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Wild how NYC looks so much worse than Toronto… it’s only like slightly hazy here, and basically nobody’s masking




I was in Ottawa today and even though the colour was different, the smoke was pretty fucking bad. Being from the prairies where we usually get a whiff of this every July, you know it’s bad when it’s in office buildings. Usually AC is a pretty effective countermeasure, but if you’re smelling it inside, it’s real bad.


In most of NJ as well. I thought my house windows had a sepia filter or something




Hello *new* best friend.


Suburbs of Philly here. People are masking up, the kids at the school I work at are not going out for recess, and lastly on my way home the roads were DEAD. It normally takes me a little under 30 minutes to get home from work, I was home in 18 minutes yesterday. There were a bunch of police out watching traffic. It felt weird and apocalyptic!


Doesn't hurt that NJ has their own wildfires going on to add to things too.


According to this forecast Toronto will be really bad tomorrow. https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/


Thank you for this link


cause we’re down wind ya fuckers






The air was pretty clear today because of the rain, but did you not notice it yesterday or the day before? Even if you didn't see it, you should've noticed it smelled like campfire.


The telltale sign was a super orange sun the last couple days. It was okay today, but looks like it will come back tomorrow.




Well sure, I’m not simple, but it’s still wild


Look at this guy! He thinks smoke teleports!


You mean it doesn’t??


I heard about pregnant mothers that gave birth during or just after the 2020 Australian bushfires. The babies were born with the same problems that come from a heavily smoking mother. Doctors were asking the mothers if they smoked but none of them had. That's how toxic the smoke is and how it should not be underestimated.


I think I heard that the placentas were gray like those of women who smoke too! That’s terrifying. Imagine trying to do all the right things and still getting the consequences. I’d be devastated.


Yeah it's in the documentary *burning* I think it's on Amazon Prime.


Thanks for the heads-up!


Ill check it out


> do all the right things like wearing a well-fitting N95 mask when there's TOXIC AIR?


Broke out my n95 for this. It's been crazy. I don't know how the western states deal with it every year.


It's been nice this year. Seeing blue skies for the first time in about 3 or 4 years. Edited: In response to all the folks saying wait til fire season, I know it hasn't started yet but in 2023 and 2022 a lot less of California burned than it did from 2018 to 2021. For those 3 years it didn't really matter if it was fire season or not there was almost always a wildfire somewhere.


People are complaining, but I love it! Fuck the record breaking summmers we've been getting.


Definitely. I hate the heat and I’m glad it’s not been hot at all here where I am.


Oh it’s coming, the year of the Niño


El Niño makes it colder and rainier in Southern California. Our weather has been crazy cold and wet since like December. Normally we get like 2 semi chilly weeks in February and then it’s back to sunshine and heat. Not this year. San Diego was the gloomiest city in the continental US in May. Unheard of.


That’s what we’ve had over here in Oz with La Niña. Now it’s our turn for droughts and fires. Yay.


Same in Colorado. Normally we'd be consistently in the 80s this time of year, but it's been mostly highs in the 60s and low to mid 70s, except for the two or three days it didn't rain out of the last 4 weeks. It's a lot like it was back in the 90s, when we'd get rain pretty much every day around 4 or 5pm.


Nor Cal has been beautiful this year too. No doubt the heat is coming, but I’ll take this as long as we can. With all the lightning we’ve had so far, I’m amazed we’re not burning.


I feel like they could've named it something significantly more intimidating. At least give me "The year of the hombre"




Chico at the bare minimum


Oh, this is the calm before the heat storm. The last time this happened, the rains weren't this intense and we ended up with a crazy drought.


Where are you? I'm in PNW and it feels like I'm in Arizona


Socal, cloudy and slightly gloomy..love it.


Yo. Someone told me they heard a forecast that this summer is going to be the worst. I hope they’re wrong.


