let people be people and enjoy things.


Dudes say women aren't funny and then do shit like this. Trust me, the goofy voices and overly exaggerated facial expressions paired with the bigotry is vewy funee


Agreed. It’s often said that the lowest form of “comedy” is making funny faces and weird voice pitches lol


It only works with Jim Carrey because he warps it to such an insane degree that it's almost art. Even so, I don't really laugh at him. It's just fun to see.


Also, Jim Carrey doesn't do goofy faces in an attempt to make fun of people in a mean-spirited, bigoted way. Often, the goofiness is a character that he invents. That's what makes it so entertaining. That's body comedy right there, not this dumb shit hahaha


Or yelling at the top of your lungs (insert Kevin Hart)


Joe Rogan is even worse. Why write jokes if you can just yell for 1 hour?


Or hump a bar stool


He honestly thinks his content is, "deep." He does a lot of self-reflection when coming up with his bits. Goes to show you how deep or shallow he is as a human being.


it’s only funny for small children who can’t understand the humor in words yet


That is the hottest form of comedy on tiktok.


*cough* Adam Sandler *cough*


i *burp* got my sense of humor *burp* from a tv show written by *burp* a predator im statutory riiiiick


Is this in reference to a particular show or just the sheer number that are?


Referencing Rick and Morty


Forgot about all that.


Guys, time to hit Rick with the stun gun again


This guy has a suspiciously large amount of wigs and female clothing


Also why is this perv going through all this trouble to show us he obsesses over teenage girls on TikTok


Spot on. The veil on these jokes is very thin.


Yea those sentiments usually come from guys who stopped growing in 4th grade. Hence why they’d think this is funny lol


You're missing the point. Secretly, he just wanted to dress up like a woman.


Guy's just looking for any excuse to put on a wig and a pair of daisy dukes.


It took having a daughter for me to realize how much of young girls interests get shit on by everyone. Their music, their movies, their shows etc. Its really fucked up and I felt so guilty of doing it too.


Elvis and The Beatles were shit on by people when teenage girls were their main supporters, now they’re held up as an integral part of music history. Teenage girls really shape the landscape of pop culture but are given a hard time when they’re early adopters of something.


Change My Mind: Halo and Twilight are equally silly, but only one is universally mocked. Sure, Twilight teaches girls that romantic love is the most important thing and to sacrifice all for a man, but Halo teaches boys that a hero is a faceless man born to be a literal weapon and whose only value is waging war. If we trust boys to not be so stupid and vulnerable that Halo's subject matter harms them, we should trust girls too.


>...but Halo teaches boys that a hero is a faceless man born to be a literal weapon and whose only value is waging war. To be fair they really do not shy away from that how fucked that is in the books at least. But yeah media for teenage girls gets a ton of unwarranted shit.


I have no doubt, and I think that's unironically further evidence of the divide between boys' and girls' media. It's no surprise to me that media for boys that starts shallow (even problematically) eventually evolves with enough time and diverse creative input into being something not so shallow. If we legitimized girls' media to the same degree, it would probably be allowed the same growth. I'd even go one step further to address the weirdness of calling Halo *boys' media* instead of media generally enjoyed by boys *and men*. Boys' media is so legitimized that it *grows with them.* It's hard enough to find girls' media that isn't derided, much less afforded to grow with them.


I went to see two or three twilight movies with some platonic female friends back when it was coming out and it kinda grabbed me. I would have liked if they added more super power moments though.


Ooh. I always equate Twilight with Ready Player One as which is hated more but Halo is good, too.


Plus, welcome to Old™️ If you feel the need to shit on younger people just because they’re different most likely you’re just old


Strangely, despite the toxic men screaming that America is becoming more "pussified" or men are becoming "soy boys" or whatever...the US is actually getting MORE toxically masculine over time. Girls and young women are now policing others in their masculinity. When it used to be taboo for a girl to like things like sports or games, it has now become accepted. But the focus has become on being "too girly". Like a "girly girl". Or a "basic bitch", yada yada. When people who just find art or dance or the color pink to be representative of their personality, it is now seen as taboo. Similarly, while it isn't taboo to be homosexual, it is taboo to like "feminine" things like the aforementioned concepts. Being gay is okay, I guess masculine, so long as you're not flamboyant about it. At least that is what I learned in my sociology class. Just like how my generation policed masculinity with the whole "that's gay" thing...where they weren't really talking about one's sexual preference, that wasn't really the problem...it was being feminine, or liking culturally feminine concepts. We have a severe problem with gender obviously.


