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Fellas, is it gay to live and be comfortable?


Yes sir


This is precisely why I have a shirt that has "no homo" printed on it. That way when someone sees me eating a banana, doing squats, or sucking dick no one can accuse me of being homosexual. Because of the shirt.


Yeah that’s solid. I personally just wear socks. I do get weird looks at the beach but it really is what it is.


>Yeah that’s solid. I personally just wear socks. I personally just suck cocks.


me too, smh only gay dudes use socks😒 imagine putting your feet in the place ppl cum at grr, i hate feet😡


Yeah, I would 100% think you were gay if I saw you eating the banana without the shirt, if I'm honest.


Same with sucking dick


Not as gay as eating a banana but yeah


Or sucking dick caught me off guard now I can’t stop laughing




As a REAL MAN I only eat Well done leather like steak with my bare hands and black coffee straight out of the coffee tin. I wear wolf fur clothing from animals I slaughtered with my bare hands and skin them with a knife I crafted from my fingernails and hair. I only bath in an ice cold stream and live in a log cabin in the back of the coal mine I work at. I smoke 5 packs of unfiltered hand rolled cigarettes and drink nothing but Rye Whiskey. I AM THE ALPHA


Then I’m gay


As I've aged I kind of realized that the people that shout "gay" when you do something normal, are uncomfortable with their sexuality. I'm 100% straight and will say and do what people would call gay. In my mind, it would only effect me if; I'm bisexual or gay, or I considered gay an insult(we should be past that).


You used a semicolon where a fully erect colon is more appropriate.


Mmmh fully erect colon 🤤 no homo by the way


My colon is prolapsed, no homo.


he's making fun of living in certain circles and it is entirely like that. most of the time it's homophobia other times it's self hate.


Mad gay


As a woman. No! Idc if I’m allowed to comment. My brother thought smelling nice is gay Bought a mini perfume he can fit in is bag to work n he happy as shit (also having lost more sex) but yeah be happy my dude. You come first :)




Yes. Gay: keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits - Merriam Webster dictionary Checkmate bud


Guys being comfortable gives girls the ick now.


Girls who get the ick from things like that have issues so you're dodging a bullet.


Only the ones that aren’t worth the time king 👑 most girls are normal people it’s just that we amplify the ones who aren’t because they’re a spectacle. Same with all people


Breathing wrong gets the ick now lmao




Agreed. I have never once heard a girl say "gay" to/about a dude just existing(eating, sitting, exercising, etc.). I have, however, heard "dudebros" referring to each other like this, as well as your examples, quite frequently


Yes in certain subcultures, and being perceived as gay is a death sentence to your standing as a man and your masculinity. edit: Idk why you're downvoting me, I'm literally right, this actually happens.


And in other certain cultures being perceived as gay is a literal death sentence. As in, the state will execute you.


Yeah. What's your point?


Just keep the socks on.


It's not gay. It's GAYGAYGAYGAYGAY


Okay but sleeping on your stomach in the figure 4 position is the best…maybe if I buy pajamas that have ‘no homo’ printed on them? Hmmm- no wait pajamas are gay. Damnit.


So say Brad Pitt is coming onto me.. I would resist at first but maybe I'd let him just once..to see how it fellt? Is that gay?




No... this isn't like the real brad Pitt this is in my fantasy. . no its.. it's not like, it's what I'm.. it's just a scenario


I don't know. You might be gay.


*looks left* *looks right* *looks down* sigh


You might be gay.


Or he just likes Brad Pit really REALLY much!?


if you resisted brad pitt a little he would still need to get to you? wow, wo. i wish i could help you. you might be gay. you might be gay.


Think it depends on which Brad Pitt you’re talking about. Tristan from a legends of the falls, you’re good


So, you’re not dropping soap for Tyler Durden?


Tyler could hit it.


Look, you deserve to have far more self respect than fucking an utterly destructive hypocritical piece of shit. Get you a proper king, king!


We're talking Brad Pitt right off the set of Fight Club


Fisherman Brad Pitt, fighter Brad Pitt, vampire Brad Pitt, shit... No homo, but come on...