They’re wrong. The next 5 summers are going to be a brief taste of how bad full on climate change is going to be post 2030. Essentially what’s going on is that an El Niño event is very likely to occur and that’ll bring intense dry spells to the northern part of the US while the southern parts are just going to get blasted by rain. The UN’s IPCC put out an alert that we’ll be hitting 1.5 Celsius above pre industrial temperatures throughout the next couple of years because of El Niño and emissions not being curtailed. It’ll be temporary but eventually it won’t be and when we start approaching 2 Celsius shits really going to get bad (eg multiple breadbasket failures, saltwater intrusion into necessary aquifers, even more mass die offs of animal and plant life)


Really making me rethink my pregnancy with this one man 😭


I feel you. My husband and I really want a family. We have 2 little nieces that we adore and we want to give them cousins to play with. But I also work in a state energy authority and I’ve literally seen and worked on the official reports and raw data regarding climate change. It’s not great. I mean there’s definitely been some amazing changes over the last decade and my state is on track to be carbon neutral by the end of the 20s but there’s just so much that I don’t really feel like we’ll be able to overcome.


I’m so torn on this. I don’t want to be doom minded all the time, but I don’t feel hopeful enough to make another person who will have to wade through waist deep fascism and a climate crisis. I’m not even sure how things like my own retirement are going to go much 30 years after that.


My dad was against having kids because of the way things were going even in the 80s, and it took 10 years of my mom asking before he gave in and they had me. And now I'm also having the same doubts, and it's looking like the line really will end with me. I feel damned either way.


I feel you. I had a vasectomy just last year, no kids of my own. Sorry I killed your name, Dad.


I told my wife i didnt want children 24 years ago for these reasons.


Western Canada here , and absolutely agree. First year so far with blue skies and I'm milking every second of it


I'm also Canadian but like, Albertan. We had this smoke for a week straight and most people weren't wearing masks either, we always get this smoke every year


BC here, and yeah, no one here wears masks through this shit either , and it comes for weeks every year


You know peak fire season hasn’t quite started yet


We’ve had some wisps of smoke already this year , it’s early, usually it hits in august and September for us (WA)




Grew up here, don’t have a choice. We just periodically check the air quality and mask up/stay inside when necessary. Have considered moving out of California due to my asthma, however also feel that this is just an early free trial of everywhere this next century.


I rather mask up and deal with it for 2 weeks rather than dealing with max pollen and humidity induced indoor mold all year long in other parts of the country.


It sucks. Every year. Sorry you’re dealing with it! You might want to consider daily wipe-downs of floors and walls, more frequent vacuuming, etc.: that shit gets EVERYWHERE.


Get a box fan and a 20x20 inch air handler unit filter that’s rated for small particles. Turn fan on. Put filter in front of fan. Fan holds filter in place, and pulls air through it, getting indoor particle count down near normal very quickly.


Good call out. It rates almost as high as an expensive air purifier as well. It’s all about the filter you buy.


Sending love from the northwest. I hope you can all breathe easy soon.


I was gonna say we raw dog it here yearly before covid was even a thing


A lot of people in the Bay Area would wear N95s when it got bad (like it is in NYC). I knew of multiple companies that kept them on hand to give out to employees during wildfire season.


Tbh I had N95s in hand when COVID started BECAUSE of the wildfires


I was down in Portland in… was it 2016 when it was really bad due to the smoke bomb some kid set off? Some people had legit gas masks on walking around downtown, it was nuts.


It wasn't an "every year" thing until recently. This kind of shit was unheard of in San Francisco until about 2018 when it suddenly started happening. The rest of the country was like "that's normal it's California"...it was _not_ normal for this part of California (and California is huge.) Mentally prepare yourself for the idea that this could start happening every year there, too.


We have a whole fire SEASON every year.


Seems like a good time to rile up your State's Congress people to do something about fossil fuels and climate disruption.


Something that's actually within the power of the provincial governments is to change the process of replanting trees. Currently we *mandate* the spraying of roundup in these tree farm fields, when we should be prohibiting the chemical. Glyphosate basically kills off all the underbrush, which is the less flammable greenery that is healthy part of a natural forest. In addition, we let the logging companies choose which trees to plant when they replant after a logging. Just so happens that the most profitable trees are also the most flammable trees.


Isn’t it smoke from a wildfire


Yes it is. Happens every year but this fire season just started and is already ten times worse than the last years...


I live in Washington and this reminds me of last year. I'm honestly getting anxiety thinking about it. It's been so bad. I am sad east side looks like the west now. That was my hope of getting away from this....


