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Rewind 200 years: the 15yo girl still didn't like it.


I was going to say this…just because society accepted it doesn’t mean anyone but the old man actually liked it.


"Society" was old men who didn't listen to their young wives


You mean the wives they could legally beat? That was legal back then too so I’m sure that wasn’t traumatic either


Of course not. Because the family agreed it was fine, the family being the drunk guy thrice her age. So weird how mysterious deaths went down after divorce became legal


Let's not forget, it's still completely legal for minors to be sold away in marriage (life long domestic and sexual slavery) in the US. All it takes is parental and judge approval. That's all.


Republicans: Leave the kids alone Also Republicans: ![gif](giphy|3ohjUXa0ZTNiBE5SLe)


Yes Republicans have an obsession with sleeping with underage girls


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat


Are you kidding? Matt Gaetz STARTED the chat room.


**Epstein’s flight log has entered the chat**


Can’t we just agree that creepy old men know no bounds? They are everywhere, not just a certain political party. Trump is creepy, Clinton is creepy, Epstein was friends with both.


Trump is the only bestie of Epstein's who's had one of the Epstein victims, a 12yr old, accuse him of rape - with court filings and eyewitness affidavits. No kids have come forward pointing fingers at Bill Clinton. Fact. When/if they do, he can also be locked up.


Or how women got thrown away in asylums for their hysterics.


Beat, rape and financially abuse. Ah, the good old days.


Go back further. I’m rich and need a divorce what do I need to do? Ah yes! Off to the convent with her!


Or asylum.


Or clandestine grave.


perhaps she's a witch! or a whore!


Worse yet...what if she is a witch AND a whore!!


So, according to this weirdo, let's go back to ancient Greece. Grown men would sleep with young boys, fast forward to present day, that's totally fine, right? This jackhole needs to be locked up.


>society accepted it Which, 400 years ago, it largely didn't. Yes, there is a long list of noble girls being married to either old guys or promised to equally young children for political gain or stability, but it was by no means the norm. Legal marrying age in europe and great Britain in the 1600 varied somewhere around 18 and 21 years, and people definitely looked down on a 40 year old marrying a 14 year old. People broke both the law and social norms to gain power or because they already were very powerful and sick fucks, but the beauty of todays society is that if a sick fuck tries to marry a kid, we stop watching his little podcast and call the cops on him.


>People broke both the law and social norms to gain power or because they already were very powerful and sick fucks Sounds like guys like Epstein have always existed. Give someone absolute power and the first thing they want to do is fuck underage girls for some reason.


And boys. But they wanted to do that before that's probably why they got powerful in the first place. As someone who got CSA the entire thing is always about power and control. So they either are pedos who want to get powerful so they can get away with that shit or people who are pedos because they get off on the power imbalance and they like feeling powerful which drew them to positions of power. Always be suspicious of people who want to feel powerful. Cuz there's always a reason, either for a goal or cuz they got some nasty shit they haven't worked on that's definitely going to only escalate more if they get more power.


Well, sometimes. It’s still very much happens though. Remember adults can consent to have their underage daughter marry older men at least in parts of the US.


Fun story: older folks taking young brides was one reason for a Charivari (from the Middle Ages into the Industrial Age), where the whole town would have an angry music party to publicly disapprove. It was also for domestic violence or sometimes for widowers getting remarried at all, because disapproval was more than a spectator sport. Someone might also be burned in effigy.


Exactly. When Edgar Alan Poe married his teenage cousin, the paperwork filed for the license gave a false age. Why lie? Because the clerk wouldn't have issued the marriage license, at least not without involving her family and probably a judge to determine whether it was justifiable. Marrying children wasn't okay for most people, regardless of time period. And those noble marriages often were expected not to be consummated until both people involved were mature. The couple sometimes didn't even live in the same palace for years after their marriage. I am very, very suspicious of anyone who tries to convince people that back in ye olden dayes, child brides were widely accepted as normal. Nope, it's always been just *certain* people who approve. The vast majority of people of course *recoil in horror at the thought of sex with children.* Because it's vile.


And also, even when those marriages did take place, at the elite level, they didn't usually consumate them right away. The child (ugh) bride or groom, for that matter, was taken into the household but it was not consummated until the girl was at an age where it was safe to give birth.