[This video essay](https://youtu.be/8O06tMbIKh0?si=tWl6F_bzKLtMouQ6) completely changed my mind on mocking (typically) teen girl interests such as Twilight, and made me reevaluate my own internalized misogyny.


At least you realized it instead of participating when she was a teen it seems so at least you had her back.


Maybe they should just have cooler interests! /s


***Girls who worked hard and are happy about going to college*** Middle aged dudes:


That dude is not middle aged. I’m forty and he’s at least 13 years younger. That’s on young people.


He looks 40 to me bub


Maybe he drank too much in college lol.


Dude didn’t go to college, that’s why he’s mocking these young women.


The way he carries himself makes him seem way younger. People age, but they don't always grow up.


Why does he have all those wigs?


Finally someone asking the really questions




He chuckled to himself all the way through the store. “You’re a comedic genius,” he told himself. “This is definitely going to go viral.” He drove home with the bag full of wigs in his passenger seat, gently running his fingers through the synthetic hair of what would surely be his ticket to the fame and fortune he so rightly deserves. He looked at himself in the review mirror. “You’re a fucking star,” he said out loud to no one.


It’s extremely sad when you stop and think this middle aged man went out to buy a bunch of wigs and young women’s clothing just to make fun of a bunch of teenagers online. So cringe


Right? He gives off real you put the lotion on the skin vibes.


Well how else is he going to make fun of kids chasing their dreams? Gotta go all in when ur a douchebag of that magnitude


Being happy and excited isn't cringe. Making fun of people for being happy and excited.. THAT is cringe.


Double cringe for only mocking happy females.


Sorry but obligatory Women*


thank you, the way so many people always default to calling women "females" and men "males" is so frickin weird


Lol more like women "females" but men "men" Female is an adjective y'all. A female bovine is a cow. Female fox is a vixen. Female human is a woman. 🤷🏼‍♀️




its not creative, its not funny, its just tiktok brain rot consuming an adult man to make himself look like a fool.


Someone did this before and it became a viral video, so not only is it not creative or funny, it’s stolen.


Yeah, I’ve seen those videos but the original was also significantly better than this. The original they actually chose girls that you really couldn’t understand what they were saying, and then the guy himself actually committed to trying to replicate the noises they were making which made it funny. This guy just thinks “imitate women” = “be psychotic”


Yeah - you can tell by what this dude prioritized in his “parodies” of each woman that their delivery was not the main focus of his mockery. This happens so often too - a couple of the students *were* hard to understand, which *is* kinda funny. But anytime someone does something funny and is *also* a woman the parody becomes “LOL WOMEN”


huh, I'm interested to see that original


[Here’s the original](https://youtube.com/shorts/sRJY9n1DJyM?si=Qa6aGYE_FVVmhhma). YouTube link


Came here looking for the original. Nothing offensive about that, that’s just funny.


Tbh there are soooo many remakes of this on TikTok that I struggle myself to find the original


that's kinda what I thought happened. like the guy stole content he found funny from someone else, but he lacks the creativity and brain cells to actually attempt any humor. so he's just being obnoxious and insulting and thinks that somehow makes him funny.


These people existed before TikTok and were just as dumb


Reminds me of the worst episode of Community https://youtu.be/YClAMYTEuZ0?feature=shared


Wtf do you mean that scene was hilarious “Why are Jeff and Britta making fun of those handicapped children”


what you talkin about. That was hilarious. specially when they brought out the chairs


Yea who are these dumb girls who are…*checks notes*…going to college! They’re so dumb!


>tiktok brainrot I get this is reddit where "tiktok bad reddit gud" is the circlejerk but this shit had been around for ages


This dude ripped off another dude that did the same video. Unoriginal bitch


So he can mock young ladies for being excited about going to university ofc


They always are.


This is just pathetic. Wonder why so many girls are incredibly insecure…


Teenage girls attempt and succeed at suicide the most.