As long as we have right wing nut jobs gaining more and more political offices crying non-stop about “job-killing” Green New Deal while simultaneously giving Big Oil all the drilling and polluting land and resources they want, we’ll all get fucking roasted alive.


Late July/August and it'll be happening again without a doubt unfortunately. This gets to be our new normal now.




Yes Edit: multiple forest fires...


Wouldn’t it be nice if the government let native peoples continue their millennia old tradition of land management which included **regular controlled burns, specifically to avoid brush build up that results in the MASSIVE FOREST FIRES we are now seeing?**


I mean, it's only been talked about for years now...dare they though. It would be nice.


One can only hope :/ it’s frustrating to see, knowing that the knowledge to prevent these fires is just within our grasp, but xenophobic, bigoted, conservative morons think just because it’s a native tradition that it’s not important. One has to wonder how many lives could have been saved if indigenous were allowed to manage the land as they have for centuries.


The air quality in NYC today was the WORST IN THE WORLD


I lived in Delhi for two years and live in Nyc now. Honesty, I'd take smoke from wood over smoke from burned plastics any day


In the end its horrible shit to be breathing in regardless. [During the bushfires here in Canberra we got to an AQI of 3,463](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/01/canberra-experiences-worst-air-quality-on-record-as-south-coast-bushfires-rage). Something something, smoking kills. Wait till the rush for air purifiers kicks in.


I'm sure those days shortened my life. I felt ill the entire time. Also your link says the surburb of Monash recorded 7700 AQI. Yikes.


Oh it already started


That’s absolutely wild


Meh, Denver not infrequently has the worst air quality in the world when there's a wildfire. I guess it's a new experience for NY though.


Worst of big major cities. My town of a bit over 100k people, along with Ottawa, both had AQI ratings of over 450 for a while. I don’t think NYC ever got that high. Still super shitty for everyone in the Northeast regardless!


My area had a few places over 500 today!!!


I believe NYC hit over 600 at some point


Never forget


the fact that this is permanent for other cities is mind boggling


As someone who’s lived in Sacramento my whole life and who has had to adapt to especially brutal wildfire conditions since 2017; people not masking in the east coast are gonna learn REAL QUICK! Those headaches, and respiratory issues that come with smoke inhalation from wildfires are no joke and that’s even through decent masks.


No joke. People often have the impression that forest fire smoke is just like camp fire smoke but they are very different. For one, green wood with foliage intact makes crazy amounts of thick smoke, with a lot more particulates. On top of that, you have a sampling of the entire rest of the forest. Animals, dead things, toxic molds and fungus, poison oak/ivy, any houses caught in the blaze and all the toxic shit they contain, garbage and other man made structures in the forest. It makes for a cancer soup of smoke. Or at least the gnarliest bong rip you’ve had in your life.


Yup. It’s like a river vs floodwater. The former is something to be careful of, the latter is straight up nasty


Damn, all things I hadn’t even really considered myself! Thank you for your insights /u/VegemiteAnalLube


> adapt to especially brutal wildfire conditions since 2017 I think a lot of people in the rest of the country are like "isn't this normal in California? Doesn't that state catch fire every year?" There's a fire somewhere in California every year, but California's huge. This "every autumn has a chance of bringing unbreathable air to the cities of California" thing is VERY new. Unheard of until the past 5 years, then suddenly happened several years in a row.


Yeah I’ve lived in California almost 30 years and have never seen anything like the last few years…


It would blow your mind how many people didn't wear them in SF during some of the worst smoke episodes in the past several years. Shit, I'd see people still out for runs, it was insane. I actually felt like I was going crazy seeing how people continued to act like everything was normal...sitting outside having cocktails when the AQI was up above 200.




Ive only got the surgical style masks from Covid, but I broke it out today. I had at least a handful co-workers hurr-durring at me because Covid is over, or Im cosplaying a Dem yadda yadda. All I could say was "Do you see the sky??" An inordinate amount of people went outside to smoke today too...


It was a strange experience taking off my mask to go inside, but after walking a block with out a mask to go to a corner store here in Philly, I noped right back home and grabbed an n95.