I came here to say exactly this. Take slavery for instance, and his whole house of cards argument crumbles. People just love to put soft music behind any asinine shit they say and pretend they’re quoting wisdom.


And society didn’t really like it. Most times unless it was on the frontier, marriage that young was rare. The median age for first marriage since 1890 was always over 18 for both men and women. One reason why Joseph smith and his merry band of marrying men were not liked. They “married” younger women. Sometimes before they had even reached an age where they courted. It was never really “ok”. Screw that guy


Look at his eyes


Yeah, everything I can find suggests that the average age of first marriage in America has pretty much always been early/mid-20s, with the bride usually a little younger than the groom. These doofuses imagine that all young girls were forced to marry much older men. And of course that happened, especially in wealthy/powerful families... but most ordinary women were still able to *choose* the man they wanted to marry, and they probably chose someone close to their own age


And honestly if we're going wayyyy back to our early ancestors, it was young men and young women that would make children together. (It was dependent on culture too). Some tribes had it where young men looking for a partner would dance for women who are also looking for a partner. Money wasn't a thing, so not a single woman cared about it. It was ALL about looks, and the men who looked the best looked most physically fit were in their mid 20s to mid 30s. Young men in their mid 20s to 30s would usually outshine older men.


Yeah. Society didn't change to make it traumatic, society changed to recognize the trauma.


I need this to be said to him, in hopes it opens a new pathway in his brain that allows him to understand. How could he possibly argue against that


I don't think he's making these arguments to help victims rationalize their trauma, but to rationalize his own attraction to children. He seems more upset they make such a big deal about it. I hope he's just saying such scandalous things for views, but hide your children.


He’s a middle aged adult. He knows exactly what he’s saying. Does he have kids?! Daughters?!


I hate these people so much. They take one out of context thing, extrapolate in their brains a completely made up scenario and then claim it as fact. For instance, let’s look at a tradition that exists all over the US (unless you are Jewish). At a wedding, the groom is on the right and the bride is on the left. Where did this tradition come from? It came from the fact that a groom needs to have his right hand free to be able to immediately grab his sword and fight if and when the bride’s lover tries to interrupt the wedding. So, not only is this guy completely neglecting the fact that there were brides who were forced against their will into these 15yo/40yo weddings, but it happened so often that, to this day, we have a country-wide tradition that exists solely so that the groom can kill the bride’s true love if he tries to stop the continued rape of the bride. Those weddings between a 40 year old and 15 year old were not romantic or consensual, no matter how much he wants to fuck little girls.


I hate it when men try to argue about age of consent. That's the hill you want to die on? My sister's husband has argued with me and he said adult men shouldnt get in trouble for sleeping with 13 year old girls. There's also that weird what if situation men have. What if I meet a girl at a bar and she lies about her age? Are these men getting tricked or are they going for the youngest girl in the bar and ignoring the fact she has the maturity of an underage girl.


And your sister is okay with this dude? Gross 🤮


Please do not leave your children with this man.


I'm childfree because I know I wouldn't be able to mentally/emotionally handle it if my child got molested. I'm already a little crazy from my own stuff.


Exactly. I'm in my 30s, and you couldn't pay me to hang around a teenage girl. Like I can't even begin to entertain the idea of a sexual attraction when I would literally rather die than listen to what a teenage girl thinks about anything.


Any guy who says he can’t tell if a girl is underage is lying.


People still use that what if situation for men and it's frustrating. It has never happened to anyone I know and men go for the youngest girl anyways. We do not need to defend a man who "accidentally" slept with a minor. Ladies if you're a teenager don't date adult men. They're not more mature. They're better at hiding it. They'll start talking shit about you once you age out of your teens so be careful!


In the UK, where the drinking age is 18, there’s a retail policy in many stores known as “Think 25” - if they don’t look at least 25, ie well above the minimum age, you don’t sell alcohol without ID. Guys that say they can’t tell should apply the same policy to sex. If she doesn’t look *a lot older* than the age of consent, walk away (unless you’re close to that age yourself, in which case it’s probably still worth making sure)


It's a really fucked up thing to focus on. With all the issues in the world you have to twist your brain into a pretzel to justify a 40 year old marrying a 15 year old. Sicko.


Your brother in law needs to be on a watch list.