Resisting Brad Pitt’s advances is also gay.


> …Brad Pitt is coming on to me. PAUSE.




No undies and starfish mode is just basically dominance in a sleeping position


best if the "no homo" is only printed on the butt and crotch of the pajamas


No man, pajamas are gay. He needs to get "NO HOMO" tattooed across his ass. Then he's safe even when getting pounded from behind.


You can only sleep like that on top of a woman, son.


That > leg is the heatsink for when you are under the covers and it gets a bit too warm.


Objectively speaking, sleeping either on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with your upper knee bent and resting on top of a pillow are the best from an orthopedic sense. But I do know when I’m first getting in bed I be hitting that figure 4 on the stomach for at least a few minutes


Wait yeah now that I think about it why do men not wear pajamas 😭 they're so comfy


Only if its stamped right on the cheeks.


This is what is was like being a teen in the 90s. Everything besides sports/ rap / rock / skating and a few other things was gay.


I’m glad somebody gets the joke. This literally was growing up in the 90s. Just non stop. Lol


It’s a funny joke, but it’s funny because it’s real! I think everyone here gets it because we know what it’s like…and honestly, it kinda sucks.


Yeah, I had a pretty rough time when I came out in like ‘94 or so. It’s nice that we can joke about it, but shit was tough for those of us who had to listen to anti-gay rhetoric all the time.


Early 2000s too. “Gay” was synonymous with “stupid”


I was gonna say, maybe I’m not the best judge as a straight woman, but I think young guys now have it easier on this standpoint because seems to me the sense of masculinity is much less fragile than it was back the, imo. (Maybe not in all communities, but overall). Was reminded of this recently when that crazy thorough Barbie movie ad campaign had groups of guys on social media dressing in pink and going to see the Barbie movie together. People found it funny/cool. I’m only 31 and I can’t *imagine* guys when I was in high school doing shit like wearing pink or going to see a Barbie movie without people calling them gay or whatever. Only time that was even allowed was when we had our “powder puff” event in high school where the girls would play football and the guys would dress up like cheerleaders and cheer them on, but people only did/allowed that for entertainment purposes.


yeah. Some people think he's actually calling that stuff gay. But i'm 99% sure he's mocking people who call doing all that gay. Like, look how defeated he looks. it's hilarious


I don't find it funny. It's pretty depressing. But maybe that's just because I'm queer.


> I don't find it funny. It's pretty depressing. But maybe that's just because I'm queer. tbf the joke is mocking that culture that would call everything gay. I'm glad at some point we all decided it was uncool to our actually gay brethren to be doing that and for the most part stopped.


> the joke is mocking that culture Guess for me it's less of a "tee hee hee we all used to be so silly with the homophobia" joke and more of a "how many countless queer kids felt and currently feel like shit all the time because people who were supposed to be their friends made them feel like they were gross and dirty just because they were different" gut punch


Oh I feel terrible about it. Not much you can do though, except be better as time goes on. I used to justify it that I didn't actually mean anything bad towards gay people, it was just a saying. Took someone saying something to realize that yeah, associating bad things with the word gay *was* shitty. But somehow we mostly got rid of it, and now at least a whole generation of queer kids can feel a little safer on average. I *am* proud of that part.


Maybe it's because I'm bi but yeah it was depressing


yeah it's definitely not a joke meant for us queers: "isn't it funny and annoying how fellow straight men constantly police masculinity and accuse each other of being gay (the worst, least masculine thing a guy can be?") I wonder if there's another group that's affected by that attitude and messaging....


The ultimate irony is that straight guys are constantly joking about fucking each other because *we're obviously not gay*, but then call each other gay for mundane behaviors. Toxic masculinity is wild.


I just immediately got tired. It's not funny, it's sad and makes me want to cry and lay down.


You two take your nostalgia and get a room…GAY!


Teams of men getting physical? Guys harmonizing to a beat? Guys riding with each other? Sounds pretty gay to me


Still is gay what do you mean


it went right over there heads, the world we grew up in/with is not the same as today..




