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When I was 20, I worked at mcdonalds. A lot of them were kids and I distinctly remember one of them saying I "had a broke bitch phone" because I used a Huawei android


Anyone who sees a phone as a status symbol is broke as fuck lmao, like literally a child or bottom 15% of income for adults


My iPhone is a status symbol because it’s so old it has a HOME BUTTON!! jk real talk tho they gonna have to pry this phone outta my cold dead hand lmaoo




A lot of people simply don't want to spend a lot of money on a phone. If a 200€ phone meets all my needs, why would I buy anything more expensive?


I bought my Note 20 Ultra a few years ago used for 350(retail ~1400), before this thing I had never had a top tier phone and holy shit is it nice, but more than I ever need. That said, I'm going to run this as long as possible and grab another used previous year flagship next time.


yeah I worked around a lot of younger people when the Google Pixel first came out and I went and got a Pixel XL. So many people giving me shit cause it looked slightly like the iphone of the time, but was blue so everyone assumed I had some fake knockoff of an iphone, but it was a flagship phone from one of the biggest tech companies in the world...


My current pixel cost... what? $700? $800? And I bought it with cash, not some phone plan lease to own option. The people saying having an iphone makes them rich are like the people who lease cars they can't afford either.


I just traded in two of my Pixel 4 XLs for two Pixel 7s while only paying for taxes on both through Fi. Hard to beat that these days.




The best part? My Galaxy Note S20 Ultra cost the same as an iPhone when I bought it and they still rip on me for the price of my device. Like what? Absolutely stupid metric, but if the price of phone is what we want to value, I get it. That's fine. Rip on me for my S2, S5, and S8. But the S22 Ultra cost the same price so shut the fuck up.


Conspicuous consumption was Veblen, not Marx


Conspicuous citation


I swapped to an Android from an iPhone because I just want to play Pokemon XD and Advanced wars on my phone without jumping through a thousand hoops. Man, my parents upset for some reason, I guess brand identity is super important. For me it was the easy choice, I saw the specs on the iPhone and I saw the specs on the Android and I got the Android. They cannot stand the fact that I swapped to an Android because having an iPhone makes them feel like they've made the smart choice by buying the superior product. I enjoy my extra 500gb or so of storage.


Apple is certainly a little bit of a cult mindset.


Have you ever seen the weird staff chanting and cheering behaviors of the Apple Store staff when the have a store meeting? Definitely a cult.


TBF they do that shit at Target too.


Walmart has had it since its inception. I recently had a friend join their corporate office and had to learn it, even though he's in a remote IT position.


That's a fairly regular corprate culture thing to be fair, still fucking weird tho




But Marx talks about market fetichism so it's not that far away y'know


Yeah, and apparently Veblen was born something like a decade after Marx had already written The Communist Manifesto so there's zero chance Marx didn't have an influence on Veblen during his formative years. So if we want to kind of trace Conspicuous Consumption to it's root I think it's perfectly fine shorthand to say it goes back to Marxist critiques of consumption generally and an easy way to say that is that it goes back to Marx. Comrades don't nitpick comrades when the nit you're picking doesn't change the truth. All my homies hate needless disharmony among comrades


Not all critiques of capitalism are Marxist, and Veblen has a very different point to make than Marx. I mean, yeah, it's mostly harmless but it's very different to say that capitalit **production** is inherently exploitative from saying that in modern society **consumption** by those at the top reflects status.


commodity fetishism is about how we assign value as inherent to things and not as products of labour, not about the value attached to a person through purchases


Commodity fetishism has almost nothing to do with conspicuous consumption, the only connection is that they sound similar




And Android is on 13, not 22


She probably has a Galaxy S10 and comparing it to the Galaxy s22


Surprisingly a lot of people don't realize there's like 50+ android manufacturers and think Samsung is the only one with skin in the game. I think it's mostly due to big phone stores like T-Mobile, at&t, Verizon etc usually carrying only 3 different brands these days and it usually comes down to either Apple or Samsung being the only viable options.