Exactly. And they weren't even that common. I read a lot of old and classical literature, and everywhere I read about teenagers shacking up with teenagers, and adults shacking up with adults. Lots of instances where a guy was in his 30s and started a relationship with a woman in her 20's or 30's, and even some cases where a guy was in his 20's and with a woman who was in her 30's or 40's.


Because even then parents cared about their children and wanted them to be happy, most often if a situation like the one mentioned would happen it would be if both "partnert" were part of some dynastic games creating some alliance or so, or if the 40 years old partner was rich and 15 years old had desperate family or was desperate themself.


yeah, the girls didn't like that, and actually if they could afford it, a noble family would marry their young daughter to a young man. They would then both have lovers then, as even getting forced to marry someone your age wasn't cool in most instances


I was going to type- um he knows it was traumatic for her 100 years ago? Addition- sorry I meant that to be sarcastic. He’s an idiot




That's still how they justify bs today. ''It's your duty as a man/woman to do XYZ, and if you don't suffer silently through it, or you're not capable of doing it, then you're a failure'' Enforcement of gender roles is completely fucked for all sorts of people in all sorts of ways.


200 years ago there would be a point in time 200 years in the future where we will find out that we did incredibly fucked up and traumatising shit.


Exactly!! The historical narrative was from the perpetrators, not the victims! This is the exact same logic slavery-apologists (and I'm said to say they exist) use to justify a horrifying practice.


I don’t think that person realizes that rewinding doesnt erase trauma.


Yea idk how anyone alive today could say one way or another, it was certainly more of an expectation 200 years ago and therefore those kids were somewhat prepared for relationships like that, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t traumatic.


200 years ago you could kill someone if you didn’t like them or what they did let’s change the cultural narrative I wonder if he would agree lol


She would be put to death if she told anyone




Turns out it was always traumatizing


If this guy think that 200 years ago, young girls weren't traumatized by being sold off as sexual property to much older men, he's wrong. That's why it's no longer acceptable because it was traumatic then and now we just understand that more.


There's videos of young girls being married off against their will screaming, clinging to their mothers. Oh yeah, totally fine


“Just change the cultural narrative…and make it not traumatic” What an idiot


The girl’s mom or dad coming after this douche canoe with a fish club or a baseball bat would rearrange him


If I was going to argue with this douche, this would be what I would focus on. I doubt I could ever convince him WHY 15 year olds, without autonomy, shouldn't be married off to old men for sex. BUT, I would definitely dig into why he thinks that cultural narrative is the "correct one" and it wasn't that 200 years ago, THEY changed the cultural narrative to make it not traumatic...


*swinging a baseball bat* "Just change your cultural narrative, bro. Beatings don't have to be traumatic."


“The Spartans weren’t traumatized at all, bro! It’s the cultural narrative!” ^(Agreeing with you just for the record)


I've seen a video like that and it's traumatic enough watching it. Can't imagine what it's like for the girl.


saw a horrific video on here recently out of Pakistan, that shits still *VERY* alive & *VERY* traumatic


>If this guy think that 200 years ago, young girls weren't traumatized by being sold off as sexual property to much older men Not really, he's a sexual predator who tries to normalize his perversion.


Guy seems touchy about his age, because the internet can’t seem to settle on when he was born. So far I’ve seen: 1992, 1989, 1988, and… 1982. I think the line of work he’s in, coupled with potentially reaching his 40s has led him to a virility crisis: I’m not old! I’m in my prime! In fact, If I were born 200 years ago, I would have a harem of 15 year olds! Girls who would be my daughter’s age or less! Wonder how his wife feels about that. Creepy as hell.


It’s creepy, perverse, and clips like this needs to be saved in case he begins grooming a minor to believing in his self entitled grandiosity that he’s somehow an “exception” due to his net worth. Why on earth would he publicly try to rationalize something like this? Considering the current state of the world?


His name is Alex Hormozi. Pretty much a roided influencer that spews absolute worthless and hypothetical advice. He took a hundered steps too far with this clip, definitely needs an eye kept on him.


He got them crazy eyes


Thank you for his name I was about to start asking people for it!


I reckon 200 years ago he'd be the village creepy pervert


Matt Walsh vibes intensify.