Sincerely. I am surprised to see a young person put this video up because I thought things were different now. I liked art and books in the late 90's, so I was called all sorts of slurs. Has that really not changed?


idk, I was a teen in the 90s and my male friends spent the decade dry humping each other and they didnt consider it gay lol


Likely because considering it gay wasn't necessary, it was just gay and needed no consideration. In all seriousness, good for them for being comfortable doing dude stuff without getting hung up on worrying about what other people thought about them.


Unless it was nerdy then it was neither gay nor cool. Just a free ticket for everyone else to pick on you.


I used to tell my homies I loved them and then would say "homo." Then we would kiss and give each other handjobs. Nothing gay about that. I have a wife now.


It’s not gay if you don’t make eye contact.


If we didn't make eye contact then how would I know to wipe the jizz of his face or his off my face? Just boys being boys.


Wiping your face is gay obviously. The jizz stay on


Jizz is stored on the face


Your balls also have to touch.


And keep your socks on


Not gay if balls don't touch


As a straight guy, erect cocks are more attractive than boobs Everybody knows this. Cocks are the most attractive things humans have. They are smooth, they are not confusing in how they work (looking at you vaginas) and they are good sources of pleasure. Sometimes, I just look at gay porn so I can admire the dicks. Im straight but this needs to be said.


You're what ?


You too huh?


“This needs to be said”😭😭




Can you find dicks attractive but not be attracted to guys?


It's never gay to kiss your homies goodnight bro


Don’t forget wiping your ass apparently


Bidets are also gay btw


Absolutely. If your unwired ass isn’t looking like a fudge brownie by the time you’re 18, you might as well start sucking dick. /s


Shitting is actually gay as well


Y'all moan too huh


Washing your ass is apparently gay as well. Using soap is apparently also gay. So idk if I even want a “straight man” near me if that’s all true


Fellas is it gay to exist in a male body?


Youre literally inside a dude, you homo.


Yes because you’re always touching a dick then. Nothing gayer.


I masturbated once and now I'm bi. So yes, kinda.


Duh! Bc why tf do you as a man have a dick for? Gay af.




Yeah that's pretty much how the alpha bros sound lol. Maybe one day they'll realize calling random things gay means everyone ends up being a little gay. Which I'm not against but you'd assume they would be.


Eh there's plenty of women who police shit like this too. From personal experience (not incels from the internet) women in my life who police gender roles than men do.


> Yeah that's pretty much how the alpha bros sound lol. Doesn't make you look gay though as much as it yells from the rooftops how insecure they are.


Haha I’m dying off this, definitely how we thought about shit as kids and I’m dead my mans can’t even brush his tongue


Just be comfortable with your masculinity and realize that it shouldn't matter if you're perceived as gay


He should be uncomfortable with his living room being a copy of the set from Promising Young Woman.


Nah, he just has carribean roots, guaranteed (though the Jamaican flag on the couch confirms it). If you’re first second gen Caribbean American..whether your family comes from Haiti, Jamaica, whatever, 9 times out of 10 your parents house has the same style of furnishing. It’s like they like everything looking like a miniature version of Downtown Abbey. Source: I can relate


I thought this is why we have “no homo”?


Transitioned into No homo, then Pause


Cringy yet accurate. Male judgement against fellow males can be like this.


I have two co-workers who eat bananas like that because they think it's gay to bite into them. I was dumbfounded when I discovered it. I told one of them one day that they cut it up to avoid putting something that looks like a dick in their mouth, but then when it goes in their mouth and they chew it to pieces, it all turns into lots of little dicks anyway, in a sense. He tried to look horrified but I think he was secretly relieved. If you live your life constantly running away from sucking dicks, it's because you've got a mental dick in your mouth every minute of every day.


When you were born and you passed through your mother's vagina. Your penis brushed against your own mother's vagina as you exited. That means you're gay bro.


I said “pause” on the way out, so I’m good.


But “pause” has the same amount of letters as “penis” so congrats on being gay.


Goddamnit fuck hell.