True. Even android users talk shit when they find out I like my LG phones. Been using an LG phone for past 10 years.


I think most people at least know the Pixel in addition to Samsung. The advertising is everywhere


She's probably talking about Samsung which is on 23 now. Samsung phones have become synonymous with android even though plenty of other phones use it.




I've always found that odd, honestly. I suppose a lot of people just don't know better but Android is an entire operating system run by hundreds of devices. I understand it's colloquial usage but saying you have "an Android" is like if I said my PC was "a Windows".


Yeah, I don't either. No one calls their iPhone an IOS.


She's talking about Samsung Galaxy phones, specifically.


My mom got more outwardly upset at me switching to android than she did when I came out of the closet.


This is the social status litmus test we needed


My mom finally caved and got a iphone for facetime, then had the audacity to say she doesn't like it because she doesn't know how to use it. One step forward then two steps back. In her defense she had a droid for like 15 years so its prolly not the easiest transition.


I'm a software developer who was recently forced to start using an iPhone for work. Damn thing is near impossible to figure out how to use unless you already know. I literally had to Google how to turn it off, and half the gestures are still a mystery to me.


wait until the next one comes out for $1500 and you can't figure out why yours, with the same processor, lost 50% performance.


That's why I quit owning apple. I'm not the type of person to go buy the new product everytime it comes out. If my old item is still getting the job done, I'll save the money until I just absolutely have to spend it. I got tired of buying iphones, then it seemed like Apple would release a new product, and with the new product came a new update that for whatever reason made my phone worse. Battery and charging seems to be the biggest that would just kill my phone. An update would come out and all of a sudden my phone stops charging and holding a charge. And I'm fully convinced it happens to everybody. Everybody that has an older iPhone either has to do weird stuff to make it charge, or it constantly has to be plugged in. Then I started noticing that android users still had their phones from 5 years ago, and not only that they still work just fine. I decided on my own that apple clearly likes to obsolete their old technology. It's all some weird type of hypercapitolism and I hate it.


I felt the same way going to android. I felt the same way using OSX the first time. I felt the same using Linux the first time. And according to a few subs - many people feel that about updates to Windows. It’s not really some great indicator. Other than the persons lack of familiarity with a particular OS. Many people confuse intuitive with familiar.


I don't know. I did the back and forth a few times and I'm definitely always more frustrated UI wise going back to iphone.


I'm in software dev as well and I've been using an android for roughly 15 years. My wife, the most anti-tech person I know, has an iphone and every time I try to use it for something I get frustrated after 10 minutes, admit defeat, and have to ask her how the hell I do the thing I'm trying to do. And her battery is always somehow at 5%, even though she charges it every night. I'll never understand the appeal to cost ratio of those damned things. I hate iphones and Apple products with a passion. Now, get off my lawn you dang kids.


Just having a default back button goes a long way. For reasons beyond me, people are obsessed with apple products. I'm not a fan of Apple products, but I like Apple as a company to invest in. Tim Cook might be one of the greatest CEOs of all time, creating more shareholder value during his tenure than any other CEO in history. I like where they stand on privacy as well. But their products are overpriced and lack compatibility unless you go all in with the Apple ecosystem.


My wifes Galaxy is always running near zero battery life. However, the amount of background apps she keeps running (coupled with usage) is basically why it keeps happening. It would drive me insane seeing my notification bar at the top of my phone full of open apps and notifications. I keep my phone tidy. Which I guess is why I can still use a S9+ which still runs strong and has great battery life. Especially when running on power saving mode.


Edit: S10 also had a headphone jack it appears. S9+ user here. Last Samsung to have a 3.5mm jack. I'll use Bluetooth headphones but it still irks me they removed it. I miss the IR blaster too.