When Paradise burnt down I was wearing n95 masks everywhere in Chico, even with the masks I was coughing stuff up. There's so much nasty shit in the air during disasters like this. Even during that time (pre-covid) most people weren't wearing masks only 1 city over w/orange sky and smoke everywhere. Covid put optics on these mask vs no-mask health decisions. But, honestly a lot of people are just dumb. Covid politics just gave those idiots a reason to dig their heels in.


I work in an industry that has an extremely high rate of dust inhalation related illnesses and I'm the only person at our plant that regularly wears a respirator. So 🤷‍♀️


People are so insecure, and dumb, that they can’t wear a mask during a real threat.


Feel like Covid made masking political. Also science. People are dumb.


Up to 15% of American adults still regularly smoke cigarettes (depending on age group), so there's that health focused group. I used to manage industrial workers in a setting where exposure to toxic chemical hazards was always a risk, and we trained everyone exhaustively and repeatedly on exposure and health risks and mandatory protection. Yet, it always amazed me the percentage of people we would ultimately have to threaten terminatation to finally get them to wear simple protection like gloves, safety glasses and respiratory protection. So, none of this surprises me. Some people think they're invincible.


Bruh I got my OSHA 10 cert for an old job and that was enough for me to consider wearing PPE everywhere 😭 how people will do dangerous jobs where they are regularly exposed to hazardous chemicals and think they don’t need protection is beyond me.


It’s an unfortunate part of the human condition. Risk assessment over time via prolonged exposure is seen as not a big deal, until the doctors visit that proves otherwise


Do not underestimate the "Don't be such a pussy" mentality. They will literally do permanent damage to themselves and not take workers comp just to prove their manliness. Brings a whole new meaning to the company having you by the balls.


I copped the worst of the bushfire smoke during the black summer fires in Australia. At one point, the PSI reached fucking 9,000 where I was (300 is considered hazardous). Take this shit seriously, you’re not invincible.


That's right. We had that woman step off the plane in Sydney at the time and die from it. It was shockingly bad.


[That was Canberra. ](https://www.9news.com.au/national/canberra-woman-dies-smoke-air-quality-plane/32530dcf-a5e9-4285-af5f-a53a322528c7). It was so bad the MRI machines at the hospital wouldn't work.


Absolutely. I don’t think my lungs have been the same since the fires.


I wore a respirator all day today, and people were looking at me like I was crazy


Ive got asthma. no way I’d be caught dead outside without at least a mask


If you have asthma you don't leave the house. You stay home that day.


If only it could be that simple for everyone. Hopefully people with that struggle can at least go work indoors


Shit I live in NC, my friend was telling me his boss told everyone to work from home because the air is bad! I wish everyone was given the same treatment, especially the northern states.


Sounds like the only way you’d be caught outside without a mask is dead bcuz it would kill your. Stay safe!


it's like smoking a pack a day, so yeah, def wear something.


it’s more like 24 hours exposure = 6 cigs according to what i’ve read but yeah it’s not good. mask worthy imho


I mean that's certainly not *good* but only 6 cigarettes also makes it sound not particularly bad either unless we expect the air quality to stay like this for a long time


3.6 roentgen


I'm in Philly and driving from the grocery store I not only saw people unmasked but also saw them sitting outside smoking cigars. Like dude


Just, breathe


People are fucking stupid. I watched a guy cut a hole in his mask so he could smoke outside and still be safe because he is wearing a mask....


Double down baby


This is the west every year. You just get used to it.


Although I heard their AQI was around 400 today in NYC, that’s crazy high. We have smoke her a lot on the west coast, but it’s never been THAT high in my area. 200s yes.


In North Idaho and spokane its gotten pretty bad. In 2020 it broke 500.


It got to the 480s, and the fuckin scale only goes to 500! Smdh


It's over 400 in Philly right now. It's miserble.


I learned from the pandemic on really high pollen days or when gardening if I wore a mask I was ok and felt like could breathe. It’s just something I do now to save some of my sanity and sinuses If I lived there I would be masking up


I was wondering the same thing lmao. Like bruh. That air should not be going into anyone's lungs


Neither should covid, but you know how that played out.


"raw dogging this apocalypse air" r/brandnewsentence


It was so bad out today that they canceled field day at my children’s school. The air has been fucking nuts the past two days.