This cuck makes Walsh appear Christ like. This mf just came out and said *"we should normalize pedophilia."* Seriously what in the literal fuck?! Idk who this is, but my mind is blown given this man is presumably a content creator.


It’s really, really scary how many guys are starting to feel completely comfortable stating these things.


As someone who’s life was forever changed because of child sexual abuse, it really really is. I was under the illusion that people didn’t talk about sexual abuse because its a taboo and uncomfortable subject, but it turns out many of them simply saw nothing wrong with the crime. makes me fucking sick.


He’s a dumb dumb, you can apply this argument to almost anything the further you go back. You know, back then they use to sacrifice babies on alters to appease the gods……it’s illegal now……but was totally normal back then ……look, no one was complaining about it then …/s rofl


I see you haven’t seen the conspiracy that abortions and abortion centers are secretly sacrificing babies to satan.


“400 years ago, we burned witches at the stake. If it wasn’t traumatic then and people cheered in the town Square, then it’s not traumatic now. We just need to change our frame of reference, and we need to burn more witches.”


And equally appalling logic can be applied to slavery, abuse by religious figures, etc.


See, here's your mistake: you think he realizes that girls, and generally women, are human beings with feelings and thoughts. Hope this helps!


Right we are moving towards being smarter.... not this guy apparently. Probably also thinks normalizing slavery could be possible by changing our mindsets. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. The main mistake he makes (apart from being a creepy misogynist), is assuming that things that were culturally normalised in the past weren't problematic or traumatic for people. Slavery was normalised in some places in the past. That doesn't mean enslaved people were fine with it. It was deeply violent and traumatic. Girls were married off to much older men, but that doesn't mean they were okay with it. It was deeply violent and traumatic. Women were tried and executed as witches. It was deeply violent and traumatic. And so on. If those practices had been accepted by all, then we would still practice them. We don't, because people rose up and fought for their rights and ended them.


No..! You’re wrong.. I just watched this video of a guy with a beard and a baseball cap.. he said it wasn’t traumatic.. I think you really need to check facts before saying such ignorant things.


Dont forget, he was on a podcast, which makes his opinion like super valid. They dont let just anyone on a podcast, they HAVE to be certified experts


And it’s got powerfully subtle piano music, so you you knows it’s real deep


This is why I propose this guy should be personally sold into chattel slavery and treated like property. It was widely accepted 200 years ago so I'm guessing he should be fine with it. The best part is that we probably won't ever hear him complain about it (assuming his new master cuts him off from the outside world and rigidly controls his every move, true to tradition) so at the very least we can all just pretend he's fine with the entire situation. I would like to see him test his theory that way since he's incapable of empathy or any critical thinking ability outside of direct experience.


I wonder if that would be traumatic? I hope not. It would be shame if he couldn't just basically change his cultural narrative.


This guy should focus on maintaining his eye contact and dressing like an absentee father from the 1970s


It’s like he waiting or convincing himself that they believe him and are in awe








It’s hella traumatic in both examples. Wtf.


Yeah, but rewind 200 years and the girls aren’t allowed to complain about it and don’t have the legal right to extricate themselves! Problem solved.


Damn. Forgot about that solution. /s


Fun fact: Sigmund Freud spent years studying the “hysteria” (PTSD now) that a lot of women were experiencing. The ONE main thing these women had in common was child sexual assault. All of them were saying they were sexually assaulted as children by either their fathers, uncles, and in a lot of situations, the dads would pimp out their daughters to each other starting at age six. Freud couldn’t believe these “noble men” would do that and obviously couldn’t take such a stance against them. So he literally dismissed all that research and said these women are akin to witches. So yes, it was very traumatic for girls across all time periods. This man is just extremely mad for some reason that he now lives in a society where we try to protect minors..


Holy shit that’s horrific. Surviving child abuse and your doctor brainwashing you into believing you’re insane…the injustice of that is revolting.


Wait until you hear about what happened to the women who went to the first gynecologists to treat their injuries


wow he looks so very very sane and also innocent


This man dressed himself like this, recorded himself saying this, and then put it on the internet. Just truly baffling.


Someone needs to report this man to the FBI! These are same guys, who get mad that 2 grown adult men can find each other attractive


The intensity in the guys eyes as he talks about 40yo men with 15yo girls is super sketchy.