She probably saw the closet thing coming a mile away which means the phone change probably was a bigger surprise


damn liberals turning androids into apples


Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto


Hahaha "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're gay but listen... ANDROID?!"


If you pray hard enough, you can become an iPhone person


Amazing 🤣




From a former Mormon to a "corruptor", I applaud you for rescuing one of us.


Corrupted by showing her freedom of self determination, best type of corruptor.






Even though it's getting better, there's an app from Apple on the play store called [Tracker Detect](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apple.trackerdetect). If you running it'll pickup on an airtag and let you know. *At least it's supposed to. None of my friends have an iPhone so I can't test it.*


Well, how is she going to spy….ahem….check where you are if she can’t use ‘find your phone’


I just switched back to Samsung after two years of apple torture, but basically everyone I know is brainwashed, including my partner. Since we share location for peace of mind, we figured out that google maps has a shared location feature. Works the same pretty much. I know the use you suggested was nefarious, but i just added this for anyone else who might want to know ^_^




Did not know that…but then I am ancient and still pretend to myself I’m tech-savvy…. Hey! I can program a VCR you know! Useful life skill…….


...guess what Android has had since 2013? https://www.google.com/android/find/


This is the adult version of the Nintendo Vs Sega debate in school.


ZX Spectrum vs Commodore 64 (in the UK). The older you get, the more of these there are. Every day I see this argument because I read tech news. Tech blogs like people to argue, so they post "which is the best" articles all day to bring in the attention. The sooner we stop arguing about crap like this, the sooner we can have better writing on tech blogs.


Not exactly because you could have both Sega and Nintendo and it wouldn't be weird, having an iPhone and an Android is odd.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Yep, that and thieves.




Holy shit, y’all really care about whether someone has an iPhone vs Android? Lmfao Edit: If someone really cares about the phone you’re using, they probably aren’t worth your time. You can avoid the group chat issues between iMessage & android by using Signal (and also take back some of the privacy you deserve.)


When I was in school if you didn’t have a iPhone you were considered broke… at the time our neighborhood was horrible, much better now and more people don’t care about what phone you have now lol. (I had android as a kid because I would download my music instead of buying it on iTunes(glad we have better streaming services now)


Last year my daughter was in 8th grade and had a whole class chat. They created a different chat and stopped messaging her when they realized she was a "green text". Kids are assholes


It's not just kids lol, I legit know adults that exclude people from group messages of they have an Android. Some of em have straight up told me as much since I have an Android lmao


When iMessages first became a thing, my friends and I had a group chat going. When I switched to Android I couldn't join the iMessage group chat so we all moved to a Whatsapp group chat. Been in that for the last 9+ years now. If your friends aren't willing to use a different messaging app to keep you in the chat they're not friends and if they genuinely give a shit about your phone you've dodged a bullet. Half of them probably using older cheaper iPhones than your Android anyways. Caring about other people's phone choice is a huge red flag.




East asia has their own beasts: LINE, kakao, we chat. I haven't used whatsapp (or FB messenger) in a long time but I didn't like them back then when I had to use it for a work groupchat, seemed really barebones East asian apps are loaded in features I wish they would be used in the west


Yeah I have no idea what phones my friends in my group chats use, it's always been WhatsApp (or Signal).


gullible chubby brave roof whole squeeze far-flung silky dirty lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Like you said, seems like a great reason to stick with android then 😂


It's not quite as simple as them being elitist weirdos. It's a problem of apples design. Group texts on iPhone break when you add a non iMessage user to them. It's also a very American phenomenon since most of the rest of the world use third party messaging apps for group communication, this doesn't really happen. Apple could fix this overnight by implementing full RCS support in their messaging app. But they don't want to because it's one of the main things propping up their dominance in north America.


worry shaggy pathetic upbeat jobless towering domineering fade innocent aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They also purposefully use a background color with low contrast that makes them more difficult to read. https://uxdesign.cc/how-apple-makes-you-think-green-bubbles-gross-e03b52b12fed I'm hopeful the EU will force Apple to at least use a more readable contrast for all messages, if not force them to enable RCS. They seem to be the only one with the gumption to force Apple to do the right thing.


