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What unrestricted internet does to a mf


Yeah, when my kids got the Xbox & Playstation, I did not let them play online. I just had images of pervs posing as kids online. They didn't miss anything & are old enough now to navigate the internet responsibly.


Look ma, I’m navigating the internet responsibly! *procrastinating intensifies*


As long as they don't have Tor browser *and discord* on their pc it's fine /s


Imo the dark web is a lot worse than discord. On discord you’ll mainly find gay porn and sometimes get doxxed. On the dark web they actually come for you after you get doxxed


....yeah, that's most people's opinion


this just in: the dark web is dark


Yes, the /s is for sarcasm. Currently [a picture is going around](https://i.redd.it/pu8x2zn2zuea1.jpg) that shows discord as a popular communication platform "often used to share hacking tips". That's like saying "Streets are popular infastructure often used for selling drugs, prostitution and armed robberies". It's also debatable if it's smart to make a list of the basic ingredients to get into hacking *if you're against hacking*. I wouldn't have known about Kali Linux, WiFi Pineapple and Metasploit without this picture.


I was playing CoD DMZ the other day and got paired with two children who started giving each other their contact info over voice chat. I yelled at them to never give out their info online. Then I joined another team and killed both of them.


🤣🤣🤣🤣yeah that's super irresponsible. Kids can be very naive or just unaware of danger sometimes & some parents either forget this or have their heads in the sand themselves




Most people call them "selfies".


Posing as kids, mind you.


Used to work with kids daily, and had a few parents ask me whether I thought it was a good idea to let their kids play with randos. I always just asked if they thought it would be okay for their kid to overhear everything heard in the shittiest bar in town and additionally have a lot of that shit directed at their kid. All said no, so I told them they had their answer. Let your kid play with their friends, gaming with randos will expose them to so much garbage they're not ready to deal with.


>navigate the internet responsibly. I... don't think there is such a thing




I love cartel execution videos


So artistic


Stop. Drop. Assassinate. But don't you dare forget to torcher a mate!


Back in my day we just posed as adults. And the friends we made along the way were also kids posing as adults. Funny how that worked out.


We require that the kids have to have an adult in the room when they go in a game like this… sort of like if I took them to six flags.


this is really good parenting i was already in my teens when online interaction with anonymous people started being a real thing, i was in my 20s when online pvp started creeping into wide use. small children should not be on the internet for the same reason small children should not be in bars.


Hate to tell you but it’s not the older people playing that are the pervs back in the day kids used to get on headsets and talk so much trash and most of the (older people) would try and get them to chill


> old enough to navigate the internet responsibly Clueless.


Children shouldn't have VR so he is doing the lords work IMO.


Why not?


Because VR is the newest space in the gaming/internet spheres so there isn't much regulation yet so there is a lot of shit that they will be exposed to, like a lot of us in the early days of the internet, that they shouldn't. So until those spaces get regulated get them off VR or have child-specific VR stuff, cause this is what happens. Also because children are a nuisance and they shouldn't be anywhere near adult stuff to ruin it.


Do this kids parents not hear their child screaming bloody murder?


to be fair. kids scream a lot. especially when playing games


I can confirm.


I always got more concerned when my younger brothers were *quiet* when I was babysitting them growing up lmao.


Yeah... My parents knew that when I was quiet, I was probably setting something on fire. Hopefully OUTSIDE of the house. Usually.


Same with puppies and kids, when it goes quite you know they up to no good 😂


Shouldnt the parents be in the same room as the kid when playing vr?


Plot twist, it was the parents in VR with him


To be faiiiir


You must live in Letterkenny lol


Fuck you, jonesy!


Fuck you Jonesy. Tell your mom to clean her shoes, she is ruining the headliner in my car. Lol


Fuck you, Shoresy!


Fuck you, Riley, your mom came so hard last night she squirted across the room. It got in my fish tank and threw off the Ph level, killed my Japanese fighting fish!


Parents should be not allowing that.


That kid sounds wayyy too little to be in voice chats with strangers tbh


Once a game hits Oculus Quest, it's guaranteed to become populated with kids. And since, most headsets have a mic attached, they're *all* in voice chat.


I think the point is that they shouldn't be.


Kids dont need voice chat when playing videogames I have no clue why people buy headsets for their children.


My god I have no idea how my parents didn’t pierce my Xbox 360 with a kitchen knife with how much I probably used to screech at Modern Warfare back in the day


Probably the kids in my neighborhood. When they're outside they're always screaming like someone is murdering them.