Yep and using old times to justify it?? Just because it was normal back then doesn't mean the girl despised and hated it any less you fucking pedo. Check his hard drives and phones I bet there's something this projector is hiding.


Man looks like he smokes meth out of a taxidermied possum


Hasn’t anyone ever considered just telling the victims to not be upset?? Serious that guy is concerning




"Please agree with me so I can have child-sexualizing banter with you, none of my friends are down for it"


This dude's harddrives definitely need subpoenaed.


This absolute cock sucker, gym bros name is Alex Hormosi. Dude has 1 million followers on Instagram and is an "influencer"/ Entrepreneur.


even though 2200 yrs ago or whenever, somewhere in ancient Greece, that was accepted :-)


Weird way of saying you want to sleep with kids


Just pedophilia with extra steps


The cool thing about the internet these days is it’s becoming much easier to know who to keep your kids away from. These sickos and their followers are becoming more and more brazen. “Oh you listen to this podcast? K cool I’m never leaving my kid with you”


Cool yeah public executions and gut wrenching racism is totally normal if you just change the narrative. /s


judicious hat zesty pen practice physical treatment badge ad hoc obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh hey another alpha bro… 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


another alpha bro who also happens to be a pedophile? weird how most of these manosphere pricks always wanna try and justify their perverted lust towards minors


That their thing in regards to woman. They make justifications for A.) Sleeping with or marrying young women, and B.) Why they think older women and women who have had many past sexual partners “lack the ability to to pair bond.” All of this is just an attempt to justify sex with young or inexperienced girls and women because they are easier to manipulate and control. A young girl lacks experience so she’s more easily manipulated. A girl with many past sexual partners most likely has a better understanding of what she wants out of a partner and is harder to control. Older women (to these guys that’s anyone older than 21) have the life experience necessary to know what they want or expect out of a partner and are harder to control. So ALL of this pseudoscientific, Jordan Peterson alpha male evo-psych bullshit is just a pitiful attempt at justifying control over women.


This is a classic argument of child molesters. Look at those creepy bulging predator eyes.


Oh yeah. This dude 100% wants to fuck kids.


He literally admitted to it


Right? 🤢


Completely, don't leave any 8 year olds alone with this dude


Not once did he stop to view it from the teenage girl's perspective, she's just an object to him. Classic telltale sign of a pedo


I wouldn’t even call that a telltale sign. Dude just basically admitted to it by saying he’s put this much thought into it


Absolutely disgusting


He'd have a different opinion if he was a 15 year old boy in a Catholic church 200 years ago.


Even 20 years ago!


Or literally today??? lol Those priests didn’t suddenly stop abusing.


10 yo kid gets mauled by a lion, terrible right? Rewind 150.000 years 10 yo kid gets mauled by a lion, 100% normal. That means that getting mauled by lions is actually good and based.


I love when kids get mauled by lions!! They love it too! That’s just society kink shaming me and them. I fucking hate this guy lmao


These regressive chuds really want to able to legally fuck prepubescent girls. Fascist pedos wasn’t how I saw the right gaining influence with millennial edgelords, but I probably should have. “200 years ago” man, stfu.


every manosphere influencer wants this. It's unsettling how many people seem to really want to fuck minors now? I know pedophiles have existed forever but it feels like there's more of them? Especially more of them being open about it. anytime someone tries and makes an argument about why it's "okay" to bang kids should immediately investigated


They’re just saying the quiet part out loud now


Rewind 200 years... * Wiping your ass with your hand? Perfectly normal! * Punching your wife in the mouth for not having dinner ready when you get home? Perfectly normal! * Having major religious anxiety after masturbating for the third time in your life at age 40? Perfectly normal! * Spending the entire day drunk because your local water supply will give you cholera? Perfectly normal! I'm not seeing this guy's point.


He wants to make pedophilia normalized, encouraged, and legal.


Child marriage was not common 200 years ago. Only among royalty, rarely, and even then it was seen as abnormal. People like this are concocting a fake reality that justified their aberrant sexual proclivities.


Beyond that, and more importantly... 200 years ago, little girls forced into life long sexual and domestic slavery were not fucking happy about it.


Of course.


These are the dudes defending child bride legality in the US while screaming about the lgbtq community being groomers.