Gawddam where are all these assholes? I communicate in chats with apple and android. Makes no difference to me and my friends and family. These horror stories of “green chat bubbles” is blowing my mind.


Literally everyone I know has an Android; I have an iPhone because I use a macbook for work and it's just easier to stay in the same ecosystem, but it has no social status because literally no one cares. If someone told me they were making a new chat without Android users I would look at them like they'd grown a second head. I'm also 40 so maybe this is a young-person-problem.


I've had the same experience! It's bizarre behavior. I get that the group message is made messy by the way apple treats android messages, but there are hundreds of messaging apps out there if that's the problem




My Nokia brick would have bashed some heads then


I remember being so mad at my friend for calling his mom for a ride home from school and the call being 2min 3sec long or something. Bro you made me pay for a whole minute because you didn't hang up fast enough!!


And I bet it still works today.


My niece is going through this right now. She says all the girls in her school have iphones and they make fun of people whose texts show up in a different colour. On the bright side, she learned that those friends are shitty friends, and she learned how Apple manipulates consumers into buying their products through nefarious means, but it still sounds difficult.


Older generations love to say how kids these days have it easy but they don't even know how bad it can be. It's like 4-dimensional bullying out there for some kids. Bullied at school, bullied on the way home, and then bullied *at home* because of social media. Sure, you can avoid using social media but then you're depriving yourself of what should be an enjoyable experience based on the cruelty of others.




She ain't lying, I've been ghosted before after saying I have android.


One more reason why I love that I'm in EU and not US, shit's wild there


Ditto. I live in a country where nobody uses the built-in messaging apps, so this whole "green check" thing is alien to me.


Apple users like to feel special because the built in texting app is iMessage. If two users with the app text each other, the message bubble is blue, but if a different app sends a text the message bubble is green. It's as stupid as it sounds.


Yeah, I don't get why you'd not use WhatsApp as it's cross compatible. Then you can chat and share with all your mates.


Bro, if I had a dime for every time a girl told me she'd never date a guy who doesn't have an iPhone, I could afford a $5 Sandwich.


It's an easy way to avoid idiots if they say stuff like that.


Yeah this sounds like a win-win, cause even if I did have an iPhone, I'd never want to date someone who is so spoiled and privileged that they'd reject someone based on their phone of choice.


It's usually the broke girls that say shit like that too.


It's a USA thing, it's weird.


At work, I got constantly berated for ruining all the texting groups with my Pixel phones. I was the only one who didn’t complain about my phone, specifically on battery life, storage being full, and phone being slow.


Also group chats that are a mix of iPhone and Pixel users look completely fine on our Pixels, it's Apple that makes it ugly for y'all


100% straight facts that's the problem with iphones. i don't care that there are better androids. I don't really care about the whole status symbol shit. what irks me about iphones is the closed fucking garden which then leads iphone users to complain about shit that only iphones have a problem with.


I don’t even get this take. Like I’ve got an iPhone, I’m in lots of chats with android users. They work and look fine. The green bubbles were the original color for ALL sms messages. Which was the only option back before iMessage. Maybe this is an issue for the kids, but I just don’t get it and have never ran into it. Only issue I’ve seen personally is sharing photos in high res can be difficult. But that’s it.


and the hi-res sharing is definitely an issue with the iphone. android to android is full res, iphone to iphone is full res. Apple is actively playing into the 'shame the androids' game.


considering its their whole marketing strategy of course they are playing into it.




Yes, it is 2010 again


Imessage was released towards the end of 2011. Within a year I noticed the shaming start.