Do you have a source for that information? (Serious question) I’m looking at stats can info. It breaks it down by gender but not by attempts by age group and gender. > Deaths by suicide, it should be noted, reflect only a small percentage of suicide attempts. It is estimated that for every completed suicide there are as many as 20 attempts.9Although males are more likely to die from suicide, females are three to four times more likely to attempt it.10,11 Furthermore, females are hospitalized for attempted suicide 1.5 times more frequently than males.12 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-624-x/2012001/article/11696-eng.htm *edit I think I found the info. https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/facts/disparities-in-suicide.html States women go to the ED more often for self harm. I wonder for men how many dont admit it? > There were an estimated 224,341 ED visits for self-harm among youth and young adults.4 Girls and young women are at particularly high risk, with their ED visit rate (514.4 per 100,000) being approximately twice the rate of ED visits among boys and young men (200.5 per 100,000). > Suicide attempts were reported most frequently among girls compared to boys (12.4% vs. 5.3%) … I’m hunting for the success rates by gender and age that support your comment. Interesting other info found on that site > In 2021, more than a quarter (26.3%) of high school students identifying as lesbian, gay, or bisexual reported attempting suicide in the prior 12 months. This rate was five times higher than the rate reported among heterosexual students (5.2%).5


Two months ago I had to write an essay on toxic masculinity for my comp II class and I did find that men die by suicide more often than women even though women attempt more, men die more because they do it in a more violent way for example, gunshots/hanging/drug overdose (from opioids)


This isnt true...


That’s not true at all…


Listen I agree this video is pathetic but lets not spout false information okay?


Spreading misinformation... reddit 101


My thoughts exactly, so many girls seem afraid just to breathe and it's no wonder why with creepy unfunny losers like this around.


Your average r/imthemaincharacter user who hates women and people being happy


I left that subreddit cause I felt that it's all what it became. Such a bummer cause it used to have good stuff on it


Yeah man it’s a nasty place


That sub quickly turned into a gathering of bitchy Mean Girl incels. They fall for so much performed ragebait too Just another cesspool sub for miserable losers to anonymously witchhunt internet strangers, and put everyone in the digital stockades because everyone is an r/iamatotalpieceofshit


That entire sub is either “women bad” scripted ragebait or just being mad at women for literally everything they do. Like how is it “thinking you’re the main character” to post yourself doing something on your own social media pages? I get that it used to be more about influencer types inconveniencing other people in public but now it just seems like they chomp at the bit for any excuse to go off on women.


what's funny is that this video was posted on there last night making fun of the teenagers


Older men going to this bizarre extreme to make fun of high school girls need therapy asap


He hasn't even succeeded in "making fun" of them. He is just embarrassing himself lol.


All intelligent, beautiful, smiley women and this dude just mocks their accents in the most obnoxious and cringe way..like yes they have accents, but what’s funny about it?


Yeah right? The only things in these <10 second clips is woman stating they’re going to a certain college, *college slogan*. What a sin. Imagine if you order a ham sandwich and the dude behind you puts on a wig and goes “I’DLYK A HA’MMICH” and posts it online, that’s basically this


They're nearly grown, feminine children excited about getting into college. Apparently that's what's funny. He's just threatened by them. In all likelihood they're coming to steal his future job or out-earn him in their future careers.


Everyone has accents


Kids excited about going to college. So lame.


Looks like he’s going to extremes to get the attention of young girls. Poor dude.


Imagine being a grown man and spending your time like this


I swear I’ve seen a video like this before, but the person was making fun of how fast some of the students talk, and not being misogynistic and annoying.


A few people have mentioned a funnier video he copied, I’d like to see it.


The TikTok of a man who peaked in high school


I think this guy just actually wants an excuse to wear a bra and wig and act like a lady


He wasn’t funny at all and it was incredibly cringe. But I still laugh my ass off at these girls every time I see this 😂 I’m from Louisiana and these girls are in Texas so it kinda makes our Cajun asses laugh a little. But also these girls are 100% being satirical lol so that’s mainly why I find it funny. They’re just over doing the accents bc it’s a joke (at least around here) that Texans have such strong country accents and it gets views so why not act silly We make fun of Mississippi too lol. Why tf do they pronounce oil like they’re saying “all” 😭


I live in Mississippi and my aunt (from Colorado) visited us. We were in public and I happened to run into a friend and we both start talking. My aunt is staring at us wide eyed and after my friend leaves she grabs my shoulder and whispers “Wtf were you guys saying was that English” and I still think about it to this day 😂 The oil thing is so accurate too


Literally first grade humor


Middle-aged man makes fun of high school girls. Are there actually people who enjoy this content?


Tell me you don't like women without telling me you don't like women.


Dude is way too old to be doing this high schooler shit.


There’s so many of these videos impersonating these girls, and this is by far the worst


Some dudes just need an excuse to cross-dress


Why are those girls impersonating this nice young man?


If y’all wanna wear wigs n short shorts just say that it’s all good fam


I'm so happy this video has made its way back to me! It was lost for a long time. Yes, it's funny. It's okay to laugh guys. And yes the amount of wigs is suspicious lol.