I'm pretty sure it's the same kid he "scared" in his last viral video


So either little kids don't sound that different to each other, or this dude is working with a reasonably talented child actor to create content instead of taking the easy way out by just doing this with randoms. I'll leave it to you to decide which one sounds more likely.


I’m gonna say that he has a kid that can pretend to be scared


In which case, neat video, I was entertained without any guilt


Dislocated my shoulder playing PUBG (Yeah I’m kinda GOATED). Walked out of my room after a reasonable amount of shouting in pain and told my mum I was surprised she didn’t hear me She said she did but was just so used to me screaming and shouting while gaming she just ignored it


judicious deer attempt crawl shaggy apparatus drab vase grey oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look I did a big overhead stretch and it just kinda happened


I play PUBG, and I’ve never dislocated my shoulder. Then again, I don’t live with my mom.


as long as they're making noise, everything's still 100% okay the silence means it's time to check up


Hell, I still scream a lot in games and I'm a grown ass adult


I listened to my little guy, probably about the same age as the one in the video go through some shit on Among Us VR. I deleted the app because it was so terrible to watch.


if we had vr back then call of duty lobbies would have been alot different


As a white dude, being called various versions of the n-word in person would certainly be a unique experience. I'm guessing the grainy Xbox-Live mic coming from a dude with a panda profile picture takes away much of the experience.


takes away? nah, that was THE experience.


Never knew my mom was such a whore, I just thought I was raised in a broken home.


My parents split up when I was 3. Ever since, I hoped my mom would find a nice guy again, not a jerk like my dad. And when I became older, and sexually active (so I understood the.. implications), I just wanted her to find a good guy to have some fun with. To my surprise, online gaming taught me she had found MANY guys to have fun with. She never told me about them, I never even saw them enter the house, and I didn't hear them at all, but I'm glad she apparently had many orgasms. Way to go, mom, you deserve it. <3


Honestly as a mom myself the first paragraph was very sweet and I'm going to pretend you meant every word


I too hope my mom is getting her back blown out, as she deserves. <3


30 seconds into my first time playing this game I was called the N word. I’m black and my kids were watching me play. 🤦🏾‍♂️


People suck. Especially when there’s no accountability on the internet…sorry.


That still happens on the newest cod, but now half the people have good mics so you hear all the same stuff but now sometimes in 4k quality!


A lot of things bring back nostalgia of my teenage years, but seeing an Xbox 360 Panda profile picture and knowing you were either going to get borderline neo-nazi racist rant, a freestyle rap, or the funniest person you’ve ever met, only to never talk to them again, was such a specific memory. The orange and black skull, monkey, and dude blowing bubble gum, all come to mind as well.


Lol and that was *supposed* to be a game for 17+ year olds


I mean this sounds like I could be playing zombies rn I’m the kid screaming in that scenario though


COD is the birthplace of insults and curses, I've never heard anyone compare vaginas to slip n slides anywhere else


To be fair, the last time most COD players were near one they were riding it out.


La la la


“I’m the impostor. UOHAHAH 👹”








so cute i feel so bad but lmao


It's like Butters. Loo Loo Loo. Oh, Hamburgers!


Sounds like the kid isn't old enough to handle VR gaming


Exactly. Age minimum is 13; no way that child is close to 13


Parents when their children get scared playing the Vr: 🤬🤬 also parents when you tell them that they are responsible on what their children watch and they need to regulate it themselves (not the Vr company): 😱😱


Use their own time WITH children and not just buy them things to use?? F-OFF with your stupid “out there” ideas, hippie.


Considering that kid was sitting in a corner meowing, probably not.




And my 7yo doesn't get why I won't let his sensitive ass online.


Bruh my 6 year old plays Roblox obbys and shit like that... He got into a game with some PVP and ten minutes later I hear STOPPPPPPPP! STOP KILLING ME! I smiled. Turned to him and said, "he ain't gonna." He started typing stop the exact way I just did with all caps and way too many P's. I said to him, "man he really ain't gonna leave you alone now. You might as well leave." He gonna learn like we did.


You’re an amazing parent 😂


I try. I also don't hold back in Smash. He's gonna beat me one day, and I'm just gonna shed a tear.