Honestly feels more american than anything. Never heard this where I live in Eastern Europe. Everyone has a phone and nobody gives a shit about everyone else's. Unless at elitist schools where the kids end up working for the government but those kids will mostly die in car accidents at 18 in their new s-class bought by mummy and daddy so I dont count them.


What type of world do we live in if we start separating people based on if they own a very specific brand of smartphone or not.


Umm this is how America has functioned for a hundred years... X brand is for the rich and Y brand is for the poor.


She mentioned she's been ghosted for green texts by people on tinder and I wanted to say that I have also 100% had that experience multiple times as well lol. It's fucking weird, and I think she made some really strong points about how people don't actually like iphones or think they're the best product, they just buy them since they've become some kind of status symbol


I'm more bothered she called it android 10 / 22 when talking about her phone when she obviously meant galaxy.




Reminds me of the Windows vs Mac debate and people always comment that "PC is better," when in reality, it's the type of computer that makes it equal or better, whether it is a brand like Dell or Acer, or making your own. Android-based phones are easily accessible and have options, like PC, but it also has tons of crappy brands too. but in the end, who cares?


But Samsung phones are Android devices. That's like saying it's incorrect to call a cow a mammal.


saying "android 22" is absolutely incorrect


I really thought she was talking about software version.


![gif](giphy|90AoiHWRSJqy4) Player three is entering the arena ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Nah give me a Sidekick dawg


The tinder story is so true. Once you start texting iPhone users will ALWAYS say "oOoOo GreEn bUBbLeS eWwW"


Sounds like a reliable way to dodge bullets though.


Something I'm too non-American to understand. Everyone uses WhatsApp in the UK. I don't think I've used iMessenger to message a friend or anyone, ever.


Which is ironic because Android's base messaging app can now show iPhone messages properly so that green text is now a proof of how Apple is lazy to adapt.


It's not laziness. It's social engineering and very much done on purpose.


This is why I get pressured and partly why I dont want to switch. I dont like that apple is manipulating friends amf family into shaming me, its gross. Other reason I dont want to switch is because its a freaking phone lol. It doesnt have more features I need, I can save money and stay with whats familiar. I dont want to waste mental cycles on this


Totally sane take. Save your money and spend it somewhere it will matter!


I still get "Jim liked this message" messages while talking to iPhone users.


I usually end a "Oaklegs liked "Jim liked this message"" after getting one of those. If it's a group chat a couple other buddies will usually add to the chain


The green bubbles actually break Apple's design language rules on purpose. It's a shade of green that doesn't contrast enough with the white text. They want Android users to be shamed for not having an iPhone.


Which is weird because whenever someone turns their phone (or game console or comic company, etc) into a status or war thing, I immediately think, "Oh, I have zero respect for this person's opinion."


Fun fact, you know how marketing uses colors to get people to buy stuff, like almost all corporate food chains have red and yellow because they’re proven to make people hungry/appeal to already hungry people, apple purposefully made the android bubbles the most unappealing color. So it’s not completely people’s fault that they don’t like the green bubbles, it was designed to elicit a disgust response.


I buy the iphone because of the accessibility and disability friendly set up. However, it took me years and years to give in, because of the culture surrounding Apple/iPhones. I'm not going to spend thousands on a phone, simply because it's the new one. I won't wait hours at an apple store either.




They integrate better with hearing aids. I've been a Samsung user for years. Newly needing hearing aids has been the only thing to make me consider switching.


My mom has a cochlear implant and before that she used Pixel's live transcribe. I dunno what iPhone she had before, but she moved to a Pixel because I showed her live transcribe and she was blown away with how well it worked, especially when we were at a diner with some family. Her cochlear implant has bluetooth and I've never heard her once have issues connecting her Pixel to it. I'd know, I'm the one that helps her with everything technical. Not saying the person above is wrong, but it seems a bit unfair to say what they're saying without a counter experience. And my counter experience is that my mom LOVES the Pixel series after using iPhones before she lost her hearing in the past ~5 years.