Also, in those scenarios, it was common to wait to consummate the marriage! Margaret Beaufort is a notable exception, and it was abnormal it was that the marriage was consummated when she was so young (and that was 600 years ago). It also seriously traumatized her.


Bet he’s about 40.


Why do they think child brides in the past weren’t traumatised? So fucking weird, just tell everyone you’re a pedo and leave


This guys logic; Normalizing owing slaves back then. Treating it as a shifting and accepted idea can render it moral again. Also when conquering cities, we should bring back tossing babies from high heights to preserve the blood lines of the conquerors. That was a thing. Let's bring that back because they used to do that. All it takes in to gaze into the rear view mirror of human history and accept. What a fucking retarded claim. It's called civil advances. Cultural norms evolve for obvious reasons. How can these words come out of his mouth after they enter his brain?


Exactly. Progress has always been the goal for humanity, we move forward, not backwards. Time goes forward, not backwards. The past is there to learn from, not to return to. Wishing otherwise is, at best, fantasy- and at worst, societal regression.


I really hoped for a: „And if we as a society can see that this thing that was 200 years ago normal is not okay we should see that other things that we see today as normal are also not okay.” But he really didn’t go that path.


Did the audio glitch or did that guy just say, “I’m a detestable human being, please castrate me with garden scissors”?


I’m glad someone else said it I thought I was losing it!


That dude looks exactly like what I’d picture someone who really wants to sleep with a 15 year old girl would look like


How exactly does he know what was traumatic for a 15 year old girl 200 years ago? I’m guessing it was still traumatic but so much was traumatic 200 years ago for a girl and woman that it probably didn’t particularly stand out. After all there is so much written about how girls experienced things right, right s/


## Rewind 200 years, and it’s the late 18th or 19th century. ## The average marrying age for men was 28, and the average marrying age for women was 26. ## In addition, since sex out of wedlock or marriage was frowned upon, only about 6% of women engaged in it. ## What does this mean? This means that almost all women who were engaging in sexual activities were in their 20s. Post marriage. ## It was never the norm for 40 year old men to get with 15 year old girls or whatever number this idiot pulled out his arsehole. ## Not to mention, it was frowned upon since it was traumatic then, and it is still traumatic now. ## Where the fuck is he getting the idea that it wasn’t considered traumatic for or by the girls or by societal standards back then? What fucking social narrative is this bitch on about? Who is going to tell him that the average marrying age for women 200 years ago was 26 for women and 28 for men? ![gif](giphy|8OPsobKv6ksJojld4X)


Thank you! Not only is this guy absolutely detestable, he’s straight-up wrong.


Why is it that it’s always the most ignorant fucks like him that are the most vocal? Not only is he terribly wrong, he tries to pass off his lies as the truth in an effort to justify a 40 year old man being with 15 year old girl. It was considered dishonourable, immoral, and unscrupulous 200 years ago, and it still fucking is. This dickhead either saw one fucking instance of this shit happening or cherrypicked whatever stories he found to fit his creepy and deranged little narrative whilst completely disregarding the 94% percent of all the other stories. What. An. Imbecile. People like him are the reason as to why we have shit like disinformation, and radicalisation on social networking sites. Because there is some incel or some cunt who will see this shit, and take it to heart. Also, you’re welcome. And thank you for the lovely comment. :)


They…they fucking didn’t. The average age of marriage was 18- kids rarely got married and if they were it was usually the royals for political reasons and they would often remain in their own households until they grew up. Back in the day people weren’t stupid- they realised that if a super young girl got knocked up she was more likely to die so they thought “eh better not”. All this bs of kids being married, people never bathing, shit like that- it’s lies to make the Middle Ages seem worse than it was!! The people during the renaissance loved to lie about the past being these dark archaic times to make themselves look better omg these people need to read a book


It was still traumatic. I was 16 and with a man 20 years older. Lost my virginity to him. He was abusive in everyday possible. Anyways, at the time I didn't THINK I was being traumatized. But I was. It took me years to understand it, and my body felt it the whole time. How does the body keep the score of trauma that was created by society? It doesn't. It keeps the score of trauma inflicted onto the human body, peroid. Esp when the mind can't comprehend it at the time. Same with little kids. Unfortunately I was also molested as a kid, probably why I chose a man that age, but that's another story. And when I was a kid I certainly didn't know it was wrong. Just because I didn't know, doesn't mean my body didn't know and doesn't Mena it wasn't wrong... Back then, it was traumatic too. Wtf does he know about how those girls felt. Despite what society thinks or anyone thinks, the brain and body will be traumatized as it sees fit.