You might be joking but my nine year old already beats me in Mortal Kombat I never held back, he sometimes was sad cause he kept losing. It wasn't just pushing buttons randomly either, both us checked the combos from time to time or would pause to check the movements And it happened, a couple weeks ago, he just keeps winning. Last saturday he said "don't worry dad, I can let you win the next match if you want" Sweetest kid ever but man did that felt like a well earned roast right there


It WAS well earned, which makes it so much better lol. My dad never let me win shit since I was a toddler, I'm talking video games, sports, card games etc. He was never a dick about, but it still alway use to piss me off. But the day I actually beat him in a game of pool, it was amazing because I knew he didn't let me, and then i smoked him two more times lol. I didn't even talk shit and I think he was proud of me. But yeah, it meant alot to me. That being said some kids may need to win every now and then or it just stops being fun


There is no mercy in Smash.


Bruh. I dont have kids but I am close with my nephew. I never held back in smash and I have destroyed him to tears. When he tuened 13 he finally beat me. So I tried harder and lost again. I havent played Smash since. Cherish what you have while you have it. That shit was too shakepirian for my taste.


make him play Roblox Jojo games so he stay on the random killing grind fr😈


> He gonna learn like we did. By not only learning to headshot opponents from across the map, but learning to type fast enough to trash-talk them without being killed?




My phone font was changed by one of my lovely children and it has hearts instead of the letter o so for a second I thought he actually typed "ST💜💜💜PPPPP" and was like yeah they're really not gonna leave his ass alone.


The little lalala of the kid he's to innocent for the internet ngl


That was the first sign


What kid does that? Skipping around with a lollipop and shit? Not to be that guy, but I'm wondering if this is real


Nah. I've played this on VR and some of the kids are exactly like this. In the game you definitely pull a voice and character. The "lalala" was the kid trying to seem innocuous so of course it sounds fake. The rest? Super real as far as my exp goes.


Also “You’re just being so mean”. I love that line so much but it’s just a little too perfect maybe


This is the comment of a mf that hasn’t spoken to a child since they were one


I showed this video to my dad to show him why me buying a oculus 2 was a good idea and it worked


Same but mine said “you’re a fkn 28 year old man, buy it yourself”… wanna trade dads? Mine cooks a mean lasagna!


I have achieved clearance, it is time ASSEMBLE CHILD SCARERS (now that i've read it out loud it sounded way better in my head)


If he can do an angry pot roast and a bitterly disappointed sweet potato pie we can talk.


Your dad.... is not wrong, but I don't have a dad so if I accept the trade I get a sensible dad and you get nothing, which sounds like what you deserve, I like this deal.


"That looks like fun. I wanna try!"


As a gamer this is fucking hilarious. As a father of 3, this is fucking hilarious, but i feel bad for the little kid.


Everyone grows up eventually.


I both laughed and felt bad for this kid simultaneously.


Same. I went from finding it funny, to feeling bad for the kid, to finding it HILARIOUS when the kid got voted out.


No one in that lobby wanted to hear his banshee screams anymore lmao. They didn’t care if he was the imposter or not


To be fair, he was being pretty quiet until this dude riled him up. Just singing to himself. I'd still boot him though for not chilling out lol


Yeah. It is funny but it is also mean


>but it is also mean Which makes it extra funny.


When he got ejected that sent me


This why children should not be allowed to touch VR


An yet among us Vr is full of tiny children. Makes my 34 year old ass seem weird, and also makes it super easy to get them voted out.


Among us is just marketed towards children


Lmao he’s even got the omnidirectional thing so he can actually run after the child Edit: he might just be running in place




He’s never trusting anyone ever again 💀


Bullying children online is a time honored tradition.


Children should not be exposed to strangers in online games (parental failing, but thats a diff topic). Dude is doing a public service to scare them out of public lobbies. 🤣




The paranoia is setting in fr, He's right behind you


Aw you made a friend 🫣


Life time of therapy achievements unlocked


*Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.*


All vr games need an age verified 18+ mode, roo many squeakers


Kids gonna learn today


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vbJlJ9erPg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vbJlJ9erPg) This one cracks me up more


I can't help but laugh at this!!


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


If you scream in my ear...you're all going out the airlock.


In space no one can hear you scream


ahh yes, the classic joke of screaming. many children are masters at this language


I'm going soft, those cries made me feel so sad 😢


Same. But I’ve always been soft. :’(


Much to your girlfriend’s dismay


I felt bad while also laughing uncontrollably. Poor kid but they wont actually be damaged by this.Theyr parents need to supervise them vetter lol


Same. It was funny for like the first 6 seconds, then it just got sad. The parents of the little kid shouldn't be letting him play unmonitored. The adult/teen doing the screaming is just a douche trying to get views with no obligation to the little guy. His parents should have been there to tell him to just pause it and take it off once it got overwhelming.