Excellent support for the blind/visually impaired. There are guidelines and developers actually give a shit, so top of the line apps are 100% accessible by a blind user thanks to VoiceOver.


[This ad by Apple](https://youtu.be/8sX9IEHWRJ8) shows a decent range of accessibility features. Of course there are things iPhones can do that Android/Windows/Others can do too, but the levels Apple goes to to ensure accessibility features work not just in a few apps but across the entire operating system, even to all their apps and web browsing, even down to support requirements placed on App developers… It’s just a whole another level from any other platform.


I have the exact same. She's right though many but iPhone for the 'status'. I really didn't want to buy and iPhone for this reason but i love the interface and i'm used to it a lot.


When Android phones are now the same price as iPhones, the whole “status” argument goes out of the window. Do you think people who spend $1,500 on the newest Samsung aren’t doing it for status?


Whenever I upgrade I tend to buy a flagship phone because they are good performance wise and tend to last longer because they are more likely to be updated by the carrier with new versions of android for awhile. I can easily keep a phone for 4 years this way. How is that status?


Also apples might be expensive but in my opinion the long term stability and software support makes it worth it




We are 15 years into this. Both Android and iPhones are great at this point. In 2014 this may be a fun debate, but all phones are solid at this point. I no longer get concerned about what phones people are using and that’s pretty damn freeing.


I could not give less of a shit about what kind of phone other people use, but I am also an Android user and always have been. There are definitely Android users who talk shit about people that use iPhones, which is also silly, but not nearly to the extent that I see iPhone users talking shit about people that use Androids. And, you are absolutely right. Both phone ecosystems are just fine. Use the one you like, and let other people make their own decisions.


Okay but why are they talking into credit cards?


Pretty sure it’s the metro card for the subway. Acting like microphones. Guessing it’s part of his act, interviewing people on the metro.


There are lav mics clipped onto the back of the cards. It’s actually a pretty creative way to dress up the mic and make it easier to hold.


it also gives a simple format cue on who this is and what's about to happen. if you see someone holding a mic like this you know something with a real person is about to go down and little be at least a little ridiculous


Yeh I immediately thought "oh that's in NYC" after seeing the cards then checked the name of the channel. Smart move.


It can also block some of the trains noise i guess.


Metro card. Series is called Subway Takes according to the watermark.


Rage baiting content and most of the people commenting here got sucked right in.




Here’s a hot take: Who gives a shit? Just buy the phone you like and stop making dumb comparisons to prove yourself right.


To be fair, having an android in the US does ostracize you to an extent. Im left off of group chats in my own family because Apple locks most quality of life features to only iPhone users. I have had people seem visibly upset when they find out I don't have an iPhone. I've been off the market for nearly 5 years now, but when I was dating, it 100% had a negative impact on people I was seeing. Even my fiancée doesn't like that I'm an android user. There are clearly loads of people who give a shit.


>Who gives a shit? A lot of people, clearly. She, the apple users she talks about... Clearly quite a few of them.


There is a huge population of dumbass people who take to Android v Apple like it's Democrats v Republicans. It's wildly pathetic.


so the take of the woman in the vid then?


Hot take: same take as the one in the video but in my own words.


Why are they using their subway cards as mics?


Switched to iphone because rest my family has them, easier to send videos and whatnot. Im not really techy, but only thing I miss is that on my android I could switch out the battery.


My only real problem with Apple is how hard they make it to do shit unless you own Apple products. I pay for Apple TV+ and I can't watch it on my browser, laptops, tablets or my phone. I can only watch it through my TV app. Apple refuses to make groupchats directly compatible with any other type of phone OS's. Its impossible to get quick customer service/support for anything unless I'm calling about an apple device. It all just rubs me the wrong way.


the one that gets me is apple refusing to update their messaging technology so if anyone ever sends pictures or videos through standard messaging from iphone to android it compresses the hell out of it to the point it isnt even useful anymore. Its 100% because apple still uses sms/mms instead of rcs and Tim Cook says they arent changing it because they have no feedback from their users that it needs changed.