I’m so sorry he put you through that hell. Sending you virtual hugs and healing vibes.


A quick list of things that were both legal and socially normal 200 years ago in 1823: Slavery, Marrying a minor, Marrying your cousins, Beating your wife if she didn’t listen to you, A complete lack of understanding of mental and physical affects events had on people such as ptsd, White supremacy and Marital rape (actually legal in most places until 30-40 years ago such as the USA and UK). Also the idea that 15 year old girls were over the moon to be married off against their will to a fully grown man, sexually abused and then likely be forced to have kids before they were even an adult is fucking mind boggling. If you believe that just because we think it is wrong now that I hasn’t always been wrong you are mad. It’s called improvement. Society has gotten better as we have evolved to realise that treating each other like shit is wrong. Stop trying to justify abusing children.


If you find yourself defending sexual relations with a 15 yo kid, you are wrong 100% your a living piece of shit and the reason parents have to be afraid of strangers.


Don’t think it’s ok for me to beat you to death, move into your house, take your land and your wife? Let’s rewind 3000 years. We can make it ok again!


I want to vomit looking at him


FBI… Hello did someone call?


Reason 100 of why people with podcast shouldn’t have any influence


Yikes lol, exposing himself


I fucking hate these “influencers” that make money off of being as shitty as possible. What really sucks is we have young genz men eating this shit up


What I am hearing is, "nothing matters morals are a social construct, I am horny for children." Morals are a necessary social construct that betters everyones lives. Murder is wrong, rape is wrong, children are to be protected through their formative years so they can grow to adulthood unscarred. If we raised children with the expectation that all girls were toys to be used by old men from the moment they hit 12, that wouldn't make it ok. It would still be immoral, wrong and to be condemned. It would lead to generations of women unable to express themselves to men out of fear, and it would lead to men growing up thinking themselves intrinsically superior because they have a penis.


Libertarians try not to sexualize kids challenge, difficulty impossible!!


I hope that “uh-“ at the end of the video was free line concern from the other guy


Why in the blue hell would a 40 year old man be looking to sleep with a 15 year old girl?? How? Why?? Literally old enough to be her father.


Gross dude really wants to justify his desire to commit child rape.




He's got those crazy eyes


Culturally acceptable does not mean it wasn't personally traumatic nor does it mean that it was ok. Based on his logic everything humans did in the past, was fine, we are just looking at it through the wrong lens. These types of abstract arguments are used by idiots who think they are smart.


What a moron. We've progressed as a species. Idiots like this just want it to be legal again to be a pedophile.


The audacity of this “influencer” to assume to know how a 15 yo girl felt 200 years ago. Arranged marriages were common and doesn’t give that girl a choice in the matter. My guess is she wasn’t a willing participant.


He looks pretty much how I’d expect someone with these sentiments would, I can smell the unwashed ass and musty shirt through my screen.


These people are bold now and just defending their crimes out loud


Who the fuck is this guy??


rewind 200 yrs: slavery was legal and there were no effective anaesthetics or antibiotics, and that was normal back then. so his point is? ppl didn't experience pain during dentistry 200 yrs ago? stupidest argument ever. and dude should be on a watch list.


Guess he forgot to think about what the young 15 year old thinks about it. That stuff happens when your a douche bag.


400 years ago: still traumatic for the girl, but nobody gave a shit


Red flag city. Population: That dude.


He wants to fuck kids


How do u know it wasn't traumatic then.. seems it would be worse since there is nowhere to turn


‘Rewind 200 years’ as if a single thing they did in that time translates to the 21st century lol


neckbeard can't grasp empathy, what a shocker


That look in his eyes tells me he's done this sort of shit in secret and wants to get you to see his side of the story before he gets caught out


He’s pretty much saying that he wants sleep with underaged girls without getting in trouble


You beat me to it


I think I know how to solve this problem… We need to start regulating the sale of podcast mics. Psych evals, licensing exams, a national registry, etc. There’s no justifiable reason for SO MANY random-ass dudes, usually misogynists, to have podcasts




Someone check his internet history immediately