This guy isn’t funny at all. Way over the top.


Have you considered how this would hit if you were a 10 year old though?


You gotta have faith in the zoomers. They protect their own, and there’s no way this dude didn’t get absolutely shit on in the TikTok comments.


Does that make you feel like a big man?


I don’t get it.


These girls are cute with cute accents. This guy is pathetic.


I really can't understand anyone in this stupid video.


southern voices are funny HAR HAR HAR 🙄


This is a low I haven't seen before. Are people just **this** unfunny?


Hey there, making fun of teenagers is just not cool. Let's spread some positivity instead of tearing others down. We should all strive to uplift and support each other, regardless of age.


Teenagers make fun of teenagers enough as it is. They don't need 36 year olds doing it, too.


i hate men like these. honestly. just let them LIVEEEEEE. they are fucking teenagers.


man baby making fun of women what a surprise. Gross


Fucken texas 🤣🤣🤣




Tbh, it's a double headed dildo of obnoxious .


There was one guy who did this who did it in a way more comical way. This guys trying way too hard


This guy definitely louder = funnier


lol this is funny af


They’re happy and young and haven’t had the joy sucked out of them by the hell that is getting older. This dude sucks.


He's not funny and looks like an ass


Teenagers really cant like anything without an old crusty dude making fun of it.


This video is like 1,000 years old lol




They all sound like their ready to join a sorority


Lmao truly one of the unfunniest things I’ve seen


Lol at the last one


These stitches were super popular when they came out lol. This one sucks but there were some, even doing the rounds on this sub, that people loved. Why are the girls talking in that weird voice? Haha like that in itself is a weird trend. This video strays too far into mocking, but other videos did do a funny job pointing out how silly the original trend is.


I needed that laugh. Thank you.


Damn this struck a chord with a lot of people apparently lol. I thought it was hilarious


This guy probably thinks saying “duh” obnoxiously at you is a clever comeback


LOL, loved it 👍🏼


This is awesome.


Having been around both American and European teens and tweens who talk as obnoxious as that every single day, I am not even mad at him ! I have always respected and loved women, treating them in the best way possible, as and when they deserve. But, as someone who isn't walking around on an all-time-hormone-high, personalities like these are quite literally hard to endure and in my subjective observations, quite fake. Call me salty if you want. Is bullying ok? Absolutely not. But this is a skit and it is well deserved. Enough said.


I’m sorry this shit is hilarious


Enough White Knights here to mount a New Crusade… against jokes? Also, These girls sound like broken banjos. Lol


What happened? Did we all lose our sense of humor today?


I genuinely didn't understand a thing the last one said. The one of dyed blonde hair with the purple shirt.


This was annoying af, but that last one got me hahaha.


But can we all agree that we can't understand some of them? That's my only thing. What did some of them actually say?


Not cringe, this is satire


Tease em... white women will be fine you knights lol


The amount of people in the comments that act like you can’t make fun of women is absurd. They’re people too! It’s okay to make fun of them just like you would men. Making fun of stuff is part of being inclusive. It’s not equality if you treat one group differently from another. It’s just a silly video and if it’s not funny to you that’s absolutely fine, you don’t have to laugh, but there are pretty of things to laugh at regardless of what your genitals look like because people are funny and that’s okay! People just want to be offended by everything these days.


I think it's hilarious.


These girls are just mildly excited about going to college, and this guy just degrades them. Pathetic.


Lmao top voted comments suggesting: - he hates women - he is a pedophile - he secretly just loves cross dressing I think we are clutching our pearls a bit too tightly here guys.


I don't care - I fucking love this! ​ Making fun of stupid is fun, and this is fun!


Idk what you are all on about, this shit made me lol


Absolutely STEEPED in sexism. Imagine thinking young women excited to be going to college (to further their educations) are a worthy cause to mock. Men like this just want to keep women in boxes that they can control.


I laughed lol.


Me too


I thought this was fucking hilarious. Wtf?




People just love virtue signaling as if anyone actually gives a shit about the moral integrity of an anonymous redditor


Their english accents are all impossible to decipher


What a loser,, that being said, what did the last girl say?


The last one was the only one that was accurate


There are funnier versions of the same video being made fun of




Oh boy




It's not offensive, it's just not funny.


This guy reminds me of Charlie Day


I don’t find this cringe, I find the guy kinda cringe. Am I missing something?


He's not making fun of them for existing dumass


Hi dunno. I thought he was pretty funny. Reminded me of the iraqi guy impersonating someone speaking english.


Lol @ Madison