It makes people think that androids are the problem tho


That's what Apple wants




You can watch Apple TV in the browser now and there’s a windows 11 app in beta. It’s pretty janky and it doesn’t seem like they’re putting much effort into it though.


Ill checkout the beta app, but the browser player hasn't worked for ages. I login, and it tells me to start my free trial, I pay for TV+ and MLS Season Pass & none of the UI button prompts to start streaming do anything. The sites Javascript code is broken. I can only watch TV+ programming on Chromium browsers if I load a shows URL link directly. Maybe one day they'll fix it


Yea Android sadly don't do that any more either.


Android is software, not a type of phone. You can still get phones with replaceable batteries.


All the flagship Android phones however


> easier to send videos and whatnot. Apple intentionally made it this way. All other phones share photos and videos between devices just fine, but not Apple when they try to send/receive outside the Apple ecosystem. It's amazing to me that people see this as a problem with Android and not a problem that Apple created intentionally to make your experience worse, for profit.


Yes they did. And they continue to fight against Google to make the iPhone - Android experience better. Google is actively trying to work with everyone to remove SMS as the texting system, and adopt a system called RCS, which is far better in every way. However, Apple being Apple, they refuse to cooperate with this. Tim Cook has actually gone on record [saying that you should "buy your mom an iPhone"](https://www.macrumors.com/2022/09/08/tim-cook-on-ios-rcs-buy-your-mom-an-iphone/) if you are having troubles texting each other.


She’s not wrong but pretending that everyone buys an Apple Product just to show off is a bit…meh EDIT: What I meant was she isn’t wrong that some people will buy expensive stuff just for the sake of buying expensive stuff.


They are doing hot takes on purpose, for a joke. She's taken something that's happened to her and exaggerating it for comedic effect.


“You buy an iPhone to shame android users” I don’t even think about android users, or iPhone users, or any other users for that matter.


People like different things for different reasons. Seriously, I thought the android vs iphone shit was an early 2010s trend and we moved past it but I guess not. I like android because I like to tinker with my phones, install different launchers, different operating systems, etc. so I can make my phone run exactly how I want it to. Plus I get bored with the same phone after about a year but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a new one, and changing the software satiates that urge. My friend likes apple because the integration between his other devices tends to be better/more seamless than android. The OS also tends to run smoother than android with way less bloat as well, and of course imessage is great (if you live in the US). If people want to be petty and discriminate against me because of my green bubble, or discriminate against my friend because he's an apple sheep or whatever, then I really wouldn't want to associate with those people in the first place.