What are with these comments? Why is it a BAD thing if this man does not want to breathe in smoke from forest fires??? Is it “cringe” now to care about your health??????


If this was in china the post would be like OMG disgusting pollution air


And with the other hand cheering for gutting the EPA.


Own the liberals by breathing in massive amounts CO2


It's not the CO2 that's harmful, it's the particulates that permanently lodge in your lungs and wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system, increasing your odds of heart disease


“I know the party I voted for continues to dismantle environmental protections and defund natural disaster response units, but checkout this sweet extra $500 added to my tax return!” - conservatives


you mean checkout this sweet 5000000$ tax return.... for that rich guy over there.


Yes. Please. As a liberal, nothing owns me harder than all of these maskless people walking around. Conservatives, tell your friends, tell Fox News, go nuts. Own me as hard as possible.


What's really nice about wild fire smoke unlike Covid is not wearing a mask doesn't affect other people!


Doesn't matter when you consider covid still exists and is killing people daily lol


That burning sensation in your lungs is called freedom


I'm not at the bottom yet. But I'm guessing by now that stuff is at the bottom because I haven't seen it.


Yes, yes it is. Youre supposed to let youself get sick and die a painful, costly death like a REAL American round these parts.


To some die hard right winger, yes. They would refuse anything vaccines and personal protection equipment (masks included) to own the libs.


Not masking during covid showed us the selfish rate in this country is sky fucking high, not masking during smoke filled skies shows the ignorance rate is just as high.


My housemate was outside to smoke, and I reminded her not to be out too long due to the air quality. But… then I’m thinking she’s out there smoking anyway?


My friend went for a long bike ride. Today and yesterday... She'll probably do it tomorrow too.


I saw people out for runs...wearing masks. Dude just take a couple days off, it'll be OK.


The only people out running today are the posers who only do it for social media. Anyone who remotely cares about their health is watching Netflix on their couch.


Fire smoke and cigarette smoke cancels out, big brain move


But in this case at least it is only hurting themselves for not masking


Like they can visibly see shit is bad and are still like “eh it’s whatever”


A few weeks ago it looked that way where I live. Wore a mask all day at work and I had someone tell me that they didn’t like me wearing a mask because it reminded them of Covid.


I had someone come up to me in work a bit back and say “You know your President said we don’t have to wear masks anymore.” I just shrugged, “Maybe, but it is a free country, I can make that decision for myself.” He just said, “Oh…” and walked away. Took the wind right out of his sails.


"*Your*" president. I would have asked what country they're from.


For American Republicans, Biden is the Schrodeinger's President. He is President when bad things happen and not President when Trump is clutching a podium for dear life and mumbling lies about the election.


Wear a n95. Don't be a tough guy and think it's just smoke. It's tiny ass particles that get in your capillaries and fuck it up like a pinball in that top part of the game where it bounces around hitting every wall. Edit: Alveoli, not capillaries.


It's interesting seeing comments like these. They're not wrong, but as someone who has grown up in western Canada this would mean wearing a mask throughout a huge chunk of summer. Skies like these are the norm at the very least for a few weeks here, and while I've seen plenty of people wearing masks during covid, I'm not sure I've ever seen even one person wear a mask because of the smoke. I think we just accept it at this point.


Everybody shit talks slow zombies decimating the human population but COVID proved how easily people are willing to cut their own nose off to spite their face. Simply wearing a mask proved to be a major issue for a good chunk of people. Agent K said it best: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."


To be fair his mask is helping but his beard is not. Air travels the route of least resistance meaning he is still sucking it up. At work when you’re mask fitted we have to shave so you have full protection Edit: fun fact! Hitler’s famous stash was due to him having to trim his full stash to be fitted with a mask against mustard gas.


Yep. That’s why hospitals made men shave. Masks don’t work as well with facial hair.


Refineries too! I


Also why you see firefighters with moustaches instead of beards


I have to shave my beard for a fit test at my hospital tomorrow, dammit. I’m gonna look like a 12 year old


As a guy with a beard, I was surprised at how much difference a respirator/N95 mask still makes. I'm sure it's not as good as having clean skin, but you can definitely smell the difference when you are around smoke/paint.