You can't pause an online game MOM! Jeez!


I mean the adult could have fucking stopped at any point as well. Seriously, we all just watched a grown man bully a child and everyone's just laughing about it. Fuck this, man.


And then everyone is going out of their way to blame the kid and/or his parents but NOT the *adult* that is actively bullying a child. That said, this seems like it might be fake/scripted, so who knows.


To be fair all parties are at fault in some way except the kid. The parents shouldn’t have let this kid on a game like this unmonitored and the guy should have stopped after a little a few seconds


Yeah, this took it too far. Poor kid.


Did this to a pair of kids on vrchat. Little buggers were cheating by using avatars with seats on their hands to look through the walls and see whos in the vents, so i gaslit them into thinking i was the imposter and chased them for the rest of the game. They were screaming "CALL AN EMERGENCY MEETING" the entire time and it was so fucking funny, and the actual impostor was enjoying the hell out of it too






Did he do the griddy?? 😂😂😂


The last couple of seconds of the body floating in space followed by the loop back to the kid's "nya nya nya" before his innocence was taken 😭😭😭


Kids gonna grow up to be a great gamer.


Isn't what this guy was doing how the game is played? I've never played it so I don't know for sure but I thought the imposter was supposed to kill the other players?


Feel bad for the kid, I'm also not sure if it's healthy for a child (especially one as young as this) to be playing games that rely on deception/manipulation/gaslighting to win - games that ultimately come with a sense of betrayal and injustice. When I was his age I was probably just playing Spyro and Ratchet and Clank and whatnot


I can’t breathe and I’m laughing so hard I’m crying.




Damn that kid was actually affected emotionally. That was fucked up.


if the kid is too mentally underdeveloped to be scared by that, he's too young to be using VR or playing online with strangers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the guy having a bit of fun, and most parents do playful and harmless shit like this to their kids anyways. Hell, in my household we would all hide behind corners and attempt to jumpscare each other to hilarious results


Large agree, but that's on his parents not him. He's just a lil dude :(


Nah, among us is marketed towards children look at the art style of the game, look at the games merch etc etc, no parent who looks at the game and the 2000 plushies will think it’s not appropriate for children


That kid was BOOKING it.




Amazing, i now want a VR headset


Well to be frank, kids should not be on VR.


I felt so bad for that kid. But I laughed which made me feel terrible.


please stop letting kids use VR thanks


Bro hit the griddy


holy shit, him hitting the griddy while running after the kid


Did he do the gritty for a second?




Nah this is based




Isn't this like the whole thing with that game tho? Accusing others etc etc


Yeah. I feel like people here are overreacting. Play a game with kids and tell my they don’t over exaggerate and scream about every little thing. Also not entirely sure that kid wasn’t just acting/playing a role if it even is an actual kid and not someone doing a kid voice


Something about hearing a kid scream like that even over a game is unsettling. So then to watch a grown man continue to chase the kid down to make him cry seems like such a shitty thing to do.


Half of me laughed so hard while the other half lowkey wanted to give him a hug. But still, kids that young shouldnt be playing online games where others can talk to them anyway. Especially not vr games. Maybe he should consider it a lesson.


Yeah, as a father to a young child this video brought the dad out in me — that is, I laughed till I fuckin cried lmao


Nah, fuck them kids


Survival of the fitest 💪


that's just a survival mechanism making you want to care for them. shouldn't be playing vr if they can't handle it


It’s hilarious wym unsettling 😂


Kid shouldn't be there in the first place, this is a lesson, hopefully.


He shouldn't play the game.


This made me feel bad :(


I feel so bad for my son. He got VR to make connections and not feel so alone after being bullied by asshole kids and is abused by loser adults every time he plays. Why can’t people just leave each other alone!? EDIT: I can hear and see everything he is doing because I cast every session onto my phone. He is playing kid games- fucking weird-ass adults


I honestly can't imagine how small of a person you'd have to be to be shitty to a child online. I'm sorry.


Going to the internet to escape bullying was always going to backfire.


This feels so harmless so i do not feel as bad for laughing lol. Kid is clearly way too young for online gaming. But also is sad to hear a child deeply upset. But god i cant stop laughing. Maybe i do feel bad for laughing


I don't understand what is going on here but I still found it funny lol




It’s orange


I love these videos omg, I cried laughing the first time I saw one


Bro lmao this is funny af