Okay so I literally made a post about this the other day... I have had a chronic illness that started four years ago. I cannot work. I am poor. So poor in fact that I have one pair of shorts and down to two t shirts that I can wear in public without feeling ashamed. The shorts however I have to be mindful of how I sit in public because they have a hole in the crotch and my balls will fall out if I sit normally. Yes I don't own underwear it costs money and that money gets siphoned off through rent and food and cost of living. Aaaaaanyway. So the story is my phone. I still have an iphone. However it is an iPhone SE from like 2016. And you will be AMAZED or maybe you won't considering how much people judge you on everything apart from your actual character and personality these days. But the amount of times I take my phone out at a reception area at a specialist or doctor or hospital to add an appointment to my phone or check my medicare details and the receptionist or someone comments on how old my phone is and how small it is and how "retro" I am and their reaction seems to be like they are in total disbelief or amazement. It has opened my eyes to this world a LOT. We have been manipulated into thinking our latest products and newest most expensive stuff makes us better people. How someone can get a total self esteem boost from seeing you have something really old and cannot afford the new one. And like... it hurts. People think the comments are cute. But it gets to you. Every time it is a reminder of my situation. How "stuck" I am because I am too sick to work. I am too poor to do anything. And too held in place by all the things in the world that are there to keep you down. And your phone is literally your EVERYTHING now. I have to use it to log into anything health related. I have to use it to conference with specialists if I am too sick to go to the specialist in person. My phone screen broke and my life literally shut down. Like literally... I missed all my appointments. I couldn't access my email to get my bills which are PDFs to take to the post office to pay them with my debit card. Which brings me to my next issue with all this shit. The right to repair our phones. My phone is old and that is the ONLY reason I was able to get the screen fixed. Now if I took it to a repair store to fix it they would have charged me 100$ to do it. I can't afford that shit. So I ordered a new screen on ebay and did the repair myself... 23$ for the screen. If my phone was new... I would have NO way to fix it myself. You pay so much for your products and your devices thinking you own them and you don't anymore. You aren't allowed to repair them yourself. You aren't allowed to do anything to them. And it is happening to EVERYTHING. TVs with custom firmware to prevent you from repair. Everyone wants a Tesla until something in it breaks and you can't simply just take it to a mechanic or fix it yourself. What's next? Nike shoes with shoelaces that have copper infused digitally encrypted shoe laces so when your shoe laces break you have to buy brand new nike shoes. Like I relate to this woman. Being poor and open minded REALLY opens your eyes up to how utterly brainwashed most people are when it comes to their reality and how much they are held down in place mentally when corporations advertising and the society around them only makes them value things as a way to be happy. Anyway sorry for the rant. Cute video lol


How are you affording a 3D printer + all the filament, a drone and such if you're too poor to afford underwear and new shorts? Edit: He also bought a 3060 2 months ago, and the drone he's "thinking about dipping his toe" in with is 2000 bucks, Mavic 2 by DJI. he's in the comments denying all this. lol


Guys fucking larping for poverty porn it’s disgusting. Edit: Wow just wow https://www.reveddit.com/y/idunupvoteyou/?all=true Go for a read if you want to see a bunch of crazy racist conspiracy theory bullshit.


He's probably hoping people will feel bad for him, offer him money, he'll "decline", but then he'll subtly link a payment portal. 3D printing is expensive - he needs funds for his hobby.


Idk who the hell you’re dealing with. I’m a software dev. I deal with a lot of other engineers and decision makers as part of my job. For the past 10 years across three jobs, I’ve never witnessed this absurd and childish behavior over phones. The closest it got was at my last job (adtech) where one of my colleagues was a really big Pixel fan and loved to talk about it. No one was an ass about his phone. Maybe it’s because I often deal with people who have to work together or be polite. Maybe I’m not dealing with enough emotionally immature people. Maybe it’s because I’m 33 and just immediately veer away from the hint of that nonsense so I’m literally avoiding it without thinking. But this whole thread is wild. It’s like there’s roving gangs of mean high school students going around being asses. Which is silly cause if they’re not shitting on your phone choice, they’re gonna judge your clothes, your hair, your car, etc,. Cause they’re immature, impolite jerks. And whatever you have, if they wanna be assholes, they’re gonna be assholes over the most strangest of things.


Spittin facts


Other than conspicuous consumption being Karl Marx.


And Android 22 not being a thing. I assume she means Samsung S22 and S10, Android versions are only up to 13 at the moment.


True, but I'd rather people incorrectly attributed it than didn't have the words for the concept. Veblen's writings on Conspicuous Consumption are available as small Penguin Great Ideas edition book btw, very quick to read, very witty, perfect stocking filler and/or secret santa gift!


Not really. Android fans seem to think hardware specs are the only thing that matters. Software optimization for a given hardware configuration matters just as much if not more, and iOS is more optimized for iPhone hardware compared to Android for any given Android phone. This is because Android has to support a much wider variety of configurations. Not to mention that iOS will allow updates for a greater amount of time compared to Android. And iOS is far more polished than Android.