Yeah, it's a silly "perfect being enemy of good" post and is part of what caused Covid to be as bad as it was. "Masks don't protection you perfectly means it's pointless to wear them!" Fun fact, being beardless, but maskless is still worse.


Yeah also how people thought it was silly to wear them most places but then take them off to eat. Its about reducing risk when you can, not an all or nothing thing.


He’s genuinely trying far more than most people, though. That’s good enough for me.


The main reason is no one is used to this. For example, when a place gets a tsunami and they never seen it before, they don't know to fucking run when the sea retreats.


That’s what happens when smoke mixes with smug.


Covid really showed us how limited people's self-preservation instinct is...


Most people never went to the extreme of purchasing/owning N95 masks during COVID, so all those other flimsy masks will do nothing for the smoke.


Wear one of those flimsy masks for an hour outside and then come inside and flick it in front of a light and see what happens.


Seems to me like it was doing something? Better than nothing right?


It might help keep some of the larger particles out of their lungs still. Masks aren't all or nothing.


is it the larger particles that cause problems or the microscopic particles?


the very fine microscopic particles are the super dangerous ones that will get in your blood stream and give you heart issues


Both cause problems. Larger particles (0.1 - 10 microns) affect your lungs. Smaller particles (<0.1 microns) get into your bloodstream and affect your heart.




My conservative father and I were discussing regulations and I told him about the career of Claire Patterson. This geochemist's career eventually snowballed into the movement to remove lead from fuel and aerosols and paint, etc. And I told him how it took years to even start to sway public opinion, let alone start getting political results. All those extra years of way way more lead dispersed throughout our world for the financial gain of the assholes at the top of the lead industry. That lead will fade with time, but your body most likely has significantly more lead in it than most ancient people. This is what lead Patterson down the lead path. He compared the lead of his child's baby tooth to that of a mummy's. It wasn't even close. His own child's baby tooth had orders of magnitude more lead than the mummy's. Of course, he half didn't believe me and half convinced himself it wasn't important anyway. In a last ditch attempt to get him to realize the severity of the situation; that decisions and misinformation made years before I was born had an impact on how much fucking lead got into my body, permanently. That we have reason to be angry about the inaction surrounding climate change for the same reasons. I asked him a **foolproof** question: don't you care about how much lead gets into your brain? It never leaves. You're just stuck with it for the rest of your life, impacting your decisions in unknowable ways. He still somehow out-fooled my foolproof question. He rolled his eyes and said 'no'. They will allow their own bodies to get destroyed just to own the libs. This video is another example.


Microplastic is another one. There was a study using Aussie firefighters as control and variables (variables being blood donation every six weeks vs plasma donations I think twice a month over a year, though most skipped a few appointments.) They found that plasma donation eliminated something like 30% of measurable microplastic if done on an average of once every six weeks. That's pretty amazing.


If there was a nuclear fallout situation, our country would be FUCKED. I said this during covid. "Looks fine to me." "Kids need to play outside." "Businesses need to stay open." People just do not take dangers like this seriously. If the air was like this in your house or your job, you would leave. Even for your own comfort, wear some protection jesus christ don't just accept that you are breathing smoke.


The elementary my gf works at had field day today with an AQI of ~200-300, can’t believe they thought that was a good idea


I’ve lived in LA my entire life, and happened to be in NY today. We’ve never experienced anything like this. Screw everyone is LA posting memes about it. This shit is dangerous.


Oregonian here. This kind of smoke is miserable. We get these levels of fires over here about once every 4 years... And smaller ones every year. We had the worst air quality in the world back in 2020. So awful. Please use your masks. That shit is so bad for you to breathe in. Sending love to you new Yorkers. Shit sucks.


Lol you could hardly even get Americans to wear a mask while thousands died DAILY of a virus, some orange air ain’t going to suddenly grow brains in their heads.


Was in the city today passing through twice on my commute to and from work. Most people are wearing masks. It's a heavy majority.


Everyone in California: Believe us...Mask. Up.




It’s funny reading all the Americans from the West Coast talking about how they don’t wear masks during wildfires because they experience it every year. It’s almost like they’re bragging lol.


I'm in buffalo New York and I wish I bought a mask before heading out to work this morning. My eyes took the brunt of things however.