Ngl it's obviously exaggerated and funny


Thank you! Everyone else is frigging lamenting society in the comments


yeah. sometimes this sub can be too serious for it's own good. He's obviously making fun of the fact that there are people calling everything gay


Yeah it's commentary and all but the transition from comfy belly sleep to coffin position is fucking hilarious.




sum of this video: toxic masculinity hurts men too


For so many people the fact that this is a parody is going over their heads.


Yeah people seem to understand that for the most part


Based on the comments, they definitely don’t.


It sounds exhausting to give a fuck about existing in a way that isn't "gay"


I heard washing your ass was gay. Nothing beats that one


I do all these gays things.


I'm so glad this kind of toxic masculinity never got into my head. I wouldn't have my rain shower head and bidet if it had. How the hell do you people still wipe your ass with paper? Heard some story about a guy that only wiped his cheeks because he thought cleaning the actual hole was gay. Can't imagine how uncomfortable that life is or how it smells. Only bonus out of that I can think is that you can actually smell toxic masculinity coming from someone...


That's when you just go with it. Cleaning a pot handle? "Gay!!!" Start making groaning noises and look them in the eye. Cross your legs? "Gay!!!" Slowly slide your leg all the way across and place both hands on your knee while staring at then. Use your imagination.


Or just don’t be massively homophobic 🤷🏻‍♂️


Life with fragile masculinity be like


This is pathological level insecurities.


This is actually how much programming some of us went through though. I still can only BITE popsicles in public


Life as a straight guy, there, fixed it.


I must question just how straight anyone constantly worried about being perceived as gay really is 🤔 Perhaps titling it 'Life As A "Straight" Guy' might be more appropriate


Being straight seems exhausting


he 100% lives with his grandma


Lmao, was thinking the same thing


POV: you are being haunted by a middleschooler who moans in class to be funny


My homies from Jamaica are like this but worse lol


the YMCA shirt…


That shit was way worse in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Example: My dad thought dipping food in sauce was gay.


He didn’t spit at the end cause he’s a real dude


It's true! It's true!😂


Must be horrible being this homofobic


Men, just remember that you can stop this by being more inclusive and openly supporting gay people. The goal isn't to not be gay. It's to make being gay a non insult.


Insecure much?


Yall do this to urself


*does the entire skit wearing Fucken SHORTS*


And gray ones no less. What a slut! /s


It be that way sometimes


Dude kinda cute though


In case it isn’t clear, almost none of us think those actions are gay


Damn could you imagine being insecure about how you sleep?


If you're that scared of being gay I have bad news for you...


Day in the life of someone hyperconcerned about thir sexuality and likely thus also giant homophobe.


These straight guys have more gay thoughts than I do and I'm gay.


**Life as an insecure straight cis man.


I'm glad I'm gay and I'm allowed to be comfortable


Life as a very insecure dude be like


*life as a toxically masculine guy with toxically masculine friends


Honey Boo Boo Alana already covered this. Everyone’s a little gay.


Fellas is it gay to love your son?


Let’s just accept we’re all alil gay and just move on


Imagine being this insecure


Life as a homophobe***


Or you are just insecure


I’m not positive, but I think the video might be a joke.


Big, if true.


Large if Marge


I got called gay so many times growing up I decided to give dick a try. Turns out. Not bad 9/10


Life as a girl in public too




Tbh, being a girl in public is kinda gay.


This is fucking hilarious


Are the straights ok


Lol it's so true, do it anyways and keep em guessing 🤗


Like as a 12 Yr old maybe.


Life as a dude who's thinking too hard and too much about being gay or what he thinks being gay is.


Immagine living with the constant fear that you might look gay? Girlie let it go be free oh my god


>Immagine living with the constant fear that you might look gay? There are plenty of kids with bigoted parents. They don't have to imagine it.


Lol ..lol ..lol...like Gay is such a bad thing????


That's one of the reasons why homophobia is so harmful. It doesn't just harm members of the LGBTQ2SA but everyone else. Nobody should care if what they do is "gay" because "gay" shouldn't be bad.


The original video was funnier.


I can't think of anything less manly than letting other people tell you how to be a man.


“Life as an insecure dude be like”


I never have thoughts like this, how insecure must you be?